Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 18, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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In Mcinorlain.
Clackamas Districl Pomona Grange
adopted the following on January lUli,
Whereas, It hat pleased A lui iht y
-lod to take fioni ii our worthv ami be
loved brothers, I.awmjti L, Moor and
Frank E. Wills,
He it resolved, That we extend to the
families and friends of our departed
tirtit tiortt our lu-nrl-frit Htul lincers sym
pathy in tlu'ir time of sorrow;
ItcHolvinl, That we rvaliie tlie grange
lias iort two of in most helpful and enor-
. kt'Uc UK in Nth, aii'l we deplore our loss.
Resolved, That a eopv ol Ciese resolu
tion I spresd iioii tlie minute of tin
grange, a copy be cent to the weave!
lamilic and copiea be sent to the count;
papers and to the Tacific Fanner.
Legal Notice.
School Report.
Report of Ma' kaburg school, district
No. 20, for the month ending IVceuiber
18, 1000:
1'upils enrolled, ZO.
Day taught, 19.
Day attendance, 4S0.
Times tardy, 6.
Those who were neither aboent nor
tardy are Kusee! S-ramlin, Ensley Grib'
ble Frtdrriik Wallace, Katharine La'
oinur. Alma llaiuia, Mary Murdock,
Ella Klinger, lra murdock, Ida i-milli,
Louis Murd'Xk, Ealleigli Bowers, Mary
Gib.-on, Christel Bowers, Chester mith,
Lloyd Bowers and Jom-ph Gibson.
Fupila enrolled, 20.
Pays taught, 19.
Pays attendance, 417.
Pays a been t, 43.
Times laido, 0.
Those who were neither absent nor
tardy are Marie Rower. Lena Gribble,
Johnnie Kabourek, Annie, Margaret and
Andreas Zcnger, Lula and Pearl Parmer,
Huida, Eddie and Emil Kraxburger and
Lenora Lamonr.
In tlie Orruit Court ol the State ot
gon for Clackamas County,
Cha. Draper, plaintiff, )
Grace A. Draper, defendant.)
To Grace A, Draw. alovi) named de
fendant :
In the name of the state of Oregon, yon
are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against von
in the love entitled suit on or before
February 10, lWl, that boing the last
day prescribed in the order of publica
tion of this summons, and it you tail to
so appearand answer said complaint,
the plaintilT will apply to the court for
the relief therein prayed Icr, to-wit : a
divorce from the bonds of marriage ex
isting between you and plaintiff.
This summons is published by order of
llon.T. F. Ryan, judge of the county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon,
made on the 2Sili dav of IVcemher, k0,
the tirst publication 'being ou the 4th day
of January, liVl.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
.allte ol I'laiitl rcllliietil.
MIl.Uirt'K mai.i:.
In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon
lor the county of tlaclama.
Charles Spangle r,
V 0 TICK Is hereby glvtn tuat the under
i-v signed, a administratrix of the eata't
of Arthur V. I'erilue, deceased, baa llled
her final reimrl tilt td conn Iv cmirl ol
Claikauiaa countv, Onon, and thai Ilia
Hon. Thomas K. Itvan, Judge ol said
eniirl, la t Monilnr. V.r 4(h day of
Kelirua.y. lint, at Hi liVl.nH a. in., as Hit
nine lor M'llienii'nl lln ri-. l and liearing ob
jfCtlonn Ihereio. II ai v inale,
laied IVctmUr I l'.
.uliit lor I'utillrMtioii
Pn'AhTM as r or tiir Intkkio.,
Laud CiMiie at Oiegon t ilv, Oiegon,
1 K-i ember W, im.
Notice is berebv given that the follow
ing named settler haa tiled not ict of his
intention to make final proof in supxirl
ol his claim, and that said proof will I
made before the liegister and receiver at
Oregon Cltr, Ore . on Feb. II. HKH, via
U.K. 117i4. for lou 1,2, 3 and 4, sec.
.'ti. Tp. 2 S, K 2 K.
lie names the folloalng witnesses to
prove hit continuous resilience uixm and
cultivation of said land, via : Pan Watts,
I,, p. MumiKiwer, Waller llolcomb and
John C. llolcomb. all of ttregim City,
Oregon. I MAS. H. JIIH USt.S,
.ollrel0 ( retlllnra.
the uiiiliirnlgnel list hern appointed
etrcntor ol Ilie laul III anil Iralaiiiein anil
ealaleol l.rn l Is, iIcih aei. All prraona
having claim aKalnnt the nald mints art
liereliv liollllel lo pieasnl Hie lains ailli
ItiSpMpeis vmii'hern, ilnlv VrrltUil sivoril
Ing lo la, In llio uuilrr-lgne.l at din place
ol Iridium'!", In M.iKiimin, CUrliamaii roini.
ty, Dreg .11, wllliln mi innniha Irnill Hit
ilale ol Ilie II rat puhlh allon ol Hill iiollce,
Paled NoveinlH-r lh, t!o
Kiivntor aliirald.
lino. ('. II HoMa i, an. I l.tvi .rn i',
A tlorney ,
hrrlda Nnle mtt lllet'Mllou
W. E. Paine, P. F. fains, Ella
i'aine. Jn 1'mllio anil and
J. It. ilsrtin, C. E. Martin
ami 11. E. Martio, rariners, !
doing businesa uiulrr tht )
hrm name of Martin A !-on.
Letter List.
The to'ilowing is the list of letter re
maining in the pootofficeat Oregon City,
Ore , on Jan. 17, 1U01 :
Hayns, Mrs Sarah Lauritsen, C V
llamelton.Mrs Pora Leach, Mrs Edna
Harnden.MriiKmma Preston. Mra Marr
Hunter, Mis Lydia Perry, Mr 4 MrsCL
Kellogg, Mrs A M Parker, Mrs Chaa
Stats of Oregon, I
Count) ol Clackamas.f
mm list.
Bullard, R
Pullard. Frank
BrownBeld. Billy
Bijold. Monroe
Br4r, Cal
Barclay, W C
Handge, Andy
Kellogg, B F
La Mar, B W
Matton, Geo
Mullatt. U W
Moldeuhaur, Carl
DickinKn.Albro(2) Mitchell A Hard
peBoyee, Jack Steiner, Fred
Helm, Fred Fmith, Harry
Hall, Win Savage, W II
Welch, C Williams, Jas
Oregon titr Market Report.
(CormUni weekly.)
Wheat No. 1,54c in hulk.
. Flour Portland, $3.25; Howard's
Bxet, $3.25.
Oats in sacks, white, 37 to 42
per bushel, gray, 35 to 3".
Millstu3 Bran, $15.00 per '
aborts, $16.50 per ton.
Potatoes 15 to 50 cts per sack.
Egg Oregon, 25 to 27c per doren.
Butter Ranch, 40 to 45 cents per roll
Onions, $l.j5 to $1 75 per sack.
43reen apples, 60 to 90 cents per box
dried 5 cts per pound.
Livestock and Dressed Meals Beef,
Iive,3,l4 to 4c; bogs, live, 4c; hogs
dressed, 6a to 6 cents; s! eep, $2.1'5 to
$4 pe head ; veal, dressed 7? to 8c.
der, decree and an xrcullon, duly is
sued out of and under the teal ol Hit abovs
eutitleat court, in Hit above entitled caue,
to nit duly direcitd and dated HitSlhday
of January, npou a Judgment ren
dered and entered in Mid court on Hie 2Uli
day of Novemoer, 11 0. in lavor ol Chants
Mpanglrr, plaintitr, and again! W, E. I'aine
and I). F. Vaine, defendants, lor tbt sum of
lluou.oo. Willi interest thereon at tht rait ol
8 tr cent per annum Iroin the lib day of
July, 1'J7, and tlie lunner iiun of Il.'.4l
taxes, aim tnrerrsl thertoii from (lit 'J li
day of July, l:aj, and H.t further turn of
as attorney 'i lees, and the lurtnertum
ot l.'l.oncosU and disburaeintnUi, and tht
cosu ol and uioii this writ, commanding
nit to mats salt ol the following described
real properly, situate in Hie county ol
C a.-kaujas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
Commencing at Hit sooih west corner ol
tbt donation land claim ot F'rancis T. How
ard, in section Hvt (5). towuatno lour H)
South, range two (2) ea.1 of tbt Wlllamtitt
meridian, running thence north out hun
dred and larrniy wrven(l.T)ro.lsainl tittren
(Id) links; thence east sixty -rtvt I'm I rods:
ibence south out hundred and twenty-three
roua; loenct ea.-l iweive (U'j rods;
thence south lo tbe south line of tht Fran
cis T. Howard donation laud claim; thence
west to the place of beginning, containing
nny-iwo .--) acres more or less, situated In
Clackamas coonty, Urecon.
Now, tneretore, by virtue of said execu
nun, lUiigmeiil oruer and decree, and in
complianoe aitli Hit comiuandaol said writ,
i win, on saiunay,
at the hour ol 1 o'clock p. m., at the front
ioor of the county court house in theciiy ol
Oregon fit) , in raid county and state, sell
at public auction, sutgrct to r-ileiii.ion, to
tbebight'St bidiler, lor L'. 8. gold com Cash
in hand, all the right, title and interest
which the within rianisd defendants, or
either of them, had on the date of the
mortgage herein, or since had. in or to the
ab ve described real pioperty. or any part
hereof, to satisfy said execution, Judg
ment order, decree. Interest, costs and I
all accruing cost.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ori-Kon
Dated, Oregon City. Ore., Jan. 8, l'JOl.
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Ore
gon for the Count r of Multnomah.
Joseph raipiet,
F. X. 1'a.juet,
8t.ti or Okkoom,
County of Clackamas,)
SHAW'S PURE MALT For general
nee, social, medical or family, there
nothing more desirable distilled than
It is toned to suit the palate, and is
soft, delicious and nutritions,
Bold by E MATTH1ES,
Oregon City, Ore
Tor (fgCaXarik
KLY'8 CREAM BALM la a poslttveeare.
Apply into the nostrils. It Is qui. kly absorbed. M
eeotaat DniL'eis's or hjr mail ; samti'Pt IOr. bv tnsJL
Lx BHOTHEltS, M Wsrren fcu, Kcw lork City.
In The Clrcnit Court of the 6tate of Ore
go n for The County of Clackamas.
McMinville College,
H. H. Johnson, trustee, Jas
T. Wells, Ella K. Burghart,
Mary Mailer, William M.
Burghart, E. F Riley and
The Bank of Orezon City,
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest aHsortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entbbpbibb.
r meres t&Si.
:W.ye dalntv. no II?hr m,t&A
mellow glow that
comes from
1 U. fc i
mJsI ?MP"1 in miiif color tfnts
wFSS&i roundiLM lo din log
" VA ul"n orawinj rmoj,
flt- lledtnfllilnrh.il H..I.4 .
-" ' .' a v s u a. a. is . mr s bw a . i ii
i i ii hi y jfl--... ,,, ,,,
Btatx or Oheuoh,
County ol Clackamas,) M
By virtue of a judgment order, decree
and an execution, duly issned out of and
under the seal ol the above entitled court.
in the above entitled cause, to me dulv
directed and dated the 14th day or Decern
her, lUO.upon a judgment rendered and en
tered in said court on the 19th day of fio
vember, I'.niO, In favor of McMinville Col
lege, piainitr, and ak,'aint W in. H. Hurg
hart ami Ella P.. burghart, and each or
them, defendants, for tlie sum of $l..'il2,
with interest thereon at the rate of 10 cer
cent per annum from the lot b itsy ol No
vember, IW, and tne further sum of tluO
as attorney's, fees and the Timber sum of
tn 4U costs and dixinirsenieuis, and the
costs of and uoon this writ, command
ing me to make sale of Hie fiilhrnirn
described real oronertv. sitnat In n
county of Clackamas, Klate of Oregon, to-
Beginning at a stone .10.14 chulr.i lotilli 40
degrees 1.0 ininutes east of the moct westerly
comer of the 1). L. C. of J. ti. Howlai.u,
Township 3 south, Range 2 east of the Wil
lamette meridian, running Ihence south 4'!
degrees 15 minutes ean 10 chains to a
stone; thence north 4') degrees 30 minutes
eatfKJ chains to a ttoiie; thence north 4')
decrees 45 minutes went 10 chains lo a
stone; thence south 43 degrees 31) minutes
""H" ,iace oi oeKinning, containing
40 acres, all in Clackamas county, state of
Now. therefore, by virtue ot said execu
tion, judgment oruer and decree, and in
compliance with the conmiaiidsof said writ,
1 will on Haturdav.
THE 20th DAY OF JANUARY, 1001,
st the hour oT 1:30 o'clock p m. at the
irom uoor oi tne uounty Court House in
the city or Oregon City, ill said county and
state, sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for V.tj.
gold coin cash in band, all the right, title
and interest which the within named de
fendants, or either of them, bad on the
date or the mortgage herein or since had
in or to the above described real prorty
ui aiij unit luerKui. iu bhu'iv said nern
BY virtue of a judgment order, decree
and an execution, dulv Issued ouSof
and under the seal ot the ahove entitled
court, in the alove entitled cause, to me
duly directed and da'ed the '.'4th day of
.-oemier. iyiv, upon a PMgmenl rei'
deied and entered in said curt on the
Uthdav of January. 18'J7. in favor of
Joftcph Paqtlet, plaintiff, and against F.
-. laiiuvt, defendant, for the sum of
$10) 00, with Interest thereon at the rate
of It) per cent per annum from the 10th
dy ol August, ivj, and the turtlier
sum of j.0t, with interest thereon at
the rate of 8 p-r cent p-r annum from the
Ilth day of January. 18V-7. and the fur
theriumof I0.1'5 costs and dilurw
menta, and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me out of the personal
property of said defendant, and if suf
ticieut could not be lound, then out of
the real property txjlonging to said de
fendant on and after the date of said
judgment to satisfy laid sum above men
tioned and also the costs upon this laid
Now, therefore, by virtue of said exe
cution, judgment order and decrvr, and
in compliance with tbe commands ol said
writ, being unable to find any personal
property of said defendant's. I tint, on
the20ihdey of 1 eceinber, ll'OO. duly
levy upon the following described real
properly of Said defendant, situate and
being in tte county of ( I ckamas and
state of Oregon, to- wit: Lota 5, Ii. 7 and
8, in block "A," in the town o' Cane
mail, Clackamas county, Oregon ; and I
will, on Saturday,
at the hour of 1 :30 o'clock D. in . at the
front door of the count com t house, in
the city of Oregon Cilv. in said count t
and stale, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, lo the highest bidder, for
U. 8. go'd coin, cash in hand, all Hie
right, title and interest whieli the within
named detendant had on the date of aaid
judgment, or since had. in or to the above
described real prot-rly, or any part
mereoi, to irtiisiy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, coeta and
an accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas Countv. Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., Dec, 'M, l'JOO,
Miii.Kii i "H nam:.
Ill the Circuit Court of Ins Hlatt of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas.
.Mt'Mlniivlllr C dirge (a corpo
ration), I'laliillir,
I nomas t iiarinau and K.K.I
I hariuan, partners, under
Hit llnu nam of Thomas
Charmed and Hon, Thomas
Charii'tn. Sophia ('bam. an
and llenjamlii JaitKer,
Pi lendauls.
HriTs or Oariios,
County of Clackamas,! "
1Y VIUTt'E tF A Jt'lHIMKNT olt-
A ' derdeciee.and an eirciitnni. dulv Uanrd
o ilof ami underthe seai of I lie shove enllllrd
conrt, in Hit atHite enllllrd ranae, to m
du y dlrertrl end dalrd tn .Vh iUv of
lV.tHnlwr, l!Si, uimn a i nhimrnl rrin!efl
and eulervd In aaid cour on Ihr 1 1 h dav of
N.ivemter, l:sn. In lator of MoMmnviil.
Colitis (a eoriMiralmn), Un. lilt, and
anainal Tbumat I nrinaii and Son, Thomas
C liarman. Ponhia Charnian and K. It. I'liar. i
man, and a-h of Ibriii, drli't.lants. lor lha
sum of I'.ifliaj, wiiti inter.! ibrreon at Hit
ratt ot in jr nm per annum from Hit
l lth day of Niivemhtr. and Hit lor.
Ilier sum of Cil) aa aituin's fee, ami
Hit further sum of fit n.t and ills.
buraemenls, sn I tbe n.aHolsnd upon title
writ, commanding ni lo make salt of tht
lolloalng drseribrd real oronrriv. silnata
in Hit county ol Clackama, stalt of Ore.
gou, to ail:
Heitinnli g at a Point In the
txitititlry nf it.tfti,tii rlmiii Allrti M
and Mary MatliHin. I. la wile. No. hi f '
south, It. 3 rail, 5 3 rbains H M drgrrts K.
fmm the moat aeaieriy cortier ol aaid claim,
and running tneuc north 117 degrees 1.1
niinnira raal W chains In a slake; llieure (4
degrees 1.1 minutes K, 21 rhalnt to a
stone: thence south ir? Urgrees 45 mlnulea
weal M mains lo sanl aesirr:y IxMindarv
Iheiirt north 51 ilrrees weal Iracing aaid
DounoarT .i ..-xnains to pi seen l Ivglnning
oun k i i.i ,u acrea, more or Iraa
Also Ihf followInK drrrllird trai'l. dt all
Commeming at a stake 3d chains V. of II,
corner l on iheratrri boiimlary of ec-
rn.iiil. III I. $.. It 'i t. : Ibenc north
irr.Arhaina M Ilie S bank ol the Clarkat.aa
river; thenrt sxnith M iln'srt aaal 21 75
cntins along llir hank of sanl river; Ihenr
aoiun ni clisint lo the southwest comer;
nirnrrra-l .til rnatna In place ol hrgln
'. mioaiulna- I'M acres, mora, or less, all
in I lai'ksmaa rouniy, stale u I irrgon.
Now. Ihrrefore. bv virm ..I
lion, judgment order ami iW-rrrs. and In
compliance a lib Iberommaiida of said writ,
t win on naiuruay, ina
iii:iiii'i-m n.ii.i:
In Hit Circuit Court of tht Hlate of dra
gon lor Hit ( otiuty nl t la ksiuaa
A, I'. I.iilouivlts, I riiaii ,
t.uai'ile Kuigbl, William
K night, Main h night, liny
Knight, Alma knight ami
I- l Toner,
8ri or Hnsoi'N. I ,
Couuiy ol t iai kamaa.l
1Y Villi t 10 (IF A JllHiMKSr tlt
' tier, iteciee and an vei iillnii, duly I
siit'l out ol and Under Hie arai of In atv
eiilillvd collil, III Hit alHixr entitled laiKv
til ins dtliy illrrcleil and dated lbs litb dav
ol I 'ice in Per, l Ml, upon a Judgment ten
derrd and elilsieil In said Hour I oil Ilia luth
day ol Noitmlwr, 11" a. i it lavor of A K.
I.aiourvlte, trustee, plalntllt, ami agalnal
l.nsetie Knlaiil, dvltmlant, (or Hit sum ol
11,0.11.00, with Interest ilirreon at Hit rait ol
III pei lent per annum Irom the 1 1Mb day ol
Notemlnr, I'.Mi, and the further sum of
!', ul as ailoroey's let, and lha lurlhsr
inn of .W Ulooata and illiliiirariiieuls, and
the ihwIs ol and uimn this writ, comliiainl
ing me to inakt salt of I he following de
srrliied ital proper t), slluaitlu Hit county
ui lai aamaa, siait oi ixsgou, to wi ;
lletnulng at Hit ipiarter sei tloii Corner
lietaieil seciions I and 5, township 4 south
langt I tal lliainriie meridian; Ihsiu
eal mi onarler section Una atMiill I5cbaliis
loihs Molaila river at low water; lliema
norlli lolloalng the meamlersof .Molaila
llvi r al low Waler '.'.I til Chan's lo the iimln
iHiuuiiaiy ol tht l A. herly I.I,,C ; I inia
eal on sal.l tuiiiiMl,) linaalsnil lOrhaloi
nnirnor leas lo the ourltiaeil corner of lolni
Mima 5 11 acre tract, Ibenra south I.''
chains lo Hie south west turner ol sanl No. a
land, tlienrrtaal IVsi chains to outl.raM
corner of bin, a laud; Ihemt soutli A I
chains; Ibence taal .tan tbalna; llttuct
imlli H lio rnaina; theme souib lAilecresa
,D Olialna luoit or leaa lu Hit lioilli
eat corner of M. Ilo.futd'i land; llirmi
souili on weal boundary of aaid lloatord'a
lauii.i.nociiaina loMiiilliWralcorurr thereof
liianie eaal ll.aii eliaine; thsnct soutli tl
hams lo sou in Uoimlaiy ( seoilon 4
lliemt west ;7.sochalnt lo south a a. t comer
olaecllon4; Ihence liorlb on m'llun Hoe
XHUi'lialiia lo olactol larglunlng. ami eon.
lalnine alioiit U7 acres of land, moif or Ira
atiuaied jn lbs county of I lackaiuaa and
state ol I iiegon,
Now, iharelore, .y virtue ol said tiecii
lion, juiigiiitnl order and ilivrre, and In
ftonpuance auh it, cominamls of said
ru, I sa III, on rtalurday,
THK :titli DAY OF JAM'AIIY, Hif.
at Hit hour ol I SO oVIurk P. ni al lbs
fronl Uoor if the oiiiuly (Hunt bona, in ll,e
cltyot Oregon I'lly, In said riuntv and
slate, sell al Pllhlin auction, aunlerl In ra-
deniplinii. In Ida liiabeal tnddsr, lor l". H.
gold coin, cash In hand, all Ilia right, tula
and Interest which the tinin named defend,
aula, or either ol them, bad on II, t dale ol
Ibe mortaae herein, or Blurt had. In or In
I t ataive dearriord real properly, or ai y
lo.-rroi, aa'la'y ai, elet'lllloii l l lg
mem order, dm rrt, Inter si, Coats and all
aicrumg coat a.
.1 . !
rneriu or i lamai I nnuiy, i n, rf.,n.
Paled, Urrgnii l iij, llrr., le. 5, 's,
Mlll:llll'l"N eswl.i:.
Ill the Clicull Court uf Hit stalt ol Otruun
fur tht until v of Clarkatuas.
Mi'Mlnnvllls College,
Thoiiiaa Charnian, fopba
Charnian, tl, J, 'I rulllnger
ami lluujamln JKger,
Nlll.ltll 'N H.ii.i;
Hatta or l in khuw
t'ouitly nl Ciaekaii
iy viiiti'i: or a ji'ihivknt oi:.
s der, ileciet and ail e ililoii, duly la.
sued out nl anil llinlrr lha seal ol lbs aUiva
eullHed I'ullil, In tht almve entitled catiat.
to inn duly tine, 'ted ru, dale,) Hit llth dav
uf iNntmlisr, isl h,ii a Judgment ren.
dered and enlered In sal, I eourl uu lbs I III,
ily nf Novsmber, I'sai. In favor of M,Minn.
Vlllel'olleue, lila, hlllt, ami agalnal Thuiuaa
I hsrn.au ami II. J, Trulllnuer, an, I sa, h nf
Ihem, defstnlaiita, lor the sum ol ll liill.
with Inlereal thereon at Hie rata of Pi Par
renl per annum from Ilia llllidavnf No.
vemlier, ami Iht further sum of l ilt (It
as alinrney i fi t, ami Hit further sum of
f.".' Id coals and illahuraements. and lha
coals of am! iiihiii l,la writ, eommaudlna!
ma lo makstalaor It s following deaerlheii
real prorty, altuaia In Ibtroumy of Cla k.
atuas, stale uf Oregon, to will
A pari of Hit 1 1. I,. C, of John I. (Hover
and Itai'hel tilovar. In lownahlp Iwq south,
rang loureaatnf (ha Willamette men Hsu,
beginning at Iht iiorlheaal r-.rner, l,'i j
inosl northerly corner; thsnca sonlh riiiln.
grres ,10 minutes weal mi rlalui i, fa .H)
halo a lo he lonlharil corner uf r aim
thsncn stitilll '."I degrees .HI mlnulea raat on
lalm lint '.'7 iirhalna; ihenia north de.
grees .til iiiinnlss taal !n chains In fa-l
hue ol rlalui; beue north Tl dearees '.II
mlnulea arat on eaal lint 27 41 i hatna In
lait nf lieiilunlng, conlalnlng ll acrea,
llraf I iilttar al a IhiIiiI
dary lint uf Hie i H ofZ V. Sorlonauit
wile. at. No. 71 PI. Claim No III loan. bin
.1 south, range H eaal ol Hit Wlllamells marl.
dlan. wblid. H i la ;i .il rbslua sad from
lha s.nilharal corner of aaid rlaim, and
ruiiiilngHism-teaai ahoul '.n Srheln lotht
Una dividing said claim Into eaal and a sat
aires; Ihenre norlli nu sanl division
M VI chains to l,a north lint of said rial in ;
thenrt weal on Hit norlli tins of said rtatm
to a l-olnl 21 ai chains taal ol tht uorthaMt
corner of said claim; lhnr south aa.vb
halus lo lbs Place uf beslnnlmr mi.i.lnl,.
Hliares. "
No. Iherrfore. by virtus of aaid aSM-u.
Hon, jiidgmetil order and ilerrer. and lit
compllanr aph Iht eomiiiamla nf aaid ,tt
III, on Hatiirday, '
Till: '.Urii DAY OF JAN I'A It Y, l!'l.
al Iht hour of una o'clo. k r. m , al lha front
, (ir ot Ilia rouniy rmirl huiiaa inltierl'
nl Oregon Cpy, In said roimly and stale,
sell al potior surtlon,aul,)i'l lo rswlaintilliiri,
lo Iht hlghral bidder, lor I'. M. Kohl dirt
raah In hand, all Hit right, title and liiterrat
lilrti lha ,, i i.an.ed defendants, or
tllher of Ihem, I, a I on Hit dale of lbs m,,r.
gai-e herein, or alnee had, In or In Ihestsiva
iescrih. real proi-eriy.or ai r i.arl Hiervof.
... ai,i rseruuon, J'l.lgiuaol or Isf,
decree. Interest, roala and ail arrrolnt i-oilt,
i.i CiHiKK.
Hherlflof ( laekamaa t'oiiiily.Oret'iri,
Dated. I lr,g,., t iir. lire , flee. 5 pan.
hiii:iiii'"n mi.s.
lh lny ( Jamstwry. ItOI,
at tne nourof one o rltw k n. m . at the trnnl
d.Mirof lliacounlr rourl Imiise in Iherlly of
ureimo Cltv, In said county and stale, sell at
purine auction, sntijei t in redemption. In
me litKheat hpbler, for I . M. gold coin eaab
in nan, i, an Hie rigid, title and Intereat
which Hit within named delendanis. or
either Ol Ihem. bad on Hie data
ol lha mortk-aire herein, or unra hail.
in or lo Hit ahovt desi-ntwd real pruu
ertv or anv part ihere.,f. to .ail-fy aaid ee
rution, pnlKiueiil order, decree, Interest,
costs ami all ao rulng co.ta.
J J. COtiKK,
("bertfl of Ciarkamaa countv, Oreion
Dated. Oregon Cltr. Ore., Dec. 15. I'aH).
Ml JIJ1(H.
In tbe Circuit Court of the Slat of Ore
gun for tlie County of Clackamas.
E. M. Howell. Plaintiff.
Patrick Byrne? Defendant
To Patrick Byrne, defendant almv
named ;
Jn the name of the Ktate of Oregon,
you are hereby commanded to appear
andansaerthe complaint liled against
you in the above entitled action o .or be
lore the tin e prescribed in the order for
the publication of thin summons, to-wit;
On or before six (6) weeks alter publica
tion thereof; ami if yon fail so to appear
and answer said complaint, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will tako a iudir-
ment agaiiiHt you for the sum of i.'IU-YOt),
wiiicn is a rmiance tine upon one 1 1 tup
tain promiHsory note for 1 100.00 muile
ami executed to one Melissa Smith and
ny tier a-signed to U. r. Ntnilh, ami by
nun nnmnni lor H VHItlHIHe COIIHIdera
non to tne puintiit above ininied, wlio is
now the owner ant holder thereof, also
interest thereon at the rale of ton (10)
ier cent per annum from tlie loth dav of
ovpiewoer, i jw, ana lor tne coats ar;d
dishursetiientsof this action, and for the
further sum of $.00.00 as attorney's fees
Herein. And you are hereby notified
that the plaintiff has caused in 1... at.
tached certain real estate situatod in tbe
county of Clackamas, Mate of Oregon, as
loiiuws, to-wit; aii oi tots seven (7) and
eight (8), in block twentv-eight (28), in
the town of Milwaukie, CiackamaB conn-
ty, uregon, according to the recorded
maps and plats on file in thn office of the
recorder ot conveyances of said county,
for the purpose of satisfying luch jutlg.
tnent aa he may obtain upon complaint
on file herein.
The date of the first nuhliiiation of this
enmtnong is January 4th, 1901, and the
date of the last publication thereof Is the
15th day of February, 1001, which is the
lat day within which you may appear
and atiHwer the complaint herein, and
this summons is published pursuant to
an oruer made and entered herein by
the county court of the state of Oregon
In the Juatii t Court, Diatrict No. 4, County
vi v. av aamaa, oiaie ui irregon.
J. 8, Welch.
Win. llowletl,
Iloalett, tbt above named defend'
To Wm.
-- Oregon, you ait hereby rruulred lo an
pear and answer Ihecomp-alitt Hied against
you in the above entitled court on or before
lliei'kldsyol Fturuary, 1'ml, that being
Hit la.il da preaenhed In the order for pub
lication ol this summons for you to appear
ami answer satu complaint; and ir you rail
lo api-ear and answer said complaint, lor
want thereof, plalullll will take In linnrnt
against you lor the sum ol I'.fiUo, together
witn ina costs and diabursemems ol this
First publication ol Ibis summons is Jan-
liary 11,
Dated mis nth day of January. Ifsil.
J. W. Mi AN LI. I Y.
Justice of tht Peace, District No. 4.
Disip a A. Ksjiiam,
Atlormyt lor I'laintiir.
In tlit Cireuil Court ol Hit Hlats of Oregon
i," "ir vuiiinj ui v ia aamaa.
A. K l.atouretlt. tleculur of 1
Ine am ol I.. D. C. Iton
istte, deceaard, 1
1 laiullft,
Thomas riianuan, James M.
Iraiy. Mnphia Charnian
and llenjamlii Jasver,
fTT nr Oason. i
County of i la kaiuss j
a' exet'titiitii. iliili Ib.i.m.1 mi, ..i .....
ler the seal ol lha alxive enliiied court. In
me aiKiva eniiueii caue. in me duly direct
ed. ami dated lha fh ilav of Drreinlirr.
na,, iiihiii s nerree and order of salt run
lertd and entered in said court on H s ti ll
usy oi Mivemlier, l;i. In favor ol A. F-.
I.atoiiretie eiei ulor ol Hiaaldof U D C
l.atourette. decased. n lain! IT and
I nomas ( lisrmsn. James II. Trace. hnnMa
Cbarmati and llenjainln Javver, defendants,
10 satisfy Iht sum of .T73 So, with Interest
inerann al lha ran of 10 er cent r an
iiuui Irom Hit 1.(1 la day ol November, list).
and the further sum of 1110 attorney's
lees, with Interest thereon al lha ra'a ol II
percent pet annum Irom Hit l.tlh day ol
.November. Ilia), and lha further Bom f.r
Siu.iaj co is and diabursemeuts. and lha
coataol and upon mis writ, commandlrnr
mam mast salt ol Hit lolloalng daacribtd
reai properly.iliuala In Hit county ol Clack.
amas, state of Oreiruu. to-wii:
l he northeaal uuarler of north a eat nuar.
r a, in mi no. one in or aariiou Tl iai,.
ship J anuih. range i east of Willamette
meridian, containing 51 acres.
."Now, therelore. hy virtue of said txecu.
lion, order ol salt and decree, ami In com.
piianct wiin Hit commands ol said writ,
i win, on naiurusy,
at the bourof 1:10 o'clock o. m..at the fmm
door ol the county court house Inlhecily
oi oregou i it, in said rouniy ami siait.
sell at pulilti! auction, stitili-ct In re, letup.
lion, lotht hiithest bidder, lor If. N void
coin, casli In hand, all lha right, title ami
interest which the within named deli-nd-
aids, or either nf them, had on the data of
tne mortgage herein, or since had, In or to I
ntanova described real property or anv
Notice Is hereby given that wt will apply part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
io rneclly council al its regular meeting In
February, for a license to sell si, Int.
loos liquors, al our place or himlncaa. Msln
si reel, oetaeen fourth and Kilth, Oregon
Dated Orrgon Ci'y, Jan. 10. IfKil
Kei.i.v A Nobi.itt.
ment order, decree, Intereat. costs and all
accruing costs.
Hherlll of Clackamas Counlv. Oreir.ni.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., Dec. 15, Usui, ,
.lollrei ofNiilei of Itcnl ICalulri.
In Iht Clrrnli C.iirl of lha Htala of Oregon
or in, v oioo j ui i lai aamaa
C. D. A l. C, l.lto.ir.lle.
Hamuel Uivsll and -
1, femlanis.
Burs or Oktuua, i
Cuuidj uf t la kamas.j
JV VIKTI'K OK A J('DiiM.Nr nil.
' drr. derrea and an rirrulmn. di.lv la.
sneil nut ol smI nmiar Ilia seal nl Hit alaivt
t Milled con 1 1 In tia alxive enme. rauaa, .t
V nirer-rn, an, I Hale, I Hie ph day nl
Deremtier, llni, uiMoia bldamem ran.l.r.,1
and enlere-l ,i aa. c.uri on the fpn ,.v ,,f
,nveiuoer. pan, pi .Vi,r of t , 11. A l. C.
l-a'mirette. ,laliiiirts, and aaaln.l Ma mel H
Unell, deloiMlsnl. lor Hit sum ol llinin
auh lolereal Hisreon al the rait of In iter
rtnl per a i mm u.a '.'I'll day ol No.
vember, l'.aai, and Ilia fnrthsr sum of .ajiA
aa allornay's Ire. and lha turtlier sum ..I
f.', IIJoos It and illahur semenls. and lha Coalt
of and uiiii this writ, rumniamlli t ma r
make salt of tht following described
real proiriv. silnata In in. ..I
Clarkaiiiaa, stale of Oregon, lo all:
I lis weal iiaifofllia weal half ol Hit north.
wsat nuarlerof serllou ft. lownahin.1 amiiii
ol range 2 eaal of tbt Willamettt lueridlaii.
Now, therefiirt, by virtus of said execu
tion, Judgment order and decree and Irs
ooiiiniiain a wild Hit commands ol said writ.
I will, on Maturday,
tiik'.'p day ok fkhkuaky, vm,
at Ihehoorofl JOn'rlork II. hi., al lha InniS
d,Kirof Hit county , nurl linnae In Iherlly
of Oregon Cny, In said fount and stale.
II al pu hi In auction, suhlem in r.,l.,,,.
Hull, to lha liUheal bidder. I..r It N ,. ,
coin raah u tiaaticl. all lha right, title and lm
lerest which lha alililii named defendant
had on lha data of the IlllirtlSllrtaa Ii J. eaal
or alnee had, In or In tht above dcBctlh.f
real property or any part thereof, to sallafy
said txti'iniim, J, pigment order decree, In.
tereai, coats ami all accruing mala.
Hherlll of Ciarkamaa eounly, On iroti,
Dated Oregon City, Ort., Deu, "H, Iikxi,
ni nviosi,
Aollc ol I'iunl NclMcinent.
VOTICK Is hereby given that In pursu
ant e of an order of sale. ihbiIh and an.
u-reu hy Hie county court, county of Clacka
mas, state oi oreeou. on t ie I5ih i hv i.i
January, A. D, liml, in the mailer of' the
"T0TICE Is hereby given that the under,
signed, adinlulNirator or the estate of
Jllbn IteillV lll.eeai.l I. a. Itt.wl 1.1.
account In lbs countv' court or the staia m e.","t".u' Kolierl Italy, deceased, thn umler-
Oreirnn for (Ilark.ma. ........ i. .. ... signed, the execntor of the Ust will and tea.
mlnistralor, and Monday, the 4lh dav or lB!MHIlt .""'d derieased, will sell at private
reoruary, a U. iwii. at the hour ,r in
ocu:aa m., nas lieen Dxxd by the Hon
Thomas F. Kvan. ludire or said rnurt mm
the time for nearinu anv and all l,U.iloi,.
at, tiia icnuri auu me seiiieiueiil tbereol.
umeii uec. 11, pioo
Adtiilnlstraior ol said estate.
DlMICK & Kahtimm,
Attorneys ror administrator.
Hon, judgment order, decree, interest, costs ! t,ie 'otintT of Clackamas, Hon. Thus
and all accruing costs,
8herifl ol Clackamas C"unly, Oregon
Dated, Oregon City, Or., Dec. 15, 1000,
t. Kyan, Judge, on the 28th dav of fio.
cember, lyoo.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
' CHjTrcaHurcr'a Notice.
Notice ii hereby given that there are
sufficient funds on hand in the general
fund of Oregon City to pay all outstand
ing warrants endorsed prior to Novem
ber lnt, 1898, also road warrant No. 05.
IntereHt causes with date of this notice.
City Treawirer.
January 17, 1001.
The Enterprise 11.60 per year,
sale on and after the 10th day or February
Pad ii. r..n....,i i... ...a.... i .
,,ji,uniB u.;m:illjru real VNlHie, IO-
The south half of tbe south balfof the A
J . Haly and Mary Italy I). iC.,conlalnln
100 at:res. more or less, situate In Clarkamas
county, Oregon; also the north half of lha
south hair of the A. J. Italy and Mary JJaty
D. b. C, coulaitiing JV acres, more or is.
situate In Clackamas couuiy, Orcgun, on
the premises, salt! sale to be fur cash 10
per cent on day of sale and balance on con
Urination of sale hvaald countv court.
Executor ol tbe Last Will and
Testament of Robert Italy, Deceased.
Dated Jan. HI, 1!J1.
In the Circuit Court nf the Plain of Ore
gon inr uackiHiiuk County,
MzrioOregory, plaintiff.
' vs.
Junius (iregory, defendant.
To James (ircirnrv. thn
. . " j t , vr nnn:i
uifieuiluut ;
In the imtno of th itntuof ft fPiiin I'nti
aro hereby reonirml to appear and atif
Wtir the uoinplalnt filed auulnat von i n lha
above entitled suit on or heforii February
10, 1001, that hnlng the last duv lint.
scribed In the order ol the publication of
mis summons, am if von fail to so up,
pear and answer salif cnmnUInt u,.
plaintiff will upplv to
Ctillit for Hm
reliel therein piaved for, to-wit; a di
vorce Irom the IkiiIn of marriage exist
ing nt'tween you and plaintiff.
lllIU Ulllllllliiltat I li .1 I I... 1 aV L
Clackamas county. Ore,,, II, , V V """'", " V". ' ur r "l
court of fackairlus county, Oregon, matle
on tlio 2Sth dny of December, 1000, th
first publiratiun Iml llt till itlM altlk ituu if
January, HKI1.
Attorney for Plulntiff.
. Zf "H,fnjw. ni irn, irm uu ... V i.
nv.i.A I. 7, I uutiuui ciiuii, uuntui worry,
ICTC0 lirtWft at o?rt-.r,,.plu71' m.M,'b ,oll1 t0 tonsumpllon and Insamty
ArlcB USInOa SloM,)r,W9.l'uranU,',loe,lr" or varnnd thn money. Sold at i
uibMvgino. iboxea lor iu.JHorr CJili.TUCAt CO.. tJlev.
TH' vitalitv
llMsi m ahaWal LU kJl U JN..-A-Jl-'asW
VTharrateem.r ItTOlVilHlUJil XXZ.XM
ina rreat rnmndf for nnrvoua npnairaiinn and ail rit.... ,i.. .i
VV priransof elltlflrsnx, such aa Nnrvnus I'rnatraLlnn. 1,'tlllnn.V. r L.Jkia
tjoeasivt us
, With tvery
1.00 par .