OREGON CITY ENTKRPItlSE, FRIDAY. JUNE 28 1001 4 Oregon City Enterprise. City and Count; Official lipcr. PublUlietl Kvery Krfdny. i i.. rourKK. r.TK.T.. HOBUCHII'TION HATKH, Ons yrr H.I tii.mlhi J ' 00 . I rt J . i Trial subscription lo months. A discount ot .V) cenlt on all subscriptions ( for on vi-ar, is cenlt tor six iiioi.lii, 11 paid in adtaiu'r. Advertising rules gtive n on ppliction. Subscribers nil! find the dr of explra tlon stamped on tli'ir papett following thir name. If this ilste i not chai'ire.1 within ttro wn-ks Mer a payment, muliy uolity ui and w ill look alier u. Knttred a' Or, tr po'tottic In Pmron City, , as second class matter. A tENTs TOR Till KSTKRPKISK. Bsavrr Crwk lr. T. B. Thomas Canbv K. I. S:a liackatnas A. Mtihr Milwanki Oscar Wisnncer Union M :11a O. J.Truliinger Mad' Brook Oh as. Holinan Nw Era W. tv SlrrT Wilsonvills Hnrr Xlily Farkplaca It. . Holmes Btartord J.U. (.iKf Mulino C. T. Howard Tarn K. M. Cooper Molalla Annie ftiibh Marcjnara J. Marquam ButtevUl B. Jrinirir Aurora Hnry A. 8nv.1rr Eaele Crk H. Viihrn Damascus J. C. Klliotl Bandy f O.vtmh Cnrriiuvill Geo. J. Curnn Marmot Adolph AsohofT riiiLAitr.LriiiA franchise grab. No matter what may be said of th spectacular method of John Wanamaker in offering f2.5O0.000 for the new street railway franchisee voted by the council to a new company without compensation to the city, it cannot be denied that hit letter to the tusyor contain ao arraign ment of such policv that is unanswerable. Ti e city council of Philadelphia on Wednesday voted fourteen new fran chise for street railways on streets not occupied by traction lines to a new com pany in which the mayor and Senators Quay and Penrose are largely interested. The streets were turned over to tin new company without any compensation whatever to the municipality. It was the culmination of a 6ght that abeortd public interest and which had called public attention to the favorable oppor tnnity for exacting a reasonable comien sation for the valuable privileges to he granted to the new corporation. Before Mayor Ashbri.lge signed the or dinances John Wanamaker sent to him lengthy communication in which he set forth the high-handed manner in which the ordinances were railroaded through the council, the rights of the people in ttie streets that had been turned over to the company without any compensation, and the great value of the franchises (bus granted. He also showed bow every proposition having in view the public interest, such as reduction of fares and the giving of tree exchanges, was voted down. In lieu of the failure of all the propositions to give the people some thing for the privileges conferred he orged the mayor not to sign the ordi nances and offered the city the sum of $2,500,1(00 for "the powers, rights and franchises granted and intended to be se cured" by the fourteen ordinances. As a guarantee of good faith in the matter he deposited with the Real Estate Com pany 10 per cent of the sum offered, or 1250,000. Of course the offer of Mr. Wanamaker was rejected and the ordinances were signed. Mr. Wanamaker did not enter tain the notion for a moment that his offer would be accepted. If he bad it is fair to assume that his offer would have been based upon a percentage ot gross annual earnings. Whether it was a bona fide offer or not it has served to call pub lic attention to the fact that the streets of Philadelphia have been given way to Quay and Peurose without a dollar of compensation for the municipal treasury, while others stood ready to pay millions for them. Tiik Courier-Herald undertakes to ebow that it can save the county money on the furni&bing supplies to the county and to doing the county printing. If that paper had not bad to contract to do this work and had not shamelessly tried to rob the county some attention might be paid to its claims. The chairman of the Board knows that the former con tract was violated by the Courier-Herald by over charging at nearly every eesnion of the bo,- rd, putting in bills as high har tj-jjoa what it was allowed by the Vartl: The proprietor of that paper blows the same kind of honesty in the statement made last week. By insinua tion, if not by direct statement, he con veys the idea that the Enterprise Las re ceived all the money paid for supplies and printing the last year. Asa matter of fact, close to $750 went in bis own pocket. Something like 1300 of bis old contract be brings over to this year, be Bides 140 for ballots and $250 to $300 for printing the proceedings of the board und notices that are necessary to be given. After taking out the printing that the law and tbe interest of the county requires to be published the amount left can not possibly pay for lit supplies luul printing. The Coiirifi I tor aKI man believe in getting the ron- It net unit then work the county but nine ; hi last exp'rietic vtilh tin I'ouiity lii ' nicthiid are better know n. Ths Enter J prise stand r!l y to ito the ork a I cheap as any other county in tli u! I get its work done biiloVss not ptoinise impossibilities. Jt mil Jkswtxs in the federal court at Milwaukee issue an irj'inction against the striking machinists (hat is very sweeping in it character Nothing in said about a stnku in the order and it is brought in the inline of a local company although the National Metal Trades As sociation in really tho plaititill'. The or der prevent the striker (ruin doing any act that will result in damage to the plaintiff and tie tho hand of (ho strik ers from in any way interfering. Cur st Casmsi i going to Kussia and we if the tariff difficulties existing ! tween this count rv and his own can not be adjusted. Cassini has proved friendly to this country and in all matter ha tried to adjust and harmonise matters in a friendly way. Knglamd is not hurrying the canal matter. She maintain that the Clayton tlulwer treaty I stilt in force and that he will not willingly abrogate the same without couienialion of some kind, pre ferably port in Alar-ka. l'.OVItll OK CtlHMISMOMKS. (Continued from page 1) book for dehmjuent taxes for said year and w as sol I (o Clackamas county for taxes lor both ol said year. That the i-aid land tiongeI to th "Jtat Land Hoard and ws wninifully and unlawlullv ae.ie.l to said parlies, And the Board being fully adviartl in the premises, It I ordered anil adjudgeU that Ihe lieu ur claim of CUckms county attainst said land for sai l taxes be and the same is hereby cancelled. la the matter of the aesment ol property lieioiigiiitf to State Land Board: Now at this tune couif on to be heard the petition of Anton Schaffrr atkinit for the cancellation of the taxe aesiHl itaimt the property decrihe.l at pae 387, line 12, ol ae(d.ent roll lor the year l'J"0. And it apeiring that said proerty belonged to the State Land Hoard at the time said a-nsment was ma le and tbat the said property it not subject to taxation. It is therefore or dered that said afe-nicnt for taxes for said year against said property be and the same i hereby rancWlrd. In the matter of bicycle lice,nM: In the insuance ol a warrant for the collection of been tax on certain bicy cles for the year l'JOl : It appearing to the court that pers-jns riding hicyc.e on the paths ol this county have not paid the license tax as required by law. it is hereby ordered that a warrant be isetied I by the clerk of the county court to the sheriff of the county directing biiu to col leet a license ol 11 on all delinq'u-nts as shall not have paid said license tax prior to this date, and directing him to seize and sell as upon execution any bicycle lor the amount ol said license tax, to gether with costs aud expense of such seizure and sale, and if none be found, such license to be collected out of any property ot said delinquent in Ihe same manner as other delinquent taxes are collected. In the matter of a public gateway for Henry Kichter: It appearing to the boar ot county commissioner for said county and state from the sworn petition of Henry Kich ter, that he is the ow ner of and bat a residence upon the folloaing described real estate: the bK '4' ol the MV ' and the NE i ot the SW 4' and the NW '4' of the SW i ot section 31, in T 3 S of K 2 K of the Willamette meridian in Clack amas county, Oregon. And that his said rexidei.ee and property is not reached by any public road heretofore provided by law, and it is necessary that the public and himself should have in gress and egress to and from bis said premises and residence. That tbe near est public road to his said premises is a road known as road No 47 and the ter minus and beginning of which is de scribed as follows: The beginning is de scribed as, "Beginning in road leading from Oregon City to Wrights Bridge and 1.' chains south and 3 chains west from quarter section post between sections 28 and33T3 8 It 2 E of the Willamette meridian and the terminus of which is described as intersecting road from Howard's Mill to Canby Depot. Which Said road is westerly from his said prem ises. Said petitioner prys that three disinterested free-holders re appointed to view and locate and assess ttie dam ages for a gateway 17 feet wide from pe titioner's said premises to the said road to crests the lauds of Win, Bauman and Fred Buberg ; It is therefore ordered that Enoe Ca bin, J K Graham and W ti Kider, three disinterested free holders of Clackamas county, Oregon, be and tney hereby are appointed for the purime above named, and to locate the said gateway acrons the lands of Wm Bauman and Fred Bolerg and assess the damages for the above de scribed gateway and to locate the same so as to do tho leaHt damage to the prop erty crossed und for that purpose to meet on eaid premises on the 2'Jth day of June, l'JOl, at 10 o'clock a m. In the matter of the money found at the inquest held upon the holy of How ard Baker, deceased. This matter coming on and it appear to ttie board that there was !1.05 taken Irom the body of Howard Baker deceased and turned into the county treasurer by the coroner at the time of holding an In quest in accordance with the law, and it further appearing that tbe family of the late Howaid Laker is in need of financial aid, it is therefore ordered that the county treasurer turn over the said aum of '.) 05 to the family of tbe eaid Howard Baker, deceased. In the matter of tbe assessment of property belonging to the state land board. Now at this time comes on to be beard the petition of Anton tichaffer asking for the cancellation of tbe taxes assessed against the property described at naife 387, line 12 of assessment roll for the year I'M) and it appearing that said assessment was made, and that the said property ia not subject to i taxation, it Is therefore ordered that said assessment for (axes lor said year against aid piopetty be and tho same is hereby cancelled. In the matter of aid for I. Freeman : The matter coming on aid the Kurd being fully advid, it la ordered thai 1, tree in mi be replaced liui (he lint of county cliargea at the rale of .1 per month and that a warrant be Issued lu hi name (or Hie month ol My. Centum o( It Soti et al fjr a change in the John beck man road : In the mailer of tho e(itln tiled by Hiclurd NmII et al and more than twelve householder u( the itiiiuly, Imng in the vicinity o( the road descrilied In tho pe liliiil ami praying viewer to be ap pointed to view and locale a toilnty road lit i'laikamas county, I 're. ilencrth- cJ a lull a lollow: Hi giuiiiiig at a nUke in Ihe center hue of HUine street ui Muilhorii addition lo I'oi tland, 170 li-ol at riglit angles to center tine of O A C U K track, thence Northwierly by parallel Willi center line of aid It K track and 170 feet dltant therefroui about l.'.Hl U-el to a Uko In-ii.g '."ll lol soilllieaiit o( hue fence IwlwetMi tl V ( K It depot ground and the propity of j und being ilu-d that said road w ill be the Catliolics held In the luine of Alex-j ol public utility, it I ordered and ad ander Christie, arvlihUhop, Ihelice went ju,ig(l that Ihe died liob'i and plat of 200 leet to a stake that i .'" feel at rglil j i-.u.l uivey t n-corde I an I ill all ren angle lioin ivuter lino ol the said ( A . pect uppioved and thai Ihe ald ur C It It track; thence northwesterly par- j y an I view Im. eatablialied a i oiliily allel with said center linn of It It and ." . iw I and that the i'Xp'iii' id 4i I view leet distant theielroui -I'll leet lo a stake and nurvi-y Ik paid by Clackamas louidy, sti't alougaule ol fence on road leading ' and Hie clerk is heieby ordcrt'd (o lue from Milwaukie (o tlarmony. Alno ex-! iim mcesary iioiu-e to the iiH'rvioi ol tending i-oiiuty road know n as Ihe dep il !.e .l.ntncl In which Ihe iud he lo road Irom its junction with the county road known a the John IWkman load at the corners ol land owned by McCann and J Nullerger in a straight coiirso acros the drpol ground ol the tl cV C It It al Milwaukie to an intersection with atxive deacnlied uew ro. d al Kasl line ol aid deisH ground. Also lo vacate all of the county road kuown as the John Beckmau road from it junction with (he road known a the depot road at the Northeast corner of the McCann place to its intersection with Blaine s(rrt in Minthorn additmu lo Portland, said pe titioner tiled hi affidavit ol notices poeted respecting Said road, show lug thai there bad ten iosted one, on the court house bulletin toard and three in three of the moat public places in the vicinity of the proposed road more than thirty days prior to the pr-S4-n!atlou ol this .etition. lie also Hied a Ixind lor flOl conditioned according to law. The tKiald tieitig fully advised, It Is ordered thai ft f Mclaughlin, II Ttiivseii and J S Itisley ! and are hereby appointed viewers to meet at the U-giunllig on the rirst day of J uly l.)t and sutwH-rihe (o a written oath of ullice administered by Juhu V Meldrum, drputy county sur veyor, he leiiig appointed by the board to survey said road before proierding to view and locate said road and reort in writing at the next regular term ol Una board. In the matter of county printing: This matter coming on upon a bid ut- milled by A Cheney, ll is ordered that the mailer of county printing for the ensuing year he Ukeu under coiisid eration. In the matter of Theodore Scl.uulo au indteiil person : This mailer coming on and the board not being fully advisvd, it ia ordered that std matter be taken under coUsid eralion lu the matter of ttie Darnell and Uib- son road : T his matter coming on and the board being fully advised, it is ordered that J E Marquam, road supervisor ol dinlnct No 27, Marquam precinct, expend $7-3 out of his road (und upon the Darnell and Gibson road, No 123 lu said district and precinct. In the matter ol the petition lor a liquor license ol Jasper Vunkers, of Cas cades precinct: Now comes fasper Yunkers before the board by his attorney, Geo. U. Browned and present the petition of said J as Per Yunkers and a msjority of the leading Voters in Cascades voting precinct pray ing thai said Jatper Yunkers be granted a license lo sell liquors In Cascade pre cinct and it appearing to the board thai said petition had been made in a legal manner and the necessary fees had been paid, it ia therefore ordered that aid license be granted, and the clerk is hereby authorized to Issue the same to said Jasper Yunkers. la the matter ol the tax rebate of Car oline Grazier: This matter coming on an J it api-ar- ing that at the May term of this loard there was an order made reuniting or cancelling tbe taxes of Caroline Grazier, but alter further consideration of the matter, it is ordered that ttie former order made on the 7lh day of May l'Jol, and entered on page 61 of this journal, be and ttie same is hereby cancelled and held for naught. In the matter of care and keeping of Jane Wilhoit, a county charge: This matter coming on and the board being lully advised, it is ordered that Jane Wilhoit have an allowance of 12 per mouth from and after June 1st, In the matter of the petition of John P Ward for compromise of taxes. This matter coming on upon written petition tiled herein and the board being fully advised in the matter it Is ordered tbat said petition be granted and that John P Ward be allowed to pay the tuxes uj)on the property as described to-wit: 1(J0 acres of land in the Waters Carman ULC (or the years lH'J.'i, 18U4 and im for the sum of $132.00. In the matter ol application for aid for Samuel E Midlain and John Watson, indigent soldiers. This matter coming on, it is ordered that tbe same be taken under advise ment. In the matter of insurance on the bridge and court bouse: It is ordered that the bridge, part frame and part iron, at the end of Seventh street, extending over the Willaxette river from the east to west bank, Oregon City, Ore. be insured In Phoenix Co. of Harttord, Conn, for the sum of $2500 and it is further ordered that the court bouse be insured In the said company tor the sum of $2500 ami II L Kelly, the resident agent, write up tbe said insurance. In the matter of collection of taxes: This matter coming on and the board being fully advised, It ia ordered tliat the time for the collection of taxes be and the same is extended to July 1st, l'JOl. In the matter of the county clerk's statement of scalps delivered during the month of May PJ01: This matter coming on upon the county clerk's report of scalps turned in and warrants issued and tbe board buing fully advised, It ia ordered that the same be and hereby 1b in all respects approved. In the mailer of a change In Oregon City and Ixiwer bildgn acro the Tuala tin river. In the matter of the repiit of Urn. o C Curry, John W l.o.ler and U H I'unn k viewer apKiinled al the Ul li'iui o( (hi Hoard lo view and locate a County read situated In Clackamas courtly the H.iii, ami decilU'd on l ag illl of Ihl journal. Sid viewei llled their icpmt !.Ho in g llul (hey had met on the day ol Mav I'.MI, day naineil in Ihe notice otvoi uhiii ihein and were duly swoin hy miliM'iloum to a written oath adiuiif ihlercd by John W. Me. drum deputy count v nunevor alter which Hay pro- eroded (o II. delgiuled pUce and dot view ami cauxo lo he smve)ed by said ilrput v eoiitily "in ve) or tho alneilr crilH-d toad. 'They ! lid Ihe lli'ld 1 nou and pl( of the aurvey ; .id wlw I cr repoit Uvorablv lo tlie elahlihlng , ol n.nd load a iih and minfO"! loi i llie rcaii tliat It it a good pracin l route (lid ol put. lie utility ; ani report J wi read on ielerdy and now on lliii iUy on ii x-ioiid reading, and i( appeur nig to the hoard thai there I no leinuu Mum' or pelilloii lor iuiii;e niei, . open and work the aine iuisi: Ai'oi!r. l'.r-ice C Ciliry, 1 d.iv tl mill I 2 IV) John V l,oihr, 1 day ll u.l.i's 11 I'litiu k, 1 day and ti miln. . . Tl.ouus J llowoll 1 dy and o n.ll.'t Kd Haldorl. 1 day 2 t.0 j M J i o j no ' HI III lu) r i; .. i, i ,iv . John W Meldrum, ! Jay tl mill- Tjlal f'-'t t In the matter of the division ol road district No. b. H un g priHincI: l'l.i matter coining on and the board being lully advlw-d, ll i ordered bal the road inoury ill di'tr.cl Nj. o, IW.rnu preiinclhe so divided thai Supi fvinoi S h Waybill have HV.I hr rad work and I hat John tin hey have f 100 to buy plank lor road. In the matter of lease for gravel pit This matter coming on and lh tswrd lu ili fully a lvied, II i ordered that a gravel pu'lxi lenseil by Henry Wadllil load district No. Clai kau.aa piemnl and that "aid lease be recorded Koad district No 31, graveling of road : In the matter ol gravel lor load Hi dis trict No 31 ll ia ordered thai 1' A Baker have & tent per load br gravrl taken from Id land and ud upon the county road. In the matter of a change in the Moaa bill and kirchem' mill road : In the matter ol the reut of W M Stone, James Fullam, and Geo. I In en Ixitl.ain, viewed apiute 1 at Ihe U't term ol llits hoard to view and lm ale a county road situated in Clackamas county, Oregon and descntied In lu.l on j paa-e 34 ol this Journal, said viewer (bed ll.eir n-orl showing Itial they had n.ct on the llli day of May 1 sol . a day named Hi the uollce served upon them ami were duly sworn by sulM-rP lug to a written oath ol olhce aduiinlstored by John W Meldrum deputy county surveyor, after wh th Ihey proceeded to the de. ghaled place and did view and cause lo be sur veyed by said deputy county surv)or (tie above descril! road; lliey also tiled Ihe held note and dial ol the survey. Said viewer report favorably In the es tablishing of said road a viewed and surveyed lor Ihe reason that ll i a g'd practical route and ol public utility, h I ordered and adjudged that Ihe Held note and plat of the survey lie recorded in all reects approved aud that the expense of said view and survey im paid by Clackamas county and Hi" ilerk i hereby ordered lo Issue (he necessary notice to the tuiwrvisor of said district or districts in which said road lie lo open and work the same. KXI'kNaK AC( (it MT. W M Stone, 3 day 6 miles 0 .V) u w 11 uo 0 IHJ 0 0 I 17 30 James Fullam,3 days (I miles Geo Hicenbothain, 3 days 4 mile Jajiii runk, J days J H Gill, 3 day N 11 Smith, 3 days John W Meldrum, 4 days 13 mile Tuial tV 00 In Ilia matter of a dtl from August Ilulrt to land for a public liltftiway. Tins matter coininu- on and ll aiiar- ing to tlm hoard, tliat August llutiert and Mary llutiert tiere inaile, executed and delivered to Clackamas county, a deed lo a strip of land in sec US T 3 H 11 3 K, fur a puldic liikfliway, sm-h land having Wn duly surveyed oy John W Meldrum. deputy county surveyor, and he t.avinif died the Held note and plat of said survey, It I ordered thai said deed Im recorded and that the Ih-ld note and plat of said survey tie recorded and said land lie established a public IhkIi way anil tliat the supervisor ol said dis trict he ordered to open the same lor travel. In the matter of the Culick road: Ttiis matter cominir on and the hoard heing fully advised, it is ordered that J K liurnett, suiiervisor ol road district No 4, open and work tlm Culick road al what is known as Linn's Hill in said district No 4. In the matter of scalp bounty warrants ; Tbit matter cominir on uiion written petition presented hy A I, Helling-, county treasurer, showing that the first warrants issued upon the scalp bounty fund, were issued and paid out of the general fund before the session laws were issued and distributed to the county ollicers. l!ut it appears Irom the law tliat such war rants shall be paid out of the general fund in the same mariner as other county warrants. Therefore, it is ordered thai said warrants ho issued arid numbered 1. 3, 4, 6, (5. 7, 8 and H, amounting in the aggregate to the sum ol .'S4 be ami heiehy are cancelled, ana timi one warrant he issued in the name of Elinor Lixon in tbe aum of I'M instead of warrants num bered 1. 3. 4. 6, 0. 7. 8 and 0 and that aid warrants be sold and said sum ol f34 be placed In the general fund In the county treasury. In the matter of poll tax rebate of Mathhis Kandle: This matter coming on upon written petition and the Hoard beimr fully ad vised, It is ordered that Mathias Kandle have a rebate of poll tux for the year 18IW, amounting to 3. In the matter of the petition of I W Johnson for a rebate of double assess ments: Thin matter comina on upon written petition llled herein and the lloiird being ..ll.. .,l.rl.i.l It la nnlorAil tl.nl Dm a.. U 1U.IT .UIIDOUI A " " " .hv "BIU , of Keuben Root's acre in MarahUeld 1 Tho Klml Von llnvo Ahvnyi Uotiirht. Wil vhl ll ui liwn In iio for ovr :i your, lmx burn tlio Mtrii Hiiro of iiikI lull Immmi niiulrt tnulrf III jmt yjs. JSj? , nintnl miMTtllni allien It InfUiiry, WutjVfifcXti Allow no ono toiliM-rlt n you In thin. All OiiiilrrtVIK Iinllittlonn itiul "tFiit-ii-lf" r but r.xiM-rlim-iiU Unit Irlllo llh uml niiluiirT tho health of liii'iintrt and Chlhtrcii-lUpirltnro ii,iilnt lUin-rlim-nt, What is CASTORIA Cnilorlii U Iiiirinli'M ub(ltiifo for (Wor Oil. Pure Korlo, Prop itiul Noolhliijr Hy rm. It U PlmminC. It t-oiitiilii in Ithi r Opium, Morohluo iur otluT Niircotla Mitrsliunf. It mio I It iruuritntcf. II oVtroy Worm, uml iilluy IVtiTlshnc. It i-urr IMurrlui'ii nml Hind Colic It rrlW'Vc 'IYHhliitf Trouble, rurrs Constipation nml riiiiiil.iuy. It itAslmlliiti tho lood, rntutiitm tho Moiiuu h mul llowi l. Muif lo ulthy mol iiulurul lo p, Tho Children' Tuiou'cis-Tho Mollnfa Irlciid. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Soars tho The Kind You Have Alwajs Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. m , t avaaat . " for GEN K UAL PRESENTS for EVERY DAY USE The Lamp or T" Umi KmwI lwn I rf up or tiMb or r Is I tMsn U. Uliisf i Uui l'lt g l l tl ( It ft'fl tM gl , ( Uhiii tKftl ) "44 ttf i4 Ul t"rt Uii. w jv'M M.r i , ti.t Zbc fScw Rocbcotcr. iUry hi lac. In as'tfMsi fi- . f 4 f r ft ti'- l '! t. II rf t mIf it Jm liktft. f liwsfca fturv liar Uiti fTrws, M rnmiMt W (af lis MiiM uti it ; vtrrjr Uinp hma It t ' Old I,ttiMpM Mmln Now. i mi . ) I?,",!, ft nfur(r or iHKa-r tiv Um.i ut1 'm I .!.. Now Rochester ' - rr-tnl stt irf4liirti t . t W M chl Im th lalml o JIm M Ur. trtiiu.. Ibll;. THE ROCHESTER UMP (or Uip yar H ej I e, and tho sain Is lierctiy raiicrlli'-l. Aaaininrul ol las rrrlillcate of Jeunln K furry: It Is orderml thai the rlrrs I and he it hrrrhv nrdi-rrd lu assign lo . K Itiley, lbs claim of tlm r-iunly against Jpiuna Y. furry for lair on lo't In Mar. hbai.kt. . far a the aauin la shown on tlm list made up by lbs rlrrk lor salna ..n 1st Monday in July l'"i, imon 'yini'iit by sal I Kilry of lli amount iho n In said hat. In tlm matter of the rare and ki' lng of hand Murtmeir a i-ounty i-hargx : It I ordered that lavii Morlrui lr, a cniiniy rharitp, txi placed In the earn and keeping of Kllas Miller. In the rnatier of John II Churchill, an in.l'tfsnt soldier : Tin matter coining on and tlm board ting fully advMd it Is ordered that Joliu II Churchill, an indlgr.nl ohlier have aid in the aum ol j lor tlm mouth ol June l'JOl. In the mailer ot plank on the High land road : This matter coining on for Ihe consid eration of planking the Highland road Irom Myers place in Milk Creek pn-clncl and extending lo Clarks in Highland pmcinct and the hoard being fully ad Vised It ia ordered dial the contract he 1st lo Cummin and Hurst at the rale ol !) per ttioiisand leel iiihiii their signing a contract and giving a Ixind In the sum of S)0. In the matter ol rebate of poll tax of r I) I'helps: It is ordered tliat a rebate he made lo T I) i'helps of .1 erroneously paid hy I. im as a oll tax for the year l!KX) and thai the clerk isu warrant for tile same. Application ol fcluabulh Heus lor a re bate on taxes: This matter coining on upon written petition of Elizabeth Kens by her attor ney Itutrert A Miller and it duly appear ing to the board tliat the assessment of Klialtetli Hens for the year lH'.t!) was er roneous in the sum of 'i .'IB, therefore it s ordered that Elisabeth lines do liuve a rebate Umjii her taxes for the year IH'.iU lu the sum ol 'l 3ft and tliat the clerk iss.iii warrant for the same. In the matter of reiorts of ofllcer for the month of May l'JOl : The olllcert having made their reports and the hoard having examined I heir hooks ami being fully advised, it Is or dered that the r-ame be and hereby is in nil respects approved and ucenptud; said reports show collections, as follows, lo wit; County Clerk $227 (10 County Recorder iu3 6U In tlm matter of the mileage aud per diem of the county commissioners: It is ordered by the board that the mileage and per uiein of the commis sioners be allowed as follow to-wil. J R Morton, 8 days and miles. .$2(1 00 John Eewellon, 14 days and!' miles 42 '.'0 T il Klllln.tl days and 42 miles... 3i 20 The board now adjourned to meet Thuisday, June 20, lltOI. J R Mohton, John Ekww.i.kn, T It Km.i.kn, Commissioners. A surgical operation is not necessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Ha.el Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Ueware of counterfeits. fi. A. Harding 3 Slgnaturo of Steady Habits HI. ' . i- Tor rSiCoXoxrh 'JIT. -Iktaaim V - ri.T'arnrM iiaim irMw,""'fc Ap ly Ihlo IH B ol . It I. q ikklf a''. atiia al lmrra lr i san. sa lac. f siii tlX DHo'l 11 rua, M W airni v, Km Turk lK Hangxr, Uiaraae and ilealll follow neg lect of Ih bowel, t'te IloU'llt's Mill Early Itiarr lo rgutale llmm and you will add year to your life and life t4 your years. Easy to lake, never grlK. i. A. Harding. airrit lar In lle.l. "Will wonder ever iea7'' in. I iiirt the friend ol Mi. I,. 1'easn. ol l aw rence, Kan. They know she hat been unable lo h-ave tier hrul In advert ypr on a. c. mi. I of kidney aud liver lioubls, nervoiia proat ration and general ilelnllty; hill "Three iHiltles of Eleclrio llilmis e.Ubli'd rim to walk," she writes, and In three month I lull like a new person" Women fullering from Headache, llack ache, Nervousness, HIrhisnuM, Mel anclioly, Faulting and IUxy Hpell ll tiud it a priceless blessing. Try it. Hallslai'tlon gnarnleei. (ieo. A. Hard ing. Only 5o cent. ' A Minister' Mistake. A city minister was recently handed a notice to be read from hi pulpit. Accom panying it was a clipping from a newspa per bearing upon the matter. In clergyman started to read the extract and loiind that it began "Take Kemp's Halsam, the best Cough Cure." This wss hardly what lie bad cxpm'ted and, after a moment's hesitation, he tur ned it over, and found on the other sM the mutter Intended for the reading. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Thli preparat ion contulnn all of tho dlgcHLants arid dtKcHts all kinds of food. It KlvcslnHUnt relief and never falls to cure. It allowa you to cut all tho food you want. TbemoHt sensitive stoiiiiiclis can take- It. Ity Its uso many thoimands of dyspeptics have town Hired after everything elno fallen. 1& 4 unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you oood Proparod only hy E. 0. fiKWirr A Co., ohlraga Tlie 11. boulo cou lulus 2 tl uies liiu 60c. sua It I .. V I S I l