Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 05, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Notices.
Administrator's Ji'oliee to Creditors.
NOTICE It he rehy given that th under
signed him bwn appointed administra
tor with th will annexed of th e"tat of
John Acker, dicessed, hy the county court
tf ihe tiiste or Oregon,, lor the County or
Clackamas. , , . , .
All persons havlngclelms against Ibetam
nuit are hereby required to present the
nam with the proper vouchers, duly ven
llod according to law at my office In th
Wemhartl huildlng. Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, on or before six month
from in nnt publication of thin node.
Oregon Cily, Oregon, March V, W.
Administrator aloresaid.
L. 8Tirr, Attorney for Administrator.
In the. Circuit Court of tbe State or Ore
gon, for Clsckams County:
William R. Pavi. Plaintiff,
Jobn Lund, Aurora 0. For
syth. ssexecuirix of the last
Will end testament of James
Forsyth, deceased. Jlervey
K. Dsvls, Viola B. unker
and Lewi Yonken, her
husband, Winnie K. For
yth, a minor. Reuben J.
Korsylh, a minor, Kmma C.
Villi and Jobn Mill, ber
busbsnd, Nahum 0. Mower
and Mary Mower, bit wife.
To John Land, Emma C. Mill and Jobn
Mills, ber husband, and Nahum C, Mower
and Mary Mower, bit wile, ol the above
named defendant:
Oregon, yoa are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tbe complaint filed against
won in the abore enliUed suit in the abov
entitled court on or beforeth expiration
f the time r rescribed in tbe order for
Eablication of this summoiii being not
m tbau onr week for six week,
which day i Friday tbe liHb day or April,
1901, and If yoa fail to to appear and amwer
Judgment will be uken against yoa for
rant tbereol, and tbe plaintiff will apply to
the Court for tbe relief demanded in tbe
Tbe relief demanded It for the forclosure
of a certain mortgage executed by John
I yond and delivered to A uror O. Lend, now
Aurora O Forsyth, on the ldtb day of Feb
ruary, IW2, to secure the payment of a cer
tain promissory note of the defendant John
Land for ttfo.OO payable five year after
dale, which said note and mortgage was trans
ferred and delivered to A. King Wilson and
by aaiJ Wilson to the plaintiff, and it is now
held and sued upon by plaintiff, wbicb
mortgage is upon the West ball of the
Boulbwest quarter of section twenty-six ('-li)
Township One (1) South Range Three 3)
East of Willamette Meridian in Clackamas
County, Oregon. And further a decree
barring and foreclosing yoa from any and
all right, tide, interest and equity in and to
aid real property, and barring you, and
each ol you, from hereinafter truing up
any claim thereto or to any part thereof
This summons it published and served
upon you by order of (be Honorable Tboe.
F. Ryan, County Judge of tbe County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, made on the
1st day of March. 1901. and published first
on the 8tb day of March, 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon
lor tbe County of Clackamas.
John Riedelbao.cn,
VI. '
Fortnnanda Riedelbaucb,
t Defendant.
To Fortananda Riedelbaucb :
IN tbe name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and an
swer tbe complaint rileo against you in tbe
above entitled Court and cause, en or before
the 20th day of March, 11, that being the
time prescribed in the order for the publica
tion of this summons, as the time lor an
swer, tbe day of the first publication of mis
summons being the 8th day of March, liJl,
and tbe last day being April 12lh, 1101, and
if you fail to so appear and answer the
plaintiff will apply u tl-e Court lor the re
lief prayed for in the complaint herein. Vo
mit: for a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between you and
tbe plaintiff, on the ground of wiliul aban
donment of plaintiff by you for more than
1 year prior to tbe commencement ot this
suit. This summons is published by order
of "in. Tbot. F. Kyan. County Judge of
Claikamas County, Oregon. Thomas A.
McBride, Judge of tbe above entitled Court
being absent from this count v.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
!eflre for Publication.
Pfpabtmkxt of mg Interior,
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
March 2, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of bis
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Register and receiver at
Oregon City, Ore., on April 13, 1901, yiz:
H. E. No. 11370. for the lota 1, sec. 28,
Tp. 3S R.4E.
He names tbe following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz : John Tracy,
H, F. Currln, Frank Rhodes, V. Lingle
bach, all of Currinsville, Oregon.
Farm for Sale.
19 Miles south of Oregon City, three
miles south of Molalla, known as the
Teasel Farm, containing 310 acres, 140
clear plow land, 40 in creek bottom, 100
up land; 7 acres orchard, all well
watered and fenced with stake and wire
lence, and drained with stone and tile
ditches. Good buildings, 90 rods from
school bouse, 115 rods from church.
Good location (or taking stock to moun
tains, Price $6,000. $1,000 down, bal
ance to suit at 5 per cent interest.
For further particulars apply to
A. J, Sawtkll, on farm.
The great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the generative
J organs of either ser, such aa Nurvous Prostration, Falling or Lost Manhood,
J Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, excessive use
fFTFR IISIHB order we guarantee to eure orj refund the money. Bold al $1.00 per box,
sVIUl U.lnO J boxes for S6.UO. UU.MOTT'a CUfcHlLAL CO., ClvuLavVvk-
In the Circuit Court of the Plata of
Oregou, for the County ol Clackamas.
Anna Shear, plaintiff
F.lmer F Shear, deft
In the turns of the stale ot Oregon,
aud pursuant to sn order made and
entered by the Honorable Tim. F.
Kyan, judge of the county court lor said
county, and on theStith day of March,
I'M, directing that Una summons be
published once a week for six consecu
tive weeks, the first publication thereof
to boon the 2!ih day of March, 1M,
you are hereby required to pper snd
answer the complaint tlle.1 against you
In tbe above entitled suit, on or before
the 10th dav of May, l'.KJl, that being the
last day of the time prescribed In said
order of publication ; and if yoa fall lo
answer or appear, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in the com plaint, to-wil :
For a decree dissolving the bond of
niatrimeny now existing between you
and tbe plaintiff.
Oregon City, March 29. 1901.
J, F. llooTiis,
Attorney for plaintiff.
XtlewrNl (" Kesil t'.slate.
Under authority of an order of sale
gra .ted by tlie county couit of the state
ol Oregon, for the county of Clavkamas,
dated the 25 of March, A. 1. 1901, 1 will
sell at private sale the following de
scribed real estate, belonging to the
estate of Ole Pendersen, deceased :
Tbe east half of the N. W. quarter of
section eleven (11) in township two (2)
south of range lour (4) east of the Wil
lamette meridian, containing eighty (SO)
acres, more or less and lying and being
in Ui county ot Clackamas, state of
The ssid sa'e will be made on or after
April 27, A, D. 1901 and bids will be re
ceived at the residence of the adminis
trator, whose poetoflice address is Kelso,
Clackamas county, Oregon.
Terms of ssle are as follows : Ten per
cent to be paid at time of sale and the
balance to be paid on confirmation of
sale b the Judge of the county court for
Clackamas county.
Dated, March 25, 1901.
Oli Mikkilsox,
Administrator of the estate ot Ole
Fendersen, deceased.
la tbe Circuit Court of the Plate of Ore
gon for the County ot Clackamas.
Anna block, plaintiff,
H. II . Johnson, defendant
To H. II. Johnson, the above named
defendant :
In tbe name ot the state of Oregon you
are hereby commanded to appear aud ans
wer the complaint filed against yoa in the
above entitled suit on or before Friday,
April 12,1901, that b-ing the last day pre
scribed in the order for publication of (his
summons, and if you fail to so appear
pear and answer said complalnt.the plain
tiff will apply to the court (or tbe relief
demanded in said complaiut. Said suit
is brought to obtain a decree of ssid Coui I
for the foreclosure of your certain mort
gage described in said complaint and
executed by said siefendtnt on, to-wit:
the 6th day ot August. 1895, to secure the
payment of your certain promissory note
lor Three hundred and fiftv dollars, dat
ed the Gin day of August, 1895, in favor
ol George Ftock and of wbicb the plain
t.ff is now the lawful owner, and for in
terest thereon at tbe rate ot ten percent
per annum from the rth day of Angust,
1897, and for an attorney' fee of fifty
dollars tor bringing 'his suit, and for
taxes paid by plaintiff on Ibe property
described in said mortgage amounting to
158 83. and legal in erest thereon, said
taxes being for the years 1395, lS'.HS, l!W7,
lS'JS and 1899, aa 1 for judgment for said
sums of money, and that the premises
conveyed by said mortgage be sold snd
the proceeds applied to the satisfaction
ol said mortgsge and sid debts and the
costs of this suit, and in ce said pro
ceeds are not sufficient to satisfy said
debts, then to obtain execution against
the defendant lor the balance remaining
due, and thai the defendant and all per
sons claiming by, through or under hi in
be Forever barred and foreclosed of all
right and title in and to said mortgaged
premises, snd for such other and further
relief as may seem juut and equitable to
this Honorable Court.
Tlii summons is published by order of
Hon. T. F. Kvan, judge of the county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, made
on the 27th day of February, 1901, the
first publication being on the first day of
March, 1901.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circnlt Court of the Btate of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas.
Augusta Davidson, plaintiff,
"illlani T. Davidson, defendant)
To 2HIarD T- Davidson, the said defend
ant. In the name of the state ol Oregon, you
are hereby commanded to appear and an
swer the complaint tiled against yoa in the
above entitled suit in the above entitled
court on or before the 3rd day of May, 1901,
the tame being seven weeks from the date
of the first publication oftbia summons.
You are hereby notified that If you fail to
apixar and answer the complaint, plaintiff
win appty to me uourt tor me relief ue
insnded in tbe complaint, to wit:
That the bonds f matrimony now exist
ing between you and the plaintiff be dis
solved and held for naught and for cost and
disbursements of this suit, and for the
change or plaintiffs name to Augusta Voiut.
This summon" Is published by order of
me non. i nos. t . yan, couniv judge oi
Clackamas county, state of Oregon in the
Oregon City Enterprise for seven successive
weeks commencing wltb tlie Issue of March,
22d, 1901.
This order it dated March 20th, 1901.
Attorney for Plaintiff.'
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds, and
chafing quickly healed by the nse of
DeWittls Witch Hazel Salve. It is 1ml
tated. Be sure you get De Witt's. Geo,
A. Harding.
JI LIU 17 l.m TMH , T..T riM
Notice l'redHrw.
1 the undersigned li been appointed
by the County Court ol the Nle ol Oregon
for Clackamas tVunly as administrator ol
the esiateof J. I. t'lM-Lrsn, deceased, all per
sons holding Halme against the said slsl
ar hereby mill lied to present the sains altli
the proper vouchers duly verified according
to law to meat Nee.lv, Oregon, o to Inv
attorneys at theottlee ol lleorge C. tlmwnHl.
In Oregon City, Orem.it, allliln six mouths
Irom the first publication ol this tiotlce,
Admlnlstrator.il the esiateof J L.
I'txlirail, .leceased,
Attorney for Administrator.
police of I'ImwI lrtlenietit.
In th County Court of the Stat of Oregon,
... ah- f....'..w .f I'lh l.nt.,
In the matter ot the estat ol Jacob 8. Mo
t'onih, tieceal.
"VJOTICK is hereby given that th under.
XI signe.1. adnilnistratilx ol ttis estate of
M Mi'i.i,,h. tiMaMst hat nle.1 her
Una! acci.ui t In sail matter, and Ui oouuijr
judge of said Clackamas County has an-
imUmIihI itiestiay, in .in nay oi .vj,
lii ..VI.M-k A l a a tin. f.ir lha har
tug of objections to said Una' acoitlil and
for Ibe settlement or in same.
(J It At. IE I). M1DKKR.
Adnslalatrttler'a I'twsjl .twllro.
"VTOTICE Is hereby given that Ins uiuler-i-i
signetl, admiiiisiralor of lb estate vl
Orac hmool, deceased, has riled hi Anal
account and report, and by order of th
Couaiy Court of th Plate of Oregon lor
Clackamas County, Monday lh tkb day of
May, lta.il, has been sel for lh bearing ol
onectlna lo such final account and the
settlement thereof.
March .tnh, I'M. Administrator.
MIK.KIKF Ntl.i:.
In th Circuit Court of the 8tat of Oregon
for th county of Clackamas.
T. T. Oeer as Governor. T. I.
Punbar at Secretary, and C.
8. Moore as Treasurer pf lh
Bleie ol Oregon, constituting
th ftate Land Uoar.1.
0. B. Dlmlck a ArlmlnMralor
of the Eslaieof John K H.Mle
deeeasnt, Manraretha Uol.
John HiMle, Mary lle.lg
Bode, Frederick John liode,
and Gerhard Uole.
State of Oregon. I
County of Clackamas,!
der, decree and an execution duly Is
sued out of and under the seal ol tbe auov
entitled court, in the above entltle.1 cause.
U) me duly directed and dated lh 3d day
of April, l'S'l, ui-on a judgment rendered
and entered In said Court on the I'Uh day
ol March, 1:4)1, In favor of lb plaintiffs and
against the estate of Jobn K. Bole, deceased,
and G. B. iHmlrk aa Administrator, de
fendants, for tbe sum of STuu, with interest
thereon at me rate of 8 per cent per annum
from Ibe '.Tib dav ol July, If 7, and the
further sam of tlJA. as attorney's lee, and
furt er sum ol l-lo costs snd disbursements,
and the costs ul aud upon this writ, com.
mantling me lo tnakesale ol th folios lug
described real property, situate In Ibe
county of Clackamas, slat of Oregon, to
wn: Th west balf ()or the north-w.t quar
ter ol section two (.'(township four 14 south
range Ihre (5) east of th Wiliamella Mr
idlan containing -0 V acres morn or less,
save and except a track of land ol about
one-fourth ol an acre upon wblcli a Bantist
church is tituate.1; also the northeast
quarter of Ibe south west ousrter of section
two (2) township four (1) south range three
(3) east of the Willamette Meridian, con
taining 40 acre more or lest.
Now, therefore, by virtu of laid execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and In
compliance- with the commands of said writ,
I will, on Saturday,
THE 4th DAY OF MAY, 19U1.
at the hour of 1 :3o o'clock p. rn.,at the rruni
ioor or the county court house In the city ol
Oregon City , in said county and stale, sell
at public auction, subject tu redemption, lo
the highest bidiler, for L'. 8. g'lld coin Cssh
in hand, all the right, title and Interest
which the within named defendants or
either or them, hsd on the date of the mort
gsge herein or since hail in or to the above
described real properly or any part there
of, to satify said execution, judgment order
decree, inter si, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon,
Dated. Oregon City. Ore., April 3, t'JOl.
The Finest Nervlee to the Fast
and Mouth.
The O. R. & N. Co., In connection
with the Oregon Short Line and Union
Pacific, otters the finest service and
fastest time to Rait Lake, Denter, Kan
sas City, Omaha, St. Paul, St. Louis,
Chicago, and all points eaat. Three
trains daily from Portland, with choice
of many different routes, l'alace and
tourist sleepers, library, dining and
chair cars on all trains.
Write A. L. Craig, O. P. A O. It. &
N Co., Portland, Oregon, for particulars.
Youis truly,
A L. Cbaiq, G. P. A.
"I have been troubled with indiges
tion for ten years, haye tried many
things and spent much money to no
purpose until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia
Care. I have taken two bottles and got
ten more relief from them than all other
medicines taken. I feel more like a boy
than I have felt In twenty years." An
derson Biggs . of gunny Lane, Tex.
Thousands have testified as did Mr.
Riggs. Geo. A. Harding.
Most of the millionaires of the East
have been vaccinated against the library
disease. s
Spring conghs are especially dangnr
ons and unless cured at once, serious re
sults often follow. One Minute Cough
Cure acts like magic. It is not a com
mon mixture hut is a high grade remedy.
Geo. A. Harding.
The emperor of Germany has taken
some stock in an air-ship company, just
for a flyer.
You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is
sluggiiih and your bowels clogged. Le
VVilt's Little Early liters cleanse the
whole system. They never gripe. Geo.
A, Harding,
OH I'M I'M 15 .
An oidlnsnc snlhotlslng th Issuance of
Honda fur lh purpose ol refunding out
stanlilng bonds lierelolore Issurd by O rgun
Clt v
Oregon Cllv does ordain aslnlloasi
He.-, t. Whereas, !V an act ol th l.gls
latlve Assembly of th 8li id Wll,
pes.e.1 at H Hghteenlh regular session I
the vear HB, Oregon CUy silihorU'd
to borrow inoiiry snd lo l-sue bunds lo III
amount of llliv Hi and dollars.
8e.'.'. Ami. Whereas, that In order to
provide for th payment of f nam bonds of
Oregon CUV heremfnr Issued n.b -come
due May I. iM, Iherefur. Il Is bereht
or.lere.1 that refunding bond ol Oregon
Cllv be is.u d bv lh Finance ommlU ol
lhClty Council ol Or gon Cliy. Oregon,
or the ptirpoe aforesaid. In th agg'eg'
amn iiil of thirty thousand dollart KW (Mi)
i-onsl.llng of ihir'jf i; bonds ol oi thous
and dollar ll.ru) ti.-li. iiumbrd from
on to thlrlv, Inclusive, lb sam to b
cuiislby lb Mayor and Iteoorder of said
trg.ui CUV, Orernui, snd lotxdeled lh
.i dsvof Mar. Pi, and psyaiil.ln Iwwnly
VI yssrs alter dt lher..f. ssid bond' l
lr Interesl al lh rsl ol tlv pr cnt ft
prcnl er annum, payable ssnil-snnu.
ally, the several Inslalline'nla ol lntresl In
be evidenced by coiiHns attached lo ch
of slid bonds, holh nrincli al and Interest lo
be pavaM at th oWc of lb City Trsur
r of Oregon City. Oregon. 8l. Ihillds and
couihuis snail b In laaful form, and shall
contain lh provision thai both Hi princi
pal and Inleresi of ssid bond shall b pay
anlln(lold Coin of lh I' n lie. I Hlslrs ol
Ainerns of lh preMtil standard of "eight
and fltisne
8ec. S Th Flnanc Conunltle of lh
City Council ol Oregon City Is hereby il
Ihnrtrrd, mK.rl s! dlrwied l pr
pr and sell said bonds in such ntsnnsr as
they shall seem best, si not ls than their
par vtln. provided, hosivr, lhl said
rommltte shall hav the right to rjoi
anv and til bids.
r'ec. t. t'pon the Flnanc Commit'
niaklng sal of said bonds, lh Keoir.ler
stisll notify lh City Trsiirr of lh Urms
nd condition Ittwrsx.f . and Uxn lh
Tresnrr recelveng lh purchase price
i..,.r.,ra Ilia Tnu'irar shall alv lb nor
rhasrra receipt which shall U tufflclml I
authuritv lr in Mayor ann iiecomer to
sign and deliver the requisite number of
bonds, as pnv.led In Ibis ordluanr.
8ec. f. This ordinance snail Iske effect
from snd slter Us approval bv lbs Msyor.
, first time ami ordered published a'
a reiruiar meeting of the Cllv Council of
Oregon Cllv, Oregon, audio come up for
second rvsding and final passag al a 8o
lal meeting of said City Council lo be held
Monday, April 13. l''t. al o'clock p. m.
lv order of the CHy Council ot Oregon
City. Oregon.
Thoe (anions liUle pill, WW ill's
little Karly Risers wltl remove all im
purilie from your tystein. rlesnse your
bowels, make the in regular. Geo, A.
aliHn Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I will apply
to the city council at it next regular
meeting tor a license to, sell Injuor at
my present pla.eot business on Main
street between Fourth and Fifth.
Wit. tun Ko..
stsv loo a Urease.
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply to the city council at It regular
meeting (or a license lo tell Honor at my
present piece of business on Main street
al tbe corner of Fourth.
J. N. Millik.
stalwoa Urease.
Notice is hereby given that I will ap
ply to the city council at its regular
meeting for a license to sell liquor at my
preewnt place of busiues on Main street
at the corner ot Sixth.
A. II. Girj.
fsirlown Urease.
Notice Is hereby given lba I will p
ply to the city council at Its regular
meeting fur a license lo sell licjui-r at my
present place of business on corner ol
Highlit and Main street.
Philip Rooa.
sialoou Ueeasei.
Notice I hereby given that I will ap
ply to the city council at its regular
meeting fur a license to sell liquor at my
present location on Main street,
A. Kxait.
10 acre good land l miles from Ore
son City, on Hoqulam roail. Would
trade for a house and lot In Oregon City.
F. Mlxdiiknkx,
Parkplace, Ore.
lDjuire at Parkplace store.
Strayed from my place near the brick
yard, Oregon City, March 22, bay filly
colt coming three years old, white ot
in head, heavy tail, strong, chunky,
nulet, heavy boJied. A suitable reward
will be given for return of colt or Itifor
mailon that wilt lead to recovery of
same. Vv. E, Wki.ls,
Oregon City, Or.
"Last winter I was confined to my
bed with a very bad cold on the lungs
nothing gave me renei. finally my
wife bougld a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure that effected a Speedy cure, I can
not cpetk too highly of that excellent
remedy.' Mr. T. K. Houseman, Man
atawney, Pa. Geo, A. Harding
Oregon llty Market Report.
(Corrected weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, 00c bushel.
Flour Portland, 3.o0; Howard's
Best, $3.30.
Oats in sacks, white, 37 to 42 fonts
per bushel, gray, 40 to 43.
Millstuffs liran, 10.00 per ton
shorts, $18 per ton.
Potatoes 45 to SO cts per sack.
Kgg" Oregon, 11 to 12c per dozen.
Rutter Ranch, 40 to 45 cents er roll
Onions, $2.75 to $3 00 per sack,
Green apples, 75 cents to 1 25 per box
dried 3 to 44 c" P"r pound.
Livestock and !ru8Hed Meats Iieef.
live, 4 to 5c hogs, live, 4; to 5c hogs,
13 50 to
' lw
drefmeu, cts: sheep. $3,0
$4 50 a head ; veal, dressed VA to 8c
Walla Weeplsa Is qalfa Haieral, II
May " '" alldrea.
It t'otnea imturiil to fvery woiiino to
lty a child when It hurt It.elf. H
the nilsndvi'iiliiie big or Wll tlm
liiothcr IniiiKMlliili'ly lke tlm lltllo tt
In Imr mum ntid In Iht iii't yinp'"
llicllc, pitying tones tries to solnce It.
And nf cotirsi. the child coiicltnUs
toliK tllllig terrible hits hllppetud to It
and crl.a vigorously. A llitie baby If
pitied ran soon be brought to a wwp
lug slnlii when iiolhlug whuteviT I tint
iiinttor with It. Just t all tip your most
tender, syitipnthetlc tone; nsk him that
time honored question. "Ild they Innia
tho babyT and the lltttt Hps will In gln
to quiver, th mouth to drMii, and soon
a wall brrnks forth that Is meant to In
dicate that "tiny" did.
Of couro children will rry som.
tlitiea. Crying I an Institution that
cannot h tlotio away with. Crying,
more or !, I eiicte.1 wltb the advent
of tlio little stranger, but the murw or
less depend largely on the parr tit. A
child enn lie laughed Into a good ho
ninr. Instead of pitying hliu at tho no
DieMti little hurU he get a, tho that
are really of no lniMrtane. treat
them a a god Joke. Ijiugb at them,
aud the baby will quickly laugh wltb
you. It d.wsu't take long to chase the
tear away. Itesldcs doing away wltb
a lot of unnecessary crying It teat-bee
bltn not to mind little hurl and devel
op a brave, nmnty little fellow. This
does not apply to serious mishap, but
to those numerous little bump which
youngster arw continually getting and
which a Utile pHy quickly magnlflea
Into aomvthlng of Importance In child
ish eye.
Never giving a child anything be
fries for la another excellent way to
nip In the bud th cry tug habit. If It Is
proper for him to have, promise It to
htm when ho stoi crying. Ilewanl hi
good behavior, not hi bod- Of course
If tied habit In this direction are form
ed. It I hard to correct them. Hut such
discipline observed from the bcgUmlng
will make crying au lufreijueiit per
formance In the home wberw the youth
ful moiiarvh reign.-Philadelphia tele
II Mad Himself a ttl Maw a Ik
Hrit o Thesis.
"When you ineiiilon tho name of
John Its-lily. y) touch a reminiscent
chord In the heart of hundreds of lh
older rvsld.-nt of llaltlinore," remark
et! a well known gvutlrman.
"On one ocraslon Kellly had to Jour
ney to rhllndeliilila on business. It
was In the time of the old stageooachc.
and be made bl way I. Isur.ly along.
I'pon arriving there ho registered at
one of tho h-adlug holds. That b ads up
to my iory. At that time It wa custom
ary for men to add to their signature
such tlth-a or evLh-tK-ea of dignity aa
they POMMSS4-.L When Ilellly looke.1
over the hoi.-l register, he mw some
thing like this: 'John Jones, LL. I).;
Will In in Kmlth. A. M.. A. II.: Hamuel
Johnson. I). !.' Hclxlng a pen, be In
scribed the following: 'John Itellly, F.
It, H.' Then he went alxnit hi busi
ness and sM-nt a pleasant and profita
ble afternoon.
"Itetunilng to the hotel at night, he
was met by n mmmltt.-e of leading and
learm-d clllxen. They greel.-. bltn
with great deforelireand ex pressed their
gratification that such a distinguished
man should b lu their midst llo was
urgently requested lo deliver a lecture
before some scientific Ixxly during bl
Latay. toupee, tiny Judged from the
mystic l. ttiT on the hotel register mat
be was a fellow of the Hoys! society.
"Ilellly was a man of Imtxislng per
sonal apiM-aruure. lie tnadu himself
very agreeuble to the cuiiimlttee, but
could not name a dnto for the lecture.
When they h ft hltu, a friend asked tho
reason of the deiiionstrallon.
"What do you mean by writing tho
letters F. It. H. after your uame, any
"They menu "fried, row and slew
ed," and I serve the best In Balti
more.' "-Hultlmorc Bun.
Th Germ of aa Iwveatloa.
The late Oueral George It. Model
Inn, U. 8. A., Is credited wlth.havlng
made the statement many years ago
that tho sinking of clams Into the sand
along the ocean shoro by closing their
shells and ejecting the water from
them In a thin at renin first suggested
to blm the use of the water Jet as an
aid In sinking piles In sand. At any
rate as long ago as 1H.'2 a water Jet
was so used by General Mcf.'lellan's ad
vice In putting down piles for a wharf
and warehouse. Water was forced
through sn ordinary rubtcr hose, wltb
a piece of gas pipe on tho end for a
nozzle. This was placed close to the
point of the pile on tho bottom, the Jet
of water scouring the sand away from
the pile and making a bolo, In which
tho pile sank rupldly. CasslL'rs Maga
zine. Sensitive Tobscco I'laal.
In Cuba the best tobacco comes front
ono atrip of laud only, tho slopes of a
certain river, and even there a north
wind may ruin tho crop. Tobacco Is
tho most sensitive plant wo know of.
Tho smallest thing affect Its flavor.
Plant Virginia tobacco In Oormony
and tho result Is a better tobacco, but It
is German tobacco, not Virginian. In
north Huiuco they produce, the most
delicate and silky leaves that ever
were seen, but the tobacco hicks char
acter and tasio. Btmd Ilnvntiii seeds
to the Philippines, and you merely pro
duce n superior Moulin. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Lovely I'hllunMiropy,
Mrs, Ilrowu We are going to give n
progressive euchre for tlm poor. I lovo
to do something for the poor.
Mrs. Jouch-Ko do I. I lovo to piny
' Progressive euchre for thom.-IlrooLlyn
i v ie
" " ra lh tea.
Fear of the th-nd la Instinctive In
a ..l a . t a .
limn. I here is uo uount nooiii mat
I do not prof. to be able to enter Into
the exact reason for that fear; whnlh.
er It be that ntrtii Instinctively recoil
from t'ouietiipliiiloii of tho fnllni (em.
pin alone or what not. It Is eulhVlciit
that the fear rxlsl.
Neither Is this Instinctive fi'ur of th
dead t oiillinil to nmn, I owned a horse
once Ihat could iievoi' be driven jyast a
(hnd borsM., The aiilmnl eihll.lhd all
the sign of true fear.
Fear coupled with shirk ran product)
Insanity. I lu n think that th rea
son of a normal man would be unseat
ed If be were locked up alone with a
corpse for many hours, though a per
on with weak nerve certainly might
t be so a (T cried. If a Inon discovered'
that hi sweetheart had died suddenly
while alone with hi in, the shirk might
render hi III llisaue.
ICven to those inistt familiar wltb
death and tb ad tHHltes there Is am.
thing a we Inspiring alHiut a corpse, sod
no niati'a nerve are proof agalnt a
fright. I rvmemlrr once, when I waa
alone In the dlswn-tlug room at ttlghl,
the band of lh subject up.ni which I
was engaged lieeaine iMsene4. I did)
Hot Uotlco what bad bapet)Wl. Bud
dctily the arm of the subject swung
around, and the hand struck the side
of my face. Year of training la Im
munity from superstition vanished In
the Jump that I gave.-lHr. John IV
, (Juackcubv lu New York World.
Waleke Thai T t-4.
"They are all alike," remarked a man
coining out of a .Woodward avenue
watchmaker', acctunpanled by a lady,
"Whor Inqulrodbla wife.
"I thought other rltlca maybe) weyrot
quite like our await town In the wild
and wk-ked west, but they arw and
nioro sm. I take my watch, which, aa
you know, I a fine gold one, full Jewel
ed, costing s-pxi, In lo have a few re
pair, much or little, a may te, and
the ho tllllekreprr gives HIS an old
battered tin watch to carry In It plaew
that make in ashamed to look Into
the facw of a reputable watcb f
week, tn addition It excite suspicion
In the mind of my nearest friend
when they see tne lake It out, and If 1
should die with that watch on my per
son In a strange country the newspa
per would say. 'Judging from tbe
watcb found on the deceased, he must
have nui from New Jriwy.' Now,
what I want to know Is why don't
Ji-wrlrr hav 'substitute watches to
inali h thrir rtistomerVI That U to say,
let the customer's woirh b-fl for re
pair determine the kind of wstcb he Is
to earry until he get bl own again."
Hut hi wife couldn't ti ll bltn to save
her life. I ri roll Frew Press.
!l4a'l Its Jab.
"it Isn't safe lo be funny these days
antes (Hie labs-It one's Jokes," said a
woman who went abroad recently.
"You know. I've always ratbef fanctwf
myself a a wit. and on the steamer
coming home I really let mytv-lf out
Kverytxtdy wa a bit soastck, and I
Well, even I hnd time when I thought
I'd rather own an automobile than any
kind nt a v ni ht. (Inn dnv we all fons-
! gnthered on deck and talked about
what we d rne tlirotigb-yoO know
bow pNiple do on shlpboariL I was
talking In my cleverest rein wltb au
Fugllsti family.
"Tin like a famous bidy I chortled
gnyly. 'I'll be extn in.ly glad to set
foot on terra coiin sum In,'
"That evening the mother of the l'ug
llsli family took nu- auln.
"'My dear." she said. Tui much
older than you that I m sure I may
make so bold ns to tell yoti sotm-tlilng,
and I want you to take It In the spirit
In which It I meant. Yoti told this
morning you'd be glnd to set foot ou
terra cottn again. I thought I'd Just
call your attention to the thing so you
won't make the same mistake again.
It Isu't terra cotu. It's terra firma.' "
Washington I'ost
wrfaee laJlealtoB.
From "A Itook on Dartmoor." writ
ten by the Rev. 8. Itarlng (Jould, comes
a story which might have come from a
less trustworthy source:
The wild and romantic country of
Dartmoor consists of a tableland wltb
rugged peaks or tors and all but Im
passible marshes. After a dry summer
It Is easy to pick one's way across
parts of It which at other times are full
of pitfalls. At one of tho latter period
a man was cautiously treading his way
across ono of the treacherous marshes
when he saw a bat lying brim down
ward on the sedge. 'He gave It a gen
tle, good humored kick In pStalng and
almost Jumped out of his skin when a
choked volcg, called out from beneath:
"What be you a-doln to my 'atr
"Iio thcro uow a chap undcr'nT" ex
claimed tho traveler.
"F.es, I reckon, and a boss under tne
A mtlealt Wife.
An Englishman thus describes tho
I wife of bis bosom In his will:
I "Heaven seems to have sent her Into
the world solely to drive me out of It.
The strength of. Bainson, the genius of
Homer, the prudence of Augustine, thj
skill of I'yrrbus, tho patlcucs of Job,
tho phlloMophy of Socrates, the subtlety
of Hannibal, tho vlglluuco of IIeri.it
genes, would not suUlco to subdue ih
porverHlty of ber character." Kx"
A I'npalar Host.
Travolor-Eh? Has this hotel chang
ed hands?
Clerk-Yes; the old landlord busted
up; owed thousands of dollars to nil the
provision dealers In tho neighborhood,
r or every 10 he took In he spent $-0.
Traveler Too bad, too bod I He's tho
only luudlord I ever met who know
how to keep a hotel. New York Week
ly. . . -