.-.wt- t - OREGON CITY ENTERVR1SE FRIDAY, JANUARY OK ), 1001. WWJi CORRESPONDENCE u.lllV Our correspondent will please send In article before Wednesdays of each week, otherwise it reaches u loo late for publication Otltoi Coi.ton, Jn. 19 There were not ninny out to the shooting match l"t week, on account of the bad weather. W. C. Bmkner, of Highland, was in Collon last wee. J. Carlnon bought a nice colt thii week. He will soon have a spanking team of gray IV. Seaman was in Colton again last week, seven ot Mm. Hulihard'a family being down with the measles Mr. II. and Mi. Media were very sick, but are somewhat improved. The streams have been very wild for several days, the water being higher than it has been for fevers! year. jh You had the misfortune lo lose one of hia work hores this week. It got tangled, in sonte way aud choked to death. Stiervisor Stromgreen was again can vassing thia district for assistance in the Highland road district. Borino. Borings, Jan. 21. Once more, after the earth haa been covered with clouds and the contents thereof submerged the soil, we are having ideal weather. The roads are very bid ; in fact, in inost places, there teems to be no bot tom. Fall-sown grain is looking good thus far. C. Z. Lake bat moved onto bis place. This is a help to our school district. At a special school meeting Saturday a tax of 5 mills was voted for the purpose of painting and getting new seats for the school house which are a very great necessity. A crew of hands were at work on the Reckey-Bradley road last week. Some of our young people attend the debate at Kelio ptetty regularly. The question for discussion next Saturday is: 'Kesolved, that peraon learns more from reading and conversation than from observation and travel." F. Jarl is leader of the affirmative and B. Nelson leader of the negative, 0. Y. Boring's t-miling lace was seen in the vicinity of Kelso last Sunday. He was visiting friends. Miss Rons Ye'ecli made a flying trip out in the neighborhood of Sandy last Wednesday. ' Y. White hah been hauling hay from T. M. Boring's the past week. Ed Utiger, while coming from Kelso Wednesday evening, beard a rustling of the bushes and his borne got very badly frightened, and on looking to see what caused it. be saw a large panther come into the road just a few feet behind him. It did not eeem deposed to move, but wan intent on following him. D. Hederuias is busy cutting Lis sum mer's wood. V. H. Boring and wife attended church at Damascus Sunday. Harmony. Harmony, Jan. 21. Rev. and Mrs. 0. 33. Strej ffrler, of Drain, intend moving to California soon. Mr. Streyffeler ba6 been quite ill, and the move is to benefit bis health. He was formerly pastor of the church here, and has a large number of friends here who regret to bear of his ill health. Mrs. Dannals, who haa been on the aick list, ie improving. Mr. Mather, of Clackamas, was visit ing here la.st Sunday. W. U. Karr attended church at Sun oyside Sunday morning. Bandy. Sandy, Jan. 22. (Jrippe has several victims here. Miws Tillie Burns has been very sick with neuralgia. John Haley, a highly respected and progressive farmer, died at St. Vincent hospital Saturday, January 12, and was buried Monday, January 14, at Kronburg cemetery. He leaves a wife and five little children to mourn his loss. Born, to the wife of C. S. Chase, a daughter; all doing well. Mr. Britton has moved his family out from Poitland onto the Coffer farm, which he lately bought. Mr. Howard and family have moved into Revenue's hotel, and will hereafter be Sandy's landlord. Casper Junker will build a new board fence around his property. pmnwnnvn J Teething I Then the baby is most like- I ! MAMrAti er n n si 4sa tV4 1 1 i v i 1 doesn't gain in weight. I ! Scott's Emulsion n is the best food and medicine I for teething They f 5 gain from the start. 5 Send for a free sample. 109-415 Karl Street, New York. P L50C. and f 1.00; all druggists. Theoixminii of the now cenlury has ninny glorious prospects In view for Sandy. Sandy's latest will 1 a free rural mail dedvery. Jules Stephens, ol Oiii'iil, was around with a petition nU ing I lu poatollice department for free rural mad delivery for Ct ItMit ami Sandy. Mr. Sifpl'viiit lint more than double the number of signatures necessary, audit j( pjmity 10rl ,j,M Sandy will iooii have free rural delivery. The telephone line will also be extended from lirvshaiu to Sandy. Sandy waa coated in the purest of white with fix inches of snow aud sev cral barns were brokeu dow n. Wilhoii Wiuioit. Jan. 21 R. H. Slaughter is going to visit his sister in California. .Mica Churchill ajnl Mr. Thomas con stitute the nick list. N. B. Wade was visiting his cousin at .Misfouri Ridge last week. Mies Sarah Churchill in going to visit her aunt at Creswell. B. Wade is splitting rails for Mrs K. Voi hies. I.. J. Nicholson is aoiking for his aunt in Msrquain, N. J.'fhoma, of Beaver Creek, was visiiing Mr. M. A. Nicolson Saturday last. B. Wade killed four skunks last Fri day. Miss Nellie Groehong is visiting her sister lu Salem this week. Bird Thomas was visiting in Scotts Mills la-1 week. Mrs. Wyland and Mrs. Sanstrom, of Rock Cieclr.. passed through here Wed nesday last. Mr. Ryan and Mr, Slaughter have re sumed work on the road during this good weather. Rev Sinims, of Scotts Mills, addressed tht-Jcitiiensof Beaver Lake Sunday last. Miss Frances Groehong, of Beaver Lake, passed through Missouri Town Tuesday last Miss Harriet Slaughter is visiting her sister in Rock Creek this week. In the Courier Herald of August 3, I'M), the Wiliioit correspondent said that Wilhoit, or Russelville, took its name after William Rueell, which is incorrect, and I beg leave to ditler, through the columns ot the F.nte.'prise. Wilhoit and Russelville an two different places. Russelville waa named after William Rursel, an early pioneer. Wil hoit was named after a man by the name of John Wilhoit, who took op the land on which the village of Wilhoit now stands. Mr. Wilhoit afterward sold his claim, but who he sold it to is not defi nitely known to the writer, but it came into the peaeession of the Lab by and McLearn brothers, who still own it. Frank Haun is making some improve ments on his ranch in the way of a new smoke house, etc. C. W. Thomas has returned from East ern Oregon, w here he has been for the past year. Raymond Wyland is grubbing for his brother-in-law at Scotts Mills. N. B. Wade, who had the misfortune, while working in Eastern Oregon this summer, to slip into the drive wheel of a combined harvester and get his foot badly mashed and broken, is now able to walk, with the aid of a cane. C. Q. Vorheis is setting out an orchard of apple trees. Old Jack Frost paid a visit to this neighborhood last week. Canby. Casby, Jan. 23. Born, to the wife of L. Sl ank, on Saturday, January I'Jlh, a daughter. A young daughter of Mr. Huff died in Oregon City last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Wolgamot ie very ill. She was stricken with apoplexy last Sunday morning. A. R. Cumir.ings has returned to Can by fioin Gold Bar, Wash. Miss Vest Kciiiht, teacher In the pri mary department of our school, has been ill with la grippe. Miss Emma Evans taught in her place. The Willing Workers intend to give a basket social some time in the near future. The young ladies are all request ed to be present and bring baskets. A very pleaeant party was given at the home of Mary Stogsdill on Tuesday. Games, cards and refreshments were the order of the evening. The Porter and Grazier families were obliged to leave their houses during the high water. It was two and a half feet deep in Mr. Grazier's kitchen. J. Schmitt and family viBited relatives in Portland last week. Mrs. Schmitt and children stayed until the latter part of the week. Stone. Stone, Jan. 21. How welcome the sunshine, when we do see his smiling face. The Clackamas has been on a raise, higher than it has been for several years. How William Watts does smile now I It's a boy born January Cth. William Skirvin had a very serious ac cident last Wednesday, while peeling bark off an old snag. The bark became loosened from the top. Mr. Skirvin saw the bark falling and started to run, when his feet became entangled in the vines DO YOU GET UP WITH A LANE BACK ? Kldnej Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is sure to know of the wonderful cures maue ty t)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, (lis rrrat kidney, liver and bladder remedy. r, II Is the (real medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of A-lftnltflri riri'h t.t ! Dr. Kilmer, the emf- nent kidney and blad der specialist, and la wonderfully suecewful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright' Disease, which U tho wont form cf kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways. In hospital work. In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement ha been made by which all readers of (his paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent (res by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer tn this paper and F'YT- ,. send your address to atfTVlTC!!!! Dr. Kilmer St Co.,Blng- lHr''-J hamton. N. Y. The -liiaJXiS regular fifty cent and nin4 ap.R4. dollar sites axe sold by all good druggists. and he fell, the bark fallimi 011 ha bark and injuring hiiu ipiite seriously, Ir. Seaman is waiting on him. Ed Coi and bride have been vUiting relatives and friend here during the past week. A very pleasant surprise party wa given George Hess last Thursday even ing. Mrs. L. D, Mum power, who went to Oiegon Ci'.y two weeks ago lo have an operation performed, is expected home Tuesday, Miss Anna Rachman commenced her school at Holcomb this morning. In our last we were mittaken ; it waa two weeks her school was continued at Stricklin, in stead of two months. Holcomb and Hatchery debating sod eties held a joint debate at Stone last Saturday night. Question: ' Resolved, that the United States should retain the Philippine islands." Holcomb wou for the negative unanimously. staple Una. Maple Lank, Jan. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Painter, of Canemah, were visit'og relatives in this vicinitv last week. Mr. McElaney haa moved to Clacka mas Heights. Miss Kate Mauts is borne again, after a two weeks' absence in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Myo Brayton, of Staf ford, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brayton Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Davies snd daughter vis ited with relatives in Oregon City Tues day, E. M. Ward made a quick trip to Bea ver Creek Sunday. J. C. Dixon has returned home from California, bringing la grippe with him. Mrs. X. W. RicharJs is visiting with her daughter at Woodstock. Arthur Bailey has rented the O'Connor farm at Beaver Creek. Charlie Hi has moved to Oregon City. W. 0. Dickerson left Saturday for his mountain ranch to look after his live stock. Miss Mary Davies is visiting with rela tives in Portland. The school at this place is rapidly pro gressing under the able management of ! Miss Jennie Rowen. Charles Surfus, who hai been ranching at Ellwood the past month, Is at home again, Harry Bailey, who has been employed at Portland for the past Ave weeks, has returned home. Mr. Ronalds is on the sick list. The Crown Paper Mill Company has a nu m ler of men cutting wood on the L. Mautz place. Road Supervisor Myers, with a force of men, was working on the Molalla road last week. Such little pills as DeWilt's Little Early Risers are very easily taken, and they are wonderfully effective in cleans ing the liver and bowels. G. A. Harding. SHAW'S .PURE MALT-For gonnral UB6, social, medical or family, there is nothing more desirable distilled than SHAW'S PURE MALT. It is toned to suit the palate, and Is soft, delicious and nutritious. Sold by E. MATTHIES, Oregon City, Ore. YOU Ml MOTHER. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is bo agonizing and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic In cases of Croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst cases relieved immediately. Price, 25 cts. 50cts. and $1.00. C. O. Huntley, Urn Druggist. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkbfbisx, HU VM ) THE MAN ON THE CURB. (lljr Th SUn.l (lathered Indivora and sun Iry placer, In manner pmlut, if not original or unique, The Man present hi lilll pack of atoryettes. if perchanc ytit hear tint lliiklu of bell and catch Iho glint of a gaudy baubln among then wayward Hue, prlt!ux palleiicti, friend; it to ainiiae you. Thus salt It The Man, Last Sunday w such a flu day. Soiiirt poet aald, "(Hi," (U always benin hv savlnir "Oh" It's a tt of trademark) "Oh, what I so rare a a day In Juno?" Now that I easy, A day like hint Sunday in Weatern Oregon la far 11101 o tare, Then a 10 uaually thirty day In Jiiim, but there are very lew bright sunahliiy day like 11 Hun day, In thi country In January, The ami shone clear and warm. It waa t mi warm for an overcoat, though you felt ptolty chilly without om, The gr. and lh tie.'!, and the young matt from down the liver w ho had count to lownto hi girl, wer all Ix-atitilully green. The raging, rampaging, roaring, bellowing, rip-tearing river of laal week, had settled down attain Into (ha calmly (lowing, placid stream, that It I ordina rily. The i'iti(ns, wIiomo daullnw had Ix-cn threatened with demolition by the coffee-colored water, and whow nerve had coliM-qtletitly he"l it rung up to high l fur several day and nlttht, were lieginnlng to enj 7 a delinhllul feeling of relaa ion a the com foil lug assurance that they were not going t ) be drowned, this time at least, impleaited itsolf Un them. The atmosphere waa clear, and one cuii Id e aero the country to where old Rainier lifta his hoary head in sublime itrandetir far above the sur rounding peaks, a (hough he aspired to look over the battlement of very heaven. If you climbed up on top of (he court house, or something, you could see long, long distance. I don't know whether anyttody did this or not; I didn't. I went up the river and climlxrd around on the canal and wd Into the big, noisy mills; but I didn't go in. They have sign stuck up all over the mill bearing inottos, which, being In trepreted, state that owing to certain circumstances, which the proprietor do not care to mention, anil whlcb are none uf your busineM anyhow, you mut stay I out of there, and I stayed out. When ever I see a sign like that anywhere, I always (eel as though I am not wanted in there, and I don't go Id, erqiecially if the door is locked. But I went on farther and stood a long time and looked at the fall. I like the falls. They please me immensely. To see all that water come gliding and slid ing and rippling and breaking and rush ing and lunging and plunging and roar ing and whirling and grinding and foam ing and smoking anil frothing down over those rocks, and then go serenely gliding eff down the river again, as thoutcb nothing had hapiwnod, tickles toe. While I was standing there trying to thiokupthe string of adverb uad above, a great many pairs of lovers passed me, going to and fro, on the board walk. Seemed as though nearly everybody had taken an afternoon off (or the expra purpose of loving somebody else. There were all kinds of lovers. Young, very young, bubby-boy and giggly-girl lovers; sedate, second and third-term lovers; anxious, elderly uiaiden-and crow-footed man-loves, and then I saw another kind altogether; it was a line, manly young fellow of 18 or 20, and his sweet-faced gray-haired mother; hut lovers still. -I saw a girl that impressed mo very much. She had an earnest, intellectual look, on one of the sweetest laces I ever taw. You could see that she waa tho soul of refinement and good breeding, yet gentle and womanly withal. I wanted lo hear her speak, fori knew ber words would be as gracoful as In r face waa prutty. Pretty soon she did speak. I held my breath and lintened. She said: "For heaven's sake, Maine, look at Janet's hat! Now wouldn't tun jar you?" Two men were standing on ilie canal locks talking. One said to the other : "Did yon hear about Bob's kid 7" "No" said the other," What's he done?" "Why the other day Bob's wife was making bread and the kid got hold of a lot ol raw dough and ate It, When Bob's wife saw what he had dono, sho liked to had a fit. She hollered (or Bob and Bob ran down town for a doctor, but the doctor wouldn't come 'lessen Bob put up five dollars. Bob didn't have the money, so he ran back home and made the kid eat a cake of yeast." "Made him eat a cake of yeast? What for?" "To raise the dough." REAL ESTATE TKA.NFEBX. Furnished Every Yek by the C'lucka mm Abstract & Trust Co inrmnj. J 0 Hall to P Stoller, lots 7 and 8 in I'loasant Hill buingl)..'l4 acres in the W H B Cotton claim )500 AF Yenny to M V McKinstcr 04 - acres In the Wsodntock claim in t5s, r 2 e 2300 F Itaker to G Oriebul, tract adjoin ing Canemah on the south in the Iledifcs claim 200 Dr. Fenner's PEOPLE'S Kidney d Backache CURE. Blood and Liver Remand Nerve Tonic flrat Flood Cltanatni Remsdy for Spring Uaitacti,OuusUpalluu,"Tlril," Nvrvoua Dyspepsia Cure Golden Relie; fOR FULL IKFORatATIOK i f thie m...li. h- ui.l aUni.y IT. VITU DANCE SftUriC h )iMiritruiiail ur winl In DH. H M. ftNNlK, I'rvduuta. N. Y , r i ...... (.l . 1. 1 - i-..i.um- lii .-i rim. al... f miiiio i.( the Mual Kamar katila Cure e r . l.li.it If i.haJI. Ine. Fir Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist, Oregon City, Or. A I". Boylaii to A K Lalonrt'tte Iru. tee. lot In Darling's add In 0 C V. J I'-inn to J II TrullinKr 17 Int. In tho 1) I. V ot II J Tru'lingor. . (ie. ll.wtettir lo M I If mil U-k II ac In the Iin corner of w '4 of sen 7 and roadway In ! I' Murry claim and 4 acre in the ror of the J M llai'im claim aud lot 1, and 3 in k! 7 In see 6, t 1 a rl e .. Wll Miller lo M (i Miller, lot 1 and 2 in I'arker Hill a id to OfJ I) M iXajlittle to James Ward, lot 1 blk 5, Sunset City T K Ityan to I, K William S at-rr In h' 8, 1 3 s, r II Critarr to O and P. frilaer 14 ara In I'Uim .'W. t 3 s, r 1 J A Neil to W 1) Wulvert.ni n'4' of n'4' of aec 12, t 3 , r 6 e T Kudy to A W Tinkley c' of of 27. t 3 K A Mel 11 to l rod M Aa'ier of ne'4' of 4' ae- 14. 12. re.. FK White to II M Ktury lot 7 In bik 3t Central add to O C l'eter tier lac to I M la.lmi lot I and 2 see IS t 2 , r 2e ItX) 300 1 oOO, I 1 mo; H)0 TIIK CLACKAMAS AIISTKACT TRUST CO. are the owner of the copy right lo the Thome ayaleiu of Uu t indexe, for Cla kama county, and ha the only complete t of abatrart In tha County, can furniah Infutmation a to title to land at once, on application. Loans, Invratinrnta.p-al estate, abatracti tc. Ollice over Hank of (treifon City. Call and inveatigate. Address box 377 Onipn City, Oregon. How -t)IJ llaramM Cam lo tl Wrlllta. An Interesting little anecdote Is told about how "David llarum" cauie to be written. It I rather pathetic. It aeem that Mr. Weaoott. the author, waa the kind of man who could do pretty much anythltiK-pnlnt a picture-, plan a hotiae or rompo.' a sonata-hut he had never made much money, to when he becsme 111 snd realized that he might not lire long and would leave hi family with little or no money be wss ilcperntc. "Write a IkxiIc," auggested a friend and neighbor to hi 111 one day when they were talking over the situation. "1 did make an attempt at It once." answered Mr. Wescott "I tried a love story, but I couldn't mnko It go." "Add a little local color to It." said tho first speaker. "Take ono of the people about here that you know and work bin up-old , for liiNtance," met lion! m a character familiar to tin 1 Ik ;1i. "He'd bo first roto." I'ha h a good Idea!" cxclntuied Mr. V ti. nml tho result of this conver t tlot. was "David llarum." and yet On' Id" wns never In tho alory at all . It wns first conceived. Anna Went wo tU lu Woman's Home Companion. nelaylngr Ilia Jarra. ('linrlc stories, with some reason, are nmimonly received with Incredulity. A well authenticated anecdote, however, Is told of Dr. Frederic Hill, an Kngllsh surgeon of distinction. A ninn fell ovcrtxinrd In tho Indian ore mi and nlmost Into a shnrk'a mouth. Hill, who wus standing close to tho mil, grubbed a belaying pin snd with out hesitation jumped to save tho sailor. Tho grout brute was Jimt turning on his buck to bite, when Hill drove the beliiylng pin right through both Jaws. Both men were got on board egnlu un harmed. "I'erhnps that fellow won't want an other toothpick. Ilns any ono got a clean shirt to lend 7 This was my last," were the only words of tho rescuer. Tho Orator. The oyster Is ss fixed and sedentnry as the potato, and Its cultivation Is Just as ensy. In liuropo Its propaga tion hits been reduced to a acloutlflc basis, but Ui this country only a be ginning has been tunde. An oyHter Is ready for market In about Ovo years. Tho bivalves have so much to contend with that perhaps only 0110 In 2,000,000 lives to grow up and be eaten by human beings. Chi cajfo Times Herald. The Enterprise $1.50 per year. REMEDIES. FAIVIIUY. ni.ivw ' i'Ni-n. 11., Nov. lr. M. M. Keniinr, Nnr rin I nen-nli .Irr.l V iii.nti iiiiIiIIhIiimI. IlilL 1 I .... . . . . i free i.iauir liuk I fullr lNlle j. nir Kidney mid lln kai ha t ine v the eaiiMi nf it4 y l.elna iillvn t (lay I welulKil I P ikhiikI and imw aver nfn i'v .,!,. lr.,ly. U . It. M..il l.lSu HIUA'M I'M MMi'l l b Wi'UKll, I . Iiknriiih. N. V., Apr , I I hail tVver Nmw mi iy ilahl Ie. with alt 4 ft 1 nl. era Hi" I'"' ,M I '" awellln to twl' llo iiulnrnl !'. NmlnlJ up ilneM real. Many th ! ra nml piilenl tuixlh'liie were tried mid tailed. 1 1 1 Jf three i-.nl.Hi.ir Pr. I'cnner sUluuuaiiu Llv r r.mna.ly ami Nrr Tonic piIU' el acii U ,i Nir:i.ntMrv.ii. It "inl VII I . Tenil. I . h. M, tUtU tr M. M I sl It. r..l..ni. V V. Ymir UYirUCIIA CUIU ha cured n or a (Ualrex.!!. I el 1 1 1 mmI, I had Ih H Iri lurf all l.tu.l.ef im. .I. Iief'ir It. Im ImllnS the lllrtelenl (..nil" i if IN l"On ami h'pep tlim ullli. in I hriielit, 'I Im I.t.t iUmn lit ymlf niel.l l ine av Inn lii.ii.i-.llut" ti lief, iittn tulieii tan Uilllea an. I emiahler !. elf i iirnl. J II. S l. I, Mi. JiriiKHl-i' Mr JkWier l. Kraiil u, l' , MurT l I h.it.. n... I I)r fcimer UOI.PKN UlUlt In my rmiiiiy inr H.rnars. iiciiiiri ' .r aflt-r the ih.'lnr ld I "llhl h""' tt . y Ti.eMt la ti -.In Hie lu'ller fur Urlm I ill. la. (ill. IIiuImw. Il..a.l..'hi. T.ilh v h'S r Neurukia KAMI I I. T. JultNw'N. g Do You jj M Know the Nows 2 You t an bavn It all fur 'A 50c Per Month Per Month ri . . . . . .. a iH In Ilia r Veiling Iriegram, of Tori- n I aTj ImiiiI friin. tl ia I ItM tarveiif A ij errning iiraaiiaper puoiialimi in J tlrrk'(in j It cunlaina all (he n- .'iO'lJ of the Htate and of (Im Nation. Ir! Try It lor a month. A aair.pl jjj coi.y will le malted l yon itu. KMX), Y AJ.lrt)M K,i Tho Telegram, Portland, Or. IHunii-thlnf New, Just published by tho houlhein farina Co. It a pamphlet Uioi the resource of Weatern Orrynn, which Include an n cnllont map of I'm (, at I contain In formation on cllmat", lau It, eduratlun etc., exialing luduitrira and their capa bililie. , Attention 1 alo dirortod to such now tltild for energy or capital a promise fair return. Thi publication fill a need long i imrirnred by lrrgoiiln, in replying to inquiries of eastern friend. Coplt may h bad of local agent Southern I'acKlc Co., or from C. H. MaaiaaM 0. P. A., I'ortland, Or. ( old ti.frl Ur Death. "There Is but one small chance to save your life and that la through an op eration," waa the aaful pruapm-l M be fore Mrs. I. II. Hunt, of Lime ltidge, Wis , by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful rase of stomach trouble and yellow Jaundice. He didn't count on the marvelous power of Kloc trie Hitter to cure Stomach and Liver trouble, but aim beard of it, took seven bottle, was wholly cured, avoided sur geon's ktilln, now weighs more ami feels belter than ever. It's positively guar anteed to core fitomach, Liver and Kid ney troubles and never disappoints. I'rlce flOc at (loo. A. Harding's drug store. OABTOllIA. Baan U " ind ttw Has) Unit tiu$t MAMY A LOVF.K. Has turned with disgust from an otherwise lovable girl with an olfniislvo breath, Karl's Clover Koot Tea purifies the breath by Its action on the bowels, etc., ss nothing else will. Hold for years on absolute guarantee. 1'rlca 25 cts, and 60 cts. C. (J. Huntluy the Druggists. Persons desiring announcement of parlies, socials, ulc., must send them to this ollice. 1 A v1 lonklni r?.tl hofwi ami KMir Infih - Z,'!. V ln liariinaa la lha A worm kind of a ouue Jl Eureka Harness OHi tintonlv makmthnhnrni-naanil th I A lion." . iK-tinr. hut ii.Kkm th li-attmr aun ami i.llalili., ul. it In run. 11111 , it 1 dill. ii l.i limt-Iwl.'u 11a luna i. WlWfl M 11 orillimrlly wnul.l. jt Your ' WO' ft'J Horse a xraW Chance! SW i Y