ff 10 y OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. JULY 19 1001 Legal Notices. .Isflee lor 1'iihllratlsa. Miii:i(iirM mai.k. Timber bend. Art Jun 3. DCS. United Stale Und Ollle, Oirgoo City, Uregon. Jud 10. ll'l. Nolle it hereby gtren I hat In compliance wrltn Wit provisions oi tn Act oi longres ofjune.l, 1.1T, entitled "An acl forth sal of timber lands In lb tftate o( Call forma. OreL-on. Nevale and Washington Territory," extended lo all lb I'ublic land Stales bv act of August 4. HOMER K. PfBOIS, of Hpringwater, county of Clackernaa, ltet tf Oregon, haa this dav filial In thia olttc bit rn ataicnirm No. M;7, lor lb pur chase of the lot 6 of Section No. in Township No. S 8. Bang No. 4 K. and will offrr proof to show that the land sought Is trior valuable lor Ita umber than for agrt' cultural purposes, and to establish til claim to id land hefor the Kegister and lleoelrerof Ihia ciftlcal Oregon City. Or sron, on Monday, th J'.th day of August, II names a witn sees: W. J. lellen. Sam Katney, John Keed, Johq Stormer. all ol Ppringweter. Oregon Any and all r"H claiming adrena-ly the eboee-descnhed landa art requested lo fil their rlaimt In this ortice on or brfor aid :.Vth da; oi August, t'.t'l. CHAS. B. MOORE-J. Register, I In th Circuit Court of th 8lal of Oregon, for lb county cl t. leikaina. Anna Stock, plaintiff H.H. Johnson, K. F. Kiirv, Mary Maildrr, Jam V, Wan and th tank of Oregon I City, a corporation, defendants, J MU RIt'l" i U.K. CI TIO. o.n f.i:. In tb Cirr nil Court of th Stat of Oregon lor tli county of l lactam O. f. Gibna, plainUH, Mr. M.J. B.in, A. Bon I Ioc Boen and Nicholas ' Jonai Surety on appeal I lfmlanu j County of Clackaraat . By virtu of a judgment ordr, decre and an exeronon, duty issued oat or and under the eal of tb aboT entitled court, In the abort rntitled cause, lo m duly directed ana uaieo. in i.md aay of June, liM, oion a judgment rendered and entered in (aid court on th 4tb da? of Jane, 1'1, in favor ol 0. F. tiibb, plaintiff and against arm. SI. J. Boen and Nicholas Jonas Suretr on appeal, dfcndanta for lb um of f.'t with interest thereon at th raw ol 6 per rent per annum from tb 11 dar of lieremher, 19. and tn further turn ol $7 ?J with interest thereon at th rale of 45 percent, per annum from lb i'ah day of January, l.0. and th further lum of 916UU Cota and disbursement! ith interest al tb rale of 6 per cent per annum from dat and lb costs of and upon this ant, commanding nieoutof tb personal prop erty ol said defendant, and if sufficient eould not be found, then oat of lb real proerty belonging to said defendant on and after the date of said Judgment lo satiety said sunn and also tli coal upon this said writ Now. therefore . by rirtu of said tiecu- Eioi, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the command of said writ, being unable lo Bnd any personal property oi saia defendant a. I did on lb lsib day of June. l:n, duly lery upon tb following described real property of said aeienaam, airs, m.j. Boen, situate and being in the county of Clackamas, and oiaieoi uregon, to-wit: All Of lot No. eiebtHlln Section Xn Thirty (10) in Township No. four. (4) South of Ranee one (l)Kast of tbe Willamette Meridian, containing twenty sereo and Zi ib acre, more or leas; also the South hall(H) oftb Southeast quarterfVO nd tn .Northeast quarter () of ihe outbeast qoarter ) of Section twenty Bra in iowntbip four M) South of Rang one (1) East or tb Wil lamette Meridian, containing on hundred ana twenty (UJ) acre mor or lea, auJ win on 8tTi or Osi)i, County of Cla kamas I " Py rirtu of a judgment order, di'rt and an ciecullon, duly iue.l out of and under the seal ol l abor iititld courL In tb abor entitled cau. torn duly ilirrcie.1 and dated tb 1Mb dar of June 1 uin a jadgmrtit rendrrl and enlere.) In said court on lb sth ilar of Jnr, l'All, in faror of Annatftivk. plalnlilf. and iifiinil II. II. Johnson itrfenilanl, for tli sum of f.Vf.ttt wltb Inter! thereon at th rat ol 6 per cert per annum from th ih Hay of Jun l:'l and Hi further sum ol a attor ney s fee, and th further sum of IJii.A col and dWbursemeula, and In cost of ami upon this writ, commanding m to niak sal of the following described real proerty, sittiat In tb county of Clai ka ma, slat ol Or eon to-wit: JWiiinttig at th angular corner on th ouiri bounilary or lb danailoii land claim 01 (.eorir Abrrnvthr and wif in toansnlp 2 South, of Rang 1 Eal of th WiHamit Meridian wtitcb corner is t.mtn 5 de. 1J nun. west l.t.) chain front tb Southeast corner of Hiram Mraighl'a l. U C, and running thence north & dec . 15 oun.. Eat S.K chain; Ihenc East to tb iimsion lui betaeen th Et and Vl halre of tid Absrnetbv ll.LC thnc South to th South bounilarr ol said Abernethr D. I- C. tbenc North ) deg. West to th place of beginning con taming twenty acres, mor or les. Now.therrfore.br rirtu of said eiecu. tion. ludcnieni order and decree, and In Admlallralrlta ..lr. Nolle Is hereby glren lliat Ihe tln.le Igned has been appointed by Hi IViiintr Court of Ci'kniaa County, Oregini, ad nilnisiratni nl th eslai ol Wulf C, Kuehl, deceased. All' person having claim against said al ar hervny not I lied lo present th same lo m duly refilled ac roMing lo law within sit months from in dale of this notice at my residence at Mil waukie. or al the oitli-e of J ', Campbell, Oregon City, OreaMn. lale,l Jun 14. I l. tiEKrRl lK KI'KIIU Ad on of th riatai ol Wulf C Kuehl, dec. J. C. Camphell. Any. for Adiui. iii:iiii I m Mti.r HOI r.xM'i In Hi Cln ult Court ol in Hlal of Oregon for IheCoiinly ol MdUnotuah. Portland Tnial Company of Oregnn, plalnlilf. rs. i C llaey "d Anna llely, Url'iulanl. 8tti or Oasi.oa, l I County of Clai kamas j I sjrallrri lar Urrisila. Following I a llsl of warranla fmaliili.g Um-allel for IM lb cl'k' oltli of Clack, n.as coutilr lr sn r'r tiding Jun, ;V l'i, and If ! lalll lor In Wdays lliry III l cancelled; utass I'lilllln faint (atr .lellrr. I . . .. . . A ...mcien; rnte. affidavit h.rl,,. h..., -ur.,. i..r the u l I) ;H Hh kVallac Alhnglil Mi. A M Mtl'ail Flora McMillai C T. VVeir W, i, l iiompsoti r ii.,i.ii y rirtu of a udgmnl order, .lecrej)(i MH onnell and an sieiiitioii, d.iiy liietl omul ami under Ihe seal of the ! entitled court. In th aho i'lilled cause, lo m duly di ir. td and ilalr.1 tli U day of June, ''. lin a iii.lgn."! ren lered and nlenl In said conn sn lh ImIi dar ofjur.. I'M In larorol Forlland f rusl I'on.paMj.ul Oie- and USB, A aumc.ent ronte.1 affidavit hariu. been "" u'" "1 r " "." . ' . " I . " m .ilmn II im mri' " i"" i-" mm uuii-v t'j jamra u. ll umileeion , , k.i. lulv lull ,1,11,1, c.nii.i,i. an.ln.t homestead drr No. ",,m 1 . ' '! .. 1 .. ' V Till 1 "'. - ' - - ------ II I. Ilarniim Ala I. Ilnaard J. M Mri.ki.r H. II, Osmaii J. W. Ilatkrr John llranscro I iJ 1 1MB I I tu n I. -J I 7 141-'? nun 1 1, 'i II "i 1 4 IM.'.t I.H4I I.1T4.1 1IIM. mad Jun V im, .r SKUuf rVc lion 31, rowtiship A ri. Rang 4 E, br Eugen 8bulie, cntie. In which III alleged thai contestant "know In present condition of th same; also that said Eugene 8cbui ha woolly abandoned said trai t of land and changed bta residence therefrom for snore than si 1 years since mak ing sanl entry and neit prior lo I lie dale of this attl tavit and that he has (ailed lo rulll. rat and tniprov said landa provided by law and that said alleged alMencw front lb said land was not due to his employment in lb Army, Navy, or Mann Corps o th fulled State as a privet soldier, ottlcer, seaman, or marine, during in war with' Spain, or during any other war la which th I lilted Sia'.ra mar be engaged." said rtie are hrhy nolilied 10 ai'Kear re. i simnd and ollsr vidwic louclili.e said a.'lrgatioa at lOodock a.ui.onJulr Ill'i'l belor Ihe Register and Receiver al the I' titled States land Ortlce In Oretoa I'm. Oregon. The said contestant compliance with Ihe commands ofsald writ, .m.urti. n.l it 1 s,i L 1 .T.I .IZl 1 will, on SATURDAY, THE 5m DAY OF JCLY I'Vl, at the hour oft. .10 o'clock . m. al the front door of Ihe t ohiut Court House In me I tty ol Oregon it, in said Countr and state, sell at public auction, snbjecl o re demption, to the highest bidder, for V. 8. gold coin cash in hand, all the rtabt. title and interest which the within named de fendant or either of !. had on tb dale of the mortgage herein or since had In or 10 the above described real property or any part thereof, to aatlfr said eiecntKin. ja lgment order decree, Interest, oust and ai accruing co la. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackama Countr Or,m Dated Oregon Cite. Oregon, J una 1 f ail . .Ilce ( ! ilars. SATURDAY, JULY 3Crrn. 1001 at tbe hour ol 2 o'clock, p m at the front door 01 the Comity Court bouse in lb City of Oregon City, in said County a.id State, tell at public auction, subject to redemption, to toe nigneji oiaaer, lor l . (?. gold com, cash In hand, all the right, title and interest which the vitbin named defendants, or either of them, had on lb date of said judgment or since had in or to Ibe above described real property orany part thereof, to satisfy said eiecution. iudement order. decree, interest, cosu and ail aocrotngcuata. J.J.COOKE. Sheriff of Clackamas Coonty Oregon, Dated, Oregon City, June IS, IjI In the Circuit Court off be State of Ore gon lor I be County ol Clackamas. G. B. Dimlck and 0. W. Eat ham, partners doing business under the firm name ol Dim lck A East lum, plaintiffs. Tl. Helen Robinson ( formerly Helen Yarwood defendant. To Helen Robinson, (formerly Helen Yar wood) the above-named defendant: IN the name of tb State of Oregon : Yon are hereby required to apear and an swer the complaint riled against you in the eiiuiiro aciion on or oeiore trie a;tn day of July, mi, tl.at being the last day prescribed in th order of publicat on ol this summons upon you, and ifyo i fail to mi appear ana answer said complaint with in san ume ine piamtin In lent will lake juugmeni against you for tli relief tie iiianded in said complaint, to-wll: For tbe sum 01 rij.oii together with Interest thereon t the rate of 8 rcent tier annum from ui isi aay 01 January, iw, until paid, and for the further sum ol 2u0. toirether m, Interest thereon at the rate off) percent ter annum iroiu me lat day of January, 1C until paid, and for the com and disburse. ments 01 tbis action, and plaintiff will appiy to tne court lor an order to sell ibe oimieasi quarter 01 the southwest quarter and the couth went riuarter of tli aoutheait quarter 01 section u. t 4 , r 3 of the Wil Janiette Meridian, now held under attach inent in Ibis action. Tbi summons is published by order of on. inos. r. K.van, bounty judge of Clackania County Oregon, which order was made May 31, llXil. published first time June 14. l'KH. DIM1CK t EAdTHAM, Attorneys lor the Flalntifl JVoiIre ol flr-et Iinproreinejiit. ' Kotfce I hereby giren that Center street, r.n the northerly line of 5th atreet to the southerly line ol "th street will be improved trilU crnslied rock and by laying curbs, corner blocks and sidewalks, together with necessary drain and grading). By order of the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon. , Bkvck C. Ckkky, Recorder. July 5, 1901. New wheels to Johnson & Lamb, rent. Prices right. N'otics i hereby girn. that th under. signed has been appointed by th Hon. Tho. t. Kvan. i'jdge ol lb Countr t iiurl of tbe State of lirecnn for Clackamas County, administrator of the estat of Jana Kristeuaon, deceased. All kpsoi.s having claim against said cstat at hereby pun ned to present the am to m, duly erittd a by law required, at my retidtnc at Klo, Oregon, or at th office of Harvey E. Croe. at Oregon Cur. Oreron, within six months from th dat hereof. Dated t bis tub day of May. pail T. U.JONSRUD. Administrator of the estat of Jana Kris tensxn, deceased. H. E. Crow, attorney for th talaU. amen anow ioai aner do Ulligvnc r sonal service ol Ibis nolle ran not rw mad It la hereby ordered and direct! that such nolle ba gtvsn by du and pror publp cation. '. GALLOWAY. Keceiver. In th Circuit Court of th Stats of Ore gon, tor tb County of Clackania. J. R. N. Sellwood, plaintiff John F. Broetje. Mart Brr etie, Helen L. etraiton. Creed W. Stratum. Lod j L. Slratton, Milton Kar mond rjtrattbn, Carrol E. Straiton. Jobu B.Cleland, W. A. Cieland. N bim monson and Fred Strong. Defendants To Creed W. Straiton and Milton Ray Mond Stratton, dt-fendante: In tbe name ol ihe 8. at of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tb complaint bled against you in the above emitted cane on or before the loth dayofAuKust, I'JJl. Hi last day of Ihe time prescribed In the order lor Dtioncatuin 01 tbis summon, to-wit: on or before the xpiratioii of six week Irotn tbe day ol the nrat publication of this sum mons, tne lira publication thereof thereof being on the Snb day of June. l'.Xll ana ll rod tail lo answer lor want thereul tbe plaint) ft will apply 10 th court for th relief demanded in said complaint, to wn ror judgment against the defendant. John rlroen ami Marie Bron In the sum ol f-'.iCVJU, with interest thereon at the rate 01 8 percent per annum Irom the first day of May. l''H, less l-M-OO, paid November L'l Kfl; f H paid June ltd; $70 tf) paid September Sth.. 1I; T5 W paid November 8. 1" with interest thereon at the rate of eight ier cent er annum from the date of aatd note, and for the sum of four hundred dollars attorneys fees and for cost and dis bursements of this suit and that the de- fenilatit and all persons claiming under them, be lorerer barred and foreclosed ol and from any and all rights, title interest or equity or redemption in and to the said mortgaged premise and from ererr part thereof, and for a decree foreclosing plain tiff's mortgage described in the complaint upon the following deicribed propertr sit ua ted in ClatkamasCounly, Oregon, to-wit: A part of the south half of tbe Geo rife Crow donation land claim, situated in section one, two, eleven and twelre, in Township two south of range one east of the Willamette Meri.iisn and begitiiiinir attneeast end of the line dividing the Oeorge Crow donation land claim into north and sou tli halves; thence westerly along laid dividing line twenty eight cnains and eighty-live links to a point; thence south to the north line ol the lorty acre tract set apart by decree to lOiiia Jane Bunnell, thenceeasterly along aid north line of the lxulsa Jane Bunnell tract, and along the north line ol ihe forty acre tract set apart by decree to J. J. Crow, to tbe east line of the sain fimnra (- donation land claim: thence nnrtherlv along said east line ol said claim to the plane of bet'intiing: being the east thi.tv acres or the forty acre tract set apart by decree to Ihe heirs ol Oeorge C ow deceased. xcepungtald jxitn-B Jane Bunnell and J. irow and tor a sale of said nrnnertv to natisly said judgment and barring and foreclose you or all right, title or interest in and lo said property and equity of redemp tion to or upon the said morticed nrmu ses and every part thereof and for such omerand further relief as the nature of thi cause may require and as to this court may seem just and meet. This publication Is madehvtha nrrtaenf the Hon. T. A. McBride. Indue of the dr. cuit court of the state of Oregon for Clacka nias county, which order was duly made and entered, June 18th, 1001. C. M. IDI.EM AN. Attorney lor Plaintiff. Dated June 21, 1901. .llr fatal? af Heal :!(). In th County Court for th Slat of Ore gon lor lb County of Clackamas. In lb matter of th Estat of Frederick Bullard, deceased. None 1 hereby gHrn that lb under, signed Administrator, of lb abor entitled tsn, will sell at priest sal on Krtdar. lb 2d day of August 1:;, and on any clay thereafter, on th premises, th following desenrwd re.l property twlungtnc lo said estat to-wit: Ixils nunibere.1 J and 4 of Section -M In T. 3 8 of R. 4 K , W. 14. containing M It acre. Also beginning at lb irosl north- rly corner ol a iJ acr trsi t of land deeded lo esly fc. Kalney and 8. H. Rainey on lb tith day of Mar. by Jas. K. Craw- lord. In -. 17. A) and 21. T. 3 8, K. I E , W. -M.. said deed belns! rvcorit.! on page II and 42. of book' K", ofth recur, I desdsof Clackamas county, Oregon; lhnc south 5 degree E , 10 chain; thet.r 8. lU deg .TO mlu W, 10 chains ; thence S.i drg. W. 10 chains; th-nc N. ldeg 3u ruin. E 10 chains to thej placs of beginning, coo laimng 10 acres, niurs or less. Also an un divided on-half lntere.1 hi tb following described property situat In lb county of Clackamas, Stat of Oregon, and bwn.g a part ofth Wni. M. Wad l. L. C. Itxisn as claim No. X. and bring a part of ar. 11. 17. 2 and 21. In T 3 8. R 4 K of lb W M bounded and desrrined as follows: Be ginning at a point in 1 1 chains S of lb N E corner nl said claim No. f: running them 8 i deg 3.1 nUi. W 41 chains; 1 hnc 3 leg h jn 111 chain thencs N HI IVgJ Mm, E UI.' chains to th Ea b-jiindary litis of th sbov mentioned I) t. v 1 nenc along said tin yi chain lo Hi place ol beginning containing M) sere mor or less. Terms of sal cash lo band, or approved eacurny. B. F. Bt'l.LARD. Administrator of said estat Dimlck it Katthaui, atty for Administrator Dated Jun 27. VM .lallccaf Flaal fftet lie-meat. Notice ia hereby given that the under- igned administrator of the e-tate of Luke Comer, deceased, ha BIH in the count r conrt ol the county of CUckamaa, aU'e ol U'egon, his final account at auch ad miniatrator of (aid estate. and that -Mon day, the 6th day Angnt, A.I). lii at Ihe hour of 10:30 a. m lias been fixed l.y the Hon. Thoa. F. Ryan, Judge oi said court, a the tune for hearing objectione to said report and the settlement of eaid estate. E. (i. CAUFIEI.D, Ailministralor of tlie estate of l.uko Comer, (leceaed. Dale, June 25, 1001. Hewtr ."Mollrr. Notice i herehy given that all water closets, privies, sink, hath tuha and drains containing or 'carrying sewerage eied in th l-'k s nttlce of said court In said county on in .Vh day of January, l''l and slivteat, noin of roiilrituiln and r y hienl as riie.1 by I uciixla Ross, adiidnls iraintand Minnie l Fter and liora K...., r her giiamlian, I 11. Imla R, Nov 2. l', cotninandlng lul ol lh ,-erwmal i-ropertr of sail ilrlrnitamt and II. A. jinn, (iirelr, and If anttli-eiil could liol be lound. liii out of 111 real priqierly b luniimg to said drfemlanls and anreir to sati.ly ll soul id 1 1 1-7 M nw due on said jii.tgu nl with ttitrre! tnereon al lb r of ten pr rent r annum from lb 'ih dar of lnvnil-r, !', also cuts Uoll bl aril. Now, therefor, br virtu of said eiecil Hon, j K'g'nelil order and decree, and la coinp'iinc witn in tomniatid l said aril, htlng Unahl to lind any l-erxinal prnv id ald drfemlanls or surety's I did on ihe l-"ih day of Ju'y, l'l dulr levy Un tb following dewrtivl leal prony ol l I delrn-lanla and surely situat and being In th county of C's kamas. stat of Oren. wit; An undivided four nlnlhs intere.l In and lo all of in following described re si property to-wit. Uit Hire (A and four 14) in Hix k t.'l lo lb town of I'sneniah, Clat-ksixas rootity Oreg-m, a shown by lb plat and sorret. of said loan of 'ann.ti now on fil n lb county clerk's oltlc nf Clac kamas county, U'egun Th north on half ( tt)of lol No.un(li and the norm one-li l ( I, I of lol number I eig'ii(Mn tl,- iiuiiiherelweuiy sefen 27 s-rording to in map and plat ul lb tuan of'rg-iii l l'T. Urra-'n. tin (II Its Ibr county e.rkt oltlc of 1'la.kaniu Countr, taid Ktt roiiiineiicing al lb north west C-rnr of said blurs, lnlr-sa-vn ',.. and running nnrs easterly ;l'i leet; IbciH.'W aomherly St feel amij Incne, iiienrw westerly 710 lest lo Main street, ll.enr M feet and 3 Inches lo tbe i-iare of beginning. lb south unsba.f ftJ of h Janu H stdenn touatioti land I -aim, liotlflcsiiun No 7'-2. In sections un. laeit, and Ihir of Wlllamett Merhfian, l.i C:srSiu County, Oregon, containing on hundred and Bit) .Hire liV acre mors or le.s Itesrluidng al a slat IS ! chain south and 4.1 chains weal In mi in northern mr t.er of tb John 8. Holland IV.i aion land c aim ; thence aouth Pi decrees, U Hi I nut saal tociiains to a atone; tbenc south 41 de.-r, Si minute sm S chain lo a Stone: thenr north pi degree. l" ndnute. ( 4) chsn-s a slat on in north ramary of sal I rlaun: thenc north 41 decree at 7 1(1 chains lo th pise of be ginning, containing XI acre, mors or ! in t la kamas ruai-ly. Oregon. Iieglnoing al th north weal corner ol Isaac tl.irdon land, or lanil formerit on. br him, thenr alon Ibe line of mi. Uordon Iracl In a ouinsiriy directHin 7urMts, Ihrncw at right ang rs runnln wrtr y u th lin ill a tract ol land lormeriy owned by L I). Harding; ll.i.r northerly along said lin ol said Harding . 1 'set 01 land rikls, mnr or le, to I. 1) riiina nurinwe.1 corner; irnr In an easterly direction Id tn tiorthwe.t corner ol a tract of land f'irmil osnsl by l.nry umum, inriiie souinsriy ui In South wi corner nl sal ! tract formerly oaned by said l-ucy A. Hornet!, o rods; Ihenc. essieriy along Id line of aaid In r A. U.irn rtltra. iof land to the plac of Uinnii.e con taming m acres, the aani being part 01 Fbiilp Fir U. U C, la Ciackaiua coni.lV. U'egun. Beginning at a point thirty (Hi feel ! ... .urrr mi auuiii iineui section nl n : ... ,.u piiiwi, range iwu .J east 01 th niamell Meridian, cruases the center 01 me irregon and t aiilomla railroad, run mug men. northerly, tracing th ea.Urn ooiinna'y line of . am railroad right of ) lo a point forty lol rod north of said sec- lion nine I'll; Ihenc ca.t narallal whh a.ni ectlon line silly eight i't nxls lo Hi west imuiiuarT ui uie county road: thenc in a Boninwesieriy airerinn tracing the wi oxqnnary nnot said couiily rotd flftw and une-nau rod 10 line ol said a-H,.., 1 In !,; Ihci.c west thlriy-nlne I.Ti! rods "'"'n ""mm no 101 lac ol ueiru.. 1 inc. roniainpic tnirteeii ami iinn..ii,i. 3"M acres, mnr or less, In Clai kamas cuiuiiy, Ufton. Total A St. l Ml it no I 70 I 7" I ,1 4d 1 :s 'J ISI I Ml I M I T 4 M 4 M I 70 IK 10 att aaT So, .It Vll nit nil 7H llai U1 mi 1.10 l'U P41 l'l SWT, J 1 .17 M I 11 I M I to 1 :s I taj IS 2n :n 2.1 IIA bl it Mcll liorK Mn Itiian II Wlielmor M ItoUrla F mar llolllp ll'ialil H Irani Wood I rank Howmaii Ik ILh-a John Mais I harles Cochran It Kliter Dan llaaa Total . Srtt or Oatno I Cot artr or l"ti atsts a I, F. II. C.Bir, countr rlerk of lb ataiv tiainwl roiinly and slat, and flail of lb county court of lb county nf Cla kamas and Siale id Oregon, do heiehy rsrtify Ihal ins loregolng copy of warrants orer veil ara prior lo Jun 2u. Itad, and uncalled for ha hen br in compared Willi li original, and Ihal II I correct transcript Iherefroni ami ol th whole of such original aa Ih a m airs of record In tn ultlcs and In my car and custody. in testimony hereof liav hrU'iln set my Land and ifllia.1 h seal ol ald Coorl Una .Kh day of June, I'l'l E. II CtMil'F.lt. County I lerk. 4'staii; Treasarrr's sllt-r. I now hare ti-.otisy lo sy iMiint war rant smloratHl prior lo May 1st, Kh, and a li ral warranla smtoraxi piior Id IM. tdli, I'AU. Intstesl will - on the alHir ltn iu.lod warrauU ua Urn lists hervof. Oregon ( 'lly, 1I July iih, IinjI. A I.t at nan, Tmasnrsr. Clafkanias County, llrrgurl, fsalsMtss. .rrM. Nolle I hereby given that a will apply lo th city council at It rsgular meeting for lions to l liquor al our prea.nl placs of bualneaann Main at real, l.trenss lit dat from August 3, 'tj. Oregon Clly, July II. I ajj. Ktt A Nnairrt. .4L i:iATK TKASHrrMw, t'urnlahrd liter- VTwk b, ihi ,., ... A-.lrHJ,j,,,.,)(i1'' 0 Moiile lo A 1 hnits ,rl , , ....I 11 I.. I.IL I. .. . '"'i " to rail View 1 (J I! I'laiiami lo J Clausen Hi'l I I.. IWI . t "tiprt iii w. ai re 111 --ti.t,m c) , In t a , r I (ley I Miliary tl a t AMyVi'' 1 7l acres In U Allen cllln ' K W Cornell lo M V. illlln i, j i' a. , 7 H.M- kNu.7No. ' J Wengs lo J K Knt-hler 2 4H an -1.. . 11.... 11 vwi im, 1 ti m, t-i g l ii. 1. . . a 1. r 1 ii in i ntlhlirr n, I.Ik 4. ret. placs.... J A Hollw.aal s , J it N j'j' ihhI, 9 M acres in c3( (j ( r I ' M K I inli k, hy Hl.nrlrr lo H j llclnleraou, n I, ol J, ,k J,,(i flslil V lloUrg 10 Win F HoUfg, hV," 1114 stxj 14, 1 3 s, r I w Ml.!, LainlA I in pi Coin KllaVi. keniHifol i, uarl in, 1 lutl H Dak llrort I'rl U H 74 4 100 VA TIIK I't.ACK AM AH AlwriUfs a rill M r CO. are Ih. tiwnei.of Ih, ' righl In Ih Thorns ysim ,, .iT;.' indeis, lord, kamas nninty, anilasV. lbs only rowpUls si o aUlr s- u la u! 1. 1 tat l.k la. ..I sal .... - UI) Blill krw.tiu Uaana, Invratiumila.real .Lt, ahai le. OfTicsorsr Hank id Orc 1Z7 I'.llan.l ln..iU.i. a.i.i."7 v"'- - - - ---......, nimiTH K.y fltis-1 whits yon A lamb. Main strwri. Uller Lin. Ths following la Ih lii of nialolng in Ilia -l..iri.-s al (Ifrg-ata, tls, on July I11I1, IMi v' wow as' May. Arxlrsw I. M Mrs Klly Ulh. -4lisslsillralar'a .tlr Noic I herehy given Ihal In under- signrxi has len hy Ihslionorahla countr court 01 ins mats or tiregon, lr ( lack a ma rouniy. apiajini.1 adtmnlslraliK ths eatat of Jamas F Corri, (lnca- All pers'tn hailnr rlaima agalnalssid e.tst ars notifleil to present ih ms lo ins prutmrly vsrlfle.l. at ths ofTlcs Jatnea L. 1'amiil.ill l.o Ii....m i-ii. -- . ... . j , ......, ( ("eg-n, within all month from th data of ths fir.l publication of this nottcs. ri'si publication July lu, mu. A. M. Cats roan, Ailmioistfator. Mew Inrorporatloa. Artlrlea wr tllml In Ihe county clerk' office yesterday by Jas. A-lklns, F. A Itoacnkrati ami C. it. latouretls lo In cif.rate lbs Cla.kama Mining ami Milling Co. with rapilal of!,Jdi rliled Into 1110 t.iarea alIOearh. Th principal olllce Is In Oregon City. The ohj-ct of ths new company Is to pros pect for.l.uy, tell, lease, boii.l, mortgage, develop and operate all klnda of mines anil mills within the Main of Oregon, and conduct general mining and mill lug buainee, ami in such etui have Ihe iower lo borrow money on bond's, notes ur otherwise r the general purposes of hiisitieas, and to mortgage its mines, nil-Is and franchises and any ami all of Aiso. lot. 10. Hire, fniir and all l,l,M-k the iirnni-rtv of ll, ....... ...i i.. l ..... thirty sti fsil in Ore...... r.. r .. " VV And I will, on . 8ATIB0AV. AUOl'HT ?.'d, I'U, at in nouroi z:rs) n'cl.M-k, P.M., al ihe th f.ounty tiurt llnu.e III Oregiin Civ, in said front door of in th Clly 1 sun Kscruimrin -o. z ui urentus .i., 1,.. i' u ....... i .. ... . . .. fit. m.... 1.. -...-I -i.i. .." ." n "'" " .. ....... v-".ii..iru .110 main sewers of said district on or before the 1st day ol August, 1'JOI. II said cotinei-tiont are riot mat h with. in the said time the nenallv iirovitleil hv Ordinance No. 'Z'i'i. Droviding for sewer connections and prescribing a penalty for laiiure 10 connect sill lie en forced. By order of the Citv council of f lir-jnn City, Oregon. BRUCE C. CUKKY, Recorder. .Police far IalIIeallon. , Timber Land Act Jane .3, 1878. United Stales hand Ollloe. Oreco.i Citv. Oregon, July (J, llKil. Notice ia hereby given that in conmllanc Ith the Provisions of th act nl ( .1111 vr.M 01 june j. ifl.n. en lit leu "An a.-t r... in. sale of timber land In the Htatet of Call- '"K m :7 "c"" "lore or leas, all In T it H 1'irnia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington K h ,l,e Willamette Meridian in Clacka- riieut thereof. NOTICE Bids will lie received by (he Hoard of County Commissioners for 07,600 feet ol litritlw r for Ihe Aln-rnelhy road and rlgnt, till ami interest which th within K'l.WO '''t of lumber lor the Aplwrson prnterty or any part thereof to sain.. ..1.1 '. Kald lOmher to be ilnllr...l ,.n XX&ZX "" l"U""1' r6 l" 1 V'- 8-pirm. wr, v, imi. Ilid will be oKined August 9, 1001, at all accruing coats. J.J. CO )K K fiherifTof Clackamas Count) , Oregon Dated, Oregon City, Ore.. July V. pwi. inlleeol fanlr oflteiil i:taic Notice Is hereby given, that, pursuant to ... I'niti oi me comiiy court or the Hist of Oregon, for Clackamas county, made aim enieren on tne iiihdayof Juiy, pud. I will sell at private sale on end alter Aug ust 17, l!mi, the following described real vniaie, sV'WIi; TRACT I. TliS BW'A of section II. co, l.i. tin ...r .., ,Ui, , sua v r aectmn 7 contain. . o clock p. in. The Board reserves Ihe right lo releci any and all bids. K. II.CoopgM, County Clerk. WIOTT'S PElfirALPILLS They overcome Weak ness, Irregularity and omissions, increase vijf or and banish "naina of menstruation." They are "LIFR RAVri?5w r t' ? 'C. becomes a ple'asure. Fl.lK? ZWV ?a5fr'i Terriuiry " at extended to all the Ftiblic Land Htale by act of August 4. IKK, 08CAR b. WARDEN. of Portland, county of Multnomah, Rlate o( Oregon, has this day filed in this o(: hit tworn statement No. lor the purchaxe of tbe nei ol Section No. 30 in Township No. ') H, RanifH No. 4 K. and ar,ll .......I to thow that the land tought Is more valu able for its tlmtMrr or Hone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to taid land before the Register and Receiver of this olllce at Oregon Clly, Ore gon on RaturdBy, the 28th day of beptem. He names as witnesses: Hans J. Larseii, K. W. Merrltt, A. R. Mendeiihall.J.O. Burke, all of Portland Any and all persons clulmlni, .,i,....i thsabove-descrilied lands are-reotiesti-d to lile their claims In this olllce on or before taid,2th day of Hcntcmber, IfgJl. CHAH. B. MOOR KM, Register. mat county, Oregon. TRACT II Beginning at the Intersection of the Needy id Butte ( reek road with the north bound. I Ti n. It 1 K oi "Mian running August term at 3 o'clock, August fi 1IKI1 i soTuh 7. lo oliBini ; T,IU right to 'icjnc am ary of section, 8 In f ths Wlllametle M thence toiltli A deg. 40 in thence east K'l i,-ir niin umiiiw norm n..i,j cliaint to section line thence weat on section line, I W chains pi the place of beginning, noiitalulng : acres mor or less; a iso the l-.asl U of NWl of section 8, t fi t, r IK, of the Wlllatneti Meridian contulnlngHO acres mnr. ,.r i..u. all In Clackamas county, Oregon, belonging to the estate of J. b. Cochran, deceased Ilitls will lie received hy the Hoard of County Commissioners for a county physician for the ensuing year, sold physician to furnish medicine, medical attendance, appliances ami perform all -..-..I.... i surgical 0Minni HIS IQr the C'lllhly and Inmutes for tho county Jail. l.l'is lu liu opened at llm Baldwin Jas I arr Amat Ihmlnger John I'amel Willy lUrkrmh k II J llarl C J (2) !:). wta's Usr. Il.rker ,uhl Msarl Clatsd Mroiig l I, I MplimU W Mrt Ji Will Albsft(J) r. IIOKTo.N, V .U. llrawlwiUas af n.t,lais ladge, I keg re af llsasr, Wiuataa, Ilia destli sngnl hat atrn h boms of Mr. lUilwrg and riaor4 from their midst a loving sua M brolher, Therrdx. Ui?, lioaolvcl, Thai as, ths (Vgrss at Honor, hunshln I.lgs No. I'M, itt4 our hraftfolt tjrn.pall.y to Mr. Bubsf and family In Ihl. Ibslr vry sad t.1V tloa, and w refer them lo llira b d'Mdll all thing Wll, .jg conaoUlM. and b it furtiirtoos Ita.lvs-I, Thai a copy of I lies rs lutiotia ls soul la lbs 0ru Cir Koterpilaa and a copy gln lo Us family and also lo ba put on ih tniaoias ol Ih Ngrea ol Honor Ulg, 1.41. V A. Yot so, Jlasv Mraaar, Iat 1'iriaa. Coiumltl. I'erw fsrhale. Mb mile amlh ol Ore.nn City, K mile al of Canbv and thre silks) mth of New Kra. i-uotaiiilng ly km. (J clear plowrnl land, 10 upland and M) g'aal llinotliy laud; none I over(1tiiet, is a. res in orchard in ilifinrent vs'lctr frulia, all Ictice.l and rn lncd, two giMxl wells, and g-sal wabr. (iooi builditiga, ); mile f.oin m hool boat. (iiK 'ocstlon and g wd rols. I'riia 1 10 i-r ai-rs. ror (arllcu'trt, addle John rVhimtler, Canny, or lo rjuirs on farm, Cabby, Oregon. ' regular any and all bids. E. H. Coopkii, County Clork. For sale by Charman & Co., Druggist. OA'S-POniA. Ban tli llw Kind You Hate Aluara Bought Wonil Wanted. Rills wiM be rncnlvml hv l. Tl I ., Bids will be received by the undersigned on County Commlsslonm-a foe rn i . the land last shove described l.i,.hi. oln""'lir for 60 cords ol Needy, Clflckanis. county, Oregon, until We" ',"0"l yellow fir wood lour net long cut rrom live timber, bids to bo op ened at the regular AugUHt term at 2 o'clock p. m. August 8, 1001. Wooj to )0 delivered on or before October 1st 1001 ft. I r s 1411, ine i.oiird reserves the right to rejoct any and ull bids. Dated July 17, 1901. E, II. Coopkii, County Clerk. the l,tli diiy or August, liml. Terms ten t.er cent on day of inle.balunc on confirmation hy the court, Dated this Kith day ol July, . , , . A. T. COCHRAN. Administrator of the Kstate of J. L Cochran, deceased. , The place Your wheel, street. to got It fixed. What? Johnson & Lamb, Main (VrUla Care for Ditcal ry si Diarrhoea. "Home years ago I waa on of a party that Intended making a long bicycla trip," sa.tt K. L Taylor, ol Nw Albany, Bradford county, Pa. "I wat (skentud- li-nly with diarrhoea, and waaaoulto give up the trip, when editor Ward, ol the I.eceyvlllu Messenger, suggested that I take a dose of Cliamlierlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I pur- ha'i a bottle and took two dose, one More starting nd one on Ihe rout. I made Ihe (rip sureeaafully and neyer lelt any III elWt. Again last stiininerl was almost completely run down with to attack of dyientery. I bought a bottle of this same remedy and this tlins one lose killed me." Hold by 0. A. Hard ing, druggist. For Hale Sl Jersey cows. Apply l . K. (Jraham, Cams, Oregon. ftotlco lo ( onlractorn. Healed bids will lie received by th secretary of the Heaver Creek Hull nJ Building Association up to July '-'7, and thun oisn'od for the construction ol One-story building, 2(1x50, ami kltclioo attachment. Plans and nowiflcatinna may be obtained by application to the secretary. The Association reserves th right to reject any or all bhU. T. H. Thomas. President. W. F. IlAkHis, fiocretary. - . , IrInjf irnru( Ioiih slinjily lel ' dry cntiirrh they dry tip the accretion", hlefi adhere to the tnnmbrnno find decom pose, cnusing a fur more aeriouM trouliUitlisa the ordinary form nf cittiirrh. Avnitl nil dry ing Inlmlimti, fumes, snn.!:ei imil snullj and nto tlmt which olcam s, sontlics d heals. Kiy's Cronm Halm Is f":fh ft miiie'ly and will ot: -a otilarrh or to! I i:i llio hejwl easily and i.lcaH.u l!y. A tt ii.l r.l.: i will b innilnd for 10 cenls. All druirfdsli Mill the 5l)e. kize. r.lyjlrotlievs, f.ll Warr;i f;l., N.t- Tho D.ilut ciinm v illiout j;u!n, il', g "' Irrltiiie or ciuimi suni..lii(. It nprcsds i" over an IrriiutnJ nnd tmnry sin fnco, rclier lug Imtiifliliiiloly tho painful liifluiiiuiiitiun- With Kly'g Cream Buliii you nro arms ngaluatKajiiaCtttwrUaudllayroroi'. 1