Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 15, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Hntcrprisc
i . i - - '- " " - "
1. 1 AVI
(Couch fit.)
7:00 At Mi
743 .
10 45
1113 P. Mi
3 5
4 cm
4 45
I'4 .
k yt onlr to
10 w only lo
7:(S A. M.
r.y .
11. ) r.
4 50
5 31
(l.ao onlr to
11:30 only to
PicKWirii tlmr. Mra. Win. Adair,
an anI Uiljr living at Mhnmain, U aald
(a I lUiinefoiialjr U k with grip. Mr.
Adair I tha inothnr o( CmMy Coiuiul
Iuiut Killcii't wilu.
Mh. llri.Mn'i I. acre. Jay Wil
liam llodaotl dnllvortxl lilt Imlurt on
Ilia I'aMlon I'lay, at tha Cotiii'i'k'alloiial
church Uat Monday nlicht, Tlili U Ilia
woiid Id Ilia IIIkIi MiouI Irclur root.
('01 at AiJotaai Thai n-gtilar Feb
ruary term ol llio county court whirl
iut Wlnrly of laai nark, aiJotirnd
Monday, after having iraiiaat-t! tha
Wlno ol Hit lerin. chlolly ir-latln
road matter.
Iiai at CH4M Mra. Tata, ho
with Ur aon, cama toCanamah laat (all
from Kanaa, dliwl at tha formar lar
laat Sunday mornliiK. I lr iloalli a
quit iddr ami a ! to hnart fall
ura. Ilor funeral ociurrnl Monday af
ternoon. WoitiM noma' I'av !. Ial Mon
day a ay day In lha ood camp on
tha Tualatin anl a great many of the
man rame to town to hoy riaaol hava
holiday. Thar ara aaveral hundred
man employ! In thea came nd tha
ay roll If eonatjarmbla.
Ma. lloia tn. Mr. M. J.
Kon, one of ibaaarly arttUra of Ora
tjon, liil at her homo at Currliiavllla,
lat Monday niornlim alter a long airk
neaa. Fha waa C& yeara ol J and hail hen
a raaldeitt ol lh la action ainre 13,
hlio lear huahanJ and ona rhilj.
I T tt Away. Whlia mii'ipd In
teaming at Maruam, one day laat week,
1. 1), Urklna' team Urania) frltfhtonad
and ran away. Mr. Urkln waa thrown
'o tha ground and toof Martha wera
.rokan. At laat aocoiinU ha waa real
itiB ey and hi reeovary will aoon U
fATi Na Hawpv. Ir D. 8ta
in, who recently came to thla
f Irom Calllornla, haa loratad near
. Ha wa In town Tur-aday and
od hlmaelf with tha Knlarprleo
..'eekly Oreu'mlan (or year'a read
. Mr tstcphanaon will piov a valu
j . iulltion to tha county.
1 'it Ilia Uo.-EJ I'rM.olT, a
7 man who waa employed In ona of
llli of Urn city, had tha misfortune
: I down a flight of ataira while at
- t lat Haturday, and break one of
,m. He alto got aotne ngty bruitei
. the head and face. He waa
lit Into the city where he received
;l treatment, and ia now getting
I very well.
ja. Mattiiiku Dead. Mrt. Koaa
it Matthlou an Oregon pioneer who
t with her parouta to thlt country
ty V 'V y y y
The First Shipment of
from the prnvlnra of Manatoha In 1H,'!H,
died at Imr home In ISultevllln, Tuoaday,
aged 7U yeara, Klin waa marrlnd In IHI.1
and waa tha iiiollmr of 15 chlldien, 10 of
whom are till living, One of har dangle
(era, now dnceaned, waa the wife of
county rai ordnr T. I. Kendall, of lliU
Ma Miktinu I.akt Fiir. A eld
(ona iiiHaa lumitliig waa held In the i lly
hall laat Friday night for the purpoafl of
dnvlalng and dlMtuaalng amendinnnla to
tha city charter, looking to a reduction
of the clly'e aapendlluraa. A gxl many
plana were dlwuaan hut no action waa
taknn on any of thorn. The mayor and
council hare proinlaed that the clly'a
aipnuwia thli year aliall be kept within
the receipt, and In order to do thla It
will he nncaeaary to make retrench
meitta aomewhere, but It la a lllllo diffi
cult to diitoruilno at uat what poiot It U
lcat lo tiegln the pruning. 1
Marmikii lAar Kiaiuv. February
liHh at the home of Ilia bride on 3rd and
JottWaon atreet, I.. Kirk of I It'll I, Ore
Hon, to Mra. Jennie Willlarna. Thegueale
aMmhlm) at & o'clock and at 0 o'clock
tha marriage ceremony waa preformed
by Itav. It. A. Atklna, of the M. K.
Church ol thla city. The roomi were
decorated with Ivy and ()rejn grape.
A dellcl'u lunch waa ecrved. Thoe
pmaent were Mr. and Mra. It.' F. Mc
Millan, Mr. and Mra. (tiltwrt Kinder,
I Mra. Luther Moore, Mr. Frneat Itanda,
Mlaa Leonora Willlarna and Harry Will
lama, eon and daughter of the bride.
Arraaxoo TaA.-I.aat Thuraday after.
nou, Mra. (1. W. (trace gave a delight
ful tea party to a number of her frlemU.
J In honor of her aialer, Mlaa Gertrude
Fein-lough. A arlal feature of the af
(erncon waa Instrumental niulc by Mlaa
Falrcloiigh. At five o'clock an elaborate
lumhen waa aerved. Thoe prevent
were: Mia-ea (ieorgia (irac, (iertrude
Falrcloiigh and Janla Luelllngr' Mea.
damea W. II. Howell, A. Lonlling, A.
Heaman.d. W. Church, T. Miller, B.
Alldrrdge, II. M. OlUin, K. Shaw, L
Cole, Jennie May, 0. W. (Irace, N. Mun
eey, Foetar, IieaulleU. .
Forao PaAO. Word waa brought to
thla city laat Haturday morning that
(Uofife and Frank Ogleebr, roung men
ot the nelghlMjrhoud, had found the
ilea. I body of J. L. Cochran lying In the
county road between Aurora and Netvly,
In thla county, lata Friday evening.
Coroner Strickland accompanied by
Attorney John W. Loder, went to the
place, and held an lnijuel on the re
main. The verdict of the coroner 'e
Jury waa that death waa due to al hol
iam. On the 11 of the deceaee.1
were found a conalderable euin of money
and varlou other articlea. Cochran waa
In Oregon City rrlday, and while here
trammeled fooaidarebla buaineaa, among
other thing he bought a farm. He waa
a native of lVnnylvanla; had eight
children, one of whom Uvea in thla
county and tha other In the eaat.
JO to 1100 to loan on chattel or per
aoual eecurlty. Mmli k k Kalliain, a gt.
Irrafncaa Cannot be ( nrrd
by local application, M Hie cannot
reach the diaeaaed orlloiia ol the ear.
There la only one way to tore deafneea,
and that la by constitutional nMncdiue.
IWneae la cauned by an inflamed con
dition of the niucoti lining of t ha Ku
alachlan TuImj. When thla tube gela In--flutiKxl
you have a rumbling aound or
Imperfect licatliii,, and when it ia entirely
cloeod dvafneaa ia the rvault, and unlcn
the Intimation can be taken out and tin
tubo real or ed to Ita normal condition,
hearing will be dealroyed forever; nine
caaea out of ten are cauaed by catarrh,
which la nothing but an InfUmed condi
tion of the tmmooa aurfacca.
We will give One Hundred Hollar for
any cane of Dvafneaa (canned by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Haifa Catarrh
Pura. Kund for rlrciilnr. free.
F. J. CHKNKY & CO. Toledo, O.
Sold bv drtigglnU. 7ik.
1 lall'i'Famil v 1'iU are tha bent.
y a iya-Br-yer-Tyi
IIom8 From Viit. Pivld KoteN';n, a
prominent farmer living on Mill Creek
above Union Mill, waa In thla city Tua
ily on hla way home from an extended
v lull wild hi ion Onorgn, Frank and
Charley, who are engaged In logging and
atockralalng near (Mraii'lur, Wanlilng
Ion. Mr, Koheaon aay the hoyi ara all
doing well over there and are dnllghted
with that country. Mr. Itoleoii came
l) Oregon City In IH.VI, and with the n-
caption tit a low yean ipent In the eaat,
haa live ! in thla country ever alnce. He
U 70 yeara old hut ia a hale and apry ai
many men ol 4't, and thlrika nothing of
walking from thla city to hi home.
Had Too Mien Hoo, A man who
had Imbibed, not wlnely but too mnch,
o( the esileratlng eaaerna of ll'i'iifled
trouble, In the lalooni of thla city laat
Monday, came near being yanked pre
maturely hrnia Into the realma ol the
kingdom of Jua, Monday night. He
had atarled to Walk out ol town on tha
electric road, and when he reached the
long Ireetlo he llt aleepy anil lecldcd to
take a nap. Ileleyduwo on tha track
and want to aleep. The car Olive came
along and Motor in en Howell, acting the
man lo time managed to atop llore he
ran onto blru. The lellow had a narrow
eacape, ee did tha paaaengen, for had
the car at r ink hlin it would prohably
hava been derailed. .
Am Omkoon 'iori: Mra. Nancy
MtCubbin, whoae death waa mentioned
in Iheae column laat week, waa one ol
Oregon 'a pioneer women, tide wai born
In Overtoil county, Tenn., in Wi. Her
parent moved to, Illinola. In KI7, tnd
from there they moved to Mieaouri in
1 H3J, where aha waa married to John
Hmathore, from whom aha waa aeparated
the following year, and In September,
IM2, aha rnarrlod m. MaCubbin. lo
Wi they came to Oregon and eetUed on
a homeatead on Clear Creek, in Clacka
nia county, ller lnuhend Oie-I in Feb
ruary IVj'J, ol heart trouble. Mra. Mc-
Cubbio leavea three aoin and four daugh
ter, three alatera and Ave brother, TO
grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
All of ber children eicept one eon were
at her bedaid when aha died.
A BEU'IY 1 OH SVItTI i: 1.0 IK. E.
The Drgrre af lienor af the A. 0. 1'.
VT. ilarra Flee laalramratat
Filer' I'laaa llar.
Tlio committee) appolntel by tha
Myrtle Lodge, IVgree of Honor for the
purpoa of ecuring a Una piano, apent
WtslneaJay In Toriland anl can-fully
invetlgted the merit ol tha varioua
piano olTered bv Ue different dealer,
aud finally purchnaod a beautiful cabi
net grand Mahogany Whitney, ol Filer'
I'iano llouae which will be delivered in
due time. Thla la another unqualified
endorsement of the fine instrument
carried by Kili-ra' I'iano llouae and
cone I naive evident- ol their ability lo
furulah the public more actual lutrtneic
piano value for the money than can be
aecured from any other houe. The
young 11 no ia the recognised leader of
the Weelvrn I'iano and Organ induatry
making a aixsialty of aelling itrlcllr
high grade muaical inatrornenta and
they aie enjoying today the bei-t repu
tation for oprlghl and lionorahh nielli
odi and fair dealing. The inetroment
aecured by the IVgree of Honor n ex
actly the aama aa tha one which ha
been unci) by Cordray'i for tho pat
two year, and the aame alao aa wa
aold to the public Khool board for
aeveral of 1'urtland'i public achooli.
Theae iiiatrumuuta ara alao uned by
prominent college and muaic teachen
of the atate.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bear the
Signature of
TT is the finest and most complete line this
Company has over turned out since they
started to manufacture wheels 22 years ago.
pIIESE wheels aro fitted'with the best tire
made, tho Q & J heavy thread de
tachable T F you want a new or second hand wheel or
have an old ono to exchange, come in.
AVo aro always ready to talk business. We can
fill orders as wo have received 25 New Ramb
lers already and expect another lot by Feb
ruary 20th.
We sell for cash ur on installments.
The Oregon City Jewelers.
It Will Pay You
t, liiiwrt the ntw Writ of
Skirts and Waists
Jul errlrcd from Id Ucinrjf.
On display at the
Red 37"r-on.t
l!crxthlna In tt.it line ia mAt
In lilt IbOl Rtyk-a of kum rnatrrtala ant
rlrra wllhln rtocb of all.
Don't fail to see them.
Court llouae lilock, Oregon City.
houlhrrn ('alltorala.
Notable among the pleaaurei afloroed
i by the Hiaite Itouie la the winter trip
jlo Hodihern California and Arizona.
' iN-neaed acquaintance with, thia aection
will ever develop freali ointa of intereat
and added eource ol enjoyment, nnder
It unny aklaa, in the variety of Ita In-
duatriea, lo ill prolific tegetatioo and
among ita nurnberleea reaortt of moun
tain ahore, valley and plain.
The two daily HaU train from Tort
land to California have been recently
equipped with the tuoel approved pat
terd of atandurd and toariit aleeping can
but the low ratea of fare will Hill con
tinue in e(T -ct.
Illuntrated guide to the winter reeorta
of California end Arizona may be had on
application to
C. II. Mabkiiam, (i. I'. A.,
I'ortland, Oregon.
Ike Appetite af a (eat
Ii envied by all poordyipeptice wboae
Htomach and Liver are out of order.
All audi ahould know that Dr. Kinn'i
New IJfe Fill, tha wonderful Stomach
and IJrer Kemedy, givei a aplendid ap
petite, aound dlgeation and a regular
bodily habit that inaurea perfect health
and great energy. Only Ztc at tieo. A,
Harding' drag itore.
Acker' Dypepaia Tablet are aold on
a poeilive guarantee. Cure bean-burn,
raining ol the lood, duitreaa after eating
or any form of dytepMa. One lilt) tab
let give immediate relief, 25, eta. and
60 ct. O. A. Harding, drugg!aL
The (kt 1'lai.tcr.
A piae of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain'i Fain Halm and bound to
the allected parte ia itiperior lo any
platter. When troubled with lame back
or pain in the aide or client, give it a
trial anil you are certain to be more than
pleaaed with the prompt relief which
it atforda. Fain Balm alao core rheu
mat nun, One application givea relief.
For aale by U. A. Harding.
The cure of overworked womankind
are quickly and lurely cored by Karl'
Clover Hoot Tea, the great blood purifier
and tUeue builder. Money refunded If
not aatiafactory. Trice 25 eta., and 50
cU. C. Q. Huntley, the Druggist,
There ia alwaya danger in using coun
terfeit of DeWiu'e Witch lUiel Salve.
The original la aale and certain cure
lor pile. It la a aoothing and healing
aalve for eoree and all akin diseases j.
A. Harding.
Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of
DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve ara worth-
leaa. The original quickly cures piles,
aorea and all ikin diseases. O. A.
Mlaven'a llall.llnar,
jinn UOOD3
RrJf A" ' latrat eotrliir In
- hill., Vll anl leather
flrlfa wllb K"M (rimming anl (old
ikr hanKl" 1on ulr.
lafM I.l'lC ai'H-k ennlln; n(
Thrm'l l,tni, Val'iK nw,
VIHorla !,arr, Mark and whltr Chart'
till la varto width and vyrn.
Corrt Covrra, !raw.T, l.aVrirt.
filaVM Thecrlliratr4"rrrTy" K'ld
w",vt ,,u,re lor ldi. all the
!a!rt thalraOaaranucd I.OO,
LKflDEK,S 1$ JlbYfiSCR
Bf 1 TOD
Or an
It will pay you to
Bun F ib
i V rl
Office 351 Washington St iW4$k
Portland Orp i
Portland, ore. t'wsf.
lav 7V VTSAvW 'IT
, WA.', Z -lr
west, and
can sell a fine piano or organ for less money
than you can get them elsewhere. Writo to-day.
Catalogues for the asking.
Our stock includes the three greatest Ameri
can pianos, the Kimball, the Weber, and the
Chickering, together with eight other good makes.
Get our Prices
' an
' A ' ",.71 II "V 1
I no mvtter w hat
Oonta' Chalnlaa
Racer, 10 lbav.
Mon'at Llht Roadster,
Man 'a Hoadater
Ladlea' Ciialnleaa
Ladlea' Lltflit Hoadater
Unci lea' Roadster
Opp. Oregoej 'ly IlnwU.
thriving diihy
Stationary J-""'"" " vir
' Mrm'.ranrldm Honli all
iirf Foanlain l'rn fior, 2oo pnam
Lfilltn, Journal r I'ay ll Jkc.
Granlteware orii "norai
Hlrri" tha tirt gray
arnnit. alo th lla and whit (nanx
tUii ttrrl ware at rut rir. .
Men's Nats A" ,h ,ntr,t 'r'' for
lflna now on unit.
La rite atoch of Cai for nvrn and boy.
Baskets " hf mn '"r
ahopfnnii, lunch, R'lwm,
market, fancy work, tie.
BIT A Pffl
Ve aro the great
profitkillers and piano
price regulators of the north
with our special facilities
on Job Printing.
! 1
WHEN buying a shot gun don't throw away money
by spending J 1 5o to 5oo when for very -much
less you can buy a
whuA will outshoot anv other shot eun on the market
it costs. The Winchester Repeating
bhot uun is now made In " Take Down " style in 13
and lopauge. Itcombincs rapiditv.reliability and strong
shooting qualities with a price within reach of every
body's pocketbook. For sale by dealers everyw here.
FKBES4 mtmt aaa JJrtu m ptUdlctrJ for Ito-fjft 4MJo(t.
aVt lba. $40.00