Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 02, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
I, , rWiiml returned Halurday from
Mra. Aldredg vIhiImI ""'I li Hub
laid lt
V, W, loorn w In lown from Mar
(jiuin Halurdav,
Mia Mniu In enjoying an out
g Hi Nrwia
(', V, mi i t '-in,
III tutu h
lUbrrl K. M.iifc i i city Hat-
unlay front Nt Kra.
Mr. and Mr. John Cook, of Canby,
pi in l' Halurday.
f.aa 1'. Harlow end wife, of Harlow,
wore In elly yeatwrday.
('.I). Jacob rnturimd Monday from
mi outing at Wlliioll Horlng.
CIhiIk WIImui lull Tuesday evening
' fur Th full'' lor a rlf vlalt.
lUrnpy ! nllnrt and J. M. Trary were
In ti.nu Saturday from Logan.
II. I. la, a Itio, Wlac-maln, laud
purer, we In lb tlty Halurday.
J unlit of III I'ec ('. V. Itrowrr, ol
A.ioim, waelnth rlty Monday.
Jhn Marahall, of I'orlland, vleltod
rrlallvra In I'alivioak Wednavtay,
A.J. Hawtnll ami Mr. Hawull, of
MjlalU, war In Hi rlty Halurday,
Aii'irtir J. K. H.lg viallcHl Ida
famliv at Wllholt Hprliigethle wrk.
Mr. end Mr. W. J. Huab, of Vancou
ver, Waili., wrr lu Hi city Halurday.
Clinrr I'. ('barmen and family, ar
raniping at I KUrr fur a low wrrke.
Mita Nrlti WalilrD IcaVf nnl Week
ur Claii llnu.li, fur fortnight' out
!.. Mr. V . ' ' c n Kinaman Mann, of Portland,
ti th r)r' ' Mr. .tr ! 'oje Tuoe
day. Mim llairlnl Verelrgg trft fur New
mji U'ffliilay on forimaht' vaca
tion. T. V. (Mark, pridrnt of tli lUndon
Wuulvii Mill, I In tl rlty vieiUng hie
Mr. Sratimiin la vUUing In llulilarJ
dtirtnif Id aUetic of l'r. hsamaun In
luvld I'evl. editor of th Hu Helm
Miat, waa In lon ll wwk on busi
br trip.
Ml Kdlth Cheney la flailing relatives
la Han rranclaeo and lll be aUul
several werks.
(iH. II. Illinra, awiilant rcrrelary of
tli Orrgoa llutorical totlty, a tn
ton yricnlay.
MirliMl VKI--till rani down from
Halrm iurly, ami vnl wil to Icgan
to vbit lila famliy.
' Mra. II. P. IWalow rpurniH to Tort
land HalunUy aflrr few day vlilt l(li
Mra. J. V. Uray.
M. tru(nl. lormrrly Indian nvnton
IK Mli rwrvailon, llnn hi
n lint flrtt of Ihn ppk.
Mi Ijiuia (Nmypra daa rlurne to
lirr liMinn In (.'laikanl, altpr a thrp
rrka vUit In Orptfon City.
Mim IaU Huir.irJ rriiirnnl lo Imr
liuma In Portland Monday, alt-r a
acrk'a viall llh IrUnda
Ma I'.va I.atourtt rrlurnml to
K4li'in Saturday after an ritplidod vlnlt
itli Mia Minnlo Itnylra,
llmi. tiro. A. HippI and family mid
Mia. J. W. M.-Mruiu and family ar
ririiii hrar Muuiil IIixhI.
Mr. ami Mra. Jolm llumpliryt rs
turnrd TiipaiUy nmrnlnK frtim an otillnn
on llm tiaok of tli Clackamaa.
Mra. N, (). Waldi n and MU Hilda
'uI,.mi have rctuniPil from an oulinn at
Hi. Marlin'i Hprliitf, on Hood ltivur.
Mr. J, KiiKxn llrUMml cliildrpn,
I Mi Di by and Joaeph, Ml Thuraday for
Wllliolt 8ribK for a niontli'a outing.
Mina Matmn Waj-npr rpliirned to lur
lioina in Sali-in Friday vniilng. after a
fi'W attpka vlalt with OrpgnrfClty frli'iul.
Mra. Tom F. Cowing ha reinrnnd
homo fro ii a hrli'f vlalt lo Halom, whar
lia wat the gunat of Mr. F. A. Dul'arcq.
A. C. (Irppiiman, iiprltitondpnt of
liimn hati'hcrlp. rnturnal Timaday
morning from the Snnko Hlvnr country.
Col. and Mn. Ilohort A. Miller aro via
King mlatlvfi and frlnnda at Maclcay,
nt'r Hulnn, and ar pxjxtctod horn Hun
'ly. .
Mr. and Mra. J. N. CurUr, Mr. J. Nnl
on Winner, Mln Maria l'riitt and Mixa
Hattlo Mary 1'rutt will wnd Sunday at
Mra. Gnorgn 0. Camphpll, after a
'-k'i vlalt with Mr. and Mr. l L.
Traglio, I ii ft Monday for her homo in
Miaa Vt'Hla Uronghton and Mia Har
rli't Monroo, of I'ortlnnd, enmo up on
hicyvli'i one day liiHt wm'k and apout tho
day with frlonda.
Mr. 0. K. Hneknr, a Soattia atlornpy,
I In tho city, (he iniimt of hi brother-in-law.
Hov. Phillip K. Hammond. Mr.
IW-ker la on route to Chicago.
MIhi Kate LiiHley and MIhh Hallie
I-aaley, of Knnsiis City, arrived Friday
from San FrandHoo, where they have
hi'tm attending the Fpworth I.enguu
Convention, and ire the guouU of tlioir
nont, MIhb Cantor, at the roRldcnce of
W.W.II. Sumson.
Mr. and Mra, I). ), fOnndlnr, of Han
Fram Ui-o, aro vUltlng Mra. Klilndlnr'a
paranla, I r. and Mr, J, W. Norrla, In
till city.
J. Niilaori Wlnnnr, of th V.H. Flh
CommUalon, waa In the i lly Hiinday,
th gui-at of KiiiPrlnlimliiit Carter, of
Hi Clarkamaa liaU lie ry,
O. F. William li ft Monday for patprn
Orrgoii lu alay lor aomn wka. I.aat
Tlnif.lay h rut hi Ml thumb apvnn-ly
wild a ranor, imaparlalliig him from
Mra. Harrlxl llnrgnr and daughlnr,
Miaa F.inrruit llprgnr, who r-lde rnur
NawUrg, hat U-n veiling Mra. Ilr
gpr'a U-c r, Mra. W. I'.. Prait and Ml
Han lay, thla wm-k.
Mlaa Mlna Kelly h-ft Vpdiirday for
Heavli-w on North Jfrai h, hpr hpr ala
tra, tl. MIMa May and Amy Kully,
ara apundnig llm mimmrr, Hha will
alHMtnt ahont Uo wprka.
Mnaara. Charha and Clark I'ownll, of
Omaha, Nvh., who am touring llm Pa
rlllp roaat, wma In Ihn ty Wrdm-xUy,
ll. o giifl of ihplr roiuln.Mr. F. K. Ihnlg
kin, of th U. H. land olll. .
Mr. F. N. Wilwm rpiurnnd to th rlty
Irom llm mlddln aut on Holiday and left
again on Turaday for Oirgon City. H
spt'l to return to thi county In th
near fuluro. Tillamook llnadllghl.
l'r. II. F. puMjr rclurnrd Tunday
evening from California, after a mouth'
aWm. II la heavily Intpreaied In oil
-rrly in rompany with hie hroilmr,
arid Meaar. Ilaalpy and C. U. Harlow.
Mr, (htodfullow, Mr. IJmi, Mi
MagKl doudlullow, Miaa Jpla Humph'
rya, and Jo, ('oodfallow, who liav oppii
rutraiug at Wilholl Hpringa (or th
t lo WM-ka, will return home Holiday.
Mr. and Mr. F, M. Allaaugb, Mr.
and Mra. J. I.. H. hulu, Mra. Carrie II.
Harrla-m, of Portland, and Mr. A. II.
MMirra, of Hatpin, Were th gupl of
Itpgleier and Mra. C. II. Moorr thla
Mr. T. IletiriPM arrival from (Ml.
laul werk and will rtld litre. Mr.
HnuioM la In tli rutiUartlug hunnpaa
and la aupjdylng large ijoanlltlpa of pi I
ing and othnr laig timlfra to manufac-
t or hi.
K. C. Hamilton returnml Tu-lay
night from Paaaon, whpr h haa hern
inio NovpiuUr lt, ilovrloplng mining
proix-rty. II will prohahly remain In
Hilarity and la with tli Itrd Front Mer
lanlil Conianr,
Koland I). Jaikton, who ha brn with
Huntlpy'a drug aim for th eat two
monllia, led Thuiaday for hie tioui In
Portland. II will rrturn Monday to fill
th iioliion of tiiparrii'tion rlerk In
lla'diiig'a for a lw week.
Ut Fil lay J. II. Inuiao and wile
dcparird fur Oipgon City, whrre tl.py
will vlalt a few dya Wfore etartlng for
their horn In lluklilna, loa. Puring
their viit in (Vrtilli lliry were tin
gopata of Mr. Jniuan'a alaler, Mr. C. C
Chioman. It I hkely they will return
to Corvalli tlora long, a they ex
preiMHl a dealre lo are it again.
lHdl Warren haa apcured a K'x"' P""'
tlun In the (Irrgon Cliy pi'r mill
I V-lt platrd rtHvatly with the Orrgon
City haavUll tt-ain, and hia tllirienry In
that line of a port, coo plod with extra
good lo k, won for him a place tn the
team, the inanagpr of which aa-curt-d for
him the employment In onhr to keep
him with them for the aiimmer. -Mc
M i nn villi Hepoilrr.
Mr. and Mra. Chartea O. Albright and
datiKhteri and MU Laura Conyera went
lo Portland jeatornay afternoon i nd lell
thi morning for a trip to The Pallrt.
They will rplurn tomorrow. In Port
laud they were joined by Mr. It. 1. Jaik
aon. Mr. and Mra. (leorue Fuller and
(Uughtrr, M r. and M r. Thorn and daugn
trr.end Mr. and Mr. F.dward.
Mlaaea Hertha and Carrie Moore, of
Halo m, weie vialllnK their brother, Hon.
C. H. Moorea, thl wet k and led on Mon
day evening' train lor San Franrlm-o,
where Mia Carrie will vleit friend.
Mia Itrrtha, who waa with the Portland
Having Hank for over 10 year, will pro-
reed to Honolulu, where alio haa a por
tion with the Spreiklea Sugar Company.
Mr. M. M. Cliarrnan and her mother,
Mra. M. Diller, left Monday (or Corval
li, on account of the aerloiia illneat of
Mra. Charman'i aleler, Mr. Flatter, who
ia verv low and may not recover. The
duration of iheir ahaenro will be gov
eanod by the progress of Mra. Finlior.
Mr. Dillur la particularly unfortunate In
having two of her children lick at the
Httine lime. Her on, who reaidea lu Se
attle, i extremely III with dropey and la
not expected to aurvlve.
It ia tmpoaalble to give price through
the paNira. Come and he convinced of
what you can aave at the Racket store.
Tht'lr Secret Is Out.
All Sndievlllo, Ky., was curious to
learn tho canHo of the vast Improvement
In the hoalth of Mra. 8. P. Wbitaker,
who had for a long time, endured untold
Buffering from a chronic bronchial trou
bio. "It'a all due to Pr, Klng'a New
niBcoverv." writea hor huahand. "It
pomnliiitilv cured hor and bIho cured our
little grand-daughter of a aovore attack
of WhoODlmr Couh." It poaitivoly
cures Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Pron
pliltis. nil Throat and Lung troubles.
Quarantoed bottles 50o and 1.00. Trial
bottlos free at Ueo. A. Harding's drug
Ar-til'cr j
('ouiii ll miml next Wedni-day even
I "It.
Clcycle aiindrii' of all kind. Johnaon
tc I.allih,
Willamette Falla Camp, Woodmen of
the World, i-iwtt tonight.
Horn Tiipaday, July .'10, to (he wife of
A. J. Hi-ll, a dauglilei'.
The hoard of roiinly rommlaalonerl
will meet tiPXt Wedueaday, '
Hewing machini'a and light machinery
repalmd, JohuaoriA I.anih.
For Hale Hix Jarary row. Apply to
J. K. (iraham, Carua, Oregon,
Some i liol. e work horar for aalo at
J. II. I'.rown' New Kra, (Oregon.
Wanted, to exchange town pro'Hirty
for a larin. Kn'i'iire at thla (.Hire.
Tim lt kit Hlor will anil doll at
cat ami IxiloW coat next wik.
Camera aupplipa of all klnda, at Char
man h Co., the Cot Prire Druyglat.
:0 lo fl'KI to loan on rhaltrd or per
aonal api'iiritv. I' lnlrk A Kaatham, gt.
HhpnlT Cooke haa colp-ll 110,4l7 (W
to dale on th tax roll, (raving a balance
of 137,001.
Receipt in ll. county clerk' office for
July total 1177 Wi and In the rcorder'a
olhce -U'l :w.
It will pay you lo buy fascinators now
while w are aelling at coat and lluw
cat at the rai kut aiore.
The Mecca'- held a memtier' social
and amoker lal Tliuralay evening.
HtoriM wrre told, jng were ong and
an enjoyable lime waa wnt. Itefreeh
menla wer rved.
lml on (ilad.tonn K. It. platform, a
mamiM-ript, Irclure or archaeology,
"Th FuphraU- Valley." Finder will
pl-aw- return to Uiia olfice or lo Itev
Joa. II. I'ravnn
Wa pay the tax n "Oxford" Illcyrle
and kive TAGS FltKK, alo Bella, Pant
guar.la anil guaranlpe them lor the a-a
en. Price :I0, with any kind of a tire.
Charman A Co., Cut Price Hlcycle deal
When, In th rouiae of human evenU,
it bpcomra Dpoeasary to buy new suit
of clolhea, pat ron ii home Indualrt hy
going to Jo Knowland, who will give
you a rfpt't fiU Shop on Seventh
treet, near depot.
ChrUtlan Pclenrw aprvlop are held In
Willamette hall every Sunday morning
at eleven o'elork. Fobjert for Sandk,
Auguat i, 'Spirit." Sunday School at
twelve o'clock. Wednreday evening
Hireling at eight o'clock. To the ee
vices all are welcome.
Frank Palton, William Lavine and
Char lea fJray, three tramp found sleep
ing In a Southern Pacific box rar were
gathered In by Chief Burna Monday and
p'pl guiliy 10 a marge 01 TBicrsniy.
Recorder Curry will let them work on
the streets rig? t days for their board and
Portland-Oregon City boat Sir. Leona
leaves foot of F.ighth St. at 7 and 10 a. m.
and 1 ;30 and 3 :30 p. m. Leaves Port
land at 8.:m and 11 :30 a. in. and 3:00
and (1:15 p. m. Round trip 25 cents.
Take the I-eona if you waut a good com
fortsble ride. The ron is made either
way in one hour and fifteen minutes.
The body of D. Strpman, who died at
. . .... .. 1
Tucson, Aria , July 20, wss brought to
Oregon City Friday morning for burial.
The funeral took place from It, L. Hoi
man's nnderlaking psrlors. The de
ceased went to Arisona some time ago,
for the benefit of his health, but he did
not Improve, and gradually sank until
death came to hia relief. He died of
Annual Inx) tute.
Arrangements are being made to hold
the annual Teachers' Institute for Clack
amas County dnring the first week In
J. C. Zinser,
Supt. of Schools.
Lost, Mrajed or Stolon,
Liver and white Pointer dog from
Canemah. Liberal reward paid for any
inf irnmtion leading to recovery of same.
Lenvo word at Heina Grocery.
Farm for hale.
Nine miles south of Oregon City, 1
miles east of Csnby and three milea
south of New F.ra. containing 1(10 acres,
US clear plowed land, HO upland and 80
good timothy land ; none is overflowing,
nine acres in orchard in different variety
of fruits, all fenced and cross fenced,
two good wells, snd t"od water. Uoou
buildings, M mile fiom school house.
Hood 'oration and good roada.
Price 140 per acre, f or particnisra,
address John Sthindler, Canby, or in
quire on farm, Canby, Oregon.
Farming land, cleared and uncleared,
In Tualatin valley within 3 miles of Ore
gon City. AIbo large quantity of second
hand common and tire brick at Onwego.
Apply to
Tug Ohkoon Iron and Steel Co.,
339 Shorlock Building,
The Enterprise (1.60 per year.
Social Happenings. I
wkiiimso nr.M.a,
A very happy Incident look place at
12 m. at llm residence of lion, and Mra.
T. W. Iavenwrt of thla city laat Sun
day, any the Hllverton Appeal, of Silver
Ion. It waa the wedding of Mr. Daven
port' niece, Mra. Hallie (iilmoreto Mr.
John Prill, of Oregon Chy. The knot
U'ing tied hy Justice of the Peace, It. C.
Itamahy and a fine wedding dinner being
diaKed of, the happy pair started for
Halem, amid the congratulation and
Dotal Oir.u lima of their friend. After
vlltlng Hairin they went to Oregon City
where they expect to make their home.
MUa (iilinore waa one of Hilverton's
predion! and
most Intelligent young!
ladies and her hiuhand may well Ij
proud of his bride; and, a we under
stand from f i lends who ar well ao
'palnted with Mr. Petit, he is a man of
U-rl.ng worth, gool habila, and, as his
choice proves, good judgment, we be
lieve that they will have a happy life
journey and their union prove a bleasing
to the world.
Friday evening Tnalatin firov was
the seen of merry making and joyous
hilarity, A party of twenty-five took
the 7:15 rar from the west aide of the
river to Willamette Falls and from there
walked to the grove, where a bon-fir
was biasing In Irs time than it take to
toll it. The Udie, assisted by Chef
Kelly, made forty aeven different kind
of randy, which everybody pulled with a
will and ate with g' will. Several
watermelon were put on the Rhine and
the company, chaperoned hy Mr. L. L.
Pickena and Mr. Nelson lwrenre, re
turned home on a apt-rial car, Those
present were: Ir. L. L. Pickens and
Mrs. Pi. kens, Mr Nelson Lawrrnoe,
Mis Harding, Mis Walden, Misa
liuelat, of Halem, Miss Maltle Draper,
Miaa Pratt, Mis !orothy Chaae, Miaa
Ina Chase, Mia Albright, Miss Msyme
Lewthwaitr, Misa H.tClianan, Mis Hade
Chase, Miss Vrrteg. Messrs. Chap
. j-h i. if. - tr ii i . . 1
msn, v.nun.11, iiriiKes, ne.iy, n.iiu,
Hnxlie. Schwab, HoiiM-ngarner, Draper,!
Pratt, Iwthwaite and Harding.
Cards are out announcing the niar-,
risire of Mr. William Kdward Lewth-I
il. IntlLiCI.). Ilulrii.li Klnrm st
Watertown, New York, on Wednesdsy,
August 7 Mr. Lewthwsite left Oregon
City for Wster own two yesrs sgo ndjK Calls promptly attended night or
since then hss leen occupying the poai-1 k:
lion of draughtsman for a leading manu- j3
fai-turing firm. Mr. and Mra. Lewth!
waite will make their home in this city
and leave immediately after the cere -
jV There
I ma r
on all
I Yon'll
J come
The Machine for You.
Don't work snd worry with
your old machine, which makes
you so tired to run snd fills
your cars with noi-, but let us
show you our
Climax Machine
which is the perfection of
machine making and is a joy
to the user.
It costs only $25.00 and our
terms are easy.
Eor Bachelor Dens
Or family establishments, the
couch has come to be indispens
able. Here are some couch
bargains that are exceptions in
all ways.
Fine servicable couch, . $ 3.50
Best valour 6.50
Leather covered, . . . 15.00
Are You Fixed tor Sprinkling?
If not we can fix you for it
in a little while for a little
Life is hardly worth living
unless you can sprinkle your
50 feet i inch Rubber Hose
Substantial Delicacy
They are made of the strong
est thread and woven with the
greatest care every thread in
to a line of beauty.
Newly embarked Housekeep
ers will do well to invest here.
mony for Oregon, stopping at a number
of place en route and reaching home
the laat of August. Mr. Lrwthwalte will
be connected with the Willamette Pulp
A f'ejier Company after hi arrival.
Yesterday afternoon at St. Paul'
Kplacopal rhnrrh, Miaa F.thel Ma.h line
llartman and Mr. William KIIU Morris
were united in marriage hv the rector,'
itev. J'. K. Ifammond. The bride is a j
fair daughter of Clackamas, and Mr.)
Morris I a aon of Right itev. II. Wiatar I
Morria, Fpiaropal Hiahop of Oregon. I
He ia connected with the United HUleaj
Kngineer and lorated In Aatoria, where
the newly wedded couple will rea:de.
The purchase of the tirnlwr on school
section 4, township 10, ramie 6 west,
Wahkiain co'inty, Wash., by the WiU
lametle Pulp A Paper Co. mean ttiat
logging will be commenced on a section
on the Columbia river which hitherto
ha never been invaded by loggers. The
timber Is principally yellow fir, apruce
cedar and larch. The company ha
three years lo remove the timber. Ore
gon Timberman.
Married Thursday, July 25, by Rev.
F.rneetJ. W. Mack, Mia Florence M. !
Iluriax and Fred A. Frircl.koro.
W hat Shall We Have Fsr !esert!
This question arises in the family ev
ery day. Let os answer it to-day. Try
Jell O, a delicious and healthful deaaert.
Prepared In to minute. No boiling I
no baking I sirooly add boiling water and ;
set to cool. Flavors : Lemon, Orange'
Raapberry and Strawberry. Get a pack
sge at your grocers to-dav. 10 cts.
Kys Cited while yoa wait. Johnson
A Lamb. Main street.
If the action of your bowels is not easy
and regular serious complications must
be the final result. DeWiit's Little Early
Risers w ill remove this danger. Safe,
pleasant and rftVctive. Geo. Htrding.
We carry the largest stock Cask
ets, Coffins snd Linings in Clsck
amas county.
We are the only undertakers in
Clackamas county owning a
brarse and will furnish it for leu
, S
than can be bad elsewhere.
: We are under email expense and
. & do not ask large profits.
FhooPS 47 sad 305.
The Housefurnisher.
is a Figure beyond which
- x n rt -I w-rt Knva rrjQ fy ra-l f hir
the goods in the store.
Stare in astonishment at the
a . w
early tnis weeK.
A Musical
Porch Furniture.
Get Them
A Bear Movement in China.
are our beautiful
Lace Curtains.
'IN- I
ill rf3vl
'IV 47 ..4
Is ss desirsLle as taste in
drete. A note in a cheap
paper tablet written with a
pencil, conveys no hint cf
taste or refinement in person
al appearance. Cool station
ary ia so chesp that there iV
no excuse for not using it.
We sell a box of 24 sheets of
psper with envelopes to
match ioc, 15c, 20c. At 19c
per box we sre closing out
some odds and ends fancy
goods of highest quslity that
sold regularly for 50c. For
3JC we sell the new end
fashionable tints latest
styles and shapes.
Sealing wax is always nsed
by those who are strictly np
to dste. All shsdes 5c.
Initial Seals 20c.
Best Ink 5c.
Tti Dosn Ssclli sT Court Im.
competition and cutting dare
fiffiiraa in fivirifT flin c 0 1 Trif nu
values you'll see if you
Your home becomes a musical
center when you have a first
quality piano there. You will
appreciate the musical qualities
of the
A rich tone, abundant volume
and easy touch. All for this
low price $315.00, on easy pay
ments. Here is a particularly excellent
collection of the easy "inform
al" furniture that helps away
the summer. . "
Rockers, Settees,
Steamer Chairs,
Arm Chairs.
We'll be glad to have you see
what we have to suit you.
You ought to have your screens
ready now. The flies and mus
quitos are not abundant as yet,
but will be soon. We have
screens that will fit. They are
of substantial but airy wire and
have durable frames. They
are right. We want you to see
how good they are.
Trice 20 cents each.
Prices on Clina are affected by
a regular bear movement they
are down lower than they have
been for a long time. '
This is true of our stock just
now. Fine decorated ware
65c for 6 Dinner Plates
50c " " Semi Porcelain
50c " 6 Cups and Saucers.