Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 29, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Kntcrprisc
I' ArnltM IUll.WAV ('MCAY
A. M.
lo 43
i vy
ins r. m.
4 no
4 45
y, only to
'5 .
iu yi only lo
9 M
10, 3
lo 50
11. to r.
i w
4 jo
o only '
9 IS
II yj only lo
nun w
ri allowed (irlltllli IA and Kolbfleltrh
1 1M), They war dlsaallsllml will) tlm
kllowam mill therefor have appealed,
1 lo pay X) aadi t Ilarhara and
Kll.abelb, tlm two daiightare.
Yoi'Md Wiha Jujtaaii. On
of til"
Asoita rrr wit. i wo ol i ..i.i. ...... n.. ...in .i.i
- - ii-TtMV.rii.i.T i '.l .inn ikiii ,., ,
assessors hav begun work for Urn erian- ao feet last Kalurdav inornlnu and
ll tiu.i "' rarrlea a full line of
. i. ii. I Ill tliwn Htsruw. rium
1,1, tlm. oi will l-llJf lfmo. Th Jail.e brother are greatly
y"fr " 'j.1riMv hh Oregon weather, "
Ing yr. Minn lllalr ha been assigned
lo rang", one. at ntnJ brio wnt. K A.
lUrklnrldnr h rangn thr east mid
llm whole count.y iNial to ili summit of
Dm Cscada mountain, J, A. Tuft
he range, two east and will atari out
neilTimaday. It. Kullivan Iim til tlm
tOWn loU HOI assessed ,f ( d-
uly In llXX), Hulllvin will mart lint
Am1 IIiimxii Hot l,oT, Ann
Khear lik aaked lor a divorce Irom
F.lmar F. Khear. They war married
I Itniiij, Nev., A (Til 3, im0. In I Hit I
Mr. Hhear began to wander around In
ilia mountain anil one. dy h litgui to
t' likur lt lili wjr. Ann unvrr
w hiin kUi ami ilnt' know Imihrr
It Iim a liunUnJ or not. Hli Mkt
Ilia -rtvllK ol rMiiuilng her malilnn
nam, alili h in NkU.
Naw HarTiaaa Aaaivmo. Waller K.
JaiiiM ami family arrival on Nortlinrn
iVIftY train from ltaruUln, (Una
county, Nvdraika lal rlay. Tliny
ill ink thir li'ima In OrnKon City,
AImiiiI a rnoiiili agoC. It. Jamrt ami
John Jiiiimi, to hrolhara, fame to
()rrKon City an. I alvll their hrother to
AMI l.ulMjIM) "Tlia
ii. mm
J) Uf," ! Mr I'. Ul4..r...
'I' . l.faaLa U lust fii.Mr In tha erftati of a
i 1 1 " "
1 . ' - '..w... nr., ... .ii i how in b lltfl.
I,,,n.i"l liu'i." t".i". w'i-" - .
'iftii hlwt. ...
! Tu n ut I'iiiuii !. ror
"iMi l..K I.AtSt'HI-Mam aii.
l uitn hiiii.l a 'I Unfit. "
.4M ..! f"l'a,'la .flrr.
I M ii'iix-
30nUt:l lilll
lime the rnl')rila ot OrKin ("Hr have
)'! no liirat tailor of Cai. alati IiIimmI tu
mil Y.UUi -i-riia"rVti thrlriUhea Thry ,ala intlo-
1 lorcnltal
llialia lu rvnt.
VViiuiit C. HvLaaar
CuRllMK I"VK IIAKr.ltY-lotiw
(i..i (.(' Iliiitii Ba U lf.l t
Utf CtMaiiJ Cakxluur'l'r. Mainiirw1,
M rvwitk Mm. J K. t iaiiaia.
ICj Hr.M"-t alll r.i.t m bomnUnt
' ktaliitii a "flu "ta." all
tumiiM. U ! Ii ri. Ilatil roif
tbi0, W t'. lliax.aa.
TTujuUINti AMI ltKMH-Tna Millar
I) (louai uivlar tuaoaiiiaiil. Main
Irwl U Uiinlnut of Mrael faliaay lltli.
Howl h) roomt l ') lr .
Ma. I'.J II. .
VT ."fT am r h i o 1:7 m Te to ) it
J I'Cllby ll HU.a, lha ul4 rallaM
atkr. IUiainn on irl mMlna,
H Html, nar iiraftm taiik.
A Mi, In town,
-A tiMoii uoiy."
Mimail Uitona.
hMl nia-lbfl-. A. Krr. ownua
tU bnlal. lUal of wurkmatialiili and
KMuiialil cliariraa.
-.l ir I anixl lor
trniUlr wurk. lallalalura ol I
g Rare Chance
5 to get a Piano
tlr(nt. full cal uprifM Cab.
Inat ran(i piano only (185. Coil
400 latt July. Ownar leaving
th itila for (ha Nor1hvtt.
Tlm If detirad.
Addrtu "Piano"
Enlarprlia Ofhct.
man of iiiia'iian trnil'm ln, but no
hmly hat txwn l-arllrularlr aim k on
him, Jo Knowllou ar., of harrameoto,
Cal., a tailor of wJ eiri-ii'e aal
l akill ha lM'atel In Oregon City
aol aka lha t'oriaie of man who Ilka
lo well drraaml. Ilia ahop la oJoell
lha Kntororla office.
HutaaiTia'a Ka Koi i.. John Hch
hrliar, of Me!, ha aoM hi farm loa
Mr lluatetter, of Mlaaoarl. Tha farm
cmaiaii of 75 krrra, Mr KhnelUr will
hart a pulillc auiliun on Hilurlar, April
0. anj ami) off hla luuhol'l rffcta and
farm iniplemanta. Mr. Hchnntrr aayi
ha I not t in to laava Oregon, but I
rlng to lok around brfor tit aain
lorala. Al h la harhrlor with plenty
of nionr Orrion glrla ought to that
Ua aottlna Jown aooo,
McOiaaJua'a rTii. Urwr Mo
litaalian haa taken op butldo culluia
m a allma. Ua Iim bought In Minna
apolla a fruial bulhlog naua Miunla"
Thla di haa a pf liu'i that t cerUinly
nvlabla from a Volldog point of lw.
liar father waa railed by lha hll.tu
tllla of "Jack Ida HI I' I-'." ami her
grandfather neer loat a balllo, ai"ord-
lug lo lha inoel reliahla hltoriana. All
of "MUitita'a'' aiKTal.iri "have lnn In
(! ruinnany" if the Irller liilroluilng
"Mlonio" lella a troihful atory.
Ill Wira lt Awr Carl Jobnaon
ajila a dlvorrw from Mary U Juhnatin,
and haa Mked that the tlordian knot of
maifimoiiy I cut by thaorof juaiica.
Carl aava thai In lha balmy apnng ot
hwl, when thu hol Willametie valley
Jaiinla YVHklnaon, who Waa ri.llng to
the third floor, riHlviM Injurina whh b
may prova fatal. It w at tlm lima In
the morning when the employe were
going to I heir work, Although tha
alavator In lha woolen mill areaiipioaw)
to Im utu'd only to carry freight, it la
tha ciiaioiii of lha employe to climb
upon them. Haturday morning aeyen
pttraona cIIihImhI on tha elevator lo
goto tha third floor. At lha aiMond
floor tha ropa, which bold tha cag
parted, and tha cag fell Ut lha baav
mant. Ihixim who war riding In th
elevator wvr Jennla Wilkluaon.
Manila Haiter, Id Nielton, May Curl,
I'eter Honiara, JMtoii May and Charlea
Wara. Jonnl Wllkinaon wm tha only
on who rMlvl anvnr Injunra. Her
palvlo bona wm broken and aha waa
badly ahaken up and bar rncovary la
doubtful. Mia Wllkinaon I anealima
bla ying woman and her many friend
aympathlca deeply with her.
TiMMiu In I'.iriaa The land
office wat vlalted Ihla week by a number
of Minnesota lumberman who were In
aean h of Itilormallon ragardiiig tlinlier
land. From (iraiil ICaplda, Minn.,
ram W. V, Fuller, T. II. W.lla and
T.J. Knight, rlrnii-d wotjdamen,
who intend to buy tiniler lam) and
make Oregon their lulurw bom. Mr.
Fuller formerly condurled a larie aaw
mill attlrand Itaplda. f-eaklng of bi
visit to Oregon City, Mr. KnllrraalJ:
" Wo are looking around for timber and
bav cut looae from Minueaola. Thor
are a great many cllioii of Minneaola,
Iowa, Wiatonain and Muiola coming out
thla way bevanae of th redured rate on
th railroad. Wa rama around by
Seattle and (topped off along tba road.
Kvnrylxxly la Interrtted In lha building
of Ui Nicaragua canal, and especially
lumberman. W believe titan when
the canal ia built, tbia country will be
in cummublreUon with the Atlantic
coaat where there la a demand for
lumber. Whenever the canal ia flnUhed,
tba I'aclflc coaat atalot will double their
population in a alngle year."
Wiut N. II. Hwitii 8ya-N. II.
Hmith.of Igan waa in town at the be
ginning o( the wk. II brought Ink
lot of butur wbicb be aoldfor caah lo
tha grocer. "Wo ar Improving Ua
Abernethy roJ"all Mi. Kmlth "and
i pert to pot lo nior than a mile tbia
year. W nect lo eventually Cnlab
the road to bgn, but that will take
auma time. 1 am making lota of butler.
I have been Improving my breed of
eo a by Introducing Jeraeya and llol
elelna. Frm fur cow I make nearly
18 pound of butter avery week and
with but little feed. All tba farmer ate
taking up tha railing of tn k rnd thla
ran not I done in a abort tune. A calf
will not grow lo I a cow in on yewr,
and turk raising l naturally alow work
Iltitwealll gel there all right. Juat
wail a year or two and our country will
iipply th lxal market wUi holh
hotter and clierae. The reaon why our
now upward of worth of Ux k
and eijrf.i t to dia-iw of it all m thai It
wlil ha fully paid In. Wa In'end to make
butter the coining winter and eWblirh a
tra'lu. It I ent rely piible. that we
will put In machinery for rnaking cheeae
lii'it aninmiT. Il takea ouim tirne lo net
fairly going In the creamery and rb-ee
bualnen, Tliere are a great many thing
to consider, Th farmer fe doing very
well o far In caU hing on to the heat
way of feeding cow. They ar alaoiU
paying attention to improving the at'o.k, I U
and thla all take lime, Wa tipert to
take Ihinya a lilll easy at first and not
rush the huaim-M until we know exactly
what w are doing."
Tiu Utmn Fku.ows Will An
ol ion Im mn gun Mat County
f. t. .. . ii . 1 1 1 , i:
Fellow. The will ha alnedy leen
proUie-l, but Orlando Felloat and Julia
Ann Nelaon, tha Iwochlldrea who wr
cut of) In i he will. are cairyinxon thecom
tt. From present indications U loA
M though the evidenc wa going to be
atrong enough ti reopen the a ill It i
contended that lllrarn rellow waa
unduly inlluem'sxl, and lliat he wa not
and willed al Highland. He waa a
etroig minded inu, and carried on
buaniiwa In a satisfactory mariner.
OcUitx-r ), H'.iK, be msyln hi will in
whicli he gave to Orlando, Julia Ann and
Jueeph ll sum of 1 aai Ii and no more,
tjm-auae lie ronaldi-red that they bad
received their ehare of the estate in
other way Thi might have appeared
in a hctter light bad ha not dei"d a
farm of !() ai-re lo Joseph on the same
day that lie mad the will, cutting
him oil with l. Il wm a (bread way
o gelling around the qoeaiion, and
while Orlando and Julia Ano actually
gut but II each. Joseph gol l'O acre ol
laud and ll. It i tbia problem that 1
now oo trial. Laat Thureday and Fri
day were consumed In bearing the evi
dence of th contestant. Further bear
ing ot ttie evidence ha been continoed
until April 2.
aierrn'a llwlldliig, Opp. Oregwai 4 'I If llaik.
New Goods Arriving Daily
Among the many new good arrived this week were a
complete line of
Spalding's Athletic Goods
"Monarch" Spring Shirts
Ladies1 Shirt Waists
Novelties in Belts
Easter Neckwear
Large Stock of Laced
Men's and Boys' Sweaters
"Arrow" Brand Collars and Cuffs
"Enameled Steel" Graniteware
of a.jund miud wher lie nude lb will. .11 . . n -mr i
Mir.,., Feiio. w. ... o,eg, p..,,,., bnrm(r ana oummer unaerwear
V. -r T- TPk 1 a -
donnson xros. xtoyai oemi-
Porcelain Crockery.
Hundreds of Novelties in Notions.
TiTo'r Takta.-Tha aherllT ol
fr began to rectdvo la' ll Friday.
John lrrther waa the first man to pay
bisUxoa. The lime (or p4ylug extend
(rum now tmltl June I, but HherilT(x,ke
uuld like lo have tha lax payer come
la gradually and Hot wait until the last
ft days, si thla facilitate the business
l III oltlrn.
HT.is Koaii ArrKAt.. Jonn u.
(iililltii and John Kolhlhlcli hav a
lale.1 i'i lha circuit court from th judg
tt'nl of the county commlaalonera re
Iriing tlm value of their land taken
m the Kanton road. Tha commUalon
r.llTW331113333222 wM aglow with (lower n. the air wa
Crr. " SZ " " i mw lh the a-mgaof birds, ba marrie.1
a fair bud of wllely promise, 8eptemler
5, IW, the wile of bla boeum went oul
lo attend a bargain-counter sal and
never came back. II ask for the
custody of a l.y b'ur year old.
Witt, or riiii-ifr Woir -The will of
th late rhllmp Wolf ha been admitted
o probate and Mr. Margaretha Woll
hat been appointed exiH'uiris without
bond. I'hilipp Wolf, of Heaver Creek,
died Heemla-r ll), UrnO. In Wl be
made a will, with U. K. Miller and
IVter tohlender,M Wltneaao. Hy the
term ol lb will, the eslte, Valuod at
I'J.ltiM) waa iMMjneatbed to Mrgrelha
Woll. wife of the testator. Al her dualh
h U in mi lo John Wull. a son,
There ia more CaUrrb in tbia section
of the country than all other disease put
together, and until tha last few year wm
euppoeed lo be incurable. For a great
many year doctor pronounced it a local
ibaeaae, and prescribed local rernevliee,
and by coatanlly (ailing to cure with local
treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sel
ene La proven catarrh to a constitu
tional diaeaae. and therefore require
constitutional treatment. Hall' CaUrrb
Cute, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
. am i ri - i .i I . .1
a KA., IOiCUO, uiiio, ia me on. 7 consn- 1
tutional cur on lb market. It i taken I
Moore's Pharmacy
7th St. on Hill,
Dr. Moore ban exclusive charge, and
receives new goods daily.
ai TATJrxrjrjrjri
1 1'
lUtlonai cur on me maraev. iiirvaaea .1 rt r l V'.ryr-
intm.iiy m do. irom 10 drop, to The Only Place for Bargains.
Arriving Daily at the
Fair Store!
leatpoonful. It ac t directly on the Wood
knd mucou (urface of the ytero. They
offer on hundred dollar for any cue it
(alia to cur. Bend for circular and
testimonial. Addre,
F. J. Chkxkt A Co., Toledo, 0.
8old by Prnggist. Vc.
Hall' Familv Till are tne bet.
Your Face
Show the state of yotir fteling and the
itate ol your health a well. Impure
- I 1.1. ut.1 ni.tu, ll,.1f siif.srwnf In a rtaln
UVan bae factory I. unable to aupply lliml)!l.. ,nj kin
the demand la becausw the farmer do
not bav cow enough yet. Hut they
are raising splendid voung cattl whicli
wlllt produi-era of milk by another
t'.M to $100 to loan on chattel or per
tonal aecuriiy. plmick A Kaatham, agt.
Ci kar Cmi:ik CkkAntav. Walter P.
Klrvhcm, one of lh farmer In
Clat kamaa county, iaal the head of th
Clear Creek Creamery Company. Speak
ing of the project, Mr. Kirchciu laid:
"We ar going to get atarted about Nov
eaihcrl. In the latt iaaue of the Knter
paite there wa a alight error regarding
our company. Your paper gave Ihe lm
prenalon that our capital itock waa only
H70. The atatement ahnuld have been
that we had told S70 in atock, but that
ho1 ourcanllal wa to be 11.500. We have
eruption. If you are liehng weak ami
worn oul and do not have a healthy ap
pearance you thould try Acker' lUood
Klixir. Il cure all blood diwanet
where cheap anuparilla and an called
purifier fail ; knowing this we nil every
bollle on a poeitive guarantee G. A
Harding, drugfe-lNt.
The Appetite of a Goat
Ia envied by all poordyeptic who
Stomach and Liver are oul of order. J
All audi thould know that Dr. Kinu'a
New Life Till, the wonderful Stomach
and I.iver Kemedy, give a splendid ap-'.
petit, aound dlgeetion and a regular 1
bodily habit that insure perfect health !
and great energy. Only 25c ktUeo. A,
Harding' drug store.
The F.nterprite $1.50 per year.
$4,000 irl of Shoes
which must be cut down half during the
next 90 days. Some of this stock will be
sold for actual cost, and the balance at 10
per cent profit. Come and see me and see
if I can't save you some money on a pair of
boots or shoes.
7th and Center Streets, On the Hill
Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2.
IL .
amlIcr:i!icyclcs aro celebrated for their marvelous strength W
nml ... it .! at i n liol I i 1 (0 II
U1U llIU IIlUlllII tjliauiiuo,
inn of lnVli 1
me jumuier iiictory uwm - T Wfi ,., tft slimv fll(S ,vllP(l,s
I I V V ll aV. lilt V V V j v v J w.-ww . .
bicycles than any oilier company.
. 60
Rambler Chainloss
Rnrnhlar Racer
Rambler Cushion Frame (chain wheel) 50
Ramblor Light Roadster 40
Rambler Hoavy Roadster 35
Ideals 20to 25
Morrow Coaster Brake $5 Extra
IJBicycles sold for cash or on installments. Second hand wheels
taken in exchange.
Burmeister & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers