Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 02, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.'
Tut estimate of the engineers (or rivers
and haihors for the country is muu'il lug
l it j and lou ii I j Oni-!al Paper, j )j k e three hundred million (or the com-
ing year while ilit i Ivor ami harbor com
mittee ssy IIimI tin limil of H'lror in-
Publinhed Kvery Krldiiy,
Klu rmul lUrbur Improvement,
Tli estimate of the engineer fur tivor
and harbor improvement have been seen
lv tho committee, who are lour i the
I'soillt- COs, Cllillllll 11 it t tt ill SV
lion In romciliiiiit liko fifty million for ' Coiig.es cannot grant all of the Im
provement reoointiienilcd anil tho numt
L. L. 1'OUIKK, Pa.ira.aT.ia.
muhmckiption hatk,
hit mouth
Tnl subscription two months....
A discount ol Ml cent on all subscriptions
for one vear, cents for six months, it
paid in advance.
Advertising rate, given on pjliot ltti .
the country. It is hoied Ihst the visit of
lli committee, lo this const will result
in : v i i i tz in at l'it curslnvo of tlio sp
iroriation. The committee appear to
annreciate til liiinortaucu of I lit loll Intra
Aii '
I oi on the coast in connection with llio
growing vriomai iraue.
Rtihsrribers will find t! dat of explra-
tlon stamped on their pts following
their name. If tms ' ni,t cliai'fc-rM
williin two weeks after a payment, iniuiy
notify uiand w will look alter It.
Entered at tr poMoftic In Oregon City
Or., as second class matter.
Bearer Creek....
Can by
Clackamas .
Tnlon Mills
JM eailow Brook...
New Kra
f tartord
Canm ..
.Or. T. n. Thomas
K. I. Siaa
A. Mather
...(War U tssinerr
.... J. Trullini:er
... Chas. Holnian
,.V. S. Newberry
, Henrr Miley
K. O. Holme
J.Q t'.app
C. T. Howard
K. M. Cooper
Annie Stubh
Utniiiini J. C. Mar-,tiam
Batteville . Jennmirs
Aurora.. Hanrr A. Snyuvr
Kaele Ok H. Wiihern
Damascus J- C. Klliott
Pamir F- Cfvteh
C'irritiTiile I.eo. J. Oirrtn
Mtriuot Adolph Aschoff
What are the ethic of eleemosynary
solicitation? Like Ihe etiquette of pri
vate cars, this question is entirely mod
ern, ami there is nothing in the deport
ment books regarding it. The point
hich raiees this interehtinif question we
take from a Taoma diKpatch concerning
another Camejjie library building. This
dipatch tells ns that Ir. V. Stewart
wanta lo be paid t3,To for soliciting a
gift of fTS.OW from Andrew Carnegie to
erect a library building in Tacoma ; that
be is the financial agent for Whitwortli
College; that he ii allowed five-j-er-cent.
commission by lhat school on all moneys
he collects ; that the city ought to pay
hioi a similar amount. The Tacoma
Library Coaiinittee is not inclined to
K'ant Dr. Stewart the commission asked,
which is a five-per-cent. commission.
That strikes us as being distinctly low
the commission, not the procedure.
Architects get five per cent, advertising
solicitors all the way from fifteen to
twenty five per cent. Why, then, should
nut a solicitor of alms get five per cent.?
The Lord loveth a cheerful giver. The
laborer is worthy of his hire. If Ir.
Stewart can make Carnegie cheerfully
give Tacoma "i.OOO for a library, is nut
the feat worth $3,750 as the doctor's
hire? Nowadays such a very material
view is taken of scooping the alms of
millionaires that we see no reason why
the soliciting cf such alms should not be
put upon a business basis. If Dr. Stew
art could get another f'5,000 out of Car
negie for Tacoma, would not Tacoma
gladly give him $3,750 for his hire? The
prejudice against commissions for alms,
soliciting seems to us out of date.
The State Board of Agriculture are
making some wonderful improvements
at the state fair grounds, and old timers
will hardly recognize the place when
they attend Oregon's greatest fair this
fall. The old pavilion is being enlarged
to double its siz, and after the best ex
hibits ever seen in the state are arranged
there will be ample room left for an
auditorium, a thing that has been needed
for a long time. A bran new np to date
creamery building is being erected ; also
where the best dairy display ever made
in the state will certainly be snen. The
machinery hall is being enlarged, new
cattle stalls, sheep pens, bog stys, and
horse stables are being built. A cozy
farm cottage, bay barn, and new side
walks are also on the list of improve
ments, and nothing will be left undone
to accommodate the exhibitor and enter
tain the visitor at the state fair this fall.
Tiia Schloy Sampson controversy is lo
Ih aired hy an ollicial invoKtistiou by
the government. This i brought on ty j
charges in tho new naval building at
Annapolis aiii! Schloy. Th'i men I
would both occupy a high, place in the j vv.llauictte Kivor above Tort
regard of their countrymen if they could ' Uud and Yamhill Kiver
lav aside their ieloiiie. i Tillamook Hay
Uvore-d point will l solootod. Tlio
money available i only one llltli ilia to
tul reported hv tint engineer. Tin' estl
m.tto tulnl f.M4r,iY.H, and, exclusive of
a few minor points, are as follow:
Columbia and Lower Willant.
ette Kivet. Mo I'oilUnd r.'S.tXK) 00
Improving Columbia Kiver
Mwcci. The Dalle an I
M uith of Columbia Liver. , ,
Columbia Kiver to C-...
Columbia Klvor near Yancoti
voi .
SnliMiilM Mi'iufiitioriliefirrt ArtM'a
(liiciign I iigiiKciiirnt.
Siuslaw Kiver
Minnie Mauk. Ibe oHitlc artlal, mmlo
Illustrious by her croniloii of "Can "
lluinhod het eligiwmeiii at 0' Chicago
opera house Friday evening of l"l week,
when !u pH'od lu that gieal role fur
the lt time. In a recent Interview
with a roHler, while. epieiiig appm
elation of the Hionl liiwpltallilos with
whiihsn I' been o Invariably wel
comed, she said that tbe Ira.Tie of the
city had f,icinaton for her. She llkot
the hum of our commerce, lint wild muxlo
ofoiir atreels. Sbi a.lmirea our great
tiOO.OOO DO Industrial enterprise. In llie nieclinic
of music, in the uni.ue IndilHtry ol piano
L'O.tsM 00 making, she rek-aida the Culled Slate
j as ahead of l'urope, and leloi to a Chi
12,tHM IX cago product the. No Scale Kimball
piauiH-a one of the H-rfiH l llistiumeiita
70,tXH) (X) of the world. The force of her cunvlc
S7.0IK) (H) linn lu lil regnid may U luforre.1 from
ki.OOi) 00 ' the (act of her Mot only securing the III-
':M..'i7l '.M
11 1
Arvti rsfrom the Mississippi valley j I'laiskani Kiver
. ,, . , , . , ; Liitrauc lo Co H.tv. . . .
especially show almost unprecedented ! .;
hot weather and drouth. This will te- James While. Kryaiitsville, Ind., aay
, , ... , IVWitt's Witch llaiel Salve healed run-
duce the harvest to a great extent, per- . ... . .
, mug fores on both leg, lie sullored six
baps only half a crop will I gathered. , IHh.(uM ,0 (M tJi,
We can lie thanklul for cool weather i jWi I Accept no imitation
and a promise of a good crop. j Harding
l'.!WS 47 struinei't referred lo l.'l profes.l itul
"vf . r,. . --v .
airTV-wiiiJiiai 1 fTT ' ' "
Tlie scenery alout Oregon City U adiniralily adapted
to camera, and liere lovers of nature may find countless
views that are pleasing to the eye. During these sunny
summer days the woods swarm with amateur ihotograj!nTS.
The above illustration shows the jilacid Clackamas, scanned
by the electric railway bridge.
tr.'.lCO tW practice-at her apartment while here,
hut of her ube.pieiit solectloii of Ibe
same, with a view to taking It with her
on her return to Kurope. Her apprecia
tion ofit Intrinsic superiority was fur
ther expn-ased lu a graceful nolo jnnrd
lotbc inanufacttirer, W. V . K uiball
('n., previous to her departure, In which
be say: "The beautiful Kimball piano
which I have been using t my ai''l
meiit ha proven o thotou.-hly t i(.--torv
as an accompaniment to Vocal rirr
else thai I hate decided lo take It wtlh
me on reluming lo my home at I. ii' erne.
Ha l it U-n constructed spei lally fur my
Use il could not ami mo Iwtler III every
n-spei l." Ilor recordtnl uplnioii ol Ihe
New Scale Kimball a airrdiug the
must wrffit llistruuii-iital accorrtpti.
melit to the human Voire agree by 1'att!
and the menil--ri i( every promineni
oira company that have ol recent yetr
sang in tin ciiy. tiiisoip' lvl 1'iientn,
ttie great baritone, and oilier artist
her company bIki expreased ibemst-lve
In similar rds. No o'her piano in
brie( a perio-l ha receive.! Ihe Indorse
ment of many illustrious artista a
Ibis homemade Chicago instrument Ihe
New Sale Kimball (New York Trl-
Tim Ktml Yon lluvo Alonysj Hmtglit, nml A lilt li hurt ,iH.n
lu iino lor owt i) jciir, liiia linriio (iio algnuliiro tr
iiml Iiiisj liccii nunlo under M p r-
......1 . ii.... . . . ...
Allow no lino toili lie vim !n l.
All Counterfeit, Imitation unit ".Jn t ..-uim1' nro liiid
i:Mrlnicnlt (lint trlllo mIUi -inil nnliuigir f Iio lu-ullhof
Inliml nml (.'hlbliTii-l'M'crleiH O i,'iilnt llxpcrlini nt.
CustorlH I liurinli aubsdtiito for Castor Oil, Par,
Horlc, lroi nml Noollilnif Hyrnp. It I rii-aaiuil. f(
ron to I n noil lii-r Opium, .lorjililno imr otlu-r Nurcotln
Mibtiuni', It ngo U It t'linrunfi-o. It ili slroy Vi.run
nml ullo lVvrllitii. It i-tin-a Dlnrrlnrn nml Ylm
t'ollo. It n-llovri Trrtlitnir Trouble, cures Constipation
iiml l'lotiilcncy. It nliullitl- tlio I'immI, riguliiti- ttia
Moiiiik'Ii nml Itourl. itlOnif lu-ullby mol iinluruJ aim p,
Tlio I hlMrcn'a raniu-n.-Tlio .Mollii r's I rli iiil.
Boars tho Signaturo of
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
rM im.ifi ., rt tiMii, mtm m
ii 1 i 1 i ri i - in i r n iii ii - i i ii
As opinion his been rendered by the
attorney general, in which he holds that
il is discretiouary with acouuty superin
tendent w hether he will indorse first
grade teacher's certificate granted in an
other county.
Tux new battleship Maine is launched.
May she prove by deed to be entitled to
a place in history as noted as her pre-deceoior.
O. O. Huck, I'H-irne, Ark., aays: I was
troubled with constipation until I
bought IvWi't'a Little Fairly Itisrr
Since then have been entirely curcl of
my old complaint. 1 rrcommeiut them,
lico. Harding.
i:xt kli.km t it i n MiiicVH 1:
Foniished Ktery Meek by lbs ( larka
mas Abstract & Trust t o np inj.
Clackamas county paid out 404 in,
scalp boon lies in Ihe half year ending
June 30.
Tue horse abattoir at Linnton Iibb
started np and promises to run indefin
itely. About 800 ponies have already
been sent In and it is probable that
10,000 w ill be slaughtered this year. It
is estimated that more than 500,000
ponies range over the country tributary
to this slaughter bouse. Stockmen are
anxious that these horses should be dis
posed of so that the graes they consume
may be available for cattle and sheep.
Horse meat finds favor in Sweden and
Jsorway. ,
Teacher's Examination.
Notice is hereby given that the county
superintendent of Clackamas county will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for state and county papers at the
court house, Oreg n City, Oregon, as
follows :
Commencing Wednesday, Angust 14,
at nine o'clock a. rn. .and continuing
antil Saturday, Aoaust 17, at four
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
spelling, algebra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping,
physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday P.otany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
Commencing Wednesday, August 14,
at nine o'clock a. m. and continuing
until Friday, August 1(5, at foui o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history, or
thography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar school law.
Friday Geography, mental arith
metic, physiology, civil goveynment.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy, reading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods.
Friday Arithmetic, physiology.
1 J. C. Zinser,
Superintendent of Schools.
Oregon City, July 29,1901.
To Sure Her Child.
From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nan
nie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga., applied
Bucklen's Arnica Salve to great sores on
her bead and face, and writes its quick
cure exceeded all her boes. It works
wonders in Sores. Bruises, Skin Erup
tions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 25c.
Cure guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding,
E Clouser to Win Wallens, 1 acre
in claim 47, t 4 s, r 4 e $ i-l
V I'aquet et al to (i C Fields blk A
Csnemah 1
H L Woifer lo M Z Hansen, 1 acre
in e of sec It), 1 3 s, r 1 e 75
II A Vorpard to Win Vorpahl nw
of se of sec 4, l 4 s, r 1
J F Uoode lo F Bunce, 10.75 acres
in sw of sec 55, t 1 a. r 2 e
F Dunce to C Thomas, 10 75 acs
in sw of sec 55, 1 1 a, r 2 e .
F P S irensen to I Hurley 5 acies in
U C Fields to 0 C & S II U Co blk
Wills claim 1000
A Caneuiali 1
J Bingman et al to S 1 Midlam lots
1 ami 2, blk 19, Canemah 400
F Welch to T i Uregerson HO acs
in Welch claim, t 4 , r 3 e...... 1500
T (i Gr-gersoii,to C W LaBarre part
Welch claim 1000
It W Johnson to W II II Gentry 13
rq rods in Marsh fit-Id 400
A Hichey et al to James Kichey 4 5
ofC Kichey claim 1 100
C E Morey to L Jangar )4' interest
in lots 2 and 7, blk 5 0 C 2500
G F Glasser to 8 Lyons lots 27, 2H,
and 29, blk 3 Pleasant Little
Homes 400
II I. Zeller to (i Cabell of s
of se, sec 22, and nj sec of nej
of sec 27, 1 1 s, r 2 e
ALMaybee to A E Forsythe s'J
of sw of nw of sec 20, 1 1 s, r 3 e
Sellwood Land and ImpvtCo to G
A Jah n w)-o( tract 5 Oak Grove
J M Press to C L Bates nw of sw of
sec 3, t 4 s, r 1 e
I D Taylor to D P Jones, lot 1 1 blk
5 West Side 350
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thome system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
tbe only complete set of abstracts in the
County, can furnish information as to
title to land at once, on application
Loans, Investments, real estate, abstract!
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 37.
A Core For Cholera Infantum.
"Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Baker,
of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an infant child of
our neighbor's was suffering from chol
era infantum. The doctor bad given up
all hopes of recovery. I took bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhea Remedy to the house, telling them
I felt sure it would do good if used accor
ding to directions. In two days' time
the child bad fully recovered, and is now
(nearly a year sineo) a vigorous, healthy
girl. I have recommended this Remedy
frequently and have never known it to
fail in any single instance," For sale by
G. A. Harding, Druggist.
Ami hrap Round Trip l'.rurlon Rate
Of Ibe A I. K. It. Make a lilt
With the Public.
The Popular Portland-Seaside Kiprer
leaves Cnion I'rpol every Saturday al
2:30 p. m. and run through direct with
out transfer arriving at Astoria 5.50 p.
m., Gearhart 5:40 p. in , and Seaside
5 :'0 p. m., making direct connection at
Warrenton for Flavel.. Leave Sear ids
returning on Sunday at 5.(0 p. in., Gear
hart 5:10 p. m. and Astoila 0:10 p. m.,
arriving at Portland ii 40 p, m., thus giv
ing passeugera Saturday night and all
day Sunday at the beach.
Regular round trip excursion tickets,
irood until Sept. l-'ith, 14.00. Saturday
round trip excursion tickets, good to re
turn Sunday evening, 'l 5 ),
Connections at Astoria with Steamers
"Nahcotta," am! "T. J. Poller" for all
North Beach points.
Astounded the F.dltor.
Editor S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville,
S. C., was once immensely surprised.
"Through long antlerlng (ruin l.yie
sia," he writes, "my wife ws greatly
run down. She had no strength or vigor
and sundered great distress from her stom
ach, but she tried Electric Bitter which
helped her at once, and, after Using four
ImHIIob, she is entirely well, can eat any
thing. It's a grand tonic, and its gentle
laxative qualities are splendid for torpid
liver." For Indigestion, Los of Appe
tite, Stomach and Liver troubles it's a
positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at
Geo. A. Harding's.
Only One Way To Do It.
Get from Portland to Chicago In 72
hours-just three days. The "Chicago
Portland Special." leaving Portland
daily at 0 a. in. via. 0. R. A, N., arrives
at Chicago at 9 :30 the third day. New
York and Boston are reached the fourth
day. This train, acknowledged to be
the fastest between the Northwest and
the East, is solidly vestibuled and its
equipment is unsurpassed. Pullman
drawing room sleeping cars, tip-to-date
tourist sleeping cars, library-smoking
cars, free reclining chair cars, and un
excelled dining cars, the meals on which
are equal to those served at tho very
best hotels. Remember this train runs
solid Portland to Chicago; there is no
change of cars, and the good of It is, it
costs no more to ride on It than bn other
We have other trains "Pacific Ex
press" leaves Portland daily at 0 p. in.
via Huntington, and the "Spokane
Flyer" leaves at 0 p. m. daily via Spo
kane for St. Paul and the East.
For rates, sleeping car reservations,
call or write to
A. L. Cham,
General Passenger Agent,
0. B. & N. Co., Portland, Oregon.
The Lamp of Steady Habits
Trw U'tip h ilw t fln tift if mflta, nr nvia t
t'l 1M U ll!ft4f ( Ot Ulll tJtl lS.- f' lw
' fZT 0 trt mail, j.hj ttt n , Uul
r1 Zbc Nv Rocbcotcr.
X'-.i' ij ,11b" ts"'i i-er-e-l as t M
V ' y lr r Mi l-s la mi rM. t, l-a I a.i -.. I
tulmU Uip .Tf I )iH n-tlM (.4- U Ikaua
i I Wi II I -r Ui-l Ivm il. iloaki . ; 1IT
i-IX Ol.l I .ii in limits Nsv. iiAaJ
rrf ' sinUr laini --r tt .... ai tX I m r-i.fv-l t r.u. H7',V"
rml. a ? v.-..if-i.1 ,.f .iii.rr mi 4 Un.o t,nr..
-i inr.i a Now Rochester tt iIj , l ua
V& - - . . ... i.i. . . ... . . - . J
VTV lame. Cs.llallo I HI I- 4
- THE ROCHESTER UMP RO., r..k n. u tur.u, t . ... it.
Fry's Squirrel Poison
Kill the squirrel quick and vr the gin. Ak for Fry's and use II nu,
Price li cent J'or sale by druggialt and grurial pirn. hauls
Prrjmrcd only by DANIEL J. FHY, tho Manufacturing
Pharmacist. Salom, Or.
3Eor- 3VIioo.
Fry' Squirrel I'mann I the grrate.i drstruyrr of lithe on tMh Put up la
bosca conlaining riiuiigh to kilt juo mice PrlCO lOCOntS,
t n i r
M-K'S fltrlM IIAl.tf lsaMMlllrar.
Apl'ly Into iKa rewir'Js. i i. qui. klf s- to
CrnU at linu-i-l.i. i.r lij in.. I ; .uii. r rir. ,t mall.
IX T Dill) I II KIIM, M V. ,) hi., K.w T city.
In rase of cough or rroiip itive the lit
tin one One Miniiin Cough Cure. Then
rest easy and have no for. Tim child
will ho all right In a little while. It
never fail. Pleasant to take, always
safe, sure and almost instantaneous In
effect, Geo. Harding,
Mrn anil toonim ir g I aU.trr to rrrs
riH u. a. on. l-i Ita.rl -h.IiiIIm( hI",
i.iltri r.r l-Hnt MufW 1-iot.lna altrr '"i n'tr(
r.l.. S'eio .alary Kuaranlml yrailr. rllr
t .i in fill . ,,i an.f r liicfiM., aiiil -lsct.
ni.nl, i. I.I f .aMi.hr. I hi'tlM. Iiraml rh.net
fur r.i nr. I in.n urwnm.iitii Mt-tit lra.nt,
M-iilianrnt h..iii..ii, Ill-rial lmmi anil Is.
lure, Stm, lirllllaiil loir., vi rllf al "'.
t. roitii i-ii.
SI liurrh SI., vw 1141,11, lusa.
V Dn Ynn
1 lie Idlest Vurn.
A Pittsburg drummer tells this new
yarn: I always carry a bollle of
Kemp'a Balsam in my grip.
com easily .ml a few dose, of the Bui-1 eVenlng ,,wsp.p,r publlshe,. In
sam always tuukes ine a well man. kj Oregon ; It contain all the news f
Everywhere I go I speak a Kod word J t,,", Stale and of the Nation.
. i. ... .... I 'i 'I ... It ... . .1. 1 la Id
ior j.omp. i take hold of my custom.
ere I tuke old men and votinir men. .
and tell them confidentially w hat I do J
wnen i take cow. At druggists, 2f c and
Why nut spend the vacation at
Vaqnina Bay, where can be bad ex-
cellent faro, good fishing, good boating,
safe batlilng. alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exercises at tho sum-
mer school, of 1,(01, at Newport, will
afford great variety of Instructions,
diversion and entertainment. No other
resort offers equal attractions and ad
Iir. 'William.' Indian
l-llsOIVI Mt .M .III
miro Itllna, lll-rillii(,
ml lulling I'llra. It
n.iirii. ma tu mora, al
lays Ilia lUililnyal nniij,
anisaa a ixmliTin, Hi
Iii.tant rnlliif. I Jr. V
llr wn.
llniTn'IM 4.sj PII.R
OIMMKMI' la urn-
hot sale by Chatman A Co., Druggists.
:H Know tho News
M .
You ran have II all for
kl iu .i . . i m , ... n
I take P r.vening leiegram, oi i on- n
n mini, uregon, ir, la inn mrpo. m
Try It for a month. A sample
ropy will lie luailud to vou free. L
Addross Ii
The Telegram, 3
Portland, Or. A
I'at Allen's 'ool-l'no.
A powder to be shaken Into tbe shooi.
Your feet feel swolon, nervous and hot,
and get tired oaslly; If you havo smart
ing font or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot'
Ease. It cools the feet and makes walk
ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating foo'i
Ingrowing nails, blisters and calloii"
spots. Relieves corns and bunions of
all pain and gives rest and comfort.
Try It today. Sold by nil druggists J
shoe stores for 25c. Trial package free
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y
OAHTOnlA., u
Baan th. IK Kind You Hart AIM Bo