OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1001. " rMTint'onnxmpxipp " Our oorreiKndenta will please tend In articles More Wednedays of each week, otherwise it reaches us loo late (or publication. Xarqnain. Mainiam, May 13th. Mr. Jolin llU surprised the neighbor a short tiuu' ago. He hid rented hi larm to hit brother-in-law and started for eastern Oregon, but when he got as far as Portland the limine on his Tartu burned down, lit was telephoned for and ranie bark to see about buililinjj another boue. Two weeks ago he went to Portland aain and returned with a w ife. He hai taken up hi abode in one of Mr. Door's houses. Mr. F. Riding's oldeat' daughter, Marin, who is three years old, met with a painful accident lat Saturday evening, I while playing in the yard, She fell from a box and dislocated her elbow. Mim Van hart is visiting her brother here. Mis Tensie Larkins' smiling couuteu anee was seen on the streets of Marquam Saturday and Sunday. She cm me home from her school Friday eveuing, return lug Sunday evening. The Epworth League of the M. E. church elected its new officer last week for the coming year. Mr. I. P. Larkins was elected president, Mr. A. F. Jack ' prices. secretary, mum uenna uray treasurer. Tearl Dunlavy has been on the sick list for nearly two weeks. He has been confined to the bed moet of the time but is improving now. Lift week Marquata came nearly being blotted out of existance. Mr. F. Hiding's bouse caught (ire on the roof from a spark, and before Win discovered had burned a hole about four feet long in the roof. By prompt action it was eoon jtot under control. It the house had burned there would have been no possi bility of saving the store and the direc tion of the wind that day would have made it impossible to save Mr. Marquam'a Store. Mr. Will Jack and wife, of Silyerton, visited relatives at Marquam last Sunday. orchestra and the Zoho quartet, a male quartet and a mixed quartet from Ore gon City. After the program basked will e auctioned and refreshment sold, consisting of cake, Ice cream, cattily, nuts, gum and oranges. The public is cordially invited to attend. The bids for the new school house have been let to Mr. Theo. Schniale, of Stone, for MStl. Mrs. J. Mumpower has returned from California, having had a very pleasant wait and being much pleased with the country, but thinks it's not as good as Oregon. Mr. John Hatton gave a barn raising Pr. IVrve'a lavorite Pttvriptinn and rencvemnce in its ue will work won item for the timet Iioih-Icm woman. If last week which was a suirew in suite whose Utter ia given . . .1 pciow, ima not rcniistrd In its iim aim might never huv known the happiness c. il t W J UPrT - MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY. of the bad weather. The bain i gooil and largo as Mr. Hatton expects to keep a good many dairy cows for the creamery. Mis May Andrews will close a very successful four niontha' term of school May 24, and we hope to ohtaio her ser vices again for the fall school. The follow ing named pupils of district No. 30, Stone, have leen neither a bee nt nor tardy during the month of April Elva Watts, Holly Bacbman, Nellie Kiebhoo. Alma McMurry, Clyde Me Murry, Veda Walts, Harry McMurry, Elsie atts, Anna Hemtich, Kay Stew art. The Stone school closes on Friday, Mar 24. An entertainment will be held and an interestingprogram has been prepared by the teacher, Misa Mar An drewa. ew trlutineU ha la at nonulnr .Vila .'oldiuUta Our Motto I HUh )aaliyand low price. .m Caoldsruith. Ueorge. GkoRoi, May 10th. The new county road between George and Garfield is now completed and is open lor traffic The road has been built by voluntary work, mostly bv the Miller Bros, and partly by the people of this district, and has cost over a thousand dollars. There are fine laid out grades on both sides ot the creek and the new bridge with its long approaches, which was built by the county, gives the road a fine appearance. In summer there will be cool and shady camping grounds . on botn sides of the bridge. Our supervisor, Mr. Henry Johnson, is working on the Eagle Creek road with a foice of men to work out the voluntary work subscribed by the people of this disti ict. The road ia in a bad condition now but will be in a better shape before long. ' Farmers are expecting a large crop of everything. Winter irrain looks well and fruit blossoms are past danger. Miss Helen Paulren has gone to Port land to learn dressmaking. Mr. Adolpn Miller, of GarGeld, was Visiting friend here Uct Sunday. Ptone. Stone, May 14. Extensive prepara tions are beinir made bv the minilaof th school for the entertainment to be given the evening of May 24, in the old hatch ery building, for the purpose of buying a bell for the new school house. The program will consist of recitations, flag drill, dialogues and songs by the school children and epecial munic by a string Shibxl, May 12 This hss been a great week in Shuhel. The Lutheran and Congregational churches have been holding conference for three or four days and friends of the respective churches have been coming from far anJ near to attend these sceWul services. C. Sbubel, of Oregon City, spent a few days fishing in our streams during the week. He caught only a few. You must remember, judge, our country boys seldom know when you intend calling on thera so they keep the water quite clear and readv for more. Frank S hoe n born, of Orgon City, spent today with bis friend Robert Ginther. Will Hethman and Henry Guenther have returned from eastern Oregon, where they have been working for a month. There's no place like home. Mrs. Rusonich and children, of Oreiron City, were out on a drive in our Village today. The Lutheran people here are building a neat fence around the cbnrch premises, Kev. tddie Hornschuh, of Portlsnd, was out on a visit one day last week He did not catch many fish. Our streams have grown to be "A delusion and a snare." Misa Lixzie Wolf, of Portland, is borne for a few days, nursing her brother John, who is very sick. Henry Steiner and Mr. Tocker, both of Walla Walla, spent a few days in our midst. of pet feet hcu'th. Pet Imps the reason for her pcrsiMritoe was tn-cause she used "Favorite Prescription" ai a "hist re sort." Phviu'iiina h.ul failed. If "Favor ite Prescription" could not help there waa nothing to hoe for. It did help. It always helps ami almost always cures. It establishes regularity, drica weaken ing drams, heals inlhitiimntiun and ulcer ation and currs female wriikncas. It imparti strength mid elasticity to the organs of maternity and makes the baby's advent practically painless. Whrn 1 fniultrd you tu A, .. In r"r hratih wrlirs Mis K II. Nrwtnn. il Vinlniirn, Anwl.k Ca. Mauir "IU.1 lrn Ih k sll wintrf . ami. in a. I I lo mr Inxililr. i on mr tv.i iu maternity, ahkh tnf k1ur mu! uM end oi v .lavs I was atmmt itiwmiraant . am nix txrrt auv n-i. nut iiHHiunt in rn.l was onlr a maitrr nf lunr. ami uM my two iiilir, nitnrr.ra lillltlivn. II m in I h i i-.Mi.lnnn that I Krcaa Iht um or ymr valuamr mr.li4-nt On rvcritil of your Irttrr of Aptil Mb my hnlaml purvtMirtl an btatlrs of ' K'amru ITTaktliott' and 'llulilm VotK-al Ilinrry ' ' an. I I uanl II aa you cuurajcrmrnl on April irlh I hail m-rivrd bo u min to l r u a lair trial I am now tak- til lU ittlMMMlW AM. I 1... W.I.I- , k. - jurrly hany irl Ihrrr wrrks tiM. that wrlghrtt li poun.laat Mrth Mr baliy sa.l I ar rnl,-r- l"rirct braitlt. thanWa lo yur wnlcrful Bictliciar. to which I lirlirvt I owe my litr Dr. Pierce's Pellets stimulate the liver 1111 Mitcholl Wagons Hoosior Drills Oaso Plows Champion Mo wors and Binders Southwick Hay Presses And n full lino of -. Evans Potato Planters Agricultural Implements, Vohiclos and Bicyclos First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon. Alms Aims, May 11. How natural it seems for all matter to be changing about people go and people come. Mr. Henrv Inlow and family now occupy the house recently vacated by the Ingrahms. He is piling ties for Erau.hall, and still there ia more to follow. it is cam tiiat tiimernien of old were made fishermen of men, but Mr. C. P Crooks, who fished for men for a season. has changed the order and went to the Columbia river to Csh for salmon. Next Monday, May 13. the summer run of K. K. ties w ill begin. Instead of stacking them along the line of the flume they will be allowed to pass on and thone which have been stacked out will be thrown in with them and carried to the Kaudy river, thence down the river to Troutdale. Jbe weather is now favorable for ...-.. -L I . .... ... vcKeiauieu, gruu anu iruit. All are doing well except peaches, w hich have tailed. Tide mountain air and water is enjoyed ny ail. OF COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYP0PH0SPHITES should always be kept in the house for the fol lowing reasons: FIRST Because, If any member of the family has a hard cold, It will cure it. SECOND Eecauce. If the chil dren are delicate and sickly, it will make them strong and well. THIRD Because, if the father or mother Is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated, It will build them up and give them flesh and strength. FOURTH Because It Is the standard remedy In a!l throat and lung affections. No household should be without It. It can be taken in summer as well as in winter. ;oc. and $i.oo, all druggljtl. : SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Chemisu, Nw York. Wllholt Wilhoit, May 12. .Spud planting is the order of the day. Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Groshomr were doing burliness in ficott town last Wed neoday. it. iiaun has started in the pack train bUHiness. Hert W ade is back at bis old trade chopping bruwh. Mr. Slauithter, a well known freighter ot this district, hauled a load for Mr McLearo last week. Orlan Thomas left last Thursday for eastern Oregon. air. Miistead made a trip to the county seat last week. Garni. Cabcs, May 10. After an absence of two weeks, Carus comes to the front with but little to say. J. Moore recently purchased a young team ot horses from B. G. Fauet. Ha in to pay for them by hauling wood. Mrs. London, who ban been KeiiniiHlv ill for about a month, is much better and hopes are entertained for her recovery. lotato planting is about done. This stems to be the main crop this year with Carusitea as it ia with a good manv other ites. There is a certain young business man in our community utd rlcok. as he said. to straighten up his Pa's busineai dur ing his Pa ah' nee by trailing otTa young heifer for two aheep. Hut when his Pa returned home he simply straight ened up the young man's businrns bv sending the hired man to tell the other party it was not a legal trade. Carus and Molalla horse trader are never too ill to make a trade. A few days ago a Carus trader went lo the Mol lala trader's bedoide and after an hour's talk made a trade. It was hard to tell which was beaten. B. Kauat, Carua and B Darnell, Mollala, were the con traitting parties. Several Carus young folks attended the necktie social at New Fra Fridav night. Mrs. J. R. Lewis fell from the hack, as she was returning from Beaver Creek Sunday, striking her head on the wheel and hurting ber quite badly. The Cams literary society will give an Ice cream social at the school bom May 25, the money to be ued for the beneht of the school houe librarv. Ali are cordially invited and boys, idea's have the dimes jinuling for there are lota of pretty girls in Carus who appre ciate a dish of ice cream. ew airrlratU dallr la Iteadr to Wear IfaU at MIm Uolflamlfli. tula Cretk. EAOI.I CkSEI. Mav 14. The lirnmri are busy finishing their spring seeding that is, planting their spuds. Koad work will soon legin. Poad supervisor J. E. Burnett contemplate doing some good road work this mt.,n. Miss Hoi stroin will soon finixh a am-. ceMfiil term of irhixd jn diri( t So. 17 Tl. ... 1 I . i . mo Btiuiui uorn would a.) well to cure Miss Holstrom to teach our neit term of school. Mr. J. Simpson took a load of sheen pelts to Portland this week. H. F. Gibson is doing unite well in I. in new store at this place. He w ill put up an additional bin din bem lonv George L. Story, a successful attorney of Oregon City, was called to Sandv riaturdny lo hhow the (untie that he was wrong in hi a proceedings. There is a good location at Kairle Creek for some good doctor. Mrs. J. W, llawletl will soon return from California, w here ah Is vmting her hrntner. FagU Ciei k has a good Snnd y school. 1'arenta should encourage their chlldten to attend instead of idling altout a drug store ued aa a litpior iiiep. Miss Zara Forreater was visiting Misa Pearl Foater fujnday. Mi Maggie Smith viaited her grand father at I'urrlnsville. He Is unite low with sickness. Mr. Zeak's little boy met w ith ipilte a severe av ident a fw days since, by falling olf of the feme and breaking his arm. The bn pfimtrated the llwh and would have gune in the ground had he not a coat on. A physician from Greidi am attended the boy. The Artisans of this place cave a social ami supper Saturday night. A good time was enjoyed. in the way of (wins. Titer are u her room four pairs of Ulna, two pairs loing hoya and two girls. The Portland rlly dirwt.iry nun u taking data here this wevk for the tin dirot lory. MiUaukle Is vUlud nearly every dav by thiMw deairlng la buy or rent pruprfly la the vicinity. Mrs. (. J, lloliert will rel'iraitit th as to strike his land within avrrt j , i inner and ofl th tUl nnfj and rad that run Ihroiigh Hibi.,,.-, eighty and waa changed U iia ai iimiit of Inultig at IhU a;. .V, v rorn.r, (feucing lu ln..) ,. h qj utrr reai bed the linos lakltiif in a.....t .i.i t . -t . rrvaiM iii juriian una. I Her tMt ! tu I a ildTnrvtira betWoon Ulng slrlanJ I to a rs I or Uiug a friend to w, ,.im.w wi.t f .--. ... ihv iu a ri j ui ii llieilij 10 Mllaaukie Chriallan Kn leavor at lh I erati that wanta a ri I. AiiJ IU K. rotiveiitinn lot held at 'hoard of roiinty ioiiii.iial,,i,ni, (,,t OAHTOTtT A Baarttka yf 1M I t-i T.I HjH Inn fofl ai4aatars af ' rm A. i a, a -Vi Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kldnev trnuKU j ----- y. -j m yNii mo llllllli, UI3 courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneertuiness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a chllH In rw Vr- y ; 0 VP-t amic,l wk kid J4?j r- "the child urin- 'm inn fi.n it .1 urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an ace when it .hn,,u .1.1. control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with . 7 ? y "na upon it. the cause of the dlificu iv is HHnov step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant irouwe is flue to a diseased condition of the Kidneys and t adder and nni . koi.i. most people suppose. Women aa well as men are made mis eratle with kldnev anH y,iJa. ..n. ana botn need thn imm Ihe mild and the Immediate effect 0! Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, In fifty- r-nt anI nr. .11.. nave iBjKTr t nrr sample Dottle by mall UgiiZJ free, also pamphlet tell- Hom. ot Swaurun lne all about it. InnlnHlnir mom. nf ih. thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., to sure and mention thU paper. ufrir4. SrArroati, May It. Memorial aerv- ices by the Iwys In blue, Co. C. 3.1 lUui- ment, O. S. U., Sunday, May Mb, at the Stafford cemetery. Co. C w ill leave Portland over the Kat Side Electric at S :M a. m. ; leave Oregon City at 10 a. m. ; arrive at cemetery at 11 :30 a. m.; atark anus and partake oi noon day rations la a urove near by. Friends will come ore- pared to spread theli lunch with the hoys In blue and partake of army rations U. S. hardtack, canned horae and Uant from their knapsacks. At 1 p. tu. pro ceeding to the grave of IViw Hoy (isue. a fallen comrade. Invocation : irreellnif to the boys In blue by Hon. K. A. M- es : resonse, Capt. Clothier; unveiling monument and memorial services by Co. 0 (strictly military); two songs, "Blest Be the Tie fhat Bind" and "Sweet live and Bye" lo which all are requested lo take part. Alter eierclses at the irreve Co. C will proceed to a meadow near P. Gage's home and drill for 45 min utes. A sham battle will be one of the feature. From the meadow thev will return lo the car. Mrs. M. A. Gago will arrive from Cor vallis Friday. ' Mrs. Ague Howard will arrive from Lyle, Wash., Saturday. Other relatives of the deceased ill arrive during the week. Capt. H. K. Hayes was a caller here the laid part of lite week. Capt. A. W. Clothier, of Portland, spent a day in our midht. B. F. Wed lie and G. Moner are clean ing their fence row. John Muer is adding an L to his house. Mrs. UicckhofT and wife, of Aurora, passed through here Monday on their way to Portland. Sheep raisers here have prepared to dip their sheep this spring to rid them ol ticks. 1 here is a marked Im rirriVM. merit in those that have been thus cared for in the past year. state V. Salem, taken a loi'lllh In Which Iu Heir tl.ua. Ti n following delegates reprrinlp. oilltlv Inform Ibeiliarlvrs aa lo I, a U. la the Kitirtli I-rag'ie at the rout t.ilu.n In the raae. In Tai-nliia, Waahlliwtoil, laat week: - - Itev. (i. S. ltov. r, Clara llntirirtnan, Annie Bertthar I and l! -e T 'ki'it. Mrs. i. Ilaaa, of 'urtti., la vUiting Mrs. Bonnnl. Mr. J. Anderson Is ron fined lo Ida hrd with the nuluajf, Mr. F. J. Gary, una of our promlnri.it Clacaainaa rxinty leat her, waa in Mil waukie la it haturday Ir atia ting bua. nea and vlaltmg hia friend. Laat rvk al tv hool John Kobrrt had h's non broken by a colIMou aitii a sin!'r boy. Baarita ' -- a. X XV . IM Hind fou Han klmn BoujM has eflly. Nkkuy, May The weather been quite nico for the pant week. Mr. Askin's counin bus arrived on a visit for a few days. Catl Koiwhak will leave next Thorn. day for GeiHo, Ore, The roads are splendid around our vicinity. . The Needy Cyclone nine played with Aurora and were beaten. The road supervisor has had a 1lnl0 trouble with some of the neighbors. Emil Mantandon was in Oregon City on buainess last week. Mllwaukls. MiLWAUKiK, May 14. Canper Ken, Milwaukio's famous blacksmith, Is build, ing a fine residence on his now property. Mr. Tschamer hits the contract for lis construction and is progrewung well with the work. Mr. T. J. Gary has Hold his aero in the Lewelling tract to Noah Hublor, who will build a home on it in the near future. Miss Casto, of the primary room of the Milwaukle school, can boast of a record Mutaita. MoLaLU, May 13. Weather aa changeable as ever, but geitittg warmer. Spring baa suddenly opened out In all of Its splendor. Our physician Is kept busy looking alter the sick txtople ol ltuvlle Molalla has a laundry now and should have, creamery. Joe llarlea has a little black . dog about the slae of a common "bhuk rat." thai ha killed over luO gray s-julrmls title spring. Carry Herman was brought home from the Baghy saw mill with a tuaihed foot and ankle, the effects of a log rolling loo near him. Cains Herman arrived home from Washington logging ramp laat Friday, and reports thai hi working partner waa killed by his aide In felling it elr third tree. J. I). Jordan, goes to Southern Oregon this week, lo look after hi mining In toieala there, for a short lime. J'iit a lot of corn Is being planted In this locality this spring for the gree,y cu -worms to work cm. r.ti;-inere 1 quite a lako ba k to slot k snoecrilior on the improvement of the Everl.art hill, parthular to Ihooo that ejpected to drive a team to the amount of their subscription, and now lo be confronted with the task of digging out oak grubs among the rock and blue clay, for the new right uf-war. with Ike temperature and inclination of thu sun al IK) deg., will U a trial on the grubbers stability. Then If the "luuilri r" is to be "spill" and too, the "bo" will have to draw largely on his executive ower to keep bis "gang" from all taking to tbeahaily woods In the heat of the day 1 herein a mile or Iwo of the Molalla and Nowland Mill road that rune thromb the Jordan ranch that ia up before the county court for consideration j owing to tiie establishment of three other county roads, through and along said ranch, this section of said mill road had been vacated by the travel and road iiinervt- sore for 20 years. Yet in the muddv season people have been In the habit of crossing the ranch in many directions. Within (ho Inst year those Crosn lot fruv. elors have Wome convinced that the owner of thu land Is In earnest u!.m.i fencing tip his hind and confining tho travel to tne (i:any county roadn. One Hibbord who also owns eluhiv land In this immediate vicinity wants mis old lorsukttn part of the road revived very much, but not enoMni, i.. ...... land for the road-way of "public utility" ( ?) on these grounds, he worked up a "request" lor a survey and . ..ui,.i.. liMliinont of said suction of Nowland Mill road. Io supervisor was unii t work this section any tnoro than they Imd for 20 years put, no momher of lioiiseliolilers put down thoir signature lo u,o requeet" for roeHlablinhmtuit, whud. the lamencHH of the law dune not require for roHtirvnylng old rna.la. n,. rcsurvey was ordered and ma-loj Mr. Hibbard guts two of the viewer aoleclod relatives of his. Tho rr,0,l ... . ling 1fJUII viewed and surveyed, Just diagonally, so Slcar l P.o'l Join U now a via t ,i at Mr. J.C Siii.ak. ly J. M. I'arl"f and wdota,k tU tram f Portland thja ttutrning Jnnih Oalbrrl has a It a r oiiiun yard. II say' the ptoaiv.l ho u brtlrr fo a r'l crop P J. Merk, our btlUher, I 6vW 00 the l. k liat. Mr. C. J. Hall, who has Un al.k for Hue lliiirt, a how up Saia H.O. Hay nt len ga'lonaoi ctaam to NtwUrg Ulay, II make iuah!t Uielil etery wk lo the ir-au.nr. Kevervtid J. W. Fldrikly and (irtot WolmravlorlT went Ut Ifayvtl lu hold ervhe laat Sunday, The lai rain did Iota of good. The prirct for a f! bay rrup never llter. Our old lltn friend A. I'. Todd, bat been shaking !,e very rtli Hailing lump ol late. That's rl-hl llMUr Todd. iMauuraa. lAacts, Mav 13. We are l.arlng lowly weather now. The lr er are all vry buy putting In gardia and planting putatora. Our roav lxa. A. W. Cook, is mak ing aotiie big lmprvmenu In the Iwki of the dlflerent road a in this aectlio. II will lie-in soon lo arri and ift lo order Urn road from Witiaiun's hill duo to the tlamaatu store and will begin eying the plank aa soon as It I ready. The tle ll at the t'nloit atleiul- hoUMi, given lor the benefit of the M. E. church, Friday ulgbt, was a grand sue CM. Tljey cleared alrotlt lilteen dollar. Misa lli-iavl Ihiwiiliig, ol Portland, Is llm guoal of Ml. Boone Jiihliioll. Mr. Chapinaii, an employe of John son's mill, had the mlaforlillie 10 get his fool badly crushed this week. Mrs. Nellie Mulligan, of Portland, Is visiting her mother, Mr. J. Poicing, Inn week. Them taill Ixi a ilnwa at JuhlUMin'S in the big hay barn neat Saturday night. Tim WiMulnmn ira maklnir tirenart- lions for a big celebration the Fourth ol July Aa It. la lm ll. rlnl lima llamas- inn. .im. cua has given a celebration they IlttoliJ tu have a grand allalr; good uitmc, good prcgrain, and almve all a roimlng good time. Dveryhody Invited. Hurrah for old llamaaeiia I This com munity la Inat heirlminiif li And out that ' r " a. " they are alive after having been asleep for so long. For (wo or three years there has been almost nothing going on in the way of amusement; now there Is church, Sunday school and singing every Sunday, and (nxials, bulges, unturtaln uiunla of some kind ever week. That ia the way to do bo social and live liko someone while we do live. The Woixlinen have a lodge held In Illlluary's hull with a large membership. The Modern Brotherhood of America also have a good lodge orgiiulxnd here and hold tl.elr meeting in the Uobt. Lovelace building. We are glad w Hamascti making a success of smno- thing. A number of our you over to Die Columbia I Ing lust Sunday. Tin time, hut no fish. Miss Pearl Lovelace Is expoctod homo soon on a visit, What Shall We Have 1'or l)eHi'rtI This question arises In tho family " ery day. Lot us answer It to-day. itf Jull-0, a delicious and healthful donsurt. I. .. .I U 4 ...!.... I. , 'Kn l.ililllllll i iuiarnu in iru iiiuiuiun, - no baking I simply add boiling water and sot to cool. Flavors: Lomon, urango JUripberry and (Strawberry. Got a paok age at your grocers to-day. 10 cts.