Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 12, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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t IV i I it ..
urcguii uiy inner prise , ,u, (;m""' "-
D 1 iH,l,lyll4iM.i.,iilUII.rd of County
, -; ( C'on.niUf,itif r Int ll n.nirait f.,r tlx
NOW TO-UaV MoiKlr..,!!,,,, of , .rl.UM acro.s
J I MuUlU flviir. flltar llm M.mll.nr.. Iu.,lfl
I , , . . ' "
un.igri iiiit..ii ii.rlow ami Canl.j. to
! K.W H KM lA I It AN 1-1 hiKlliiiKK nxini
ilaml kin imn in nm isw Ki.l
a ins rinovi in iwn n,Mrt
n.iilU ul liaiinaii a ilnm miifi mi Mill it
tHranl." ami imniKil ilia lirlniiilili'ii IVallla
IIiiiim, alaais Mivma ml uiiNanU, .tj
II. II. II H'I llfl rl, Alllilt I. nil,
II,mh ikry. 'I In N IjikUihI Homa la
llll r l t in ninnrrlliiii, lixlli-
ml. lltfin iiiiiiwiiiiii,(( riiiiim,
1 f KINIr.n . iMlirri I II, (nlll... lit ll.
1 1 WrliilmM llullillii,) liavo Ilia oliulraal
, liy, uliiiriiaii Mini luiiulf .mrlj fur
mi.allcil lull'.
I niy "I miryr In loan, una l tan yar
lima ai ii l J win imairai. u,iai, K,
unry In M'l M liil fair.,
Jlti. A lUirriTii.
t nM"u roK.i ri.).KltYMi.. J.
1 ii.lu li an'hialta rliaiga ami ha.
IpihI'IIiiK aria ol rawlir., ia rrnam ami
..U. ami i fraiu Irmii Mix Aiiy JutiiiMiira
rami aloayl i liaml.
1MIIU KMC HAI.K-K.in,. i.l ,a U.I
1 Urinaiil Wlilani.il vallay ' lltm.)
itli in al miiilaial. rira.
Iliiom. ,t Kva.,
1 t Mn:urAKlNii
1 ' uii''rrlak.rt.
Hhank .V Ult.vll, II. a
M..ii iI.iniI ami
T.lnliliii'i nllil or day,
Saw Hi num. Hmaa. Tlia li.x.l
hiiil.lltia In ! HuUuiub illatrlrl la
Mii nn'l totiiaka rmiin fort ha
on. Tl utl luilliii( aa loo small
fur id H'iini( ill.irni ami tlm now
,u mini HI I looilero In viy
(ImI, rll ilatilnil lo Ifolromb'l rraiit
ami luluia ).
K. ur I'. hsawes Nt-al huml.y v
pitig Hi KnlgliU (if I') I liiaa Mill allr.
ill M(IimIi.I rliurrli In a Uxly ami
lln l avrn.mi on Ililanlani" hy
I.- ii in. i- .1 .11. .1... 1
' ' "'"i hom Mil waa
II, Tim 1'ariHii liil.ln Coinpany , of
I'miUiiil, l.l.l :i,4Hi); (). y, Koyal A
Hwii, of HaUi, 'j,:ilo, ami V, J. Milli.r,
of All.aiiy, !i,;HK),
Nw Hail, i Ukavkm (!iikiik.-TIi
Hvr Cri'fk Hall A IIiiIIiIImk Amoi I.
Hon ira kilvnitlaliiK fur ,.U for imw
lill. A liall a Imllt ovir yr m
ml ImriitHl iIumii laal Hiliiiil.r ami
Ida nilti of llial aiirllim l.ava 110 hall 111
lilrli to I10I1I pulillo KllirliiK, iniMtt
ln, tlanri-a, niit, 'rala am auk ml
for Ilia roiiatriirilmi of on alory l.ull.l.
liiK with a.Milion f.,r klti luni .1111
Mill Will lit oimiiail July "J.
Om.Nm Miar na rai:ii,-Tlin
coinmitliHi on alfunla anl pulilio irimly
liiillai ovriN that Ufort lh rontrarl
lor airl li(liiiig ran m drawn up, ao
oiilliiaiii moat U i.ummI aulliorlilnu ll
t'nilur Ilia i liarlir no rot;lr t Involving
mora than HM ran U algiii wlihoul
wing aullmrnml ,y tl,n c.hiiii.II lliioimh
norilinaiii. ahlth w , ntru,mwi
I Iht lint Hireling ami aMi at lha
Minting onii. Tim cliarlur iliM-a not
xriiill railroading an onllnania through
at the inmillng It la liitrixlm rtl an ) a lha
i ntinril (Ir.lrra tofXw.t
iiioiiilmr of tint ImI lngUlilure rnl clmlr
man of thu jmllriitry ooiiiinlitixi, who
ilnllvnrn'l on ol dm Imal nlilri it
haa Immiii our prlvllng to llalun to. II
ihowml In Mi aiMrt'Mk minute know
lilg of our IiinI ItittlonM ml lli fln l
l on which lli-y r fimnilivl inl kvh
om wholuKom ailviao m to how tlmy
ran m i'rHiluaiiwl, allowing tliat uadi
Imllvlilml U a arl of tlm grmit utruc
turn ml on III lnllllK"'i' winlom
nil ialrloliiim of tlm Invivlilual i)hmiiU
tlm proHirlty ami eritulty of tlm
Mm. ' iiaox tiUt. a Hit Tlm Tort
Imul Ori-unnlan nalil In Ha drainallc col
umn laal Kumlay : Th ranki of amatiiur
ai'tora do not vnry old' 11 prove fi-rtlla aill
for th culllvallon of irofi.alonalit, hut
thur apiMiart to he promlm of an hit
tlon to a very general vulu In the caea of
Charlna Wllaon. Tlii young man, edu
ritml a a lawyer, haa alwaya had a
"hankering" for tlm atage, hut foftun
aUily he did not hrgm by itarrlng In
"ILiiilel." If ha, In frt, dona very
liill arllng, lila rwent aiearaur In
"Titania" being one of hi flrat attenila
to tread tlm hoarda, but the Importance
with whlt li lm clothed the character of
the Ogre, and the freedom from atage
fright orembarraaement he allowed prove
that he ii niadn of good kind of material
Iroin which til build playeia. He la fur
thermore poaaenaeil of good preaence and
aneirrllnut voire, and if he doea not
farmer claim th entire crop haa been
ruined by front, while other think not
and expect half a crop. The above
t'Dllmaie Include both aprlng and fall
W lllTMt,
counrll Uirea toex pedlta the ma er, a 1 . , , " , - ,
, 1 , iii , ! hfken Uto uiilc li to th vo it of fla tery,
a HH-lal will probably U ra U, ,. ,, ,
. '. jand la w illlng to Ugln at th bo torn of
trrnK- ) 4 hhix.d. Tlm marriage 0fl U'l'Jnr, ti uijr jrrt climb up ao far
Mi. 1 MlnnU M. (iarriaiinand Uwla (1. 1 that lm will b vlelble for a very coimld-
IteeU waa olemnle, latt Wedneaday
aliernw.n t.y Mayor IMmlrk at the real-
dmii oof W. W
U a daugbler
C'la kamaa, wlio la wll known through
out tlm county Iwauan of hi former
era!. I dlatauce.
Mm. Wmaaii IUti hxk, Fluid Huper
Inlendeiit J. Nelaoii Winner, Jr. of the
U. H. (JominlMilon of KUli and Hulierin,
wai In tlm city the flrat part of the week
via. ling Htjperlntendimt Carter of the
('lai knma llali.lu-ry. Mr, Wiener waa
in chary of the Clai kama Mali Imry In
July H',r.) and la very well known here.
From Ori'guti City he went to Uakor
Luke, in WhaUom county, Waih., a
nation for (he exi lualv projiagation of
bluebai.k, and waa transferred latiir to
Little Whit Kalmon HaUdmry, Thin
river la '.'A) iniUr Mow The bailee on
the Waahitigton Hide and eight rnilia
l.l... , U'l.li. U..I - III.... f.
n'vvt 'i 11 iihv r.ii,iu I.IISI, ' f Lj
Wlaner went to Wanhiiigton, V. V. laat I K
1. .... 1 . 1 . l. ..1 ... . 1 i.ii. t 1. . 1 r
uiri wiiu vnn ciiaryo ui r mil mii
Htatlon, wlili li a In the heart of the city J
adjoining the Waehiriglon rnouument I
lot. In thla utation Llai k baea, calico M
baaa. crai'iiie and many other varietiealr
of flh are handled. In March Mr.
Wlaner went to Cheapaka liay and took
upahadwork. The ae a ion waa a poor
one, compared with the previou year
but 71.(XJ.(K) million egg were handled
againal Hi7,Uon,(K)0 laat year and 7 per
cent were turned out. Mr. Wianer
ataited for Oregon June 2i) to reaum
work on the Columbia river, with head
quarter at Utile White Salmon. He
will orate in other atreatnl by placing
auxiliary haUherieain nearby atreami,
keeping the tgK at Little White Salmon
until eyed, and aet op Uniiorary trough
Keren' llnllitlna;, Opp. Oregon lly Hank.
CiurkAiTo Tin CoA.r The O, I in river where lalmon Increaa ia de-
i.v. W. K. tiilm. At It.. n.ori1gI',,-'ll"nM,',"',J, .Mr. Iteeh
atrtii-a llev, llaiuld t Mrg, i.f Illll.Uiro,
lm fiirmerly pur of the church
r,tll orropy lm pulpll.
No ratiiroi at l'i.aaar Hill
TU vatioua ruiimr that have tmn In
fluoUiniu around the county and out
alJU ll attuut a uuU maii at
fliul Hill, bar, 0n nvilgallon
pruil lo of litil or no foundation.
II any raa of varalold vr aimloj
lii.y hav ln effectually imel out,
Arri a Cur Nor II t . Tlm Oregon
ai'! rrip iltla year will not U heavy.
Tli outlet fur a 1 matket la ailll
(airalil and giowera aniiclpata high
pftce. Th yield of fal othr frulla
will nt rvarli Urn average. Th output
of mi lira, howvr. will cod tlm
rai itv of Dm dryer., and a Mloo of
lli prolm t will go Ui ttita,
Tit t I'mi TiiMi . From July
3rd lo Utli lm Tu.iv, Koiilliprn I'adtlc
traina wHl tear ItfegiiQ City f-r 'ilad
tune and I'ortland al 7.00, V.. I0..V)
a m .i: 1.1, 1 i'.. 3 4it. ft .V), 0 TOp. m.
Kortila l.ionaonly at 7:15, 7 40, H.W,
30, 9. a) every evening on eanm datea.
I.t train, leav (iladMnri for Oregon
City and I'ortland al 10:00 p. m. Het urw
yuur Ikketa at H. I. dot. if
Hi lino. rark.-F. A. MileaaJ
l li aiore In tlm M(iftV building on
Turailav to K. Hart, of rorllalid, who
loik charge al 011.0, Mr, Hart la an
Trlenm randy maker, II wlllre.nl
her with hi wife. Mr. Mile ronaid
il the rt.ndnliig nature of Urn Iulhipm
u Injuring hi heallli. He U aa yet urn
ilernlml aa lo Ida futiir movelimtita aud
tnay Irav Oregon City hut will alay In
lha Norlliwe.t.
H. Kma..n. Tlm hi 1.11 u. a N. Co. hav made a atr ial round-
ol 1'. J, (iarrlaon. ol ! i,li, ,.i-l 1? fji f., i..,ii.,i ,n 1,
, ...........
Ileach poiuta on every Saturday np to
an I Inrludlng rVptnmher 14. Tlnwe ei
ruraion tlikela will be good to return
rtunday and will lm interchangeable be
ta en river and rail 1 1 m ! t wren Aa
Uiria and I'ortland. The regular rat la
I I. The new fare for Saturday excur
nona l mad for the eclal arcommola
tion of I'ortland and Oregon City bual
nrae men who have fatulliu al the Iwarh
with whom they would like to pend
Hunday. It ll under.luo.1 that the Aa
lorla A Columbia Liver Lailroad will
mak a almllar reduction for Saturday
eiruraioni, though no announcement
haa yet been mad. A third train he
ft a. formerly a real lent of Clai kaiua
and hi pareiita alill live there. II I at
preaent oicupying a "ltlon In I'ortland,
whrr tlm rvnpl will probahly rr.ldj.
They led Wadneaday vnlng on their
honeymoon trip, followed by the beat
withe and congraliilaUoiia of Ihelr
Ia.TAi.1 Alton if Claim Ka a 11, Oa
koo. Pi.trli I Ki uly (irand Maater
K. II. Voorr a'xompanled by J, J.
Cooka. 8. K. Walker, W. A. Hedifra and
II. laylon. went to Clrkaina la.l Wed
l.e,.y evening and In. tailed the follow
ing olllrer of I.no flue Ielg, No. 14):
Nohl (irand, J. A.Talbert; Vice (irand,
K. I'. IiHlman j Hrrtary, K. C. Chp
man; Treaaurer, Iwiao Juhnaon. On
Monday averting Iepuly Cooper lintalled
lb oltlrera of O.wego Ixxlge, No. 03:
C. W. Itl.ley. N. U. J I. It. Fox, V. 0. J
i, F. Itltley, ao rrla-y ; Gey. W, Trowr,
trraaurer. Count Judge Ityan, hherilT
Cooke, llerorder Handall, W. H. Howell,
W. 4. Hdg4 and Mr. Trembath al.ied
In the IniUllallun.
ired. ruiierintendent Wianer entered
the liali commiuiion aervk-e f'or year
ago and atu.lled the prohlema of Cah
culture diligently, ilepakaed examina
tlona in every variety of Qab thai the
government propagate. He ia only 24
year old and I ranked by but two men
In the United Slatea commlation.
(iun repairing. Johnaon A Lamb.
We pav tlm lax on "Oxford" Bicvcle
ami kive TAGS FKKE. aUo HelU, I'anta
guarjn and guarantee) Idem lor the aea
aon. I'rire $:W, with any kind of a tire.
; Charman A Co., Cut 1'rice Uicycle deal
Drafmni Cannot be lured
by local applitationn, aa tliey cannot
reach the diaraaod portion of the ear.
cure deafnen,
coneljtutional rcrnediea.
twevn Aatoria to Haide will be lut en
next Hunday, and continue through th ! T.-rj is only one wry to
aeaaon. It will leave Aatoiia at 8:3d .!ndlhalla by conetitut
m. for Keaaide, and return Immediately. I Heafneea 1 cauned by ao Inflamed con
ThlwllUfottliaicllai:como.laUonidilionof the muroua lining of tbe Ei
of ixxiple Iwund for Keaaide who may
make Urn trip to Aatorla by ateamer.
I'a, William Goaa to Naw Yohk
Lev. W. II. William, who waa for a
abort lime rector of Ht. l'ul' Fploopl
cliun h In thla city, but now archdnaron
of Aikanaaa, will have charge of H.
Hlephen'a church, Nw Vok Clly.durlng
July, Align. 1 and a part of September.
I't. Wllllama and family were In Oregon
City only eight month but In that abort
tlino he made for hlmiH'll a hl of friend
Ixith In the pariah and out of It, and hi
niovementa, though far away, are of In
h ri-.t to many In the Northweit.
1'ooa MaiMT AT CllAlTl4UA.
Tim Chautauqua axembly la not doing
a well a ll baa done fur obviou
reaaoli. Thla aMurlatlon In the end
h to largely depend on the patronage
of Oregon City. Tlm peofl" l Hila city
put up a large part of the alork and In
many waya have barked ll. Hut the
AiMfciallun Irlra to ruu It own dining
ball and put up a poor exrua for
a meal. The managevrnt at the rarea
on the Foutth and al other Uinra lit
bwn far from whal It ahould have been.
We prmume local houwa have Uvn
treated the aame al the lal newe
Paier by taking the bulk of what la
nled out of Uw d. A j ih of alKiut $173 r
worth of printing waa taken to I'ortland j
and a H.r or job nliialmxl than could 1 r
Oaxooa Wiixat Ocrrtf.-Lcporla
from eight rountiea In the atat aliow
that the total output of wheat will be
above tlm average. While the yield In
everal countie Indlreie a alight de
creaae, the imreaae In a number ol
oilier win ruor man ouel una. in
ealimate thu far received a follow:
Clai kama county. 100,000 bu.hr!, In
creaae; Marlon county, 000,000 buahela,
U0rr cent yield; Miermati county,
3.1.VI.OO0 huilirla, increase; Jack aon
county, S.lkJO buahela, decrease; Folk
county, 1,13(1,014 buahel, 10 r cent
decree; Lane county, 800,000 buahela,
lorreaae. Tbe ealimate from Linn
county give no figure but Indication
are thai the yield will not be 20 per
cent above the average. Krport from
Kaker emmty are diarouraging. Some
atarhian Tute. When ttii tube geta in
flamed you have a rumbling Bound or
imperfect heating, and when it la entirely
clomxl deafnes i the reault, and unleaa
Urn intimation can bo taken out and this
tube restored to It normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cae out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which ia nothing but an infhmed condi
tion of the mucous surface.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any cae of iVafneea (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for rirrutara, free.
K. J. CHENEY A CO. Toledo, 0.
Sold bv drUtrgiHta, 75c.
Hall's "Family 1'illa are the beat.
DeWitt's Wilcb H-xel Salve should be
promptly applied to cuts, burna and
scald. It soothe and quickly heal the
injured part. There art) worthless coun
terfeits; be sure to get DeWitt'a. Geo.
A, Harding.
have tn'on prm-ured in Oregon City and
mors money paid for ll.
Ma. PaicMka at Amlixiiton. Attor
ney A. 8. IreBor delivered the Fourth
of July oration at Arlington and the
Record ha lb following : The exerclnoa
thiougliout were conducted by our home
Moile with the execution of the oration
which waa delivered by Hon. A. 8.
Premier, of Oregon City, who was a
Moore's Pharmacy
7th St. on Hill,
Dr. Mooro haa exclusive charge, and
rect'ives new gooJa daily.
Men's Hats.
Ftraw Jc up
Wool 4:c "
Felt 7oc "
Men's Shirts.
Janant.-He Crnpe . .
"Monarch" Golf. 1.00
Park Working 2.'c
Camping Goods.
Blanket 9c pr.
Hammock 0"c
CofTee PotB 10c
Jelly ClafiAen 3"c doz.
Tumblers , , . 4c each
Largo I'itcher 23c
Ladies' Wear.-
Wrapper 75c up
Ladies' Handkerchiefs "kj
Underwear , 10c
Lace lc yd. up
stockings 'Jc
Bilk Gloves 25c pr,
"Leader" Corsets.'. 45c
fihirt Waists 42c
Fancy Collars 15c
Corset Covers 20c
Special Sale of Fishing and Base Ball Goods
Leaders in Advance Styles and Low Prices
DO M ii YOUR 10
If not why don't you atop paying rent and apply
the money towards the purchase of a home? A
first class opportunity is now open to you in
the proposition that the WILLAMETTE FALLS COM
PANY is making to sell small tracts of its land
near the town of Willamette Falls on such reason
able terms that a person with a very small in
come may become a home builder These tracts
vary in size from two and one-half acres up, all
good level land and first class soil suitable
for cultivation. On one of these tracts you
can have a small orchard and also raise all the
vegetables and small fruits that a family can
use, and with the addition of a cow and chickens,
a large part of your living can be made on the
place. There is a good school In Willamette
Falls and your children will have excellent
educational facilities. Easy access Is had with
with cheap fare and cars are run to accomodate
the mill hands.
Why not get out of town and give your
children breathing and play room and thus in
sure their good health? Dont you think that you
would feel more independent and contented if you
owned your home than you do when living In a
rented place? If you are interested in this
matter apply to C. A. Miller at WILLAMETTE FALLS
RAILWAY STATION, West side for full particulars.
Rambler Bicycles
Are up to date, light, strong,
easy running, have perfect
bearings, G & J tires.
The Rambler is the best
wheel on the market.
Price $35.00 and $40.00.'
Btirmeister 9 tydresep, 8
Eastman Kodaks
Premo, Poco, Cyclone and .Koroma
Cameras have been greatly reduced
in price.
We give instructions free with every
Kodak or Camera we sell.
Our stock of Photo Supplies is al
ways fresh. Our prices the lowest.
51?e Oregon ity Juelrs.