Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 29, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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L' iews oi mo mm
Friday, March 22.
resident McKinley will transfer the
rhilippine government from military to
civil about June 30.
President McKinley is receiving many
invitaliom to viitit western cities.
Andrew Carnegie denies that he It a
candidate tor mayor of New York.
1'inger Hermann may not continue aa
land commissioner.
Portland has exported one ninth of all
the wheat lent out of the United States,
during the past year.
Portland journeymen brewers strike
irithout knowing what they struck for.
Saturday, March 23.
Affairs in China are still in a tangled
Striker j in France become violent and
oldiers are called out.
Great nihilist plot discovered In Russia.
Relatiots between Japan and Russia
are growing serious.
All efforts to break the Nebraska dead
lock are unavailing.
Leeches are killing many rheep In the
Willamette valley.
Big copper strike in the Racine group
in Eastern Oregon.
Sunday, March 24.
Congressman Babcock, of Wisconsin,
will fight the Dingley tariff.
Attorney General Griggs resigns.
General Fnnston has gone in pursuit
of Agninaldo.
Spain receives $100,000 more from the j
l tilled Motes lor some scattering islands.
A tornado does gret damage at Pen.
acoU, Florida.
Pittsburg street car men go on strike.
Bryan advises Nebraska (unionists not
to belp the republicans.
Monday, March 23.
New Jersey village is destroyed by
burning oil, the result of a railroad wreck.
Troubles in Russia grow more serious
and students plot to take the life of the
Governor Rogers, of Washington, ve
toes the school book bill which gave
every county the right to choose it own
E. Benjamin, a Hood River logger, is
mnrdereJ at Underwoods landing by a
jealous lover.
Tuesday, March 26.
The British answer to the Hay-Paunce-foto
treaty is made public
China appeals to England to protect
her from Russia.
Japan openly talks of war with Russia.
Fierce fighting takes place between
the British and the Boers.
Blood flows in a great riot at St.
Petersburg, Russia.
Tornado sweeps over Bermuda, Ala
bama, killing 25 persona and injuring
many more.
James Green looked upon as the mur
derer of Benjamin the logger.
Wednesday, March 27.
A plot has been discovered to blow up
the czar's palace.
All negotiations between the Boers and
British are declared off and war rages
Chicago Record is sold to the Chicago
Times Herald, and the paper will be
known as the IJ erald-Record,
James Greene the Hood River mur
derer gives himself op to the authorities.
Oregon democracy will be completely
reorganized for the campaign of 1902.
Thursday. March 28.
Aguinaldo is captured by General
China's i
England protests against
making a secret treaty.
Ht. Petersburg may be placed under
martial law.
No indications that the Nebratka
deadlock will be broken.
Northern Pacific and Great Northern
railroads hire 2,000 Italians.
The lingering cough following grippe and doctors said I must have p.-r-calls
for One Minute Cough Cure. For all fect rest and quiet and that I must
tbroU and lung troubles this is the on'y , think of nothing. And all the time,
harmless remedy that gives immediate 1 dear George, I thought conotantly of
results. Prevents consumption.
G. A.
A Jell'ereon City stiL'geBtion is tlist the
police lorce of the larger Missouri cities
be taken out of politics. A good way to
begin would be to take politics out of the
police system, and Nesbitiem out of both.
A Convincing Answer.
"I hobbled into;.Mr. Blackmon's drug!
atore one evening," Bays Wewley Nelson, I
of Hamilton, Ga., "and he anked me to !
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheu-1
tnatium with which 1 had suffered for a '
long time. I told him I had no faith in
anv medicine as they all failed. He said :
'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does
rot help you, you need not pay for it.'
I took a bottle of it home and used it ac
cording to the directions and in one
week I was cured, and have not since
been troubled with rheumatism. Sold
y G. A. Hardi ng.
a... ...
A very dramatic conversation, print
ed In the Loudou Outlook, has Ue dou-
He purpose of satirising both the E'na
Ilsh and American lent of mind and
manner. The "smart Yankee" Is rep-
resented aa coining home to his admir
ing tow n and tolling In aomewhat exag
gerated dialect what he thinks of bis
conslu over the water.
"Say. tell ua," said a friend, "air tlie
Kncllt-h so terrible slow and dull, after
Waal replied the traveler, "I reck
on so. I sat down one ulght In the w
lor of a little Tillage pub. Yea; It's a
public house, but they call It pub In
"There wuaa the boss of the pub, the
local butcher, the local evurythlng.
and there wnaa myself. I Just listened,
though I can't aay there wuaa much to
listen to. The talk ran like this:
" 'I 'ear aa Ted Robinson got the sack
laat wee.' remarked a villager.
"'Ted Itoblnsonf said the other vll
lager, deliberate! puffing smoke.
" 'Yum; I 'ear so. Ted Koblnaoa gut
the sack las' week.'
"A pause. More smoke.
"Oot the sack, ear -"
'Yuas; I 'ear aa 'ow ' did.
"A longer pause.
'Las' week, was It, e got the sack?
'I 'ear aa 'ow It was la' week.'
"A long, long pause.
"Ah! 1'eard that a Friday .'
"And," continued the Yankee, "not a
soul among 'cm smiled. It was their
regular mental diet. Ob, yea, smart
: men the English are and no mistake."
Cklafse CrHlelsai of Oar Alfkakat.
The high class Chinaman, speaking
through his Interpreter, was giving th
eminent American visitor his Imprrs-,
slons of the English language.
"I cannot understand." be said, "how
anybody ever finds time to learn It
Take that singularly formed letter In
your alphabet for Instance, the letter
g.' What an awkward and 111 shaped
character It la! What is the signifi
cance of that little curling projection .
at the npper end of It? I have never
seen anybody who could tell me. Then,
again, when the learner has familiar-
lied himself with that letter and can ,
recognise It at eight he learns that It Is
only a part of a word and that It enters
Into the composition of thousands of
words. It has different pronunciations .
and sometimes Is not pronounced at all, '
being entirely silent Now, when you i
see one of our Chinese characters yon
know at once what It la. It 1 a won-1
der to me that your people do not die-'
card the cumbersome forms of your '
written language and learn our simpler .
and more easily understood system."
The eminent American could only ,
bow his head In humiliation and prom
ise to bring the matter before the edu
cational authorities of his native land.
Chicago Tribune.
Tm Mack For Ike Caa.
One of the wealthiest wine mer
chant In Paris and also one of It
stoutest citizens was the hero of an epi
sode which caused much laughter In
the Rue Prlncease.
M. R, the corpulent man, balled a
cab, wblcb came alongside the curb.
He opened the door and, getting a par
chase on the railing of "cabby's" seat,
tried to hoist himself In.
But bis weight was too much for the
vehicle, wblcb careened over and, as
the sidewalk Is very narrow, crashed
Into a wtndow of a printing office. M.
R. had meanwhile collapsed on the
ground, and "cabby" by a miracle
clung to bis uncertain perch.
Then followed a stormy period. The
printer came out and wanted to have
the price of bis broken window, the fat
man tried to get the cabby to drive him
away, and cabby refused to uue any
such load on board.
Finally all parties adjourned to the
police station, where the difficulty was
straightened out. and M. R. set to work
looking for another cab. Paris Temps.
Skrlaklnf. -
Once upon a time there was a Bath
ing Suit which was much reprehended
In that It was not modest
There was likewise at this same time
also a Violet whose modesty was a
matter of universal comment
I "What u your system," asked tho
i Bathing Suit accosting the Violet "for
. I would fain be thought modest too?"
"Why. 1 shrink," quoth the Violet
meaning no harm.
But when the Batblmr Suit shrunk In
! pursuance of this hint It was only rer
rebended the more and was finally cast
I away as being quite Impossible. De-
troit Journal.
To Real Her Mind.
"Your little birdie has been very,
very 111," she wrote to the young man.
'yu -
The young man read It over and then
read It through again very slowly and
Put 11 ,n his pocket and went out un-
t,cr the sIk'nt 8tars and '"'i'1 thinking
and thinking and thinking. He only
kept on thinking. London Answers.
t'neonaclona Ilomor.
"You mustn't fall to come to church
next Sunday." said the Rev. Dr. Third
ly. "I have arranged to have the Rev.
Dr. Murkthir.st deliver an address on
his observations In th2 slums."
"Aren't you going to preach at all?"
"Oh. yes. I'll preach my regular ser
mon, after which Dr. Markthlrst will
tell you soim- things that will open
your eyes."-rhliadelphla Press.
Aa a Kemedr.
"I want to get copies of your paper
for a week buck," said the visitor to
the newspaper office,
j "Wouldn't It be bettor to try a por
j ous plaster?" Bupgested the facetious
I clerk. Philadelphia Record.
r., T-r-.
"Speaking of drinking aa a cause fori
headache," 'd an old practitioner, ,
"reminds me of trip I took aevjnl I
years ago with sixvlal tralu full of
western phyi.UMa.in going to the aiumnl
meeting of the American Medical aa-
eoolatlon In Philadelphia,
"On such occasions aa this, with
perhaps 1M ptiyali'lana congregated In
a aMH-lnl train, a good many maiiufae-
Hirers of wines. Honors and carbonated
Waters are anxious for tho opportunity
of putting liottb'd good oh Ice, with a
renrvsenliUlve 111 chare to see that
ukimiho are illiuienstHl st lust tha Hirht
' "On this particular occasion I remem-1 , 'l" the pauoer fund in la
. - .w.. A ..it.. i i . 1 vor of Mrs. Motie, end sad warrants now
ber that one firm d.vall .g In mineral , , m , , ,,
waters had an especially competent lfrk u ,iori,.m ,t said warrants be
agent on board the train. Dinner was ' ,m Mr hereby cancelled.
just over In U dining car. table bad I In ttie ttr of the Inquest of J. L.
been put "P In nearly every section of 'cH hran, deceased. To A. I.ii.-lllng,
the slcc-uer and champagne corks were ; i,,..urer ol Clackamas county. Oregon.
, popping. Redder liquor were on all I U appearing to the court that there lain
aide, and the rattle of cracked Ice your bands the sum ol 1W 70 in coin,
nearly as loud a the clicking- of
the trUCk a
I "It was Just at this Juncture that
I thl. MtwrUl iml fnr ha n,liu.l
' tors made his bit lie recognised that
I w" D( ati J,a
luniuRu uiv ixiuu, iT-giuuiug la; ue
rear end of the baggag car. With a
profound bow to all present be said:
I " 'Good night gentlemen, good night,
, but I'll see you In the morning P
"He went through the train with
' that making the bit of the whole trip.
My greatest wonder at It too, baa
been that It bas not been seised opoo
as aa Illustrated advertisement for bis
' hoUe."-ChlcSgO Tribune.
Hla Oatr Real rituir.
"What good doe your money do you.
Mr. Armour r a friend once asked P.
P. Armour, according to the Washing
ton Star.
"That la a question," Mr. Armour re
plied, "1 often ask myself. I was rais
ed a butcher boy. I learned to love
work for work'a sake. I must get up
early now, as I have done all my life,
and when 0 o'clock conies, no matter
what's going on at home, 1 must get to
bed. And here I am. Yes; I have
large means, as yon say, but I can't eat
aa much as yonder clerk, I can't steep
aa much, and I can hardly wear any
more clothes than he. The only real
pleasure I ran get out of life that yon
der clerk with hJs limited meana can
not get la the giving now and then to
some deserving fellow without a soul
knowing It K-00 or 11.000, giving him a
fresh start upward without making the
gift a hurt to him. That's the only real
pleasure I get out of life. And a to
possessions, the only thing I sometimes
feel I really own are my two boys and
my good name. Take everything eUe
from me, leave me them, and I would
yet be rich. I wouldn't care a snap for
the rest We would soon together
make enough to keep the wolf a long
way from our door."
free ta Saeak HI Mia.
Old Dr. X. never enjoyed the reputa
tion of being a religious man. In fact
bis belief In the sincerity of things
spiritual, a eipneased by the world at
large, waa usually summed up by the
words poppycock, folderol and the
like, uttered In a contemptuous snort
Meeting- one day a minister of the vi
cinity In which he lived, be was re
minded of the fact that the minister
bad but lately Inherited, through the
death of a relative, a considerable sum
cf money.
"Mr. D," he said, addressing the
gentleman In question, "I understand
that you bave acquired quite a consid
erable fortune from the dear departed,
your uncle."
"From my cousin. Dr. XM" corrected
Mr. D., a trifle disconcerted.
"Then I am to understand that you
are no longer dependent upon the char
ity of your congregation for support?"
continued the doctor.
Mr. D. bowed stiffly In acknowledg
ment "Then, Mr. D.," whispered the old
man eagerly, "give 'em hade!" New
York Mail and Express.
Tka Sqoeaklaar Skoa Ko Mora.
"Squeaking shoos." said a dealer,
"are no more, though of course you
haven't noticed It Stop a minute,
though, and think. Isn't It true that
for years you haven't come across a
squeaking shoe? The thing that caused
the trouble was a loose piece of leather
In the sole. This, aa you walked, work
ed somewhat like a bellows or an ac
cordion, and great waa the sound there
of. All shoes are now sewed many
of them uaed to be pegged and sewing
does away with any loose pieces of
leather In the sole and, therefore, with
the squeak aa well. I don't believe
that If you searched a week you would
be ablo to flud a aqueaklng shoo lu
Phlladclphla."-rhlladelphla Prena.
No Vrntare About It.
"Is this your first venture In matri
mony?" the preacher aked while the
bridegroom was out In tho ventibulo
giving certain Instructions to tho best
man, who was aluo bis bend clerk.
"My dear Mr. Goodlelgh," sho re
plied, almost bluHhlrig, "thla Isn't a
venture at nil. He baa given me deeds
to more than $00,000 woi-th of property
already." Chicago Times-Herald.
"Pa," said littlo Willie, looking up
from his arithmetic, "what Is a linear
"Why er-a linear foot" replied pa,
temporizing, "why. It's one that's he
reditary. Didn't you never hear tell of
a linear descendant?" Catholic Stand
ard and Times.
Both of the sons of Thomas Jefferson
were members of congress from Vir
ginia while he was president One of
these was Thomas Mann Randolph and
the other John W. Eppcs.
The average weight of a sheep fleece
Is D'a pounds.
. "
itryultir Minh lVri 7w
County fount.
1- K. Mo'., J':",1," " '
ap-iocnnku tkhm, mmi h IHru.
ylw jHlliri collv,..d pursuant
,0 adjournment the commission,
,.ri Mu oilers pieSKtil as of
Saturday. March Mil. when the lol-
lowing proceedings er had to-wlis
' In the matter of cancellation of war
rants draw ll III favor ol .Mrs. Stone, It
ai'pcaiinn lo the ard that warrants !
Nue. tU37. Ml. WOd and 70M, having I
ion pocaes auiie, one ready recaoner,
lwu "IU,"J prm, una pipe, oun imuti-
' rchief, one pair of g oves, one quart
" one uiaii iHHlie wnnij,
one haUiiel. one watch and chain, one
I hand satchel, one cravat pin, all ol said
: property taken (rum the lwdy of said J
L. Cochran by the coroner and ilo
! posited with roil, and it further appear-
in- that the cost of said hmueat to the
county wss you are ordered to turn
over to A. T. Cochran, the administra
tor of said J. L.Cochran, except the
sum ol i3 to be deducted therelrom.
and that you credit the same aa by
law provided.
In the matter of assesament of poll
taxes (or ths year llKD. This matter
coming before the board, and they be
ing fully satisfied that many poll ars
ments had been omitted as being as
Miwd. it Is ordered thai the sheriff ss
ei all who have bren omittad. and
that the mad supervisors in the ilKTer
ent road districts furnlih the sheriff a ith
a list of all who are liable.
In the matter of correcting of bill No.
22. II. A. Webster, rt al, J. P. court.
This matter coming on to I heard, and
it appearing that bill No. S2. Iitd aa
II. A. Welwler.rt al, $7, being II. A.
Welmter, S3; John W. Robinson, :';0.
A. tiengelUch, )2; but through tuUtaks
of clerk in writing warrant for said hill
they are written II. A. Webster, 7;
John W. Robinson, I;': O. A. tiengt l
bach, t:.'. There fore, it Is ordered that
said warrant No. 71M for 7, iw deliv
red to II. A. Velster upon bis paying
M to be returned into the county treas
urer. The above amount of ft is hereby
paid and treaiurrr.s receipt No. on
In the matter of s levy of a license on
bicycles- This matter coming on tha
board being fully advUed, it is ordered
that a licenM be levied Upon wheels as
provided by law.
Furelnhfd Every Week by tbe ( larka
ma Abstract k Trent t eupany.
L Hoetetler to K Kcnagy of a'
of S' of Killen claim UVhjO
Olive Paquet to G C Fields, blk A
Csnemsh 10100
P Byrue to II Peterson lot 7 and 8
blk 28 Milwaukle 200
8 C Parker to LTownsend lot and
n X of 6 and 50 leet adjoining in
Psrker Hill a-Id it ion to Oregon
City 1j0
W B Allen to L Towmwnd lot 7
and a,1; of lot 6 Psrker Hill sd 1
M J b'arcy et si to L J Perdue 40
acres in ne1 sec 18 and s side sec
7, tSs, rls 1
V T Barlow to M A Kiters lota 4, 6,
0. snd 16 blk 2, W Gladstone. . 50
O A C It 11 Co lo C Cutting lot 3.
t 5 s, r 2 182
Lucy Toon to 8 J Garrison lot 3 blk
It, Talbots ld 75
Frank Yack to Fannie Yack 0 05
acres in Fisher claim 1200
J P Dubois toll Dubois, 01.50 acs
in sec 32, 1 3 s, r 4 MX)
C I Hartman to J 11 J Deckmann
et al n,',' of se.t4' sec 12, 1 0 i, r 2 e 100
D W Graves to Win Psrker 4.72 acs
in II Wright claim 60
F 11 Fruiht to II Mirth 40 acs in sec
9, t2s r 3e 3sfi
M Sumner to O Nelson 17.lt) acres
in sec 3, t2s, r2 e n&5
E M Atkinson to A H Wsrren 31..'1U
seres In tbe 0 C claim 1
J Vanderboof, to 8 Vsnderhoof e(
of nej sec 24, t 2 i, r 6 e 1
04CR U Co to J T Mclntyre sw
of se' and BWJ4 sec 23, t 2 s, r
6 44
A T Scheups to M Meyer lots 1 snd
2 blk 60 1200
TRUST CO. are the owners of tho copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of aliHtractit in the
County, can furniidi Information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, Investments, real estate, abstracts
etc. Oflice over Bank of Oreiton City.
Call ami investigate. Address box 37
Oregon City, Oregon.
When you are billions, use Uioho fa
mous littlo pills known as Jtowitt'a Little
Early risen to cleanse the liver and bow
el. They never gripe. O.A.Harding.
Assurance is once more given that the
Delaware pencil crop is uninjured. TJiero
was a widespread fear that it had become
entangled In some way with the back
ward politics of Delaware.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Lot Us
Save You illonoy
Clmloo Dricl lYiiclit-H
l ir Mitiuil
Ituli.di l'nincs
n prr iiMimt
Dricl Figs
S Miiiiiila for SSn
Cliou'r) KvNornU Alo
H r uuitil
Try Our KuanI Cffvi
auntl fur Blk
Spire in Hulk Strictly Pure
Ilia ir isuhiI
tiox Corn Slarcli
Se r aifcaS
Tomatoc and Corn
S ran fur SS
Ono lloltlo Hhiing
a Mt
(IikmI Hie.
a null ear hihsI
Country Hutter and Kggs the
choicest in the Market.
vr ttf v
tm and wromrtt of gHA Mnr In rvr
rnl u. mwi lu tral tliolntiti tamls),
uthrr for I two I woikt looking Hrr out lwli
fi. ftMHi Mlarv f uinlM1 yrtarljr: titn
rutnmiMton mini isrtsv( rnitl ilviii4r
nintl, tilil catsililubru bnuM, ifui cbattr
fur fsrnvl man r woman to cvwrr pUaistnl,
rrmatttnt Naitt(n, llhrrat lminif amiJ fti
ur. New, btdliartt llir. Wrtlr al ir.
TArroni inr.i.
tS Church HI. ? Ilavan, (',
Reliable man fr ManaK'erof Branch
IXIlca we with to own in tills vicinity.
If your record is O. K., hers la sn opKir
lunlty. Kindly give good rrfcrrnca alien
t l lVTI, OHIO.
Illustrated ratalogtia 4 eta. stamps.
Ri-marksble ( errs ef lChrumatlm.
Kroiu ths vindicator, Rutherfimlton,
N. C. Ths editor of the Vistitcaros
bas bad 01-caalon lo test lbs efl)iry of
Chamberlain's I'aln Balm twice with the
most remarkable result n each rasa.
First, with reumaiitni in the shooMer
from which he lulTWcd escruclallng pain
for ten days, which relieved with two
application of I'aln Balm, rubbing the
parts alllu ted and realising Instant bane
Ot snd entire relief in a very short
time. Second, in rheumatism In thigh
Joints, almost pnsitrsllng him with se
vers pain, which waa relieved by two
applications, rubbing with ths liniment
on retiring at night, and getting up free
from pain. For sale by 0. A. Harding
Ths steel magnate alio Is to draw s
salary of $H00,0i)0 a year ought lo be en
gaged as sn understudy to Mr, Carnegie
in the library business.
Bee that you get ths original IeVltt's
Witch II axel Halve when Jou ak for It.
The genuine Is a certain cure for pillea,
sores snd skin diseases. (J. A. Harding.
According to reports from Cai Nome,
Big IIoihb was tha coming mtroolis
until the town of Win Out was atarled.
Will send 2.50 Free.
S-rauhllii Mllr., M. !., I I.. II., thaOU-
iralxl Chli-ago Mpvrlallal, Will Sml
l.fto Wurlh or Illi Hm SprrUI
Trralinrut Kra lo K.arh of Our
When sn experienced phynician olfors
to give away I0,0(X) worth of s New
Treatment for disease of the heart,
nerves, stomach, or dropsy, It is conclu
sive evidence that he bas ureal faith in it.
And when hundred of prominent men
and women freely testily to his unusual
skill and the auer!orily of his New Spe
cial Treatment, his lilwrality is certainly
worthy of serious consideration.
That Ir. Mih-a is one of the world's
most succesaliil physicians Is proven by
hundreds ol testimonials from well-known
people. One patient cured af: r failure
of eleven Grand Kapids physicians, two
alter being given up by six ami seven
Chicago physiciun, another alter nine of
the leading doctors of New York cily,
Philadelphia and Chicago failed. Thou
sands of testimonials sent upon request.
The eminent Kov. W. Bell, I. Ii.. of
Dayton. Ohio, general secretary of foreign
miMHiuns, writes editorially In Tho State
Nunday Helmut Union: "We desire to
state that from personal af iiaintancu wo
know Dr. Milos to ho a most skillful spec
ialist, s iiihii who lias spared neither la
bor nor money to keep himself abreast of
tho j?reHt advancement of medical sci
ence." The lute I'rof. J. H. Jewell, M.D.,
said : "By all menus, publish vour sur
prising results." I'rof. J. l Uowt.tM. J) I
ex-president of Hush Modlcul Collide, I
wro.e in 1H74 : "Dr. Miles bus tsken two I
curses of my private instruction in cIim-
easu ot Uib heart unil w ' Mr, 'I'm
man deVVeeso, editor Chicago Times llnr
aid, stales: "J)r, Miles cured mo of
ye .rsol Inherited hituducha and dizzi-ne-iH."
The well known manufacturer of
Kreniwrt, III., H. (', IScolt, says: "I had
fruitlehsly spent IIioiihhimIh of dollars on
physicians until I consulted Dr. Mil. "
Mrs. Frank Hmitli, of WabHh ave., Clii
cago, writes: "Dr. Miles cured mo of
dropsy, alter five lending physiciana bud
given me up."
This now system of special treatment
is thoroughly scientific and irnmoiiHttly
superior to the ordinary methods.
As all afllictod renders may have 2.r0
worth of treatiimnt, NpuciHlly prepared
for their case, dee, with full directions,
we would adviso them to send for it at
once. Address Da. Fkankun Mines.
201 to 201), (State Bt., Chicago. Mention
this paper.
No More Dread
of tho
Dental Chair.
tii:tii KXTHtmu amj rti.i.i:i
our lain st'leiillHd iiipIIkmI apillil t) m
gums, No alnep producing ausnti or
These ars ths only denial parlors In
Portland having PAIKMIB AI'PM.
AM i:M and IngreillsnU to estract, nil
and apply gsd cruwna umlstsctalils
from natural teeth, and warranted f,,r
111 yrars, IIHDir TIIK 1.1! A NT
1A I X All work dons by UltADl'ATCD
mi.UIHT.Hof from 13 lo 20 years'.,,
perletice, and each dspartmsnt In cbargs
4 a specialist, (itve ua a call, and you
will find us to do Martly as we advsr
Use. We will tsll you In advance ri
illy what your work will cost y a
ntu: i:xamiatiox.
SKT TS-.RTM Si. 00
!OLt HOWWS is. O0
IIOI.II m i ! . ai.oo
aitvrit riuisiis .... o
New York Dental Parlors
iaorrita t
Fourth atul Morrlnon Sis.,
I'ortland, Oreaon.
IIOUIiH-" U (t; kL'.N'DAYH, 10 lo 1
IUasi n Ornis : 014 Klrsi Ave., Saattls,
It u phi re and Piles
Cured without operation or drlrntiun
from buallirM
Mt. (1. II. WATTS
Koom 14. McKay llldg. rd & Stark St.
I'ORTLAND, t)ki;(lUN.
Hour i lo 4 and 7 to n 1'. M.
Dr. J. Arch Stewart
Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat
317 Wkuin Building
A Personal Matter
A wall palntad bouse Is Ills a neat
ly drl xrvn aiaays attract
ive and pln to luut opon.
Can I rspalnlwl and fretbrnwl up
al a vary rvawmaMa rWa painla
ar verjr tlira ho a. liun'l lM 11
until Hie tun makes any mora marks
ami crsckt In It.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store.
't ha rainier
i:etattiabe4 MS)S.
rranfei1 and Expfe
Freight and parcels dnlivcroJ
to all parts of the city.
Do You
i Know the News
You can have It all for
In tho r.vnnliig Telegram, of Tort- f
land. Oregon. It is the Isrgest f
evening iiewspuiHir published in f
Oregon; It contains all tint news A
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... ...,t'in.u nuii ui 11111 iaiioil.
Try it for a month. A sample
y will bo rumlcd to you freo.
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Portland, Or.
Oalrolt. Mick.
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vf '"' l liui(iii. Don't nvi a
ri iiIi-KmI on rhrap SmI kiid o a
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IVH Hwa Annul friw. j