Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 05, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    . ' !
Our eorremtondont mill pleas send
th articles before Wednedays of each
week, otherwise it reaches us loo late for
Ainu Itrnii-C.
Aixx, April 2. N. J. Jones snd E. S.
Brand. h11 went to Hood Kiver on bui-
Mr. Kerry, of Portland, was lifre look
lot; after timU-r with view to logging.
Hermann Fritcch, eays he baa lost
ome goal. He think Bruin in the
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, of Canby, are here
visiting their daughter, Mm. Talke.
Horn To Mr, ami Mrs. Bramhall, a
liej arch 29, infant fiaiithtrr of
Mr. and Mri. Win. Archibald.
The stormy weather of the pait week
La tn-en the mean of Hopping work iu
the logging canips and saw mills. The
laborer are longing for a clear sky once
Rev. J. W. Fuller, of Corbett, is here
taking order for book.
MiM Mat tie Puller has returned from
few dya tojourn with Mrs. Chas.
Brook;, near Hull Run.
' The young people of Aims had a so
cial time tripping the fantastic toe at
the residence of C. K. Bailey last Satur
day night.
Nekdt, April 2. Carl Koushak ai.d
Wii.iaui Koushak have bought Hoff
man's ball at Needy.
Leon Cochran is going to leave April
1st for Idaho.
There was a sale at Mrs. Lahr's,
March SO.
Kill and George Atkin are giubbing
Mr. Hoetetterhas bought two farms.
Gilbert Noe Is teaching the Dryland
John Scbneiter has sold his place and
will have a sale on the sixth of April.
E. A. Montandon, supervisor, and son
have been blasting stumps on the new
road south of Needy.
Clark a.
Clarks, April 2. Our County Sur
veyor, Mr. Rands, was out and surveyed
a road around the bill near C. P. Tall
man's place, and the viewers, Metiers.
E. IIornbhuh.Thos. Duffy and M. Ho
land proved themselves capable of filling
such a position by securing an excel
lent grade, thus making an easy grade
fiom Clarks to the top of Buckner Hill.
After finishing the location of the road
Mr. Rands spent several days surveying
land in this vicinity to the satisfaction
of all concerned. The parties interested
were C. Talltnan, John Rick, C. Klein
smith and Will McGeorge.
Chas. Tallman will begin a term of
school at Clarks, April 1. Mr. Tallman
Las taught in this district three years in
lucceaaioa previous to this, and we
know that it will be a successful term.
The work of felling the trees in the
county road is progressing nicely and
will probably be all cleared out of the
road by the next session of the county
Edmund J.Taylor, of Fulton. X. Y.,
is vis'ting his old friend, Chas. P. Tall
Barto.v, April 2. From this little
valley so low, there has not been any
news in the paper for a long time but
the Barton people are not all dead yet.
John Henkle left for Eastern Oregon
where he will work during the summer.
Mies Addie Preston, of Troutdale, was
the guest of Mies Maltha Burghardt.
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life, and enjoyment of life to
thousands: men women and
When appetite fails, it re
stores it. When food is a
burden, it lifts the burden.
When youlose flesh.it brings
the plumpness of health.
When work is hard and
duty is heavy, it makes life
It is the thin edge of the
wedge; the thick end is food.
Eut what is the use of food,
when you hate it, and can't di-
g-t it?
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that makes
you forget your stomach.
If you have not tried It, send for
free sample, Its agreeable taste will
surnrlse you.
SCOTT fit BOWNE, Chemist.
409 Pearl Street. New York.
60c. and $ 1.00 1 all druggists.
I Some of the people from here attended
the dance at IVommu hall, .Saturday
j night.
Mohrr Pre ton of Troutdale, has been
vieiUug trieiuls llclW.
Charles Burghardt attended the lodge
I at Oiogou City Saturday night.
Hairy Thorpe of Dundee, Las Imhh
visaing his many friend heie.
Ctiarle Burghardt look a trip to Fact
ern Oregon to look at the country.
Miss Koa Norris is going to Portland
to work through the glimmer.
Misses Annie lleiiklo and Koe Nor
rid were the guests of Miss Koe Vetch
Fieri and Willie Uiehey left for Gra.'a
Valley. We uusa their smiling faces
very much, We are sorry to see you go,
boys, but with a happy adieu aud a good
wi:di for the futuie, we have you.
(jaberl Norris is working lor Mr. John
sou. Miss Mattie Burghardt has been stay
ing with Mis. Rock for some lime.
The young people around here are
w illing for the roads to get good so th
can ride Iheir wheel.
Ml 0.11.
Sitriicx, April 2. Mrs Nora Mill -r,
of Highland, spent the day at the home
of her friend, Mrs. E. F. Uuenther.
Ktlian Scnmlt visited at the home of
your correspondent one day last week.
Otto Peters of Stafford is spending a
few days with friend iu this neighbor
hood. James Bceeon and family are visiting
at the home of Wesley Hill.
Rev. Copley of Oreon City preached
an impressive sermon in the Evangelical
church this afternoon in the English
Chris Mnralt and wife of Oregon City
were in our midst today.
Chris Hornshuh has sold his large
three-year colt to Fred Moehuke for 1100.
Fred has an eye to business.
Mr. Hill is on the sick list.
Mr. Alvin Kleinachtnidt and Miss Net
tie Studeman. both of Oregon City,
visited at the home of Mr. Studeman
The Lutheran people had confirmation
exercises in their church this morning.
A class of six girls were ushered, amid
imposing ceremonies, into the religious
relations of the Lutheran church. A
very large number of people were present.
Our debating society is improving.
We have excellent discussions. Our
next question is "Re.lved, That the
form of government determines the char
acter of the nations." The leaders are
Robert Ginther, affirmative and Martin
Massinger, negative. We meet every
Saturday night.
Miss Elnora Guenther of Oregon City
is visiting her parents today.
Three of our teachers, Ada and Eva
Moebnkeand Robert Ginther attended
the teachers' institute at Mount Pleas
ant school bouse yesterday.
Mrs. Littie Blohm of Oregon City, is
spending a few days with her pareula,
Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Moehnke.
'Frank Shannon of Beaver Creek was
a pleasant caller at the home of E. F.
Ginther today.
Molai.la, April 1 A terrific rain
siorm is on today.
Not uncommon number of fools stir
ring about.
Farmers are getting anxious about
their spiing work.
Molalla school closed last Friday with
a basket social in the eveninif.
Mr. Cross has lost twenty-five head of
sheep from flukes in the liver. Too
much low ground pasture.
It seems rather odd that onr road mas
ter has to petition for his mipervisorship.
Road work in his jurisdiction would nat
urally come under his supervision with
out petitioning the county court to name
him as the "boss" yet it is many times
too true that all "road bosses" are not
all competent to manage all kinds of
road work to the best advantage, from
want of experience and special ability
for a special line of work. In such cases
when much interest is Involved, cer
tainly it is the right and the duty of the
county court to have such special work
done by and according t contract.
The Everhart Hill is the bone of con
tention in the road district now, and
will te past on by the county court be
foir this appears in print, so the writer
will not influence its action in the mat
ter either way, but will welcome the
day when this iiersonal fighting in poli
tics through all the affairs of the com
munity shall have an end. When we
cannot have a school meeting without
personal politics predominating, indeed,
it is time for civil-minded voters to erect
political grave stones about the political
lots of fiose political busv bodies.
Staffojid, April 3. April Fool I ha I
ba! ha!
The month of March came in roaring
like a lion and gave promise of going out
as meek as a larnb but like many other
promises they were easily broken, as
about duHk a brisk breeze sprung up, ac
companied by rain, and the month did
go out like a lamb with a lion alter it.
Dr. Plcrco's Fa
vorlto Prescription
Doubles a Mother's
Joys and Halves Her
It dor this by a prf-nntril Jprs
rntion in which the mother nmli
herself trowing stronger uwtsxul of
weaker with each month. Instead
of tmu"o.i ntnl nervousjiess, there rut
; healthy nnjtite, quiet nerves, and
: refreshing mcvj. 1 He nitiKl con
I tent keeps pace with the Kxly'i
! comfort. There is no anxiety, no
i dread of the njijTuiching time of
I travail. When the birth hour
comes it is practically painless, the
recovery is rapid, and the mother
finds herself abundantly able to
nurse her child.
" Favorite Prescription contains
no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine,
nor any other narcotic.
Sick women are invited to con
sult Ir. Pierce by letter frrt of
charge, and so obtain without oot
the udvic of a specialist in the
disexses peculiar to women, All
correspondence strictly private and
sacredlv confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierre, Buffalo, N. Y.
tin Annie BtjKkrr, Aja Catherine trt.
Itncw. NY, WTlIn: Your mrilkiece
doa wuoilrra for t" Vt rar my hral.h M
rm pnr; I kij four umrrvfT but Mm
taking I Pirrrr't rtrntl ITm-riWa and
'Ovl-lta MntH-al IManamy' I twtr much ttr
klih. ami nnw 1 ha a Bo kralihy baty I
kt-vr rrromnrB'll vtmf mrIWiir U rvrat
of my fntoda and Ut? ban brca bofilJ by
Dr. Pierce's Flcasant relicts cure
dizziness and sick headache.
Monday was a terror. High winds
and storm the entire dav.
Tueeday was very changeable, the
thermometer fell to 33 Jcgnt's and hail
and snow fell lo the depth of an inch.
Old winter returned to drive in its snow
as far as the sun shone on candlemais
Many of the young children in the
wood camp are reported down with the
Frank Weddle spent Sunday In Shan
berville. Henrv Ohrtman, of Frog Pond, rented
his farm a few years ago to tome neigh
bors. Being free from the wear and
tear of (arm duties, be turned hi atten
tion to the raising of game chicken for
sporting purpotes. The past season
some nuted gune cxks were the result
of his labors. This season he set a hen
on 13 eggs, a number he always thought
unlucky. A time pawed on hi hen
came off witt. 10 chicks.
A small bunch of shorn sheep paired
here April 1. They appeared to be in a
half-froten condition.
J. P. Gage has gone to Corvalll to
spend a few day.
Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried Mooer have
moved to their new home, on the cor
ner near the postoffice.
Mr. and Mrs. John Seedling and fam
ily spent Sunday with Mrs. Seedling's
sister, Mrs. Elligsen.
Miss Downing spent Saturday at Tual
Manuel Woe fie was out herefrom
Portland last week.
Miss Jennie Reichle in spending a
week with her winter, in Portland.
Next Sunday there will be a great rUe
and fall iu eggs. Good Friday, April 5.
Arbor day, April 12.
Wiliioit, April 2 The grip and bad
clds have again entered our neighbor-
1 -I II. a - -
noou auu nave capmreu quite a nuuitr
of our citizens.
Dan Groshong left for eastern Ore
gon last week w here ho will work this
u miner. '
We are sorry to learn that Miss Nellie
jronhong Is confined to her room with
lung fever. Dr. Leonard of Silverton is
attending her.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable,
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
L Kilmer s Swamp-Root,
I the great kidney, liver
1 and bladder remedy.
f c ii is me great medj
Nfi cal triumph of the nine-
covered after years of
i .fi l .
t wr. -o Bcicimiic rescarcn DV
- -Qzz- ' nent kldney and bad-
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlfht'i Disease, which Is the.
form of kidney trouble.
vr. Kilmer s swamp-KOOl is not rec
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It vlll Y,r- fV.nnH
Ju3t the remedy you need. It has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief ananas proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of thin paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When wrltlne mention reading this penemus
-tr - ii i . . . ...
oner in mis paper ana
send your address to
Dr. Kllmer&Co.,Eirg
hamton, N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and
IIoiim of Swamp-Hoot,
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Frank Vorliles left lat week for eatt
ern Oregon wheiehe will work this min
uter. Mis Florence Groahong has taken a
relapse. She ha had a aorlmia attack of
aiMndlcllls and I attended by l'r.
Leonard, of Silverton.
(irais is growing nicely and the hill
Itogin to pul oil a green rol. Slock
looks well for thl llino of the yr.
What's the matter with our eorret
tw,i..l.mt from Wilholt. We havd itol
hpard fiom him for aomd Hum.
willdnip you a few hue so you w
know that Wlllmii is still alive.
Ijtnd buyers are Inveslitig In this part
of Ihe country, They are from the l.t
and in acarch of home,
Sam Ccver f Scott Mill h tr
rhawd Henry Thomas' mountain ranch
aud will iok' It for a slock ranch.
MW Jet-tie Latklus, who Ii to teach
tlm lVavcr Lake achool, a in our
liiidxl one day lat week.
Mr. Iljgadon of Scotu Mill I very
itk and there U little hope of hi re
Coxery. Sin prise parties seem to l the order
of ihe day in this vicinity, the young
pvople having awakened last Wednes
day mghl. A Jolly cii.wd gave Mr. and
Mrs. Wyland a surprlae party, guile
a number were present. They brought
Ihrir uwn uiusiciaus and all enjoyed
An enjoyable surprise party was given
at Ihe houi of Mr. Emiua Vurhlee la-l
Friday evening. The guest were In
vited into the dining ruu u at I. o'clock,
where a dainty lunch was served to
which all did Juatiee. All present had
a most enjoyable lime.
Opening of Clrrult t'ourt.
The April term of the circuit court will
b tt'u April IS. Ihe folloaing Jury
panel ha been drawn:
Marion Jolmaou, fanner.
Jacob H-ylan, farmer, W el Side.
Ilxnry .i'iglir, farmer, Harlow.
Kd Seller, tanner, Painaacu
Julia W. Noble, laborer. Oiegon City.
Jaiue I'ariluli, farmer, Iligliialid.
A. B. Mirpiaui, farmer, Marjiin,
Samuel Vullr, farmer, NreOv.
R. S. Mcljiugtiliii, larmer, Milaaukie.
F. W. Youman. farmer, Clackamas.
(i. W. Church, culator, Ore I lly.
Dayid McArthur, farmer, New Era.
W. II, Matloon, farmer, Vkila. i
K, C. Mackett, farmer, Aternetliy.
A. Rramer, farmer, New Kra.
E. E. Howell, druaer, Oregon City.
V. Harris, farmer, Aberni-lhy.
(ieorge lie, farmer, Abernethy,
William Ulrich, farmer, Dameacu.
D. R. Dinnck, liveryman, Canby.
Win Heerdt, farmer, New Era.
George R Calitf, iiiilliigbt. Ore. City.
Wm Phillip, farmer, Clackama.
J. M. Tracy, farmer, Ihan.
S. C. S'oung, farmer, Daiuaaru.
Chas. K. Shannon, Weal Side.
H. E Straight, clerk, Oregon City.
Hiram Dannals, farmer, Milaaukie.
Herman l.ee, farnier, Canby.
John K. Walker, carpeuter, Ore City.
George B- Wise, farmer.
Caaihta Dreadfnl Csld.
Marlon ICooke, manager for T. M.
Thompson, a large Importer of fine mill
inery at 1064 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi
cago, says: "During the late sever
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work daring the day
One of my milliner wa taking Cham
berlain'a Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time, w hich seemed to re
lieve her so quickly thar I bought some
for myself. It acted like magic and I
began to Improvd at once. I am now
entirely well and feel very pleaed to ac
knowledge its merits." For sale by U
A. Harding, dniggiit.
Tear tiers' ProrV.Hluual Library.
The following list of profeaelorial
books has been received at the olllce of
the county superintendent, whore mem
bers of the Library Association may be
Rrook and Brook-Basins Frye.
Primary Methods llailltnatin.
Talks to reachers James.
General Method McMurry.
School Buildings Gardner.
Apperception Rooer.
Suggestive Lessons Badlam.
Essentials of Method DeGarino.
Teaching the Language Arts Hinsdale,
European Schools Klern.
Evolution of Dodd Smith.
Mental Science Brooks.
Pedagogics Rein.
How to Study Geography Parker.
Lectures on Edilcatlon Payne.
Lectures on Teaching Com pay re.
Reformers (.uick,
Froebels Ed. Laws Hughofi,
Child Observation Russell.
Children's Ways Sully.
The School and Society Dewey,
Normal Methods of Teaching Brooks.
The Q'lincy Methods Partridge.
The Chautauqua Movement Vincent,
Kate Thurston's Chautauqua Circle
Theory and Practice Page.
Ufer'a Introduction to Ilerbart-Zinser,
The Educational Ideal Monroe.
School Room Device Shaw and Don
null. Educational Mosaics Morgan.
Education Herbert Spencer.
Levana Jean Paul Riehter.
LesHons in Psychology.
Headache often results fiom a dis
ordered condition of the stomach and
constipation of the bowels. A dose or
two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liyur
Tablet will correct these disorders and
cure the huadach, Bold by G. A, Harding.
F"orr.lly Modlolnoo.
Cough Honey.
Kidney Backache
Blood and Liver
Nerve Tonic):
Oraal Blood C1aanlnf Mm4y for prlsi
llaalit, CotiiUiialloB,' TlrJ,' Marvou.
Dyspepsia Cure,
Golden Relief
St. Vitus' Dance
ilk reur trust for Almanatfur l0
Ctriiflcau cf U nwd rsmaraabU
For Sate by C. G. HUNTLEY,
L'do Acid la lh illuml Cuae Ubnuniatlaul, Sciatica, ito.it and Neuralgia
..Tito Ilex llhcumuiic Kin..
rnmurr. th ran A wrltirn g'tarsi.tii
UOdtvs If not nllroljr sallaartoiy. I'Kl'
. ... . . . . ii . ,
mm' ii'xikioi iaai loiia uia siury , Aujrro.,
. ....
ro n ov
Ut anaHTia l ,xrN(utt,
Urrgon l;iiy, urfgon
Tvachrr' l!tamtnatloa.
Nolle I limtby glvrii that tr Ih
ptirpoao of making an riamlnatlon of
all Mrniins bo may t'lTrr thrniiMlvr
a candidate (or la htra of tha acbo.il
of this county, lb county achou! mr-
lnfidint thortxif ill bold a iMitdlc
nomination at tl" court hoiian, Orrgon
City, commnclng VJiira.y, Atrll 10,
al oioa o'clock a. m., and cotitimilng
until Friday, April 12. at 4 o'cl.- k.
llod this llilh day of march, l'JOl.
a u
County Kchool Huuartntenddnt of
llackamaa county, Urrgon.
The lint IlUod Pnrlflcr.
Th blood lcontantty Iwing purifiVd
by th lung, liver and kldnry. Keep
the organs In a hralthy condition and
th bowel regular and you will bav no
nd of a blood purifier, For thl pur
poM thero I nothing Kual to Chaiiitr
lain's Ktomach and Llvrr Tabltil, on
doa of thm will do you nior gool than
a dollar bottl of tha bt blood purltlvr.
Price, 25 cent. Hamplv freo at 1J. A.
Harding's drug ator.
A great deal will be xpnctml of Mr.
Carnegie about Cliriatma time, and his
pat record In the Hants Clau Una I an
Indication that lie will makagood,
If troubUd by a wek dlgt'stlon, lo of
apiHilit, or ironaiipstion, try a few d
of Cbamlierlain' Sloinach and Liver
Tablet. Kvery box warranted. Fur
sale by U, A. Harding.
On of Mr. Andrew Carnegie's inott
attractive (iiialillcatlous as a candidate
for mayor of (irealer New York would be
the fact that he already baa enough.
A Ti-Htlmoiilal From Old Fiigliuid.
"I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Romedy the beit In thu world fur bron
chitis," says Mr. William Havory, of
Warrington, England. "It has saved
my wifu's life, li having bm-n a martyr
lo bronchiti for over six years, being
mofit of the time confined to her bud,
She is now quite well." Bold by (1. A.
Ilirdinif, druggist.
Due credit will have to be given to
Hiinor Sixto Lopez for bolng the only Fil
ipino sympathizer who has made a sue
cess on the hicturo platform.
He K pt Ills Leg.
Twelve year ago 3. W. Hullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., acratcliwl his leg with
a rusty wire. Inflamation and blood
poisoning sot In. For two year he
Hiifforprl Intensely, Thin the best doc
tors urged amputation, "but" ho writes,
"I used one botllo of F.loctrlo Bitter
and boxes of Buckleln's Arnica fSalve
and my leg was Round and well as ever."
For Eruptions', Eczema, Tetter, Rait
Kheiirn, Soros and all blood disordurs
Kloctrlri Bitters has no rival on earth.
Try thorn. Geo. A. Harding will guar
antee satisfaction or refund money,
Only 50 cents.
A term as mayor of Greater New York
might not enable Mr. Carnogio to die
poor, but it would unriieHtioniibly loavo
him with a poor reputation.
UHINd ACKER'S Dyspepsia Tablets.
Ono littlo Tablet will give Immediate re
lief Or money refunded. Kohl in hnnd
somo tin boxes at 25 cts. G. A. Harding.
Tbe Enterprise f 1.G0 per year.
rvn Ml r2R)J
jl Li Lb lm
For Goujhs, Ooldi, Grip, or
"Cold0 in ANY TART of body
Ciil.MA. Ml' ll . P'l'l 77. I JO.
". a wlmlii ti'ir I ton lit tin hiiwiiik mit
-.ik. ...I imiI li lixl'llii mi o a l iialr, I liiM--
lot.l wiili rur ilnti'ivnl IiIIm tmi r-
i-.'lrl mi M'lll'f '1 l' -' f l'tli' f
Wr. rnr s Kldnay and Ba. sai li Cur
ava in' a pi'if' l ri. J. l M Iwixir.
tlaaata. laafoiil I'o . I'a.. Jiun K l"i,
Tliiw rar " I " tm aiiai k of
rl l ainl I4..-I iniIwiii, l.triiUInK i.ui ,,,,
mv lu nil anil lacf. Mr ih)t.li'laH nllriMliii
urn fur riri I ini.nl l. iiIkmiI iv.iilt. I II, .11
i. .i. a i.iiil. . i.f Ir. fvtinar Uluod aud
Llvar Kanidly and Hr Tuio tui'i... n,nl
ciiiiil'li'iecuii'. ra iiaiiaMaa.
Milii'l kwao, liy., tw.'i't. t. l'-i.
ly wlfelma urtin-l Imi Ii Ii U r( . .la,
irfnl allot U' IH'plf li (mili.ui am) all
i f mr nan irvm rli'iinii iilnnif ll
nimiiy in
-Hi it, rauo.r vripaiiiia
um i.f ii rfli. ti ll a I'uri'. Uaut
Cure ami II"' u i.f Ii rni. u l a cui. Mmi
nllii r almlUr i't lia nuiiv mull r in
nix rKilii !) I run il I r I.I. Ia-M-jwila
l iirf l'r. V J. I 4kiioui
My lar lr I'rnnrr l'fr.li'i,la. N '
l Ua wavil Or, Fanr UolJ Kallaf fur
many r fur ) ii'am ami ac. launia
fur alili li II U a,l.nriil ai liaira found II
fully r.(ual l all -! .t
rrldln tUa'r M. i. Cbatsk
Daad fur CnU. Frulaat, lura. 014 Sort.
'Ipralot, Cold, Urtp, lore tbroal, I'olio,
I braauury, kl Troublt. H la uulalllaa.
atn.iak, Jaa ft, laa
i M rtaktM.rmlM.la V
-a. a... .i4 mjii a-a r y.Mi. at Tiinr
pv Ik ..'I .
Ww "4" I II It h.
till ll'K I'lil il I
roalalolni daaorlplloa of Ih m1l aod
cuxe vr aUUavvU ey suediviu.
Druggist, Oregon City, Or.
It 1 rat h rii'g to rrlum yunr in nry In
K I -.'"J A ati itid ill brii g our
Ilartfo'd, ('una.
I r)lmr preparation n 'r .!..U
p dry cat a ib j ily U;y up l.m t.na,
aim I. alhrro Id ba ni'iuMiii hi J dctutu.
k, ran. ntf a t l nioro art t -A,'. tl.au
I lie ordui. i jr (r nf rlr !i. A la.tdry.
lug il.luiUr.l l, fo'iira, -1 1 . d ... I rligj.
and nao II. . I cl... ... .. I r an I
brala. Ij ( i.i i 1 . i U I . i a t in.ly
and wilt '' n. -'!i it c- 1 1 i I .o.l
aily an I j.Va-i A !' I I " w '. 1
n.ai.c l f..r I.) ci i. Ali!'. i..llt.a
aU". I.'y Lo', I J V-... . j . .., U. V.
1 l.n I1 1 i c if ""I !'. .! lnH
Irrijito r c.itlM ai.en..,;. I. ,irl. Ilaelf
ioer iu rr.,..! J a .J 7 k4. '.i-', ruv
Inil Imnta-laUlr tj.e piuul J: .'.an ttill"H.
With I lr' ( mm lt'm y.it ai aru4
Kluat Kaikd Calarrb and llaV I kTgf.
Pig-Iron i showing a grvalr advance
In price than anv other commodity In
the cminlry. Thl I hogglab a welt a
You will waale time If you try lo cure
Indigeatluo or djatMii y starving;
youraelf. That only make It ora
when you do rat heartily. You alway
heed plenty of good foo.1 prtrly di
gested. K(mIoI Dypel Cur I the
reautl of yrar of aripntlflc rwarch fur
ometblng that would dlgeat out only
oma element of food but every kind.
And it I th one remedy (hat will do It.
Gro. A. Harding.
The rar of Rul ha hrn giving the
people such a strong govarnment thai bo
ha to sleep In a room lined with (Miller
Iron, (alhralih' (unf. rlluurrr.
Opoii tha Hank of Oregon City
I the lineal In the city. All kind of
(reh hi.iiie iiiade candle alway on
band. 8lteit alinotiil to order,
From a diplomatic iaiii1.iit tha
queatlon In China eetn t ) m whethor
Il t an Rnanlaii-Anglu or an Anglo
Itimaia'i (llijitn.
"I bad lile o bad 1 could get tin reat
nor find a cure urn 11 I tried IreWitl'
Witch Hand Halve, After Using It otic,
I forgot I ever had an) thing like piles."
E. C. Iloice, homtr Point, N. Y.
Look out for Imitation. Ho sure you
gi.t DoWiit's. (ieo. A Harding,
' Tb Sklpmaa.ar'a Cow,
A certain farmer I telling mean
things about a Ilixklnml shipmaster.
"Tho shlpinaiter," he snys, "bought a
cow of a man dowa my way; good
critter initlilu the mutter with bur.
Hut It seem tho captain' wife one
day thought tho milk tasted ' funny
and argcHted that p'rnp she'd Im-'ii
eat In spruce boughs; snld the milk
tasted llko spnico. And whnt dix ho
do but go out In tha pnsturo to watch
tho cow, to see w hnt alio did cat. Tho
cow wns Inylu down, chewln her cud,
and be went crloiig and run hi finger
In her mouth to uo what she wn cut
In. Then ho wn tnnd. Ho put a ro
on the cow and stnrtml oft with h'T.
Ho met a neighbor, who sny, 'Where
aro you goln with tho cow 7 'Gobi ta
tnko her buck to tho feller thnt sold
her to mo. Ilu's clieutiil mo, and I
won't Mtnnd It.'
"Tho limn wanted to know what was
tbo matter, ami he went on to tell
about It and says: 'Kho wasn't eoUu
boughs, but sho was rhfwlu uui;
that' whnt's the mutter with tho milk
and makes It timtc like spnico. And,'
ho snys, 'that ain't nil, HIio'n so addict
ed to tho Imhlt thnt she's worn all l'f
teeth int. Kho nln't got an upper tooth
In her head. Illicit nln goes, quick.'
"Of courHc, tho miin told him that It
was all ii.)(iH.'iisi Hint cows never hd
no Upper teeth, Hui he didn't believe a
word of It and went on and had a tnr
nal row with lh miin thnt sold him
tho cow. liuciH lie whs never satisfied
about It or knew wlmt a darned fool
bo was muklu of liliiiHelf."-KockliUid
(Mc.) Oplulou.