Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 29, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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rny wynjrw arwv v v-wg
O.ir correspondents will please send
in tun. 'leu before Wediiedays of each
mevk . otherwise it reaches us loo late for
Smk, Mr. 2o Uain, mow and hail.
Oim c a while the sun shine through
tl)' llllHt.
I.- it Spraguo, who has been In Ida
ho i r eeveral montlii, returned home
lai-1 riiday.
, r-. h" l commenced In district No, 51
todiv with Miet Lur Mayfleld a
U'fci l r.
Am I'aohman is to teach at Salmon
Kiv. r l ext Monday, April 1.
At ur ivcent achool election Mr.
E. .itra elected director and G. f.
W..t-. rlurk. Tnev also decided to
bund new school houe this summer.
li ru-151 la to build uew school
, houx' this year.
''.S oiie is to have new school house
a u. w church nd a new creamery this
ye.tr, U'biJes daily mail, commencing
April Ut.
Mo Clara Dart, of Molalla visited her
parent at Grandpa Uattou't laet Sun
SlIKllWiWD. Mar. 25. The farmers
aroun.l here all e-em to be in good spir
its, the prospect for wheat being good.
Our grange brethren are talking of
pu ting in a creamery plan here in
Slier ood.
Mi- Dora Smock, the operator her
isssiTn visit. J. W. liilmore is
louk,u after the work in her absence.
The Rev. Jeese George, who used to
live in Oregon City preached at the
Congrvtional church to will filled
boue. He did not speak very long but
the word were well chosen.
Th' Rev. Mr.CIapp. has has been as
aictiiv ourpasiorJ. M.Barber in a re
vival meeting at Hood View recently
took the train last Frilay morning for
Li4 lij .me at Forest Grove.
Cliacie Calkins is now having a nice
house built. That's right, Chacie. We
knw you are one of the boys that does
things about right.
Our postmaster, L. S. McConnell has
taken in a partner, Artbnr Hall. They
have good prospects ahead, as they are
both g od business men.
H H. Welch bag just completed a job
of two months work on a drop curtain
fur M oi attack's opei boose.
Borings, March 23. Once more death
ha c me into our midst and claimed one
more oi our number. Grandma Herx
is dead. She had lingered for ten weeks
ami railed to rent Thursday morn
ing. .Mrs. Herz bid just passed he &Stn
birtbdty . She was the eldest person in
The most beautiful thing in
the world is ; the baby, all
dimples and joy. The most
pitiful thing is that same baby,
thin and in pain. And . the
mother does not know that a
little fat makes all the differ
ence. Dimples and joy have gone,
and left hollows and fear, the
fat, that was comfort and
color and curve-all but pity
and love-is gone.
The little one gets no fat
from her food. There is some
thing wrong;itis either her food
or food-mill. She has had no
fat for weeks; is living on what
she had stored in that plump
little body of hers; and that is
gone. She is starving for fat;
it is death, be quick !
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is the fat she can
take; it will save her.
The genuine has this picture on
it, take uo other.
If you have not tried it, send
for free sample, its agreeable
taste will surprise you. '
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
50c. and $I.OO
all druggists.
i Boringa, The funeral took place Iwm
, die bourn of her mm, at I o'clock, Satur.
dy. rv- o. r. nwu preached the
4 ! funeral sermon. The deceased u laid
to rest io the Ploanatit Horn cemetery.
Min Pearl !lurdaelt hai been Hopping
iu Portland (or awhile.
Miss Rome Feathers of Damascus, haw
been engaged to teach our school, which
will begin the first of April.
Thoa. Welch Is working for Mr.
Campbell of Orient.
J. A.Sutton has returned to the log
ging camp at Skye, Wash.
P. Headermin has recovered from his
long llluens.
K. Kichy made a trip to Portland last
Borinos, Mar. 2tl. The peoplo o( Hor
in'S were very (may p'oaing and doing
sprint seeding this wexk, but as the
rain began, they drove to the barn with
a look of distress.
A few of the farmers who had oats to
sell are hauling them. Uats l-ring a
very good price.
M. Trenton has been violting with
Ednrar Richey for abvut two weeks. He
reports plenty of work and lots of gold
piece around Troutdale.
Mr. lledderman is able to be out once
J. Richey made a trip to Washington
county last week to see a span of bora a.
Mr. Lake is going into the stock rais
ing busineas. lie baa about seventy
five head o! cattle, homes and sheep on
the range near Deep Creek, at present.
U. W . Boring made a business trip to
Kelso again last Sunday.
James Norris was the smiling guest of
Rosa Vetch, last Sunday.
Miss Estella Richey Is teaching the
Rugg school near Gresham.
A number of the old people went in to
see Mr. Judd last Sunday as he has been
confined to bis bed for about a year.
He is at the borne of Mr. Hall but will
soon return home again.
J. Richey and sons have just finished
a large and heavy piece of slashing,
which will, if it gets dry enough, make
the largest smoke that ever arose to the
heavens out of Clackamas county.
O. Aeniiaegger haa been very busy
building a new picket fence around bis
house. This is a wise thing, so the
children won't get out in the street.
Our school will begin the first good
day in April, under the management of
Miaa Rose Feathers, of Damascus.
StiftosU), Mar. 28 .Spring is here.
The weather is perfect.
Grass and grain looks fine.
Roads are becoming solid.
Spring plowing has commenced.
Ranchers are hauling off their spuds.
Some fruit trees are in bloom.
Spring flowers are plentiful.
Have you noticed the blooms on the
hazel brush ?
Cattle are s.'eeking up.
Considerable early potatoes have been
Born To the wife of Rev. Graxier, on
the 17th, a son.
Mrs. Reicb'.e is very low with the
Henry Baker is slowly recovering from
a siege of pneumonia.
The wood camp is a quiet place, many
of the cutters having moved away.
Charlie Gai;e spent Sunday with his
relatives here. He is employed in a
mill on the north side of the Columbia,
above Viento.
Tb.re seems to be many China pheas
ants here about, but they are mostly
G. Mosier's residence is receiving a
general overhauling and renewing with
in. It will be sometime before it is
ready to be occupied.
Grey squirrels have made their ap
pearance. Uaraastni.
Damascus, March 25. Mrs. Johnson,
of Portland, returned home Friday alter
a visit w iih relatives in this burg.
The dance given by Mr. Donley at
Sycamore was attended by a number of
our young people. All report having a
most enjoyable time.
Mrs. Sharp and daughter, Bertha,
left the last of the week for Oakland,
where they intend to make thier future
Mrs. Kate Deline of Portland, is the
guent of Mrs. Boone Johntton this week.
Den Griffin has rented Mrs. Sharp's
place and he has moved his family thnre.
Miss Mabel Wheeler of McMinnville
is the guent of her cousins, Mrs. Skir
vin aad the Messrs. Morton. Mrs.
Skirvin will accompany Miss Wheeler to
f.fi 111- V. ,.r . 1. il"
w.jiiiiu.u uia u.Gioi hkii, wrei at ;
which place sl.e will make an extended
visit with relatives and friends.
The dance given at Burkhardt's hall
Saturday night was a success. All had a
splendid time. There will be a dance at
Hllleary'a hall next Saturday night.
Frank Morton will leave soon for
Eastern Oregon where he expects to be
gone for two or three years.
Mr. Monte Nnwell. who Is in thn om
ploy of the Grest Eastern Yeast com- j
1 i
The wtan who ran hardly crawl, and
ha jMt Mirngth to get through a day's
work, haa no strength left lor family
i life. He wants to be ooiel ; to be klotie,
out of ght aii.l sound ol eierytxxiy.
What a dinVrence ltwvn such a
mau and the healtbv. hearty man, wko
romna with hit children and ride his
laui-ntnj bhy to "lUmlniry Cr."
WUat utaket the difference f t'sually
disease of the stomach, invnlvtng the
entire difeauw and nutritive aytewi.
Dr. Pierce's GoUlrn Medical IWovvry
cure diarar of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. When
tbrc diaeaiws are cured til hindrance to
the proper nourishment of the body is
removed and strength come hack nguin.
I n kappv to u I im (ettltif to feel But
nte Mr A. J V.W-ilt. "f M West
IHtuk'SI Mrrrl. Chi-it". "In " I he
Ukrn txttle nf ' ;l1 Mclunl IHmvriy 1
mai lour uf flvc -l the little ' I'rllrts.' Tlirr
hf J.e tmr jtl'l of ( l. Trwe s4
im luv UnmirM the (roil chau In me
frv.ni s aJ. nio- i( mn that cvtil.t hnllr
crt, llnr-1 and m-s. all tkr ttmr. su.l eotiM .lo
no wuck Now I can m h alrep. rat. an.l kti
Bar. auJ that ll'rd frlln( U all (ng away I
am rrrr thanklul thai 1 wrota lo tr. Ilerrr.
C..wl-o Mr-tkal liMrrv' an-t hia (title
liwr ' tIWU ' ba alinoM uia-U a new taaa of
me. I frel vtxini as 1 UiJ at thirty yeaia. Ho
other ductoe tur aw. only Ir. r'irrc "
Dr. Iherce's Common Senee Medical
Adviser, in paper cover, is sent on
receipt ot II one cent sumtvi to pay
expense of v iliii on!y. Addrcsa Vt.
R. V. llcrcc, liuliaTo. N. Y.
pany is vLiting his parents in this
There will be a school picnic la the
Grove back of the Damascus school
house in May.
Ed Burnett, of F.agle Creek, was vis
iting friends in Damascus Sunday.
Mrs. How k, who has been quite ill
with the grip for some lima, it able to
be around again.
The farmers are busy hauling of! po
tatoes which, for this time of year, are
very low, 50 and 55 cet ts per tack, t e
ing paid for the best. Owing to to
much rain the farmers are behind in
getting their spring grain sown.
Mrs. Annie Siefur, of Portland, wat
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E1. Siefer
last week.
Saxdt, Mar. 24. Farmers are busy
putting in their spring grain. The
pro pec ta for crops are very good.
Casper Yunker, a prosperous busi
ness man of Sandy, who recently pur
chased the Gerder place, has improved
it wonderfully by pruning the old or
chards and putting up a new fence.
This is ono of the oldest orchards in
Sandy and the pruning improved its
looks very much.
The booming reports of the oil wells
have greatly excited tome of our people.
Most every oue thinks oil can he foun I
in the large oil tank at Mr. Meinig's
Casper Yunker's is making prepara
tions to put in a bowling alley which un
doubtedly will be great fun for the young
people of Sandy.
It is rumored that we w ill soon have
another saloon.
I. B. Stevens, who has rented the old
S'mbble place, is thinking of starting a
chicken ranch.
It is said that the tie buxines bus
stopped. This will throw many men
out of employment who are now at
work at the several mill-) here.
The measles are still prevalent, Iks ing
in the Yunker'a family.
Nels Nelnon is on the sick list and sev
eral others are complaining of the grip.
School will open on April 1st, with
Miss Susie Maronay as teacher. Miss
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist
j The Discoverer of Swamp-Root at Work la
Hit Laboratory.
There Is a disease prevailing In this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by
It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
or apopiexy are onen ine result ot kidney
rilwaia If ln.u tnl,t. I. .IL...J . - I
or apoplexy are often the result of kidne
i sww IVWJ-
vance me Kidney-poisoned blood will attack
the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves"
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Then the richness of the blood the albumen
leaks out and the sufferer has Brlght'a
Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis
covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands
of apparently hopeless cases, after all other
efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent
and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free
by mail, also a book telling about Swamp-
rcooi ana us wonaeriui cures. Address
lZl Bln6ham,on' M Y'
mention this paper.
"3 t at
Maroaavhas taught several terms hero
and has given good aatlnlui'lloii ,
John Hoaholn haa routed the Htrausa
place ana I making It his homo.
Tim discovery of anew lodge In the
Cheney crook gold mine haa raised a
groat excitement, and people aro Hock
ing up there to stake out claims If
this mine should prove to turn out well,
It would U a great boom for Sandy.
V. F. Bruus is going to Portland to
put up a roaldmice (or N. 0. Nyland.
II. Urunt Is clearing land.
Farmers are wondering how much
longer this precious rain will last.
Who says that Sandy It behind the
times, when we have a soda nmntifuc-
tare here? Mr. Corill, who lis founded
the sode works in Portland la now do-
Ine bitainess In Sandy.
Sunday school is doing nhvly at handy
Ridge under the management of Mrs.
J. Mleiuau, our new storekeeper Is
doing a nice bualuet.
Nitnr, Mar. 2-V We have a now
neighbor In our vicinity. The toys of
Needy rharivariod Mr, Gilbert Noe at
tao different place but wore unable to
find the couple. They will try to find
them till the bitter end.
Mi Lydla Krunii it now working for
George Brvickart.
AllH-rt Moehborgor has boon blowing
out stum pi.
Some of the bo yi attended the basket
social at M-tckabtirg, Mar. 3.
Frank Hilton li now building a chick-
on house.
The ion of (loorgn Hrockart has re
covrred. tirtsma-
liaAiuK, Mar. 23. Farmers are busy
with their iprlng work. Iluppoli-tin
moat yaids are hi order once more.
At arrault of the protracted ineetingi
held at Hood View, the namei o( about
eighUwn new member were enrolled on
the rhurch book last Sunday.
Mrs. Orilla Grime of Sweet Home,
who ha ben visiting her par
ents. Mr. and Mn. Stahlnecarr, re
turned to her home last week.
Wtu. Harris, an old pioneer of Aurora
it a visitor at this place.
Baker Bros, are contemplating mov
ing their sawmill near Airley, Or., where
they made a trip recently to look at a
tract of timber.
Mia Cora Moore returned to her home
near Independence, where the la en
gaged to teach a spring term of school.
' Mrt. Wm. Broht,of WiUonvllle, who
ha been receiving medical treatment in
Portland returned home much Improved.
The Sunrise Lodge of the A. O. U. W.
initiated two new members Saturday
The only man in the creamery busi
neat in this neighborhood it William
Murray. He milki twelve cowt and
teparatet the milk, sending the cream
to Portland on the boats.
Miss Insa Thompson will close) a very
tuccesHful term ot school In the Weston
district with an entertainment Saturday
)liple Lan.
Mapm Lasi, Mar. 25 Miss Kmin
Waltemathe, of Portland, is vlsliing her
parents, Mr. and Mr. Waltemathe.
Mrs. W. 0-Dickerson, who haa been
quite sick is convalescent.
8. Roman, of Oregon City, wa the
guest of J. Oorher and family Suuday.
Laurence Matiti Intends leaving for
Portland this week for an extended may.
vlrs. M. F. Bray ton spent a portion of
last week visiting friend in Portland.
Mrs. George Hyatt and son of G jlden-
dale, Wash., are the guests of A. Mautx
and family.
Mr. Thompson and son, and Miss
Jennie Ronalds, of Nebraska, are the
guests of the latter's father, R. Ronalds.
E. B.iiley, of Portland, visited with
his relatives in this vicinity Saturday
and Sunday.
If a man could only make his wife
sweet the way he can his pipe, by boiling
her In milk, thn world would be a lot
happier. New York Press.
One Pbhspi Away at Portlund, the Other
at Salem.
Penniwell Shurnway at one time a res
ident of Clackamas county, died at a
Portland hospital last Saturday of kidney
disease, aged 74 yean. His sister, Mrs.
Lorlnda Harthorne, of Salem, an Oregon
pioneer, died within 24 hours a Iter ward,
her death being the result of the shock
she received on hearing that hor brother
had passed away. Mrs. Harthorne was
83 years of age, and 30 years ago lived
in Oregon City.
It was about 10 years ago when Penni
well Shurnway came to Oregon, He
first lived at Mount Tabor, but In 18110
moved to Logan, Clackamas county, and
bought a farm. During recent years he
suffered greatly from kidney disease,
and about a year ago moved to Portland,
where he could receive the best of medi
cal attendance and the advantage of (he
hospital. He leaves a wife, a brother at
Logan and a sister, Mrs. Hammond, in
Portland. He leaves flye children who
are Mrs. Annie Taylor, of Portland; Mrs.
Family Modlolnoo.
Cough Honey.
Kidneys Backaclie
Blood and Liver
Rami; and N6rV6 TOMC
Oraat Rloo4 (1anstn Itemsilr for Sprint
ttaadaeatl, Conitlftloa,''Ttrd."JMO
Dyspepsia Cure'
Golden Relief
St, Vitus1 Dance
Ask yuur ilrutttat for Almanac lor lint ronuinlnf daaerlplloa of tb kamadlaitad
Cortintaui u( Ui uiuat riaiartabli cum ir actiiivid by snadidu.
For Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist, Oregon City, Or.
I'rlc Arid in the U.I t'ainw IthrumatUiu, Hi latlr. (iont and Nruralgu
TIlA iliW IMlfilllllM
aa -aV II V ..w. Jiiiviiililll i lailiaM
rnii'icpa tba rails. A written guaiantr with raih rtig lit mliirn yuur m nry In
30 d if not anllralv Mti(a'lity. I'liU'K .'. 0. A alnl laid will biing uiir
lltlU boiiklt tliat tell the itory . Adilrra,
Hl'SMKIaTKM A AsiiHIatM, lUrtlud, t oon.
Drrgnn Cilv, t)ra"n
Abbin Starr, of Mount TaU.f; Mia Mm
nle Hhiiinway, of Portland; Charlfi
Shiiniway, of Taro.i a and Vltr Miuiu
way, (if Portland.
Mr Lorinda llarthoru lived at Ha
lent, but ii wnll known a an old tini
rvaidml of Orrgun ("ily, fihe wa In
lor M hralth, and whi-n ah huard of hrr
brothfr'l di-a'ti h lpgan lo ruw Wrak-
sr. and pis awy Utt unday. 1 1 or
boily wai lakrn bt Portland, and the
double funeral of brother and ilatrr wa
held from Mr. Shuniway't lale rraldnnr
llij Kt Morrlaon tamt, Portland.
The Interment wa In Im Kir rentrtry,
Thn pall bearers wm O. D. Knbbln. of
Login; 11. F. Linn, of Holland; M. A.
Magone.of Dolton and V. 8. lngell, of
re injured by the use of roffra. Itecvnt
ly there ha hen placvd In all the gro
cery itorn a new preparation called
OUAIN-O, made of pare grain, tint
lake the plare of colln. The moat did
irate itomarli rrvtivp ll without di
tre, and but few can tell it from roflVe.
It do- not roil over l at miu-h. Child
ren may drink ll with great Ix-iii-ilt.
13 rU, and 2-') rt. per pai kige. Try It.
Aak for UK ALSO.
In The Circuit Court of Hi Hlaia of On
gon fur Tha Cou ui y ol Clackamas.
Geo. W. Htrlrklin,
Ann M. Hirlrklln,
To Anna M. Hirlrklln, alx.ve naninl .l. fi.n,).
IN the Name of tin Hlal of Oregon ; You
ara hereby rf'Milni'l to at. near an.l !,.
wer th roini.lalnt llle.l aali,t v,.,i i. ii.
above eninlml toll In the aiHjve named court
on or bedim April Will, !si, the sm Im-Iiik
aeven weeka from th ilate of the 11 mt pnii.
iicaiinn in una aiimmona. You will lake
nolle that Ii voii tali to aUI KliltaWMP Mllll sl si.
wer aalil complaint ih plaititllt will aiii.ly
til til (VIII rl li.r Ilia r.lUI .l.n,.i,.UI I.. ... I
--. ...... i. uiaiiiini ii, Hnn,
complaint, to-wit: That the ImiimIs of mairh
inony now eiiaiing lielweeu you ami plain
tilt he tliMMilvtxI.
This aiiriiMiotia la tiiililUliMil I,
i"c iiuii. i noa. r.iiyau, uoiimy Jinlyn u
(:ickm('oiiiiy, Oregon, In the Oregon
Cily weekly Kolerprlsa lur aeven stici-eaalve
weeka. comiiienniiiv Marrh I.MM I'an ...i
ftoiillniiing for each week thereafter to and
nil lulling April .'I, lllll.
Altornev for I'lalnlill.
I have the beat land in the county for
the least money. Try me.
The Ilcnt Illustrated Monthly MagsIn
riho Kind Puhluiiid.
Jl.OOayear, 10 cents a copy.
Us pagits are Ailed by a brilliant array
of writers and artlHts. Its authorative
and Independent reviitw of books, plays,
music and art, its cltiyor atoiltm, strong
special articles, humor and verse, with
fine illustration, make It a nocumilty in
every Intelligent home. The very low
subscription price $1.00 per yer, puts
it within the rench of all. Reliable
agents wanted in nvory town. Extra
ordinary Inducoineuts. Write for par
ticulars. A trial subscription will prove it.
Write today for sample copy.
Orileiion Publication Co.,
41 Kast 21 at Ht. New York Cily.
Bean the 1 he Kind You Haw Always BoufiH
rvn imi
Tor Coughs, Gold, Grip
"Cold" In ANY PART ol
Col t a, Ml. Ii , fW'lii 77. I no.
r a alioln -ar I ismlit ilu linwmk an.t
Ikixi niilr ! lii.l'lliia- on I" a dalr. 1 1 ,..
Hixl llh f.xir illlti'rwiil liali'lnn Iml
-l,l ii.i H'lli f 'l. liw i.f tan Ixitiina i,l
tic fanuar a KldnSV tad ksrkaclia l!u,
Kk in a x rf.-vi i'iir. J. M. ! It laxs,.
liaaava, rra"l l1", I'e.. J" K Inc. "
Thn jrpafs I had arr altark i.f
i'r)rlHaa aixt Miaat lait. Iimaalu a.ul
my liwl ami far sir l'lrl. Un alUn.U.l
fur ', uttiHiiia wmii'm rrni,. i i, n
i,u.. ,. ir. rannar Blood td
mad r aad Harv Tni ami ut,
ur'. I a HanaHta
Ilium sb.mii. Kjr . S ii 1. luu,
Wrwlfeiliaa aultrSi'il l"li aillli il rl l-i.
I trll all nl Ilia m mIii rvratl..a ai,. all
i.f iiif I' an .r fli'ilin.a lilmul all j
fliialljf ii,M. ,iiirl lr. f anaar tr lU
Cur anil Hi" iimi.1 ll rlt Ir.l aruro. aiai.a
i.l In., almllar r Il.nl liaia r.m.e i,mli r
i.l rail..ii tia Ivrii '.urr'l ' r )
( l iinv I'r . J. I sasauiMii.
My lrar lr Krniirr Kmt.
I ha uarl Vt. fsnnar t
hianr truara fir ili
fur aid. h II la WvMImmI
fully rual Ui all ;i' i lall
rmtdlnf I
Data (or Cut, Jrulsas. ...
luralna. CulUa. Uiln. S"t Tliroal. folic
I Ujrsauurr, uaral Tiuulila. It Is Unlalllof .
anMhlKa t. laav
a rimis r'K v
iSr -. , ,m a I
I f M II ,.
r 1 t na l h .1 . ..
11 )
Ir)lii(r iirrparulluii simply dl-
ip dry calartb U.ey dry up the so. Mmi,
Wliicti allirr l,t the ItK-ml.fni.j a'u do.m
MHa, ransliii; it 1 r nu w ' .,t' ! ! thai)
lha rrdili it . nfulo'.il. Aw.la.IJr;.
lug lid.aUiila, f ' .', ..'' r- I stiuS
an I uol). .1 t I. . U J. i. .-.1, r. .,:! a4
lira's, lijatle lj..ll.l . I frlnely
and Will en fJ '.!l ll t' till'ia l.e-t
.ly ai. 4 !!'' ii. Air U.ow.ll
riiaiio I for l'reta. 'I -. -'i sr li e
&oo. an. I 'y llmiWa, f.ij V. a. nut '. , S.Y.
Th l'-.i.a etit-e w.'t.utt t-- a, d' t'4
IrriUlx ra'u eei.n;. Jl a;.rrda la;i
oer an U'ii iel u .d ' i:'y ;'', rrliet.
ing Itnuie.t.aUiy the lliltU l...1lllUtM'D.
Ulth Hj't ( rrnt liu'i i yiu ar ariued
Kiut Kal IVarth and Ha; l ater.
The tourist rait, Ilk a nwappr lo
connlry (own, certainly "fill a long felt
want" , A cool, clean, well yenliUud
leaping cr, equally frew from the di
roniloit of (be old fashioned aaMi)gtr
coacli and lb ttuffjr heat of (he over
liuurloiisly tipholsleie. drawing room
and tl rplng ran, tnd at a moderate
extra fee, liaolvd the problem of pro
viding attractive aivoniiiiolallon for the
general public. The 0 K. A N. Co.
ran three of the car dally brtwtwn
Portland and the Kait. A porter I in
charge of each rar to look after the wants
and com lor t of the paaeetiger.
Kor ratiand particular wriie to
A. L. I'ltAld,
(ii'lieral Paasriigtr Agent
O. K. A N.Co, Portland, Ore.
A Life and Dnlh l ight.
Mr. W. A. Hinei, Maniheir, la.,
writing of his alinoat mirai-iilou e-cxi
fiom delh aay: "F.siNMure alter niea
lo IiiiIucimI Mirlou lung trouble, whlrli
ended in consumption. I had Ireijnent
Imniorrhagifa and roughed mghl and day,
All my dix'toi said ( inuxt a,Mti din.
Then I began to unj Dr. King' New Dl
covery for coimiiinptiun, which com-
plnUdy rurnd me. 1 Would not lie w Ith-
out It evin If llrosl 3.()0 a bottle.
Hundreds havn uaed It tin my reuorn
meuilatloii tixl all lay It neyer fall to
cure Tliroal, Chest and Lung trouble."
U"giilar lite oOu and 11.00. Trial bottle
free at Geo. A. Harding' Drug Hlore.
Letter List.
The following la the lial of letter re
maining in the poetolTlceat Oregon City,
Ore., on March 28 l'.Hll ;
WOatkN't i.iht.
liaker Kate K H C(H)H.r Ida Mr
Clark Mint Kaatman K C Mrs
Taylor Velonla II C Mr
Andnrwin John Johnson Win
Itaknr K M Mi Ketnet Andrew
Dynrlieo Meirlck J
Karl Harry II Newton I) K
KngllHli joinui Oitnmn John
Frymlro Mr PollHkia Mr.
Forest K KnhltiMnn K 0
Klenimiiig J Kanklna 11 V
lUqior II Wilt '
Ultima Kelly Who
Hanson duo vs
Packngo W W Hmltli.
ai:o. f. hoiuw.v, v. w.
For I'oung Men nnil Tonng rtiiincn.
There Is nothing that will arotixe the
Ire of a young man or woman so quick as
to Imvn interior laundry work put oil on
tlmin. Thny may dress ever so well,
hut if their nhlrt front nr xhlrt waist Is
nuiHHy their neat appearance la spoiled.
The Troy laundry makes a specialty of
ladies' and gentlemen's fine work.
There can be no bottor work than Is
done at the Trov. Leave your otdera at
Johnson's barber shop,