Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 04, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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k iAU3 vi uiu i! ffii
Friday, IVcwnber 28,.
A notable meeting of the Amoriian
economic association it hold at iVtrott,
The Boert are checked in Cap Colony,
lot Kitchner cannol drive them out.
The English demand the resignation
ot Gen. Colville of the war ofllee.
The Chinese emieror objects to the
terms of peace.
Ciidaby'a kidnapers are still unloeated
Dewet it frustrated in hit attempt to
invade Cap) Colony.
Controller Dav.es it a caudidate for
Mason's teat in Hie senate.
Foraker defends the Porto Rican
Negotiationi to buy the Dauisb anlillet
are under way.
The empire of China baa appointed a
new emperor, a boy of 15.
West Toint it trying to stop baaing.
Michigan robbcra get a mail pouch
worth 100,000.
Marine insurance companies bare
Leavv bill to par for the losa on the
Washington const.
Wheat shipments b the Erie canal
have greatly fallen off.
Work hat commenced on the removal
of a reef in front of Astoria,
Saturday, December 29,
Tat Crowe it probably the Cudaby
The English channel it swept by a
gale, doing much damage.
The British are regaining the lost
ground in Cape Colony.
The government has offered $3,000,000
for the Danish West Indies.
Cudaby receives the usual threatening
letter because of the reward be offers.
The court hat taken all the testimony
in the hazing case at West Point.
The populists at St. Louis refuse to fuse
with any other party.
Li (Jung Chang hat suffered a stroke
of paralysis.
Thirteen fira;t ot broken go to the
trail in London.
China haa some pertinent questions to
vk the powers, now that she baa a turn
at the mat er.
Olds A King, of Portland, become
Olds, Wortman A King on the 1st of Jan
Sunday, Dec. 30.
The Boers captured the British out-
Tuesday, Jan. 1.
President MeKlnley held New Year's
reception at the White House. 1
Ignatius Donnelly, reformer, died and
denly of heart disesse at midnight.
Quay wat selected for senator by re
publican caucus in Pennsylvania.
Legislatures convened in Colorado,
Pol ware and Nebrarka.
British can't keep Boert out of Ca
Earl of IIo)etown wat tworn In at
governor of Federated Australia.
The ciar of Knesia reviewed the troops
returned from Chin.
The assassin ol the German Baron yon
Ketteler wat beheaded In Pekin.
Final payment wat made on the loO.OCO
purchase price of a Baker county mine.
Oregon, Washington and Alaska were
formed into a life-saving district.
An Idaho man under sentence of death
attempted suicide.
Multnomah and Salem played football
in the mow. Neither tide scored.
TS tnmiMr waa it Aiurwl,
TW aa ana In i lull
Tram kVltiul I Oumal,
Proa Mohiinmwt la Hull
It u t riniiiil hour
Pt aartk I iimunojr
VKmi ktjr Ika rtMtuj l
HaaliW tlx iln-pinf m.
Wa mm ttn ktiUl uwm rim
Ami lljM th 4 i Un4
Wa hcj ih hi,r of Iba 11.1a,
TTt liMnf ol th MtuL
I Ml lit knWnt lultar
Ymw KMrl ttt K fcll(M
T(H1 knr kow Hllh U !4l iikI kuikaa1
I'raWf lt t.nt tl lht
Wt ilrMawl th dmm ot lorara
And t.'IJ our dnoni la axna.
And (II Iktl wr ilmird now trua,
Uuaa al on.
-Rita (arnua la Ataalaa'a
Thursday, Jan. 3.
Congress reassembled today.
Naval gum were landed at Capetown.
Lord Koterts wat received by the
queen at Osborne.
Envoyt were turprised bv China's
prompt acceptance of the joint note.
Cudahy received another threatening
letter. Man arrested as Pat Croat,
proved to be some other Crow.
Severe snow storm prevails in South
ern Oregon and Northern California.
Portland bas diptheria In ber public
posts at Helvitia. British losses were 50
killed and 200 taken prisoners.
Kitchener reports that no progress is
being made against the Boer invaders in
Cape Colony. All dispatches received
in London show that the Cape Dutch
how no indications of rising.
The Chinese plenipotentiaries have
been ordered to sign the joint note. The
emperor authorizes a request for a sus
pension of hostilities.
'"Many Lozjn insurgents have been
captured as a result of scouting by Ameri
cans. A provision for employing 800
American teachers hat been added to
Ue pending school bill.
Spanish troubles increase. A cabinet
crisis is said to be iminent.
The report that Germany is negotiat
ing for the purchase of the Danish An
tilles is officially denied in Denmark .
' .Omaha police are now certain that Pat
Crowe was one of the kidnapers of young
The dcranton street car strike was
cajled off.
Vice-President-Elect Roosevelt ad
dressed a big V. M. C. A. meeting in
Carnegie hall, New York, Sunday.
A sheriff and two men met death in a
row over a game of cards in South Caro
lina. A movement to suppress vice was be
gan in Seattle.
An incoming San Francinco schooner
reported sight of a derelict, but could
not make out the name.
An early morning fire at The Dalles
did $5000 damage.
Portland Piesbyterian Church indorsed
Dr. Hill's Gght on gambling.
Last pontifical high miss was celebra
ted at the Roman Catholic cathedral in
l'ortland Monday night.
In the Circuit Court of lh Male of Oregon
tor ilia louniy oi uattaaias
U. A. Vorpibl.
Sarah A. Dukes,
Srm or Oairtnx, I
County ol Clackaruas.f
a- der, ilecrea and an eifculiun. dulr la
sued out ol asd under Ilia aral of tin above
entitled court In lh abort entitled cauw, to
rot duly directed and data! the Mb day ol
Utcrmtwr, r.u. upon a ImlKmrnl rendered
and eulered In laid Court on Hit tilth dar of
November, I'M), In favor of H. A. Vorpalil,
pluntitt. and against Sarah A. Ouket, dt-
lenaant, lor tlx anro ol 175.11), with lulermt
thereon al the rate of 8 erciit per annum
from the l'th dar of November. l'J. and
the further sum of fll.lvcualaand dHburw.
mentt. and the cost of and anwn Ibis writ,
coniniandii.g ms to make aia o( a Iwo
tbirda intermt lu the following dracribed
real proirty, ailuale In the county of
Clackamas, Hate of Oregon, to- it :
BeeimunK at the center Una of Ibe How
ard Mill and Canby road at a atone Marked
"M" at a point where the south boundary
line of the Philander l I) L. C. cro-,
aid road in section four f IJ. townaiiip Imir
41 south of raniieone 11 east of the Wil-
lamelte mendlan. thei.ee Iracina said claim
line north 78 urirreea l." minutei eait five
chains; thence uth Vi decreet 4! minutra
eatidt HJ chains; thenre south 7 de
grees i.i minute aet five .' chains to the
tenter lice of aaid Howard Mill and Canby
road; thei.ee itb center line of aid toad
north deKrve 45 minute wrt eithi Isl
chains to place of bediming, coiiUiniu
four J 4 acres.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu
tion, judgment order and decree and in
compliance with the commands of said writ,
I will, on Saturday,
at the hour of one o'clock n. m.. at the front
door of the county court bou in the city
of Oregon City, in said counly and Kale,
ell at public auction, subject lo redemp
tion, to the highest bidder, lor U. ti gold
coin can in nana, all the right, title and in
termt which the within named defendant
bad on the date of the attachment herein,
or since had, In or to the above described
real proirty or any part thereof, to atify
said execution, judgment order decree, in
terest, costs and all accruing com.
ou J. J. COOKE.
Sheriff of Clackamas county. Urrmin
Dated Oregon Cily, Ore., Deo. G, IWju.
J CPrtaiaar, las, IT ft a. Lawia,
. .J.-..--.J.-,-.J. f.--.J....J......
The Rev. George IVtert of the First
Presbyterian church of Homervtlle was
a young man of about 23. It w as bis
fimt call, but It waa agreed that his
sermons were the tnut ever dellvervd
before that congregation. He ii a I ho
popular lu a social way, and. taken all
around, he bad a ataiidlug that few
young nilulnters could tioaat of. When
he had N'ii lu llomcrvllle all niotitti.
be had made juxt two rnnnlcs. Thrae
were an old maid named Angelina liar
rla and ber father. Neither waa au opeu
etiemy, but Angelina waa plUii and
provoked and aomewhat Imhltteni) be
cause the mlulatcr bad kept clear of
the matrimonial net she would bave
thrown about bltu. She would bave
been willing to make a match of It
with almost any one, but It was tb
ambition of ber soul to marry a clergy.
man. She struck the young reverend's
trail st au early date, and she followed
It with ardor and peraUteucy until he
was obliged to give her the cold a null.
As she waa oue of bis flock, and aa her
father waa a would be pillar of the
church, the snub wasn't Ice cold or full
pf carpet tacks, but be made bis mean
ing plain nevertbclcas.
From that hour Angelina Harris bad
It In mind to do that good man up. She
didn't give her ham) sway by throwing
out little slur and tnuui-ndoea. beraa
she would have found no one to listen
to her. but ahe set hcmelf to watch and
bide her time. lie who watches and
bldea finds an opening sooner or later.
As Angelina was keeping tab on cur
rent events a widow named Moreland
moved to Homervllle from Chicago.
She waa young, rich, vivacious and
took ber place at the bead of soclwy
at once. She occupied a bouse exactly
opposite the one In whlrb the minister
lodged, and It waa also next door on
tbe left to that occupied by Mr. Har
ris. She hadn't got settled yet when
Angelina mnde up her mind that ber
cue was to watch for something Ixv
tween the new arrival and the minis
ter. She alxed the widow up for a flirt,
and, though she had never ae-n the
Itev. Peters Indulge In anything of the
kind, there was no telling what be
might do If coaxed on by a d. Klgnli,
A couple of weeks had pai-d when
one hot afternoon the Chicago widow
sat down at an open window to read
snl rnu hepM lf. She hadn't been then
ten minutes when the He v. peti-ra ul
down at one of his second story wlu
dows to do the sume thlug. The wid
ow didn't see him, and he dldu't s.-e
the widow, but Anrellua saw them
both. She saw the widow's fan wave J
In a way that snld. "Clnd to see you."
and the reply was waved back. "Many
1 hen the widow's fan began
rMftnllona simply derel.
opdryenhirrhi lliey dry up the 'Minns,
Mi'h sdlu n to tho mvini'iKno nun ii.ic.uu
Hw,euiiiligit fur moron rloiMti'i'iddelhiut
Hie ordimtry form of ratunh. Avoid nil di r.
lug InlniliinN, fumes, sun lea nil I unn't
and lui Hint wliU ti i'l ur m, .ot!i' and
lieala. i;iy's Clean I'ai'.l l 'ich leuie.ly
and will rii.-n cnUnli or cold in Hi head
en-uly and plxaa ;t!j A tnid wlU bn
nmilinl for Id t enla. All i! eci;il Moll Ilia
to. ai. I ly IooIIiom, f.il Va.u u I't., N. V.
The lUlut eures wlihot.l iiln, does rn't
Irrititle or eauia stieliig. It sprraa lueif
n,.f i, IrrttittM.I mil I Mii.frv Murrncti. nillnv.
i Iiik Imiiie liiitelv tha lilii(ul Inllamniatlon.
Willi l ly't I'renm ILilin you ara armed
agaiukl baud Catarrh and It.iy 1'ever.
Persons who suffer from indigestion
can not expect to live long, !erati they
can not eat the food required to nourish
tha body ami the producti of the undi
gealed foodt they do sat dsoti the blood.
It is Ittiportant to cure ludlgeatlon aa
soon as possible, and the beat method of
doing this Is to us the prepsratlnn
known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It dl
gesta what yon eat and re-tores all the
digestive organs to perfect health, (1.
A. Harding.
Southern California) .
Nolahlu among the pleasures aflonled
by the hhaata Itotite Is the winter trip
to Southern California and Ariiona.
Renewed acquaintance with this section
will ever devetoo fieah points of Interest
and added sources of enjoymcul, under
Us sunny skies, In the variety of Its In-
lustries, in ita prolific vegetation and
among lit iiumlmrlcwa retorts of niouii
tain shore, i alley audi plain.
The two daily Miatta trains from Port
land to t'slifornia hare been recently
equipped with the tuoat spproved pal
terd of slsndard and tourist sleeping cars
but tbe low rates of fare will still con
tinue in rfN't.
Illuatrated guides to ths winter reaotts
of California and Ariiona may be had on
application to
C. II. MaaaiUM, II. P. A ,
Portland, Oregon.
. Monday, Dec. 31.
Secretary Root presented tbe Philip
pine coinage matter to congress.
An armistice waa proclaimed at Pekin,
Conger reported that China had ac
cepted tbe demands of the powers.
Cape Colony loyalists were called upon
to volunteer to resist the invasion by the
Tbe Washington Post advocated the
holding of the Lewis and Clark centen
nial in I90T.
Tbe city council of Omaha offered a re
ward for the arrest of the Cudahy ab
ductors. Watch-night services were held in
Eastern cities and in Europe.
Robbers bold np a British Columbia
stage and get $450.
The Oregon supreme court decided
that tbe wife alone can convey estate in
entirety. I
The merited reputation for curing piles,
sores and skin diseases acquired by Ito-
w itt's H itch IIad Salve, has led to the
making of worthless counterfeits. Be
sure to get only DeWitt's Salve. O. A.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers because its outbreak is
so agonizing and freouentl fatal
Shiloh's Cough slid Consumption Cure
acts like magic In cases of Croup. It has
never been known to fail. The worst I
caHes relieved immediately. Price, 25cts. j
50cts.and $1.00. C. . Huntley, the
Oregon Short Line Hallroad.
If you ate thinking of an Katern trip,
it will pay you to write and get figures
and other information regarding service,
etc., from the Oregon Short Line railroad,
ticket ollice 142 Third street, Portland,
Oregon. W. E. Comas, G. A.
J. Naokl, T. P. A.
Eolilied the (irate.
A niupilin.. ..f 1 ! 1. W v .
ri mug iiiciui;iii ui which Mr. John
Oliver of, Philadelphia, was the subject
is narrated by him as follows: "I was
in a most dreadful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
"""i "ppeuie graouaiiy growing
weaker day by day. Three physicians
had given me up. Fortunately, a friend
advised 'Electric Bitters," and. to my
great joy and surprise, the first bottle
made a decided improvement I continued
their use for three, weeks and am now
a well man. I know they saved mv life
and robbed the grave of another victim."
No one should fail to trv them. f.il
50 c nts, guaranteed at Geo. A. Hard
ing's Drug Store.
an outrageotm flirtation, and the min
isters fan kept company with It, and
even whi n she waved that she thought
she could love bliu for himself alone be
wasn't driven off the field. Th snub
bed girl had wntched and bided, and Id
a day or two a social thunderclap shook
the town.
The father of Angelina, would b
pillar, etc., had not found the Itev.
1'eters as clay In bis bunds, as he bad
bojM'd for, and his effort to run
things connected with the church tc
suit bis own Ideas had not proved sue
cesxful. He had put up with defeat
as meekly as itosslble, but. like Ant'Cr
Una, be was on the watch and tbr
bide. That his only child and favorlti
daughter should hove failed to mnki
a seiitlmeuiiil Impression was aiiothei
thorn In his side, and a smile of snt!s
faction lighted his face as she calliM)
hi in to wltucM the last Ave minutes ol
the flirtation. With his own eyes In
saw thorn- fnus working as If driver
by steam power. He wasn't a mini ti
stand anything of that sort even If I.
hadn't li.-ul a grievance. He drew I'.r
line at a inlnlHter riding the bike
playing croquet and thought he we
overlibernl nt that. Within a diiy '.
and Angelina had taken care that nl '.
CO different rncmliers of the church I.
been pouted on the flirtation. It
needless to Hny that people were !:,.i.
founded mid that the Itev. Peters v. ..
bled about and nlmoht fell down In
faint when he heard the gonMp,
for the Whlow Moreland. she was in
than astonished, but of course ie I,
to giggle over It. When the elder. ,
the church doubted the sonlty of .
gellua's father In spreading huH .
yarn, he vigorously replied:
"I'll show you whether I'm crazy i
not! Call a meeting of the vestry, n:!
I will be there to make my siateui
and prove It! When I see a fllrliitl":
with my own eyes, I guess I know I
from a load of coal!"
A meeting of the elders was called
It bad to be. The minister wanted i
s well as Mr. Harris. When all wn
ready to take up the charges, It wiu
Elder ripo-uier who asked In his slick
suave way:
"Now, Brother Harris, how loin,
since you flirted with a woman'"
"Never In all my life!" waa tho indlg
Then will you please tell as ho
you kuew this was a flirtation?"
"Why-why. they were waving thelt
ftnt at each fiber."
"Hut we have ern plenty of fans
oaed In rhurrb. You don't mean to say
tliat fllrtailona Wa re being t arried oo
during serthe. do your
"Of ciure not. but this was differ
ent Khe'd fan. and then be'd fan."
"And what did you understand the
tnotlous of the fans to nirsnT Ulve us
Die flirtation code."
"Do you mean to Insult meT roared
Brother Harris aa his fsc got very
ml. "I don't know the rod.-, aa mu
rail It, but I do know that tbry were
talking by slguals-that Is. Aogv
"Oh. It was your daurhter Angelina
w ho Interjin ted the signals to you. W
must bave her here sa a witness. II
don't think any one of ua ever auupect
ed Angelina of flirtatious, but It seems
she niut have I. ad quite a number to
be familiar with the ctnle."
"Angelina shall not come heref ex
clalme. Hip imte brother as be real
Iz'tl that he lad put his f.N,t lu It.
"And bow dure you charge my daugh
ter with fllrtltisr'
"But If she han't flirted how does
ahw kuow the cmI.i? Vou hare made a
grave churg- here, brother, and we look
to s,h j ou aupiHirt It. You sty you s.-yv
part of the tTrtatlon. What did the
widow convey to t!. pnxtor by her
signals? lake this fan and show Ua
Sundny Sorvicen,
HI John's, Catholic - Itev. A. Illllehraml
ni.ir. (In Hiio.lsv. ln SI S sod Id .M s
in. Third Monday in h inimlll, lletinan
uiriiiim n.r S u'eloi'k iiiaM. at all other
HlRknei, f. I) C erilloo. r"""i
at If .'Id p, in. Vtipera, apologullcal tuhjeelt
Slid lieliedltilloil Si 7 .- . m.
(lermaii Kvauaelnal l.ulheran Intuitu
ual-Cornsi Kiuiiih ami J O Adauia at.
Her. Knir.i J. W. Mai k, I lor. humlar
.lino at 10 a. m j serkly ervirr tvery
Thurnlay al H p. in. tlenoan awli.Mil er
Halurdat from U to I'J. KrerylMMly Invited.
Mrilnhll.l Ki..c..l Cliurvh - Itev. It. A
Alklnt. naalor. Wionliis irl al 0 iX
Siimtay Melmol at l Clin te-Mtlnt afief
niiiriiliil Mftlr. kelilnt vrrlea al T S.
Spwiirtli Uaii aieviins SumUr nu al
I V) praiar MooHus Tliurnlai tTtules all M
iraiif on oonllally lur lied.
nuaT essaavrf MliN t'HI'HCH - Rsv
J. Miiiiiiinrr, l't("i srme al II a "
I N r. I. Sabbath Srhmd al 10 t. M. You"!
ol iSiwUiy i. t krUllan kndr m
91 f amour areiuut ai i
traulni rar BiUii al J SO, oats Ir.
KVAVllKI ICAl. Clll'ltl'll-Cornar ut
K is i Hi ami Ma.liMiit nwi, Ur H, Copley
lator. rri f y Ha'aath al II a m
and 1 IS it. in. rlundar Holuxil 10 a. I"
1'iaitr iiieellns-S p in. All art le.iins
r rAt'i.'M Ki'iwoi'Ai, ciu'iicii-
ltr. I'. K. Ilauimoiid. lleclor. rWrh
arerr Hundav al II a. m. ami A i p. m,
Mumlav achmil at It) o'clock. Other tlea
aa may ( aimouneed. All taata frae. Mrati
gara rurdlallv loHd.
iNiroarof Main ami Klaraolh atiwli - Kr,
K. H. Iloliltitftr. la.l.if. Mornlntf aaioli
10 , Humlay f limil 12; Junior f n lraroi
6; Y. I', M. C. K praytr meling 0 m
availing hiiIi ? .li).
Hilar n.viTisr ciit iu n -. J.
II, llravao, pa.inf. I'rvarliing arrtlrra
ry Humlay at 10 Viand 7 V) p, ni Hun.
day Si'hiKil at IJ Iiihiii Ut I p. m. Junlora
1 inral In Ida aflartiiMiu ami ll.a fsnimf tounf
1'r.ipla'i fcH-lriy and llllde alody rla ai
0 l p. m. (hiirxlay tranlns. rsular
prayer acrneo at 7 p- m. Wrd'i.lay
tailing. Hilda study cUmI Y. M. C. A
riMinit v. by ih patior.
t'nllnl lrlhfpi,-l nr KikI'IIi and I'leie
trrl. liar, (ix-kli f. .aur. narrtrva
iry Hunday at II s. 1 1, and 7. 50 i,m ;
Huixtav ch''l at ID a in.; ymii t
iiiaalin al 0 .To (.. ni ; prar ii.riing
tiaty WtlnrKlay visiting.
Kv ai'iflii-al l.ulharan, Zioo CuMSrrj liin
Cf. Kulilh and Jl!inii auaaia. li'
Nrini, liir. Hiimlat-o lHHil al. 9 XI a.
rlaal U Hi. m. and 7 -1 p. m
i! ,()
taiii'O trlnj,!,,,,,,
Ort'Kon, Wnshl,,.
fori.lit nntl '
Hrtliin ly ! ,
HUlloli Ttlej,),1.
towns. '
iul'k, ii(ciirui
All tho nailsfscir
iH-fsiuial cuiiium,
IJlstaiico no ,(r,;
clear umlerslan.ii.
katia and Han
msIIjt liear,,
laiiJ. ,
Oregon Cltr fifliri
Harding's Dni J;
i h
.Va Ji
in. ; Hnii,i al W W a. m. and 7 l
M. K. Honlli-liar. T. '. liar nc. pa.lc.r
Third holiday at I' tilled llraihran chuMi,
t'ra MtlhmlUt- Kr, J. W. Kldildtt. I a-
tr. rraarliina Oral and third niaiat
Ua in.; protar niMting ' Ihurxlay
aolla. hrti. haid In tits iunff"
llonal ihurrb at r-l; villa,
A. O. U. W. nierts every Haturda
evening rkcrpt tlm lillli In ths A. II. I .
W. Temple. II. J. llal lllK. rwuidrr,
Kflirkali WllUmrtl Krlxkah Ij.Im
! No. 3 ineeta an-und and fourth r rlday ol
each tiKMilli al I. O. O. I. rrinpla
Margaiel Williams arcrelart,
urt Kobln lbxj.1 No, 9, Korralnra of
Ainerti a, meta tlrat and third Knday la
tha monlh In Bed Jd-u'a Hall.-W. II.
Hiaffoid secreUry; rnta Mayer, clile
Cla.kainat Chapter No. 2, It. A. M.,
meta on the third Monday of rail
I month in Maaotnc Hall. M. Bullack,
sitcrelary. -n.
Wlllsmelie Falls ('amp No I4H, W. O
j W. tiiM-la Ut and 3rd rildats In tl.a
I Willamette Hail. C. f., Nl. H. Walker
and clrrk O. ('Ida.
Or.lrr nl I'rndo ii.oli arary Momtaj
nlKhl al Itadmrn a hall, 1 1 ral ('oiii.mI.iI,
H. fl. N'fl Una, lira. May faylof r(iary
Catholic K nl(l. la r.f America Hi. John's
Blanch No. M7, inwla every Turday u(
the uiontli.
Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M ,. inert U
Bed Men'a Hull, on wt-trnd and lourti, j
Weliiealays l. II. Iltatl, fiiid 1
IK)N'T KTAII,..-V'ir,fcp
alwmt In cheap alna ea lutifw
buy sue It x.-rllcnl sttUaitl
iialltira aa aa alio Itig t ;
H.OKAI. Ul' I NHhos.
er title, Slid U tter Olira, 1,. rr.
mora real v slue and aaiutatt
in SiiiloW
Coufjh andl
vnsumplion I
IWH tayirtkl flMib l
anu(ul t W() S.,
ia k now 14 a. m ,
! iUmt U., i .,
mm ,41 r-
a i t Itten, kii-a, h n,
!fnl in ik ,i, .
I ti.atl.).Hl U Oil ),
) lal I 1 1 k. kl,rf t -I ..! .
. Ha Sol nu.
a ' t a (m
tut M. a a m-j
i a xaL If y.. k,n -t
uurb, ,: ut f. ,
l-iit!i ta t'KMi.i ' .
t a I V , bv .J in,,,
la 'i(;hl It. id , i v
W tl. i
how ahe ti -l i "
... i i V- V
i-t cnu t do It. If Angelina was"-
"Oh, If Abgellua w as here she could."
said Khler Hjusiiier us the other caught
himself. "Well, let lis tend for her, at
I Sllggeele.l before."
"I ll never 0, It r
"But the charge, brpther-the charge.
Here Is a chaige of flirtation agalust
our pastor. You made i i,ui uu
taveut submitted oue lota of proof lug's ofllce.
iiius rar. v hat are you going to do
about It?"
"MebU It wasn't exactly a flirta
tion," sullenly admitted the brother
after awhile.
The Bev. I'eters Mild he was ualnn
the fan to drive away the flies and
iTlug a breath of cool air as ho read
over the sermon he was to preach on
the following Hunday. He had neither
noticed the widow uor Angelina uor
ber father. The Widow Morcluud had
Insisted on being present. Yes, she
knew all about nirtntlons. hot real).
ne iiaun i tin. nerve to alt at an open
Window l;nder the eyes of her neigh
bors una attempt a flirtation with a
clergyman nml the pastor of the church
she wiii .o.,ii pi ,e a member of. If
she used her fun languidly, it was to
utive away the droning house flies; If
orisiiiy, it was to warn a darning nee
dle or a beetle to keep n safe distance.
"Were I to Clii." added the widow
as she shook out her fau mid smiled
coyly, "I should do like this."
And she we.it through such a series
of motions nud gestures us no elder of
that church hud ever seen before, nnd
some of them uliiiont found themselves
trying to reply to tlm signals.
"Well, Brother Harris, what shall
we do?" asked lieaeoti Upooiier as the
widow retired.
"I-I guess Angellim wnt mistaken,"
was the hesllniliig reply.
"And your
"I guess I was too. Yes, I'm willing
to say I was nml lake It all back. I
herclry ask everybody to forgive me,
and I'll go home am uz Angelina's
tars for a fool!"
Oregon Cily Camp. No. fr'U-Modern
Woodmen of A merit a meeta every snrond
and fou rib Tneaday In tbe tii'.n'li. al
Willamette ' Hall li. t ifnol admr,
intOY. NY.
For a: by V U Huil ,
Three chief fenius during which the
Chinese take legal holldayt are thoso
of the dragon, the moon und the year.
3Iea.Ii! I'jet o. 2. fi. A. K., meetr
flrt Mondsv evening in each inonlii at
Wilamette Hall.-J. K. William. Com.
I.awton Command No. 1, of dregon
Union eterans I Ulon llireta ae on, Hat
urdsy 1 p. in. In ILxlinau'a bsll and
fourth Hturdy at 7 p. tu, In T. K. Cow
lloneer Chaptrr No. 2H. O. K. H. meets
the second snd fourth Tiieadavs In each
month at Masonic Hall.-Miss Jennie
Kowen.set retary.
)ffUn lslge .o. 3. I. f. (). V meets
every Thursday In Odd relloni' Hall.
T. V. By an, secrtt4ry.
Fslls Knrainiinient N'. 4, 1, O. (. t.
meeta flrat ami tblrl Tiicsdsv In each
month. Judaon lloscll, secretary.
BedmenWsi Initio TrlfceJifo. 13, Imp.
0. B. M , meets Tuei ay evening 7 :.W,
st Bed Men's llsll. . B. Hlllman, (J.
of It.; Harry Baxter, ssebntu.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. P. A. M.,
meets first slid third Hstnrilaya in each
montl, m Masonic Hall. T. P. Byan,
Mead Belief Corps No lfl, meets at
Willamette Hall the flrat Monday In
every month at 2 o'clock p. in. and the
thir l Monday In every month at 7:'M
o'clock p. ni.
I,' niied Artisans riieet every Thursday
evening of each month at the Willamette
IUII. Tli social meeting of this order
Is second Thursesy of each month. p..
II. Cooper, secretary, M. Bollack M. A.
Lone 1'lno Iodifa. No. fi3. A. Y. A A.
M., lnin, Or., meets on the second
Hsturday in each month from tho 1st ot
May to 1st of November at 2 n. in. and
from 1st of Novum ler to 1st of May al
10 a. in. ltso. (j. Arnistronif. Hoc.
The Mayflower, after her memorable
trip across the Atlantic with tbt pil
grim fathers of New England, wont
Into the West Indian cotton trade and
waa lost lu a cyclone.
This lesson there is a large death rate
among children from croup and lung
troubles. Prompt action will save the
litde onus from these terrible diseases,
We know of nothing so certain to give
instant relief at One Minute Cough Cure.
It can also bo relied upon in grippe and
all throat and lung troubles of adults,
Messant to take, (1. A. Harding.
Much little pills as DeWitt't Little
Early Risers are very easily taken, and
they are wonderfully effective In cleans
ing the liver and bowels. ' Q. A, Harding,
r u
fxpcmti. )u
? Id) l jTvr? I
l' a. TaaYIf Ml.
'rrtfl' Cos-ysKW",
Aarmati4ina' kxrk t
aalcaif MrWUm imr utHnl.4, Itm"
lnvw.ii.rt, MiiirNiMiii'i r
tl. i.. ,1,1.11, r..i S.l.nll.l. ll.rMli'-t '
aMil ttmm. HMm4 anrr M HniftiS
'lail Ul ll.r,irh Munn av$
p-'kd m4ut, anlHNti iliaraa, to im j
Scientific Jlmcrk:
A hanSaeaialf IttartnilH !.
mlll..a i.f an, .-winiBn v.ari.al, 1-
n r..qr niiiiiiba, II. SvlU lfall wi
llraucS omca. Ot r HU WaablUiiu.)
Mf a I art iota) Ut t)T utaran ttoi V
..aaal II Ui.aatr blaaiaMI aXtlt. lilua StiViM
Utjj, tartaaH), taWjWMtt AJ tktUUf Mu-4
(rma)kilf f tvnin.a- frf oti, fc f
Ul tWsj fSMUljr Laft'l tatMat WtViJlsMl.
a i
for lailln), mil
miliar Mii,nu
. ftrl a4 llttH rtll" i
. Z-t H..a ,i.in.a bl '
lU.aau aiiual li.r ll" "
tall (ni I l...llir lltilf It .',
naiiar. s.ii 6 la nmrl? aar iif
kak lur lli.m, SbMiiuKlr trj !
TIIR SlrfAM, COMrasj'
JS-llS nl ink Slraal '"
Nnili'fl In Inufitillva Atftt "
ilisik "lliiw to oh win Paumta"
; Irad
nhitran mlrrnlA Nn fe till PU'n' ' Will
ltra at rlel.lv eonllrtniiti"!- ' ,
t. 0. HIUEH, Palest lawyar. Wf,
aa.aaaAaa.A a.a.Aa.a. i