Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 26, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Our correspondent will pleas send
In articles before Wed nod ay a of each
week, otherwise it reaches u too Into for
V 0' -V V W "a W W ' V "T ' V M-
Several team are t'lti ploytvl in hauling
cedar posts to Troutdale for Crown ami
Cmps of all kinds are in e xcellent con
dition now as well as fruit w hich comes
UP in Hue shape
Saw mills have temporarily shut down
tie-cawing. However, several mills are
sawing lumber for local demand.
Already people are going out to berry
patches. Blackberries are not so plen
tiful this year and will not be ripe for a
week yet.
Frown and Sons are moving their saw
mill on a 3iV aore timber ranch west of
tow n. where do will engage in saw ing
ties, lumber, etc.
"Making hay while the sun shines"
does not apply o this section, as the sun
does not shine very much. The crop is
(rood and promises to be the largest ever
put up here.
Maiamas came back from the ML
Hood trip with tanned faces, and some
were snow blind. They seemed none the
won for the trip and everyone reports
a most enjoyable time.
Considerable building is jroinn on. N
Nelson and D. Jaeger, are making prep
arations to build barns. II. Kidder
lush's barn is nearly completed. Win.
Wesby'a new house lines np in fine style.
w. 0. w cftmp instilled th6 tollovinir
'I tried Aver'. H.ilr Vlcor to
siop my iuir from falling. Oj
half a bottle curcJ me."
J. C. Dixtcr, DraiJwood, I'd.
Aycr's Hair 'igor Is
certainly the most ceo-
nomicai preparation oi Its
Kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
hair. w.Manti. Ani.
If To lip dnii-.-i.t
end m nna .l.'.V'.r .! -.1,' '
you a butil. h aur ami rit (h uu
Of TvMlf iwurwlni.rr.f .rtu. Aihlrna
J. I'. A LK CO., LowaU, alaaa.
1,! V"V V ' W W W -sy y SW j'-v' v W V Sy ' ' W V V)' W f a V V S f -fS i,, y
I Will disposo of my vnihv slock of Lnclies' Wenr, elc, lo n rash
customer or lo I ho pulilic in I ho no! )0 days. I am form, lo
j business on account of poor hoallh. 31 v rnlin slock will ho marked down
X Some of Iho gootls owny below cost. Following is a list, Come j
and seo my priivs. I will convince Iho puhlic of my dctcrmiiuttion to
quit business. Said will hiin .Monday, .Inly 15.
Miss Minnie Conklin la ho ue on a
visit from Portland, where she has been
new officers: 'fro. Brown. C. C. : H. P.
Bruns, A. L; Chas. Bramhall, clerk;
E. F. Andre, banker; M. Pickeeon, W.;
C. S. Chase, sentry ; J. Jonea. escort ; E.
T. Bruns, J. F. Andre, J. Bramhall,
mnatfera. The Woodn.eo contemplate
giving a picnic in September.
Xw In.
Charles Foster is selling out his liouee
bold goods and ia gjing to move his fam
ily to Idaho. We Uh him good luck.
Mr. Kobert Brown c4miuenceJ cutting
wheat Mond.y, July la another
week every boJy wiil be busy in the har
vest fitld.
Since my last to your paper the wheat
crop haa made a fine change for the bet
ter. The green aphis that were on the
wheat a month ago have disappeared
and there is every indication at present
of a good average crop. Winter oats look
well and are almost ready lo cut. priug
oats need more rain. Peas, potatoes and
other vegetables are doing well. Apples
and peara will be plentiful this season in
this vicioity. Your correspondent vis
ited the hopyard of Geo. IUndall A Son
and we found the hops looking very fine
and every prospect of abondant yield,
with a fine chance of pickers making
money. Mr. Randall employs about
thirty-five pickers .and six yard bands I
and dryers-
Strawberries are almost gone.
Mrs. Ntlson is improving slowly.
Wild blackberries are commencing to
R. DeShazer went to Oregon City and
Portland last week.
Mr. Seward and Mr. Judy are away at
work for the summer.
J. Hayden, of Port'and, is here send
ing a few days with friends.
C. Bowman and family were vuiiting
31 r. rtelson a family Sunday.
. Joseph DeShazer has been quite sick
for the past week but ia better now.
Joseph DeShazer and family were
visiting Jacob DeShazer, of Firwood,
Mrs. Cooper was over on the Col
umbia river near Latourelle Falls last
The farmers are busy making hay.
There is a good crop of clover and grain
is splendid.
Colion nimrods killed a lar bobcl
last Wednesday.
Mra. Gottberg was in Oregon City this
week visiting her son.
G. 0. Gorbett made i
f a w
Molalla Corners Friuay laiU
Coltoo will oivanixe a whist club ia
soon as the evenings get a little lougei.
Miss Emma Freeman, of Ellwood. wa
visiting her grandparents here last Wed
Tame berries are a crop rar excellent
here thia year, but wibl berries seem to
oe a failure.
Miss Hubbard, of Colton. and Mr.
Killeo, of Handy, were the nuesta of
Jits Uottberg last Sunday.
If. Jones and familv, of firouks. Mar-
Ion county, were in Colron on th l!)th
looking after business interests.
Jack Countryman has purchased a
wheel. Girls, it you t him now, you
will have to catch hint on the fly.
Misses Nellie Gottberg and Bessie
Hubbard were the guets of Mr. and Mra.
I r-ss bonny lat Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Countryman, late
w Viarjoer, Idaho, who came to Colton
a few weeks ag, expect to locate here
Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller, ol Hiffhl.n.t
were the welcome eueata of the Cinvnn
Creek Literary last Saturday niebt and
uvore-l us w ith a number of well ren
dered songs, accompanied by the guitar
The dread disease among calves has
put in its annual appearance and quite a
number of fine calves have succumbed
to it. Can't some of the Entrtiri.
readers tell what will cure thia disease?
It is known as black tongue or bloody
Haying is over and barns are full of
an excellent quality of feed, although
wie w earner tias been very threatening.
No one was so unfortunate as lo be In
jured by rain. CUckamaa count !.
surely not so slow that the powers above
nave to threaten them with rain to com
pel them to riMle. If such be the case,
what would be needed to get a move on
the rest of the world?
Dress Skirts
Undor Skirts
Shirt Waists
Muslin Underwoar
Knit Underwoar
31 Stylos of Corsots
All over Laco3
Tabjo Linon
Dolls and Doll Hoads
Baby Hoods, Jackots
All kinds of Novoltlos and Notions.
Aftor the stock is reduced J or J any one within? to j-uri-hasw the balance can have it nt a riMHonahlo llKuro.
AH goods will be sold for cash.
Noxt Door to Onrlow'i Grocery Store.
Mr. Welch intends to start his thresh
ing machine soon.
Mr. Baker, of Lents, was visiting
friends here last Sunday.
Mr. Becker's brother and wife from
the east, are visiting him.
Tea picking will begin here this week
but pickers are hard to get.
Mrs, Grilfetli has been on the sick list
for some time but is slowly improving.
Miss May McKinley and Mies Nona
Heckinger have been visiting friends
where it is hot all the vcar round
Scott's Emulsion
fells better than any where else
in the world. So don't stop taking
it in summer, or vou will lot
wnat you have earned.
m ocna ior iree sample.
; 1 SCOTT fit BOWNE. ChemUl.
40415 Pearl Street, New York.
Harvesting has begun with a splendid
No advance cut-worms but Dlentr of
Coyotes have been raidinz sheen rWlc
of late here.
Some varieties of frnit are somewhat
scarce this year.
Hazing is in its lait U'?. It will soon
pass away for this year.
B. F. Linn, our saw mill man, has all
he can do to supply the demand.
John Hart, of Canby, was visiting his
sister, Mrs. B. Funk, last week.
D. C. Richardstn, our painter and pa
per nanger, is doing some work for Geo.
laric, 01 Logan.
si. I., camp meetinz for thl circuit
began 8unday at the camp ground on
Little Clear Creek.
ine ice-cream social has been post-
poneu to some time in the near future on
account ol camp meeting.
Mrs. J. R. Williams, of Washington
outlining iu some Diisinens ana vis
iting friends here last week.
Harry Mosher was calling on the peo
ple of Wilsonvilie and Tualatin the last
of the week. Harry seems to go that
way quite often.
Our photographer is uettinir to b an
expert at the buHiness. He took a colt
with seven legs a few days ago. Every
body can't do that, can they, Willie?
Lycurgus Mosher. who haa been work-
in the Clackamas wood camp, accompan
ied by Patrick O'Conner. leaves to-Hav
for Dayton, Wanbington, to work in the
Harvest celd.
Mr. Jud.l Seely was tha A. O. l W
delegate from Sunrim. Ixklge.
Mrs. Oauld ia at VVi!onville. tbeeruest
of Mrs. Harms and daughters.
Mr. Rob. Baker, our fxtiier teacher.
was seen in this vicinity Sunday,
Mies Maggie Baker went to Portland
lor a lew days stay the laxt of the week.
Mis Alice Baker is home with her
mother, who Las Wo wriously ill but Is
Archie Seely ia with us for a few days.
We are glad lo n-a his smiling face and
trust we may see it oftoner.
Alls IUen Murray went from Hun-
nine loJre, Pegree of Honor, of Wilson
vilie, to Portland laxt week.
The hum of the hinder ia a common
thing now and nmny frmer have sev
eral acres of grain in the shork.
Children's day waa at last observed
here and a good one too. It seemed only
to awaken the hearta of the little ones to
have their day postponed, and each one
inea lo do their best; and did, until
it would be an Injustice lo mention anv
one or a dozen, for all were g-jod anil all
it requires to be assured of the fact is to
visit us some Children's day in the luture
and see.
The new Congregational church build
ing at Botteville is complete and will 1
and rame back soma time sgo, w as (he
guet of Mr. Hint Paulsen.
Some of thr people here are nutchrOiig 1
their fat steers and bringing o PodUnd
the in rat a huh sella for a gil ico now, '
Mrs. Htrtmau and her grandxni, l.co
Juiufblute. who Ware the em-aia ,. l. '
Johnsoo tfr alvut two oiontln, will re
turn lo the !r home.
Haying is a!nt orr, U.e rroia bi it i
vil lit. The linn !hcr l,.i I, pre
vailed aince the lourth made it a ul. k j
barvetliiig. Wiuter cats wiil t-i,
rie for cutting ami a ru n ran
fectc.. Rye an I pi.s will !. yi,.,
well. Wheat is In soma place not .puts'
a good a ill fornivr ynara. i
Now it I a dry lime we are having on
the Molalla. '
Our Sixth Semi-Annual Bi
Now i the time to look up tho bracing
air of Wilhoil ripringa.
Mr. Hendernhoi ia build
tor Mr. Moore, on the Jordan ranch.
Mra. Sarah K. Parker, of All,.,,- t.
visiting her si.ler. Mis. R. R. Thomas.
Mr. O. W. Rohbma Is buiMi
barn far Capt. Poi In the south act. rn
part of the county.
The Mai knh.irg Marralx es team came
tin anil "..! .' it.. t..i.ti. i. . . ,
- - . , - .uoiauB it'll! Ill
ueiiicatej next rumlay, July 1'8, at 10 I hi the other niwhl
m. iwev. -iapp, oi rorrest Urovc, will
be among the minihtry atsenibled. All
are invited to attend and see w hat Butte-
ville and vicinity can do in the matter of
church and church building. Oh, no!
Butteville Is not alumherinir forever, hut
only aleepetb for at lime and bus now
Hcgiiis on Jlomlay, July 8.
Several dozen lUy' and MihMV SImh-h at $1 (M) a ,,air.
('luldrcn'rt Shorn at U) tcntj) a jalr.
Miss Anna Bachman i attending sum
mer normal at SaliMn this month,
A traveling evani-lint oriranimd Sun
lay schojl at the Stone
July 14.
Mrs. J. Mumpower and Mra. Mark
Hatton were visiting at K. K. Hart's, of
Jlolalla, last Saturday and Sunday.
Miss May Andrews ho been snain
procured to teach the fall term of rln.l
at SUiiie for the term commencing Sept.
Miss Alice Williams, from Stockton,
lalil., and formerly a teacher of this
place, was the guest of Mrs. J. Hatton
one day last week.
Farmera seem as a general thing to be
in a ruah these days, those especially
who have hay out; those who haven't
"wouldn't care if it did rain."
Tha bell for the new school houso h.
arrived and it's a beauty. Teacher and
pupils may well be nroud of th .rrv.i.
put forth by them to obtain it.
Hood View.
Miss Cora Moor ia visiting her sisters
at Graeme.
Mrs. Chas. Lamb and family and Mrs.
Wood were guests of C, T. Tooze and
family Sunday.
Julius Paulsen has eone to flnvnm.
ment Camp as forest ranger.
Miss Uanna Johnson made a ii,
visit to her cousin In Eagle Creek.
Mr. August Paulsen and bis aii.
Helen, made a business and vimt frin in
Thorwald and William Klinknr. nf
Portland, are staying with their uncle.
Mr. Henry Boyson, of Portland, was
out on his wheel to visit
friends here.
Mrs. Waldecker. of Portland. i,ni:,,i
in the eastern states for several years,
Molalla l.range has 11 applications for
action neat meeting B, ,,m t,0 f4tJ.
er't own organization grows.
Hay, hay, hay! an I mill more I., make,
plenty (,( rain to make It grow, and now
plenty of aiinihiiie to cum it in.
Mis Matlm Jvitt rvt,mi,., ,m
from her (iladntone camping tour, much
pleased with the lime )Whl there.
ride to
Frank McMurne twk a wheel
(iresham Monday.
Mrs. Cloe Heyer hits umiu to PuriUn.l
to spend the sutiimer.
Chsrlle Rover ha hint I'llll! I.!l.l..jl m
largs barn on his farm.
Fred Buchman is lniildiiL a fin,, .l
barn, which helps the look of his j.lace
vviy mucil.
Mr. ami Mrs. S. Johnson .,f w,
i,i .... .. ."I"-.,
loauo, are visiting Mr. Johnson's uncle,
Mr. Boon Johnson, of this place.
Mr. J. W. Hillearv twk . ...
hagle Creek Falls flHliimr laht K,...,iu
and says he hud no luck at all.
Kd Johnson's fine new Iiomno i.
ing completion. The
to have It finished In about two weeks.
Jim Hatton spent the Fourth of July
(Continued on pagn 7j
Must Make Room for F;
Salo Lasts 30 Days
le Slioe
P. s.
Next door to Oregon City Hank,
AH Nice Clean Goods.
Thoan famous little I. Ilia. Il.Wiii'. I i,.
li hry Ki(Mr, romtMil votir II
bmols to do their duty, tuu giving you
pure, rich bho. to recuperaUi your Uly
A re cany take. N,Kr,w. uo.A.'
wti anoiiauinialloil waa U, t 1,H n.
friends of M. A. Hogarty, of !,.,lngl0,
wnen u.ey aaw l.o was turning y.
low. Ilia skin .lowly d.angod color,
Uo his eye., a,l l0 ,rre t,.rrjj,y
His malady was Yellow Ja,m,li,. n'
treated by the ml dolors, but
without booedt. Then he waa advised
to try Klectrio Bitter., tho wonderful
HUimach and Liver remedy, and he
writes; "After taking two bottles I was
wholly cured." A trial proves Its match
lea merit for all Stomach, Llv, , j
Kidney troubles. Onlv fin... H..I.I i...
Uoo. A. Harding,, Drnggl.t.
Invcr i-riccn than in Portland
at the
S cent and t
mum MEATS.
e ! i ..
.,V:;. Vl';n4nPn-l'Lt0 co" orders.
A fi-ntnr ,.C
l'rcsh Bread and Cakes.
.... . , i "nice find
Slccvclcas Vesta
Lalic' lllack Hum
7tt eniu and f
Childreu'a Black Hoac
S riil and t
Mcn'a Medium Weight Underwear
A emU per garni
"Radiaiif'-Subatltutc for Silk
hall fur ine.nU
Ladies' ami Children's Polka Dot Stock
ings JOreiiUapalr
t cent a plana and of
We Kiiarantee that the eccentric sprocket
wheel on this muchiiie will give an ab
aoliite gain of ib'A per cent, of power at
time of tii-iiiir and dlacharvliiir htiiidle.
....... ,,i iii ni(j aim uinciiiirguig IM1H-
The force feed elevator will waste It
Krain man any other.
There is Irsa ahattcring.
The relief rake keeps inner end of pl'"
form clear.
Everyone of those using Champion Dind-
era say It baa no equal.
Send for catalogue,
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Oregon