trur Oregon City Enterprise. VOL. .'50. NO. 38 OKI-WON CITY, OIlKUON, FIJI DAY, AUOUST 2, 1001. ESTABLISHED 18C6 (;!:. T. iloWAUD KIIAI. J'.STATI'. AND JNSt'KANCl', notary ithlic At K"d I'l""1. Colli t II'MKC IlIlM k Oirgtm ("laOrrguii I I.COHTKH, ATTOltNKV AT LAW OHIi-a nail l Of'M ll r. Ct n i . I.ATyiMr.i iit, J ATTHllNKYH AND f(H,'NSKM)Urt AT LAW i Mil itNlir 0'tOX I ITr, OMkliiiN. ntnlih ..iraeie ill Till. I..MU M-hir. fui. rlixa U'irif '"' I'au.arl 'iwtul ,a Ionian. JKO. lllt"vVNr:l.l.. ATI oil SKY AT LAW Orrgrni City, - - Oregon Will i.i nr III all Ida rmirta nt Ilia (lata. ortw, in i'unll i.uiliinj. i I'.cAMrnKi.i.. J ATToKN F.Y AT LAW, I'lff. Moa will (iftrtlr la all lha ruurli al iba aula. Ol ra. Is I -u' U l-'-'lii ' () W, I'n.tliftlll (J. It. I'illli' k. MMICK A KASTIIAM Attornovs-nt-Law. ('(muni -fetal, Ural Ktat nnl I'r- lite, J-'jacihltlot. Aha'ri.H of Title made, Money leaned Orr'oii City, Orison j A H. lKrKU. ATTOKXKY AT LAW. OfflaoTf V Kuuli k'a hiofa. mar Ilia Hank ol Dragon I'lty. (MI" Off, ... taoi. J W.M. ANTl.TV Justice of the iVaee. Will (Hand locullrrlloti and Mil faalratale. liflVa on Mala Hirl, , Aitt(ht Waal Maikat, Jltn t'Mjr. W. aV O'l.a 0. Bial IJ'KKN t HCHUKHKI Attorney at Ijw. JlcntlMjcr iXbuoliat. Will ITaellca in all murii, make oi.llaclkina and arillatiieMa of ratalea. t uri.Uh aixirani of lilla. land you rnnnay and land your money un 0rl morgana. Offlco In Entorprlso Building, OrrifMi Cliy, Orrgun. IOIIKUT A. MII.LKR ATTOKNKY AT LAW' I.nmt Titles Mini Office MimlncMn it HpcctiiHy Will ptactice In all Court of the Slate Kim.iii J, Wrliihard Wdg. epp Court llouae, Oregon City. Oregon (Jf A.STl'AUT, M-D. (mica In WiUamalie HMaT. Ortn('liy. Oriton cm.a Imura: JO a lit. lo J'i m., t lo 4 . m. ami 7 lu a . in. bl-rl.l aiirnilon all lo Ittiaiimallim aim ('email (Haraara. Call anawtred day ot nluht. 1) It. FHANCI.S FHKKMAN, DKNTIST Uraduato of the North wcal-i n Unlvor- aiit V Denial Hrhoul, UlilcaK". Alio American Co1Ihkpo( iK'ntal riiirgory, WlllaiiHilt lUfx k, Oregon City. J) 11. L.L.I'ICKKNS, DENTIST. Trlcca Molerate. All Operatlone Guaranteed. Karclay Ilulldlnu Oreuon City, Or. C. STRICKLAND, M.D. Ilonplul and Private Experience.) Oflera hid proreaalnnal aervleea to the eo. le ol Ore nun Cltf and idiitiy. Heolal atleiitimi ald lo I'alarrli and i;iirulilo dlaeaaei. Ileal f relar. enrea ven. tilllea In Wlllanietta llulldltiK. Olllce linuri! 10 to 12a. in., 4 to 0 . in. OHKOON CITY OltKdON S. J. YAUG1LN, Livory, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BKTWKKN THE BRIDGE ANI JJKI'OT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horHHH always on hand at the lowont pricoB. A corral) connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind ol stock promptly attended to by pomon of letter. Horses Doutrht and Sold. Horsm Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. THH ELECTRIC Btaam Ht and Mlealel Uljht,- t.l Mdola lii limn iii lit rnl. I Jacoh Sclia taddlrt, Hrnll.a ami ill kli.rta i( hna giHalt. lli'imiring -.v. Try " " any other undertaker In the county. Si SIOCAXVTK cSc BISSELIj Undertakers and Embalmors Taltphona 413 and 304. Imperial we hu i in U:i or Iijiriil wiali 1931 Ecfisli We are Sole Agrnla for the Celebrated Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators. We also im I .tort of PLANET JR. SEEDERS. SPRAY PUMPS, ETC. Pope & Co. 4,h ft Main Sta, OKKOON CITY. OR., Telephone 465 i GROCERIES Wholesale Prices. HARRIS' GROCERY, WKWWWWKWKVWrWwIft iiinr a y, a f r h:u.LHAMS, add to voir, rjsivtss WIUl-awuv: T:,ink M t..o nDApunpunfjf The enormous r ile of tin' (imrhophotie. e U .1111111 I lUll L t uo ci" "" ' - " - , ., , , ' ,. , cnuai'U uy uiu ioii :" 1 MATCHLESS POWER CF ENTERTAINMENT That on WrtNSt 01 SIR! tor POSSESION la awakenwl la all v. bo kear lU ""UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINnR OF THE A0E An lnahatibl orfO ol Woader and Delight to all U la almnle In ronstnu tlon. and prices are arranged to suit all pocket books; while tin a Jlu win con! lime ua long a liuiiiun nalure exiu. denm id will ton 1 ' aa h Ilt0 a community at once creates an Increnslng demand f"StlS K C0NI.WW MISINLSS .. Ua. ..UbHahad. Why not sJcmi the Hbel P'- l,owed -e,er,? WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. TERM8, ETC, TO Columbia Phonograph Co.,- 125 Qeary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. mpy OREGON CITY H . Tltu Firrt-Clam . . JJJJ lloti-I in town. rete $ day end upujarde JA oil I AMM-, l'r.irllr. i ii i ZHarnossmaker and Saddler. Main Hirvi't, bet. Fourth ami Fifth, Orei"ri City llar-iea ra mat In tip lo-rfafi" Hi) l, Ilaniossos a Specialty. -II We are the agents for Premo Camera, and the price is re duced from 25 to 50 per cent. oor carntal raliprr, U'a Imllla, V " " Toamlataad Hlln Halb. V " " fiilac Balk, V Latest Novelties In the Photo lino at roducod prices. CHARMAN & CO. We Tarry the only complete line ot Caaketa. Coflini, KoUa, Linin, and have the only tint cUtt ami up-to-date hrarac lu the county. Our Jricr are nrver norbiUnt. We guarantee aatiafaction. We can give you better gnoria and Utter aervlce fur le money thin Calla jroiintly attended night or day. 7th Strtat, btt. Brldga and Depot CQheels nm wi!i m Hi. or Tire is. Coaster Bnkei I For Cash First Cornor From Court House. Jllt.MOS,SWl!()Ti:iT. Aulliornlilp of lrulr!f Klovicr Im Disi'iikM'il. MHS.n.AIIKlNKAUIilSTIIK FACTS How ller f'allu r W rote the Maniiiu-rliit and How IN niift lte ii-d ttm (red.t. Thefolloalng letter of Mr. Nora Moai Clark will be of miii Ii Inlereat to the "d literary epi-ode of the early hiatory pioneer and othera of thia vh inity, to '. o(Or.gon. lew American notel have whom Mr. Moi ha long Uen a promj. ' a more extended iua than thia one neiil figure. Ao editorial from the Ore-j 'ad In ila day; and their can be no gonlan folloaa the letter : ,'t 1r'e edition of "The Prairie Oaxoos City, Ore,, July ifl (To! Klower," and of it neouel, "Leni Ioti," the Kditor.) I have wm.h your JitorUl now rrprinted, could be aoid in the of Holiday the 2Hth lu regard lo the auih- IVific Northweat Hiate. It ha had no onhip of "The Prairie Hoaer " From circulation here these thirty or perhap earlieat chlldl.ood I have heard the fa:t '" in connection with the writing- of thi For a long time everybody attributed pioneer !ook. For five )eara, during 'the authorahiti to Kmeraon lien net t. the two campaign of William Henry j Liv-rary knowledge, critical judgment, llarrieon for the preanlea y, rny father, j acarcely exiated then in the WeU And H, W. Moaa. wa editor of the Piqua ' In ihe literary morld Hcott, Irving and (Ohio; (iaf-tle. rtJ had alway been ' innumerable writer had followed the tuore or lea ac4-iitoiued to literary work. I plan of preenting their romance and 1 i - ' - , W. a, .a ' This nhotoCTaph of Willamette Falls was taken from be low the falls and shows tlie backcround. It is probably existence, taken during high their best. In April, 142, my father arrived in In-1 dependem-e, Mo., intending to go on a geological aurvey to tlie Kotky Mount' aint, but aome delay occurring, he j dr.ed ao emigrant party for Oreg-on. For tome time he had had in mind a atory of the Weat, and upon thia Journey of 1M2 he began "The Prairie Flower," Incorporate ing into It many description of actual acene along the way. The real heroine of the atory, aa I have alway beard, waa a beautiful girl of thai emigration. Her real name I never knew, or have forgot ten. My mother described her aa being veiy graceful and pretty. A well-known pot on the bloff above Willamette Fall, called in the book "The Lovera' Retreat" wa often pointed out to me aa the place where ihe heroine and her family camped on their arrival at Oretton City The tale wa completed here in Oregon City, and parU of it were read In the old Ly - ceum In the Winter of 1K4-' and 1M3. When the Spectator waa started, and the Argua lalei, my father waa an occasional contributor and some ot theie early effu 110ns are still in his acrapbook. My father built the first hotel in Oregon City, and among the many guests came eventually William Johnson, an ola friend of my father' first wife, who had died In Cincinnati. On account ot old association, 111 y father alway had a high regard for Mr. Johnson, and when fi - nally Mr. Johnson derided to return t the States, he entrusted to !nn the man uscript of "The Prairie Flower," to do with It what lis would or could. Mr. Johnson handed the manuscript to Emerson Bennett, who in his preface does not claim to have written it, but gives a fanciful sketch of the mysterious stranger who placed the document in his hand. Unexpectedly the book became a great success, but my father never re ceived a cent of pay or credit. Oregon wa far away then, out of the world, so to peak, and hard to reach or hear from. As a little child I heard all this discussed in the family, but nothing was ever done about it. In the meantime the book went through several editions, amount ing in all, so it is claimed, to 100,000 cop ies, and out of it Bennett won fame and fortune. No one arising to contest his claim, it always weut under his name and he added to it a weak and ineonse - queut seqel 1 have often heard pioneers Bay that it was the reading of that story that first Influenced their fancy for Oregon. Boys sitting on the old ox wagon tongues read it in Missouri away back iu the '60s be fore starting out "across the plains." My father is now in his 02d year, and his memory, of course, la failing, but I speak of matters known in our family for years. I Nora Moss Clark. The account of the origin of the ro mance or novel known as "The Prairie Flower," given in a letter from Oregon City, bears upon its face unquestionable marks ot accuracy and truth. The novel has so many touches of local color that it cannot be doubted that the materials were bad from one familiar with Oregon and with the Journey across the plains. That these materials, with much of the narrative, ern anpplicd by Mr, Mom, and ly 1. 1 in handed lo H'illimn Johnaon, alio U,i-iii on to Knifraoii I!:tiiictt, ae iwa no rwaaon to 1I011M, I'.cnr.clt, (iieationlcaa, iiiiiIh addition, gave touch- tliroii'noul, and rha. elaUir-at'-d the plot. It a Kreal novel in it day. Kverylody read it, and t'own Ihi.H not leaa than lU).a00 toniea had been fg),, The atalernenl ol bt. fieier lliat Wil Ham jolinan am th author rc-elvea explanation through the letter of Mri. Clark, daughter of Mr. Moaa. To Dr. (ieiger and otheri Johriafjn douhtleaa claimed the aulhorhi). It Ii fortunate indeed that light iathu throan on the K'-neaia of thia highly interealirig romance upjr river and bluffs in the the best picture of the falls jn waler when the falls are at ctoriea "left by a myiterion atraoger," .or "found In an old garret." So there wa no doubt that Emerson Dennett j waa the actnal author of "The Prairie Flower.' . he n. ' Of large part of It doubtleee But we think there can be no doubt that the ootline or framework wa ! eupplied ' y Mr. Mow. Whether wil ; liam John son added anything to it ean not now be known. Bat it i of highest , inteiewi in Oregon to have these atate- menu elicited about it. TIMBER FRIIDSMIST STOP. All ProoN Sad This Year I'ndrr Tin ber Art Are Sucpended. On account of the timber land frauds discovered in Montana and Idaho. Com- I niiaalnnAr IT arm Ann nf tlia fwAnArftl TnH j oilice, has sui ended all proof made 1 jurjni. (,e preeent vear under the timber ln 1 ., ir, . nendina conclusion of the full investigation and inquiry begun some time ago. The suspension applies to all states where government timber land is purchased, and Involves thou sand of cases. Many large companies rnd speculator, it ia alleged, have had "dummies' as agents, making purchases of the lands trom the government. Commissioner Hermann says: Owing to the act of congress permit ; ting selections of valuable timber lands, , inJemnity for landa held by Individ- uals and corporations within forest re serves, a speculation in so-called forest reserve scrip has developed. This ia a means 4y which the owner of such lands within forest reserves may relinquish them to the government and In lieu thereof take valuable lands out of the unappropriated public domain, or may convey his holdings to another person seeking to exercise the right of selection. "This provision has produced great riv alry among speculators and extensive mining companies in the acquirements of large tracts of timber lands. It has induced many others, who are not own ers of such scrip or exchangeable lands inside lorest reserves, to avail themselves of an earlier act of congress, approved June 3, 187S, the timber and stone act. "This limits each purchaser to 160 acres and expressly requires the appli 1 CRt)t to gwear that the purt.hase u not speculative, but is made in good faith for his own exclusive use, and that he has made no agreement whatsoever with any person for transfer ot his title. "For many years, particularly the past year, this law has been grossly violated and abused by persons who perjure themselves before the local land office. The General Land Office has directed its special agents to report on any further cases that may be discovered and all land officers have been warned to exer cise the utmost strictness in the examl nation of parties and witnesses. Many of the fraudulent proofs made must have been delected at the time had the regis trars and officers at local land offices strictly applied the rules for scrutiny of proofs of applicants. After such proofs have passed the local officers, showing regularity and apparent good faith ol en tries, it is impossible for the authorities here to detect an error or iraua. GOT T1IEIU SCALL'S Hctl Mpn Victorious Orer tho Forcstprs Last .Sunday, TAfOlVKU KEATS C0HPAXY A. Lalb r Team Hat Two Uamea Scheduled to Play Here. Wllhimrtte Vlu From Ilaml lent. The 11 Men took the a-alpa of the Forester last Hunday by a 21 to 11 score. Willamette Held wa fairly well sprinkled ailli fan when the uame waa calh-d and both nine were photographed leore the game. Ihe pluck of Pitcher liauilail la deservln ot much commendation aa he wa batted all over the lot and stayed with it. Hierilf Cooke caught like a vet eran and took the sphere off the bat with amazing grace. Kelly ran baaea like A scared wolf, while Heckner and Hoi man showed the people how ball waa played in the good old day that are past. The Foresters are a younger and more springy lot of men but the experience of the In jun wa too much for tnem anl trie score of 21 to II tells the tale. The player and their positions were: Red Men Position Foreterj Ely LF T Fly im Reckner 3 B Emery Kelly . ,8 8 Price Fromong U F Steveca Randall P Hi!laird Little CF B Flynn Miller 1 B Gi-er Holman 2 B Marsnall Cooke C r.oll Umpire Pratt and Boylan. Company A'a nine played at Vancoa ver last Sunday. The Vancouver put a stiff game but the Oregon City team held them level until Lee mised a fly and let In two run. The (core stood 7 to 6. Company A will try for revenge on Sunday, August 11, on which date they will play Vancouver on Willamette Falls field. A game bai been scheduled for next buoday afternoon by Company A wiih the IlilUboro nine, which beat McMinn villa some time ago. As McMinn ville put it all over the Chemawas, it is evi dent that Hiilsboro is op to snuff. Just bow they will play against Company A U another matter. The nine will leave here in a special car for Portland, la time to catch the 7 uX) train for Hiilsboro. The Willamette Pulp A Paper Co's. nine defeated the Portland Ramblers at atOawego last Sunday, shutting them out by a score ot 6 to 0. The Willam ette have a game scheduled next Sun day with the Stars at Gervais and will play at McMinnville in the near future. The players and their positions were: Willamette Position Ramblers W. Califf C Allen E. Califf P Reed- J. Jonea SS Walling R. Rapp 1 B llacket Hodgkins 2 B Darney W. Purie 3 B McDonald Koerner L F Boggs Kieser C F Ladow Guitner. R F Oswego 123456789 Willamettee 0 0 0 010 3 2 0-6 Ramblers 00000000 0-0 Bae on balls, Reed ; hit by pitcher, Califf; two base hits, Koerner, W. Califf, 2; E. Califf, 2; three base hits, Hodg kins; wild pitch, Reed; time of game, one hour and 20 minutes ; umpires, Boy lan and Woodward. ORGANIZATION- COMPLETED. Busliim Men Form 1 Retail Mer chants' Association. Oregon City's business men met Tues day evening in the city hall, and com pleted ti e organization of a protective association. The meeting was well at tended and few ot the merchants were absent. The following officers were elected : Charles O. Albright, president ; Frank Busch, vice-president; Frank Barlow, treasurer; C. A. Schnebel, sec retary. The board of directors will be elected at the next meeting. A constitution and bv-laws have been prepared but will not be presented until the next meeting, when it is expected every business man in the city will at tend. The organization will be known as the Retail Merchant's Association of Oregon City and its objects are : To foster and maintain a permanent social feeling among the merchants of Oregon City. To, devise ways and means to improve and increase the retail trade of Oregon City. To improve the roads, to provide mar kets for all the products ot the country, and lo advance in every legitimate way the commercial interests of Oregon City. To attain the results which experience haB proven are not attainable by indi vidual or divided effort. The next meeting will be held Tues day evening of next week and at that time the new association will be placed on a permanent working basis. f