Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 12, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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HniuUtt July I" f UuuhI If
i, t. Morton, John lwtlllng and T,
jl, MlllH, County Commissioners, .
li i rt'ioiiilx'fl, That a regular lenn
J the Hoard ol County Oomiiiiasioiiere
i... iiiu Ouiinty ol Clackamas, slate of
!,.,,. Im Ki and I1 at Ui "rl
k..uMi i "i",y " wi-
tli 8rl day olJuly, lM,lli
Linn Ih'H'K ' reituiar Hum (lied i y lew
r, 1 1,0 transaction ol count y business
Thpru " Msiit, Hon. J, It. Alorloii,
lluii. Joint 1mo:Iii Mtul J Iwii T, It. Kii-
u o"iiiiiiimoi'rii r.. ii. Amt,
clxr'kl J. J. Cooke, slierM. whan
lllll"WIII jlrul """ ,MW -
li'llowInK claims kcl(tt Ilia
foiiiiiv were allowed I
l .I u tliuina, aaaoaaor'a boo full tX
j ii purler 0 IW
jA lull ... "
fl Mlivaii
Uriit'il'l'r ti'j 00
UK lumsby " 00
v n rl Co ilal 1)1) 00
p v i.tKMiumii t'U IX)
I K Mllllalua 7 M
T . Uiilall, tecordrr.e co...... 14 )
1- II l .MilK'f. B'auunar J . I
ti r null aland, iHwt mortem,
Imll.ii Htlaatt 10 30
Ju...7..t.,.llirt4 0o M
ki..,.kA lla.ll.iaUur ace 1 60
A I'rudliomiae, alatiuiiery. , 8 00
Umi.ail, U' "" '"
CC . . . . I W
W A Huntley, eutionery .U 06
Oirgoiii ny rounury 10 Ou
i-i.i lltulim. peuoar tc 6 00
i.i.m A l'fUlloiiiiiit( revolving
T,i,,l,..tie arc........ 4 W
Au.'iU Hla.til
Juti Jl'Pi.nao. . 4 60
VtiO'sia Kendall... 4 60
Juoali I'snmen 4 M
Milium M.HunaM 4 60
KuUit Miitr,,,7 a "
;. Cal.HI ... .... I uu
wile A IVjt.ka, hardware oil
Malilo. tiaulliig luinW.. 8 OO
Wo4le Wllaon, aur aco.. 21 75
AW I'lieney, rililiD( 81 11
itcutp t ! A Co, oolr.... 12 00
't,.tit luuraitc Co, Oram. . . . ?2 60
AtMtuA Hvatrro u, ura an.j
3 J 21
lairrpriw, aU'.touvry M 60
.rlutinif U 56
Juiiic (uort I'lalrkl No. 4,
cu J Mark WarU an J K 11
j McAnulty, J 1' .... 7 7S
Cl.nlrt K tUirua. mmialila S 60
do Mue. iliwa I 70
I. kuM4 " I 70
U lu.oli- li " 1 70
but Many llurlaa
J W Mc.Uuliy J I' I'J 3i
IIS W,ly,roi..it,U V 31
lUrjr IfrinUtli, wiUivaa 170
II. nrrfi.ili " 1 70
Y. lUl.aiJa " 1 70
lluoifitivy TfttiiUlh " 1 70
Mala t'liarlra IK
J W MrAnuttjf, J 1' 4 01
11 b M-ly. cniUl'la IW
Ml. II llhihiu
J V Mi-Aoultjr, J I' 193
II MJjr, cootuiila v, A iO
InaM I'liaM, alirnff c... bH 0u
W H Kannia " 7 00
IV II Yuuiif, aul'U aotl haullog
1 00
J i (uike, bnl o( prtaonari.,.. tt 43
I fc linrf, (uHir ai-o 23 06
J f .Hiarr, ullit- i)tnaBa 20 M
M X llacvn, elrrk a. 44 W
la ilia luatirr ol ruaj ifjx.rla lor ll.a
otoiiiii u( Junv, I WUl .
Tlia lluaii! Iiavtnt aiamlnoJ Ilia ra
rii o Ida roa.l auMrviaur lor tticlr
rvMvtiva diiinria and tlri fully a l
iml, It Ii orlvral tlial Mivy I and a
hntht auiliurUKl loUia rrani(on
Uia r. anil Kvoaral lunl (or Ilia aav
rl auiuimit aud In favor ol the lullow
It'wl iMttrict No. I UUir on Oat-
flrl.l rul
t. Turliolke I 64 ft)
II Tlilraarn V 00
IIHlmkry lit 60
F WdUi.inliin 3 0o
C eUyin t) 00
t'Uflra t'ouiiwill 80 00
OrmliaWn 21 00
Jolm llarrliiion 23 2.1
C Wall, e 4 60
Jet t'ipa 3 00
rim IWnhar.l 27 Do
W II Cuunt.il! 4 00
Total 244 75
It'Mi.l Im-iiIpI No. 2
I" T Pavia 4H 00
Mat Ku-kuian 4 60
I U Jmif 15 40
Uirl.-a Kuatlarioal 14 25
W W Smith 12 75
Frank l.amlcra 18 4')
J H Lamlnra 8 00
FmhI WaOn 4 60
tiro.un W OalTncy 8 25
Jl'hati 1U 60
A C Davit 4H 60
Var.l Jonea... 6H 00
I W Ji,aon 25 60
Willii Johimon U 00
R. I'nrkor 52 60
0 Wada 4 00
HtHrt Cnmmlna 2"J 60
.1 . a a 11.
uvu(j u jtaie to
" " 10 00
Total.... 4tl2 40
, Road Dlatrlct No. S
A W C.Kika $10 00
OWtirlilln 0 00
ADunlap 1 60
A VoUli,n 75
JUMorUin , 7 60
" W CMK.ka 10 60
AWCooko,tam 3 00
Total 78 25
, Koad Diatrlct No. 4
IIhkh Tracy t 30 00
Traty 12 00
Hlftimian 7 60
Crunord 0 25
' Hatai 7 85
TVwuin , 7 60
f Honda 1 60
willliim Holder 3 00
Hiimtitt 18 00
K llurnett 20 00
Jllrain Torado 1 50
m Udll ! 3 00
"Wilcox 0 00
J locum, lumber 8 20
;,nh Cah 111 0 00
oorgo 1J lute & Co 28 80
ToUl $105 10
RoadDintrlctNo. 7-
Loaf $ 10 60
WU Ulvio 11 25
Jaini-a Ki-uh-i, t4am
UlMir 011 Handy lrllna
Cliarlia Uaf
Ham llaiyin
Jamna Kiiiilita,, ..!,', "
K A Malnlu.iialla
Ctiiiiinliia A Cola, lumlxir...
Hoad Dlatrkt No, 8
WW.1,1, ;
O llama ,,,,,
K KopiM-r
W HUma .. ,
0 I Ware, tram ',
K Y. Hhaniila
It Jonarud, r.alrliig
30 00
l no
. 1 no
. 3(H)
. 1 00
.. 8 HH
.$73 05
lotal .....$10 25
Koad DUlrl.'t No. 0.
Nick HWierl
I'uler Hrli
Adolph Mrldnrliold
John 1'aulaiiii, taaui.......
Ilviiry Jolniaoii
.$ 1 60
. I 60
. 1 60
. 6 ,00
. II 00
Hoad ll.lrlct No. II
J V. Huiltli,..,
Y Y. Hinltb
I. IllinUi
II Jawall
H Koraytha
Irani work
K Mat 1 hi
II Aun
W W M..nan
H OThomaa
J O Mi'wuiakrr
II K ll-n
J lrlniiiKr
II Miialtiara.
J 0 Muraan
..l.-u 60
$ 44 00
. II 26
. 8 ta
. n s;
. 7 60
II llolcouib . , , . , , ,
Wllaon A Cook a, clovLa
It.w.t Hatrlrt No. 12-
J IUir..
13 80
13 00
Juliila lltiach ...
Artlmr Wollar
4 60
t 70
22 88
Krl l Cloanar
tlaoraa t'laika.. .
Ilii(li Oil liana..,. .,
N L Kifrhain
LarUa Johnaon...
r'rd tlarlirr
Ham lirlr
Myron iablr
O (Jliuaciiar
44 65
21 00
28 HO
13 62
8 76
William Klrchain
William flyara ...
9 00
24 00
GwKa t'loanar
lunarJ Naakirk
Ilnry Hatdrr
A Har.l
Will Hrown
J C Kin haw
John lloaa
Irnl ainarr
rrank Itlalihoff
a ou
2 12
22 )
l'J 80
6 00
33 75
4 60
10 80
12 00
8 00
34 CO
Will Clara
W I' Ktrchcm
Viitorit I'oadar Co..
6 05
0 60
ttoad M.trkt No. 13-
.1407 H'J
M (! Ward
a a n.
......... f u w
U II Ward.
O It Ward.
2H 60
22 50
.... 5 60
W 0 Ward
$l 73
It. Mid Ih.wkt No. 14 UUr on U a
Mol.lla r-md.
JM Mrcft...
N W ItUharda
O L iHikatm .
J Miolloy
9 38
42 00
4H 75
68 60
V tilt.tMI..,
53 15
J It Myara
10 h7
10 60
Arthur I'.allry....
81 OO
llrnry Hannon
9 31
J Miort yw H7
2 87
lUn IWard 31 13
Cliarla Mycra 7 87
K Korlica 24 iw
Thotnaa (iihha 20 75
W N h art 6 23
Frank Shannon A 00
W illiam IWard 17 60
I. I Htvia 00
William llrard 17 60
I. Iiavia 6 75
William Caamly 3 17
Arthur Hailry 3 00
Jamaa Furhta 3 76
() M Kuuimao 6 21
A Tluard 0 Hi
I. lavla 2 21
It ICnald 1 60
Jamaa Ha afford 8 3
ti Y OlhU
J W liarhcr
A Hauman . ..
II W Kh 111 aid.
J CMaon...
H 4 i ltailcy ..
U CmH'r
I, Howard....
John liairney
J It Myrt
igorii luwun 'V
Wllaon A Cooke
O W Frimlrlch
Kuaavll A Co
Total $703 22
Iload Diatrlct No. 15 Laboi on Canby
and Mct)ord road.
It II Tabor $ 35 40
Kdward Kalloiru 15 00
A Warner 24 00
CharlM llolmei 15 00
H 'lhomaa " w
(1 K Halrk 6 00
Kly Tarkar
II Joehnke....
3 75
1 60
4 60
Joaih Nftice ....
(Imirmi Krlla
1 05
It 1 Millar
K W llaikar 3 00
R Thomaa 1 50
Koad Diatrlct No. 10
Frrnl Obanocker
Arthur Ulanchard
$130 05
$ 12 00
15 00
30 00
T W Ulanchard
WU ltreatner
Frank ltrliri.1
Anguat Kramer
Kartnn Klchter
30 00
80 00
21 00
3 00
15 00
9 00
a 00
3 00
9 00
10 60
16 60
4 60
10 60
7 50
3 00
20 00
17 62
3 00
5 00
J L Matlock
Mike llulraa
O Delta...
Henry Knale
Cliarloa Iluumaa
JoHoph O ltrlittra
Charlei Matlock
A Uolbrick
Carl Urentor
Joaoph F easier..
Klmer ..ucaa
J K llrluna
LlnJaley A Son, lumbor
F'rank Kngln
Carlton A Koaenkrana
J F Uriggs, plow
$ 8 00
1 60
tt Ol
A 26
1H 00
2 76
. . . . 7 60
.... 3-lK)
.... 8 26
.... 0io
.... 15 00
.... 18 00
.... 18 00
.... 1 00
.... 2H 60
0 00
la mi
... $227 15
Total 300 07
your hair
split at
the end?
Can you
mil out a
y run
ning vour
Angers through it?
Docs it seem dry and
Give your hair a
chance. Feed it.
The roots are not
dead; they arc weak
because they are
Hoad Platrlrt No. 17 Work on over
head brldire road.
J F Koparaon 3 00
A It Shank
John Kfi(ir
Charlra Krnknlght
A Vlnritard
W Mandeville
Frank Dalge
1 I
because they tre ft
II BUrvcd thn'8 ill, fj
J If you don't want I
k your hair to die use I
2 Ayer's Hair Visor I
once a day. It makes I
the hair prow, stops
7 falling, and cures dan- V
5 drufT. ft
It always restores yj
, color to gray or faded fl
I hair; it never fails, j
II .MlMlU. AH Braf f I.U. T
(HM bettiaof Am'a llalr Tlrw ffl
Uhmm mt hair fium falliaf out, K I
C aaJaurW lllogrnaciaKAlj.4 Ill
f , Jutif. Wirr, Ft
Ik Mawk M. law. Unora. 8. Pa. I A
I 3 -kjm't lUIr Vigor mupWut II
I B mi. 4 ua from daadiufT, villi which Iw
I I a.rfMllranw-lMl. T b. (lowlfe t( t
II tu; luir lu vm baa lMa auiua X
. 1 liitof ewlfful." W I
I I l.aaaO.natiaa, W, 1
1 ir fn 4 ant aMaJa all U. WarBta fX
3 .trwa rMa lhaaMflhUaW I
J Vl(. .m. tfc. lturat Iknl II I 4
,T la. i t. Alak. U.-.H. Dm. IW
7 25
3 OO
. 3 00
1 60
3 00
3 00
Total $21 60
lloal Diatrlct No 18
John Shannon $ 1 60
W 1' laolet 3 00
Crorpi suwna 1 60
John Daflea '1 f0
Valmlina llohlanJer 1 60
Thomaa P.nlnla 40 Of
tioorireU Itatn A Co U3 SO
Undaley A son 4 00
ToUl - I1U8 80
Itoad Dlatncl No. 19
II Walila $2 60
J (iard 2 60
A Nruklrchner 3 00
J J M.llatt IS 00
A M Wordrn "5
W Wo.laida 1 60
A Nauklrchuer 3 no
I' IWIIvton 1 M
A Frlrkaon 1 W
J JMallalt 5 00
W II Hultier 1 60
Wllaon A Cooke W
Truillngrr Nr. 2 10
II I'rrry 75
J Nrlaon 1 50
J M Mallatt 2 25
Total $47 05
(Continued nnt week.)
4 .
Arannd the Court llaiiae.
FherllT Cooke haa collected $01,800 of
the 1001 las leaving a balance of $55,000.
A mairlaire licenae waa i'liied laat
Wedneaday to John Taulaon and Miaa
Mamie Chapel.
Monday. Aoitmt 12, ia the day aet (or
hearing the final report of Frank Ford,
dminintratorof tbeeatateof Sophia II.
Ford, deceaaod.
Mra. K. L. Ituaaell, widow of the late
It L. Ruaaell, haa been made an allow
ante of $25 per month, by the county
court, from the Income of the estate.
The total foes in the county clerk'a
ollke lor the fiacal year ending June 30,
1001, were $2,018 35; an Increase of $035.
25 oyer the pievioua year.
In the circuit court Saturday Stenog
rapher Hunyon waa appointed referee to
take testimony in the divorce proceed
ingaof Nellie Cook vs. Daymond W.
Carrie E. Buaby, whoa maiden name
waa Carrie E. Ililliard, haa applied for a
divorce from Lestor Busby. They
were married in Vancouver, Wash.,
March 22, 1800. Hedges A Qrifflth are
attorneys for plaintiff.
In the 1 state of W. A, Stephens, de
ceased, the administrator waa ordered to
sell personal property of the estate,
which is of less value than $350, except
ing a claim against the Oregon City Pulp
A Taper Company for $271.
The final report of Frank Ford, ad
mlnistrator of the estate of Lucius A.
Seely was hold Tuesday in the county
court showing a balance of $1,0114.15,
the major portion of which goes to the
administrator of the the estate of Sophia
II. Ford.
A suit waa died with the county clerk
Wednesday by It. Levlson against Geo.
T. Dicker, Geo. W, Joseph and A. L.
Dicker, attorney In fact of Geo. T. Dlnker,
for the recovery of $WQ with Interest
from February, 1000 and the further euro
of $'K) as attorneys fee.
J. U. Campbell, guardian ad litem, of
tha minor heirs of the estate ol J. L.
Cochran, deceased, reported a sale of
real eatate mreary and for the beat In
toraan of the estate and an order was
accordingly Issued for the sale of tract
of land valued at $2060.
Tha claim ol Charlea llarnot k againat
tha county for $100 darnagna, for Injuries
auatalmwj in a runaway on the county
road brtween Canby and Mackaborg
March 10, on account of a definitive cub
vert, haa been disallowed, liar nock
had Ms leg broken in the accident.
In the estate of J. L, Cochran, de
ceaaed, the administrator filed a petition
asking authority to sell real estate. The
eourt appointed J, V. Cam (.11 1 guardian
ad litem ol John K. Cochran and Charles
Cochran, minor heirs and Instructed
him to renort to the court the necessity,
if any there is, why property should be
Tha clerk of tha Board of County Com
mieslooere has been directed to laaue an
order to tha Oregon City A Southern
Hallway Company that It most repair
the county road between Oregon City
and Canemah, on which its Una is built,
aud that it would be held responsible
for all damages accuriog from such
Circuit CeurL
Jodge McBrlde held an adjourned
term of court Saturday and banded
down decrees in tha following caaes:
Kuby Moifurlb va. W. C. Heifurth, di
vorce. Orry L Stuart vs. Geo. E. Stuart;
divorce. f
Eva M. Bramlett vs, Fred E. Bramlelt ;
W. W. Smith va. Annie E. Smith; di
vorce. They were married in Charlston,
W. Va., Dec. 24, 18J0
FJixe Keeba va. Hugo Iteebe ; divorce.
They were married in Clark county,
Waah., Oct 27, 1807 and the plaintiff al
leged cruet and inhuman treatment.
Notice is hereby given that tha board
of county commiaiionera of Clackamas
county, Oregon, will receive sealed bide
npandnntil August 0th, 1901, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m for the county
printing and the furnishing of county
auppliea forth ensuing year.
Tha printing to consist of tax Hats,
execution notice, proceedings of the
board of county commiaaionera, legal
blanka and all advertising and printing
which the county or any of its officers is
required to do. Alao, to furnish all
'.atiouery. blank books, registration
blanks, election tl keta and duplicates,
record books and all auppliea of what
ever kiud and nature uied by the county
The board reeervea the right to reject
any and all bide.
E. II. Cooraa,
County Clerk,
Dated July 10, 1001.
A bay mare, branded "8" on left hip,
weight about 1100 pounds, and colt about
2 weeks old. Heward paid for recovery
of same, or Information leading to tbeir
Milwaukie, Oregon.
BitocUhaltletV Mr-eilas;.
Vntio la lian.hr iriven. that the an
nual meeting of the Oregon City Manu
facturing Company will be held at the
otlice of the com nan in Oreiron City on
Saturday, July 13. 1001, at 10 o'clock a.
m. of sa'id day, lor the purpose of elect
ing directors ol the corporation 10
serve lor the ensuing year, and
Iranaarlinif anrh nther businesa BB mBV
come before the stockholders' meeting.
61. kollack. secretary.
Oregon City, June 6, 1001.
Farming land, cleared and uncleared,
in Tualatin valley within 3 miles of Ore
gon City. Also large quantity of second
hand common and fire brick at Oswego.
Apply to
Tub Oksoom Iron and Steel Co.,
330 Sherlock Building,
Building for Sale.
The old building, known as the cement
mill, at the south end of Main street,
will be sold to the highest bidder for
cash, the same to be removed from ita
present location within two weeks from
date of award to the successful bidder,
The building is 50 x 150 feet and three
stories high. It contains a large quan
tity of lumber suitable for barns or other
building. Bids will be received until 4
o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, July 16th, 1001,
and then opened at the office of the sec
retary, Charman Bros, block. The
Board reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
, Mark "bid for building."
Address, T. L. Charman, secretary,
Board of Water Commiaaionera, Oregon
City, Oregon. July 11th, 1901.
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my present good health and my
life. I was treated in vain by doctors for
lung trouble following la grippe. I took
One Minute Cough Cure and recovered
my health," Mr. E. II, Wise, Madison,
Ga., Geo. A. Harding.
01.2i! Ej:.!ei Hoe:. !i tie City.
fall) op Capital, 40,M0.
Surplus, j,Mh. "
'aa.iDsaT, ca.n.a. a. earaiai.
rics raa.ibsav, eao. a. aaamaa.
aiaisa. a. a cavrisLO,
fanaral banking budna. Iran.aAtad.
Oapoaiw r.o-lf.4 an hoi In ebaea.
ipprovad bllli ao4 nrti Bltoraoia4.
Uiiut;n1 thy warrant boiirht.
Umh. dvIi on.tallabla curlt.
Iichaiif. roa(htari4 .old.
Collaotioii. m4 promptly.
l.fuiH anallaola In aor part of the world
Uiaarapble ioliii. aolfoa fonlaad, Saa
rraunlM:o.r:hleioau4 Htm York.
iiaraat pal 4 on ifoie d. po.lt.
apltal, ..... 1100,000
Loan null, Hllla dlsiyraotad. Mataaeol
vtiun. Hum and tall, airhanft on all point
a tha i;nild Ntataa, Kuropa aud Hong Votir
OikmIU raol4 aubjact to aback. Sank
ta from I a, u. tot r. u.
1. C. LATOl'KCTTI, Prldnt.
F.J. MJCVEft Caahlar.
When you buy goods at
our store, for our guaran
tee goes with every pur
chase, whether it costs
little or much.
Complete stock of Gro
ceries, fresh Bread, Buns,
Cakes, etc., always in
You leave your order;
we do the rest.
Oregon llty Xarket BeperU
(Corrected to Friday.)
Wheat No. 1,52c bushel.
Flour I'urtland, $3 30 per bbl. 85 c
per sk. Howard'a Beet, 90c per Back,
$3.30 per bbl.
Oa'.s in sacks, white, 45 jenta per
bushel, gray, 43. ,
Millstuffs Bran, $10.00 per ton
aborts, Y 00 per ton, chop, $10 per too.
barley, rolled, $21.00 per ton.
Potatoes old. $1 25 to 11.50 per Back.
Potatoes new, 1 to l! c per lb.
Fgga Orrgon. 17 lo 20c per doaea.
Butter Kanch, 25 to 35 cents per roll
Curranta, 4 to 4,c box.
Kasberriea, 4to4C box.
Onions, choice, lc to l.Sjc per lb.
Ktiubarb, choice, ISc Pr lb.
Green peas, 2c per lh.
Gooseberries, 10 to 20c per gal.
Raspberries, 4 to 4S cents per box.
Cherries, dark variety, 3 to 3Sc per
lb ; Royal Annea, S.c to 4c per lb.
Dresaed cbickens, 10 to 12. C per lb.
Livestock and dreed meats; beef,
live, $3.50 to $4 00 per hundred. Hogs,
live, 5 els; hogs dressed, O.S'e; sheep,
sheared, to 3c; sheep, dressed, 6c;
veal, dreaatxl, "Si'ambs, live, 3c;
lambs, dressed, 7c.
A aecoud hot wave has struck Kansaj
and la burning op the crops. Corn is
faat shriveling up. Oata will be a tailure
and hay ia scarcer than for years.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the noetotfice at Oregon City.
Ore., on July llth.1901:
Dodson, Mrs. J M Fueney, H Mrs
Iouglas, Eva Misa Hagcy. Margaret
Eastman, E C Mra Mitchell, Mollie Mrs
M Kit's LIST.
Brainard Warren 2 Keeth, George "
Bloom, Matt Liveday, Chas
Cutting, Chas Mack, Laurence W
Gothrup, Will 2 Rae, A C
Grayffeld, Mr Thompson, Jesse
Haley, W P Whiteside, Wm
Package Gabrielson, C D
You can never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing, What your body needs la plenty of
good food properly digested. Tben if
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of
the natural digestanta hence must digest
every class of food and so prepare it that
nature can use it in nourishing the body
and replacing the wasted tissues, thus
giving life, health, strength, ambition,
pure blood and good bealtby appetite.
Geo. A. Harding.
akes 6hort roads.
Jood for everytliing
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
JL Wnd light loads.
Going up, 8.00 A. m. Going down 2. 30 rit
9:.'A.M. 1:00 A.M.
1:00 P, M. 11:00
4:00 2:30 P.M.
7:00 6:40
Four round trip every day.
LeavM Oregon City si 7 and 10 a m, 1 30
ari'l 4 30 p m
Uaves Portland 30 and 11 30 a m ; SM
and 0pm
25 cants round trip,
Tims Cabd Eabtsidi Railway CoMfAXT
(Coach SL)
Tjoo a. u. 7:05 A. u.
T4i 75o
8:30 8:33
9:13 o:w
10:00 10:05
10:45 10:50
11:30 11:33
12:13 r. u. ii.) r. u
1 xx i5
MS 1:50
y i$
j:iS 3
4o 4:05
6:15 6:ao
7o 7:03
7-45 rso
8:30 only to 8:20 only to
Uilwankie Milwankl
9-1$ 9:15
10:30 10:30
ilofonlyto nojonlyto
Milwaukie Milwankl
t r.504 Sat only
Except Saturdays, then only to Mil
waukie tExrrot Saturday, then to
Oregon City. J Except Saturdays. $Ta
aiuwauaic oniy.
Shasta Route.
Trains leave Orenn City for PortIar,d and
wav stations at 7:w A. af., 9:Z.'A.X. ana
6:30 P. M.
Lv Portland 8:30 A M 8:00 Pat
Lv Oregon City 9:tl am 9:14 r at
Ar Ashland 12 .' a m 1!:V r K
" Sacramento 5:10 r M 60 A al
" tan rrancisco 7:45 pm 8:15 an
" Orlen 4:6-5 AM 7:00 A af
" IVnvcr 0:30 a M 9:15 pm
- KanauCity 7:5am 7:23 am
" Chicago 7:42 am 8:.PM
uIxaAnKelea iiflra
"ElPaao 6KPM K1QPM
" Fort Worth 6:30 A M 6:30 A
" City of Mexico It :30 a m 11 30 a ar
"Houston 7:10 AM 7:JOa
"NewOrlaana 6:Mr 6:30 pat
M Washlnirton 6:42 am 6:42 a ax
" New Yora 12:10 p M 12:10 P M
Pullman and Tourist cars on boih trains.
Chair cars 8acranirnto to Oiriten and 1
Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, 8U Louia,
New Orleans and Washington.
Connection at ban Francisco with sererai
tramsbipUi. lor Honolulu, Japan, China,
I Dillppinae, uentnu and booth America.
fee aire tit at Omrou Citr atation or ad-
O. H.MARKHAM. 0. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Good Cora 3 cans 25a
Tomatoes .'...'...3 " 25c
Oysters 3 " 25o
Laundry Soap 10 bars 25a
Roast Coffee . . .from 10c per lb. up
Corn Meal 10 lbs. for 20o
Bulk Extracts per oz. 5o
Produce taken in exchange
for merchandise.
l(ed Front Trading Co.
Court House Block
Opp. Huntley's DruK Store,
Great Britain and America.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of repairing neatly done
and warranted.
1'ostolBce Hide. Canby, Oreffon
Men and women of good addreaa to reprtv
aent as, mmt to travel appointing agents,
other for local work looking after oar Inter
eat. $900 alarr guaranteed yearly; extra,
commlaaiona and expenae, rapid advance
ment, old established hoane. Grand chance
for earneat mac or woman to secure pleasant,
permanent poaitlon, liberal Income and fa
tare. New, brilliant linee. Write at once.
S3 Church St., New Baven, Conn.