Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 08, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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-a? -$r -vi-i8-9r vrWsVtr "VT "W'l
News of he Week
a A A (Oi jO.8i.iCfc,-i0w iC-JW
FriJay, February 1,
In the Philippines the Tlt Commls
ion passed the municipal government
act The provisional government Dill
has been completed. The report of the
necad of Protestantism in the islands
waa narrated.
The Doer, General Dewet, ordered two
more peace envoys to be flogged and then
hot. Dewet was located in the eaateio
part of the Orange Kiver Colony.
Frankfoit, the horee owned by the late'
Marcus Dal, waa told to Lord Clonoel
lor 110,100.
A fire In New York caused a loee of
The Coates, the beat opera bouse in
Kansas City, burned.
The international arbitration tribunal,
the recall of the Ctar of Rnssia'i peace
conference, ia organiaed and ready for
Governor Geer proclaimed John Mar
shall day, February 4, a bait holiday in
Saturday, February 2.
Wilcox, delegate from Hawaii to con
gress, waa accused of treason. The house
passed the omnibus war claims bill.
Bids for three new crnirers were op
ened at the navy department. The war
depattment Is prepared to put the new
army law Into operation.
In a rebellion in Abyssinia, 7000 were
It was rumored that Li Hung Chang
is dead.
The Hairiman railroad syndicate, in
which ttie Union Pacific predominates,
has secured control of the Southern Pa
cific and the Pacific Mail.
Nat oral gas aud oil in large quantities,
are reported to have been discovered
near Walla Walla, Washington.
A cave-in in a King county, Washing
ton, mine, killed two men.
Sunday Services, i
81 John's, ratlmlelv. A. llllletiramt, I
tutor. On Hiimlay, mass at H ami 10 ,10 a.
in, I'd irl Hnndsy Ik each month, tlermait '
senium after o'oltM'k mass; al all ullier ,
nini.es, Knitllh ai-riuNna. Hiinday-sclnwl
at :) p, in. Vespers, WKlogrllol sntijeols
ami benediction l 7. 'M p. in.
Merman KvaiiHieal Lutheran Imniail
...I I'naiiK. k'i..l.lli I 11 4.laiiia Mia I
IIBI-I I'MIVI f.lKMt.l min .' w-,i
Hnv Krnesi J. W. Mack, Maine, hunday
.'Ihki at 10 a, in. I weekly aervices tvery
Tliuriiilav al 8 l. in. Herman soh.Mil every
8tiinlav from B to 11. Kveo body Invited.
Methodist K'lneiiial I'lmreh Key. It. A.
Alslns, ilor. Mornlntt service at tU:4.V
Suudsy Hohool a 10 Ml. I'ltM uieelluf allel
MoriiliiK service. Kvenllit service al 1 SC.
Kworili Useus nirciun Hiiinlay veuliif ai
.XI Prejer Meelliil Ihureday tfulii i
strainers cordially lu
Wednesday, February 0.
The presMent sent a list of army nomi
nations to the senate. Miles la promo,
ted to be lieiiUnant-general.
The transport McPherson is ashore
near Matsnias, and will bo a total loss.
The Chinese and foreign envoys met
at Pekin to discuss the question of
II. K. Youtsev was sentenced to life
imprisonment at Georgetown, Ky., for
complicity in the murder of Governor
Mrs. Nation wrecked another saloon in
Topeka, and did 11,500 worth of damage.
The Oregon nouse refused to recoil
aider the Karbera Sunday closing law
There will be no more shaving on
ANorthern Taciflo freight train rM t Tr'Ut he cannot give up i KVANiKI.ICAl. C.intni-t'or.i.r ol
-a o.i cm i acuiu ire gni ua.n ran , ,he j,,,,, wllioh ,lirlK,rt, J,-r. fche ' , ,,,.1 Madison atrt. It". H. Copley
mmj m iii vo luvuumiii. anu i ntusi go oa. a w me otm e ami wie type
killed one man and injured several : writer, to the store ami ita duties, with
others. I tiresome customers to wait on aud
acting employer to please.
Hie Athena. Or., electric comnanv I 1'ur neotde wlm si weak and
contemplating the building of a plant ' Ao"n there no medicine to vatuable aa
i. i. r,..,.. n.n-. ! lr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Z ,7 v V . M diseases of the stomach aud
" " " DU wiiwn. other organs of digestion ami nutrition.
. Many die.isrs in orean remote from the
Thursday, rebrnsry".
The senate passed the war tax bill.
The firt night seesiun was held to con
sider t tie eti d subsidy bill. The Went awiutiute me imm v,
Point hill passed I "cnce ,M whole Uly, ami each organ
i. Moul(iiinery, fl"f. Hervicei al II a and
I Mane a hunt woikiiiir vounv woman
' spenda' her mm hour in an endeavor to 1 f,'". Ln f ? ?
Knn. . . . . . Peiipla saiielely of ( hrUllau KnUeavor meeli
pun-get a luilerest to carry her thrwigh the ,,;. 8uuJr svtuing at in, muiuy
j remaining hours of the day. hhe is tTsulm prayer Biseilug at ISO. Beats free.
stomach have their origin in a diseased
condition of the stomach and its allied
organs. When the stomach is " weak
! there is a failure to protierly digest and
West awiutiute ttie lood wtncli ia eaten.
of it. sutlers from luck of nutrition, aa
Two leading merchants of Manila were 1 that as a cottsriiciu-e of " weak " atom
arrested for aiding the insurrectionist, ach, there iiuy be "weak" lungs, "weak"
The government has taken steis to '. . v ,
. : ... . . , , ... .nerves, eic. nv curing tnsra.tra oi me
perfeit title to inlands north of Luion. ; tomach and other orvuiia of diirestion
Queen Wilhelmiua of tbe Nether-! ml nutrition, "Golden Melical Discov
lands and Duke Henry, ol Mecklenburg-, trmmt .rv flir , Hinm
Schwerin married today. 0f a heulthv bo.lv.' It increaara the ac.
The Boers have cut the Netherlands jlivi.tv of the Mooil-makiiiR gUnds, an.I
railway. 30,000 men
reinforce Kitchener.
will be sent to
is the vital fluid of the body
1 Here is no alcoliol In the " Discovery"
The foreign envoys demanded that the n,l il entirely free from opium, co-
death penalty be imposed upon 12
Chinese officials.
Governor Nasb, of Ohio, is authorised
Sunday, February 3.
Funeral services for the queen of Eng
land were held in Washington and many
European capitals.
The Union Pacific was compelled to
obtain control of the Southern Pacific in
order to protect its San Francisco outlet.
The press of Germany is expressing
asany anti-English sentiments.
A reapportionment bill, bated on tbe
census of 1900, has been introduced in
the Oregon senate.
The Washington legislature has been
in session three weeks, and but very
little has bten done in the way of legis
lation. The Iron Dyke copper mine, in East
ern Oreyon, was sold for f 50,000.
The ttate o? Wafhington will not hate
one if the new battle-ship named after
The s' earner Kvichak was sunk in San
Frsncisvo bay.
The total tax levy of Multnomah coun
ty is 33.7 milU.
Oregon's commission to the Pan-American
exhibition at Buffalo meet the legis
lative ways and means committee Moc
day. The Portland, Nehalem and Tillamook
Bailroad Company has been organized.
Colonel John McCracken is president.
' caine, and all other narcotics.
Sick and ailing people especially those
I suffering from disease in its chronic form
'are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter
I 111 . 1 L.ll --
to spend 150.000 in preventing a prue trictly privale am MCrc, conmlentili,.
fight at Cincinnati. Address Dr. R. V. IVrce, HiilTdlo, N. Y.
I There is no similar offer of free nied-
Oremn I llr Or.rim i 'ca' advice which hni behiinl it an in-
Oregon I Ity, Oreron. I of nationa, m he ln
The Leader is in receipt of late copies jvalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
of the Enterprise, a splendid newspaper i Bu""aIoi ' V., presi.lnl over by Dr.
publisl.e.1 In Oregon City. Oregon, and a J J.iX
skilled specialists.
"The Wondorful ModJclno."
I mail (gain rn. a frw Hurt la yua In let
yon koow how I am Rriiine aluna iiiky laklnf
the womlrn'ul mnli, iue wlik h nirr.1 me two
panor Services every Haiikatn al 11 a, in
and Ml l. in. tiiinda Hciiool 10 a. in
I'raver iiieeiingt p. m. All are walixtms
Kev. P. K. llsiiiiuond, Hector. Hrrvtces
tvery Hundav al II a. in, and S;("Jp. tit
HiliiiUy school at 10 o'clock, Other services
as mav Im annuiinced. All seat free, hi ran
Iters cordially Invited.
eiirnernf Main ami Klevenlli slreela Itev.
K. llolilngtr, panlor. Moriiliitf eervice
lO .tii; Sunday HcIhhiI U; Junior p.iidravol
6: Y. P. S. C. K. prayer Hireling fi.M;
evening service 7.30.
Klltdr BAPTIST Clll'Kril.-lt.v. J.
II. Il.aveti, palnr. I'reai'hllig services
every Monday al 10 'Ml and 7 :M p. ni. tin
I day x-liool al M noon to 1 p. in, Juniors
j meet In the alierniHin ami llierienior Young
I I'rople'a etHilriv and llilile study cla.s al
' fl : 1 ; p. to. Tliur-dav evenlns', regular
grayer eerviee at 7,;w p.m. vviilneaday
evening, llitile study elaaial Y. M. ( A
nwiiia lel by Ihs paalor,
(irrman llapllal-Servli-ea Hie fire Hun
lay n( eai'li munlli at 3 o'clock p. lu., con-dinte-l
by KrV. Albert tiranir.
l'iille.1 lrethren-('or. KiKhih and I'letee
streets. Key, Cocking, paalur, Hervicea
every Ciunday al II a. ri. aud 7;3U. in.;
Sunday schnol al 10 a. in.; young e)le's
mreiine at (l.lo . in.; praer meeting
very Wednexley evening,
Ktanirrllral l.lilheran, Zlon rongregallon
i Cur. Ku'liili and Jrrtrrton streets. Key
i Meyer, paamr. Hnndat k IumiI at U .'Kl a.
m.; servti-rs al lu .w a. ni. and i .aj p. m
M. K. South-Key. T. P. Havues, pastor.
Third Sunday at l imed Hrtihrrn etiurch.
Pre NtrtlnHli.t-llev. J. W. KldrUI(e. I se
tr. Preaching llrt sna ll.lnl l neiar al
lis in.; prover uireting every lliuratlsy
evenllia'. Services held In lb Cungrega
lional church at Kljnlle.
Wholesale Prices,
First Corner
from' Court
BiiiiUiiuiniimuimiii'"""" .A.ininEiiiiAi,iitttiiiiittii4ii tjj liatiimtiiliJkJililiti sai i s.1 1 1 1 laae iAttAtAtiAiiitiitiitiiiiatitt-a2iA. 1
Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2.
nee Si
handetfmely printed and cleverly illus
trated pamphlet discriptive of that won
derland of the great northwest, sent by
our journalistic friend P. M. Smith, for
merly Ol Versailles. It fills one full of ! Tnn ar.-rrilra Hrrths TUIrr, of 1416
n. ,l;.o ...1 . , , , Benton htrrrt, St. Louu, Mo. .till rontiuue
Um,uu. ucoiis w gr iriniriii 1.T111U17 in eery auoo health and think there la n
move on himself, upon perusal of the at
tractive and convincing panes of the
pamphlet, and go with railroad haste to
this scene of nature's beanty, commer
cial activity and agricultural prosperity,
Willamette Falls, the Niagara of the Pa
cific, affords Orrgon Cily next to the
greatest water power in the United
states, and this great power is utilized in
iuuuiub ujuia, eietinc pianu., manuiaci- My metier waastweureo bv it of a wry Ud
ories and everything else that creates ' f1'' ' ""''; tr.wi.ie sioui three yea-a a.ro.
' ' " 1 I thjnk you s HiiKiiMinl tiiiira I. rht uu ha
better medicine on earth than Ir. Pierce's
Golden slediod InvL-overy. We would nt be
without it to the hjuae, aud alao the little
I have reeommended lr. Pierce's Colden
Medical Uiaeovery to many fiien.la, and they aU
think it will do )uat what ia claimed for it. It
Is the beat thiuic for nervouaneM snd foe a
weak, ran down condition that any lr could
want. 1 waa very nervous and weak U.t um
mer I took five Nrttlraof lr. J-ieree'a tlol.lea
Medical Ducovery and it jut made me feel like
a new person, it givea a pcra.,n new lite and
new blood. I can now work all day lone with
out feeling the lrat bit tired, la inct I Itel like
a new perxm.
wealth and makes a country
Versailles (.Mo ) Leader
Monday, February 4.
Tbe interment of the dead queen of
England occurred at 3 p. m. at Frogmore.
The ceremony was public. The king and
queen attended ibe memorial services on
Ceremonies in honor of Chief Justice
Marshall were held in both Louses of
Topeka, Kansas, salneo keepers plot
ted to tar and feather Mrs. Nation.
The Jeff ies-Rohlen fight will be
atopped by the governor ,s orders.
Christian Scipnce servi. es are held in
Willumeit hall ev.ry Sunday morning
at eleven o'clo. k. Suhjeet fur Sunday,
Feh. 10. "Soul." Sunday School at
12:10. Wednesday evening meeting, at
eight o'clock. To these ne'vices all are'
Tuesdpy, February 5.
The senate b"S lid Aside the ship
subsidy bill tf' porarily. The Sampson
Bchley corrCr'i,lrsy came up in the
By the Creat Specialist In
Treating Weak and Diseas
ed Hearts, Franklin Miles,
M. D., LL. B.
done lor me and t.r your kind advice.
Wasted to a Skeleton.
Anoiit ix yvra aijo my health failed. writes
Mite Alethra t t'.rctu, of Cixipstown. Ilarloid
Co.. Mary l.i ii.l. "I ie;K frettiri down Itmersud
lower, until I could aar.'rly walk acroa the
6 r without lrui;lin and K-iin (,,r hrraiii.
My home phyiiciati nritiotiiice.l it (.rnet.il de
bility and caurrh of the throat, but allhuuKh he
did ail he could, he failed to even relieve me I
tried t trtuus remedies, but all of no avail
soot: I sway to s mere kelrt..n. Kiuslly
1 wr . .tuded to write to Or. K. V. I'ieree. of
Bulla.... ... V., which I did immediately. And on
receiving hi eery kind advice I couunenrrd the
use of his 'Golden Medical ticwvery and ' Ks
eorile Prescript ion.' I took fourteen bottle of
the "Golilen Medical Iiisrovery ' and nine of the
Favorite Pre-cnption ' snd to-day I am a well
woman. I do heartily thank God snd Llr. 1'icrcc
kit my good health.
Dr. IHcrce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent fret on receipt of stamp
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
if nne-rent atamna fnr the lmitr in 0,.tl
j binding, or 21 stamps for the paper coy.
erect "roiume. Address Dr. K v. I'ieree,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Will Bend mi.&O Worth of Ills Special
Treatment Free a a Trial.
To demonntrate the nnunual curative
powers of his new and complete special
treatment by mail for heart disease, short
breath, pain in the side, oppression in
the chest, irreynlar pulse, palpitation.
smothering spells, pulling of the ankles,
or dropsy, l)r. Miles will i-end $2.50 worth
tree as a trial, to all who uiention this
II is treatments are the result of Z
years of careful study, extensive research
and remarkable experience in treating
the van.pu- ailmenr. of the heart, atmo-
h and nerves, which
The claim of other cough meuicines to
be as good as CliHinbelxin's are effect n
aliy set at rest in the following testimo
nial f Mr. (J. U. OUss, an employe of
Baitlett A Denni- Co , (iardmr, Me. He
says: "I had kept Sliding to a co'd snd
cough in the winter of 1807. trying every
coukIi medicine I heard of without per
manent heln, until one day I wag in the
drug store of Mr. Iloiilehan and lie ad
vised me to try ClmniberlHi'i's Cough
Remedy and offerwl to pay back mv
money if I waa not curwl My lungs and
bronchial tnh. a were very sore at this
time, hut I was completely cured hy this
A. O. U. W. meets every Saturday
evening except the fifth In the A. (. I.
W. Temple. 11. J. Harding, recorder.
Kebekehs Willamette Itehekah Ixlgt
No. 2 meets second and fourth Friday ol
each uionih al 1. O. O. V. Temple -Margaret
Williams secretary.
Court Kohin Hood No. 0, Foresters ol
America, meets tlrl arid third Friday in
the month in Ited Men's lull. W. It.
Stafford secretary: rnti Meyer, duel
Clackamas Chanter No. L, It. A. M
meets on the third Monday of eat
' nn.nlti in fiofii. l!..ltl Hjdtai.W
Willamette Falls Camp No 14, W. O
W. tiifeia I e I mil 3rd Fridats in the
Willamette Hall.-C. C, Sl. 8. Walker
and clerk t. Olds.
Drier i( IVihIo meets every Monday
ni(lit al Kedii en s l.all . Head Lonnteli.r,
H. . fcrii.lnre; Mrs, May lay lor secretary
Cutholiu Kniidda of America St. John
Kianch No. liiT, meets every Tuesday ol
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M.. meets la
Red Men'a Hall, on second and fourth
Wetlneailaya U. II. Hyatt, record
Oregon City Camp, No. 6uil Modern
Woo.lmen of America niecla every second
and fourth Tuesday in the month, at
Willamette Hall. J. Urotaenbacher
TI10 Talr Store.
0iJK)sitt) PisHtodit't.
G(mh.h Hold at Iohs) tlian
rortland priot'H. Hero nro a
fow prifpn:
Hasting cotton, was '2c c
Hooks and oyts It
Hins, iht paper 1c
Mathino thri'iul 3 hikioIs IUo
liadiont croi'liot thread
all colors, 3 balls for 10c
Cornets 4."c
Ladies' underwear 23c
Children',. " 18c
Men's " 21c
en'H overfhirts 2."c
Children's extra Iieavv
stoekings 10c
Ladies' " 10c
Outing llannel, host wt 8c
12 Jc muslin 10c
No. 12 satin rihlon 8c
$3..r)0 rainy tlay skirts .. $2.80
SG.OO " " 4.80
$1.00 all wool " 3.20
$1 7. " " " 1. 10
A lino of ladies' lino Dress
Shirts, damaged in shipping,
will lx) sold at a great reduction.
2 ,(( idIVi (I Ji'i j rlf
tnnce telephone wire In
Oregon, Washlngtot , Call
for tj i rt nml Idaho now In
)M-rutlnii ly the 1'itclfio
htutitilt Telt-iion (.'mil
piHiy, civ-rln 'it'l'A)
(iulck, A(rtiratc cheap
41 the satisfaction of ft
tMTstiiittl ctiinnnihioatlon.
I'istaiii-o no eD'ect to ft
clear umlerstaiitlirifr. H
katio nml Han Francisco
a fAsily lit-arJ port'
Oregon til y ofTlre nt
Harding's )x Store.
Oj'p. Iluntley'a Drtiit Store,
Oreat Hritaln anil America.
i:.lsblUliect l9.
a.'fi nml ntrvt aVlii-h mi niton A.mr. t,
t-dte each c-tKe." So astonlehinif are the rHm,,,l'' a'"1 nave "l"cv mI,," turned to
results of his complete special treatment
senate. Ttie house pn-sed the Spanish that he does not hesitate to offer all per-
claims bill. Tli president sent a loug
list of Hrmy nomination to the senate.
Mindora natives In the Philippines
rose against the insurgents, and killed
tbe relnd governor.
Fetleralists1 in Ballan province
warned the insurgents to cease opera
tions' Mrs. Nation was arrested while joint
smashing in Topeka. A street riot with
many fints ensued .
Appropriations to the amount of
$490,380 ha ye. been agreed uiwn by the
Ways and Means committee of tho Ore
gon legislature.
Railroads are making a strong fight
gainst the passage of the Oregon
fellow-servants bill.
A bill is before the Washington legis
lature to purchase the : Thureton county
couit houte for a state capitol building.
The Washington legislature passed a
bill extending the Columbia Calling
aeaBon five davs. A bill was
bo s a trial tre
Nothing could be more generous. Few
physicians have such confidence in Iheir
rp'indie. There is no reason why every
afflicted person fehould not avail them
selves of this exceedingly liOcral ofTr,
as they may never have another su -h
opportunity. No d-Hth comes as end
derily m ibxt from heair, ilif(-ae,
Mrs A Krom k, of Huntington, Ind.,
was cmd after 30 phvsicians failed ; Mrs
Flow (iraetor, of Riistolville, 0., after
22; fas K Waite, the noted actor, after
a sco' e had pronounced him incurable;
Mrs. Frank (Smith, of Chicago, after five
leading phy-tb-Uns had given her up;
Vlr. JiiIiiih Keinter. of Chicago, after 10;
Mrx K l'arkr after If) railed.
A thousand references to and testimo
nials from bishops, clergymen, bankers.
' farmers and their wives will be sent free
upon request
8en l at once to Franklin Miles, M. D.,
LL. B , 2i'9 8'ate St.. tlhieago, ill., for
trial treatment before It Is too late.
t w hen I ii .t a nlil ami ..win fli.,1 rulir
I also rei ommend it o my friends ami
am gled to say it is the I et of all cougli
medicines." For sale hy (. A. Harding.
Blank note, receipt and trder books
at the Entkkpkihk office
O. A. Harding the druggist, will re-
fund you yjur money it you are not sat
isfied after lining Chamberlain's Stomach
bIho . and I iyer Tablets. They cure disorders
passed making eiht hours a day's woik of the stomach, biliousness, constipation
in the mines, smelters and reducing and headache. Trice, 25 cents. Sain
works. ' ' P'es 'fee.
outturn I'a'ifomiii.
Notable among the pleaaiireg aflorded
by ihe Shasta Route is the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever deyelou fiesh points of interest
and added sources of enjoyment, under
its sunny skies, in the variety of its in
dustries, in its prolific vegetation and
among its numberless resorts of moun
tain shore, valley and plain.
The two daily Bha ta trains from Port
land to California have been recently
equipped with the most approved pat
terd of Mandard and tourist sleeping cars
but the low rates of fare will still con
tinue in eff-ct.
IIIiimI rated guides to the winter resorts
of California and Arizona may be had on
application lo -
C II. Maiikium, (J. P. A.,
1'ortland, Oregon.
Meade Tost No. 2, (J. A. It., meetj
first Monday evening in each month at
7:.'!0 and third Saturday In each month
ai 1 o'clock p. m. in ilamette Hall.
1. Colbert, Commander.
Lawton Command No. 1, of Oregon
Union eterans Ljiion tnfets secon.l hat
ti r. lay 1 p. m. in Redman's hall anil
fourth Saturday at 7 p. m, in T. r. Cow-
Pioneer Chapter No. 28. O. E. H. meets
the second and fourth Tuesdays in each
month at Masonic Hall. Miss Jennie
Rowen, secretary.
Oregon Lodge Ivo. 3. I. 0. O. F., meets
every Thursday in Odd Fellows' Hall.
T. r. Ryan, secretary.
Falls Encampment No. 4. 1. O. O. F,
meets first and third Tuesday In each
month. Judson Howell, secretary.
Redmen Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Imp.
O. R. M., meets 'l ues ) mi mi y 7 :H0,
at Red Men's Hall. I I i.lman, C.
ofK. ; Harry Daxter, sachem.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M..
meeta first and third Saturdays in each
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Ryan,
Mead Relief Corps No 18, meets at
Willamette Hall the fiist Monday in
every month at 2 o'clock p. rn. anil the
thirl Monday in every month at 7:'M
o'clock p. in.
United Artisans meet every Thnrsdsy
evening of each month at the Willamette
Hall. The social meeting of this order
is second Thtirsesy of each month. K.
II Cooper, secretary, M. liollaclt M. A.
Lone Pine Lodge, No. f3, A. F. A A.
M., Logan, Or., meets on the second
(Saturday in each month from the 1st ol
May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. ami
from 1st of November to 1st of May at i
10 a. in. Geo. C. Armstrong, Kec.
Ancient Order of Red Cross Oregon C'liy
Lodge, No. 1, insets second snd fourth Fri
days in each month in Willamette hall,
vrr ft
DON'T KTA MP. -Don't go a'amping
about In cheap shoes as long sa )ou can
buy such ex.-ell.-bt alyli-s and auerh
qualities as we are showing at 3 in our
FLORAL QUF.KN Mioe. We've cheap
or ones, and N'tter ones, but none with
morn rt-al value and satisfaction at the
N. Green
Tpanfei' and li$tt
KrciRht a ml prtrcels dclivrreil
lo all part of the cit jr.
Always rreJu
AUai tlss Host
A Personal Matter
A well painted house Is Ilk a neat
ly dressed ierson alwaya attract-
Ivs and pleasant to look Uxin.
Can be repainted and freshened np
ai a very reawiname pne paints
are vary cheap now. Don't leave It
until the sun makes any more marks
and cracks In It.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store.
'l'ha I'ulnter
Persons who can not take ordinary
pills find It a pleasure to take DeWitt's
Little Karly Risers. They are the best
little liver pills ever made. O. A. Harding.
0k Shilohs
Couah and
This la beyond miestlnn the
most successful tiniKh Medi
cine ever known to science: a
lew doses Invariably cure the
worst cases nf C(Mn;h, Croup
and Hroncliitls, while Its won
.lerful success In the cure ol
Consiimiitlun Is without a par
allel in the history of iniillcine.
hlnce Its fliHt discovery it has
been sohl on Ktiaruntra, a
tea which no other mrilcine
can stand. If you mv9 n
CoukIi, ws earnestly ask you
to try It. In United fttutes and
( ntwtn ifc., Mc. and and
in Knn land Is. Vd., Vs. 8d, and
is. 6d.
S.C.WELLS & Coii
M m
are sold everwher.
isul sW4 AaiiwU fiK
I. m. rtiiTaco.iiTiiiT.Hica.
U I li sJ aJ
-7 U.vJ
Tftn CosvsiioMTa Ac.
AnrnnssnV'if attetrh anil H.rMHl.in msr
ynlrsir saratrlam ,ir ,Hni.,n fre sliMlw sis
ii..iln is .r..hal.lf .,i.n.i.la. f ..n1i.i...,i.-.
lM.h..i,irtlrM,fl,..,i,. HamliKvikon I'ai.nuj
sent rrM. lfl,Hi ...,., for ,. ,J.,..
I'aimua taken ihmu.h Munn to. revive
SffkU iwKks, withoul cli.nrs, lu lbs
Scientific Jlmcrican.
A hsn4soml7 Itln.lrilM wwklr. lareeat His.
eillallim of anr SrleuliSn V.iirnal, I arms SI S.
Is.Var."."ir"-"'",,L MI.!rall ries.l.lers.
MyNNrSCo."'8-"-'. New York
llramh USI, tDb t HU Wsahli. jom. ill
, Z? ""ihfr'tw. tirauoriil m.
,.il llllliiSnl pi.ln. lia ui .ii,i urinal
lr.1, ailuilu, iul.lia auj .Iruu, M u-.I.U U.. ,,...'
)ul Mm sarlf
urk, hoiiMhtiiii hulls.
Ls'lysciuitDsuted. a Ml lur larua.
ar-.M jts n
r s r. r
YLtTt at IL V. IT.TjSF
fir ladles, mlM.s, r'rle snil lltlls etilMrsn, That ess.
.In ii r 1 1 -t .ft.ri nut siials.d bjr Ids . .if
olli.r imturnt Hsua no equal lur all aaa wi rri at
N.Y. M
lor sale by U. U.ilmitley.
rt la mm m. rn- i
'joll? put liKthr Onl 10 ana It ernta saa-li nne
lif!ir. H'lM lu MrartT r..rvi-lty atidtfiwn cr liy mull,
t.k lur llinn, aiMoluirlf try Isir.l uivtodate nr
TUB AIcC'A t.I. Ctnil'ANV,
SS HS Wmi Ittk Slrnl. t . S lark fllr, I.