OREGON HITY ENTKWIUSi:, FRIDAY JUNK 21, 1901. Oregon City Enterprise .Xm Now To-Dy. Jl 1 111 rf U litrl MCI, 1 A MM I I il a". In haa rlul t IN 1- Kl - r l IN Kit Y -M r. J. rharga and Ik a la mill i rram (loin Mia. Amy Jnlinaiu'a UlUlM CaMI', O. H. Iloyll-S, nor I Oregon City ami tint (laacadn timber, returned Irorn Urmin (lamp Monday in reports three fuel of now lliirn. He went In laal week with omn timber locators ami brought out Arl.iy Halley, aim has tsken lip limber Halm, Mr. Iloylcs goes the Jtuisnl ranch, I'i in i Ikii from (Jrcn Camp, by learn anl the remaining illalanc over a trail with park hiirsne. Omen Camp la annul .mi mita from llila city and liaa an einvaiiou 01 1 iiX) liuit. MltMH I MALIC-Mums n( Ilia Ual J' urinf III Willamette ally are llalml ua at moderate I'll'' , ,. lluwrii. Mas.. I ' MO II r A K I Nit Mliank .1 HUm.II, Hip I ui,,lrf lllH. ItMarell llrn ami lf !-: I -I I' ' nlgiil or 'ley. iiVltttNI AM' IH'llMH The MHIcr 11., ,. under n management, Main I i iriM'li"" ' " rallaajr salted. H i I K'nl f-M.im I' " I' . Mm. I. 1 l',a, THE LOCAL NEWS. im l'ir.i or ILiali Wnss. Oiwirgn V nii ii'iiirf. "I H"'llaii'l. waa In lutn u , .it,, . Iv and lul'l lemrlcr lliat the Im,' . I'.nrry hill "II Ihn Aberiii'lhy t,0.ti iplnted. II" etald that It , tl.ii U-el 'ii" of 0'l nrk he lia, T1,.r aien an, I highly rotiiliielldnd hil'f tiri, Willimii Mnlth lor liia aiK'Hoiil MiMiaii ToMiiaam I'.v salao Thn ',,fl .and l"-l 'l H Order i, Waehlng ( ,ii gi Inllielrel lirrdif main i. .,! ;i Ur riillig, Juil" 'J'2 In Miividy'a ,,! lumen. New eorigs, )ara and Intuit elonee. No oiir aliimlil tail to ai (I,:, j.rfl iiinalirw. A'liuiselon '.'A rente; r,..-n,-'l irali, SA rriila, flrknla mi aalo at tul f ' I""1 I , k I iaar I tll I'mi Tia'toii I,,,, a a-'ii ! Mr, ali'l Mra. Cliaa. II In,-, , ii, ; rity aii'l a M'lilor at Tualatin ,Vl'Mi, l'iipl liruvr, liaa jflr, tlm Ufa! latin fl, H raali, (fl--.t a,, ik III Virgil 'I his ifla la M II aliliual ( all'l la ililrlr. nf l, imiiv at'i In.la I'Um i,iir la lln. II S l ,,illt. Mr. I'J III niter I'ai-ill.? I t.,rfi'y iift slpinlnr. Ha fa j f.f in I Ik, ma )ratrf,ay WI'll lua hlullifi I n,rir I'i", '"' i III llio Ir ralilnall year a! I j, i'u I'm fiaily. : M ,itii4 KaaM S,tn. A. I. f., a.M'1 Ilia Jl'la, to (aim to t-rural J'. i,'i. a I'oHlali'l ilairvinan, laal I :,ni. lay, I ,r "f I.1) an arm, Mr aalrll la tha ilotiar Iraaol (marr ,l iiir"li, I, lit rrlim.l llom tlm hllalliraa tlr)rt a'i. Tlia 'aim, alilili m ), 1 1 1 r I no r nrarly 4 I yaaia la mm ( tl.r fiiipat in Ilia VallrV, at), I la aril Im ihir I It ia ilglil In Hip lirarl ol Ilia M i Jl.tfut, I'I in ill-a hi th ill Urn If,, ii t lit. Mr. haalrll rontMii,laln K-' i( t" California to frt,i, I Mt Ilia ,.i, am Hot Vi-l fully ili-li"ll.llm.. la it Hot Kaoimi Kim Yor ? tWiils una a i ' ) i rt lu ie, In laal Wcvrk'a l--i ,,l an Ii In. Ii fall tit annw at An-I-: , an, I lotir liirlixa rear Tlia l'lln in V a o cx'inty ami ara .jnit willum to ri.tiantfo a M)rll,m ol our aarltnilim ratlirr to evrn up inaltnia. Monlay ti l lurailajr Ilia llitirmiiinlrr raiatripi) Ik.i'ra aii'l Ilia ail.l'lrn rliaiiK" frum l.'ia urn nf laat a'k raiM iwipln to i (liv alirllor of alia ly larra anl Ilia (,' l aiprrailyixHl ln'ilrv "la It lint rnoiili ,.f y niT" aaa liaanl I'kil llnira. A ! ii,,,fo , I y a ol hot weallmr will ruali Ilia cio-lui to tlio roaal. I i'.iir tji liaTinx Not Harrtmi. Tlio ',ii,ii,itlin on alrrrli an I iulili' ouM.rty la atill in riiiiiiiiunlratloll Willi tlia I'ofl- I. m 1 1 ,,-MiTal Klarlrlr Company alxnit tl." I ,.'liliiik' irnaillon. At Ida laal iurptiiii( ol tlm rmirril It waa ilnrll'l to ili r tin. rouiny fit .Vt pr lllit. Tlny am n, iw rM-rl vtftd S :tj. Ilia unilar a,H that tlm rompan; woulil Ktatil d'" r''lu, linn il llmrlty wouhl anlnr into a ln-)far r uitucl. All ol lio rmni'll are ' r, lollita lintwoiil.l probably aroa to a lhr year cutiirart. A aoon aa Ilia inaltiT aaaiimna a mora ili'lliiiU alian ln i'iiiiiii'II w ill ium'I ami tlm miration a ill l auliH. 1'ii.n Yat:iuiY Moajuxii.Marlln II. Moom, win of l)r. aii'l Mia. J. Hurl Moom. im, at Ilia family rvlllit'n at 4 '.'"o'rlot kTluirailay morniiiuf rprrdral unit-ilia, ainl II vb yrara, llva niunllia Mini Uiiimi ilva. n wai taknn down ""im. inontlia a no wild liooiiii ruiiitli iil iiiialra ami waa In lI II vo wirka. Ur ai just rm'virni( from tlm tlfirt il tlna lllni'-a wlmn lie waa alrlcki'ti with ini'iilhtfilia alKiiil llirnti wi-rka ano. Tlm I'IihthI w ill Ik Imlil Ihia Frlilay altornoon ut :u o'cliM-k ami arrvii'i-a w ill Im IikI I in Moiintnin View ctiintiry, oondtirli'il 'y I'-mv. A.J. Moultfoiimry. Tlm annow- " K pari'iita liavn tlio nyin pnlliy of tlm I'litmi t'liiuiiititiity, rAiuii Ai a Am MNi.TIm Alninni Aa aorlat Ion uf tlm riik plai n lliifli Hi liool luil'l tl,ir aniitial liampint and riomlon alonlay Mlil at llm ii.aliliiiirn i f Jmln llilam lialloaay. I . II. "inlloway ad Umaand tlm aaa.M lalioii and J. N. KkIvmii r-H,iri,. Mm Mary llmolli rad an oilwmal hhiii, Mi. J. V, lirav aang and aliort talka anin luadn if Captain H'. II. hinitli, Mil. Uolmrt A. Millar and Captain J. T, AiMiaoii, Tlm lollowlng loaata ama rroii,iii ,); "Tlm Coimtiy H.ImhiI," Mlaa ,lla Kvana, "llm Alnmiil," Mim Hoii'iirn Tally; "ll.a Alumiiar.," Will A, Wllllama. Kut aaii.H to I.Ai.ii mki 1 x Kai.ii (Vlnlnala llm 4ili ol' July at Laioumlli. ralla, Miiaiiii-r Ira era Unuii City at n a. 111. aii'l firiiraioitiata aill liavn tlitio In, ma at llm lal a, frtomlli In limn fur I'oit land lii Wolka, iiitinirn I'ai 1II1 Land ol ,hm i, Mill par , In at 7 .fi a. lu. on Main ain-rl and will ar i.iinpaiiy tlm ririiraiou, Itulri-alimioita and luiirli will Im arvrd on lM,,r,, Itoiiiul liiii, , 1 liildti ti Im.m.ii H and 1.' vraia M t rlil. l irknla on aala at lloiitlcy a and at Miira iti,lli, n atoia. r ui luitlirf ih , in, all, hi MOIIK WAM 0 TO II. Orr-Kun City Drfrata rorilaml Kamblrr lat Hunday. cr- Tliam al Wlllanmtta Fall flidil Hunday aflnrnoon Imtwarii tlm KaiiiMi-ra, of I'lirtland, and ('ompany A filim waa won ly llm latter, with a 30 lo M w on-, Tlm gaum waa not very largnlv atLriidi d and urnpt llm lioum run of Churcli waa davold of fnaturna. I'.d ICm kimr iiinpimd tlm Kama, Next Hunday Yaiicouvnr will play Companv A on Willaini'lta Falla Kroumla and llm gumc proinmra in Im in InmalliiK and aliould Im wiill atMrndi.,). Tlm playnra and llnlr oalloiia laal Mm day wara : Krilland I'rnaliytcrlana Hrrt, '1 Im annual rorik-rk-atlonal nmctinK of ! y tlia ItHilml I'rcalyi4"rian rUurtli of Kad- fi imi'i waa iKiin on urn i.jiii in llm altar- A noon. Hoy A. I) HnjK-r praaldnl Mr. 'A i. r.vana aim mt. Iimo, V. Aruiatronir i... ,i .. .i . .! . i . i" trim n:o ir; inn niuxrain vt aurrami -A ll..l,iu.lv..a II . It' -L i... i rl " " i.i. . Hii.m nr ininimi , lor liinni yfara. Mr. John Hamilton, Jr. trraauri-r and Mla llanlllon, oriranlat. Tlm DiianriMl t-ondlllori of tlm clmn h waa ri'poriitd P Im In U'xmI ondiliori. It waadi" id'd ti fi"drorat llm inlrrlor of II, a ImildiriK and liave aoum rcpaira ma la i,n llm ouialdn. Hcreafli-r tlm aniiiiiil MK-i'tinir w ill I In March whii h la a in, ut. dcairall tinm aa it la tlia clo of filiaiirial yi-ar. DriUoll City lfa , , , llnljfra . , , . I.avmr , Cliufih Mrl arlan I., ('hamaii,.., Claik 15-lt I.IM'. .. 3 P.. ,....' n ,,,H H ,..V ...I Ii. ,..: v t; .. .1 .UK, !atiili!i'i Mi I'oimld , . , . fianmy ! ...Hark-lV . .. Ilowj ...Hliarki-y . ..WalHon Aiifii: . . .. Ilml Uo! 4 llfiilloai Walrr oiiaiiinrra. lUtii for aprinkliriK or irrigation in ad dition to liotiarlioM or otlmr ua, la 1 for tlm ai-aaon of !K) , Ca VAItl.K Jt I. till iiirludna iiimi of lioau during yrar. A tu,D V GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR Himrrn'n llajlhllng, 0ip. Orrgnn t lljr llnaiU. HEADQUARTERS FOR FIREWORKS Large Stock of all the latest Novelties In Fireworks just received. f!ti wlii-rn watT ia not uad lor otlmr j art. j. ii. i ur my, at Nnw Yoik lial i-iy, Kilth and mu A Ot., tlm Cut I'rna liruxg at. U atrf atiiM ta, ii',iii City. I Jolinaon iJill.h do tfiinral liirycm pur !,., ,u l, . per montli or 'i for ; 12345 0 7H0 H'" a"aoti, from May lat to Octohfr lal. K U .1 U .' 0 H II 2 :V) , pavahla in a Ivam.n , O00004I000-M, ii ,,. i..tl mmJ I ii'i'na iwi aiiiiitiiiK i lM(alll'l aiu Wanlad.U xrl.anga town property f"" ;' T" 0 'tlo ",,"" ii for a farm. Krupurn at llua idlii.-n. k tivi only . No ronaiiumr aill m prrmilt'-J to , rim rorlland City and Ofivon trollry ' l i. .. i. i M , , .. -. , - ' iimm ui ir I iKl-7 inn lfirinia-7a ui imwill, until fiirllmr liotlr. in a kit a . , . , , , ouii-r, unmaa me rrKUiar cnargo naa . paid Ari ex, raiv ue of watrr will not b Irt-rmittttd. fur a diarrard A rulra and rfgula- i tiona, Kovrrnliig the tiae of water the anr ! vice may ts ihut oil without further no- ICiiiia hy nmliiga; OrrKon City Kamhlcra Z't rr n I round trip ratn from Caimmali ndOrt(on Citv In Portland Hundiya w ith raia nvny 'M mlnutaa. Camrra aup plica of all kinda, at Char- Mrii.Ni Parv l.rvxa-lon m,,i. t "-pairing al Umir ahop on Maui atrn-t. I tl,- droiu. who haa a rontrai t lor am vrtlinr I '""taaitu r'lflb and hmh. All kuida of In, lowi.ahu.a in l.aka roiiniv l. li I u.. i l"n Imi-la to rnt. ( oal-r day avnmiig ai'iompaiilnd ly Harry "a(!ord,of bairm, Italph I'uiiiili, of HuhUrd, Charlra Myxra, M. h. Jl Coan.and Jotiu HoUaiid.ol tirr.-oii City. Charlra liiha ni, of Portland, r frd ' II, T. hladrn'a. btdvnra, of bandy, and Urown, of I'arkplarn. Tha party willgohy atramrr I he Halli-a and lako trama atrauht to I.akntirw whnh will Im tl,e,r l aan of aupplma ainl it) mllra Iroiii tlm a.Biio of oixoatlona. Tlmy will paaa Itirouh Pruirvilln and l'ailry. Jlie a,ik will uvnpy b'xjiiI lour iiiontha. hrakra filUxl. V ara hrru lo atay all lo Dial claaa work. (iv ua a call. Oreon City, Oregon, May 31, Ml. 1'i.Mkll Or WATKK CoMMlaNIO.HKKil. v, V B V M V y V. TrlmnifHl data fur Man lupat Mra Mititxa I'.ixit Orrn raa. Tuala tin In.t, K Inhta i, the Mai-ralM-ra, lin t i laal Thuradav avrlimg and rlr t.-. (Im j lollow ma- i.lht'i'ra: t oiiiiuaiidi-r, J, I.. I'aknr ; I.. C . ii. II I'lint, k ; Ii. K. and I. K.. K. I!. Taylor ;t Chaplain, P. I.. Ila'ria; M. A., 'i, C. Waldron ; K-ftfi-aiit, W. It. Kram ; Dial iiia-lrr of g'larda, A. Il Huikl-a; airond inaatrr of gdarda, ICola-rl Vaughan ; aiilinl, M. liaurli; plikrl, C. M. Maxm. Arrani-iiii-iila ante diartiMtvl for llm 4'li of July c In flation al Wright'a hpnnga. j, . Howard waa api-nntt-l fc-ianl marahal. K. y.. Taylor aaa i-oiumlaaiolirvl chli-f iiH'ullte hi liargn of ground prlvili.gi-a. Pmf. .Millard Hyatt waa put in rhargn of ration , .ii. . ........ .., iirm aimria, ami a p"i;raiiiin" fiiiiiniiira aa at,Miiiiird, roiiip-wd ( Ii. It. l)iiu Uk, 1;. K. Taylor and rrank Cooler. A aauipln jar ol Cudahy'a Itralid !. Kxlrai I at l:ln ria in'i S-v-rnlli atrrct gnMi ry. Thia la the flneat prrparatlon of ita kind maiiufartiirol, and arlla for 40 ui-rita pt-r jar. Krlurn the cap of a 4 I rrnt jtr loCudahy Mao ufarturlng Company and rrrelm an rlr gant lithograph, l'-'xlo Inrlma, frrr from advrrlialng. inilliiiHiy Una at Miaa (ioldalliitli. Fvrrylhltig in the grrat riluillon Tlm Klo-imrr cliurrh id the Kvangi-I-li-al Aaa-iriation, one mile north of Mo lalla. will Im ilediraU-d on Sunday, Juim .101 h, and acrvira will U-gin on Kri l.iy previoua lo hunday, June ltd and will Im coudurlol a follow a: rriday, H p. in., (inrman pri-arhing ; SaturiUy, .1 p. in., iennan prraclung and huini-a nmrt lug; Saturday. H p. in., Kngllah prearti Ing ; Sunilay, 10 a. in , (irrinan iriacli Ing and lird'a aupx-r ; Sunday. -MM .p III., Kllgliall pai'achiug aud church Iidi- Sunday. R p. m., Knliali rrai hlng, Kv. J. K. Sni'Ui. of Port land, olliciailng. Kviryridy ia inviu-d. Id afii' ( annul be ( arrd hy Iim al applicationa, aa limy cannot rrai h tlm diM-aM-d jxjrtlona of the ear. Thrrt- ia only one way to c4re drafni-aa, and that ia by coiiatitutional rnnrdira. I irafin-M j caiiN-d by lyi inflami-d con dition of the muroui lining of the Ku atacbiau Tulie. Wlmn thia tube gt-ta in Itamtil you have a rumbling Bound or iuiK-ih't Imaring.and a lien it ia entirely iloM'd deafliea ii tlm reault, and Utilraa the iiilliuation can l taken out and thia tul rmiorrd to iu normal condition, hearing w ill I destroyed forever; nine ra-a out of ten are cauwd by catarrh, which ia n ithing but an inflmied condi tion of the miK'oua aiirfuccs. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any caae of iHafnrna (cauaed by catarrh) that cannot lie cured by II all'l Catarrh Cure. Send for circular!, free. K. J. CIIKNKY A CO. ToleJo, O. Sold by ilruggiata, 7'c. Hall's Family I'll la are the beat. Flags Bunting Toy Pistols Cannons Etc. Special Sale of Fishing and Base Ball Goods GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR Prices l Leaders in Advance Styles and Low I Y Job ( ouldu't Have Stood It 11 Im'd bad IU hlng Piles. They're ter ribly annoying; but Hurklen's Arnira Salve will cure the worat cairn ol piler on earth. It lias cured thnuaaml. For In- jorira. Pains or i.lily F.ruptioiis it's Mhe beat salve in the world. Price '.'V Sold by lieo. Y. M. C. A CAAaa The aolii'iting kOinuiiltee si llm praiil date baa auo rrih'd In raiaing i'l.'O loaaid the coiiili tioiial .''i) renired in placing the Y, M. C. A. ol tlm city on a wiiking baaia Willi llm .'l't X'ctd Iroui the cor Hiralioiia ol the city there yet reinallia 'VA to Im aerurnd. A ayalnmatlc can .... I... i-.. -1 I I.. ,.i ii.. lullla among llm employea which it Ii L. i i ..i. .i - 1....1 ' . I... - ..i .i.- l aoniii Hum"!, m nil urn nil nn'r N.nmiltiil V UI I .... I hi.ii. m men ol llm rllv will reault cellent law. good (lading, good . I . . a t t . I ... I ..I !l I I. -a! " . 1 ...... ti Ka tatil rMai at nl a v rr I auaai ail I tm Miim plan of th- management U apidy :-mu I " ,IM,", v" latum olindel.t. 7 " a box. Cure guaraiitcod. A. Harding. net sienil the vacation al (lay, where can Im bad ex- iMiatlng, ; aale bathing, alluring ridee aud rainblea ( the J tit) toward li'i'iiiUtiiiti ot in edneaa and the re.i.aining 'iik) aud all over the I Vnl low aril Improving Ilia luiildlng and prnuilana. Secrvtary Oacar Cox, ol Portland, now In attendance at the II. -ton Y. M. C. A. International convention ia Inalructed lo am lire a ailit able man for general secretary and physical director both poaitioiia to be tilled if poaalhl wiih the oii man. At this iHirllctllar tune the inaiiageinent de sire the hearty co-oieratlon ol every clt ixeii of Oregon C'lty towaid the Hiuia lient eatahllahmiiut of thia woithy Inili tut ion. Around I lie Court lluuae. Mra. Carrie K. Hurlburt ami J. I.. Surly, of Wilaonvillu were granted a marriage licenae Sattiulay. Nellie Cook baa tiled a suit for divorce froiiJltyinoiul W.Cook. Her attorney! aie St. Kay tier, Clark and Walls, The complaint alleges cruel aud inhuman treatment and "Intra that Cook called the plalntill' hml names and threw a platter of scrambled eggs al her. Mrs, Cook aaks lo bn allowed (o resume, bur maiden namn Nellie l'sliii. Iford great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort oilers enual attractions and advantages. BaantU Bxalora f 11. Ir L. . II. . 1 . ft l m tm K.r.a im niajxsjrj Mr. James lUown of Putamouth, Vs., over Ik) years of sgn. u IK-red for years with a bad sore on his face Physicians could not help bun. ItoWitt's Witch lUxrl Salve cured bitu pertuauenlly. Ueo. A. Harding Pyspeptics caunut Im long lived lie cause to live require nourishment. Food ia not nourishing until it is digested. A disorder! stomach cannot digest fool, it must have assistance. Kodol Iyap- sla Cure digests all kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain id natural function!. Iti elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids anj it simply can't help but do you good. Geo. A. Harding. I OASTOniA. Bai the fl K'r,l Vm His) i'sirs lxi 8if satars of Moore's Pharmacy 7th St. on Hill, l'r. Mooro has exclusive charge, and receives new goods daily. DO TOO II YOUR HO If not why don't you atop paying rent and apply the money towards the purchase of a home? A first class opportunity is now open to you in the proposition that the WILLAMETTE FALLS COM PANY is making to sell small tracts of its land near the town of Willamette Falls on such reason able terms that a person with a very small in come may become a home builder These tracts vary in size from two and one-half acres up, all good level land and first class soil suitable for cultivation. On one of these tracts you can have a small orchard and also raise all the vegetables and small fruits that a family can use, and with the addition of a cow and chickens a large part of your living can be made on the place. There is a good school in Willamette Falls and your children will have excellent educational facilities. Easy access is had with Oregon City over the WILLAMETTE FALLS RAILWAY with cheap fare and cars are run to accomodate the mill hands. Why not get out of town and give your children breathing and play room and thus in sure their good health? Dont you think that you would feel more independent and contented if you owned your home than you do when living in a rented place? If you are interested in this a a a . - a a I w aJ am a m matter apply to c. A. Miner at niLLAMhi ir. f alls RAILWAY STATION, West side for full particulars. : WILLAMETTE FALLS COMPANY r..iiii.i.ii.iii.i.ii.i.i.i.ii.iiiiii.i.i.iii.iinn.iii.ii.i.i.i.i.iiiaiiii.iJ Rambler Bicycles Are up to date, light, strong, easy running, have perfect bearings, G & J tires. The Rambler is the best wheel on the market. Price $35.00 and $40.00. Burmeister 8 tydresep, 7 m i U . Eastman Kodaks Premo, Poco, Cyclone and Korona Cameras have been greatly reduced in price. We give instructions free with every Kodak or Camera we sell. Our stock of Photo Supplies Is al ways fresh. Our prices the lowest. 5l?e Oregon ity Juelrs.