OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1001. t 1HV V N CURKESrONJ. At Our correspondent wl In article before Wcilr (ml ach for i. .i i i. irt publication. Willu.li Wiuioit, Mar. 3. fiiill it Winn. Ben Wade was visiting relative! in eVott Town last wHk. Mr Sarah Churchill ha gone to Cmwell to visit herunt. Messrs. Haua inl Dn tn were doing buines at (he countv seat lat week. Mr. and Mr. Churchill, of Sleepy Hollow, were visiting in thii nation last Thursday. Mr Vorhciiand Mr. Grosbong were doing business in Scott Town Unt week. C B. Wade.ol Scott Town,- was visit ing relatives in this neighborhood Milt week. Borinn- Horincs, Mar. 4. News is soared but mud in plentiful, and everylodv must give that the legislator passed some gnod laws and if it was at a late hour, elected a United State! Senator, with whom everybody is pleated. Measles have been having their run attain in Borings, being now in the fain ilyot Rev. O.P. Rich. Mine Pearl Birdsell had the misfor tune to have her pony (all ahile riding h irt time ago, injuring her back qnite severely. She is able to be out once ruoie. 0 M. Richy made a trip to the neigh' b rhood of Sandy last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Hit-key and daughter, Mrs, Hamilton, of Colorado, passed through lkiringi last week and stopped to visit old friends and relatives. Veicch Brothers have been busj haul ing potatoes to Portland of late. W. II. Borings and family attended quarteily meeting at theM.E. church at Damascus Suuday. Miss Koa etscb was visiting at Kelso last Saturday evening. Mr. P. Vetsch is thinking of starting to raice sheep in the near future. Highland highland, .Mar. o rrora all fy?ns spring is here, Uud are puttiug forth. the grass is starting and the crocus is in bloom Nat Scribner has cleared and broke tea acres of new ground. He and his wife leave next week for a logging camp thirty tniie west of Portland to spend the Rummer. y Hoi ley North is clearing land for Jen nie M) field. Looks awfully suspicious, Holley. Earl Hntchinson left Weduesday for I'oiiUnd to engage tn business during the summer. Jacl; Wallace and Fred Mad-ton. our wide-awake merchants, leave soon for eastern Oregon . 0 0 0 Nature Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi; cine. If they do not thrive I on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. COD LIVER OIL WW HYPOPHOSPMES or LIME soda 1 will generally correct this I difficulty. If you will put from one- fourth to half a teaspoor.fut in baby's bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the I baby, she needs the emu!- sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. 50c. and $1.00, all druggiitt. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. III! It III I-II I II l II Mo u Joe Wallace, our energvtlo mWman, has a new plainer In liii mill ami it now ready to furnish hii patrons with all kinds o( llrt-clasa lumber, lie also lias puri'haiHHl a 1300 team. Jesse danl is down trom Sumptcr visiting friends and relatives. Mcsrs. Tullack A Mitchell will erect new Jwelling houses this summer. Several in the community have the grip, but we are glad to say all are bolter. Bins. , Stonk, Mar. 4. Such weather as we had Sunday proved that spring is here. Miss Hunter has been visiting Miss Stewart the past week. Today, both the young ladies leave for Brownsville. Mrs. J. L. Mumpower started Tues day morning lor Crescent City, Cal., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Annie Underwood. The Holcomb school house was crowded to its fullest capacity Sunday, where Elder Woogyard of Portland held services. A farewell part v was tenderei Mirs Hunter and Mias Steatrt by Mrs. John Matton on Saturday evening. The evening was pleasantly spent in music and irarues. At 11 o'clock a delightful lunch was served and the guest de parted, wishing Mus Hunter and Miss Stewart a pleasant journey. Mrs. 0. E. Sprague and Owen Hatton were visiting their sister, Mrs. E. K. Dart, of Molalla, the past week. QarStld. (.iaamui, Mar. 5. Several are having the grip. Some are quite sick but none serious. Crops look fine, especially fall-sown grain. The meadows are quite green and outside stock care little to come home to dry feed, showing there is good feed outaide. Mr. Horner and wife have sold their farm at the Eagle Creek falls and moved into the H. Palmateer'i new house to care for it during bis absence Our Sunday school at the Irvan school house is the banner Sunday school un der the management of an efficient superintendent, Sirs. Wm. Holder. The average attendance is 43. The Rev. G. P. Rich, of Kelso, preaches once a month to an atteutive audience. Tli? two saw mills are running ful blast at present. - Mrs. Pearl Stevens and husband of Mt. Tabor, were visiting at the home of her parents, R. Q Palmateer. and Jther relatives and friends of her girl hood days. The returned home Satur day. The Misses Leman'a gave a delightful evening party the evening of March 1st. to which all the young people were in vited and as they are champion enter tainers, all who were invited felt they were highly favored to be numbered among such a happy throng, there were about thirty persons present and the evening was very enjiyably spent in games and tocial chat, interspersed with instrumental music and songs by the Garfield Glee Club. At midnight a fine repast was spread of so many good things to eat that space will not permit of mentioning all, to which the guests did ample justice. All enjoyed them selves so much that they were loath in going home. At 2 a. m. the company bade the hostess goodnight, wishing them many more such happy evenings. Coltoa Coltox, Mar. 2. The Freeman's are having a tassel with the measles, all the family being down with thenr but t'.e father, who has the rheumatism. B.C. Palmer and JoeCarlxon left on the first for Washington, where they will work in the lumber camp Mioses Lull) and Beulah viuited their cousin, Veva Robeson, hutt Sunday. Eighteen of Cotton's young folks met at the Press Boniy ranch last Sunday evening and Happy Hollow resounded w ith their joyous laughter until a late hour. C. E. Gorbett, of Crane, returned home last week. Wm. Bonny had a log rolling contest last week but the logs were not rolled on account of the rain. The literary society will meet tonight for the first time in the new hall. The dance last week was enjoyed by all. O.rua. Cabi'8, Mar 4. March came stealing in upon us in a gentle, reassuring way. We trust that he will not deceive us and pass out roaring and bliwtering about like the proverbial lion. We are informed that after prolonged and bitter opposition, the Fanton road is an aseured fact The amount of dam ages demanded by certain parties has seemed unreasonable to the majority interested in the road and has been the bone of contention. It is reported that the Griffiths place has been traded off to parties in Minne sota. E. D. Grogory is the present tenant. Last Thursday A. 0. Hay ward made the purchase of the John Duffy cottage at the head of Seventh street in Oregon City. A certain party in this vicinity is mak ing earnest efforts to have certain mem-1 " wroim 0s Ptorom reffar Ing my mm, mnd rwhrod m prompt rmpfy, trooS " I endured nearly four years of suffer ing." writes Mrs. tL. Myers, of 'aKaiugUm.W.Va., "rained principally 'J from improper toed. V K ai iiwuiva a 1 1 rv 1 thai liirth of a child. and female weak aeta, rvsultiajr, in a complication of dis eaars. Had a terri ble cough and aa inrtxunt pain and trenaa in lung. Waa reduced in flesh from I'M pound to about loo pounds in eighteen mouth. 'I bad no appetite, and became weak and nervous I could scarcely ait up. I doctored with our home physician for two years with no benefit, I was finally induced to try lr. Pierce's medicines. I wrote to Doctor Pierce rtgudlng my case, and re ceived a prompt reply, free, advis ing the proper medicine for my case. After taking four bottle of Ir. Pierce's Favorite Vrtac riotion and four of his ' Golden Medical Discovery, three do each day, also taking one hot tie of I. Pierce' Compound listractof Smart-Weed and some of hi ' Pellets, I ceased coushing, ami am "tils' fnvtng spitnJiJ ktitltk an J AjtuiA Mtf fivt founds in ighi. I again feel like my former self, thanks to Ir. Herce and his great medicine." SUM wn art inviltd h tntt Dr. Imt by Utter FREE. All (vrrtspond- tnn saardiv confidential ana all uvm anty con Mencn emirJed 6y stri,t proft- jiimal pritvti. Addrtu Or. Ji. V, ber of his family arrested. He ha reached an age when it would seem beet and happiest (or all concerned, if he would submit all matters of labor and finance to the younger generation am! the wife who faithfully guard his in tereat. School meeting in district No. 29, is to be held this Monday evening. It peeled to elect a new director in place of Victor Ericon, retiring, and a clerk. Itpls La. Matli Lake, March 4. Sirs. Robert McBride and Mrs. Albert Bryant, of Sunnyeide, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mauts. George Sbortledge has gone to Marsh land, where he has secured employment, 8. Bailey visited his brother at Beaver Creek Sunday. Miss Elsie Gibbs completed a term of school at Claika Friday and returned home the same day. She was given a reception by a number of her friends Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Straiuht and Miss Mollis Hankins and Harry Eyerhart, of Oregon City, were visiting at Thos. Davies Sunday. F. Waltemathe, who has been staying mg in California for the past few months, arrived "home last week. The Mies Jackson, Miss Laura and Clarence Willians, accompanied by Mi Martha Marhn, of Beaver Creek at tended a dance at the home of Mr. and Sirs. Cha. Spangler, of Cams, Friday evening, given in honor ot Miss Edith Jackson's eighteeth birthday, Mias Freta Call ban returned honi from Portland Saturday after an extend' ed stay with her grandmother, Mrs, A. Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. Myo Brayton, of Stafford visited with relatives in this vicinity last week. Miss Blanche Wilcox, of Oregon City) is the guest of ler cousin, Sirs. J. U, Davie. i Mr. and Mrs. 8. Robb spent a portion of lat week with their dU(hter in Ore gon City. At the annual school meeting, March! 4, J. C. Dixon waa elected as director for three years and F. Cramer was elected clerk for one year. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneeriuiness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kld- neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect ot Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- fL, cent and one dollar ftfTXTfcLf.Fb sizes. You may have a lirf!1-iH'!jii sample bottle by mall iJiglrJ iree, aiso pampmet tell-. Bona of Swamp Rom Ing all about it, Including? many of th , thousands of testimonial letters received It from sufferers cured, in writing ur. Kllmei & Co., Blnghamton, mention this paper. N 8Ur0 an!i 1 an!, t J " n ; ' life I.ewla Pavle, who has Ix-on quite sh k 1 ennvalesneut, Goorge Mauls has gone down the Col umhla to work. MIIUlHil. Surma, March 4 Mr. WwlW, of Stafford, spent yesterday at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Stelner in this neigh borhood. Mr, Barton Cum 111 1 11 and Mias Lottie Saeiiar, both estimable young 0lri ot this vaiilukly, were married last Wednesday. We wish them well. Mrs, E. F.Ginther went to Portland during the week. , Mis Carrie tfliuM ha gone to Oregon City to work. Philip Masolnger I going to Mllwaukie to work during the spring and summer, Our postmaster, U. A. Sbuhol is laid up with lumbago. Koine of our school teacher hava re tinned home, Martin Maaalnger, who has been teaching In Marys 1II0 district for the past five month, and Kotwrt Uinlher, who ha been teaching In Oak Grove, have both returned. Kev. Copley ha begun a series of protracted meetings la the Evangelical church. Farmers are busy sowing spring grain. School election took place today, Everything paed along smoothly Godfred Moehnke was elected director and Stephen Huchlnsou was elected clerk. Robert Ginther has been selected to teach the spring term of 0I100I. Vlalrurd f"TrroD, Match 0 March came roaring like a lion, but quieted down a meek as a lamb. Bluebird made their appearance yeaterday. So ing winter oat I tli order of the day. The annual school meeting resulted In the re election of Wm. Schata, a direc tor and C. F. Polivka, aa clerk. Samuel Mayer tendered hi resignation aa direc tor and John (j. Gage was elected to Alt the vacancy. Sain. Mayer has sold hi 60-acre farm to a man by the name of Hchmitke (or f :,750. Mr. Mayer and family will move toOdenaa, Wash. Mr. Weolfle received 14,000 for bis farm of 101 acres. Hi woodchopper are being laid, off as fast as the wood can be measured, and many are disposing of their shacks and tools at a very low figure. Mr. Jaater, now a resident ot The Dalles, is spending a , week with old acquaintances. Miss Alice Downing closed a very sue- remfol term of school lat Fridry, . A pleasing program was rendered. Super intendent tluaer was present and gave many weft selected remarks. A set ot Chamber' ' Encyclodia, and eome other similar book were presented to the school ss a nucleus -sround which to build a library. J. Q Gage was called uikjii to say a few wotds to the school concerning same, to which he responded, Going back 25 ytars be gave a word picture of schools as they actually were at that time. The , disadvantages of early school In a new cotwitry ; spoke of the advancement in supplies tor the school room and the up to date meth od of leaching, and closed by payiug a fitting tribute to the set of books Just placed in the hands of the school. Mr. Gage, being known a a declalmer In days gone by, was again called to the front to render one of hi old-time reci tations, he filled the bill by restating "Darins Green and his Flying Machine" much to the amusement of all preaent. A week's vscation will be taken when Mihs Downing will commence the spring term at a salary of o0 a month. Far School Director. Below is given a list of citixens of Ore gon City who name Dr. Strickland as their choice for school director. To M. C. Strickland. M. D: We, the undersigned taxpayers and patrons of school district Ho. 0'.', recog nizing your high personal standing, and xcellent qualification for the office of school director, and deeming it to the best interest of the public schools of Oregon City, respectfully petition yon to permit your name to come before the public as a candidate for director of school district No. C2. D C Latourette' Chas Alurlght Jacob Cassell Ceo A Harding W M Shank VV II Wilson A Mosier I'O Hiark G II Young F A Miles W II Young Q W Grace A Hohertson It W Brown Francis Welch Chas M Mason O fl Wishnrt J W Blaney Geo Keddawoy OW Eastham F Ely II M Harnden R D Wilson C W Tope T 8 Lawrence W II Howell VV Ram bo John W Kelly CKNobllt , J Trwmbath Tom P Cowing Jr C II Logus J A McUlashan E N Wells Like Oliver Twist, chrildren auk for more when given One Minute Cough Cure. Mothers endorse it highly fur croup. It quickly cures all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble. a a specific for Kr one and asthma ftn,i haa lonir been IL WmII known ramaU for whooping cough. O, A, Harding. I I I I I Z I -I I J I II I I -J I C I J I 1 I 1 U L J UU UU Ll U Family Modlolnoo. Cough Honey, KidiiBy m' BsckscliB, inrf CUHU Blood and Liver and Nerve Tonic Orat Blood Clsanaint Rnidv for Iprlnf . lUadacha, CuuatlyalluD,' Tlrad," WaMoua, Dyspepsia Cure, Golden Relief: St, Vitus' Dance Aik jwur druiKtat for Almanac for 101 ronUlnlni tfaacrlptlona ef tb Kamadlesaad Cruiki.aus of U most rtmarkabl cuxts svtr acii4 by lusdivio. For Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist, Oregon City, Or. I'rio Acid In the Mood Caue Khuutlui, Sciatica, (lout and Nurlgia ..Tho Ilex Itheunuilic King. reinor the raue. A written guarantr wih each ring In return your m iy In SOdiyalf not entirely aatitfactoiy. 1'Kh'K :'.i0. A ixiatt-l rard vlil bung our illtlrt hooklet that tells the story. Addrraa, K.ldby UKXKIIKLMATICCO, Kl'Stta'iaTKM A Asnasas.t. Ihrtturd, Conn. Oregon City, Oregon rkrj ' (Communicated) Nou of the Institutions of our city are mora Ihousbt of than the Young Men's Christian Association. Considerable an eaaliiM ha two Irlt by It friend for sms time rt, a to the final dii- itioa of Its property and even a to It life. Approximately .1,(X0 I od on bill Incured In MN-uring the PteMiit prurty and it equipment. Although the mattvr has not been made public, strong and buaineaalik ef Torts have bo made for the lt four moiitli to ptc the association on a permanent bai. Th following sub scription lav bt-tin made: WHUnv ette l'olp and I'aprr Company, 1 4t( ; Crown l'er Company, I'urtland General Klectrlo Company, Tort- land Flouring Mill, l.'.'iil. Tlieae ul. scription are, boa ever, conditioned up on the Oregon City Manufacturing Com pany subscribing .'.0, nd the raising of 1 1, CO) more in the rouimutiliy . Tho) acquainted with the inanage- mei.l ol the woolrn mill have no doubt of it action on the matter. Through the illneas of ono of Its dirrctor ilia coin pan)' Ixjaril ha not twen able to met to paa upon the matter. Tint thrae repreiutntativa firms should back th association In socb amounts ahnw moit clearly the oiilon in which it I coming to be held by Itialnea men all over the country. A lonng Mon's Chriatlan Aaaociation in a city the site of Oregon City Is nothing short of a nect'twity, if it keeps in any way ahreaat of the time. It is the diapoailioii of the Hoard of Dirtrlor to reduce the Indelitednes to not more than $1,000 and If pomrihle V0Q, and to, also, fully eijuip the association building for an aggrelve and up to date work next season. The policy at present Is to conduct the work at a minimum of exiHinse. Cold fi.eel Or Death. There Is but one small chance to save your life and that II through an op eratlon," waa the awful prospect set be fore Mrs. I, B. Hunt, of Unit llidge. Wl , by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful rase of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on th marvelous power of Elec tric Hitters to cure Ktoniach and Liver troubles, but she heard of It, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided sur geon's knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It's positively guar anteed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kid ney troubles and 'never disappoints. Trice 50u at Geo. A. Harding' drug store. Their promptneNS and their pleasant elTucUiimke D-Witt's Little Early Risers inoKt popular little pills wherever they are konwn. They are simply jHitfoct for liver and bowel troubles. (1. A, Harding. A good talker isalways dolighted when he encounters good listunor. A Convincing Answer. "I hobbled Into Mr. Blackmon's drug store one evening," says Wesley Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga., "and tie asked tno to try Chamberlain's Tain Balm for rheu matism with which 1 had a tillered fur a long time. I told him I had no faith In any mndiclno as they all failed . He said : Well if Chamberlain's Tain Balm does not help you, you need not pay for It.,' I look a bottle of it homo and used it ac cording to the directions and in one week I was cured, and have nut since been troubled with rheumatism." Sold y 0. A. Harding, i l IU llll For Ooughi, Colds, Grip, or "Cold" In ANY PART of by. I'oi M4N. Mil li OT, Jim. t3sx,sM!s br. i'nnr kldiisy and HarNaih Durs vt im aperr.! cum. J. M l h inftiv Tim vrr silo I had wi'M' attach of tr.l .lH a mu Miaul nIwm, Iim urIii I'M I'll ikiii inn 1111 111 ailfinli'd nil. I (lion bluod and anil .'I'lired 111V hi'ml aii'l lm it "'"'" mhm'w Iiu lur arvernl iimIiI' wniwmi r liaik U.ltlr ff Ir. ran nnar Llvsr Hamad Dd Mrv T011IO al" e,iiii.li ioi ur. Iiatianaa. mTiiih smohii, Kjr , H.'il. t. lu. alfalfa lna aultKml km with iltaitotial, I Irfi ij all i'f llm "'paln ir'iarnUiiaa ami all if mr ti !'" rlinlnna Hln.iit avail. I Snallv iiff rfairllinl llm uavnl 11 VI, riann v jmyymtm n( It erTix l ai'iim. Many Cur anil Mm (iilicr alinlUr raar thai !' I, HI tlllllKf III I'lMllllc'll twcil CMMil ! lila twim t tirti. I'r. V. J. I aaamii ,la l')r- Mr ler Vt Ki-nnrr. VmliNila. N. V- I laa UM1 Vr faanar UutdaR Rllf fur hiaiiV jraara fur lh illaw ami .-. I.lnila '..f wlili h It la ailvrtil ami nana louuu it ully eniial Ut all u rUlm f. r " t raiding Cldt'r II. ciiurch. Daad for Cut. Vrula, Burns. 014 lrti, nralna Colila. (IrtD. Sor Throat, (olio. I liytaotary, Bovtl Trouniaa. 11 aaiainnf. ifv,iu.. Jaa , a Inn m rrs(. rmtuM a v -j. k... k.l. a.a a.-M "r St VlH. Ianr rlr ,.4 ...tl k I H II It I... ). a ... - l I 1 m 1 1, ' .1 .i TUB rtriin A!U IKAI IU (VltK Mill CATARRH at CATARRH Ely's CreaniEih V.y.iafl Kaar wut hi. as -nla l la H' Wa.f ahnrMt. im Haiiri al oa, llaaia ajul lu th M.n rana. IimImm U, Saaaul Taat m4 SmiU ( iaa, 4 trtia a4 iM'irr'tlanf i.r Vi4 lc.u t inail kl.Y UHn'liaita.MWan)ua.l TosrKt Car. Tb tourlat rais, Ilk a npper In country Iowa, rwrUinly "Oil a long fell want" . A cool, (lean, well ventilated sleeping car, qoally, free from lb) dis comfort of the vld faahlotivd paangr ctMM-It and lbs atufTy brt of Iht over luxuriously Upholstered tlraing room and si eplr.g rant, and at a muter au extra fie, bailrel th problem of pro viding attractive srvoriiinoilatloiia for th general public. The O. It. A N.;Co. ronlhreof tlinw car dally Ijtween Tortland and th Fait A irtnr I In charge of each car to look atrr the wants and comfort of th pawr-ngni. For rate ami particular arlt to A.LlllMH, (itinera! Taaarligrr Agnnt O. It. A X. Co, Tortland, Ore. OAHTOniA. BatU yf IX IH ttl Hut knit Rx;t Biftatuf f im A 1,0V lit. lias turned with dlagtiat from an otherwise lovable girl with an oireiiilve breath, Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by lU action on the bowels, etc., ss nothing else will. Hold for years on absolute guarantee. Tries 25 eta, and 60 eta, 0. G. Huntley the Druggists. When some men think they are think ing they are only killing time. ""voi'iiti ir." IftSbiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold fur the small price (it Zr cents and 50 rents and f 1.00, dims not cure take the botlls hack and ws will re fund your money. Hold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Tries 28 cen and 60 cents. CO. Huntley, tho Drug gist. w ur. Pinions Cough and nsumption cure Thlils bcynnd nuoatlon tlx rniiat luorraaful Cmi(h MmlU fin ver known to acl.nc, a Irvt (Iowa Invnrluhly cur th worn, nana of Cough, Croup ami htonvhltls, whlla It wn. tierliil siirrraa In th eura of C1111.11m11il.1n la without a par tlsllntliehlat.iryi.f ma.llrina. hliK lis fliat UU.overy It haa bn a.. 1. 1 on Kuura.lit.-a, ttit which no otfinr nedlcfno can atan.1. If y hnv a CoiiKh, i earnaatly salt you totrylt. In Unltil fimiraan.l ( nniuta trie., hoc, and $ l.im, anil In Kngland Is. Hd,, lis. ikl. and SOLE PROPRIETORS LEROY, W HAMILTON i vjaWSBBvajaai tl For sale byO. U.lluutley.