Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 05, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    oregion city yprRipBj ipAy,
pNews of thp Week j
L, .a. A A A A-S
Friday, March 29.
Fonston tells of Aguinaldo's capture.
Fum.toh i( to be rewarded with brig
avJiar generalship.
Deadlock In Nebraska broken by the
lection of C, H. Dletrlik and J. 11.
Binger Hermann is to be let out of the
land office.
Strike among the anthracite coal
mineri hai been averted.
Saturday, March 30.
Many rebels surrender in the Philip
pines. All the Japanese judges have struck
for higher pay.
President McKInley will be m Port
land May 22.
Sunday, March 31,
President McKinley appoints Whea
fton to be major-general and Funston and
Jacob Smith brigadier generala ot the
regular army.
- Roland Reed the actor diee at New
Ore iron hop e rowers look forward to
good prices this year.
Andrew Carnegie will give 1100,000
lor a free library In Portland.
Monday, April 1.
Great frauds have been discovered in
the subsistence department at Manila.
An attempt la made to sssaaainat the
czar of Rossla.
Portland labor unions order a boycott
on Portland beer.
Tneeday, April 2.
Tom L. Johnson, democrat, is elected
aaayorof Columbus, Ohio.
Republican state ticket elected in
Army frands at Manila being investi
gated. Mayor ol Havana resigns.
Count Tolstoi banished from Russia.
Botha will mobiltze 13.000 Boers to
meet the British.
J. P. Morgan want! to build the Pan
ami canal.
Wednesday, April 3.
Carter Harrison, democrat, is elected
mayor of Chicago for the third time with
a plurality of 28,000.
Bolla Wells, democrat, is elected
mayor of St, Louis by about 10,000 plu
rality. Republicans won out in the Denver
Aguinaldo takes the oath of allegiance
to the United States.
Boer agents stop the English from
baying moles in the United States.
Thursday, April 4.
Aguinaldo want to come to the United
Republican! will have a majority of
ten in the Chicago city council.
8now storm at Pittsburg cause a
.heavy loss.
Active work will soon begin on a bridge
cross the river at Portland, hnilt by the
railroad companies.
President of Portland Street Railway
Mens Union is discharged.
What Miall We Have For Dessert!
This question arise in the family ev
ery day. Let ns answer it to-day. Try
Jell O, a delicious and healthful dessert.
Prepared in tao minntes. No boiling!
no baking 1 simply add boiling water and
set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, Orange,
Raspberry and Strawberry. Get a pack
age at your grocer! to-day, lOcts.
Another point of dissimilarity bae
fceen discovered between Bryan and
Bnoeeveltf The tatter wonld rather be
4lonel than president .
The Best Remedy fur Rheumatism.
All who nse Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it afford.
Whan epeaklng of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
f Troy, Ohio, says : "Some time ago I
bad a severe attack of rheumatism in my
arm and shoulder. I tried numerous
remedies but got no relief until I waa
recommended by Messrs. Geo. F. Par
sons & Co., druggists ot this place, to try
Chamberlain'! Pain Balm. They rec
ommended it so highly that I bought a
bottle. I was soon relieved of all pain.
I have since recommended this liniment
to many of my friends, who agree with
hie that it is the beat remedy for mown-
lar rheumatism in the market."
sale by G. A. Harding, druggist.
Having exhausted the junk-shops and
curio stores of Cbina, Count von Waldei
see is now trying to steal a march on the
Tin FaHy to Feel (Jood.
Counties! thousand! have found a
blessing to the body in Dr. Kind's New
Life pills, which positively cure Con
tipation, Sick Headache, Dizziness,
Jaundice, Malaria, Fever and Ague and
all Liver and Stomach troubles. Purely
vegetable ; never gripe 01 weaken. Only
25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
rt rputi Tm Waa
Laaa Tfcaa 4.OOO.0OO.
TVhon the first ccnsu of the United
States waa taken In 1700. there were Id
states and the southwest and north
west territories. The returns Died the
population at 3.0.214. while those of
l'.HK) g-lve over 7u.0ti0.ooo, a fourteen
fold growth In H0 yearn..
In the first census nothing was
songht but the number of Inhabitants.
and the task was assigned to United
States marshal, who performed the
work for several censuses. In the cen
sus library la a recorti or me nrsi crn
sun, which shows that the census of
17TX) waa ordered In March and com
pleted by October, 1701. a very credita
ble showing when the difficulty of com
munication Is considered. Tho popula-
tlon was divided Into five classes free
white males of 14 years and upward,
Including heads of families; free white
females. Including heads cf families;
free white males under 16 years, other
persona, slave. Fourteen enumeration
district! were mapped out of the 10
states and the population of the towns,
countlea aud states given. All of the
states except Maine aud Massachusetts
bad slaves, Virginia led with a popu-
latlon of 747.010 white and 210,000
slave. North Carolina was second,
with 303.731 whites and 100.000 slaves.
Maryland had a population of 422,750,
of which 103.030 were slave. The alave
population of tho northern statee U
given as follows:
New Hampshire, 15S; Rhode Island,
WS; Connecticut. i704: New York, 21,.
824: New Jersey, 11.423; Pennsylvania,
S.237; Delaware. 8.SS7; Vermont, 1&.
The population of the southwest ter
ritory waa 33,601 white and 3.417
alave. .
The record 1 full of errors In calcula
tion and addition, but la Interesting In
showing bow the population has In
creased and bow the art of census tak
ing has developed with the population.
Baltimore Sun.
Am th Trick Iks-Father riaraa t
Exact statistic on the subject are
lacking, but It Is certain that the man
who "didn't know It was loaded" kills
and malms annually a great many per
sona. The only safe rule with a gun
Is never under any circumstance to
'point It at anybody. One should al
I way act on the assumption that It la
loaded. Unfortunately, though, an aver
age human being learna only by ex
perience, and where a gun la concerned
that often entail an awful price.
Bearing thla In mind a veteran
sportsman of this city adopted a
unique method of Impressing tbla les
son on his son. This la bow ho told
the story:
"I want my son to be a sportsman,
so that when be get to be as old as
bis father be may have as many
pleasant memories to look back to.
Therefore, on his sixteenth birthday I
gave him a rifle. And Instead of read
ing him a long lecture on the necessity
of handling the weapon carefully, I put
up a job on him that would be far more
effective. After be had spent a Couple
or nour rooming u ana cleaning n
and examining the mechanism, after I
the manner of healthy boys, I contrlv
eu unknown to him to slip a blank
cartridge Into the breach.
"Then I called him out into the yard
and holding my hat In front of tne. ask
ed blm to show me bow be would take
aim at It There was an explosion, and
be fell In a dead faint Too may think
It mean of me, but I allowed blm to
think that only the badness of his aim
or some Intervention of Providence
saved me from death. The lesson be
learned will last blm through life, be
cause a terrible fright accompanied It
Borne day when he gets old enough to
have a boy of bis own, I shall tell him
of the trick I played on him." New
York Herald.
to It Was.
"Mamma, come quick I The catsnp
on the shelf.
"Drat tbat cat! I'll make fiddle
string of her In no time If I lay my
band on ber! She's forever Into some
thing, and the enraged tnaterfamllla!
vigorously pounded ber way Into the
"Where la she. Tommy? I don't see
"See who?"
"Why, you aald the cat was on the
"I never said there waa a cat on the
shelf ..... , , .
"Yea, you did. You said. Tbe'i cat
up on the shelf.' "
"So I did, and I lay lt yet The cat
tup on the shelf right before your eyes.
Don't you see It? There In that old
wine bottle," and he quietly but very
iwlftly dodged out Into th kitchen.
Pearson's Weekly.
Bid Track I a tba alewtas.
First Burglar (In kitchen) Wouldn't
I sail Into tbat grub If I wasn't under
treatment fer me dyspepsyl
Second Burglar That lust why
rou'd orter do It Bill. All the detect- .
Ives knows about your dyapepsy, and If ,
"'e c,ean out the Provision they'll nev
ft niltmint aun.u a I, . I I All- A 1.
sr 8unpect you of bcln In this lob.
ilarlem Life.
With Emphasis.
"Say, Joe." remarked Stroller, who
wag anxious for a Jaunt "what do
rou say to a tramp after dinner?"
"Generally," replied Joe Kose, "I say,
'Get out or I'll turn the dog on to
rou.' "-Philadelphia Record. '
If the poor people did but know how
little some millionaires enjoy their
wealth, .there would be less envy In the
world. Chicago News.
When you sell an article by weight,
remember that other people have
icales. Atchison Globe.
Baa Fa (he ).
"Yea, I had to let bliu go." replied the
ttoss barber to the regular customer
when the Utter asked an explanation
of the absence of his pet barber,
"Well, be Insisted oo raining whisk
ere," "Itnlslng whiskers? fit-eat fleottl
Isn't this a free country, where a man
may raise whlakera If be so chooses ?"
"Yea. this la a free country, and a
man can do pretty much as he likes.
. imt there's one thing be can't do and
work for me. and that's It"
"Why do you object V
"For thnv reasons. The first la that
he was a rather cross looking fellow
anyway, Whiskers would make him
look crosser. In the second place, to
ralv whiskers It would he necessary
for Dm to look like a Weary Willie
for two or three weeks. In the third
! place and thla la reason euough. even
j If thei
ere were no other If he should
d In raising a good looking
beard, he would set an example that
might be followed by eome customer.
The result would be that Instead of
getting shaved three or four tltuee a
week, or even every day, they would
content themselves with getting their
whiskers trlumicd once a fortnight or
once a week. Such a move would seri
ously affect the cash box and for that
reason Is Dot t be tolerated.
"How many barber have you seen
wearing beards? Every barber realise
the force of my objection. Oh, yea,
every man haa constitutional right
that all should observe, 8o have 1."
SL Louis Star.
Taaaaaa Jaffrraaa aa a Lattar Wrll.r,
Mr. Jefferson probably wrote more
letter with hi own band than any
other public ma 6 that ever lived. The
extent of hla correspondence may be
Inferred from the fact that 20.000 let
ter neatly folded and briefed were
preserved by him and found carefully
filed away at the time of bis death.
with copies of the replle sent to inor
than 10.000. These, however, were on -
ly a small portion of his correspond-
ence, as he retained only those he con-
sldered of future u.cfulne or Impor -
Stenography waa not Invented at that
rittn -i.h hi. . t,.n,i ith
great care, although after breaking hi
wrist while minister to France It be- I
came a great labor to htm. Hla pen
manship was small, plain and legible,
every letter being perfectly formed, and
his account books are kept In so small
a band that many of the pages cannot
be read without a magnifying glnsa.
Jefferson waa ambidextrous. He
could write equally well with either
j band. When bis wrist was broken, he
learned to write with hla left band,
which became aa skillful as the other.
It would have been Impossible for blin
to have carted on hi extensive corns
spondence without being able to re
lieve his right hand at Interval. Chi
cago Record.
OlTlaea Rrntlr.
The Philadelphia Record tell a story
of a physician of that city who waa
called to see an old Irishman and his
wife, down with cold. He advised
quinine and whisky aa an antidote.
..you must tj, ,ake j- De
rtke lt ererjr n Uoor-two grain
1 of quinine and a swallow of wbl'ky."
The next day be called again. The
j man waa up and about but his wife
1 waa In bed. "Did you follow my In
. structloniT asked the doctor,
j "To the letther." replied the hu-
"How much quinine have you left!
was the next queitlon.
"Sure, Ol t'lnk she have taken th
whole av It" aald the man.
,"And didn't yon take It too?" aaked
the doctor.
"Dlvll th bit" waa tho reply. "Ito
gorrah. It kept me busy takln th' whis
ky every tolme she took a pill an sure
he's In bed an Ol'm up."
Taa Hangars a Prlasafa.
There Is a story told of a candidate
for the pulpit who was preaching an
ex tempore trial sermon before the
late Archbishop Talt and Dean Stan
ley. In hli extreme nervousness be bo-
11 ,u " ""nn wsj, 1 win ni-
V 11 A tVt W irkW HU.MWI il..n t usv a. L. t
wuiinini auu uiv uucuurn leu.
Tbl proved too much for the pri
mate' sense of humor, and he ex-
claimed. "I think, sir, a there are only
two of aa, yon bad better aay which la
which." London Standard.
Eaaf Golan; Japa.
Japanese business methods are In th
lesa Important place of a very go a
yon please description. At Nagasaki
the other day a foreigner calling at th
branch of one of the chief shipping
com panic found the whole place de
serted. It appeared that, the day being
One, th manager and staff bad gone
out on a mushroom hunting expedition.
Mushroom bunting Is a pursuit that ap
peal to every true Japanese.
Mlssa tba H
Guest of the Doctor (late home
t the theater) Hurry up, old chap,
aD(1 ,!t me In.
ADsentmiDuea Doctor twno tins for
gotten all about his vlaltor) Who are
Gueut Mr. Trane.
Doctor Mlaaed a train, have you?
Well, catch the next London Fun.
It Cam Off.
Mother Willie, your face Is very
clean, but how did you get such dirty
Willie Washln mo face. Tlt-Blta.
The first photographic portrait taken
was of a Mrs. Dorothy Draper In 1839
by her brother, Dr. John Draper.
Ireland sends annually 41,000 torn of
eggs, some WO.OOO.OOO In round num
bers, to England alone.
And a full lino of - Evans Potato Plantors
Agricultural Implements, Vehicles and Bicyclos
First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon.
The llnnrring cough following gtlpp
calls for One Minute Cough Cur. For all
throat and lung troubles ibis Is the on'y
harmless remedy that give Immediate
result. Prevents consumption, U. A.
Raaaaa Far DIsTaraaaa I fiat
rlas af Fraara Mlataa, j
florae time ago a Frenchman placed
together a number of gold coin of
French mlntagw of the beginning, mid-'
die and end of the last century. lie
was much surprint to , that tbry
A urn i ...l... it. a. .... a a s t ..
u" " ,u ""ur-
' ut lh rem. for thl.,. IfTerence. and
j 'he rul .f Id. lovetlc.tloi.a hav-r
published In I .a Nature.
! or ' UV 'U' " 1
of the 10 and 20 franc piece which
bear tne emgie or ajoin i anu
Louis X VIII that I nut observed In
i the goldptece of later mintage.
aumirer 01 mes coins ih-ss 01 inrir
TOlur in'liilltiui (Hlflin, Htm r-
prenses rvgn-t that ll Is lacking In later
coin. The explanation of It I very
simple. The alloy that entered Into the
French gold coin of tho day con
tained a much silver a cpT. and It
waa the all v.-r that gave the coin their
tntereatlug paleness.
The coins of the era of Napoleon III
were more golden In hue. The silver
bad been taken out of the alloy.
The gold cuius of today have a still
wanner aud deeix-r Hugo of yellow.
! " u bwMw the Pari. mint, a well j
as that In Loudon, melts the gold and
.... .7 . .
the copper alloy In hermetically sealed
boxes, which prevent the ropHr from
, , .......
being somewhat bli-iulu-d. aa It always
Is when It Is atin-krd by but air.
the present coins have the full warm
ness of tint that a copa-r alloy can
If the coins of tod.iy are not so blind
notno In the opinion of amateur collect
or a those lustied by the first Napo
Icon, they are superior to those of ei
ther of the Napoleons In the fact that
It costs less to make them. The double
operation of the oxidation of the copper
and cleaning It off the surface of tho
coin with acid la no longer employed,
and the large elimination of copper
from the surface of the coin, formerly
practiced, made tbetu lea resistant un
der wear and tear than are the col us
now In circulation.
So Krs to Walt lloaau.
In these modern days the front door
of the White House I not locked at
night Practically no door are locked,
and If the steward should look around
for keya be would probably not find
half of those formerly In use. Big po
licemen are about the only doors at the
executive mansion. They guard tho
iryiln doors at all hours of day and
night and there la no need to close and
lock the Inner doors. Ilefore President
Lincoln's time policemen were rare at
the president' home, and when all the
ckrk an(1 .ervnn,, ,,,, gnM ,. at
and carefully locked all the doors In
side and outalde except to rooms occu
pied by those going In and coming out
Washington Star.
Doa't Da Sparla at Tawr Lav..
The power of love la one of the great
est gift to humanity. It generates the
sunshine of the moral universe, with
out which life would be a desert waste.
Use this divine power without stint
B prodigal of your lor. Let It radi
ate freely. It will brighten the dark
places. It will gladden the Borrowing.
It will lift you above the petty, grind
ing care that so soon corrode the mind
and sap the energies. It Is the golden
key tbat will admit you to tba palace
of the true life. Success.
Well Enoosh.
"Didn't I tell you to let well enough
alone?" said the doctor to tho convales
cent who had disobeyed and was suf
fering n relapse.
"Yes. doctor." whined the patient,
"but I wasn't well enough." Detroit
Free Press.
For Young Men and Toong rfomen.
There is nothing that will aronse the
ire of a young man or woman so quick aa
to have interior laundry work put oil on
them. They may drew ever so well,
but if their shirt tront or shirt waist la
mussy their neat appearance is spoiled.
The troy laundry makes a specialty ol
ladies' and gentlemen's fine work.
There can be no better work than Is
done at the Trov, Leave your orders at
Johnson's barber shop.
Mitchell Waggons
Hoosior Drills
Oaso Plows
Champion Mo wors and Bindors
Southwick Hay Presses
Let Us
Save You Monoy
Choice Dricl lYachc
Italian I'runca
Dricvl ln
Mial fur Sa
Choice Kvaimratcl Apples
pr Haaa
Try Our Koast C0HV0
I puitad fur !
Siro in Hulk Strictly I'uro
! r pauait
O00.I Corn Starch
a par aaakaga
Toinatoe and Corn
9 raa fur SSa
One IWtlo Illuing
(JikxI Kico
! ral pur puaa4
Country JUitter ami Kjrgs the
clioictet in the Market.
' Salary
tr a tt s r
Men sail women of g.l mMrrM tu rrf
frrnl a, mtnf In Iravrl siitMtlnllos' auvnta,
uthrr for I.icaI ki.t k tonkin Hlirr our Inirr.
!"" .,l"H
. mrnt, ..i.l
Sihki Milarr (uaranlrcil yrufly, ttlra
a slid iufisr, ruiaU uit.unca.
ntrnt, old r.lnlili.hnl houur. i.runtt rhunru
"' '"w""'""r,,ii'".
i,minl iMi.itlon, lilwrul In.-, miiv and fu.
, lu. .s,w. i.riiuani iiun. w m at on,..
sTArrilKII fltr.
ta Charrh SI., Ma llafaa, t'aaa,
. u 1
lteliahla man tor Msnsgrr of Hranrh
Ol!k we wlh to 0n in tiiis vicinity.
If your record is O K., bar Is an oppor
tunity. Kindly give good reference when
illustrated catalogue 4 it. lau.
I'.aUbllabed M8.
rrangfei1 and Expfe,
Freight and parcels dolivered
to all jart" of the city. '
kar Mlaallaa) la fry aaaMttWar. Saaaural mL
Mantrap aUlaa aa lil.Mi.Uaat OfltI.
us, aruuu. aaauaiia aaa MrUUf iru-al Saiiaaa.
Driai.kla aaaunutfaa f..f w.,, tal,NI bl.ta
ui.rt turt4. aarrml I. !.. ru tultida lad.r.
)aiMa rarl. laf taaaM aaalat. uaa I ar Mraua
tot lull.. mlai, rtrll ant llttl thlMraa. Thai aiak
ulflftyMah " flliie " .ffwti ant aiuln.il Uj ihania l ao
itliw paiwrna II.'. aa aual inr l;U anu parfart k
?"U? pul eoaMh.r Onlf 10 an II .nt aarh-nnna
ilaliar. Hold lo nwj ..arT tUj andtuwn, ar br ai.ll.
uk lar tliam. iiMuluuIr .rj liial ulo-oaia nlaa
'aa.nl w.rt Kit tlrwl. . 4 Vark Car, t.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears th
. -aa. BAZAR I ySL. I
1 -Patterjisw
No More Dread
of tho
Dental Chair.
our lat acieutlfle method aptillad to Ui
gums. No slsep- producing agsnl or
in rain.
These are th only denial parlor In
Portland having PATIiXTID AI'l'LI.
XMTH and In.rodlenU to eitrart, Oil
and apply ifn crown undatarUbt
from natural teeth, and warranted for
10 )r, niniotr tiik iyast
PA II Allwurkdooabyfittllll'TKU
DE.UIHTMof from 13 to 9) year',
(wrlenca, and each department In rharg
of a specialist (iiva a a call, and jmt
will find us to da lly m we advsr.
tlse. W will toll you In advance ti
scily what your work will coat by a
sr.T tr r.Tit aa.oo
i.oi.n IMIW .. I1.M
(torn rti iioii .. ai.oo
sif.vrn riLi.iso aoa
New York Dental Parlors
at a m or ru 1 1
Fourth nnd Morrison Sts.,
I'ortlsnd, (reaim.
IIOUIIS-B to tlj HUM'AYS, 10 to.
!cil Orrt( :fllt First Ave , Heattle.
11 11 1
Itiipturo mill Piles
Cured without orrtloa or druntluti
from btulneM
Room 14. McKay Hldg. rd ft Stark Pi.
Hour to 4 and 7 to 8 1. M.
Dr. J. Arch Stewart
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
317 Pekutn Bull. ling
A Personal Matter
A Wall illltad llOUM li Ilk a !
ly dra.wl raiiii alaays allraot
lv and plasasul lo hsik upon.
Can b rlntd and (rtbnl op
t a vary raaaonble prtre lnt
are very ctisap now. Don'l lav It
until the tun mak any mors mark
and oraeki In U.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store.
Th I'alnta
Do You
Know the News
You can have it all (or
In the Evening Telegram, of Port
land, Oregon. It is the largest
evening newHiaiier publlshoiT in
Oregon; it contains all the new
ofthaHtate and of the Natron.
Try it for a month. A Sample
cony will be mailed to you free,
The Telegram,
Portland, Or.