Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 02, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    OltKOON CITY ENTKIll'KISK, Fill PAY AUC.UST 2, 1901.
Urcuon Lily liiitcrDrisc r ,t
Now To-Day.
n.:h(ii:H ,v ititli'Kiril, loiii.iii id
VVelnlianl Hiill'llnM.r h.v tin rli.il. ,,i
cmiiiiry prup.riy (..r
, iy. iiiiiiiimM mm
mnlli'l I'rln-i,
I)inly nf tiMinr y ll loan, ni In rii yr.ra
IIiiih ill II (iff iwlit Inleirat, li'.un... K
ni.ey In
I lnt r.i,
Manor .1 Omrmii,
'"KICY-Me.," J
ami li.a a
, ''mini
I A'
li n..tlii . i
..la, ami rfu
I.imi alway tin i ' '
l.MHM K ill Ml.,
1 lufina III Wlll.melU . i .
Hli iii al imelerala prim.
Iliiw.l .
n.M'l.ltl'AKINii hliai.k ,t lli.wll, it",
illl lrrUkirt, lletaraii iIvih.I ami
t . r i 1 llr.liiiii VI, Mli (if i.y,
f..mV A va. Win nutria Mni h
,v riil. (Inn la liilulfe. In aa to Ilia) out
rmnpof Mm Varna Immhkii Company
ami the Willamellne. heduled im Hon
il.iv, AiiU'l"' 1H Holli teame are roll
(! I.11I ut Ui lory ami li tuna he vu
ll.iifia.llc upxirler.
( lliatninu Kanm. (', v,
4ili k, u( Ilia K'val .late ol Kan.., liaa
It ii iliivrll iw liy ilia heat ln, . ,,.
ill,- a ilra.iii lrii to the c.iaal. Mo waa
In loan Kil'lay ami .aid that If Kan.aa
nr nl Ida glorl'iiia Oreg.in
climate, they wtruld I i-uiiiIhk brr In
Uki. Ili'tona (In opportunity fur
llm l-.i. of lia.lo li a-iino home
liiU.l.iliary wink.
T. Ci j n Mr, ll'Hii. I(v. anil Mu.
v . i if mi. Mr, (itti V. (:.. ii
II.-nrK .-. Ml. C.,- l.ll.i, su'u'"lUmnl' Ur,k J- ' K-""-lr. "I
l ri.f.n an. I Mr. J. Wuifn. ut iH.li... i' r.Mii,iv,Mrr... the u.,.
Irlt M pii.l.r (or Ml, ll.. Tl.ey w
tliu.li the mountain Mini m what Ilia'
. I . I - I L ... ... . ! M..
rami ! I o iftini an )ir.iiii. ,
rernn..,i, 1 1, r.fiilrart rail. for the
,mi.,ltl llm l.iilhlir.K l,y November
! nral, mi.l work will l, rominiice. ,
!. " " ' . .
i..riiNo rou Ki!iMTnm.-Tli)
lere..mml..n h ill re.elve I.I.I, until
i "''lock tlila aftM..,oii for , reinoval
01 all tlinnarlli, .,B ro. k. He., In Ih..
.u L I... ..... .
" " "I'Hi'H III .' fei.t ,y m
'""I III il..,l,, (, ,1,,, ,.,,,, 0,
lh" " 1 y oeeii.ln, ,y , , r,
n. Kill mill M.i.llt. i.l II ..I. .... . .1
i " .., ai ilia
""Hh fi.l of Main ir,t. After llm
nailli I ri'iiiovx.l aiirvfya U i.t U
n. i.laii will U rom(il..U.. (or a ru-
ri.l. fotimlailoii for llm IIHnr Ik.u.,.,
umh-r al.1,1, mi,., Hill l,n ,01..
tfiielel, rovcrlnu aimrmif a'is(i f,.-t.
lloMK.rnAti I'ATr.h i. ( ju an i r ii. Tim
fi-llowli.g n,,ii,4 jv- ru(.(,iV(v I
aiail ..ui,t4 roi i, o,,,,!! City lmi.
olll.a; An lilU.I, K.lpli Ti'Wlin,
lli Imlra of V.lr.y )wn. John J. ,,.
fii,(.,Ufi..( AllM.fi I'. Mill.ciiarlfa
Mill, AiikuM M, .'liulnnUrtc, William A.
M. i-n, JauiKa J. Meliililila. Joliami I.
K.rliiK, tleiijmiilii lUrriiiulun. Aa Wlla,
Henry lii.uir, (inorjti ):. hiller. Iml.-a
of I'aiaoli C. tilraaoli, John W. y.,.(
Joarpli M, Hull, (lror Ki'lirlviiiK, Al-
iM-rt Hi IhwiiU. k, fliatlea ( Clark. Vli
lr Iii. kry, Nornti Jr.non, Aftlmr F
I liivilml to wI(iin llm cfniirifiilfia tlnr
liK tlm day, ami to parUku of tlm ll(
liarU'i im, Thera will Ih urotvi -litenlar
ilrill liy flflenn ii'jre li-atna, a
hall Ktrno '"l utlMtr aporla, A Ur"
di'1-ifniloii will K" from Ornuori City,
roiiml trip r.lnnf '.',' rent. Imvinjc Ix-en
in. In Mt, Talor ami nthirri. All
Wxliiinii, llielr famlllea ami frinmla are
re.iiitlH. to taint llm 8;.' a. in, electric
ear, Tlekeli nmn on any :r Aiiit .'M
or -4 1 1 ,
Vkiiv Tai.i. TiM.iiir A alien f of llm
othy 7 fiit () Ineliea In lentli waa for
arln. lo 'oiniiiinioiM(r )ocli at Hie
lliiir.lii i:xtoon liy (ieoricn I.amlfer
am, aeerelary of llm Ntalit llortleiillural
Hoi iely It ii to te plaeel In Ilia Ortt
Kon fsl.it.it i) aliow to all tlin worM liow
(all tliri urmrn fowa in Oregon. It waa
ralneil on llm farm of Cliarlea Daley.
K.or I. I'k an- at Ifrniuaii. Arlon
Ix'irn. No. A7. k'. i.l l ..r 11..1.1....1 i
- ' I -" .', i i . ... ... , . .
itl .f llrflnr. 1. K... M .J ...?"" """" "m- l tte'
...... . r... i.i.i... ii i. ,"".'.
m i.a.rii.ii I'll mo av IIUIHiaril
ii'ii. ..... . . . . .
n.-.r ,..,o.i Hi"!,,, wi.o tin- a iiei.i o tl.o.it. Uhmaii l,a. .le.iiaii.JeJ l.ia pro...
timothy, llm l,eKh of which I. ,lty lh l,.fn.lar,t .till retain. .,.....
overr,f,H,t. TliRHinpla aei.t waa ri,r-jo. Tim plalntifT a.k for tlm cow or
tainlya very r.-m.rk.l.le on, ami no, llm v.l,i of tlm aiiim.l ami t'T, ,!...
....n wno.a w ii eo.ii.i.ay ll al I.e. nan ami co.ia of action, filmrilf C-.k.
aver aemi timothy h(ora V, f.et liiifli.
Heveral .aid they i. ,wn .talk, aoven
feet tall. L. K. liny Vill tlm Oregon Ian
(hat Im hail aeeii timothy over .even fuel
high aronml llm tnjt of 1-aKe Uhi.h,
ami at tlm a.nm lime ha l en oat
Ulng lhre.he.1 which yll.h.il OH hn.hel
per acrn, inachlim ineaaiire, ami which
woulil h.vo m., la over 100 bu.lmlt by
Around llm Court lfuu.
A iiiHrri.gn liceiino wua In.iiit'l Katur'lay !
to I.nUi4 J. I. Croy, igei T, ami John
('. lielcher, ageil f',.
Cuiiiity Trea.nrer I.uetl ng U himy thia! M
week reileemiiig conrily warrmilt ! fj
ilorned prior lo Jijiiii i'H, 1H!H, ami roml K
warrant, emlor.ed prior lo Novemher 10, )
Vm. .NVarly i,0i0 ia l,ing dlnliiirneil, j )
Maim Johri.ori ha. aued Frank John- M
aon for ilivorcn, Tlm conpln were inar-'n
ried May 81 . m, and Jolmfw,n ile-ierted 1 rj
llm plainllir two month, later. Mra.lH
John.on anka U he allowed loreaiitim herlJ
inuidcn iMine of Conmtock, 1 1)
Otio l'hriun haa brought anit agiimt j V.
Fre l r.rai kenhoiiai h for llm recovery of j
a re I Iliifham cow , valued at $10. Tlm , rj
f-'imiflaint allegi-a that Urackerihou.ch n
Vxik o..e..iou of the cow on July 2, 1 U
Kiiiiom nm planum a connern, mi u
out lo Itrackeribrou.ch'a placo Friday and
brought tlm cow into town, where aim ia
atahled, (euding the trial of tlm cae.
Tlm la.l will of te.ttment of tlm lata
Charle. T, Hit kman baa len Died for:
probata. Tlm probabla value of the (ft-!
etata i t'1.000, and hi widow, 51 ra. '
Amanda llli kman, fa named a. xeco '
!. . 1.1 I I- T-1 . 1
.., runout oouu. i ue win a a made I !
Mon'g Ualbripan Underwear. ,
CliiMreri'n IIatjIkerclji:frt, Colored Uordera.
RlerrN'a llalMing;, Opp. Orrgnn Vliy llnnk.
MieW arirl IJoyH' Heavy Iilaclc lime Oc pair
Men'a. and Foyn Working Glovea 25c
Our "New Niagara" Water Hets with long tray C'.)c get
IIoyt' Hprinfr Clothes 1'inn, 3 doz-n in box 14c nx
Tanglefoot Sticky Fly Fajier, C nheets for oo
Largo I5rown Cotton Towels 10c
Men's Fuwh Chamois lined . 9c
Ladies' White Sailor Hats 23c
Johnson F.roH English Semi-Porcelain, Cups and Saucers 50c set
7 inch Flateg...:20c "
la.l Saturday. Nearly i'.OoO xipln were ,
there, mining from near by twna and
far tn. llm Aurora Junior Hand le
coiir.ed weet inu.lc during the day. and
Catarrh Cannot be Cured '
with UH'Al AITl.ICATIO.VS, aa they
cannot reach the ae.t of the diaeaae.
Catarrh I. a I.I x. or i-on.titutioual di-
among the apeaker w..r .everal prom!-! eae, and In order lo cure II you mu.t
..'.!... t .. . .1. '
rietil Knlgbla In the morning Oram!
Keeper of Itmurd and Heal I.. It. Ktina,n
ei.m and al .1 o'clock In the afieriKM.n
jllon. li II. 1'imlik. of O. r troll I'ltr
p-ke on lh ilulira ill g mJ rlticcliahlp.
f Htrf r ia uii Irr Hi guidance of V It.
M.:f.t I, l l lvvllle, and will aloenl
a'uut Id d) a.
I'l ILkli l ow ol T or 111 Mill Opt.
hpoiig, of the atramer I'l.tiioiia. a. he
came up tlm river on hit way to Hhui
on Monday evening, found a cow tn k
III the mud on the bank ol the liver. He
'ppl hi. boat ami, wlih ltieaiktalir
of hi crew, pulled the unfortunate bo
vine out ol the mud, put her on terra
flrma, and aenl her on her way homo
Anna Arrta (irofge II, Vlirr,
.l ('! kamaa, naa In town M j.d.y.
II i oiin of the riiiinty'a Iradiiig farm
en. Mr Wehatcir a.ya that aphla ba.
a i.rrd In Ina whrat, which la on lo
k'fuund. and t'oliaotlrlitlv l.lrr ll. n
li,.-lo the crop. Itl not likely -r', Then Ihe Imal prwee-lnl on up
will aircct grain lo any r.let.t .a it "'" ,lvrr- "'" I,U,B tliii.klnn be
I. I.r enough aK.r.g lu U a.le, but Mr. ' U'1 ,l",n T"inlt "' l" '
Wihairr'a rroii mlvl.t auflar utmrli! "'
from l. e t-t. I ,Um' ' tlxiw formiderate
j of ll.e welfare ut a KH,r, dumb creature,
5Ihm lri urio. Mate Com-, would not ahow a t-a con.iderailon for
n.aii lrr MierWoml, id l'i-rtln I, Iu.uIImI i He leellng. or a.leiy of .eutietit llnit.
ll.e following uitWra of Tualatin Tent, I A be "did hi. dutv" bv the row, be w 111
kni.'t.t of the M.ccahoi-a, lot night: jdu it by all of liod" creature. ftaiea
i. II. Ji.inlik, ouninander; V, tillligan, I man.
liiMitnn.nt coiiiiiiaiidnr ; V.. V. Taylor, 1 "
r,-..,f.l ... I n....... i, .. i. ii. u Iliniui. Iaui.-Newa ba
take internal remeje. 1111' Catarrh
Cure la liken Internally and acta directly
on the tUxxl and mucoua aurface.
Ilall'a Calarrh Cure ia not a uick incli
cinn. It wa preai'iihed by one of the
liel phyticlana in tl.ia country for year,
and I" regular prescription. It la com
omI of the lt touii a known, com
bined with (he bet blood purifier, act
ing difi'cllv on the mucoua aurfacea.
The (..erfert combination of the two In
gtedienia 1 what proluce udi wonder
ful renult in curing Catarrh. K-nd for
teatlmoniala frre.
K. J. Cll KN KY A CO.. Tropa., Toledo. O.
Hold by druggi.la, price 7'tc.
11.11'. Family IMIa are llm heat.
Bwtik 1 l-J Hi t n (Urt
l!ul Una writer would like to re-1 S J-??--l
l'nriuatlril Sertlce Via (irrat Salt Lair
The favorite route to the Kat la via
Salt l ake City ami Irnver over the 11 io
(irande We. tern Itailway in connec tion
with either the Ivnver A Uio (irande or
Colorado Midland Kailroad.. You will
find It plcaatit way to travel, coup
ling aa it dM'f the lno.t rrmarkahle acen
I .11. 1 t 1..- :. l. - . . l
thlaclty. Hhewaavuitii.iberilaugl.lei " u...Ur,..weu
Mr.. IC. Ih.,1 A. Moore, 1 Kpringlleld. ,r",n ,M'mce'
Mo.,a.1dlivonlvlO.U). after Wng 7",neu'1 ,r,,n r"rrinf
t.k.n.11. M.i llnt. l.l.,. ... . .ii,. cUwaeeoftHjnlniieiit, including Pullman
cl.apl.ln 5 CJ. W.ldron. ma.ier al arma ; j '"ved In thl. cly of llm de.lh,
W. Ilr.ui, aergeant; A. II. Iluckle. lii.t " Mr' Kl, I of
ina.ier of the guard; Hubert Vaughan,
on.l ma.lrr of the guard ; M. lUuch,
K'liln.nl; C. M. Maaon, picket.
S....ri.TiiaF'voaitK.-ll la Inter- ! of Hndhnry, Maaa.. and for many yeai ' ' r'inrjr or Tuuri.t Kleepcre
io v incano ana ni, iaiuib w iiiioui cnane
Free liin llnliig chair care, olmervatinn
cara and perfect dining car aervice.
Send for folder and other information lo
J. l. Manalleld, iceneral agent, T2 A.
Third alreet, I'orlland; or (!eo. W.
Ileinta, general tiaaitenger agent, Salt
Lake city. 2
eating to Hole, u coimei lion with Ihe ' re.ided hear HpringlleM. Her aire wa
S.iiipik.U Schley colilioveiey, the opiii 73 yeara. Her daughter., Mra. KoUrt
!'.t. a nf iopti who re.il new.iaper and llathawav. of ItepuHir, Mo., Mr. Moore
liu think of what they read, ll I rn j and Mi.a Hallie Ilutchlna. and her ai.
Iire!y ...In to aay that W men nut of 10(1 1 t.-r, Mra. Jonathan Falrbauka, were with
ate S hlry upirtera. The new. Mra, j her al the time of ber death. Her other
ton, klnnMt unaii iimiialr condemn Ihe jci'lldren are: Mra. (?lara Tierce, of Hyde
nvy di partment lor their imju.t treat
nriil of and their narrow -minded pre
judice ag.ln.l the gallant admiral, who
altr he won Ihe battle id. Santiago, ..Id
"There ia glory enough for all of lie."
Commit mu StavuNa Urn iumo
Aiiiii Steven and Unwell have
aw.rded ihe cunt r.ct for the con.tructlon
ol llielr new building on Main alreet, Ire
t.ienSmh and Seventh, lo Scott A
Johnaon, Mr. Johnnon recently arrived
frnin Seattle but formerly readied here
ml Mr. Scolt la a well know n contractor
of tlii. city. The terma ar not given
I'ark, M.aa., Mra. Angle Hall, of Went
Acton, Ma. , V.. V. Ilutchim and F. S.
Hulchlua. of Stone. Oregon. Iis-eamd
waa a member of Itavenwood llapiiet
church, of I.ok.m.
ViNtiMi;! Hat. Tomorrow in the big
duy for Ihe Woodmen of (he World, and
UKM! ramllilatea willlie Initiated at Mt.
Tabor. White button., incril.cd with
the llgnre. "1000" have Wn conili:uoiii
on the laKla of Woodmen', coata for
.everal niontlia paat and their motto i
"On Augnat :td around the ettimp, a
thoiiNaiid men the goal will hump." The
tf. i ..... , 4 . a . -
rtoruary n. in urn preaeme of II. j y
T. Sladen and Nellie Kladen. The balk
oftheeet.te la left to Mra. Hickman ' k
j and one dollar to each of bit children : V,
Mr. Kmun II. Iiealey. formerlr Mra.! IK
Kiiiina 11. Clark, aged 34 yeara, of 1'a.a
dena, Cal. ; Mra. Olive Ada Warner, aged
31 yeara, of Oregon City; Charles Fiver
elt Hickman, aged 27 year, of Portland ;
Samuel F:rnet Hickman, aged 25 yeara,
of Humpter; Harvey Owen Hickman,
aired Itt yeara, of Oregon City.
Annie Smith bring auit againit Jamet
H. Smith for divorce. They were mar
ried in Marion county, Mo., on May 0,
1H75 and have five children: Lcxie K ,
agel 1'J yrara; Abraham II., aged Id
year; Karl K., aged M year; Chloe I.
aged 10 yeara and Jephtha V. , aged 5
year.. Mra. Smith allege cruel and in
human treatment. Thy came to Oregon
10 yeara ago and in the autumer of 1S'J3
rraided near Salmon poeloiliice. While
living there Smith Jt-rtcrted her and
atayed away for (our month, during
which time tie never aided tier. She
waa lick and hclpleaa and depen
dent upon etianger for the airport
of lierm-K and Iter children. In lMi.'r
they removed to Oregon City, where
Smith continued hi ill treatment of
the plaintiff1, accusing her of infidelity
without reaaon and pnllirg her out of
bet) by the hair of her bead In Ihe pre,
eiice of her children. She lias never
given the delendant any provocation for
hia miacouduct. The complaint elate
that Smith owns proerty valued at
J.U00, and the plaintiff aik for 1,000
alimony and -'00 attorney's fee. She
alao auk for a one-third Intere.t in laud
ow ned by the defendant and a one-third
interest in lota 3 and 4 In block 2, Parker
Hill, which plaintiff and di'feudant own
jointly. She sues for the cost and dis
bursements of the cae and the care and
custody of the children.
Great reduction in Men's and Boys' Summer Hats.
Leaders In Advance Styles and Low Prices
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera tnd Diar
rhea Remedy has a world wide reputa
tion for ita cures. It never fails and ia
pleasant ami nam to take. For sale by
li. A. Harding, Drugget.
Moore's Pharmacy
7th St. on Hill,
Dr. Mooro has exclusive charge, and
receives new goods daily. ,
If not why don't you stop paying rent and apply'
the money towards the purchase of a home? A
first class opportunity is now open to you in
the proposition that the WILLAMETTE FALLS COM
PANY is making to sell small tracts of its land
near the town of Willamette Falls on such reason
able terms that a person with a very small in
come may become a home builder These tracts
vary in size from two and one-half" acres up, all
good level land and first class soil suitable
for cultivation. On one of these tracts you
can have a small orchard and also raise all the
vegetables and small fruits that a family can
use, and with the addition of a cow and chickens
a large part of your living can be made on the
place. There is a good school in Willamette
Falls and your children will have excellent
educational facilities. Easy access is had with
with cheap fare and cars are run to accomodate
the mill hands.
Why not get out of town and give your
children breathing and play room and thus in
sure their good health? Dont you think that you
jjwould feel more independent and contented if you
p'owned your home than you do when living in a
j rented place? If you are interested in this'
'matter apply to C. A. Miller at WILLAMETTE FALLS
out. Hi. I were opened last week but all I initiation in the evening will be wit-
wem ri-jiH-toil and Scolt A John.on' tig-1 nen.ed by Woodmen only but everybody J r.TT:i!.l!:i:i:i:i:'i:i.!:i.l.T3.'T'1
RAILWAY STATION, West side for full particulars.
It isn't a
if it isn't
-rflB: OHZDA.K
Are superior to other instruments because they are light and
compact, can be loaded in daylight, have a perfect shutter and
view finder, and are universal in focus c $ '
Kodaks arc made in all sizes. Prizes from $1.00 to $35.00, less
20 per cent. J fc4 &
We have a complete stock of them together with all kinds of
Kodak supplies. ' i ,
BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN, The Oregon City Jewelers.
the only