Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 29, 1901, Image 1

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    Oregon City Enterprise;
VOL. 30. NO, '20
AMUiruumwn ut,
one! mm Home ti lit city.
fall Uf "("I. '''
........at. " urei.ia,
".raa.iM". .. 4l...
11.1m. . eK.iU.
a. '! bauiln Iraaaelk4.
Iu..11. ! '
ti,fitl mi mI ! 1iaeoiii.iq
j. ' " " ' a 1 1 a I aaa It II f
L.i... ma-la fmWI
1M, anlianf '11 n furtUait,
Ik World
or omuon city.
iiui. ....
1100 ODO
Ta. ! rlM
Mai m.Ja kl.U dltooitiiltMl, MakMMil
fiiTO Pinmn
o,h i, cumn ".jTIIKY FOUND AGGIE
1W lllwn irom I Die iwpov
rir.rOUa i'c.ft,4,iuM-liui II t Uj t.4 t.aarO M..I. 29 C.ata-J.J.Mk .u.
for rialllM. tlltooi K A HallTIUM, I'raprl.tora.
Mak'r of HI rl hh'a
Opp. KiM-trU IIlUI, Mala Nl.t
C. A. Nelson,
I Iund Sewed SIioch
Made to order, f4 to
Rolrlnf hpwlallr. Duaa watte yua waif
Dramatic Capture of the Famou
Filipino leader.
I.lle' Hlio., Mal to Order, 13 and up. KubUr II1 )o ft pair.
IjIK , klt4 IUIH IlIMM kl llMlf I
.imMti.ii ir
li.nalt. !.) I la akark
p 0
utoiaim. rrt4ki
r. i. Miria cutin.
R, r It AM IN rilt.KMAM,
Gradual of North waaUrn I'olvtr-
nr KoUl hflioi'l, ('lilrego;.
A !ao American Collage of Ifcntal Murgery,
Willamette Mock, Orrgun City.
K. 1.,
Mtrat. Alt (ifkllonk
P.4ftUr Building
OrrwunCMr, Or.
('UI knt I'rltkt Klrltnr )
hem kl ntrMiniikl Mrvtcvk lo tl 10.
kkIU'tfn ll !! Virlnlljr, Prtal
ii u.iii i-l. lo ( a(ar r ft end
I krotilr diMM WI f r(f.
svaa ltn t'fn In WiikhkIU
$i!i4. i t Offlcv hciurtt lOlolI.
4 u a , m.
CfEtGoN 1 1 r Y OKK(ii)X
IIM Hkl kn4 BUktrU bight..
HtM..I,.t.... ,
nil Th" 0,,,7 KiretClM.
JJJJ Hotel in town.
-tiktk day ftrt1 upuikrdk.-
JiHtlt CAkkr.L, Troprirtmr,
ki Sella
K44li. firtdlMkkd all
klk4 ( fcvrw pad).
Harnessmaker and Saddler.
Mkln 8trt. Iwt Vourth to 4 Fifth, Oron City,
.Hrw lUrnf mi tokde la ptd4U tjli.
Repairing Harnesses a Specialty.
I I C 0. I..4.V.I
AtUrnrjri at Ijw.
tfetWrn in kll ranrik. eullvrlloni
kid toillannu of CkiaU.
F)riin ixlrai (a ol liu, land 70a nont;
k'd laml your non7 on Aral iutii.
Office In Entorprlao Dulldlng.
Or(oti CII7, Ofajun.
Laml THtennnil LttrulOfYlc)
1 liiliic n Hjclnlty
W )irtttt In kll Court of the SUU
Kuum J. Wkinhkttl ll.
fp. Court Itouac, Orron Clin, OrTcm
ul47 I'ul.ltr. AljaUkCtof.
John W. Lodor
Transacts (iim-ral hw Husint-ss
Ixarn your nmntr or lrrula niotikjr to you
t'ulliM tlotia hjmcially.
IMfur, Mrvtn'k llull.hiij(, i J. Hank of
0. W. Kaktlmm U. II. Dimu k.
Cotiiiueri-ial, Krai Kktato anil I'riv
lto I.uw, H'oialtlt'M.
Alilriti of Title ittxlc, Monry bxnrJ
Ort'goii City, Orrgin
I) a t.c. UTofKKna,
CoUNSKIjOKM at law
maim arkkkr ukkuoN city, omuon.
furni.h Atxlrartk olTHla, Uta Monay. fiirk
cla Mnru(. ami Iranaaol Oalirral
1.4 w Hualkaaa.
("J 1 1). t IIHOWNKI.I..
(fK'iii City, - - Ori'uon
Will iiracliiw In kll Hi roil r la of tlik klktn.
ill 111 Cauilnld imllilliif.
fJt f. CAM riuci.L,
Oxuhn City. Okkuon.
Will ,taitu-a In all Ilia eourla l Ihk alalk. Ol-
In t llll).'t lilll.lllUU.
jY, k- IMtKSHKIt,
Oiilmovnr M. Kitirli k'k HIim Hlork, lifkr
Hi" Itimk ol Ort'KiOty.
Oiikiiiin City, Oukuon,
AnaTMcra or rkoi'kkTT uKiaiikO.
0ffl iinl to Orotfon City KnUrnrhk.
I'p. Huntley's Drug Store,
forty yearsIxperience in
Ureat Britain and America.
it. v silififJi uiiutiiinnunw
4..VHt .1 j.tl
TTTH rtrctlully kollilt tronKt.
Wt krt T!rrl to M-rvc'you with
ivrry niuilrrn ronvrnlcncc uar In the rrofraaion, kul for kk little
RKwry kk got! wrvice tio be hkl knyajhrrc. Wt hkvt doe new hear km!
tkmark, I'n'lrrtaklng giMxIikod funrral furuUhing of every dckcrljition.
Cera and ak Uk.
Rucrkkful Kipfdltloa f Ibo
Gi-aeral U (be IIMInr I1re of
tha Wily Innarfeal.
Imperial Cllheels
Wt km 1 i:t
l!rtll W.!!l
193I Wl
ma m w
Center Bnkei
Uu hnki
Wt arc fvole Ajjrnt for the Crlrbrmtnl
Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows
and Cultivators.
We l!i3 km 1 i!c:k of PLASLT JR. SEEDERS, SPRAY S. ETC
Pope & Co.
4ihftM.inSM. OKKCiON CITY. OR., Tclrrl,o,,e 465
Makila, Mkrcb, 28. Cieneral Fr4
rkk FunaUn'k daring project for tlik
ckptnr of AguitikJ'Jo In bik biding plkcd
In lbs l'ravlnct of Ikkllk. Ultnd of
Lukjn, ba orovod completely toccekk
ful, AKuinklilo Wkk Ckptared tbr 00
March 22.
Tbt Uultml Ptatea gunboat Vlckabarg,
Coniuiandttr K. B. Harry, with (Jeneral
t'unaton and Aguinaldo on board, ar
rived bre tbii dot olng.
aguinaldo waa brought aaborc at 8:10
p. m. today and taken belora General
MacArthor at tha Malacanang Talac).
He Ulkad frei bu' kxeaml Ignorant
I concerning rex-ant avtnta. Ha appeared
, Ui ba In g jod health and u even cheer
ful. Ha Inched with the officer of
j General MkcArllmr'e ataff, and waa then
, eacorUr I 10 the Knda ktreel jail.
) Aa-oinklilo'a cai-lure waa attendel with
( cunkiJrrabla dilficolty, an inaurgent
j oiajor bttittg killed at the time of the
! event. Twenty riflee and a number of
j Important pat-re were cajitured.
j The prvviure of IakU-la, wbera the
ekptur of Aguinaldo occured, la on the
laUnd of Luitn, about 200 mllea eaat ol
Mkulla, and about 7 milea north of
Baler, 00 the aaatern coaat, which place
waa made memorable by the capture of
Lieutenant Gill mora and hia party from
the gunboat Yorktown. In April 18V9.
j lkabela Province la wild and mountaio
j oua, eepeciattj along the coaat where
I the blgh range known aa Gran Cordillera
Oriental extendi for 100 mile or more
from north to eooU,tbe bigheat poinle
J of the range being bat a few mllea from
, the ahore. Rugged traila, in aome
I placea being but a foot or two In width,
lead acroaa t o moantaina, frequently
rroaaed by ruahtng itrekmi, and where
ttifea overfl their banki, the traila are
' waiat deep in mud. It wai to tbia on
inviting diktrict that General. Fonaton
and bia kmall band went a abort time
1 ago. It waa a part of the inland tbkt
had n-vfr before been vlaited by Ameri
ran iroope.
4r Wholesale Prices,
First Corner
From Court
op nvnuY
We are prepared to execute firit-claii Printing promptly at the
loweit prlcoi conilklent with tklllful and Intelligent execution.
Your Work Solicited.
I V.'f-f
V III,, j -k.jw' - v.
mi. vrw
4 4.7A 1 X
HEN buying a shot Rim don't throw away money
by spending f 1 50 to 1 500 when for very much
less you can ouy a 1
which will outshoot any other shot gun on the market
no nutter what it costs. The Winchester Repeating
Shut t Jim Ih now made in "Take Down" style In 12
and lOnaune. ItcoinMnes rapidity, reliability and strong
shooting qualities with a price vithln reach of every
body's pockethook. For sale by dealers everywhere.
FRKEStnd namt d tJJrm on poiltlctrJ or io-ti tUtut.
WAkiiixuTON, March 28. The diepo-
altion of Aguinaldo, now that be haa
teen apprehended, will be an intereating
one for the admlnlatratlon to determine
The poaaibility of bik capture at any time
alwaya baa been kept In view and that
of bia future haa been a matter of infor
mal dieeukkion by the offlcikla here. It
j la not believed, however, that any defl
nite line of action waa ever determined
upon in regard to the matter. The atti
tude of the government for a long time
peat haa btxin one of comparative fndif
ference to Aginaldo'a capture, it having
boon deleriuined to crub the rebellion
without regard to hia whereabouts. Ilia
recent activity In directing the couree of
0eration againat the American forrea
probably brought about the recent
chainre in tbia altitude.
But On Supply Itrpul.
Waiiinoto!(, March SW. Klative to
tbe claim" of aeveral citiea on the Tactile
Coast (or the privilege of being the point
of shipment of troopa and supplies to the
Philippines, Secretary Koot said that it
waa iieccaaary to maintain a laige ter
minal plant for government transports
and it was not possible to maintain more
than one on the I'acitlo Coast. General
Bird, of the quartoriuaU)r'e department,
after a thorough Investigation, haa found
that troops could be rent from 8an Fran
cisco more advantageously tiian by the
northern route from the cities of the
North raeifid. The secretary said that
other porta would be utilised for ship
ment of supplies w henever it was found
advantageous to the government to do so.
HliiR-vr llernmnn 1'iira.y.
Wasiiinoton, March 20. The Even
ing Times says the manner In which
Western men are urging the retention of
Cominiiwioner Hermann indleatea that
there is a probability of a change. It
speak of the friction it,wen Secretary
Hitchcock and the commissioner as one
of the cause for tbe proposed change,
The suguHlion Is alo made that Director
Merriain, of the census, will succeed
Hermann, Inn this is not likely. It a
change Bhoiild occur, it is believed a
Western man will be selected.
Recent experiments show that all
classes of foods may be completely di
gested by a preparation called Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di
gewts what yon eat. As it Is the only
combination of all the natural diiiestants
ever devised the demand for it has be
come enormous. It has never tailed to
cure the very worst cases of Indigestion
and it always gives instant relief. Q.
A. Harding.
I)trU4 of IUIIrna! Paaa.
HroKAMt, Wksh., March 28. Hia'
Senator Herman I) Crow, of Hp.kkne.Ja
republican, hkk been deprived r.f his
Great Northern annual pas. The attor
ney of tb company wrote him to the ef
fect that aa Crjw had failed to oppoae
antl-railroad legislation lo the legiilalore .
the company desired the return of lb
free transportation given blui. Crow
makes the adiniikion himself. He slate
thkt hi contention Ihls apring that tb
railroad eipected no favors of regulators
enjoying free transportation was baaed
on untenable grounds. He has sent a
check to tb Great Northern covering
tbe full far for the on trip he made on
the pa, going to and coming from
Olymp a. Crow Is aa ardent supporter
of John L. Wilson.
blaaarfor MlUhall.
WASiiiaoToir, March 2ft. ftenktor
Mitchell baa returned from New York,
and Is at tb Dewey, where be will re
main two wetki, atundmg to depart
ment bualne, 1 efor returning to Ore
gon, fia to relay evening, a dinner was
given bin by Nathaniel McKay, which
waa attended by Commiaaluner Her
mann, kepreaentative Groavoor, Du k
and other member of c-.i graaa.
"Bob" Paol, Sharlff.
Tixaox, Aria , Mkrcb 20 "Bob Taul,
a noted sherirT and peace officer of Ari
tona and California for 30 years, died:
this morning, aged 77. l'ao'. a deputy
aheilflof Calaveraa cMinty, California,
broke up a notd band of desperadoea.
led by Tom IWII, aud which included
Hpanlah John and Bill White, notorioua
bad men In Cklifornla iu XH. In Ari
tona I'aul captured a gang of trainrob-
berk bo held up a Southern Pacific
train at Stein's Pea, 10 year ago. He!
waa fearlee aa an officer, and bad many
thrilling experiences and a nomber of
narrow cap.
Ilrebig Destra; the IrwelUng af a
Tag Married laaple.
Last Mooday at tb Electric hoUl,
Judge Kven officiated at the marriage of
Mia Kat Uaogb and Ed ekirvin, both
of Marqoam. While tb young couple
was at Portland on a wedding tour,
their bonne at Marqoam was burned to
the ground. It Is said that somebody
set fire to tb boo-. . Tbe propctive
husband bad furnished a hooae complete
before marrying, only to find that it had
been destroyed.
Soaraturjr Cnrtotysa at Work on tbe
Nw Yoait, Mari h 25. Mr. Cortelroo,
secretary to the president, probably will
have the Itinerary of the presidential
trip lo the Pacific Coast com pie ed in a
few days, says the Waahinglon corres
pondent of the Triban. He has been
working on it, with tbe asaia'.ance of
railroad men, for more than a week.
No definite detail of tbe itinerary will
be glren out until the work I finialnd,
farther than that tbe president and bia
cabinet will go to California by tb
Southern route, making tbe Oral long
stop st New Orleans, May 2 or 3. and re
turn by the Northern route and visit tb
Pan-American Exposition at BorTato
before coming back to Washington.
Preaident MrKloley and bia cabinet
officer will be accompanied by tbeir
wives and other members of their
A second section of the president
train going to California will carry
nearly all the member of the Ohio dele
gation In congress and other diktin-
golsbed Oh loam, including Governor
Nkkb, w bo go to witness the launching
of the new ba'tle-ahip Ohio, at th
Union Iron Works, which built th
battle sldp Orexon. Senator nanna an
nounced yewterday that be will be
unable to go. He expert to return to
Cleveland aboat May 1 to look after
bi boinea affair,
Parmer for ftrhol Reform.
OuiKoaH. Wis., Mrcb 21. The 400
farmers representing all parts of Winco Dr
ain, in attendance on the annual WUcon
in Farmers' institute, resolved in favor
of country training school accordion to
tb plan fortnoltaed by Bute Superin
tendent Harvey townahip high schools,
with special conraee in agriculture and
domeaiic economy ; uniform system of
textbooks throughout lb country school
of th Ute, and higher wage and longer
tenor of tbe Country school teacher.
The fanner allege that step mast be
taken to prevent the eon and daughter
of rural commonitie from drifting away
front the farm and home influence, and
that the ahov amendment in tb school
ayaiem will do it.
Counterfeited DeWitt' Witch Iiasel
Sal T are liable lo cause blood poisoning
Leave tbetn alone. Th original bk
tb nam IeVitt' upon tb box and
wrapper. It is a harmless and healing
salve for ikin diaeaees. UueqaalW for
pile. G. A. Harding.
Does Your
Baking Powder
Alum ?
Prof. Geo. F. Barker, M.D., University of
Penn.: "All the constituents of alum remain
(from alum baking powders) in the bread, and
the alum itself is reproduced to all intents and
purposes when the bread is dissolved by the
gastric juice in the process of digestion. I re
gard the use of alum as highly injurious."
Dr. Alonzo Clark: "A substance (alum)
which can derange the stomach should not be
tolerated in baking powder."
Prof. W. G. Tucker, New York State
Chemist: "I believe it (alum) to be decidedly
injurious when used as a constituent of food
Prof. S. W. Johnson, Yale College: "I
regard their (alum and soluble alumina salts)
introduction into baking powders as most dan
gerous to health."
In view of such testimony as this,
every care must be exercised by
the housewife to exclude the over
and over condemned cheap, alum
baking powders from the food.
Baking powders made from cream of tartar, which
is highly relined grape acid, are promotive ot health.
. and more efficient No other kind should be used
in leavening food. Royal Baking Powder is the
highest example of a pure cream of tartar powder.