Oregon City Enterprise. vol r.o. no. .".o OKKOON CITY, OREGON, FKIPAY, JULY 19, 1901. KSTABUSHED 1866 (JKO.T. IIOWAIU) KP. A I. I'.STATI'. ANI INSC'R ANCK NOTARY riMtl.IC At (rd 1'ioiit, Com I limine Illmk ()rjun City, Ori gin L.COH1KN, ATTOIINKY AT LAW pinr mil Or.gna t:il Knbrtrl C, h no. uioi'kkrift, ATTOKNKYH AND i:oUNK.M)Urt AT LAW MM rNliT OSIUU CITY. OMOON, futiiltli Atlfnli hi till, I-.mii Mnntijf fi,i: rluu U if a U'l lumtrl Iton.ral .m Sutla... ' to. iU'W.r:.l., ATTOIINKY AT LAW Oregon City, Oregon M ill fUrm lii all romii of data. Mil,. In I'mituM l'ttilUl . 1 f.C.tMNiKl.t, J. ATTollNF.Y AT LAW, OlMKi I IK. Gaau. Will roll's t llili.eoinu l lb aials. 01' r, Ik l-uS-W tu. llli.i. (). V. Ka.lhain (i. It. limick. ptMlCK A KAKTIIAM Attornovs-nt-Lnw, C'oniliKT' int. Krai KUW aiul I'r- h!e Law, h'H'i-iallii-. AUlm.Hof Till made, Money IMnr.) Or.r:it City, OrrK A- H. lliiKlt, ATT'llNKY AT I.AW. 0rotrf MrKmrl' k't Hluw Hinra, l Ilia liana ul UiTg-.iiiOlx. ( acu- City, Oa". JV.M.ANn.TY J untie of tlio 1'raco. Will aliaiitl lucullrrltoni and ralUi. Ultra an Main HUmI. 0 I. Albiiuhl Ural Mail'l, l'lr(fll I'll I.iOi.l 0. le.Mk.l u i;i:n & jh'iiukukl Attorney at Ijyy. prutriljrr bipliut. Will trat-lli in ail rniiru, li'ak Ctillrrlluii ai.d Mlll.iiirnl. of K.'al.a. PurtiMi aiMOari. of till, I'txl yu inoi.ry ai'd IvimI your tnunry on (rl itiurga,;. Offlco In Enterprise Uulldlng,! Ofriiti t'Hy, (fun. j 0!IKHT A. MIU.KH ATTORN KY AT LAW. Lniul Title nml I.nntl OtTlce I ItiMlnrMM n Hpcclnlty V III piactlre In all Couiti of the State Rimiiii j, Wrinhanl Utd. Opp Court lluiue, Orrgun CilT, Orrjjnn (j a .st r a TitTmT OftW a In W iHanirll HMk. Or"ii I'll. Ortm m luiuri: 10 a tn. to I.' ni., I to 4 p, ni. ami 7 lo p. in. Brll iimilcn alil to lthunialliu and Ktinala lMMaira, Call anawarrd day or lilhU Ijn. v KANCIS FKF.KMAN, -DENTIST Graduate of the Xurthwxnt'rn Unlvi Itv linniul School. Chlrairn. Alao American t'ollrueol IVntal fiirnory, Wlllumutto IUm-k, Oirgon City. I I l'lCKKNS, DKXTIST. I'riroa Mulratfl. All Opuratlona (limrantceil, Unrclny Iliilldiim Orenon City, Or. C. STKICKLAN1), M. I). (Honplinl and I'rlvnle Kxpcrlimr. Oltirt hla tiriifi'iiHlnnal turvlrra to Ilia pw I'la nl Ort-Kon t'liy and viclnliy. Hpwlal allanllon iialil to Catarrh and nirniilo (llnfnnpa. llet ofrt(N iicr nlvrn. (Illlra In Wlllaiurtta Hiiilding, oitlno huiirai 10 to U1 a.m., 4 o U p. in. 0HK0ON CITY UUKOON S. J. VAUGHN, livery, Fwd and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. lOCATRD BKTWKRN Till BHIDC1K AMI iHl'OT. Double and Single ItigB, and sad die homes, always on hand at the loweHt prices. A corral) connected with the barn for loose stock. Information reiardinjr any kind oi took promptly attondod to by poraon of letter. Horses Doutrht and Sold. Horsoa Boardod and Fed on reason hie terms. in I ELECTRIC HOI St. am H.atand ftlssteia Light.. Mr. I M.U In (,, i VA tmHltt Sea Main Klrcxt, I New llarn'i laiMIn, Hrul l. (ml alt Hull i, f k..r. llci;tirin,' S JlYVTYr X I VfY Tr; " " A) 'a vr I1 I J J mi.ni..i ii ,..t..ii-iirt(,wM.i l i j--- - i: '(I hi lit any other undrrtakrr In the county. Call pfotnj'tly attended night or day. SUATXTIC d& BISSELL Undertakers and Embalmers Talephona 413 and 304. Imperial We tut i !: Li;! or Iijfrlil Witsli 1931 tfM We are Side Ajjrnta for the Cclrhratel Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators. We also im I ito:. Of PLANET JR. SEEDERS. SPRAY PUMPS, ETC Pope & Co. 4th & Main St OK KAON '!MMMHIWMMHMWIyWMwMK i GROCERIES Wholesale Prices. HARRIS' GROCERY, WIDE TUa cniiriiH'iM ralrt nl (he (.'nitliii'l'iiu,aio I III I IIUI 1 1 U 1 1 L. cmiim'iJ Uy me lurt Hint It lni!i i" u MATCHLESS POWER OF ENTERTAINMENT That an INUNSl DIStRt for POSSrSSION la awakened la all v.bo sear It. IT BUPPLtea AN ACTUAL WANT (THB IRRESISTIBLE DEMAND FOR DIVER8IOM AND RELAXATION TO GRATIFY WHICH MANY ARE WILLING. TO DO WITHOUT OTHER NECESSITIES. IT 13 THE UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINER OF THE AQE An lnehauatlbla sourca of Wonder and Delight to all 11 I almnle In cnnatriictlnn. and prices nre arrmiRed to suit all pocket books; while tha demiiB till .nliniio as long Mliuiiiaiiiialiiw exwa. Tli.. Inlrndm lli.n of a few Oriiphohimes Into a community at once create, sn Incremlnfl ,le n.iii.ll f.H RIC0R0S and St PPlltS. nml a C0NIIMWS BISINLSS is Una osUbllab.a. Why nut ,ccu.O the liberal Prulils hiib aro allowed deaUira? WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. TERM8, ETC.. TO Columbia Phonograph Co.9(iid 125 Qeary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. OREGON CITY Thn OnW First-Class Hotel in town. -R,nt.a II day and upujarde. - MtOH t'AM, rr.rl.lr. Harnossmaker and Saddler. I. Fourth and Fifth, Oregon City r made In up to-date Ktjl. Harnesses :i Specialty. II MiltA tsf.Q: rvvn him 'WW We are the agents for Premo Camera, and the price is re duced from 25 to 50 per cent. our f urnt4 (Vv.iir, larg.buMla, V " " Tuunli and minf Hath. Ke " " Mia Bttb, V Latoftt Novelties In tho Photo line at reduced prices. CIIARMAN & CO. We rarry the only conilcte line ol Catkrta, C-iffint, Rolta, Liuina, ami have the only fmt da and up-to-date hrare in the county. Our j'ticra arc i-cr eiurhilant. Wc Kuaranlr aatUfaclion. We can give you letter gotnli and licttcr arrtlce fur Iraa money than 7th Straat, bat. Brld(t and Dapot CQheels Hi!!. Will 111 IM of Tire nl DS7 PlJEEatL CITY. OR., Telephone 465 For Cash First C From ; House. 1 r.::r.Li.vviisf ad to vci:. C'jsixcss TohouttepnAniinDHnMP FOR SCHOOL USB Three Oregon llouVn Adojtd by Text-Nook CommlhHlon. TWO II Y ORK'.O.X IITY WO E.I. Faiiole Hard; Eckatorw's "Bird Book" au4 Era Emery Bye's "Stories of Oregon" Hclecti d. That local author will figure qui C mlrtiu(ily In fonntxtion with soma of tha Uxt )i)k recently adopU-d by the Orenon Text-liook Coinniiaaion la evlnc-d In the prnonalily of Mrs. Fan nie I lardy K katrorn, who w as a real oe nt of Orenon City for over a year, Mm. F.va Finery Dye, and William Itoyftra Ird, paator of the Unitarian church of Portland. No higher pralaa could Kiaaihly he acconlnd theaa writers than the fact that the coinmiaaion aelei:Ud thnir work aa standard texi-Uiokt purely 0k,ii their nierita, not tweauae the authors are or were reaidnls of Ore yon. Mrs. Kva Kmery Dye'a "r-toiiea of Oregon" if a aiiperhty written work and will hold the intereat of the read ers from atari to finiah. One can only form an idea of Its adaptability for achool uae by at-anning iti pagea. The enviable aucceaa ahe haachieved by the authorship of "Mcloii(hlin and Old Oregon" It atill further aUh'inautifd In the adoption of her "ritoriet of Oregon" by the ten-book commlaaion. A complete little ornithoW'cal , work adopted by the coinmivRtin for I ue in the sixth grade ia the product : of the keen Intellect of William 1 Iticert lxrd. of I'ortlaod. The 1 author has evidently oaed great care ! In making the work a model text ! book for beginners, but can slao be used advantageously by wore ad vanced pnpila. Oregon haa obtained further recog nition at the hands ot the text-book coin Dilution by tle adoption of Frye's Advanced Geography, which contains an Oregon section, prepared by II. S. Ly man, superintendent of schools (A Clatsop county, and rrofeaaor J. It. Wilaon.prin cipal of the Portland Academy. The historical section la the work of Profesaor Wilaon and the other parts were written by Mr. Lyman, and both are exception ally well done. This matter occupies a doaen page of the geography. Illustra tion, comprise a large map of the state, a view of Crater Lake, scene on the cout of Oregon, Mufnomah Falls, a lor eat scene, Portland with Mount St Helena in the distance, ships loading wheat at Portland, the Columbia liiver jetty, the State University at Eugene, Marsh Hall of Pacific University at For- EW TROLLEY LlStf. Application for a Frauchise on a Road la Xarloa (ouoty. W. 11. Burghart has filled in the county court of Marion county a petition signed by about 70 leading business men ot Salem asking that the Oregon City Southern Railway Company be granted a franchise to operate sn electric railway between this city and Silverton. The county court will not act on the petition until next month. The petition atks that a franchise be granted for'a right of way to he upon the most northerly and westerly 20 leet of the county road known as the Wire road, from the limits of the City of Salem to the limits of the City of Silverton, for the purpose ot constructing and operat ing thereon an electric railway for tne transportation of freight and passengers; that said franchise be for a term of 50 years, and granting unto said Oregon City Southern Railway Company the right to construct said railway, together with all necessary sidetracks and turn outs, and to eiect poles and string wires for tlie purpose of transmitting power between said points; that said franchise be conditioned upon the completion of said railway within two years from the date of such fraheniae." From what has been said by friends of the projoect, it is judged that Salem business men are of the opinion that the construction of an electric rait way from Salem to -Silverton would be a business benefit to the city of Salem, and a convenience as well as financial benefit to Silverton. The diatancn Irom Salom to Silverton ia 15 miles. The road mentioned as the Wire road is the main county road leading out of Salem past the fair grounds and thence to Sil verton across Howell Prairie. Not many names of farmers appear on the petition, and it is understood that an expression of opinion from the farmers who use the road should be presented in connection with the petition. A petition will be circulated among the farmers in terested. It is conjectured that if this company eat droit, Mbtimonth Normal school, salmon atinlng and e lot of salmon at a cannnry, state capitol building and Mount Hood. As complete a volume ever published for school iimi on ornithology bears the title "The I'.ird Book" written by Mrs. Fannie Hardy Eckatrom, formerly of Oregon City. No wrl'Otn description of her work could do it justice, and to say it Is particularly adapted as a text-hook would be praising its general utility in loo mild terms. In connection with the works this gifted woman has given to the world of learning, a few word concerning her career from the time she first came to Oregon City until the piesent would not be out of pi see. Kev. and Mrs. Kckstrom srrived here In 1S'.'4 and for more than a yesr he oc cupied the pulpit ol Ht. Paul's Eniscopal church. His health was not good, how ever, and he resigned and went to F.aat port, Maine. He Ml shortly after to take the pastorate of Grace church in Providence, It. L, but his health con- i 1 Mrs. raanls Hardy Eek.torm. ttnoed to fail and he died there two years ago. After his death Mrs. Eck strom joined ber father at Brewer, Me., and h'as been there ever since, engaged In ornithological work. Her first book, "The Woodpecker," was stalled hire. There were many snnny days, when Mr. Eckstrom was not too buty, the two would go don to the banks of the Clackamas and watch the birds. It waa here that Mrs. Eckstrom first took notes and formulated the plan of incorporating them in book form. Her two books were published simultaneously, and almost immediately attained a promi nent place in bird world. Mrs. Eckstrom received a severs blow a short time ago by the death of her little daughter. should secure the franchise and build a road, the rx wer for the operation of the plant would be obtained at Silver Creek Falls, though the parties having the matter in hand do not aay that such is the intention. The Oregon City Southern Railway Company was incorporated June 20, 18ii9, by W. H. Burghart, Elmer Dixon and W. A. Huntley. The capital stock is foOO.COO, and the chief place of buinesa Oregon City. The purpose of the corpor ation aa stated in lbs articles of iucorpor- .':!-J I ;i i v I-.. -a' ! .' ' " w., .- .a n, ieaayi Si 1 T. M. C. A. UulUIInc, Cor. ation is to build a railroad from Oregon City to Marquara.' The company should not be confused with the Oregon City & Southern Railway Company, which was recently reported to be planning the con struction of an electric line from Oregon City to Salem. It will be noticed that the names are not identical. What Shall We Have For Dessert! This question arises in the family ev ery day. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Prepared in two minutes. No boiling 1 no baking I simply add boiling water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange' Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a pack age at your grocers to-day. 10 cts. FUND IS BAKED Total .Nnbscrlotion for V. M. C. A. Ih (luarantred. MA.MFKTtltlX; FIRMS LIBERAL. Plsn Being . Made to Place AvocUtlon on a TVs king Hsl for the HlnK r. The committee, to whom vas ancnld the tank of collecting a subscription of I2.VX) to place the Y. M. C. A. on it feet, has nearly completed its work. I.eS than fWO remains to he raied and the committee anticipates no difficulty in se curing the total amount. It is a source of much gratification to the association that the manufacturing concerns have responded so liberally to the solicitations of the committee. At the head of the list stands the Willamette Pulp and Psoer Company, with $KI0. The Crown Paper Company, the Oregon City Manu facturing Company, tha Portland Flonr Mills, and the Portland General Elec tric Company each subscribed $250, making; a total of $1400, leaving f 1100 to be sub scribed by the ritixene. It is the inten tion of the aasociation to apply $2000 to pay outstanding debts and (500 on the boilding. All moneys received Irom membership subscriptions will go toward building improvement. Preparations are being made to ihaoe the work ot the association for the com ing winter. The cfTicers are lockii g about (or a general secretary. The aato cialion offers much to any self-respecting man. It furnishes a non-sectarian meet ing place foi the city. Mass meetings for men, addressed by the best talent obtainable, will be a feature for Sunday afternoons. Bible classes and special religious work will be conducted as best adapted lo the needs and opportunities. Game and reading rooms, well supplied with games and the best magaxioea and periodicals, will meet a great demand in the city. The ladies auxiliary will be a great as- ' siatance to the association and it is prob able a ladies' gymnasium clsss will be organised. Some of the classes will be operated in connection with the Portland Y. M. C. A., the instructors coming from ! Portland. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion building, an illustration of which is : shown on this page, waa erected about three years ago at a cost of (4000. The j lot on which it waa built cost $1000 and ' $500 was paid for apparatus. The build ing has five floors, but the npper one is not occupied. It could easily be con verted into a school room or even a shootlrg gallery, as the space is 16x80. The lower floor contains the furnace, with a heating capacity of 10,000 gallons an hour. Above are the seven bath rooms snd showers. On the main floor, level with the pavement is the gymna sium, parlor, leading room, committee loom, kitchen, and ladies baths. The fourth floor has a club and school room and a yaliery. On the bath room floor there is sufficient space fur bowling alleys. The gymnasium contains first class apparatus. Hie association will renovate the bath rooms snd fit up entertainment and club rooms. In the evening school such practical subjects as commetcial aiithmetic, ap- ' .-' - . 1 ' ' t . ' 1 i , ' - - lBv f'" 1 - i w Main ami Eleventh Streets. plied drawing, algebra, geometry, pen- j manship, bookkeeping, reading, spelling, scientitic studies, electrical ana mechan ical engineering, will be taught. Last year 30,000 men were in association schools. "I wish to truthfully state to you and the readers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without ques tion, the best and only cure fordyspepma that I have ever come in contact with and I have used many other prepara tions." John Beam, West Middlenex, Pa, - No preparation equals Kodol Dys pepsia Cure as it contains all the natural digestants. It will digest all kinds of food snd can't help but do you good. Geo. A. Harding. i