Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 12, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Notice.
ftollce lor lMbllcnllN.
Timber Unit. Aft JuneS. 1S7H.
United Htates l.n Ollice, Oiegon City,
Oregon, June 10. I!d.
Notice i hereby given that In Compliance
with tli provisions of the Act of Congresa
wfjune.1. 1M7S, (untied "An act for the
ale of limber lands in the iuetce of Call
forma, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory." extended to all the Public
Hand tilates bv act of August 4. IS; 12,
f Hprlngaatrr. county or Clackamas, Slate
of Oregon, has this dav filr.l in this olllce
his sworn statement So. MJ7, lor the pur
chase of tbi lot Hnf bectiott o, SA In
Township No. S 8, Range So. 4 K, end mill
ofler proof to show Ihnt the land sought it
more valuable lor Itt timber than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land helore the Register and
Receiver ff this offlce al Oregon City, Ore
ejnn, on Mondity, the 2t'.(b day of August,
Ha name at wilt) sse:
W. J. l-ellei. Sam KalneV. John Reed,
John Stormer, all ol bprmgwater, Oregon.
Anv and all persona claiming adversely
the above-described land art requested to
file their claims in t his orttee on or before
Mid 'Mix day of August, l!'l.
1 Register.
.tlre for ubllrsstiem
Lend Cilice at Oregon City, Oregon
May IS, 1WI
Notice it hereby giren that the follow
ing named pettier has tiled notice of hia
intention to make final proof in support
of hia claim, and that aaid proof will be
made before the Register and Receiver at
Oregon City, Ore., on July 15, 1901, vii:
H. E. So. WX. for the MVt' PF.l4',
fiE'V 8Wt4'of Sec 2, and NW' SK'4
nd SEi4' SVt4' of see 11. T3 S, R 7 E.
lie names the following witneeees to
prove his continuous residence opon and
cultivation of Raid land, vii: John Bel
c her, John Murphy, P. John Martigg,
Joseph Wall, all of Salmon. Oregon.
Miii'.itirr'n nam:.
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon,
for (ha county ol Clackamas,
Anna Slock, plaintiff
H. II. Johnson, K. F.
Riley, Marv Madder.
James T. Wan and
I ha ltank of Oregon I
Clly, a corporation, j
defendants, J
tati or Oa(oN,
County of Cla kamaa.l
By virtue of a judgment order, decrea and
an execution, duly issued out of and under
the aeal ol I' above entitled court. In the
above entitled ceue, tome duly directed
and dateil the 1Mb dev of June pal. mmu a
Judgment rendered and enteral In aaid
court on lhrih itay of June PMI, In favor
of AnnaStock, plalnlltf, and against H. M.
Johnson defendant, for the turn of AMMv2
with interest thereon at the rateoltl per
cent per annum from the Mth day of June
H"l and the turther sum ol l.ai, a altur
nev's fee, and the turther sum of $ .".i.iV
costs and disbursements, and tna coela of
and upon this writ, commanding nie to
make sale ol the billowing described real
property, situate In lb count v of Clack
mas, slate of Oregon lo-wti;
Beginning at the annular corner on tba
eouiti boundary of the donation land claim
01 tieorge Abernelhy and wife In township
2 South, ol Range 3 Ksst of lha Willamette
Meridian which comer la Houlh ft deit. t.
nun. west IS.'SJ chains Irotn the bouihcasl
corner of liiram titraighl's l. U C. and
running thauce north 5 deg.. 15 niln.. Ka-l
S.NsI chains; thence Fast to the
division line between the Ke.l and
Weal halves of said Abernelhy I. I- C.
thence South to the South boundary ol
aaid Abernelhy D. 1. C. thence North HJ
deg. West to the place of beKinnihK con
taming twenty acres, more or Ins.
aow. liierelore. by virtue of said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and In
compliance with the commands of said writ.
1 will, on
AtliiilNitrMrlia ."Xotlre,
Nolli la hereby given that Ilia Under
signed ha been appolnleil by Ilia County
Court of Clacksmaa County. Oregon, ad
ministratrix ol the estate of Willi 0, Kuehl,
deeased. All pertns having rimms
against said estate are hereby iioiltted to
present the same to ma duly verlllrd ac
cording to law within six tuoi.ths Iroui tti
dale ol this noilce at my resldein-e al Mil
waukle. or at the otttoe of J I', Camptwll,
iregon Clly, Oregon.
laled June H. I 'l.
tiKltrill'PK KCKIII,
Admx. of the rlstate ol Wulf C.Kuelil.deo.
J. I'. CamplU,
All), for Adini,
Soml Annunl Report of Board of Water Commlss
'ualrat Retire.
.MerhnsslrwIN-atrssstil I'lUrmtKist ly the Jrrt It ' IVureaa Allril
l or it I'stre irr iiiy.
"j nam:
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon
for the County of Clackaniaj
3. t. Gibbe, plainUtt, 1
Mrs.M.J.Boen. A.Boen
IkwBoen and Nicholas f
Jonas Surety on appeal I
Defemlanta j
Btati or Osiiioa
County ol Clackamas . ss
V.m, at the hour or 2 ;30 o'clock p. ni. at the
front door of the County Court House in
the City ol Oregon I'tty, in said County and
otaie. aeil at public auction, subject o re
demption, to the highest bidder, for U. S.
gold coin cash in band, all the right, title
and interest which the within named da
lend aula or either of Ibem, had on lha date
of the mortgage herein or since had in or to
the above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy aaid execution,
judgment order decree. Interest, costs and
ail accruing CvMta.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
Dated Oregon City. Oregon. June In i'JOl,
Notice ts Creditor.
By virtue of a judgment order, decree
ana an execution, amy tuuei out of and
under the seal of ibe above entitled court
In the above entitled cause, lo me duly
j .1.1 ... ... . .
uirrcica ana aaiea ine 1JID aay 01 June,
awi, upon a luugment rendered an
ntered in aaid court on the 4th dav of
Jane, l.'l, in favor ol O. F. Gibbe, plaintiff
and against Mrs. 11. J. Boen and Nicholas
Jonas Surety on appeal, defendants for the
aura of iU.iM with interest thereon at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 1st
day of December. IOQ, and me further sum
of $97.21) wito interest thereon at the rate of
sj per cent, per annum from the iStb day of
January, 1!0. and tbe further sum of
$16. W coats and disbursements with interest
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from
slate aDd the costs of and upon this writ,
commanding me out of tbe personal prop
erty of aaid defendants, and if sufficient
could not be found, then oat of tbe real
property belonging to aaid defendants on
and after the data of said judgment to
ntuiy saia soma ana also the costs upon
Vila saiu wnu
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu
uon, judgment order and decree, and
compliance with the commands of said
wnt, being unable to find any personal
property or said defendant's. I did on the
18tb day of June, 1901, duly, levy upon tbe
iunoiiig oecnteu real property of said
ueienuaus, ura. a.j. Boen, situate and
being in tbe county ol Clackamas, and
oiaieoi uregon, to-wit:
All of lot So. eight (S) in Section So.
Thirty (30) in Township So. four. (4) Soot!
of Kane one (l)Eest of the Willamette
.Meridian, containing twenty seven arid .76
J 'Y a - ,
1.1 iuiKin,nrartor leas; also the South
naittM) or the Southeast quarter () and
tne (sort beast quarter () at ihe
Southeast qnarter ) ol Section twenty
five (2o) in 'lownsbip four 14)
ouuiu 01 nange one u) -test or the Wil
lamette Meridian, containing one hundred
nu iwenty wjj) acres more or less, an 1 I
win on
at the hour ol 2 o'clock, p m at tbe front door
01 sue county umrt bouse In the City of
Oregon City. 111 said County a.id Stale, sell
at public auction, suhjert to redemption, 10
jo MiKiiFsi uiuuer, lor e. gold coin, cab
id nana, an tne nght, tide and interest
which tbe within named defendants, or
liner 01 mem, bad on tbe date of said
judgment or since had in or to the above
oescribed real property oranv psrt thereof,
to satisfy said execution, judgment order,
.iwt, inwieBi.cosM ana an accruing costs
Sheriff of Clackamas County Oregon,
. Dated, Oregon City, J one 18, 19jI
AdinlnUtratria: Notice.
OTICE is hereby given that I bsva (bis
--- day heen appointed by the Probate
Miart of Clackamas County and State of
Oregon as Administratrix of the estate of
Alarina h.. 1'artlow, deceased, and that all
persons having claims against said estate
must present the same to me wilh proper
.JH....i . .... 1 . 1 . I.
.i-Miirawuii ai me ibw oroce oi v. V. and
D C. Latourette In Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from this date.
Administratrix of tbe estate of Martha E.
I'artlow, deceaited.
Dated May 31, 1001.
Notice Tor I'ubllraf ion.
Department of the Interior, Land Office
at Oregon City. Oregon, May 25, l.'KJl.
XTOT1CE is hereby given that the follow-
ing named settler has filed notice of
rils Intention to make final proof In support
of iTis claim, and that said prool will be
made before the Register and Receiver at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Julv6, 1001, viz:
Monel Ssyre, II. E. No U7H5 for the SW
JiolSW.sec 2, T. 5 8 . R, 2 E.
He names tbe following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: Charles Hol
ruan, Thomas P. Cooper, Abraham Larkins,
and John Deiitiison, all of Meadow Brook,
Notice Is hereby givtn, that the under
signed bas been appointed by the Hon.
Thoe. F. Kran. judge ol the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Clackamaa
County, adoiiiustrator of the estate of Jans
unsteuson, deceased. All persons having
claims against sahl estate aie hereby noti
fied to present the same 10 me, duly verified
as by law reqoired, al my resilience at
Kelso, Oregjn, or al the offlca of Harvey
E. Cro-s. at Oregon City. Oregon, within
six months from tbe dale hereof.
Dated this 'Jib day of May, l'l
Administrator of the estate of Jans Kris
tenson, deceased. .
U. E. Cross, attorney for tbe estate.
In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
J. R. S. Sellwood, plaintlfl,
John F. Broetje, Marie Bro
etje, Helen L. etrailun.
Creed W. Straiton. Lod
L. Stratton, Milton Rav
tuond Stratton. Carrol E.
Stratton. John B.CIeland,
W. A. Cleland. Sim
monson and Fred Strong.
To Creed W. Stratton anu Milton Ray
jinnu oiriiion, arieiiuanis:
in tne name of the Hate of Oregon, you
are hereby required to apar and answer
the complaint filed against you in Ihe
above eniuled canoe on or before the loth
day of August, llUJl. tne last day of the
time preserved in tbe order lor puoncation
ol this summons, to-wit: on or before the
expiration of six weeks I rum tbe day ol
the first publication of this sum
mons, tne Bret publication thereof
thereof being on Ihe 2ih day of June. l'SJl
and II von tail to answer for want thereof
tbe plaintlfl will apply to the court for the
relief demanded 111 said complaint, to wn
t or t'.idgmeiit against the defendants. John
F. Broetje ami Marie ISro'ie In tbe sum of
f-',W5.0ii, with interest thereon at the ra's
ol M percent per annum Irom the lirsl day
or May. Ki, less $.0O. pslil November
24. 1H; 1U0 paid June 10, IxH ; 70 Ou paid
September 5ib.. IOI; 7.VX)paitl Sovetnoer
8, 1X6 with interest thereon at tbe rale of
eight er cent per annum from the date of
said note, and for the sum of four hundred
dollars attorneys fees and for costs and dis
bursements of this suit and that the de-
fendauta and all persona claiming under
them, be forever barred and foreclosed ol
and from any and all rights, title Interest
or equity or redemption in and to the said
mortgaged: premises and from every part
mereoi. and lor a decree foreclosing plain
tin a mortgage described in the complaint
upon tne loiiowing described property sit
Dated in Clackamas Countv. Oregon. to-lt
A part of the south half of the George Crow
donation land claim, satiated In sections one
two, eleven and twelve, in Township two
south of range one east of the Willamette
Meridian and beginning at the east end of
the line dividing the George Crow donation
land claim into north and south halves:
thence westerly along ssid dividing line
twenty eight chains and eighty five links
10 a point ; tnence soutn to the north line ol
the lorty acre tract set apart by decree to
lnixa Jane Bunnell, thence easterly alnrnr
: J . L. . r .. . X "
aaiu norm line 01 uie ixiuisa jane ituunell
tract, and along tbe north line ol tbs forty
acre tract set apart by decree to J. J. Crow,
to the east line of the said George Crow
donation land claim; thence northerly
along said east line of said claim to the
place of beginning; being the east thlity
acres of the forty acre tract set apart bv
decree to the beirsof George C-ow deceased,
excepting said Louisa Jane Bunnell and J.
crow; and for a sale of said nronerlv to
satlsly said judgment and barring and
foreclose yon of all right, tide or interest in
and lo Bald property and equity of redemp
tion to or tiiKin the said mortgaged premi
ses and every part thereof and for sucb
other and further relief as the nature of
this cause may require and as to this court
may seem just and meet.
1 his publication Is made bv the. ordnrnf
the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of the cir
cuit court of the state of Oregon for Clacks
mas county, which order was dulv made
and entered, June 18th, l'JOI.
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
Dated June 21, 1901.
Department of the Interior.
United Males Und Otllce, Oregon Clly, .
Junel.V I'.t'l. 1
A suttli'ienl contest affidavit baring bran
filed In tins oftlce by James It. Iluddlrstoit
tMiiieetant, against homestead entry No.
Illsl, mada JuneiV t'M, for SKof tac
tion Township ft S, Range 4 K, by
riugeue Schulie, con testes. In which 11 Is
alleged that contestant "knows the prsaent
condition of Ihe same; alo that said
Kugene Sch u I is has wholly ahandonsd said
tract of land and changed bis residence
therefrom for niore than six years sine mak
ing ssid entry and next prior to the date of
this atttdavli and that he has failed lo culti
vate and Improve said laud as provided by
law and thai said allrgvd absence from Ihe
said land was mil du lo his employment
in Ihe Army, Navy, or Marine Corps ol lha
United Slates as a private soldier, oltice',
seaman, or marine, during the war nh
Spain, or during any other war la which
Ihe United Slates may he engaged," raid
parties are hereby notified to appear, re
spond and offer evidence lourlilng said
allegatloa at lOo clock a. iu. on July ?.it'.it,
before Ihe Register ami Receiver al Ihe
United Stalea lnd Office In Oregon Clly,
1 he said contestant having. In a proi er
j aft! lavtl, tiled June 13. I''l. set forth facts
wmcn snow mat alter una dlilgeisre per
sonal service of this notice can not be made
It la hereby ordered and directed Ibat such
notice be given by due and proper publi
cation. Wm. GALLOWAY.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly veMtable.perfectly harmless, aure to accomplish
' DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
C1UTIQN Pewrof counterfeits and Imitations, The rennlne Is pot np only In paste-hoard Car
- . 7 u,n ",lh fae-slmile signature cm side of tba buttle, thus: i j
JSSBd tut dUonJar to WILLIAM b M li. CO.. bole AaenU, ClevSland, Olii J&Cyv
For tale by Charman & Co., Droggiit.
llre wTMale mt Ileal l'.alale.
In the County Court for the Slate of Ore
gon lor ths County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the Estate of Frederick
Dullard, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed Administrator, of Ihe above entitled
estate, will aell at private sale on Friday.
Ibe 2d day of August l'.'l. snd on any day
thereafter, on Ibe premlaea. Ihe following
descrtned real-property belonging 10 said
estate lo-wil :
Uts numbered S snd 4 of Section T In
T.3S. of R. IK, W. M. containing t lb
acres. Also beginning at Ihe nioal north
erly corner ol a acre tract of land deeded
to esly L. Kainey and S. II. Rainey on
the tllh dav of May, IT.', by JM. K. Craw
ford, in sera. 17. M and :'l. T. 3 8, R. 4 C ,
W, M., said deed being recorded on Paea
41 and 42. of book"K". of Ihe recr,ls of
deedsof Clackamas county. OrrgoO ; theme
south 5 degree K . ID chains; lliei ce 8. tit
leg ,J mlii Yi . 10 chains: 1 hence N.4 dr.
W. 10 chains; lh-n S. tUdeg. 30 nun. K
10 chains to the' place of beginning, con
taining 10 acrea, more or lea. Also an un
divided one half Interest lu Ibe following
described prot-erty situate In tbe county ol
Clackamas, State of Oregon, and beina a
part of the Wm. M. Wa le I). L. C. known
as claim No, Xt. and beluga part of sees.
11. 17. M and 1. In T 3 8. U 4 K of ibe W
M bounded and daarri'wl aa follow : lie.
ginning at a point 1M id chains 8 of the
E corner ol sanl claim No. ': running
Ihence 8 deg i ndn. W 44 chains;
thence 8 5 Deg. fc 30 fl chains thence N M
Ieg30 Mm, E 4J! chains lo the Kat
boundary line of the above mentioned 1)
LC Thence along said line i chains lo
the place of beginning containing m acres
mors or less.
Termsof sale cash In band, or approved
Administrator of said estai
Dlmlck k Kaatham, altys
fur Administrator
Dated June 27. VM
dasu on City Oarfoa, July I, lt"l
.. . ,, .1.1. ,1 . 11. .,,,1 I'liv 1 .. i.f.il nl iiM-min I'llv . ireiiim,
lleliilemen; Ws hrreallh ie ectliilly ubiiill our eeinl-eumiel ieill of rei-elpts
and ill.lmrsemenls of the nuance uf lbs I Itv water worss.
I he rat nlng. show a sire Iv Increase, and should reach the f siMl U0 mark by the slid ol
Ihe year. Seven new lappings have been made. Ihe principal est mj nirea, ....
Irom Ihe ordinary espenses. aere lor anew .Mlnclilwo ply leaihel Iwll H-M and
. .1 . .. 4.. it. .i.ii.tt, ... 1 1 11, lilt ?A
r .1. ,11.. ....rh ti. avei.llul nerlo I III Ilia history of III I'll? Water Winks
In li s fact that al last the Hoard has deeded Uo-oi plan lor the ImprnveiueuU uf III
water supply, bv mean of inechauh al lllteralioii. In our Issl rrjxirt we gave Ihe
r.,uiii'il the re.ull nf our liivesilga'ions regarding a gravity supply, but as the nse
..in.! l.r.on.l lha Income from the ster revenues, lo lake cat of Interest and u-r
....... ..,.., no smrca nlsiiioilv was ilroni-!. for al least a few years loci
m... . 1... .i....i Imwi. i.k.i, in 11, a Koresl Reserve on the hmllh fork of Ihe
'lacksma river sel ahle Inr the lu'ur need 01 our cuv waier auppiy.
rt.. ...dllL.ii. .m.l.l.rp.l .M .1 Itlllltas
Filler A gravity system I10111 Hie Clackamas river lo our present pumping sla'l 111
... alter a carelnl survey .1 v Ihe Cuv K 'glneer, found Impracllcatne. as Hie fall Is lull
M. 10 Ilia niillii. at a distance ol it's mile, and the e'n, al least III o (SI
.o,..an,l dollars, and Ihe trouble ol having muddy water during freshets.
vKI l)M- 1'Uns to place the pium lug station al Ihe I lackamas river, and ptlllil
.n. 1 I.. ,...-rv.,irs. Coal nl a su labia Plant llli Ihe He. eary mains was esllma
n.oi,lv at s:.Visl ami If steam. Ihe cost of orlon woul I be from r lo ! per
11. vv .,rr .,' 11, Ulil Im. obiaiue-l, bill taking Ihe !! elperlence uf Mr. Close
and if old I'aper Mill Co.. It Is not rousl.leied rvllshle, wllhoul a la'ge espendllure ul
I it 1 K 1 Tlie unloosed gravity supply Irom Ihe soiilh fork ol Ihe Clsckaiiias river
In in rorrst Keere. miles from the reservoir. This stream would give auii'le
suppiy 1 ,r a city ol .Vi,is ami Ihe water I lh equal ol Ihe Hull linn furnish. d lo I uf l
laud. The lowesi estimate plai-wa in rosi ai om who i,,i..o,,,ni.
- .1 1- .... .... 11 would moliaiiiv ne as high as I.miisii.
Sill' I! I II A mat 11 V sol'l.lv Irom iiards Springs, IJ miles smith sal of Ihe reservoir.
was thorotuly pr.iwcie, prior lo Inveallgsllag the South fork oflhe Clackamas, and
loiuid iilide.irahleoilg lo Ihefacl of Ihn bring Uiely sum. lenl wsler lor present
nee-ls. ami no opt oilunll V lo Incrraw Hie supply for future demands.
s'lKfll-lsl v ll remains for me.hai.hai Olleialloii In protl.lean emvienl ami
-.oi ral means ol furnishing pure and wholewtme water from our preaenl supply
TbeU.std was first lnlorii.nl ol ihls system lu sl, bill owing lu Ihe tluanrlal alrlugenry
1..1 Hie eai enae atleinllKg lh new rrwrvolr, h nialler was not consider.! seilousli.
In our Juiy rei-orl lor the lloa'd slated that a represenlatlve uf Ihe California
t.u.r i'.i. had louke.1 over our pniHisitloii, and slated Hiatal a rosl of hoi loss
cerd .V.isi a filter plant ol on million gallon rapacity In '.'I hours could lie nstle.
As the sentiment of a larga proportion 01 in cnusiis were wpposmi 10 sucn large
i-endiliire lor a gravity svsirm, with the prucl H.al Ibe Income n.lghl no I lake rare of
ne same (or smiie time to come. II was then decl.le.1 by me Hoard 10 investigate Ihe
filter system In a thorough manlier, and lu thai end bail Ibe I alllornla filler to. uf Sail
FranclMM, bring an sil-erimenlal preMiire "Her lo Ibe clly, and mil a practical da
monsltatlou of Ibe inerll ol their system The same was placed on Seventh and Main
streels. during the latter part of March, ami a Ihlily day lest required. On the l."th of
Anril samidea were taken and teni 10 Prof, F. I. Washburn, Ihe elate biologist al Ihe
UmveMlly of Fugeiie. and also lo I'mf. A. I. Kinsley, chemist al the Oregon Agrlcul
tural rwOrge al CorvalU. for analysis; lh results of their eiamlnallons were highly
salisfsclorv, from the fact that the water In Ihe rive was quite muddy al Ihe lime, and
It i.i.ve.1 that the filter, wbne lushing Ihe aster clear and colorless, remtvetl all Ihe
loreUn mailer ei.eila very small lrcentag ol bacteria.
Itetore considering a inislilou Ihe Hoard addressed a rlrcular letter lo '.11 dilterenl
cities in Ihe Untied Males which are using fllier of he capacity we re-ptlie. We re-
relved answer I' Ihe following 12: Veasie, Maine, Conneaul, uhlu. Royersford. 'a
Cbarioite. N. C., Raleigh, N. C , W luflrld, Kansas. Us a ego. New York. Moigantown,
V., Reading. Masa. Columbus. Mis. Ml. Clemens, Mich, Athens, lleorgi. irts
from ail uf Ihew cities stale that the results are highly satMarlury. The cheaper coal
Is ii.au.lv a savin of Irrlrfhls.
The enwrlme.lal finer Is still ksil running, for Ihe benefit uf Ihe public and give a
verv satiilaclorv dnnklng waler. Heller resiills ran wllhoul doubt be obtained from Ibe
gravpy system uf fillers Using hltrlater lo wash the tiller be.! with. Cnifary lo he
tielief of niany tiple. the river aa'er ine nme 11 w as enan w as quite muu.i v.bni was
not considered unlit lor drinking, consequently Ui free II from all suspended mailer enoM
be a great heneni, which Alteration does The coal of making Ihls filler leal was IITS
end Ihe Hoard Is certain in al ibe know ledge gained, both for Ihemselve and Ibe rill
Sens. Just 1 lira the eipense. The simplicity of cleaning these Altera Is one uf llieir chief
The bosnl has closed a contract with Ihe t sH-'ornla Jewell Filler Cumpany of Hsu
Francisco, Cal. to rrl a Jewell gravpy filler plan! capable of Allering one million
gallons of water In each 21 boiira, under a g'la'a-ile to n.ake clear, rolorlea. a I or lets,
and !7 per cenl free Irom organisms and bacteria, for Ihe sum of I !.'.? UJ. Ilulldlugs,
foundations, n n ling mains, etc. are not Include.!.
Tne Hoard has em.lovl an engineer Ui n.e plans for a suitable Intake pl lo s
lend up Ibe basin, and into running water, snd do aeay with Hi bad water caused ,y
flub and mud thai Is constantly slirrtl up in ImsIiv whenever Ihe his rume In.
Alter considerable trouble Ihe old ( anient Mill. I-1 leal, bas hawn purchs nd
will prove a very Oe.lrsl.le place lr Ibe niters after Ihe removal of Ihe prnl si rue lure.
Tbe total coat ol lh finer plant, land, nuitdings. lounuaiions. mains. Intake pli-eete
Is eipeclrd to be within U.' ad a III tie lnsiiiel wilhln the ne il four months. Al
Ihls price deducting the amount on haml, Ihe lotal debt on Ihe Water Wo'ts will he
el 0101 fi'i ( ami as Ihe estra e"l of nrailon wtll not be more than Jor er
month, inere will remain from three to rive thousand dollar pee year lo apply on lh
. . .. . . . . . .... .. , , . . ... 1 im- rt- it.' t i l 0 . . . .
Or us. 1 nil n WHO ail OH .raw .11 r. v,,, to vm w m --J liw.H I III, II A I I.H, frOOH
10 praciirany wipe, oui 101 usui in a vvrj jrs.i
karri era.
Janaary Collections
renruary "
March "
a pnl '
June "
Total for six months
Cash In Treasurer's hands January I, :si.
I rm rn
. fa7 M
. r:i :o
riM tsi
. K.7 M
II rT7 m
, '! 71
bailee ( 1'laal Mellleaaesst.
Notice is hereby given that the under
igned administrator of the estate of Luke
Comer, deceased, hss filed in the county
court of tbe county of CUckamaa, state
of Oregon, his final account as such ad
minmtrator of aaid eatate.and that Mon
day.the 6th day Angut, A.D. ltfU at the
hour ol 10 :.iO a. in has tis-en liied bv
the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge ol said
court, as the time fur hearing objections
to said retHirt ami Hie settlement of said
v. s. rtrvin r
Administrator of the estate of Luke
Comer, deceased.
Dated, June Z't, 1001.
Newer Police.
notice is hereby given that all waler
closets, privies, sinks, bath tubs and
drains containing or carrying sewerage
located wiimn llie limit ol eewer ilmtrict
No 1 and sewer dimrict No. 2 of Oregon
City must he connected with Ihe main
sewers of said district on or before the
1st day of AuLuat. l'JOI.
If said connections are not made with
in the said time the penally orovideil bv
Ordinance No. 253, providing fur newer
connections and prescribing a penalty for
lanure io connect win ne eniorced.
By order of the Cuv council of Oregon
m..: . '
vwiy, vregon. .
Police for Pablleation.
Timler Land Act June 8, 1S7H.
United Htatea Land Olllce. Oreirn i fiiv
Oregon. July , llgJl. "
.notice is hereby given that in compliance
with tne provision of the act nl f'.o. ......
of June .'), 1H7H, entitled "An act fur the
sale of timber land in the (States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory" as extended to all ihe i'u'bllo
Laud mates by act of August 4, XH'tl,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, Hlate ol
Oregon, has this day filed in this olllce bis
sworn statement No. W.V1, (or the purchase
of tbe ne'A ol Section No. . In Township
Io. 5 8, Range No. 4 K. and will oiler prool
to show that the land souitht Is more v. to.
able for Its Umber or stone than for agri
culutural purposes, and to estahh his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiverof this olllce at Oregon Cily, Ore
gon on Saturday, tbe IWtU day of beptein
ber, 1001,
Me names as witnesses:
Hans I. Larsen. F. W. Merrill A h
Mendenhall, J. C. Burke, all of l'ortland,
Any and all persons clalinlriir adver.otv
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this olllce on op h..r,...
am zoiu uay oi Beniemner, i!su.
8if nior ths Interest on bond to July I. P.sil
Krneal Hands, map of soulh fork uf I lackamas
T 8 Ijiwrence. Inrn'ier snd laimr re.al'lng nation floor
California Jewell Filler Co , filler exhibit
(Irstoll A Knight M'g. Co . leather hell
Bruce C Curry, map ol Oregon Clly
F L Washburn, extra eipenee on water ana'ysls . ... ,
Wilson ,t Cooke, KH.Is. wsste tl W sundries 1 r
Willamette Iron A Hleel Works, bolts n
F T Barlow, coal oil ,
Labor acel. al pnmpa snd on mains
Oregon City Courier Herald, printing receipts and notice
OC F.nlerprin, printing notices
A J Ownbev, blacksmilhtng
Wollf.k Zelcksr Iron Works, pump repair
Charman Co. oil 15 ) sundry supplies f."i
O C Foundry, castings "
W II Unwell, Hupi's salary I.Tn, turn on fees IO,car of Hilar, .1l .............
Portland fieneral F.lecliie Co
IoieA Colaborlf-'. seven lappings, 1 12.41, tools III. il, material llio.l'i, tenth
street main U !"J
T L Chsrman. Secretary saiery fV),com. on col '.i IV), expense 1 "1
O A Harding, F.iectrlc lamps 't
Reservoir repslr
i! N Oreenmsn, freight and dray age , !!..!!!!!!!!!!
New waler supply expense i I. i
Total paid out
Balance In Treasurer's hands July 1, VH'l
Ill nro
.. 7
.. 171 ri
.. I.M !W
a in
l .Vl
.. ZMS
A Hi
I 7u
, If Mi
. . 4il SO
. . IA 70
.. 21 liA
. 2D III
14 Pi
.. St'HS)
12 a
212 (r
.1 21
4 so
2 m
1 V)
(ITV t'ATHF.IIM Mi::r.
Itnullne wallers llUrusseil at n,, (r
lar Meetlna; VVeiiaesil.y,
I KM Oil
110 2A
T. L. CHARMAN, Hecretary.
Respectfully submitted,
Board of Waler Commissioner, y
I'll A IU. KM H.CAUFIF.LI), Freiident.
II1U70 32
In the Circuit Court of lha Htate of Ore,
gnn lor The County ol Clackamas.
G. B. Dlmlck and (). W. Fast-
ham, partnersdiiing business
under the Arm name of Dilu
te k t Kastham, plalulilf,
Helen Robinson (formerly
Helen Yarwood defemlant.
To Helen Robinson, (formerly Helen Yar
wood) the above-named di-letidani:
IN tbe name of tbe Htate of Oregon: You
are hereby reoulreii lo annear and an.
swer the complsint tiled agnlnst ynu In the
above entitled action on or before the 2uth
day of July. 1001, that being the last day
prescribed In the order (if publication of
this summons upon you. and If vo.i fail to
so appear and answer said complaint with
in said time me planum lurelii will take
Judgment against you fur the relief da.
maiided In SHid complaint, to-a It: For the
sum ol together with Interest thereon
at the rale of 8 percent per annum from
the lat day of January, 1H07, until paid, and
for the further sum of $200, together with
interest thereon at the rate of i.ercent aer
aim ii m from the 1st day of January, X!i7,
until paid, and for the costs and disburse
ments or tins action, and plalntill will
apply to the court for an order to sell lha
sou tin
and tl
.lotlce of Mlreet iHipeovenaeal
Notice Is hereby elvan thai Co..
Irom the northerly Una of . Mb street lo the
.i.i.ll.-.lu 11... i.l.L - . ,, , ,
"7 " ' aireei wm im improved
wilh crushed rock and by laying curbs,
toriier nioca ami siuewatss, together With
necessary drains and gradlngs,
Hy order of the Clly Council of Oregon
viij, .regno,
t i . . H"1" C. Cuukv, Recorder,
July 5, 1001.
County Treawiirer'sj Police,
I now have money to pay county war
rants endorsed prior to May 1st
1H0H, and also road warrants endorsed
pnor to vim. tun, jimxj. Interest will
cease on the above Included warrants on
urn oHto noreoi. urogon tlly. Ore
July btli, 1001.
A. Lpki.i.ino, Treasuntr.
ClackauittM County, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that ws will snt.lv
to the city ootinoil at Its regular meeting for
m If...... a -. il li .
. iiuna or Bun iKjuor at our present place of
nilHiness nn M.l. ....... fi . . .
V, I ri ti . atiiiot, License 10 dale
..... .,...... ..u .i.ii, iiuaru-r from August fi, 1001
lie southwest (fuarter of the souilieant ' ..,.,. m. v .
Bear the -jf You Haw Always Botlhl
Tln Kind You Haw Alwaya
itiarter of section 17. t 4 I, r 8 e of the Wll
lamette Meridian, now held under attach
ment in ibis action.
Ihls summons Is published bv order of
Hon. Thos. Y, Kyan, County Judge of
Clackamas County Oregon, wblch order
was made May 31, 1001.
Published llrst time June 11, 1001.
Attorneys for the 1'lalntlll.
New wlieels to
Johnson & Lamb.
rent. Prices right.
Oregon City, July II, 1001.
Krixy & Noiii.xtt.
On the 10th day of July, 901, hntwnen
Muldruin I'luce and Eagla Creek, a 12x12
fuel wall-tent, and a Buck of clothes
For leaving the name at the olllce of the
county surveyor In Oregon City, the
flndor will be miut;ly rewardod.
Joim VV. Mkuikum.
Ibe Council luel in regulr
last Wudima.lay evening,
rt;w pelllloii of lha furtlan.) (ne( .
r.lmlile Company In relalinn p, u
Annie R. Hall pniHirty was i..e.rm ,'"
the llnam-e vuniiiiillee to reiri hh
The claim ol Waller U-k , ,i.1H
ages siistsiued by lallln'l rnti.h . j,,.
live sl.li.walk was fele, jt t mu,
Coinmlltce Willi lliatrill tlol! o fep,lfl
url regular iiiocUng. '
Ci'ini-lery ruiiuiilllee war einp.,a.r,l
to pr.nel a llli lha graveling of n
ler driveway In the i lly reiuef V
Ihe matter m leaning iieimiu ut o.
coiiatniciloii of hdildiiigson Main strict
was piaceii in inw Hands of lh
with owet lo ai t.
Ihe council decided to donate laa lot.
In Ihe cemetery to Meade I'usai ,,, i i,
said lota Id U ar-let ted by ilrlrgatl,,
(runt the p-l and routicll.
l(eKirlof toe water commission ,fc
(erred lu committee on (! and slrr
and Ihry were auiliorlx lo purrl,,
Ihrea (lie liydraiita, a U pl.d ,ff,
the commiaalon may iJIuhI. 11. tip
follows i
Oasuo City, Oregon, July J, J'jn(
To Ihe llotiorat.le lha Mayor and I'lt,
(ienllrlnen: Replying Id the Cobibjb-
blcallon of lha rocor Jr of lha V7ils nit,
reijur.ilng lha lioartl to reirt "shy
water main should not be placed ua Sta
atrvet, and why Are hydrants ehotit.Jm
l plsce-l at Ihe mrrer ul Sr aud Jl?r
a si reels and lOilt and Jacks
We have the honor 0 rvawt as lullnsi;
1st. The Isuarvl has alrealy planiW 1
lay a main on Aih alrwel, lo acrcuiosg
the property holders Ihertxm.
2nd. There r main on Third tU
Jefferson streets sullable lo auppiy a ay
dranl. W have already recumiueedeJ
that a hydrant could be pi ace. I (h
corner of Fourth and Jeffemio s'reets.
but no tiydranl was ever fnrnisl.s-l. i
la the Intenilon to lay a main from 4ib
snd JeffriMxt to Third and thence lo
Madison strret a here a i)daiil ran U
placed, as the cuumll deirl t tea.
The present two Inch main ai!d be
liken up and relald else her. At
Third strr-rt la very Wet It was lliuttghl
a Iviaahl In wall until II dried out.
3rd The board had lecelved Do previ
ous nolle lo place hydrant on Idlbtbd
Jackson streets. As that la hydrants
al Vth and aleo Mth, on Jackson, that
aertlon Is as wl provide.) as many other
rnorw thickly built portions of tbe rll.
4th. Whcaver lha council provides)
hydrants Ihey should U of lb bee cob-
stim-tlon, as there la a great deal of
trouble given with tba cheep make.
Tba Waternus rnak Is recuinmeded, sad
lb superintendent of Water Works
should always h consulted as to what la
suitable. Il is advisable to always bar
an extra one on band Id ce of an acd-
lent, So that deftxliv one ran b
ijulckly replaced.
Mains will U laid w ber ever lh rev
enue to be derived from the Ue of waler
ill (uaiify the same. This has been lb
policy m the past and we deem It wUe
to adhere strictly lo lh rule.
Ily order of tl t B sard ol Water Coin-
ResWH'tfuly submitted,
T. LaoHAau Cnaiia,
f. rlaln Car fur Vr rj n4
"Home years ago I was on of a party
Ibat Intended making long bicycle
trip," tats K. I.. Taylor, r.f New AlUny,
Bradford county, fa. "I was taken sud
denly with diarrhoea, and wasalwutlo
give op the trip, when editor Ward, of
the I.eccy villa Meaecnger, suggested ihsl
I Uke a doe of Cbainberlaln't Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Reinedv. I pur
chased hot lie and took two doeea, on
helor alerting ami one on the route.
I mail lh trip eticceaafiilly and neyer
felt any ill elTuct. Again last nimnier I
was almost completely run down with an
attack of dysentery. I bought a hot lie
of this same remedy and this time on
(lose killed ma." Sold by (J. A. Hard
ing, druggist.
For Hale Hli ersey cowi. Apply t
J. K. Uraham, Carua, Oregon,
Mullen to Contractors,
fc'ealuil bids will be received by the
secretary of the Heaver Creek Hall and
Building Association up to July 27, l"0l.
and tlmn openm! for the construction of
a one-story building, 2(1x50, and kllcheD
attachment. I'lana and apeclllcstlon
may be obtained by application to U
sotrretary. The Aaaoclatlon reserves Hi
right to reject any or all bids,
T. I). Thomas. IVosidunt.
W. F. 1 1 ahum, Hecrelary.
Nnsftl Calnrrh uuiokly yllls io treat
ment by Kly's Cretin Holm, which is nKrcs-
ably eromiitlo. Jt ia reneivod tbrniiHli '
hoKtrlls, olnansea and bonis tbe wlidle stiri
lv over which il dilTusi.s lUelf, aJrugglsIs'.
anil the 50o. size Trial ai.e by mini, 10
noiits. Test It aud you are sure to ooiili'1'1
tho troatmuiit.
AlHIOIlllCOIIH'llt. .
To annriiunuwliili Ooihm who are partial
td the use of atomizer in applying li'j"'''
into the iiawd i,aiiHni;oa for aiUirrlml ir""
hlti, the proprietors prepare Cream Halni
liquid form, which will ho known as Fly
Lliiiod (Jreitm ilulm. Price lncliuling the
pmyiug tube Is 75 oents. Druggists or by
inalL Tba ll.iulil form embodiua Hie luod-
loliial proportioa of tho solid propurutiou. .