OKKGON CITY KNTEUI'ItlSK, Fit f DAY JUNE 28, 1901. Personal Mention O, V. HlurglN, hi Caiihy, wa In town HryUinr (J. II. Mmree wind to Fatein ynaterday. MUa lll I'lllabury l visiting friends n Portland. A. V. I m vl. Marnusin, w In Ilia t it ypa'.erday. J. A. I.andoljli wa In town from Vh'I yesterday. Mr. J ) i ft Srlilinllir w In town from (i,l.y yi-nlni.Uy. Harry I'raper Ml Monday lr rtealde en i'k vacation. Mia ('unroll ol Jacksonville, I vlalt U,t Mr William Clark. (I IVIsalngor, lliili'f t Mllwatikle 111 fly naiuniay. J. H. Ylrr, a winlll inn of Nppdy, In town " ediipaday, Julm Myrr, ill lb (), C. M. Co., nil lu Kugnie ynaterday. I ,aft l'"'lT end J'l'llt" Moridand wi'iK ii (roin Portland '!' I y . Hon A H. Priowr will iMlvr Dm huuiili i'l July urlloii el Arlington. Mim Coiialanew Holland, of HaUui, Wa tli gueal "' Ml Allirlli( llil Week John A. I'ulwiit, of Vti.ri, wa In Hi" i lly yeaierday on land ulll.e bul f)ea. Mi. Nii-lmlaon. of Kufeat drove, v mir.l Mi. W. U. ira. ijurlnu ll. WPP. ('. (. T. William ha iil hi riffle, to ll.n !r lay bull'lliiif, oVnr hrlllng't lore. Mr N . V.I,l..n ami Ml llilU WaMi-n ara vlaltlritf fnenda al llood llirtr. Ju'lit" T. F. Uyan wnnl to Palrin yea tnday tu allrtfl lli fiinsral of T. O. r r l J. i(lf, I'nUaraltr of I IfPiroii'a foolhall rat-lain, Vlaltod fnenda In id city Monday. M f 11. in l!at-r, ( Jtlnctlon City, (hi ln in Die city Itilt werk vlaliln ,M Harding. M Miili W'arilpM, ol Hatrrn, ar ri r l !! Thursday to apand lha aum lnrr l'li Iriolid. ('Inrlr II. Hlller, who I rinnH'trl with l.n liar I' mill al Wllhuit, wa In tlir rliy Hmiilay. Tlixolora Millrr loll lit evening for Tli lllr to aiit-i'l a Miillon tilth the tWtrlc light roniny. Mr. A V. MiHrr. M'. It. U. It.nkrr, an I Mr. (. A. Mill UHr. their alftr, Mr. H. A. ('luv, Monday. Mr. It. W. liracw miprtaliipd Mr. Kiit. 111 anil Mr. Carl I r.n. u at an ttr tiunii Id on tlay ll wrek. Ml' Cornell McVown Ml t nvrn ti'at (or Wt krlcy, Cal. to Iw abaeiil about a vrr on a vlail to rtdaiivp. I'hlllrtO. Hinul, of SpsvIpw. Waah., arrivpd lien Monlar and ha a ition In tlm Willamntta I'aimr nulla. I. Urura Hoart, of I'urtlanil, rr rn(ini( UorK AnUmn, linirtrr of ir, In loan ViiirUy, A. II. rlatfUy, a rr.lrnl of Canl r, ln rwrntly raina to Orrgun, from llil lioii, art In Oregon City Turajay. Itojr Kelly. lio liaa lnwn attnling tlm I nlva rally of OriKon tlm at yrar, r-turni.J humn from KiiK"tie Krulay. Vhnr I.lttl rrturnixl WiHlnplay pvriiinK. Iiuiii Califoima. alirre lm ha U'ru loi'kliig altrr hit aaiimtoa tninra. Mr. Norma It. llolnian, who h txrii tUillnn 1 1 pi graniluiollirr at Mo Minnvilla the ial nioiitli rolurnil Moo lay. MID Itoriithy I.rnrh. a irrailnateol lhi I 'll rli i( M. llclPti'a 1111 a In Ilia n tin aiN-k, Ihn mil-it ol Mr. Win (ialloaay. Mr. ami Mrt. I. I.. Iry rtttirnl liimin KrlUv from liMn, wlmrrthiy at t.Mi.li'.l iho (iiimral ol Mr. l.oupy' father, ti. W. I-oftpy, Mr. Mry A. (lilmi'r.almli lun-n vl itliiK ln-r hrothnr, 12. II. pya for anvpral tiiontli, Inft for Imr homo in Han Fran tlaco Wpilupailay. C. A. Wllllama wa rlit tml tiipnihitr ol tlm ruiiii. il of a lmlnllra(ion, of the IVpartmmit of OriKoii, U. A. H. at tha itt tiiii amiiurnt. HiiiirliiUii'liiiit K. N Carlnr, of tli rMarkaiii liati hcry, (iitnriiii Wulni' (lay fiom a tiiontli' varatioll. Mt', ('r lur ami lln'lr oii, a ho havft hcnn VInUIiik hir father, I', H. Hmialir r'milkiinr, of Wcl VlrKinU, at Waliliiic Inioii City, alio rxtiirimil Wilii)ily. lCv. ami Mr. J. If, lii avin altiinlil Hip lUi'tlxt A'iWH'lalu11 III Mali'in llii atii'k. Mr. )'( vt'ii n'i a iHr Wml imailuy alicrnooii ami al llm iliiim'r Moii ily avi'iilnn l(v. Itxavan a.iri-i"l Ihn ann.H IhIIuii mi "Hlaivalloil 'lliroiiKh AliaPlli'M ol ('ok," Thn Itnv. M Aliil'l loiihtrl, of lliwtiin, alio la returning- to hi Now KiiiiUml humn afur an Ptli'ii'lml lour IhroiiKli California, will lm In lin'K'Hi City fur fnar lr ami will liteai h at tlm CoiiKri'giitlonal i lmri h liexl r-uii'lay aveiilng. (iiN,rtfn .aill I In Corvalli Hill am k attmliii Ihn roiifm ol farnmr. Thn Hoiilliprn I'ai Ifli; Coinliy In roll lint Ion with Ihn O'lvm Aririilturl roi-Kn iivii Ida fariiiira to Corvalli ypinny to liataii lo lalka ami wllnr arlnal -M'rii'iiro In origin! farmiiiK IiikIIiimU, Cliarh' hi'otl, lormrrly a plilirit of WiHxIhiirn, hut Hoar of Mi'tlro whrre h la luiirilri In (ahuhln inloliiK oriHir tip, wat In thn Ity IhU wpi-k ami ali Ihn latP of Ihn llri'tfoll l.aml ('oliiny, of whirli lm I aulKiipw, Mr. Hi'oM alii rrtiirii lo Mi ilro liiit apok. Iln aay lhat hn U inakiiia inoia inoiiry In a ilajr than lm roulil ma k in Uiigon In a liionlh Ihouji hn I rlnr out ol rivllix Hon ami ihn oila ara 3lJ ypan Im-- In ihI luiipa. l)Y iflTv V W,rY'Vlr'Mi m a 0. A. Hermann, who wa one" a rxm 11 clink liprn, waa In town VPRipnlay. Hn ha hwn In HKikann, lie la pn route to I.a (iramla. Mr. J. K, Noll, ami her father, Mr. KlUg-pry. of McMliinvllla, were in Hie illy laat wai'k vlitii'K Mr. Noll's langnler Mra. Frank Weed. Coiiiuianilor I'alrlilc Colhort ami Qnrt"riiiatir (lio. A. I anting of Meailu I'oat No. 2, (I. A. U. havfl heen In Forput drove, atlondlng the ataiHencauipmont. Mia. K. 8. Latourntle guve an aiMrnai hplorethn Wlllamnttn Haplmt AamH'la lion in Salum WmlnemUv on (ha work of the Womiin'a Forolgn M Union H'loty of Orpgon. W. (lilhorl Ittuitlifl roturnoil Tihh.1uv from Ktigmm. Ho Krailtinlint from thi" yiar cIiim of the atate unlvordltv and vontPiiipluloi BDi'tiriiiK a school for the ('omliiK yi'ftr. Mra, A he Trtilllnger, of Union Mills, )o hai biwn In Good Kamaritnn honpl tal the pant three wonka, la io fur recov ered (hat Dim will bo ahlu to return home In a few days. MrH. J. Hurt Moore was calli'd to Champooir; Wednumlay to attmid the 'unnral of her futhur, J. t). HoHklna, who lid Wednesday forenoon, agod 74 yours. Mra. Moore retnrna today. Mrs. Kmma (lalloway, ol thin city, hna hnen nloctod (Itiparlment pruHldnnt "I the Womon'a Huliuf Corpo. Hho Iiuh apnolnted Mra. KoHlna Font, truiiruirer, r.d Mra. (Juo. A. Harding secretary. Hon. T. 0. Galloway and Mm. OlariHHa Wylle, of Welaer, Idaho, wore In town thia week vlHitlnn relativea. Mr. Oallo y la a ph noer of 1852 and a brother to Kwelvor Galloway of the U. 8. hand OUlce. Coma rarly and g"l a harKln. Mi iol'lamlih. Ilatrliall al I bautauijua. Following I thn ),p'll of hall irampa lo Ih plairil at 'ilail'lonn Talk during ( 'hauU'i'i'i Thn Company A ulna liv aiiiioniuril thplr Inti'iilloii ot dial Irin'i'.g Ihn a I n lip r ol Ihn rup : Jul) ;i Vm onvi-r v Chpinawa. 4-Mi -Minnvilla M. A. A. (2. " ft linnala CUr l'hpiiaa. " 0 Vamouvpr va MrMlnnvilln. a Hrn.i Mart v M. A. A. C. " H M. Mini. villi- v Chpimaa. " in M . A C V Varinmvar. " 1 1 McMitinvl lo v (iprv.lt Mar. " l:'-CIrnaaa vt M. A. A. C. 13 Vaitrouvnr (iprval Ur. MilILm Mug. r p. ad. William hiin.Tf dliil Tiip.Iv at the rpiilnot-o of In diughipr, Mi. M. I.. Mlaamorn, 4IJ liaiiti'iiU'ln At., I'ort Uinl, agpllC )pr, H inotilli and 1 day. Ha waa a punippr an. I wa loruiprly lu Iho flour nulling bumpa In Una nlv. II lniill Hip ruigrr mill on ttm ti.i Mil lir tlm hrnili tlini I tli-l-a, and 0iratpl I for inauv ypara until II wa dtruypd laa ypBr I y IW. IU h-avpa a wi( and pvpral rhllilrpii. The fuiipral nrvirpt III Im hi-l.l Ho tiioriilmr In I'ortlainl at w:hla m., alipr w huh Hid body will ho roiigtii iirrn lor tiiivruiPiii in uio .iia- kiihc rritiptpry. Thn I'ortland Cl'T and Orpiron trollpy lima ill, until furlhrr notice, uitke a J.t ri-nl iuiiihI trio rtn from CliPinh anddn-itou Citv lo Portland on Sutulava a llli rai rvrry niinuip. 1'KitUnd Ofpin Cut IkI Ptr: Iona Inavp hait id KlgMh Hi. al 7 ami 10 a in ami 1 '10 ami 4 ::i O. III. I-pavra 1'uit laiul at H .M and 1 1 :M a. in. and 3 fti and 0. 15 ii. m. Hound trip 5 cvnla Taka lha lona if you want a ( xmI roo. (ortahla ridn. The nwi i mdn pIiIipi way In ono ho..r and fiftppn mliuiii-. I'n.lrr lha hna.l uf "Npw twlav" Mra K. Ihomlon aniioiuici-a lo lha public . 4 ft I thai alia liaa 04iini ine itiinioinro rr lau'anl on Main alrnpl, two door north I'liarinan ilrnir alnro. Al rail lniill 0 cunt lo 6 .1111. Hot W a llli'. Ilaknd Unit utrii rvnnimr. I'.rown hn-ad hat urdaya. Ilomn baknry ami all whlta liplp. F.vprylhing naal and ilran. Try ii. hhnrlT(2ookn h pollm tnd 75,hKI of tho HM'I lama to data, Pr. P. A. Walrr, of Halnm, will pn-arh in lha Mpthodiat hurcli Holiday (JVPlilng. A marriagn llipiino aa IiipI ypaii-r-day to Mia Anna Waldnr and John Hautiigardlipr, Fpp In Ilia county rm ordxr' ofll'-n for J mm will aygrpgala :M agtlnat pJ7 lor Juno have riioripy hy buying your firework at ihn l.'iM.-ii Hula i!ar, Itrgn l k, laloat IiOVpIIip, No raaaoliahlaoflVr rnfuanil for any of lha 15 M-cond hand hlrytlna at lluntlny'a ll'Xk Mora. Wa tuuat ( loan thpin out. I Mia IMith 1'.. Collar ami 'inoiKn Kdaard I'.pi-d, of i'orilani, wnra tuarrlnd by Km ordnrCniry Wndnpdy uiyrinng. Thn ion I i'ii I ran ol Harah A. Paitahpnd v. 'I hpiMlorn J. J icolrftoii , involving a tract of laud in Columbia county, waa heard yeaiprday morning In Hi land of II. n. I'rpaidi-nt Mi Kinli v haa inadn a acliw. tiou ;( Itialu-aipr fin-work for llie Into lloul. I lipy can alao lm loilglil at the (ioM.-fi It ii In liazaar, oppoalta Hank of On gon City. Mra. A H PrrtM-r waa in halrin Tuna day nvpiilng and aildreamxl Ihn Wilhtni pile I'.ai'tiat AawM iaiion on "How hhall Wa hcura lha Conversion of Children lu tha humlay hchool. Thn I'ortlaml Cily and Oingon trolley Una will, until (unbar notua, make a '.'-'n-piit round trip rata from ('m inali and Wrpiton City to Portland on Hunday lib can pvpry .'HI inlnutp. Tl.prn will lie arrvloa at the I'rpaby h rlan church morning and evening. At thn pvnulng N-rvicnllie ator will prnar-li on "Thn Mi'tion of hi. John, tha Itap tial" Irt-ing lha third of ttio anrlpa. Wa pay Ihn tai nn Oxford" Uicrcln i.d vne TAii- FHKK. alao 1UII, I'aiit guarda ami vuaranlptt thnin lor the ana boh. Prim :10, with any kind of a tire. O'arman A Co., Cut I'rico licyc!e deal pra In auotlipr column will b lound the liolica of John Hchlndlpr of Canhy, who ivprtM-t hi farm lor aln. Thi la an picnllpitt (iprliinity for buyer. Mr. Si-himlli-r will remove to hi other (rtu near Cal us. I Grande Harding, formerly In the ahoe buaiiiptt In thi citv, died at Col la I, Wah I hi week. Ha led here about :i year ago. IVcpaaetl wa IV) years ol age and wa a brother to Mra. II. I Mill n and Mr, h. T. Harm, of Portland. He waa alao relaind to J W. Chaan. Thn funeral will lm lipid this morning and Ihn Interment will take place In Mountain View cemetery. Sunday evening $100 wait stolen from Iho William Tell aaloou. The proprietor, A. II. tinaacn, lepNd Into a rear room to get some sandw iche and left two men I Ward and (2onnellV. atamllllH in front of lha bar. When he returned, the money w hich wa in a sack umier me i.ar an uonn. The men were arrested and bound over In the sum of f-ri0 each to apM-ar In-fore the next term ol tlia cir cuit court Tha Lord's SnprVir will ! commemor ated al tha Congregational church nest hunday morning. New members will alao be received. In the evening the Kev. M. Angelo Dougherty one of the former tasior of the church, will preach. Pr. loughcrty la remembered by many nf his friend as one nf the moat Interest ing and Impressive, speaker that Oregon City ever heard. The musical features of tho evening service will bo especially attractive. Henry Uyckman died Tuesday al his residence in Clackamas afler an illness of two dovs. The deceased was (Wl years of age and a veteran ot the civil war. He was under General fhertnsn from lHiil to lHU'i and was wounded In the selgii of Vtcksburg at tho battle of Mack Kivur. He camo lo Oregon In 18S0 and i...- i....... . .., inn nf riiii-kninna for four linn iiwi'i. n years. He leaves a wife, three daughter and three sons. The funeral was held yesterday morning at Clackamas, under the auspices of Meade l'ost, No. 2, G. A. K..of which Mr. Kyckman was a mom- bor, Newer Nollre. M...I.... I. i.nn.iiv ulvnn Unit all water closeta, privies, ainks, bath tubs and drains containing or carrying sewerage located within th lln.iteofaower district No. 1 and sewer district No. 2 of Oregon City niuHt be pommeled with the main sewers of said districts on or before the lnt day ol AUM'Ht, H01. If suid connections are not made with in the aaid time the penalty provided by Ordinance No. 2M, providing lor sewor connections and proscribing a penalty for fulluro to connect will be enforced. Uv ordor of the Ulty council oi uiegon City, Oregon. o mroOT Kecorder, Ilm-ordi-r Curry apntpnrrd Pavid Hunt, a Molalla aood culler, to three daya in Iail Tueidav for drunkeonea. A 11 aa rente, of i'oitland, waa nnml $4 but w iiteiica waa ruaH-nded on condition of hi leaving thn rlty. Notice of p-al fiom the county court to tha circuit court hs been filed in thn Hiram Fpllowa will rae. The rase is pntith-d Orlando Fellows, contestant. v. Pn Fellow, KU Fellows and Joseph Fallow , pioponents. - . On Julv 3rd ami 4tli the Astoria k Co liimhia lUver Uailroad Co. will sell round trip licketa between all points at one and one third time the regular one way fare. Tickets good returning op to and including July (ith. For the V. S. I-etter Carrier excur sion lo heaaida next hunday the I. C. A U. trolley linn will run an early car leav ing Oregon City at 6:15 a. m. lo accom modate those desiring to take advantage of the low rate from Portland. Thomas Armstrong dienl last Friday a' hi home In Harloa. He wa born in Ohio Ml yeara ago and came to Oregon in imiV The following children survive him: Mrs. Iiesart, haleni; Thaddeus, Goldendale. Wash.: L. . and Theodore, ol Harlow. The officers of Company A, Third Keg iment, O. N. G., have received manuals of the new military code of the state o ( ira.mii AUn rnlea and reitulatioDI .l.n.iu.l l.v llm alula mililurv Itoard and approved by the coin mender in -chief May 4, JU0I. Klm-a iiwivinfti lii Suvnuth street, near the deKl, Know land haa more coin mo dioli quartera and haa room for larger stock. Accordingly he has laid in a new line of samples for summer suitings and respcctlully invllei you lo call and in spect them. Why do you work for small wagea, when with ui you can earn three to the dollars per dayT Pleasant, permanent and profitable employment for ladies and gentlemen. Address Manager, room 403 Chamlier of Commerce building, Tacoma, Washington. ) Moaea Bpicer died last week, of pneu monia, after a lingering illness. He was 05 years of age and an Oregon pioneer. He came to Oregon over Jo years ago anu located a claim near Wllboit Springs. The funeral was held iroiu Shank & ltiHioll's undertaking parlors. Tho Northwestern Yeast Company of Chicago, 111., la again distributing free samples of their famous Magic Yeast. There la hardly peison in the United States not familiar with the good quali ties of this favorite bread raiser. You make no mistake when you buy Magic Yeast at 5 cents a package and refuse to take Imitations. Ti-kla will he on auln Julv Srd and 4th, good for return up to July Oth, Inclusive, between all points on Oregon Lines, at one fare (or the round trip. Don't fail to take advantage of this opportunity lo visit your friends. Grand celebrations will be held at ditlorcnt points on our lines. n r Khv. of Molalln. who succeeds Vlninr Dixnn aa douutv countv clerk is In the ollke gettiug on to the ropes. He wits justice of the peace for Molalla pre cinct for several years and is a well known school teachor. Mr. Dixon will rotire July 1 to his farm near Ely, where he will receive his friends and discuss igriculturul matters. Card of Thanka. Tn Ihn nnlnhhora. frlnmla and Artisan. who so kindly assisted ua at the time of our late bereavement, wa extend our gratitude and thanks. MR. AND SIKS. J AMKB IWCr AKLAHU. Oregon City, Juue 25, 11)01. 4 i' Aiiy?4V- r Tli extra cost of tha It is Equally f Important "t 11 T to know how to f wisely expend yoor money, u to kw.w how to tarn it. f r r Crescent Chainless I repaid many time by the satiafartirm of riding it year in and year out, regardless of weather and roads. A frco Choinles3 for a weeks trial to any one in f f c doubt of their merits. f af. t"f' 'I' f ' '( 'l'! ' 'I' t t at f at a HUNTLEY'S BOOK STORE OH.EOOH CITY. fr V '' J v v v L.s ' tV. ,, . V V ' AStt - " -i ' A CIRL A BOOK A HAMMOCK An ideal combination for summer days We have the hooks and the hammocks to suit the girl For loc we give you your choice of many good book kinda that Instruct kind that entertain kind that merely help to pass away the time. All popular cloth novels, fi.jo edition at $!.2o. HAMMOCK SPECIALS. We bought the entire sample line from an F.attern drummer, ,y style, no two alike. We got a special dis count of per cent and saved the freight. The r per cent, discount is your if you buy one of these Ham mocks we are satisfied with the freight saving for our additional profit. Price from 75c to $5.00. tthatMiall t Hare Far Ieert! This question srisea in the family ev ery day. It 11 intwer it to-day. Try Jell O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Preparet in two minutea. No boiling! no baking! simply add boiling water and aettucool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange' lUaptierry and Strawberry. Gut a pack age at your grocers to-dr. 10 cts. Flowers, ribbons, fancy rhitTm at a great aclif!ce. Mia Goldsmith. For Hale. M feet V Irar k. 50 feet flat track. 5 V roller and chair, 6 flat roller and chair, 3:1 feet ra k iron, 1 rack pinion,' I 4H iii Ii saw, lion fioinla. All the above suiiahle for a light saw mill. Call on or addreas J. IS. Yoder, Needy, Oregi n. F rra for tale. Nine miles south of Oregon City, l1 mile eaat of Canhy and three miles south 1 1 New F.ra, containing 1'j0 acre, iio clear plowed land. HO Upland and 80 g'xid liinuthy land; none la overflowing, nine ai-ree in orchard in different variety of fruit, all fenced and cross fenced, Iwn good wells, and good water. Good buildings, I4 mile fiom school bouse. Good 'ocaiion and g kxI roads. Prii-e 40 ter acre. For particulars, addreaa John Schindler, Canby, or in quire on farm, Canby, Oregon. y 11 2 We carry the largest stock Cask ets, Coffins and Linings in Clack amas county. We are the only undertakers in Clackamas county owning a hearse and will furnish it for 1cm than can be bad elsewhere. We are under small expense and do not ask large profits. Calls promptly attended night or W day rhooa 476 and SOS. R. L HOLMAN S j S Til VX 8f COEll H3C!!. Fry's Squirrel Poison Kills the squirrel quick and saves the grain. Ask for Fry's and use it now, Price 25 cents For sale by druggists and general merchants Prepared only by DANIEL J. FRY, the Manufacturing Pharmacist, Salem, Or. IMUce Fry's Squirrel Poison is the greatest destroyer of mice on earth Put up ia boxes containing enough to kill 500 mice Price 10 Cents. ENTERPRISE AND W. 0REG0NIAN 2 00 The Housefurnisher. See Us Grow. Developement is the sign of to-day, and we are in line with plenty of reasons for development. Stock, Prices, Methods, all point to the cause for our prosperity. Won't you share in the good things? There's a good deal doing in our carpet department this week, and some of the doings will undoubtedly interest you. There is no reason why you shouldn't have that new carpet now; the goods to suit you are here and your credit is good. Highest Grade Moquette, per yard, $1 2$ Heaviest All Wool Ingrain, per yard 85c The Climax Machine 'v; :. planus oui among scniDg machines in the market as the embodiment of the most advanced achievements in machine making. Its users are its best friends. May we tell you some thing else besides the price? $2500 I m You Can Have Them. Pretty windows are possible if you supply pretty curtains, and we have a stock to insure your getting good ones. '(Here are curtains of light, filmy lace in exquisite patterns, which will add much to the beauty of the room, while representing a very mod erate outlay of money. Some are prettily edged others are plain. For the Baby. When you buy one of these carts for the baby yon do a favor to the whole family. It is useless to look beyond this stock . You will find these durable, attractive, and com fortable. They are easy to push and easy for the child as well as easy for the parent who does the paying. Price $2 50 to $25 00 Keen Cutlery. You can enjoy your meals better from hav ing your knives with keen edges. You can keep them keen if they are of good steel . Our special knives are made for real service, and have a peculiar quality that makes it easier to keep them bright. You can have your knives keen and clean if you buy these $1 25 per set 1 " -j y gf uesi irisu t.inen Nickel Plated Copper Tea Kettle, $1 00 Salt Box loc Egg Beater, 10c t v j gallon Freezer $175