Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 02, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Our corre(ondent will pleae (end
In article before Wednedays of each
week.otherwise it reaches us loo lute (or
MiM Viva Tull wont to Portland Wed
nesday. MiM Mollie Rarlow went to Portland
xr,n,u I
R. R. nrttlon returned from Eastern
Oregon Tuesday.
D. 0. Freeman made a business trip to
Portland Monday.
Take t chance on that priie rocking
chair t Freemn'(.
Mackaburg and Barlow crossed baU
Sunday. The game was tie.
Coleman Marks threshed for Wm.
Barlow Monday and Tuesday.
Wood Jease (nd family returned to
their home at Rosburg Monday.
MiM Johnston, of Needy, was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Dement a few
days last week. ,.
J. II. Blaocbard returned home Tues
day after a several weeks visit with
friends at New Era.
W. W. Jeeee and wife and Wood Jesse
nd family returned Saturday from a
week's outing at Soda Springs.
Miss Sbriner, who has been visiting
several days with Mrs, R. E. Irwin, re
turned to her home at Portland Wednes
day. Among those from Barlow who attend
ed the picnic at Hubbard the 27lli were:
J. McCrairy, V. C. Kendall and D.
Mrr and Mrs. W. 8. Tull and Mrs.
Kinsey went to Portland Thursday. Mr.
and Mrs. Tull returned Friday. Mrs.
Kinsey will visit a while with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Mniih, beforw returning.
" I have used Aver'i Hair Vlror
j for thirty years, it is elegant for
j a hair dressing and for keeping the
i hair from splitting tt the ends."
j J. A.GruencnfL-Mer,Grntfork,lll.
j Hair-splitting splits
! friendships. If the hair-
spumng is uonc on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head Is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vigor In
advance will prevent the
S splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
J, II.Maktftk. Jklltrafitaa.
If vour dnirctnl cannot aapntv von.
(nd ui on il.'iUr and will iprws
rm bottl. t uraml (It h name
ii-. AUiim.
Lowell, aUa.
( rour BMrmi iirti
The weather has been quite warm for
some time.
The binders are running to their full
capacity on every farm.
i tie supervisor is now building a ne
bridge over Rock creek.
The W biskey hill is now finished and
is one of the finest hills in the county.
Roy Cochran and Emit Montandon
were op to Independence last Sunday
for a pleasure trip.
The telephone company of Portland
are- now setting posts and sooa the
Needy citizen will have telephone lines
The Needy Tornadoes played the Caa
by nine and the game resulted in favor
of the Tornadoes by a score of 10 to 11.
Houd View.
E. W. Camehl spent Sunday in
land, visiting friends and relatives.
A large number from here attended
the dedication of the Coogregtional
church at Butte ville Sum Jay.
Will Young was around this week in
euring hop bouses fur the Butteville bop
growers fire relief association.
William Kakritx Is buying up consider
able live stock this summer and dispos
ing of the same in Portland.
Mr. Wendalland Mies Mattie Baker,
of Portland, visited the latter't parents,
Mr. and Mrr. Matt Baker, Sunday.
Ed Baker, Alison Baker and Charles
McKiuney made a business trip to Port
land Saturday, returning the same day
An ice cream social will be held at the
home of Rev, Barber, Friday evening
Aug. 2nd. tverybodv is cordially in
Ed Baker lost a valuable horse Friday
evening. It broke loose in tne barn and
in some way jumped upon a sharp board
which killed it inetantly.
Mrs. Wyland was visiting friends in
Missouri town Thursday last.
Mr. Groshong has rented the Widow
Nicholson's farm.
A. T. Bleatney, of Portland, was seen
in our midst one day last week.
jur. ferguson nas purchased a new
wagon. What about McKinley prosper
uarye uartman, ot pcous Mills, was
hauling shingles from Wilson's shingle
camp one day last week.
B. Wade went fibbing one day last
week and made the lucky catch of ODe
hundred and twenty-five trout.
A. D. Mazingo, who has been working
in a logging camp near Rainier for the
past year, was visiting his parents in
this vicinity last week.
I Only 50 Cents
I to make your baby strong and
r well. A tlttv cent hnttlenf
Scott's Emulsion
will change a sickly baby to
a plump, romping child.
Only one cent a day, think
of It Its as alee as cream.
Jp mr iree nsmpie, ana inr It
8COTT & BOWN& Chemist.
9-45 Pearl Street, New Tor,
yx. and Ji.oo; all druggists.
Haying is almost over.
Mr. J. P. Irvin's arm U Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Bridenstine were eeen in
our midst Sunday.
Mr. J. J. Davis made a business trip
to Oregon City, Friday.
Mica Dollie Lemon was the guest of
Miss Ethel Jonta Sunday.
Mr. Rum Wilcox was seen on the
streets of Garfield Sunday.
Mrs. Emma Palmateer was calling on
the ladies ot Garfield Sunday.
The Q. Y. P. S. Club meeting has
been postponed until after harvest.
Born To the wile of F. U. Davis,
July twenty-third, an einht pound girl.
Aleck Irvin and Bob Akin are at the
Hot Springs on a hunting and fishing
Mrs. Emma AnJera has been the
guest of Mrs. Kate Irvin lor the past
Mr. Rosa PInkley is on the sick list,
but is improving nnder Dr. Summer's
Our Sunday School is progressing very
nicely nnder the leiderahip of Mrs.
Mis Emma Glaubitx, of Portland, is
visiting her sister, Miss Clara Glaubita,
of Garfield.
The fall grain is looking fine; there is
a better prospect for oats than there has
been for years.
.Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Anders were the
gues'.a of Misses Florence and Agnes
Davis Sunday.
July twenty-fourth, born to the wife of
Frank J. Irvin, an eight pound boy.
Mother and son doing well.
t. j. uiii ana r.. i. null man, Uar
field'( enterprising photographers, have
returned Irora a month's outing.
Mr. Cy. Crura bley, the field com mis
sioner of the Upper Hatchery, has moved
his wife and children to that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert
V - Tr o'-r-' -( i v- M-V flro
!& A-jO, jV K aXaVjOl. v,Cui a A -ik-A.A A A-A-A. i-(A A i. A -A A. A A. A .A A A A. A A A.A.A A.AAuW.)
Will dispose of my entire slock of Lnclies Wenr, elc, lr h
ciisloiiier or lo the public in the nel JIO days. 1 am fin id i iiif,
business on account of poor health. My entire stock will be marled down.
Some of the goods away below cost. Following is a list. Come
see my prices. I will convince the public of my determination to
quit business. Sale will begin .Monday, duly 15.
Dross Skirts
Under Skirts
Shirt Waists
Muslin Underwoar
Knit Underwoar
31 Stylos of Corsots
All ovor Lacos
Tablo Linon
Dolls and Doll Honda
Baby Hoods, Jackots
-All kinds of Novoltios and Notions.
After the 8tock is reduced J or any ono wishing to jiureha.Mo tho bulanco can have it nt a reanonahlo figure.
All goods will be sold for cash.
Noxt Door to Darlow's Crocory Storo.
A A A. iftA.
AAuCk.A.Au&.A A-A.A.A A AJlAilk A. A a A-A.A-A AAAA A..A-Ae JlullA if
minUter from TortlanJ ilelivered the
sermon. There wi'l he regular services
moat o( the (Uinmer
A camping party left for Willioil
Springs early Monday morning. Thoae
going were I)r. Dedinan'a wife and chilj
li Jin here, anj Mr. J, Me Kensle an.l
Mi Nannie Dedman, o( Portland
They will reinaiii until the niidJIe ot
tjl l'ri.
The weather Is very fine at present.
Miw Grace Douglass it slowly Improving
Dr. C. 6. Smith and family have gone
to the coast.
Mr. Frank Drake is to start for Cal
ifornia today.
There has been but little grain cut in
this section; it Is very late getting ripe.
Mr. A. J. Douglass hai gone to eastern
Oregon to run a threeher during the har
vest season.
Mr. Alspaugh has bis mill dam nearly
completed. It was to be ready for the
fall run of grinding.
rxHix stxui mm:.
Several f.om Eagle Creek attended the
Baxter have re- buket meeting at Caranaugli chapel,
turned home to Oregon City, after a two Currinsville, last Sunday.
weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. Wil William Cooke and his sisters, Ki:ty
COX. nj Knbv. Wttra II r hem vinitina tliil
grandparent, Wen. J. Ilowletts, and
other friend!, taut Sunday.
Mr. Jerry Judd and family, 8. A
Douglass and wife, L. Daker and family
and Mr. A. J. Douglana, have gone
the mountains for a few days on a pleat
Birds and game are not going to be
very plentiful this year.
Miss Maude Stone made an extended
trip to Liberal and Maukaburg last week
Leonard Newkirk and wife, of Logan, nre WP
were vititing her mother, Mrs. Moeher
Prof. Chas. Rutherford, of Highland,
accompanied by his mother, visited
Harry Moaner Thursday.
w une otner states and counties are
being burnt by the glowing sun we are
enjoying pleasant weather.
The free delivery of mail is giving Timothy, )i to $3 per ton
good eatmfaction. F. Lehman bas the Pr vn.
i,. i ..o.:,. .- . i Jiiusiuus uran. 1 0 00 ner r..n
, , uim uu, .v,.i. i nn i... a..', '
o.,uim, f H..WM -r iuii, ciiop, fio ier ion,
1 r. t Wr.a..l.A I t I L. I 1 1 I Mitt n. . '
" cj'iBKuo, utuiii;iiiicu uj tier I uariey, ruueu, f.l.w per Ion,
Oregon I'ltr flarkt-t Report.
(Corrected to Friday.)
Wheat No. 1,62c bushel.
Flour Portland, $3.J0 per bbl. 85
per ik. Howard's Uost. UOc tr lu'k.
'i nrt til 1
...mj per ijoi.
jo sacKi. wniie. .j :ent twr
uunnei, Kr7- 1-.
1 . . I 'I' I . . I t rt .
iimy uiu iimoiny, ii- per ion. .New
Clover 7 to
grand daughters, Ethel and Grace, is
visiting her daughters, Mrs. CJlin( and
Tombelson in Portland.
Harvesting has begun and when did
you ever see a season that was better for
baying and harvesting than this? Oh I
we have the best country in the world.
There is plenty of dust on the
at present.
Mrs. Joseph Cook is at Newberg with
ber eon, ay Cook.
Mr. Henry Knight was taken (eriouslv lamb"' dreHmi' 6c
ill Sunday evening.
Potatoes new. (SOc to W)c Der sa k.
Kggs Oregon, 17l4 toa)c per doien.
cuiier itancti, Zo to 35 cents per roll
Ulackberries, 3 to 3.jC per box.
Currants, 4 to 4jc box.
Onions, choice, lc to l'e per lb.
Green peas, 2c per lb.
Gooseberries, 16 to 20c per gal.
Raspberries, 4 to K cents per box.
vuerriBB. uarn var eiv. a iq n'n tur
in. ; noyai Annes. nyac 10 4C ber lh.
Dressed chickens, 10 to 12 c per lb.
Livestock and dreRsed
live, $3.00 to $3 75 per hundred. Hogs,
live, Oct; nogs dresned, 7c; sheep,
Va to 3'Aci sheeD. dreaiwd.
veal, dressed, 7J; lambs, live, 3J4C:
Mr. Lucke'e brother arrived fram Ne
braska the first part of the week.
Mrs. H. Bair and Miss Lillian -Car-
rutbers have returned from Olix, Oregon.
Mr. C. Burroughs and family, from
Gresham, are visiting Mr. Kirk'a folks.
Mr. ana Mrs. a. Hinshaw were at
Marion last week visiting their parents.
Mr. JJarrmore aud Rev. .Dunlap left
here Monday for an extended trip to the
me junior League were pleasantly
entertained et the parsonage laet Satur
day afternoon . Ice cream and cake were
served and the little folks thoroughly
enjoyea itiemseives.
At the Christian church Sunday even
ing a Bweumn meeting was be d. A I
Bim th . yf ll Kind Km Hart Hum BoozM
Iri'lnff preparations aimnly dovel.
op dry catarrh j they dry np the socrotions,
which adhere to the membrane anil decom
poe, causing a fur more soriou trouble tlmn
the ordinary form of caturrh. Avoid nil drr.
ing inhulatits, fuuieg, aniokeg aud miuirn
and use tbut which cloanncs, Miothcs and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm in such a rnnierl v
and will cure catarrh or cold in the hoad
easily and pleaHnutly. A triul sixe will be
mailed for 10 cents. All drut'ciitU sell tho
COo. size. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren Ht., N.Y.
The Balm cures without nain. does not
irriute or canse sneezing. It spreads itoelj
over an irritated and an urr surface, relier.
Ing immediaUjly the painful inflammation.
With Ely'a Cream Balm vou are armud
against Naul Catarrh aud lUiy Fever.
Anuounrrmrnt of in l!nterprie l!Ub
ll.hrd In li0.
The folios Ing evidence of entirprl
apprars in the Orrgon Spertalor of ( H t
ber ?J, 184o:
TII.KOkAI'll LIN a, Sox roKK.
The subcriler brgs leave lo annuunr
to the public that he priowa to run an
exprciu rain or no rain mud or no
mud load or no load but not without
pay from Oregon and Linn citH to
Tuahty Plains during the ennuing sea
son, leaving the two former plates on
Monday and Thursday, and the Plain
on Wednesday and turda. Tbn
"cars" 111 be covered, and every ac
commodation extended to pannrnger
For freight or panrage apply to (tin tut
acribvr, proprietor and engineer, at I. Inn
City. 8 II. L Mctx.
(ktoer 20, 1S-I0.
Linn City was aitiiatrd aher the lock
now ttand and Tuality Plain mean the
Eruption, cut, burn, rtd and
(ore of all kind ijuickly healed by Iw
Witt' Witch llaxel Halve. Certain cure
for pile. Beware of counfurfeit. Bo
sure you get the original-De Witt's.
Geo. Harding.
Our Sixth Semi-Annual Big
Letter I.UI.
The lollowing 1 thn lint of letter re
maining in the pofttnfnVe at Oregon City,
Ore., on Auguat 1st, ;
Brown Jane Mr lUnnaford M Mr
Brandt Henry Mr Uodabaiigri T Mr
Brown Mary Mr Sedg.mu k V, (' Mint
Clark Ida Mr , Witbvrombe Evelyn
Parker Kate Mr
IJogiiis on Monday, July 8. 15)01.
Several dozen Hoys' and MinnV SIkh h at $1.(X) a pair.
Children's Shoes at &() cents a jair.
Must Make Room" for Fall Goods.
Salo Lasts 30 Days.
Bender W E
Butt Wm
Hurl T P
Baker Manner
Hart Burt W
Iewis Wm
Iveaion H ill
Whitenide Win
Martin F
Rinehart Amhrone
Stephen Alln
Himth (ieo W
P. 8.
Next floor to Oregon City ISank,
All Nice Clean Goods.
P.T. Thoma, Sumteryille, Ala., "I
was suffering from dynpepHla when I
r. ... ........ .1 I ' II . . .
luiuiuoiiimi taaiiiK IVUI01 I'y RIM'prll
Cure. I took several bottle and can Ui- j
gest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure!
is the only preparation containing all the I
natural digestive fluid. It give weak
stomach entire rent, restoring their nat
ural condition. Geo. Harding.
The Bible has been so called only for
the last 700 years. It was formerly
called "The Books" or the "Divine
Lord uroughara commonly cpont
three or four weeks In study before
writing a great speech.
rti Taw
I ttu c. I
In every town
1 Ml
ana village
may be had
that makes your
horses glad.
pay you to read
this advertisement.
A. S. HUNT pay the highest market price for country produce.
A. S. HUNT carrica a complete atock of General Merchandise.
A. S. HUNT sella Men's Furnishing Goods.
A. S. HUNT ba Fresh Meata alwaya on hand.
Price on High Grade Coffee cut In two(
Fresh Bread and Cakes in our Bakery. ;
Family Medicines, Cooling Drinks, Iced Soda .nd Lemonade.
Ijwer jirices than in Portland
at the
Slcevclra Vests
enU and
Ladle' Black Iloac-
7 It null and
Children' Black Hose
S enU and op
Men' Medium Weight Underwear
IS ennla par arninl
"Radlanf-Subatltule for Silk-
ualla for 10 nt
Ladie' and Children's Polka Dot Stock
'"K lOeantaapalr
I ranta pU and np
1 i 3
I'oHt Office and
Public Trlcphone Stutlon
We guarantee that the eccentric sprocket
wheel on thl machine will give n
(o'.ute gain of 16 'A per cent, of power at
time of tlclng and dlachnrglng bundle.
The force feed elevator will waste le
grain than any other.
There is lesa ahatterlng.
The relief rake keep Tuner end of pint
fonn clear. .
Everyone of those unlng Champion Bind
ers says it bas no equal.
Send for catalogue.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Oregon