OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. APRIL 6 1901 Oregon City Enterprise TlCl HabTBID It All WAY GoMPANy IIAV f-OHTLAND (C-Vh PI.) 7:00 A. u. jo V ij lo:oo I04 J 11 is r. m. ;oo MS J J 'J 410 4 4S yy 6 is bi only to Ulfaeukte S iu:jo ok 7 la Mllwaukle 1140 IIAVI ORCQON CITY 7 0$ a, m. 7S-. JS 9 10.03 10 jo ti'M) P. I JO 'IS 3 to 4 S '4So SM 6.M 703 7 So I n only in Milwauale 9 IS l:v II y only lo Nilwaukle To Wi,i, lianas so Mid.-For long Unit Ilia resldenia of Oregon City have had no loral tailor of Caucasian blood to make llinlr clothe, Thav had gentleman of Mongolian ffludrni'lua, but ItoNxljf lM been partiriilarv (lurk or. mm. Joe Knowltori r.( of Hacrainenlo, Ul.,a lallor of wlila ai , xrlmica arid gxxl eklll ha located In Oreioii fM ami aaka tlia patronise of men who like lo be well rirneeed. .1,,.,. , OMMmum ilia r.nlorprlse oflli-e. llo yen mII yeur WHltrrcalT A rtn.ui AuioKnT.-Tlia Infant in of J'l.lllim Hill kluln. who II v.. .1 Imnl and Madiaon alree! mat with peculiar accident .t Humlav afternoon. The little lollow, who I about 11 month olJ, lia.J ancurmj a po kt knife arid waa playing with It. Ila fall it,l ,a kuila blad plortad hla t-.iiKUa. ht. Hirlik land wee tall. J arc Jrraaad l!,e wound. hlllpp liutklulu la a matblilat ami worke lor una of tlia paper will com panlaa, 41 MiNUTI aOMlDULI. New To-Day. UN liKKTA K I Mil-Mhai.k A Jlill, it,. un)fUar. iMeaen dpu ami bfl(( Tl liuna .. 11I4M or Uay, ( property vanished, until now there fa notdlng left but about IW worth of farm niaMrlilnnry. TM week Ilia once 'I'M hueband ari'l wia were quarreling I. . a I . . . . rvaxaai, or Uxoaoa V. FaNiuoaa. Ida luoeral of (Jeorxe 0. Fenlmore look place lat Friday. Fenlmore diaxj from ronenmptlon. waa a profes sional baaehall playear and Injured dim- " lu-klnat. Ur violent exertion lia brought on hemorrhage o( Ilia lung, whUu resulted In bla daaib. Oalnu to It lon and njnaUa illoeaa Lli wila U loft lo tinitilua clrcumaUncMi. TIiom lAltHKN AMI) kftlLI.lt MKIIIM.-TI.. i who liava klii.ll I .... d.ai a.a arr.i.uM u, mow. ,T ' l-pr-dala Uia itiiaiiniaon will mat a i-laii ol ' nl'lahNfci of Ida aorroalng wMow, tmi$ raMriMf anil lomabi t'latiia. ' puit l AmmaiHT A. Ifalni A Co., tha imara. Kara bruq a auit In aii4rl.nir.nt lorolln-t tU tnn of V ftj lur irMrlnadr0rv. to lo J. M. Jo. aln, Jr fsiirlirrd and Adam f(ip. i i it i. ... i. ..... I'l. ll'IDia LO.. ra IIibI ! da IAUU AMI UMHIMi--Tl.a UK. fl I-Jf Mr. ('. (iIMhm.. ((.! foiiiit ami huit.a H hail f iflli Hiraat "tl'oSU UK I. A T S 1 ICY W ain" ai'r'Uf . 1? ijn rwon.l an. iiiit.1, claM anrk al raacicalila priwa. V' a it w : i:V" r. iTy it i i-liZZi um A Pif li.ir. Imiii Oriiial liuoii, 3 f.nn an nifii. Alalia Ui rnl. WllUU (.". Ill Lf. I BWIW k ai JtrST-l III t.( mr tx.ar.1lh niiti aa "Tlia C.liu " ail It baa It fi...i. Ham ran. Maa. C. (iiaaoaa. I U K tl Ml AMI tHMH-The Millar " lluuaa un.lar nianarvxiciiL Main Owl al Urtiilniia of (( railaay aitrh. Kt) anl ruuntt 1 Am ir ark. Maa. I'.J lioaaaata. M'lIK IIL'II '-llobiarklaa aland. W atilne In loan. Mlt'MtaL iiiumi. "Alaaya on iluijr." ' IKI lor Ida ooaaoaalon of Ida tUIr waaM Mtta. Jfra. Kmma Mow rd claimed Ida farm inacl.lnarr and M It atorad. I), W. Howard oMamnd aaarrh warrant and t;k Ida macdln ry. Krfora Junllca llnrman fa. of l aol.y, Ida raaa waa tried, Allomer William 8. U'Hnn, of Orriron Cltr. re- praaenUHl Mra. Howard. Ha convlnred Ilia court tl.at Ida trial of iroi-.rt rlglila waa lieyond tha iurledictlon of a jiiaiuaola (.. Tda ma hlnrry waa rrtiirnal lo Uri, Howard on tlia order of Ida court TKItllEKV AHS01UTIO1. . llmlti'riilarjfretinrof the (larkamai l'Mmr1rai'iV AHatln. :i)totKX)f, loan on cdattid or ir aonal aecurlty. Idml, I, Kaatliam, auti 100 llrward IOO Tlia ralera of ldl ir will La Wwd Ui learn tlial Idera la al laaalona drea lixl diaeaaa that arlnnca l.aa n alla lo cura In all Ita ataLa and that la catarrh. Haifa Catarrh Cura la tha only poeltlva cura now known tu tda niedlral fraternity. Catarrh Iwlmr a conatitmlofial diaeaan, reoulrtia a con Ulutlonal Ireaininnt. Haifa CaUrrh Cora la taken Internally, actlnii dirwtlr fpon tha hlouj and rnucua aurfiwra of Ida lyatem, Idervdy dawlroylriK tha foun dation of tha diaraan. and tlvlnir tda na tlenl atrani(tb by building up the coif atltulion and aaelatlnr. natura In doing lUwork. Tha orojirletora hare fi miik Ij faith In Ita curative iwaera. that thev otT-r 1100 lor any taae that It fall to cure. Nnd for liat of teal Ad dreaa, F. J. Ciikmcv k Co.. Toledo 0. Kolil by Irtiiilla. 75c. Hall'i family I'illa are the let. Klllif VAmmtd allll relali.a I.Ia HimL.. frbdanta are culling wood fur the r.tir !'''' ' "' l,f'Dcll'l I-ondon clula. Kv- . II. M. . . . .1 I -.1- t ... ... WANTKI-(tMJ (Irl eaiiM for 1 all al elora o( t " I lib ft I a l rfl ajitrk f 111.1 WM.11.1111111ll"a Rare Chance 5 to get a Piano flegant. full acala upright cab inet grand piano Only t85. Cott MOO lait July. Owner leaving Ida Halt for tha Northwett. Time Ifdeiired. Addreaa Piano" Cnterprlie OfTlca. mill". Thawjo.rutlrrabuliirlit irru-eil Krf teo montda wltduut paying for Idem and In order lo rMert tdeme.ea the gn-era have atarhe. ,e money In the bat). la of tda er mill cowoeny. Tha action la In the circuit court fiiTii Kiaaar JUiaar JoaVpb Korten, U e Herrntd tirroi baker bu auld out bla bualoeea lo llarmao Krdrader. Tda Utter la well koowo aa Ide Uaa Uker for Helps A Co. Mr. Minder underatamla Ma builnraa tdoroiiMy and aa On-frfi City la bin enough lur I wo bakerlar Idera la oorra on why both of them alioulJ not roar. air. trader will emleavor to give tlia rvaldeula of the bill dietrl. I the Very beat bread, cakoa and plea that be ran turn dot. l.lently be wanU bla dih of apl.ed with a Utile lellowahip. rojalty r..i.iiiwiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiir. THE LOCAL NEWS. QatuoN Tiaaia Kiitia'T. The Oregon timUr eihlblt for the lluttalo Kioaiiion la already going forward. It will con iat of a auar tdne tree TVS feet bind. 31j yeara old and aeven feet tu diameter. There will alao U a aolld plme of tlr, three feel rvjuare and 73 leel long. There will be other aamplea of llmlier which are euoeed lo be tha flnnat that can I gathered anywhere lo tha world. I't at Fmin Cai-aAKR. KiMxt Commlae loner Italley pro(OKea to enter on bla war ai;alnnt fraud eometlme alxiut May 1. Aa neatly everything Bold Id grocery atorra U a rank counterfeit, ha will have to turn the grocer lea wrong aide out be fore he purlllna them. When lie tack lea the "pure Vermont maple ayrup," there will probably be an rxploalon. Ilia ao Hon will ha looked forward to with a rl deal of Intoreat. Oi.o I'aoariiToa I ei. Homebody baa eakel what lecumea of the old mining prueprctore who apend their Uvea In tha motinUioa looking for bid den traaaurera. Una of Idem died at Clatkainae Halghia tha other day. It waa Jama Ityan, and be aa 70 yearn old. He bad IrampeHl over tha mount aifla for yeara and came from California to and bla daya lo Clarkamaa county. Nj Walker waa bla friend becaua Soi'i father knew Hyao lo early daya. Hyao llve.1 alone In a little cabin In a ark a maa llelgbta, Ual Funday oitiht be wentlo ImkI and never rot od atraln. Ao Inuueat waa held Wednesday all Holman'a undertaking rooma and tha jury brought lo verdict thai Hyao died frxrn natural cau-ei. He waa buried id the city cemetery. Have M paid jwur vaaler re ail? V Howard Family Taoiauia. Almoat the laat aj t In the matrimonial drama of H. W. Howard and bla wife Kmma, be came I part of tha juatlce court rtcord a Candy thla week. It la not ao many yeara ago that tha credit of D. W. How ard waa aa good at that of any man In CUckamaa county. Ilia wife waa care ful and Induairioua. Together they raleed a family and aaw them happily married, It wai then that I). W. Howard, Inatcad of gaining wladom with hli accumulated yeara, aeemod lo lofltj all tha good aeiuw ha ever bad. The Frof. Ivlaon, of lonaconJng, Md! auflered terribly from neuralgia of the tUimach and tndlgeetlon for thlrthleeo yeara and after the doctor, bad failed lo cure him thry fed blin on morphine. A friend advleed the oae ofKodol Iya pepela Cure and after Uklng a few bottlea of It be aaya, "It baa cured me entirely. I can't aay loo much for Kodol Hyepepala Core." It dlgeata what you eat. Geo, A. Harding. The ttalement that Gen. Mi lea la to attend tha World'a Fair in full panoply will caue the aovereigo atatea to ruab their applicalioua for apace. A lUglag, Uearing Flea4. Waaheddowoa Ulevraph line which Chea. C. Fllla, of Llabon, la., bad to re pair. "Standing waiat deep In Icy water," gave ma a terrible edd and cough. It grew woree daily, Finally the beet doctore lo Oakland. Neb.. Sioux City and Omaha aald I bad consumption aud could not live. Then I began using Dr. Klng'a New Diecovery. aud waa wholly cured by elx bottlea" Poaltivelv guaranteed for Cougba, Colds and ail Throat aud Lung troubtea by Ueorire A. Harding. Trie 60c and f 1.00. The March meeting of the L'I kam.e County Teachera' Aaeoclation waa held In Ilia school building at Mount Meaa- nt, Kalurday, March SO. It waa called to oritur at the usual hour by Huperin- lewiiirii .inner, The minutes of the prevloua metling were read and approved. Hiiierinlrident .inaer opened the pro-am with remark on the Library Aasoi union, urging tda need of a mil Hhrary. The matter of the time of dol.l. ! V, Ing ll.a annual institute wna alao Intro-i dui wi by the auiierlnUfmlenL Conai.W. able diversify of opinion existed. M. Hyatt gave an fnterestlnk- addreaa on "Anlmale of Clackamas Count v." m- ginning witb the cat family and dwelling on the habile and peculiar traits of ea. I. family. "The stud of nature la roost lancinating" aaid be. "growing In Inter- eat, as onea powers of observation are traine.1." The subject waa diecoaaed by I'rof. Ziriaer, and Mr. Andrews. The afternoon aeeaion Waa callel to ordr at I :.) by President Zinaer. Tl,e lollowingtllai.'uaaion took phv:e: "Ilaolved, That the prevent district ystem of schools be abolished-" Affirm tle, T. J. Gary, Ara McUughlin; Negative-Jegore Btrickland. Itobert Ointher, Mr. Uary favored the plan of combin ing about Ova dislrlcta, with one board of diruttore, eatahllahlng a primary and grade at doola ; pupils past the aeventb 1 grade to attend tda central school to be lot-ated near the center of (!. bined" dialrict . GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR EASTER SUGGESTIONS FOR LADIES Cloves Silk an J kid all tho latest nhades. Neckwear White laco Tie. also Stock and Bowi with gold trimming. Belts Novelties in leather, velvet and gold lace belt. Handkerchiefs I jhc,tt, embroidered and hemstitched in plain and fancy borders. S hlrt Waists Made in the latest titjle. FOR MEN. Hats AH the latest tyle in derbies and oft hat. rj Neckwear Novcltie in Bow, 4 in hand and read made Lj scarfs. Without waiting for any special call, several hundred mlnlatera bave applied to Prealdent McKlnley for appointment aa army chaplalna. 1'LAVLU OUT tVill Headache, I'aina lo variona Darta o( tha body, Sinking at tha pit of the stomach, Ixiaa of appetite, Feverisbneas. I'i ui plea or Sortie are all positive evlden cea of Impure blood. No matter bow It Uicame ao it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker'a Blood Elixir baa never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseaaea. It la certainly a wonderful remedy and we Ml every bottle on a positive guarantee. O. A. Harding, Druggist, OABTOniA. Bear lk It tiDil YlM Hlrt Attirt BttCf BlgMtar r He believed that tl,l. , plan would lyatematiM the work and give belter and more uniform rrsults. M. MrUughlin followed on the earn line. He believed that at prent, teacders have Px many clae, to bei able to axoopli.ht deeirad results. He thought the new ayatem would not increase expenae but rather have tha oppoaite efTect. Mr. Stric kland and Mr. Ulntber believed the present vtein the Uxt tdat could be evolved at the preaeo t lime. Superintendent Zlntr rpuke lo favor of ttie new ytem, explaining that the greatest good to the greatest number could be attained In that way. Kev. A. J. Montgomery gave a de lightfully interesting and instructive ad dreaa on "trewa." Ha aaid a text lor a sermon on treea would be "The tree of the forest la man's life." He dwelt on the Dereasitiee of foreeta, ahowlng that the government ahould protect them, to preeerve the present climatic conditions. Children should be taught to plant and care for trees, and shrobe, on the achool grounds, "a thing of beauty laa joy lorever" said he. A tote of Uiank waa tendered Mr Montgomery lor hia addrea, by the aaaociaboo. Mr. McArtbur'a pupiis added much o the enjoyment of this occaeioo. by carefully selected songs and reciUUona. A vote of thank waa offered lo the good people of Mount ricaaant for the royal entertainment provided for Uie Aaaocialloo. On ruotloo the Association adjourned lo meet again io April. fixariu M. Gtnaox. i r. Shirts Spring style in white and colored hirt. Collars and Cuffs All the latest trle in "Arrow" and "Coon" brand. Cloves Kid glove in gray and tan. ' GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR LK'DEK 15 DV.VCE STYLE? .D L6Vf PWCEJ L i .1 ., 'V oe torn-; z' n Moore's Pharmacy 7th St. on Hill, r. lr. Moore has exclusive charge, and receives new good daily. NEW GOODS rATATjrATrjrATA Arriving Daily at the S Laceg N Irca le I jui ijTirl Fair b The Only Place for Bargains. GAP CLOSED. The operation of through trains be tween San Francisco and Lo Angelee, via Surf and Santa Barbara, will begin on Sunday, March SI, 1901 on the new coast line. Two through traina daily. The coast Hue limited leaving each terminal in Uie morning, equipped with elegant cafe and parlor cara. will make davl vht trins through the nioet picturesque, varied and enter taining acenee on the continent. In qulrtjof agent of the Southern Pacific. At some stage of the Chinese contro versy it I expected that Minister Wu Ting Fang will aollcit Mark Twain 'to 'ommit luiclde, The Enterprise (1.50 per year. $4,000 fforfli of Shoes which must be cut down half during tho next 90 days. Some of this stock will be sold for actual cost, and the balance at 10 per cent profit. Come and see me and see if I can't save you some money on a pair of boots or shoes. G.W.GRACE 7th and Center Streets, - On the Hill Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2. BICYCLES v Ramblfir IiV,vp,1os urn rfilebratod for their marvelous strenrtlt W - 0 and liffht runninir Qualities. Tho Rambler factory makes a more completo lino of high ll grade bicycles than any other company. Rambler Chainless $60 Rambler Racer - 60 Rambler Cushion Frame (chain wheel) 60 Ramblor Light Roadster 40 Rambler Heavy Roadster 35 Ideals S20 to 25 Morrow Coaster Brake $5 Extra We woulif like to show you these wheels. UBicycles sold for cash or on installments. Second hand wheels f ' taken in exchange. The Oregon City Jewelers 11 A -.4 n n n jt A J n n n n n n n n A 14 A 3 h