AO cany Oregon City LTATrn 171 n hd t ci ttv no. :n OIIKOON CITY, OKEOON, FRIDAY, JUNK 14, 1001. ESTABLISHED 18G6 (i A.HTUAUT, M' U. (Kill lit NSlHM..II. Jll.lti. iiitl, Imiiri: Ilia tit . in 11 m,, I lu i p, anil 7 in 1 , In, HI. riperlal iiriiilnn paid li Itiitiinmil.tii and 1'allial llBr. tub pm m Btaarn Heat and aieatal Light, Ileal Mwl In Iuwm al n tiaitl. OHEGON CITY! The Only Kimt CImh IIoUiI In town. -data (I day and upward JAIOM ;AM., 'rnprltr. 1) all tiri day or liltflit, It. HtANl'ls FREEMAN, -DENHsT- (iraluale t l)" NrtliNMliii Culver- aliv (iKiilal hi'liiml, Chliago. AImi American ( "llr.r nl iMilal Mugnry, Willamette IU.m k. Oii-K'-n ("My. I)" I l riCKKNH, DKNTIST. I'rti ra Mlniala. All Guaranteed. lrlup p.arclay Building Om-nii Clly, Of, J C HTI.K.'K I.AM), M. . ( I .mIII ami I'rl-al Klflnr llfirl III fiieliil,al aervli r til (I, l-r. 1 1 i-l llfr(iii -ty ami vo inlly Hrlal alUnlliiii tail III t'aiaifli ami I l.fulill" lllaraaoa UI i,f frll. nun ltrn ntir In Wlllanrlta HutUling (ftlr I.. ,nl; lUlul.'a III, t l '. Hi. i:IiiS I I I V nlt.iinN 1 W. M ANI'l.TV t Jimticn nf llin I'i ni p. Will lti.d lorolln Iiunt aiul mII fralr.lala. fail pi ' I i ;. J j Camera, and the price is re 1 I il j ' du"d from 25 to 50 per cent. ' t I )a' Try ur (turanlerd lietelnper, I U YTT7"!T!rr;7 Latest Novelties In tho Photo I V:3p'y Uno at roducod prices. I SMM CHARMAN&C0. i 'ip A. I'ft a im XI tin Nifrt, A Ml Uarkri, (it(..h I'll AffoRNKY AM., tf.'oT.f M. Kltlfii k MIm- Hinra. Id lUi.k l (fni. il) . (iiu.. Cit, liaiuiii. Ji-1 romm. ATTdltNKY AT I.AW 'AWOft SHANK & BISSELL mJ)attrviir I llin rr.r a f-n 1 'rfcaJ UNUtn I AKtnb TIFH r-t llutly aoli. (t j alf otinj-r . U ar irrarrt to arf you with rvrijr iinj-Irrii (oiivrnirtuc um-iI iii the irufruin, and for aa little niiHiry a K'kkI wti. c tan I hail an lirrr. W havr fine new hrarw and rairti(ra. l'intrrtV.iit i;MUani futirral Cut Dialling of cvrry dracriptiou. Coma and a Ua. aanattTtor rauriatf rvaaiaaan. Ofira o Ori,a Cll Kaurin a C LATOIKKTH. ATToHNKYrt AND Oa'NSKl.OKX AT UV maim araur oaaio rit, imiiioM. fumlah AUlfan (l Tm. Iau Mnny fnf cIum MurlxatM ami Irauaarl UaOafal j Hualaaa (JKO C. lllti'WM.I.I.. ATTnUXKY AT I.AW I rrfn Will rarlir In all tl rniirlt nf ll.a alalr l'l!n in Caul). M Millillt.g. .J. t camiukii.. ATToHN KY AT I.AW, Imperial (Xlheels ?.' tire i ht U:i of iKtriil wtKii 1931 I IKM tin irr 11:1 of Tin i:i Cc33tsr IT DDKS BUSINESS Mio wluif of I he Sou I lif rn I'aHfle'ii Ural OIIIcp. Kill i:il'TH II IM I FAB. DurlnK 0tilii-r ami XoremU r Airrnje Ha. f:,00 )4i, anil II lib Water M.rk wa (1,200. i ii'a! iwwina ho read nea.air moat have wen llm mau-mrrit md at tho la at avMion of ilia Orifon lugialature 1J Mafianr Ki liani Koftilur, U tlia Or rifim luifa ol Hnj Hiijtlifrii Pacific Rail- '" I. Tlia Mil to redura tlia mileage Irom four vn(a ft thrm) tfra tho Irgialalure ami M-irniMioD waa Kranled atveral railroad attorney, (M-rhatnt Ui rnnai noted of lliem liatinK W. I, r onton, oi iii huutliern I'ai iflo Kailwty com any, to aildri-aa tlif fneinUra on tli lieinlUlaT lull. Mr. Koehler atated that tlia Koutliern Pai'iflv Com ianjr a at run ri l ii t-elii nd aeycral lmii'lrel tltouiaiid dolUra antitiall on ila Oreioii liiia and Ilia upaliot ol the aliola fruller wai tlia U'lflalatuie killed lif Mieaanrr. If tlia OreK'in City olllre ia a faireiam pie of th earnifikta of Hie Oregon Hum, tNero la Do rearon aliy tlia coiiipaiiy li'iuld loa money, a riiitition at this l-oint la to brick that tlx local olfita tn- reipu ara rniall in tiruiHjriion to the ity' Mjultion and iiuainea. Never inneaa Uie Oregon Clljr olline a jtroM eartiif.a lor laKt year irera aornetntnK hka '.J, (UK). Dunn-the motilht of Octo ber and Noveiuher when grain ahi- tnenla aero heavy the receijiU averaued I JU a day, and on coe day fl.l'OO waa taken In. heventy-flve tr cent of the Income la freight bnainea and 25 er cent paaacnger. At (irraent the dull e aoli La on and there ia comparatively lit' tie doinif, hut lew -otle have any idea ol the tiuaineaf that goea through Oregon CHy daily. The Nmtnern I'acific Coiujiany't linea In Oreg in total 725 luilea aa folloaa: Kaal lJe divnion, 3VS tnile;VooJburn hl'ringlield branch, 140 nulet; Weat Side iliviaion, II'.' mile ; Yamhill diviaion. ICX'i in i Ira. The groaa earning of the whole avtlern for the flrat ten month ol the current lifral year were f4,697,Wi(). For the aame period laat year they were V7.' b'i2,W7, an increaae of over aeven mil lion iu one year. IMHKI) OP lOkXllOXERS. Recolar Jane Term of the Coaatj Iliard. K, Mortoa, Jeha Lawallaa and T. Klllla, ComiuUaloaara. 0au,, Cit, Oaauoa. W ill i rarllmlii all Ih enurl at lh alala. Ol- tv. I,, i u n. to i,ui iiu.j. O. V. Ka-tluuii (. I!. Pimirk.j 1)1 MICK .V KASTIIAM j Attornovs-at-Lnw. j ('(iiimnTciiil, ltrnl Kritfttn nml I'ro-I lalo Law, Sjn'i-inltiiM. Abtrai t of Title made, Money Ixianed j Oregon City, Oregon ; W. B U'R. 0. Bchuabal I U'RKN & .SCIIUKMEL Attorncya at I.nw. Slcutfdjcv JfXbuollrtt. Will iiracilc in all conn, inak ColleRtinni anil arltlniiieiita of Kaiata. Kurntali alialracla ol title, lend you money and leml your iniiiiry on Ural morgKe. Offlco In Entorprlso Dullding. lre((oli l lty, OrrRim. JJOIUOUT A. MII.I.KH ATTORN liY AT LAW Lurid Tltlcn unci I.iind Office I limlrtcem ft Hpecliilty Will jiructice in all Court of the Stole We aic Sole Ariit a fur the Celebrated Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators. We also lire I slock of f LANl'T JR. SEEDERS. SFRAY FUMPS, ETC. Pope & Co. 4lh & Main St.. ORISON CITY. OR., Telephone 465 IMAMhWMfiWvWMMMW'MWiMVMVVMVI GROCERIES For Cash At 0)p Room 3, Weiiihard Wiltf. Court Houmc, Oregon City. Oregon JANIt 0P0KK00N CITY, Oldest min Douse u me citr. Paid up Capital, IMI.0U0. Hurplua, Iai.hmi. raiauiKNT, caABLB a. CarriaLii, Tii.a rHaaiuxNT, aao. . HABume, AaiiiBR, - a. a OAvriai.11. (nnnral liatiklng litialuea Iranaaoteit. Mtipoaiia rtmtitved atitim in cheek. Appriivail hill and mile illacimtued. Jimmy ami city warrant bmiKlit. Ixiana mulii iiinfallalile aoonrlly. Kidlianne IioiikIi t aiol olit. (lollnotlim iiimtu promptly, brill anlt avallaiile In any part nf the world Tnleitraphla einhanxu mil on Portland, Bau fraiioUco. i:iil(!ni.i mill Nuw York, ntureat pal J mi tline dnpoalta. HK COMMKKCIAL HANK UK (1UK1ION Cl'l Y. I'apllBl, ..... HK),KI THANHAt'TN A OBNBHAI, IIAKKINII H1'IN. bimiia inmlu. hill ilianouiitoil. Muku nil "flimm. IIiivn nml aolla exi'lmmiu on all point the llnlltiil HlHte, Kiiropu anil II011H Kiinif. Ucpiialt rcnv,,ii atilijeci to uliock. Hank open Irom U a. u. lot r. M, b V. LATOUKKTTK, PreaMont. K. J. lit VI" It CHlor. Wholesale Prices. HARRIS' GROCERY, First Corner From' Court House , L ( j Kfifl Ti . Stiito Normal School Monmontb. Oreeon Drmand lor Oraduataa Tlie demand for irrml uiitr ol the Normnl 81'hool duriiiK Ihr pnat ycur una ncen mucn iwyotnl tneaiippiy. I'o itluni with Irom $ao to $7,1 er month. 5tat Certlllcate and Olplnmai Stmlrnt are piTpurril fur the alnte eiamlnntilon and remllly take alnte piiier on Kmiluatlon. PtrniiK Aendeiny and Profeaalonnl Course. Well ettilpicd Triilnlnif Itepnrtnirnt, Ittprnara rmiKr from $1 SO to $1 75 per yenr, l'ull Term open September 17th. l'or enloltiKuecotitttinlnK f"lt nnnounermrnt uililrra or J, B, V. SUTLER, P. L. CAMfBELL. Seoretiiry. rreident IVs it remernbem, That a regular term ol' the Hoard of County Commia itonert for the county of Clackamas, elate ol Oregon, begun add held at the court iiouae in said county and ataie on W edneexlay, the Mh day of June, 1001, the aame being the regular time fixed by la' fur the tranaaetion of county btni neaa. There were preaent, Hon. J. K. Morton, Hon, John lwe!hen and Hon. T. H. Killcn, commiaaionert; K. II. t'ooiivr, clerk ; and J. J. Cooke, sheriff, when the following proceedings were had to wn : In the matter of road report for the month of May, )J1. The Hoard bavin examined the re tiorta of the road suierviaora lor their 1 relvlive dlntrula and being fully ad- viaeil, It 1 ordered that they lie and here by are approved and the clerk is hereby authorized to draw warrants on the Koad and General funds for the eeveral amounts and in favor of the following named : Road Diatrict No. 1 Geo li Kate & Co gen fund. John Harrington Jete CoHtea, road fund k J Spooner H Gilford O Wallace 15 00 Sam IWrnliarU 9 00 II Stuekey 51 00 Chaa Council t0 00 V, I pankhauer 3 F.d Tutholke 27 00 H Richardson 12 00 11 Tbieaen 15 IX) V Worthington 12 00 W H Couimell 50 00 Total f3.i4 40 Diet No 2- Pote A Co gen fund 1 25 J Zeek 8 Rons Parker road fund 18 00 I W Johnson 15 (X) Kd Davis 9 00 Willis Johnson 3 00 A C lavis 33 00 Wan! Jones 0 00 PT Davis 25 00 W W Smith. 1 50 ('ha Koadarmal 7 50 Milo ThompHon 3 HO Lute Heebie 3 75 Win Fullerton 7 50 Max Kychman 6 00 143 40 . 28 60 . 13 50 . 6 1 60 Dial. No. Go IJIUUiAO). Ka fund 5 70 O Htratiaer, road lurid 3 (XI O P.airihow , , , , 12 00 A Giinderaon , (X) K hukow 4 (io John nlUiin 12 00 Win lioelioln 23 60 iilbrt Jomrud 8 25 J il Jtevetiua 2 IX) ToIbI , , Dial. No. 7 A Clhomaa, road fund. Martin Thomas frank Thomas Chaa Leaf Win Calvin Jaa pegles Total Dint. No. 'j 1 Drake; gen fpnd Go B Rate A Co Miller liros A Co Wiihelm Held Herman rred Lin liana J'jIhibod Henry Winke Han Klinker I'elei Paulnen John PuliMn Henry Kmiih Juliu PaulHc-n Auguat Paulaen Henry Johnaon. .- Henry Johnaoc road fund. Julius Paulfteu , .113 05 5 2.1 4 12 . 3 on . 4 60 . 3 on . 22 (XJ .143 24 PRACTICE MARCH Hoofe From Orrgon City to WIN holt Springs In Suirgcstpil. HAS EVFKT 54TIRAL ADVANTAGE. The Port'and t'oiapniiies f'ooM Cjiiih Here by imt and he Joined by Company A. fund. Total ... . Diat. No. 10 U D and J K Kly teen Miller Jiro & Co John llonehon Sherman Coop Adoiph Miller Chaa Miller Kobl Miller John llonehon road fund. Jack Kurgher Total Dial. No. 11 Pol k Company, gen fund. Geo B Rate A Co W A Holmes..., IVininger road II E Roen il tMiiathers..... II I Jin kin ... , W W Morgan..., B htricklaml..., It Holcoiub .... 77 lo lunl. ..$113 03 .... 75 ... 9 hO 1 70 18 00 15 (X) 18 00 12 00 14 25 12 00 6 00 K O Thomas 6 00 W H fciiuitu 21 00 K Smith 45 00 D Watts 8 25 S Jones 4 60 C E Smith 12 00 J Charles 4 50 M Rivers 6 00 F E Smith 9 00 S Foray the 6 00 FCSnvder 16o A Perry 75 J liaocratz 4 50 II Smith 13 00 Total.... $220 00 Diat. No. 12 Scripture and Reaulien. sen. fund f 1 50 Fred Gerber, road lund 21 00 N. Kin-hem 33 00 II. liahler 24 10 C Kin-hem 22 87 O. D. Robhin 1 50 Chaa. Ilaltan 13 50 U. Watt 1 00 C Johnson 13 50 S.Cland 6 00 Geo. Cloener 6 00 W. P. Kirvheji 24 00 Ren Swales 10 50 Myron Rabler 7 50 Y . M. Kirchem 3 00 Captain Kemp, inpw:for of rifle prac tice ol the Third Rfgimenf, Oregon Nt url Guard, was in town Ttiea-lay, In lctitig the rangn of Company A on the Went Mile and the target. The com pany will commence practice Sunday and will continue every Sunday until the encampment Meuitwr of the coin puny are preparing for the regimental prac'ice march, the exact date for w hich ha Dot been a-l, but probably will start Joly5. This date is highly favored as the regiment would lie in readme with lee trouble, having to prepare (or the 4th of July parade anyway. The route of the march ha not yet been rbownn hut the one moat favored is Oregon City to Wilhoit Spring, about '.'A mile coat of this city. Tne Portland companies would come here by steamer and be joined by Company A. The march would take lena than three days and on arrival the regiment would camp. WiU hoit Spring i an unexcelled location for an encampment. The regiment could go and come by different route and the ground i trai-ticaily free, from grow ing crops. There ia an aulimited water supply and feed lor the animals. Ab'in danl wood supplies are also to be had. The topography of the country between here and Wilhoit is such that traveling would be comparatively eaay. About twenty wagon teams will be called into reoiintion lor the transpor tation ol provinions, tents and other nec efMarie abicn cannot be packed by the men. Camp will he pitched and broken tacit dy and the order of march will be exartly such as is followed when in a field of battle. There will be advance and rear guards aa well as flankers, and as a whole ui h duties will be illu-trated as are required In actual marches to ward an enemy. By reason ol the fact that ibis is the first maneuver of this kind put into prac tice here the movement haa been ac cepted with much enthusiasm and inter est is unanimous in the ranks. It is safe to say that all who can possibly spare the time can be counted on to participate, and it is certain that the march will re sult in much good since the circum scribed space of the Armory does not allow of anv such maneuvering as will be executed in the open. Kaliki suits will be worn, as they are light and clean and more lasting, and much preferable in every way than the blue uniform. FOKEVT ElMiER. Will Begin Duty in the Cascade Bene Next Week. Total $183 87 Diat. Nol3. V. II Boiinev, general fund. W. C. Ward, road fund -LOIBEB LINDSLEY'S SAW MILL All kinds Furnished at Lcavo Orders at Vaughn's Livery Stable. Total , $148 20 Dist No. 3 Richard Kalumow gen fund 5 25 V. Walfhagen 5 20 Ell Utirghardt J W Hilleary Pope A Co Geo ii Kate A Co Herman Rettig roud lund Aithur Dunlap Henry Rock Richard Witzel Karl Tong Win llayden A V Cooke 44 Wlter Ileiser 9 30 IX) 8 30 88 S9 50 11 00 9 00 4 50 13 00 5 25 10 50 00 IX) Goo Rarst-h 10 50 W W Cooke 22 50 Frank Marion 4 50 Theo Schinalu , 6 75 Total $235 58 Dint No 4 Geo 1$ Kate A Co am fund 4:1 00 J E Arledgo 4 60 B Forrester 2 25 TOdell 75 J E Burnette 1(1 00 Jackson Brown, road fund 2 00 Chas Vancuren 3 (X) 11 Udell 3 00 iE Burnett 8 00 Total.. $80 10 C B Ward. M C Ward John Mattoon.. John Lovelace. Ed Miller I 60 .$ 2 50 .. 34 00 . . 45 00 .. 15 00 .. 3 35 75 Total $102 10 Diat. No 14 B F Linn, general fund $ 18 00 Wm F Harris 75 99 SG Bailey, road fund 13 50 J M Myers 3 00 11 W Schmale 12 75 J V Forbes 5 00 I, M Davis 0 (X) V O Dickerson 3 00 J R Mvers 18 00 H O Schmale 1 50 B F Linn e 00 Total $143 71 Dist. No. 15 A F Stokes, general fund f 1 00 HHTaber, road fund .... 25 00 Geo Laselle 24 00 Wm McCord ?1 00 8 Thomas 15 C'J W B Law ton 7 60 F M Thompson 3 00 A Warner 18 00 II Joehnke 6 00 GeoTownsend 3 00 Lowell Blanchard 150 Ell Parker ; 1 50 F W Hacker 3 00 Frank Hendricks 2 25 Total $108 75 (Continued on page 4) The billions, tired, nervous man cau- not successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWitt'a little Early Risers the fatuous pills for constipation will remove the cause of your troubles. Geo. A. Harding. Captain S. B. Ormsby, Superintend ent of the Cascade forest reserve, re ceived notice that the following rangers have been appointed to go on duty in the reset ye June 16; Northern division, W. II. II. Duftir, supervisor; Newton J. Ferrell, Salem; Charles F. Elgin, Roeedale; Willard N. Morse, Montaivlla; William II. Hesse man, Minto; David A. Carter, Hillshoro; George V. Taylor, Macleay ; Ephraiua HenueM, Gates; Adolph Asctiuff. Mar mot ; William C. Ward, Viola; William C. Walker, Dufur; E.iur G. White, Sa lem. Central Division Enos Dixon, super visor ; Robert H. Yeatch, Cottage Grove ; Ad.l. L. Morris, Harriaburg; Henry A. Foster, Sisters; William Nash, Slaters; Leonard K. Livermore, Eugene; Charles J. Dodd, Springfield; D. D. Shaw, Leba non ; Albert B. Lacey, Rickreall. Southern division. Nathaniel Langell, supervisor; Smith C. Bartruni, Roae burg; Adison, S. Ireland. Molalla: Charles J. Yau Zile. lioeeburg: J. K. Wick, Ashland; James II. Wheeler, k'ort l." 1 1, . V;l. U W....I., L-l . v, , k,uji.,ii j unaa 11, lllllb, XViaiU- ath Falls; James C. McCully, Jackson ville; ueury ireianH, Jacksonville. Bull Kun reserve T. J. Mauuin. Jr.. Portland; George W. Woods, Bull Run. Ashland reserve W. M. G. Kropke. Ashlaud. Library llcurflt. A large audience assembled at the Ca ms school bouse last Saturday eveniug. the occasion being an entertainment lor the benetit of a library. The people in this vicinity have long felt the need of a public library and ibis is the second entertainment given for this worthy cause. Sufficient money was raised to buy a fair library. Xhe program throughout, consisting of recitations, songs and dialogues, was w ell rendered and reflects credit on the program committee w ho prepared it. The leatures of the program deserving; special mention were the music by Mr. William Inskipp, Miss Lulu Hayward and Fred Lindsay, a dialogue by eight little girls, solo by Win. Inskipp, jr., rec itation by Letha Hornshuh and an able address by Howard M. Brownell. The address was a thoughtful exhortation to the young people to make the most of themselves, and all present were im pressed with the earnestness of the young speaker and tendered him a hearty applause. During the summer there will be more of these entertainments ami the public id iuvited to attend. ' ITDifc.An.BAiN Usy Womm Absolutely tuRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesomo ovt ftftwtNO 9frmrn co., kfw von.