OKKQON OITY ENTEItPIUSK, FRIDAY JANUARY 11, 100. Personal Mention A. Kt Hlotit, m over (rum Toledo, Tn: :y. lluii. J, A Talberl, was In llm city Tr. Iy. J ,11, Poat, tl( CUckllllll, WS Ill tllll t y tlili week, f Hugh Curran, of Ciirramvllle, waa In Cinlty IliU week. P. W. Hmllh.of Indlanola, Neb., m In this city tlil week. J. C, Paddock, of Clackamas wa In f J city Wednesday. A. I,. Pollard, of Vancouver, wit In Or n Ciljr Monday, Thus. Daniel, of Heaver Cieek, we In t'.liclty Wdncday. I' -Lt. Off, of lloaebiirg, win regliterei ; . (:. F,lx trio Monday. I'op. J. I.. Krue, lepreeentallveelect x In ilit illy TuUy. V.'llterd Itobblne, a merchant of Mo- ! "i, wm In town Tunedey, J. I. Wililfin, of Nw Ere, was In V tlly Monday on builue. Miry Madder, of Portland, y lilted Ccjua City frleii.lalhli J. Heed, of Nprlngwaler, had hualne ''.! tit county court yeaterday, V, A. Sleight, of Cenby, transacted t-: In Oregon City, Momliy. !'.. E. Wlleon, in atturney 01 Corvalll, r la town TupiUy on legal buaiuea ' V. Clara llolmilrom, of Garfield, 4 frlrnJi In tlili tlly during tin r W'V W '',0' w-ijriyi(i t .'. L sml VY. K. Thorn, of Widen. I j.mii rrtflalvre il lb Electric ?i;r -lay. J. L Flher, of Tin Dellei, vlilled lb ...!y of Mr. end Mrs, Tuherntg her i:.: work Fred Yerger, of Aurora, wai In Oregon C:y, Wdndy. Mr. YergerUan ' Imp-buyer m tint Uri. I.ucll Alderman, of Portland, ! 1;jh1 Ilia Mliwt Helen ami NeluGle- r , of tlili eily, during Ilia wk . D. VY. Smith, formerly of thl city, t I dow of Al4m, Idaho, li In tin city C' weak U ling up lili itTin tmta, I'. F. Mitchell, of Highland, In t . iMuo.liy. Whil her ba ordered CM "nUrprte sent to lili addr fur a C. T. Ilowir.l, put-maitar at Mullno, c I th Knterprla' gnl anil good f J, ai In tliii tilt W.lnr.Uy on . Iwir.l Turliolka, ot Mllwiuklf, n ! i Cfrgun City Weiic.lay, Whila ln-r t t Lnlrrril Ilia Kntrr ro anil tu liil al C i for a rir. i r"'.i Miuila f-lanrliiiil, of Canrnuli, t Mr. ami Mn. 1'ilila, at McMinn I thli imk, Mia iatumrl to brr tuntttUy in(iiiiMiilrJ l.y Mn i C J. C. ilurm, of l'ortUnl wlto li iitpiul Uim Mata Agrit ullural Collcga, lt) ) aunt Mn. John (ilraon, ol tliii i lly, . Jay ami Saturday of laat wwk while : lili way Im k Ui cullrga. I Inn Ifio licit lami In ! county for Irait nionry. Try nn, J. K, IlKiMiti, At Tlit. Wtilla llonn Tavam tmxt HhI urday, Jion't fornt. An Infaiil iUui(lilir of Mr, and Mn. (J. W, (irangn, dlnd lint 8nlnrcUy afternoon In Wl ()n.im C'ily, a in i in.i i a . Air, nnroii win una ilri(i or ilia m IhkiI formarly taught hy hhlrlay Km k, imar Oregon City. Aurora llorailla. Mlia ftlarlali I'talt anlrrtaliied lha whUl club ami a ton luvltixl gui'ila Tui'iday avmliig and dallgbtfuj tliii wai ii"'t. Mri. N, If, ,iuihon, data organir or tha I. 0. T. M., will addran tha uirinlri of that ordur In Hl lin'i ball tlui (Kilday) afUrrioon, at it p. in. A I'irty wiiaglvan to alxiut 'JO young lullna of llm cliy at tha homa of Mn. I.. I,, rit keiii lat Friday night by aoma of bur young frlcnda, whlcli wn greatly enjoyed by all rrn-rit, Thar wi not a lulliciant numUr I'll irut at tha fluhrrinrli'l lin-allng In Juitli a Me Amilty 'a court room, lait Mori day atraiilug, to form a quorum. There will Its aiiolhrr uiiwllng haturdiy nliiht, whnn it li Imood thai will Ihj a Umr atiiiliiia. I'ar Sal. .'.II of my bouarbohl liirnllura, fruit I baby carriage Maa A. J. I.kwtiiwaitr, i:tib and Main itrmti, Oregon City. " Tar KiflT' 'ool woiul tpam, lnrni'i and 3' . Daln wagon, 4 in. lira ball Inu k run ) ynri, two fronh cowi onn liKilt-r .', Iron bind bamiuar, Oliver ilow I cultivator. K. M. IIai.ikw, Oregon City, JhrfB inlli'i from 0. C, Ml. riaaaanl V Kra road. F .u m rrSule. ) Milci lonth of Oregon City, three ai aoiith of Molalla, known a Hie M Farm, containing UlOicri-i, 110 r plow land, 40 in creek bottom, KX) land; 7 arree orchard, all well ered and fenced with itika and wire e, and drained w ith atona and tile heri. Good building, IK) rodn from ail Iioum, 115 roiln from church. J locntlun for tuking ntock to nioiin-t-1 i, Trice fil,00(). fl.000 down, but tnrn to nu it at A per cent Intercut. For furthur tmrtlculara apply to A. J, Hawtki.i., on farm. 7, Hurt Mooro, phyiiclan and aurgeon hnated In Oregon City with utiles 'porarly at reildonce on Tontli itrwt I JuiToraon. l'rompt renpome to pro lonil calls. tf. Jut thin out and Uke It to 0. A. Ilaid .' drug atore and get free "ample of auiherlaln'a atoinaub and liver tabled, . ) beat pliyili;. Tfiey alio cure dltor- t of the atomacb, billlouineMB and ulacbe. 11. Ilolnian, leading undertaker and ibalmer, Oregon (Jlty, Ore. Two doon itli of court hoUMe. EXl'KIUENCK It) THE HKST liiACIIEll. C8K ACKER'S r.ngllHh i i'liiedy in any case of coughi, coldi or Jiip. Should it fail to give immediate i lint money refunded. 25 eta. and 60 ' G. A. Harding, Druggiit. At Tha White llxaa Taern," a thraa-act coiiiKily that il nld to ha full of delightful lova eplaodue, anlrrlaililng character lyai, amuilrig conipliratluiii, atroug Intereat and rraliiiic itage -(Tei li, will ba tha atiracilon at hhivaly't Opera llouaa Haiurday, January 12. Tha Aurora ftoraalla iyi, adiUirally ; An rtbirl will ta made to have all barlmhi4 lu tha alata cload by law on Himdayi. Tha barttera are certainly en- titled lo one diy'a rrat In (he wrtk, tf- pe llly ao when their work dayi iKlmUt uluiora hour i than the uiual work day. The uinoibrri of the Dickena' club gave a parry to llc-ir frirtida lat evening at tha home of Mra. T. W. C'laik. A lellgbiful lima waa enjoyed la playing gimri etc., and mia vny novel iilnai wrra introdurl wbwli piuvad blglily amutlng. Kelre.lniipnii ware arrved. In lat werki' Uaua of tha 1'aclflc llouiralaad. Itiare airard a cat of the farm home of Hon. J L. Krua. Clarka- mai counly'a repuwontalive, and Die fob loalog nfitu-e : 'Mr, Kruaa W eucreee (ul farmer, at bn well Improved farm In dicate. II owna 4X) acrea of land In on ol the beat Ms tinin of tha county. lie kia on bia Itrni 'il heal of line Hhnrthorn caitln, W head of well bred An gr goal a, and about hi) bead of bog." The aectnd annual eibihii of Itie folk County Mohair Uroweri' A elation will b bald In Ia!Ui, Thuraday, Felmirary 14, 1'Jtll , At the marling of the awi-la- lion lat Saturday It waa decided lo bold tlie iliow In tlu city, provided a aufTU'l- enl iuiu of money were railed to meot all lb nrcenaary ripenm! of iucb ex hibit. II. I.. Km mm. U. S. Grant and Wiliort Ayrei were apilnted a a rum- untie on general arraiigi-menla. Dallai Obaerver. "Atthe Wbte Heme Turra." A light comedy, with a itrong under lying vein of (arre, that la what "At the While lloree Tavern," width crowdinl Wallick'a theatre, New York, for oyer ten we'ki,and kept llerlln in acreaunof laughter for nearly a year li ald to be. King and Norcroai will pteneut the lece at Khlvely'a Haiurday Janmry 12. Willi ol. of the iiuat carefully aelectm) com paniei and a cant of twenty clever play er. Minerva !rr and Frank Nurcrori have lieen eeciired for Hie two prlnclal cbiracieri and all the other memlier of the company are equally clever and en tertalnlng. Heall on lale at llunlley'i 60 and 73 rent. A (Vrumrry for New Kra. At lit meeting bald In Warner Orange hll,et New Kra Imt Kiludiy, whlrlj wiiariiiounreil In thn Kuteriirlne, Iher wer about SO farmer and othera prei enl. Cm), i,kh wa mlecled for ibnlruian, audi), McArthnr, leirnlary . The meeting went lo woik in a bimlrn Ilk way, lo inerlnln whit could le don in lb wiy of lecuriiig a creamery and cheea factory. Kvery Ixxly proaent wa entbuaiaitirally In favor of the enlnrpria and tin proper mpport wai pledged for It liialliteriani, J. I, Waldrou mad canvan of tho who wer (bar, and found that the pereoni preaent owned U) cowl. (Jommltlee to canvan tha varloua imlghWIioixl to aacertaln the iiiunUr of cowi that could m deieridd upon, wer appointed : Naw Kra dialrict, li, Frledrlch ; Can by, C. N, Wilte; at of Nw Kra; Tho. Illaiichard J lielghlorhoo Oppoalt New F.ra, J. Kleth ; Mt. IWanl, Win. Mo- Cord; 1'halp'a tielghlorhool, J. I). Wllklrieon,. Commilte lo look out location for bolldlngi, etc.. IS. Fnedrkh. F. Vetrtiiand J, Kleib. There will b aiiother riieeiliig held at lb lima place, Haturday, January I'J, at 1 o'clock p. m. A Kerr Vear'a Wrddlngr. KXXXXZXZXXXXXXX.XXXXXS'XXxr.xxXXXXXTrr New Yeir'a evening nineteen hundred ; M A ,do,,ew..very pleaiantlycelebrited'E U ROtiVt. Ill WW K L)tm ? T tMHf-?-?H V-i-S Mt U rP0 rtilucfj our Uxk ntotk preparatory to our annual utock tak- li 1 ing we ofl'cr tlio following bargainn. IlriiripmtM-r that wo 'A a .... I J aiwayn Hell Umkn at cut ratco, but th!ne priceo are from 20 to 40 x-.r cent, lower than were our regular cut ratco. at it ' win' n mm jvij I'lnaanaiivij i:m;inmiKt , ay at llm rldinr of Mr, and Mr. ',. T. U White, near PamaacuM, Oregon, when V. their eldeit daughter, Jennie K. wia V. unlied In rnariiagn lo Franklin W. H Kurrr At 7 i. in al.ll Ml.. I'iI.aI ' W, iiniiiirn piayeu in wanting march, the rj bappy couple, attended by Hoy and ' K I ..... U'l.l). I .. II I ...... ..t .L.ir bride, entered lb room, taking their place beneath an evergreen arch from the center of which waa euipended a pretty wedding bell. Key. i. II. Wood officiated, tiling the linprenlv ring ervlce, The ceremony waa witnened by the th near relative and friend of the bride and groom. After congratulation! th newly wedded pair, followed by lb gueita, repaired to I he dining room where all partook if a deliciou wedding lunch. Th rniny preient were bolb beautiful and Hatful. On the following Thuraday Frank and Jennie left lb home of their youth for Cortland, their future borne, where after January 15, they will beat bom lo their mauy friendi, the beat wiahea of whom go with them. A. M, i i 3oc 27c 2.H5 'i I). M. & Co. Seriee of Copyright Novell and Historial Storio by inch authon 11 V.. I". Koe, Amelia Ilarr, Kggleitrwi, Church, Atibot, I'.tc Handaomcly tiund booki with gilt top, kejfular price $l oo. Special Sale price f!Cc Abbott Juvenile Uiatoriei, mrat deairahle lxokf. Sold every where at 50c to 75c, Special Sale Trice Henty'i Hiatorlcal Storlei for boyi. Regular price, 50c. Special Sale Price , All our sc and yx Ixioki In itock All our J5C and 40c borAa in itock 5 Vol. Set Kippling Authorized ed. Contalningall hia work except "Stalky Co " Regular price, $15. Special Sale Price 7.80 15 Vol. Set Uickeni, leather, big type ed. Moat dcairable for a library and a bargain it ; 8.0S All other act reduced from 't to 4 Webaten Unabridged Dictionary, !28opagta.. 79c BIBLES. Teichen Biblca large type divinity circuit Ifyj Family Bible, with record, etc JSc All biniei reducer! proportionately. I'rln For Orrrn Cliy. Oregnu Cny eihlblior at the poultry how In I'ordanJ thli week, took the fol lowing prlte: J. Murrow an I ion, lUrre l Hytnouth Hock; aecond prlx on rnck, md tied foraecondon cockrel, awrlwl third. Kcora W. Win. I'll on won four prl-i' in Ibi claaa, The pri were awarded over blrdi from all aection of tho itate, and om bird tint wer bytight In tbe eal for big prlcei. It li laid Iher wai on pen In lid claa that cot 1 10. C. K. Itamaby won Ural prim on pit gumn cock. J. II. Howard, won avcoud prlie on bli P'lgiin bar buck In cUaa one. For the number of eihibiu, Oreiron City did remarkably well Th poultry inlere! io Oregon li aoiuiiiing big pro portion, and opl ar Ijeeoming aware of lh fact that high clae poultry pay beat. V, V. 4 PICTURES. V. a Any Picture in our evre at '4 of regular price and K many at a diacountof , .V) per cent JfarrlUf.Mceave.. !f -rr., zzri HUNTLEY'S BOOK STORE F. M. Mark and Melia Ijwler; O. A. V. OREGON CITY. 1 liock and U. Jeaai Knight. iiiXXXXXXX2iXXXX2i2:2:XXja32r '( S i '4 Y 'A 1 Money to loan Hiihjii h (iairriTii. al loweit ratei. Mky She ( ante. Vame Tiomaon In hii PaHi letter lo lb Faturday Evening Poet aayi: 'It w half pat ill lo th morning. Th Kt. Iaar ilatlun wn uncanny, for the moon waa ibinlng broad and full, and lb dawn wa creenins up Madame Harah 'a carriage drov Into lh court. Young and nulling ah tepied out a handeom figure of a woman in a long fur coat. Then Coqnelin came. There camn too, a boil of actor and actreaei, Joiirnaliiti and aociely folk. They cried, 'Vive Iternhanlt I and 'Vive Coimelm! 'I'll ! borne again In eis munthi," 'aid Madame larah, throw lug kiaaei to her fricudi. 'Hut what ar you going for? 'they aiked tier aadly . 1 'For a million, 'laid Madame Harab. And that wi true; f x her lourenee in the United Si a tea the il lo be paid one million trance and all Iter eipeuaei. Probite Order. I.I vy Stlpp wai apMiinted guardian of Halpb, Martin and Albert Italy, minor beira of Hubert Haty deccaaed. II. K. Ntngadill, aduiii.iNtutor of the eatate of Ai U. Stagnlill, decoau'd, mado final aettletnrnt, and waa diic charged by the court, and the court or dered a divlaion of the properly a fol ium; Of lh total mm, $11 12 00, ff7l,- 45 ; titci :150 already paid, li given to the widow, Mary K. StagHilill; the remain ing $571 4ft to b divided equally among the four children. Letter Mat. Tho following la the lint of letters re maining in tbe poNtulllce at Oregon City, Oi.,on Jan, 10, 11101 i womkn'i limt. Irleli, Mia Kdna Tbomaa, J V l'iillliim, Imian V Waterman, Minnie Kimuiuna.MiaaKdna Yancy, Mrs Polly mkn'b uht. Deane. (len II (2) Kdwarda. It U Flynn, F.dward Karn, Mr Mooney, P J McNiih, Iiuao(2) Miller, J II liiley, E F Mi river, G Htningrandt, Geo Tamp, Pnter Williams, Jamea GF.O. F. 1I0RT0N, T. M. you TKr ir. IfShllob'a Cough and Consumption Cure, which in sold for the small price of 25 cents and 60 cents and $1.00, does not cure take the bottle back and we will re fund your money. Fold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cert and 60 cents. C. G. Huntley, the Druggist! Di eted Preoldual. Iticbard Scott, of Milwaukie, lias been elected president of the Slat Oairymeo's A laudation. Mr. Scott, li one of the moel prominent itockmeii In th itaie. He will attend the conventioa of the National Stock As aociallon, which will meet al Salt Lake, January 15. ton't trouble yourielf withcakea.eta , when you can gel them the beat and cheapest at Kuenen'a. When threaUuied by pneumonia or my other lung trouble, prompt relief Is nec Miary, as it is dangaroua to delay. We would itiggeit that On Minute Cough Cur be taken a oon a Indications of having taken cold are noticed. It curea quickly and id early ue prevents con sumption. G. A. Harding. OASTOniA. BiantU 11w Hind You Haw Alwars 130. For Toting; Men and Young rfomen. There Is nothing that will aroime the ire of a young man or woman ao guick an to have interior laundry work put ott on them. They my dreis ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist Is iiuiBsy their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a Specialty of ladies' and gentlemen'! flue work. There cuu be 110 better work than ia done at the Trov. Leave your oider at Johnson's barber shop. If troubled with a weak digestion, belching, sour stomach, or if you feel dull after eating, try Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablet, Price, 25 cents. Samples free at G, A. Harding's drug store. (Jalbrallh'i Confectionery. Got your panoche, cocoanut ice, date creams, vanilla, chocolate creams at Gulbraith'a confectionery and you will never regret it. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CUUED BY US1NU ACKER'S Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate re lief or money refunded. Sold In hand some tin boxes at 25 cts. Q. A. Harding, Druggist. MACY & MOORE'S 7th STREET DRUG STORE 1 .WILL BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS MONDAY, JAN. 14th ft Kl li lir(i We would like to give you a very interesting talk on Capets and Chinese Matting. If you should contemplate to buy either, be sure and give us a call as we want to work off some of our surplus stock, we Will save you some money, FRANK BUSH, The Housefurnisher. .ti. ?c?