Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 14, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Arounil the Coart llue.
Tlis sale o( rval ostAte aiuonnlinir to
2U) lo Kril 8. Smith ly 8. W . Itaril
ty, liiiinistrator of he ute o( S(
Ann !sinop. wasconiirimM.
M.OattislJ, U. vS-li roller and Jolin
Wetilerliave liw-n cpoiiitl appraisers
ol lh estate of Wulf 0. Kuclil, upon ap
plication o( liertriul Kuelil, iliuinitra
tor. M. A. Stralton estate or.lsre.1 r!ecl
m on ol the tureiirt on Ilia bond ot
flhailea Albright, administrator o( ill
eatateof Julius Lotus, dec!. nd
Initiil of (iforjie A. Hurdinu ml lo. A.
Hurt m to he amount of flO.lXH) b f
pird. A lunse to wcil crantsd Amelia Fall
rusch ana Ousts? Fischer.
Try our IVvelopf i. only 25 rents for a
large bottle. Charman A Co.
F. F. Slight, of t'anhy, formerly with
K E. Williams in this city, ha ma t a
reputation for his etrawbernea on his
Canhy (arm. He haa arrange! with
KolVrtson's i;r -ry to handle his crop
this year and fumil'ii-s dsinn, the lnh
tt, nicest, sweetest berries should go
there, Shipment are hem received
Meade Tuet No. 2. G. A. K., will meet
tomorrow afternoon to make arrant
ment for the dolt-gates to attend the
tJrand Encampment at Forest Grove.
Four new recruit will le mustered in,
briniring the membership of the post up
to 111. Saturday evening about IS
members of Meade Post and the relief
corps will leave on the 6 :2t) car to visit
fntnner Toot of East Portland. It is
probable next year's encampment will be
t Astoria.
The teachers and young people of the
Weft Side produced a comedy in three
arts, in the school house, entitled
"Single life." Miss Imogen Harding
and Mr. C. A.Miller sang. The school
closed Friday. The tearher elected for
the ensuing year are Prof. Gary, Miss
llumphrys, Slics Grant and Mix Putty.
Mrs. Strang tesclie in the B)lton
annex. County Superintendent J. C
Zinier presented the diplomas to the
graduates, IjW Caufield. Bessie Mc
Millan and Earl Smith.
Fred Douglas, son of C. N. Dotiglis,
who lives near Borings, ran away from
borne Sunday night and went to Port
land where he was traced by his father,
and ratiht in the North End, just as he
was about to embark in a forvigli vessel.
The boy had a yearning for die sea which
b'a people are not disposed to cratify.
Tbe boy objecud to returning, but when
informed by his father that be would be
ent to the reform schawl if Ire did not,
be quickly consented to go borne.
A cripple, wbo would not give bis
name, hired a horse from Young's livery
stable last Saturd, saying he was going
to Highland. Instead of doing so he
rode to Portland and spent all of Lis
cash for bad whisker. Three days after
be started to return but having no
money to par for the use of the ninnl,'
decided to turn it loose near town. He'
was nabbed by the officers at Oswego
and arrested on a charge of horse steal
ing. The matter was compromised by
the man agreeing to go to work and pay
Mr. Young for the horse hire.
In Memory of Martha lUtliin.
Whkhkas, The stern and unrelenting
hand of IVath, which is contlmully
reaping and gathering it harvest Irom
the rank ol humanity, has again visited
ihe Held of our Order, and taken I ruin
our midst one of our well Moved sisters,
Martha barlow. Therefore,
HcsoLVKi), That in the death of Sister
Harlow (Mir community has lost one of its ;
most useful and upright pioneers, her '
family a kind and adVctionate wile and
mother, and this Chapter one f ii most '
valued meiulicrs,
Kksolvkd, That we ever rherish with
atlection the memory ol our departed sis-1
ter, trusting that vhile she is railed from j
the Chapter on earth, she, in Ihe mercy
of God, lias become a member of tlie l'e-1
lestial Chapter above, where love and,
chanty will lorever abide.
KtsoLVKO, that we sympathize with
the family and friend of the deceased in ,
tiieir sad bereavement, and hereby ten
der them our heartlelt sympathy in their
deep atll.ction. '
Kksulviki, that a ropy of these resolu- j
lions be furnished the liushand of our la- ;
men ted sister, and that the same be
spread upon the Kecords of our Chapter, j
A precious one from us hss gone,
A voice e loved l stilled ; j
A place is vacant in our home,
Which never can he tilled. J
God in his w ilom has recalled
The boon his love had given ;
AnJ though the bodv moulder here,
The soul is sale in I leaven.
I Inei M. Hvan,
Committee J. H. Walker.
( Miud E. Church.
Masonic Hall. Orrgon City Ore May 14. !
Mahlon E. Hlllongnby.
To the Commander ana Member ol
Meade Post No. 2.
Your commute appointed to prepare,
a tribute of respevt to our la'e comrade,
Mahlon E Willoughby, respectfully sun
mil the following : 1
Mahlon E. Willoughby wan born in,
the state of Ohio in the year 13.13 and
died at Santa Monica, California, on May ,
3rd, llWl, at the ake of Ci. Hi eanir ,
life was spent in hi native stale, where .
he carried on the business of a stone cut-
ter. He enlisted in Ihe War for Ihe l'n- j
ion in June, WC. as private in Co. ll,
1211 Ohio Inft. Vols., and by good cn- j
duel in that rose by successive grade to j
tbe rank of Captain, being inuterrd out
a such at the close of the war. He be
came a memler of Meade Post No. 2, G.
K , in April, Hi), and continued a faith
ful member of that organisation until his
death. Hi comrades who survive him
desire to record their appreciation of his
faithfulness to hi obligations of com
radechip and of his kindly and generous
feel Dg toward all who wore the blue.
While hi health permitted he was al
ways in bis place in the Post and dis
charged the duties of the various ollicvs
be held in the G A. H. ith fidelity and
was always ready to do all in his power
to uphold and extend the principle of
the Order.
We recognire in the departure of our
late comrade that the Post and the Depart
ment of Oregon has suffered a loss and
are also reminded that for ns Ihe final
m outer out cannot be long delayed.
C. A. Williams )
J. Doremus .- Committee.
Geo. A. Harding)
all your
think you
must be
older than you arcr
Yet it's Impossible to
look young with the
color of 70 years in
the hair. It's sad to
sec young persons
look, prematurely old
in this way. Sad be
cause it's all unneces
sary; for grav hair
may always re re
coFIor WDDo
For over half a cen
tury this has been the
standard hair prepara
tion. It is an elegant
dressing; stops fall
ing of the hair; makes
the hair crow; and
cleanses the scalp
from dandruff.
il.OOab.ttla. All Jrafilt.
"I h N"a nln Ajrr'i Hair
VlTr fr or jo rr atij I ras
hoirtl'T iwummrnif II tu Ilia poblld
aj Um br.t twir tiIOe lu rti.trat'."
Mr. U.UiW',
April 4, 1. tu.r,Ti.
If yo 1a wA MJa alt tv WtxSta
.. .n-t. I rr- ua Vioi, wrua
lu VvcUil afctal li. Aa4raa.
I) a. J. C. ATI".
U.w.:u Kim.
r V V T T T
A A A A A.
"A few months ago, food which I ate
for breakfast would not remain on my
stomach for half an hour. I used one
bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and
can now eat my breakfast and other
meals with a relish and my food Is
thoroughly digested. Nothing ripial
Kodol Diappsia Cure for slomacti
troubles." H.S Pitts, Arlir ifton, Tex.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
eat. Geo. A. Harding.
Modern llio'hi rliood ef Amerlr.
WlltMtf AS, ll has pleased our I'ivliiH
Creator lo Vlsil the homes of T. H. Us-'
ker and E. S. McCllnry and remove (torn
their families loved husbands slid falh
eta. I It
Kssoi vsn, Thai weelend lu Ihe be.
reavetl Hives, children and Irleiula ol lint
deceased our lender sympathies over ,
Una sail event whlcli hss deprlred tlir-in ,
of (hell loved hilsbsndt and (alhera.
Fully realing that words cannot comfort '
alien death conceal forever the face of
. ved one, we ituiimeiid (hem In our
Heavenly rather who ha said: "('inns i
; unto ine sll ye who who latr and arr
' heavy laden and I will givs you ret."j
j.lso I it I
I Kioi vri, That Willamelte l.o.lge No, ;
! Modern ItrotherhiKMl of America,!
, ha lost two of It moat Worthy lliemlara I
ihe f'lnllie devoted husband ud kind
father, ami the community two honor j
1 hie and well ove cltiiens. Hn It
Uoi,vi, That tin hut lemlnda ua
that wn should make Some irovianu
fnr our lovel one for we know not Ihe
' dsv nor Ihe hour when our Crebr shall
say: "Well done, good and faithful aer
I vant, come up hinder."
' lie it further IU u il, That our char
ter l-e ilrard in mourning for thirty days
and a copy of these resolutions te spread
iin the mimitea of the lodtfe, and a
j copv l furnished rach ol Ihe loeavel :
ftm'ilie ; alo each ol the county pavi
and our lod.-e paper fur publication. I
I Willamette Ualgt. No. Kl'l, M slern
Urotherhoisl of America, Wllsonville, Or. j
Iteautiful line of i hitfoii hat, In all
' the latest style. Call and iniect. I
; tl Misa Goldsmith. '
j We pav the lax on "Oxford" lllctcle
' and .ive'TAGS FltEK. aUi Hell, Pant
' guard ml guarantee them lor Ihe sea
i a. in. Price .h), with anv kmd of a lire.
I Ctiarman A Co., Cut Price Picycle deal-
I Dig reduction iu trimmed hats, Mr.
H.T. Sladen.
j Letter 1.11.
j The ollowing I Ihe .I of letter re
' mainuig in the poatolll.e at Oregon City,
Ore , on June tl, ''l :
j i ir. 1
Johnn, Vry Mm MilUr, Lester Mrs.
Miller, A. E.Mr Kleslea, Amy Mis
nii I win , N.iia Mis
mix's tisr
Kaldwin. Jss. Miller, II. O.
Caldwell, E. P. M o.i.erak, l ira. G.
Carlson, Fre.l Ofc len, W. L
ri,titaiis-n, Edaard Kalilt. IU.
II ge. F. E. , Miigi. IC iv
I istinann, ("has. W, Tripp, T II.
Jones, .e.i:,rd I.'-) Trow bridge, It. J.
Martin, Henry Wright, G M.
GEO. F. HolCTON. P. M.
A T rrihlr I ipl !on
"Of a gawilin tove burned a lady
here f'igliliiflly," w ritea N. E. Palmer,
of Kirkman, la "Tns Is st tor
roilldn't be. I tl.e running sore that ..l
lowed, hut Ibicklen' Arnica halve en'
ll'ely cured her." Itifillihln fur Cuts,
Corn, Sore, Hoils, Hruiaea. Skin l'i
eas'S and Piles. lI'icatG. A. Hardu.g
fTM n? rsn rvn la) i
Mm If Is UJ liJ LS UO
rramy Modlolnoo,
I For Coughi, Coldi, Grip, or
"Cold" In ANY .'ART or body.
w- j t'oi.M, wii li . u , r,, io"
Kidney mi Backache -
,,,M, vi Dr. l-.nn.rs fctdn.y a4 Ja-k. c ?
Vm r- !se me a irf" I cii. M sl.liini,,,
Rlnntl oiifl Liver
Rmei, and (jervB Tonic
Or. at Hlooa CUanstn mdy tor Iprlnf
ll.adacbst.CousUpallou.' TU4.'Kle ..
Dyspepsia Cure
Golden Relief
St, Vifus'Dance
.milt I ra" ford l' . I'a.. Jui.r In l ,n "
i.,,y viih atfu I liaiia .. .it., l "
I i.Iim lm aiol l .l l'U-, brali,a
ly lieail ami tip i'li.l.-lau
' I. lii,J
l,,e f . ,r ri ral liiolil 1 IliMrttl r..ili I 1t'
I. ..a s I.. ul. i f If, rnar Iiki4 ,J
Liver KtnisUy aud sirv Tat kiiil ufcj
acoiiii'li lerure. sa iuntata
Minni .. Ky . epl 1 . ua,""
My alfsliaa aulTernl oi It I. il w-
It (..I allot Id" t av.ni pn parallnua an.l ,J
,,f in f nan prtvN rleili'ii iiImmii ai.ii j
Siially liiwrlM pr. fr t'rip.Dll,
Curs ami Ilia of ll elti l.-il a rut. U.
1,1 In r aj I xillar raara dial data run, a in., I, fc j.
l,lMalli'll !) Is. ii ciiml ,f ,, j,
m-I at iri I'r r J I r n ta,M,,
M; har I'r i'lisr' I rwlonla N V. "
I ba uaol Dr. rsnnsr UulJ.a RaM.f f.
maiiv (raara f.if llio illaeaa ami a..Witn,
for lili Ii II Is a.rfli. ami ,a f. tiual .
fully iiiual lo an iiiu i lauii i t
nrji rrr
rrldlf KldarM t Ch.iVt
Dsd fur Cut, prwts. Burn. Old lorn
' ppram. loiua, wrip, ami lnron. (,n,
i hjrsantary. Until TroubU. It la uudnu, '
a,okt.. jM i !aa
I r . . n . . .
a a.t. .ll MM! mi 9-r l VlU t-. ,
StMia aa .. f Vaa ym .-l Ii II I ... mv,
a i. ..-.- .1 I r " .1 i n I i ,,
Ilk yuur drusstit fr Almanac fur Itol rnnlalaln daarrtllina of lb H.ni.-lutud
CaUlBalaa of U luvt lauiaikabU ura sr aiUlsnd bf UiUUm.
For Sale liy C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist, Oregon City, Or.
or i:vi:v
Wo ar riiard to Cut hrsl-clai Prlntina; promptly at
lowed prict connttvnl with skillful and Inlalllgant culion,
Your Work Sollcltod.
Fry's Squirrel Poison
Kill the squirrel ijuick and satr the grain. Ask for Pry' and um it Boa,
Price J mils I'or sale by druggists and grnrial Inrrv hauls
Irrprrd only by DANIEL J. FRY, tho Manufacturing
Pharmacist, Sutotn, Or.
l'ry' SUirirl I'uiaon li Ihe great! dratruyrf of tiiit on earth Put up la
Imirs containing enough to kill ji mil PrlCO lOCtntt.
Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2.
Court House Block,
Oregon City, Oregon
Regular 12 Tercale, jer yard 10c
Light Colored Calico, per yard 4c
Indigo Blue Oil Calico, per yard 5c
Curtain Scrim, per yard 5c up
Bunting, white or colors 5c
Cotton Batting, extra quality, per pound I2ic
The Celebrated Dr. Warner's Corset 50c up
20-inch Steel Rod Umbrella 50c
Pins, per paper
Safety Pine, per paper 5c
Hair Tins, per box 5c
Finishing Braid, bunch
Darning Cotton, 2 balls for 77.
Embroidery Silk, 6 spools 5c
White Tape, 2 rolls 5C
Silk Finish Crochet Cotton, spool 5c
Sheet Wadding, 2 (sheets fc
Sewing Machine Oil, 10c size bottle 5c
Vaseline, bottle 5c
White Metal Tea Spoons, 6 for l.ric
White Metal Table Spoons, II for 25c
Aluminum Thimble 5c
Liquid Shoe Drensing 7c
We have a hitf quantity of Ladies Shirt
Waists and Skirts which we are oller
ing at a Ji Reduction.
We carry the J. B. Lewis Wear Register,
and Bradley & Mctcalf Shoes. These
shoes are well known and once you use
them will call for them again. We are
making a special cut on shoes.
We arc agents for the celebrated Stand
ard Patterns. Call and get fashion
sheet free.
We carry the celebrated Gilbert Linings.
In our Millinery department wo are ottering HjxKiial
Sailor-Hats 25c
Trimmed Hats I 00 up
Men's StisiK tulcru, full h ngth, from lffc tip
Mo rt'ii I'.ftll.rij-K'an UndiTwcnr, -r suit 50o
Men's White IIiuiilkere!iiofn !q
Men's Blue or Red Handkerchiefs 5o
Men's Heavy Working (iloves. from 25c up
Men's Working Shirts, from 25o to 50o
Men's Funcy Dress Shirts 35o to 75o
Men's Black Sutine Shirts 45o
Men's Heavy Black Duck Shirts i;0c
Straw Hals f,0 Up
r7'is s 'As VivK,viVs
Tomatoes 3 cnnH
Corn 3 cans
J"ter 3 cans
Washing Powder 3 pUnd
Corn Meal '. 10 pounds
Bulk Kx tracts p,,r 07i
Cornstarch ,,ur jWUpj
Koiist u.llee IK)luui j()cup
Scouring Soap f,0
(Jood Syrup, in wooden pail pCr pail C5o
"Our Mother's" Starch, samo us Celluloid, with i
pound more to package lOo
We always have on hand a large stock of Mason Fruit Jars,
Caps and Rubbers.
Remember that we pay the highest market prices for Farm Produce, Shingles, Etc.