Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 29, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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ntion I
IVrsonal Mention
Atl'ini"? C. Hi kull l III Heettlaon
Tli'l HllpP. ' Mulslla, ws In town
The iaii Crime Carter li Inrreanlas;
It IImII; Out put
rrd (iirUr, salesman, and 0. I).
Itohhln, wrelary and Irnnanrtir of lU
lgin rlieeae fartury, wrri m (own
TliUM.Ujr. Thy regret tl,n f,l that
Ororer Mi tilsnlieri, of dreg-m City. (
Htitn l confined to Ilia hoiian obliged Id buy tie lima Ixm hiiim La
Local Kvcr;.
titii iiiiiw.
vi. l.-n nlm, or roriiarni, u
I', M , Muey, t Liberal, m buying
,u.,liln loan Haturdey.
J, (I, ('winnings, f Mi'ibal, had bnl-
nr l Hi """t KaUrdae,
fnuld no k I'iran rhrtwe. Hpaaklng
ol lli waiter, Mr, tier bar said;
AirMr MiUM.an nvr riotlfld ui
that da wanted rl.imM. ( ia sent word
by anybody failed to g.,t tl unties
We are eorry . dlapolntd, but
we dallvared tUew (o hlin on February
H, llli Ida un.tnr. landing that lha nmt
cl"a. rhe milk supply la Increasing,
ml ha cbeeee .rxltict will also In
... .! l .t.-l I...
Mr. T. w. nwnvan, wi,u i.a noon Unllvsr y was to I In about 30 days. Ha
ru 'H HI. U recovering, ran out ol rhe ami wa ili.l not know
A. llayMral, ol Cam, aa In town It. Wa ara Mill miking tl.a beat cIiiwm
al Saturday tlolnc lraHnaj at lha slorn. In the United Hiatee, and will uka rara
Mr. ami Mr. Tain, ol Nw Kr, were 0","n telomere Uforeanv.
In (own Krldsy purthealng garden an. kMy ela ran buy from ua. Wt brought
a.i.i .!. itt " tMC, 0f "' 7&0 pound of
Mlae Miehe ChlMs, ba secured Ida
Cherry villa e (tool and will begin teed
Inf AeriM-
Mn. L M ll.7l.0llllll.Uro. U vUU
Iii ilia fauilllee ol It. N, Tabor and
JU'ph Mlllr.
jm ivi-iri,tiis .- r.re miliar wt
linking hnd wlh Orcgm City Irland
Ul haturday.
W.ir I fmiaa frum Tlia Pallre, that
Ham llurnail li arollltiaT along Vary wall
In lilt (ualliun.
Tlia Iliilinkdha ynya an anjoyabla Ira
rrnam aoclal lant Krlilay riiulit.
A marrlaica lliriian baa I two xriiiteil
to Julia K. Mill ami John (1, Na.
It li riortl that lUrlla Ilayt an)
MIm Myrtla Walla wnra marrlo'l Hun-d4y.
VarrM la Tillam-xik U a Dlirr4 In
UiKirya W. Ktalnhauar baa aikal for a
dlvorca from (J rara HulnhaiMr. (iaorya
Ulla alory ol aaJnaaa ami woa. Illi
marriail hla Uyan orar In lha claaalo
blowi ol NahaUm InTlllamv.k rvunlr.
Mini Mary l.yila.ol I'orllan.l. waa tliThr. In Aifil. I WW. lha fn. aan a
triIUi. J. Vlllltr, ol tbla rlly, a waddlmj march aa ha lad bla bluLli,j
l.a ilajrtiMi waaa. brl.la to lha allar. Tliraa llllla Utll mo
ll A ruloraon, Iruut Mlrimij(a. ha lolala ol Iota rama lo blra lha onion.
UmI lha luahori farm Hear Joota' Tbey ara Willia K. Dow J trara old:
mill and ill ralaa il'irk.
Mwrrnra (. 0 and lrn It. 7 yoara ol
rfo. lira, a anviria lo lu.e Imd a dull
ful wllo until Marrli 7. 110, whmi aha
lckl hr trunk and atarted out lo gut
la luuth ui hlnh Ma. (laorifa aara ha la
willing lhal (trara ihuold karo lha I lima
bya, bat ha dun nt want tirr lo Uka
IhaUJ out of OrrgiKI.
hkrt Wrlfbt llailrr.
It a nollcl that lna o Ilia laroirra
ara allll brining lo buttar that la abort
in walghl. lha roll, Inalaad of contain
lug lull two puuol, ara abort lroo ona
to I wo ounroa Ttda waa aWdenlly
HUfi.lmg to (irobaU mailpm lo rf ard lo dahloraia dralgn lo a II fala waighll
I'adaraan a-tala, of which ha 1 tha originally, lor lha builar la raWHl Into
aJmiiirlor. moolda lhatcoold not tibly b mada
Charlaa Albright ralorna.1 f,)W to bolj two p.un.U. Tha nr. law pro-
Kmariavllla. without baring ourcbaaal ailing 01 aliort waighu.
any cattlo. lha ir!ca lln ao hhrli aa to
U pf..bibill. TrarhriV Ciimtaalloa.
Ju. Khowl.n.1 Ir. .4 I-ua Angina Pal. Not lew la barahy gitrao that lor tha
uVrma. a flmt tla- mat niakar. arrWad P"M 01 mating an
lalownlatt wak and la aniloyad In
I urila Aldarman, who haa ban
I Ur aUtvr Mr. Jamr '..ln,tit.!
ti rrtuniod to I'orllaiid.
)i.m I aura Conyara, of Clatakanla,
r,.ot wrral !) In lha rlty Ihli wavk,
U rl el Ml r lbal Alhrlghl.
TWw aa kfcilhan, want to I'ortland
SicUjr to atUnd li.a niMtlng ol tha
CaVluniana, ol wh. h ha la a mamUr.
Mr. J. I. Ilaraa.ul I'ortland. aarorad
h a h.i at -! t'larkauiaa, lo dilritt
a 0, and t(an teat hlog but Joh.lay
0 Mkkalaoa, ol Kalao. waa In town
Tha Inwar Ixgan aebool, will Ix-gln
April I, wilb Mla Anna llicinWharn
aa laarhvr.
Cominy A Third rtgiinant bad
quarterly Inaction at lha Armory laat
Monday tyanlng.
A marrlaga llr-na baa b granlad to
KiiimaKIU, daughuirol A. KM, in
marry J. W. Vrytw. s
Hartla Mar, ion of K. L. Haya, pro
enrad a n.arrlaga llranaa laal Halurday to
wad Mlia Myrtla Wall.
II. Ilollmann, Kr) Kamroih and 0.
A. KchuaUl, wara apixjInUxl by County
Judga Kyao aa appralaaia of tha Htatxn
4 larga parly from Orrgon CUy at
trtiM lha Hrfortnanr of "King John"
by tha MaJk a company In I'ortland
Toaaday night.
County J odga Itytn t rt-J'drlng or
lha arrival ol a naw baby boy at bla
bou. Thla la tha aacond boy In tl
Judga'a lamlly, and no girl.
County Judga yan haa grantrxl ao
ordur to Ola Mikkalxm, adiniiitrator of
lha aetata of Ola I'edararn, authorltlng
him la aril SO . err of rral aUU.
lit tailor ahop ol Jow Know la ml r,
Mr. Thou., lha Rayar Crrrk grocrr
In town with royiona Ihla wk.
II mti lha farmara of bla aartion ara
priaring to plant a la'g arrragw ol o
tUr and ypgKtahlaa.
Yi rommUalonar K, I Ma k, of
Canl.y tint tha cotirt Imaaa on buh
dm lt Huturday. Mr. Mark aaya that
nutiy lira aptilrri ara coming Into bi
art 1 lun of country and will mak ntmr
ou ImpriivrmriiU
Mr Ma'y Pya Ollmrr and daugblrr
lUit, of Krnno, Califurnla, arrhad
Friday lo nd a fw warki with bar
br'ithrr V. II i'ya, during tha alanra
ol Mr. lira la tha Ut. ML lU!a
aiamlnalitm of
all parauna who may ofTr thauinalyna
aicandidatra lor lva-bra ol tba athoola
of thla county, lha county aihool auxr-
intandant lharHl will bold a public
aiamlnallon at tha court bouaa, Oregon
City, coinnitnrlng WaJnraday, April 10,
at ulna o'clork a. m., and continuing
until Friday. April 12. at 4 o'tlo, k.
IVatad thta inili day ol march, l'JOl.
County Mi iol Supcrmlcn lent
Claikamaa county, Oregon.
"Strrrt Ulc la Undoa."
Tha Haplial Hundaf arhool glvaa
(iiiu.rr U una of lha popular pre tty girl tPfwpil. an rnlartalninenl at tha church
of Krrdni an qtilta notad for hrr mti..
cal and rlix iitlonary aiconiplihtiii,nt.
(1. IHliMi. lha lipw imU water
man 1 making tha dirt fly whlla clean-
IiikoiiI a building on tha railalda ofi
Main atreet for a pop fai-tory. Mr. tit-
ham ha begun to Invado tha I'orlland
nnM with hla proilui t and ripect to
rarty on a lly coinpetlllou with I'ort
land pop maker.
Otto OenKolbarh, the Cla.-kamaa
Hullt, waa In town tha flrt of the
''k Thla Kxntlotnan waa a candidate
Friday evening, Noyatiiber, i", llluatrat
lug "Klreel I.lfn In Indon." Key. J,
II, IWyan will dnliver the leclurw and
pioduca tha llluatrationa with a iower
ful electric lleroptlcan, Hefreahmenta
follow the lecture. Admlaalun 10 cenla.
Hallor hata In all color.
Mm Ooldimitii.
Money to loan
Ilinoi A (iairrmi.
at loweat rate.
Spring and Flor bat diplay Mar.
Mia (iot.iMiTii.
fur tha legialalure, hut alept In a hotel 2t-3t.
wmirenu waa gtyen r-m. J.i. wi.irn tUwuliful Him u( b.t.y c(hi an.l hata.
proved a hooiloo and ha defeated. Fal laaaa (Ioi.dkmith.
i I going to ( aim rtotua on May 8
ln rn hn baa been belora. Probably Jonah had no Idea that bit
M. Mutvaa l.aold l.l. f.rm at Mullno lf would belleva him when he told hor
lorll.tHK). which Ih conaldereda irood h be had be..n, any way
price (r
eighty aerea, The pnrcbaaer
I a Mr, Murphy from Kaimai, a farmer
ltn plenty of money to make Improve
Ti"''h. Mra. Mulvey, who la auirering
bom a ntneer on tha Hp, will go lo I'ort
land for treatment. 1 1 ii family will re
iiiuln In Oregon City.
C )'. Itowman, of Mullno, waa In
own on biiNlneM Uht rlatuiday. lie
"v tluit the farmer are building a
K'X'il ninny feme and othvrwino mak-
I ... 1
"K iiiiprovemenia. Mr. Ilowman aav
Hhank A Hiell, the Undertakera. He-
twecn deiMit and bridge. Telephone 304.
Night or day.
Children' hall a ieclaUr.
Mi OoLorMiTii.
Latent noveltlea In ready-to-wear bad.
Call and aeo them.
After he hua been married throe yoara
the average man can tool in wue
H'at C. T. Howard, the llmirmlll man, i Hily aa he tmed to fool hi mother,
'"iiiing coimldorahhi of hi land. Fence 7 .
' -II atMul.no for 0, a ralae of T r Oregon tny ami
-a IhouHand over what It waa two Irliiliy.
yuiiiH gU. You are cordially Invited to attond Uie
millinery dlnplay of Imported pattern
Clirihilfin Hclntice lutrvlc are hold In l.t and extreme noveltlu In millinery,
Willamette hall every Huiulay morning, March 2tt and DO and tho following week.
t eleven o'elwk . Subject for Kunday, MlH( a Ooi.i.n-iTit.
Alanh 81, "Unreality," Monday Hchool
at twelve o'clock. Wedneiday evening It. Holman, leading undertaker and
meeting at eight o'clock. To thee aor- embalmer, Oregon City, Oro. Two doon
vI,'' all are welcome.
eolith of court Iioiiho.
Mokl Tea poHitlvely cunn alck head-
'". IndigeHtioii and coiwtiimtion. A
lilit.f nl i,rD ,irink( in,ovea all
ruptluna of the akin, producing a per
"'"tcomdlexlon, or money refunded. O.
Harding, druggtat.
Atentlen Walor CnuNiimori.
Par your water rent at tlia oHIoe of tha
aeerelary, Inthnt'lly Dnif Hlore, berWe
the 10th of the mouth ana ve trouble
ami aipenia.
II jr order of tha
Uoard of Water Comuiltaioaar.
The funeral of Mra H. J. Mack took
i1m from tba Congregational church at
Fly lal runday. Mra. Mark, wboe
h'ima 1 at Kly, died lo I'ortland lt
A. T. Coibran, almlnlatralor of the
late of J. I.. Of hran baa been order
by County Judge Ityan, lo aell peraooal
pMperty Valued at f 1 IS lo pay Immediate
claim agalnat tha eatala.
John Meiowood, ol Molalla, waa In
town lat Haturdy. Mr. Malowood
la a practical buttr man, having bean
InUrratol la butter-uiaklng ever line
be waa a boy.
Ao ordrr haa bean leaned by Jodge
Ryan, to appralae tba eaute ol John
Acker. Tlia following appraleera havt
been named : J. P. 1-ovett. Fred Oreen
man and Hruc C. Curry.
L. W . Hardeety, admlnlatrator of the
late ol Kola Ann Stjoca, baa Iwm
orderatl by County Ju lge Ityan to 1
to acre of land aald to m w orth (3.V),
Tola la the entire aetata.
Key. F.. S. Ihdlinger, ol Oregon City,
will deliver ao wddrtae lo Aaaociatkia
hall. Tueeday evening, April 2, under
tha auapicea ol Whittlrr Circle, Women
ol Woodcraft. Woodburn Independent.
Following la a liat of the pupil who
obtained eighth grade diploma at the
recent examination ; Leroy D. I'armen
tar, KlTin li race, Kye blone, Lawrence
AUpaugh, Arnold P. rchmUlt, Hoy
lireithaupl! Victor Irwin, Alvio Schmale
and lo Jobnn.
Ttie tte of Martha J. 8haw baa been
admitted to prohate. Judge Uyan
point4d KJ I. Shaw aa admlniatrator.
The ealate 1 valued at Sii0, 72S being
real ami 75 pereonal property. C. O. T.
William, Fred J. Meyer and J. W. Cole
are named aa appralera.
The price of bread haa not advanced
in Oregon City, although the making of
email loayee will lie done away with.
Hereafter alt loavee will weigh alwut 27
ounce and aell for five centa. In Port
land the loavea that aell for five centa
weigh Irom 'M lo 22 ounce.
Michael Gelotte, the enterprUIng boot
black, ha been Improving hla tand un
til it la quite aa attractive and comfort
able aa any similar imUitutton in the
largo cltiea. Mr. Uelotte has bad con
atructed a new rout rum upon which bit
gtieati alt, and thla rod mm U brixoa-
trimmed, according to the latent designs.
Mr. Uelotte ha added a Htock of cigara
and tobacco and expires to become a
Although the weather was very dina-
greuublo, Willamette ball was crowded
to the door last i riday night, to wltneo
the entertainment given by the Ancient
Order of Red Crime. The program went
without a hitch, and waa a credit to thoee
who managed it. Judge Gordon K.
Hayci spoke a few words on the benefits
of fraternalism. The Telford 'children
gave several selectiona to the great de
light of the audience. The mandolin
playing by Mr. and Mra. Turney was
heartily encored, as were also the reci
tations of Mr. Hickman and Vada Boy
land. Mins Ida Williams Bang a pretty
little solo, and Mrs. Hpringor favored
the audience with "Georgia Camp meeting."
M hat Slmll We Have For De.Mrrtl
This question arises In the family ev
ery day. Let us answer It to-day. Try
Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert.
Prepared In two minutes, No boiling!
no baking I simply add boiling water and
set to cool. Flavors : Lemon, Orange,
Raspberry and Strawberry. Qet a pack
age at your grocers to-day. 10 cts.
Standard of the World
Tho 1W1 Moduli are Xtet,
hatiiJHOtricr ami more efficient
than ever before; are stronger
than other wheels ami weigh
from 3 to 5 jKiunJs lens.
"Just as gfxxl as a Columbia"
is the highest praise one can give
a bicycle.
Models 72 and 73, ...$.50
" 63 " 6, ... 40
Hub Coaiitcr Brake 15 extra.
Choice of Dunlop, J fe 0 or
Hartford Tire.
Strong Guarantee
Goccnt nulun and Cretctnt
agrnU arc rrlublc. The Gcs-
cenf ruaranUc is u rood u a
bond. It la bxciud by a con
cern of undoubUd tinfm-;,
If aaythina; prove wronf
with a Creauat, you know
just where to go to kv M
nude right and you fuv
the uwivux that it wuT be
dona in a prompt mi liberal
Rpair men uy fjul Gea
cents arc aa tbc repair shop
less tbaa any other make
Right quality at right prices,
Chainlets ...S60
Chain, 33 and 34.,.. 36
" 63 64 ... 25
ttca.Ur Ilrake $i tstra aw all model.
Are second only to Columbia in
style durability and easy run
ing. They are made in Columbia
factories by Columbia workmen
and bear the Columbia ear marks
of excellence.
Models, 27 and 38....$3.r
" 33 " 24... 30
Choke of Clincher or Hartford Tire.
Coaster Brake $i estra.
Vedette Bicycles
Are lortbose who want low
priced mounts that are light
running, strong, durable and re
liably guaranteed.
Made in Columbia factories.
Price $2.3, Men's or Ladies.'
We aell bfcyclre on ey install
ment and take old wheel in
Second hand wheel at your own
Aik for a catalogue free .
Mra. 0. K. Vanl)euen, of KUborn, I
tt'i- . -ri.. j i.t. 1 . ., . I
lu.icirg wiwi aiomacn irounie ana
cootlallon for a long time hheaays,
"I have lnel many trr ration but
n-.ne bare done me lite goml that Cham
berlaln'sBtornath and UvrrTahle's have
Korstaat(i. A. Harding's drug stue. j
Price, cents. etriple free. 1
Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2.
II arte Dealer irrmted. 1
Jit brown, a horse dealer of F.aatem
Oregon, waa arreeted last Saturday after- i S
do n for driving a band ol 35 boraes 1
acroaa the suspension bridge at one time, j
Aa nobody ia allowed to Jilve more than
20 boraes on tba bridge at once. Mr, '
Drawn piead guilty before Judve Mc-!?
Anulty and paid a fine of f 10.
The man who proposes to a widow is
either a philanthropist or a fool.
Acker's Iypia Tablete are sold on
a positive guarantee. Core heart-born,
railing of the food, diatreas after eating
or any form of dyspepsia. Ona but lab
let gives Immediate relief, 25 cts. and
60 cts. Q. A. Harding, drugg'et.
We carry a complete line of coffins
and caakcts.
We bave been in bosinete for over
ten yeara
We bave always made an effort to
aatiafy our bereaved friend.
We are under amall expense and
do not aak large profits.
We thoroughly understand the
preservation of the dead.
We destroy contagion germs and
offensive odors when called to
prepare the dead for burial .
if! c::n z:vi si com Heme.
Get our Prices on Job Printing.
rtMiMi -- i
L '
Give us the size of your
rooms, and we will figure how
many rolls of paper it will
take to put a new face on your
walls. We will also tell you
how much it will take to paper
--- T -r 1 ' ' 1 t ' i lit i i n I i i i i w
4lt-tMlttfl(t IH-t-tHtll t 4 I t..l
your ceiling, we will make
allowance for doors and win
dows, we will trim the paper
for you free, and we can as
sure you that 50 cents will
buy enough paper to
cover a medium sized
Come and see us, you will
be surprised to see the pretty
patterns we sell for 10 Cents
a Double Roll.
We also keep a good assort
ment of higher priced Wall
The Housefurnisher.