Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 04, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise
fill C'11" I'" CoMI-AM
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Am - ii tt A tt o rotiiiiu'n An
fii"u, :iu li number, wer oll In
iOii-icnCitr ituik'l Monday fr tlOA;
M w I" ! Itliaaix-eii IuuikI that
llieliiidiiftry l .fliUt' In ('!.
oil ruuniy, aapwielly on Umbered
mn. A roneidorabl nutnW hare
to iiiiIh (rum other eerllune.
Niti"" 1'n rt at In Id Ore;..
eri't"iallery ol New Moinlwie ol Ilia
Otrfin I-ilaliir," leal Monday, ap-p-l
t ilu' and tliirtil taelcb
Hn. liillwl 1 1 '!". r.renteilv
Irura Ciaroae county, Mr. Ile-la-e'
lrta.l ty ll pirlore I not a.uu4 Uk
area t&4 J' nul do Juetit- lo Dial gen
tlaoiaa'i l-l el (lure.
Wave MiTta Tli OI.I FIIot
end ietxva ll l.olj a wtru merlin.-la
(M. Mo a hill Mon.li nltflil.
AIwul ISpeop tier pruil. A lit
erary tod u !! program and a nlcw
latch feature ul Id evenii.f . Tl
Berlin; t very pleeaant tncltl affair,
inJU.elul motaanta o ti olj year.
idliold century, were watched wlih
llerp lntrt.nd hen .herb at gave
tt III advent ol paw century,
lU Keeling- adjourned,
fi Yb.b'b Fvt IUit,.-Abul tw
(wole enjiyed very Jant evenlot!
Mirmurr hall Monday hltfiit, A well
Mtnel and nicely lnluli itiM'i
i bJI l lent, ll iu
t If V. I.. McAe, anJ nitMl
Krrwful entertainment. NcVeral banl
rUe ero aaai'letJ. Tli ttrel
Je, kIJ alcti,(r lb ll aualalDetl
ditf rr In ruetuine, w arll lo
sUrtea lluuii ; l!i eeruinl -le, a iilvrf
iikh, a aarlcil lo MUt Clara
Ilnlff, Tli 'f i idrfr.l or III tnoat
tlitt rtiararler, matrli a(n,
HiJ. to llumvr Hamilton. The en
rulniiiriit ceaaixl ailli fraud rake
uk. (rank (-onlr ami lila (xrtnrr
talli cak. Muiea lurnUhr.l ty
ifjrttanl orrheetr.
taOiu I.iaue. Workmen tit
engaged tliit eek,ln letrlng (lon,
Ut ia koon at Hi ol.J IliiliOeUI
WHinir, iiuth o( Iho Klorirlo holel.
Ii. Jaroh Caaeoll, irirllor ol lli
rrtic will errt t threo Moty tullillng
U ground, nail aprlng lo b uod at
irmmini Iioiim lo connn-tlon tti tli
Wul. When Hilt building It lorn do n,
m ol the old landmark! ol Oregon City,
fJUiPg'in, will ha heen dealroyail.
Tbi toil line wa erected a half a
ontury tfi on among ilia Aral build
xtlnOrgon. Ilihulll lijr High
514, an Kngliahruan, In 11VI. Mr.
'Jim. liol.ln, ul tlil city, wat on o( the
anx'tit'n Iid rirled It. When ihla
Cllmildltig new, the gay and (
l( "Injun" aa illatreMlngly ilmtl(til
ll" plariil wtti-rt o( th claaalc
Villimctte. Ho uad to Oil tli dtyt of
lila alilt limllmr wild terror and omnia
tut (iiimrala. and hit nlgfiit with hon
iWeaand Uliiniilatliiii, Now (hit iiohln
ted nun la ijiilte ararr In thla) Iim-hIKx
It la hIihohi iiihi..IiIu i i) gut miiMili for
tiiii. Time, In lila UM-liM.lnd
lllglil, haa wllnevaed many i htngna In
ihla f Iclnlty aim 11.1 old lioua wa
hiilll, Many, very many, o( IIiomi who
wei niigagnd In thn mrault o( llln,
hlmily and hailnea In Iho ilaya,
liav long alin rroaaad tlm river In
Hharon'a huat and all that remalnacf
tluoii now a hat th old HUliflnlil
holla will aoon Im III alitor.
CoaariJMi.New Year'a day waa a gait
day lr th hoyt ol thlt nlly, Th timw
which (ell ao ciiouly and ateadlly all
(orniioon, feiu died th ground In
cellont ah (or aleddlng and Coaatlng,
and th young Oregonlana wer not (low
In taking advantage ul the tinuaual oi ca
Ion. Her on th Tai'llUi tlo, anow
dnean't roma Very nflen, hof alay very
long w linn It due Come, hMt, thuuglt th
olliuatlo coii.lltimia maydllTer materially
(font Iho o( olhrr rllmna, th li a o(
Ihla roaal are Jut the aaina a the lioya
any her rlt, and Ihe tight ol great
Il. ey aim (lake drtfllug down (foin th
akfon a holiday, eleilririea llieui jnut
th tan. aa It doe h jiyao( New Kng
land, or any other laud or country.
Tua ('at Cam IUi a, klunday morn
ing, a nU-m lull girl and a nlr llttl
btai k kitten wer coming do a th long
Might ol ate on Fourth tireet, uat at a
waMligrr train Wat aalng, Th girl
ttoiw alxiiit midway down th (light
and looked d n Uin the train, Th
rat atm k op lit tail and looked wla lor
alxiUt aeVell awolida, when erme to
i and lenly aelial with a (It ol Inaauhy.
ll milled a wild raterwaul and alerted
down th alea Ilk a ttreak ol Lla k
lightening, II anybody ran Imagine o h
tldng. Th lull girl wat amaied,
Hhe atrot k her llttl handt liglher and
failed. "Oh, kilty, com U k!" Hut
kltiy went right ahead. Ith trang off
(tie 'a l atep ua at th engine ram op
posite Tli cat dlaatparj In a cloud
ol ateam, and whether th want under
Ui train, o ote? it. or right through It,
will pruhahly oever m kion, but when
th train paeaed, klUy Wa teen titling
on a aUto on th other aid ol U track
wltli her tail ata k up, and looking wUe.
ItraeUtlaa f K treat.
Hi following resolution Wer adopled
by Mtlwauklallrang. No. i:
Whereaa, ll bat pleaaed th gieal
Matr of th onlveie to rail from our
MiM.l oor tifotlier, dank K. Willa,
Ite It Iteeolved, That In th death ol
IlMthr r'rank K. Will Hike grange haa
ot a tery worthy hruther.on whugav
a great deal of hie lime and energy In the
advancement ol Mlleuki (irange, No
VH. and th oi-ler at largo an energeilr
worker, the rtiintinmtl v a g"l ClilleO
tixl hla wile iynUd inialiaod.
Ileeolvc-I, Thai lliia grange lender it
heart Irlt avrnjielhy to Ida wile and lain
II jr In Iheir hereaveiiienl, and while! w
txiw lo the Will ol bur Maater alue, who
"d-rrtli all thing well," let ua all look
(uraanl lo a hapy raunlon In the great
I(rle-I, That the riluliona be
aptead UMn tli" mlnu'e o( tioa grange
and a rot-y be aeiit to hiater Huaie TS'iM.
aiao to the Co. m y per and th I'acltlc
Oregan Illy Itrkcl Itrptri.
(Crrrted weekly.)
Wheal No. 1, (lo in bulk.
Flour-Tortiand, 3'.'5; Howard's
Oat In aarkt, hlU, 37 to 42 :rntt
par buihel, gray, Xt to 37.
MIIItuiT U'tn, llS.no per Ion
thortt, IIO.W per Ion.
IVtatoe 45 lo 60 ct per tack.
Fgga Oregon, 27 to 30c er doian.
Ilntlcr Uancli, V) to 4'Vcenlt xr roll
Onlont, $1.00 to 1.:'5 xir rack.
(ireeit applet, 23 lo AO centt er bog
dried ft ctt pr pound.
I.lvent'N k and Preamsl Meal a Hoof,
live, 3t to 4c j boga, live, Vic, liogt,
drwuwd, bi lo tt centt; t!'wp. lo
4 per bead ; el, drenaed 7' to Sc.
to f 100 to loan on rlmtiid or prr
tonal aecunty. Mmlt k & F.aathtin, agtt.
Ililurind from Nvuth Africa.
W, H, U'ltnii, t proinliieut Oregon
Clly tttoriiKy, r urind on New Yetr't
day (nun atrlplo Johanneahiirg, Koiilli
Alil. a, wli he went riui all inoiithi
a io lo look eflr tu etat of hit tnd hit
ilerramiil brolhitr, II tyt h had a
pleaant trip IhjIIi going and rnluriilng
I In went by wayol lindon and reiuruel
by wtyol New Or!ni. Ha tyt ht
found tlmlr afTalralher In a heller con
dition than Ii ifiecUid, and hdl Ihnlll
In g'xxl tliap.
Hieaklug o( th tltuatlon In Kouih
Alrlca, Mr. U'llen tthl Dial th Kngliali
wit aluiply fighting to aeciir and ea
lahlUli vpial right In that country, for
pnoplt (vnireriied, and not, at tout tup
mm, lmpy for coii'ii-t and gin. Ht
tyi ht It not at all Itvorably linpreaeed
wiih th )tMr character, from hit ohaer
vttiont of It, while among them, and
thai It It hit opinion that th Hoer
ty mpalhuer in Ihlt country would not
feel to favorthly toward them If they
wera topialiiled with their real cl.aiao-ter.
Alh tided Trachrra' ( arratloa.
Tha lollowing teai hert from Clatkamal
county aitended th ttat teacher con
veution at Albany, lal wki Mleea
Fannied. I'orter, Mullah Holdrn, liar
le(!ae, Katherln Caalo, Klla CaU),
Maud Kidder, Mear. V. A. Dala,
(.'hat. Caa. (loo. McArthur, Art Mr
liughlin, Mr. llargrtv tnd hroflu-r, T.
J. "try, Mr. Maul, I.. II. Vincent, (ieo,
Ntrli kltnd, Hupt. I. C. Zlna.r.
Hrhool UrporU
ItejKjft of Oak (irov hool, dialrict
No. U3, for lb month ending Iec. 21,
I'upllt tnrolle), 32.
Iaya taught, 20.
I)i alien lam, 4X
Part aheeut, 73.
Timet tardy, 7.
Avertg daily altendtnc, J4.
Thoa who wer neither absent nor
tartly a r Johnnie I'amin, (ieorg Da mm,
Willi Daa.ru, Millard Adamt tod Cle
ar? Orluitn.
Vlaitora during tbt month artj Orrlo
Wright, Jam F.wert, Mr. Look, Mr,
tlravet, Columbu Cot, Cht'le Morrlt
and Kut Fttoa
I am plraatsl lo nolo lb lutrt pat
ron r taking In the at hool work, and
h"f they will Contlnu lo do ao, (or in
II lie lli hoii ol improvement.
KoaiJtr Ouriiia, Teacher.
( Inngn In Train Time.
Northbound paenger train No. 12(
whlirh left Oregon Clly at 6:40 p. fn
How Ii tvea llftv inlnutot laim at 0.30
p. in. TIiiom have Im--u aoine changr-a In
th lime n eoui ol Hi Irelghl Iraina,
( range .Mi-e'l -g.
Clai'kainia dialri'l l'uinont (irange
will iiii-lwlili Milwankie (irng, No.
2W, We.lmiNday, Jan. V. l'Jl. All mem
ber t Invited.
T. It. A. f KI.I.WOOH, Maaler.
Ttkrn l'p.
On I)ec. 30, 1100, a Durham cow, aged
bet a eeii (our and llv year, clean florin
with tlpt awn ir. Weartahel',
JoilM KM4 v,
K MiUauki, Or.
A rrominml 4 falrag Wtitun Ppeaka,'
I'ro( lloiy Tyler, of Chicago, vli.-
predeiit Illlnol Woman' Allianc), In
tpeakiug of Cliaintrlaln'a cough rein- (
dy, tayc "1 tuff-red with a aeverc
coll Ihlt winter, which threatened to run'
Into pneumonia. 1 tried illlfrrml rerne-'
diea, but I teemed to grow wora and th i
medicine Uel my alomarh, A friend j
advised ui lo try Charnlerlain't cough
remedy, tnd I found it wat lMnt lo
take and relieved ma at once. I am now j
entirely recovered, tave l a doctor't Mil, '
time and uffring, and I will never le
wliliont this tplendid meii;in again. '
For tal bv (i. A. Harding, druggiit.
O JVM T O 3-lTl A. .
Beamik yt) IX l-tl Tw Man k wn lxt
Odds and Ends Sale
Golden Rule Bazaar
ttlejweai' llalMlMg, Opp. Oregon y Hawk.
Many uw-ful tnd ornamental artlclet can I obtained tt far beiow
prevailing price.
Cliildren'tGimrt jc Men Silk Tirt ajc
AutoAlbumt , jr Ment Working Shirt 4jc
Irrarl Poll 15c Ment Felt Halt.
Hot of Stationary oc Hoy Citt
Metal Toyt 6c ladira htorkingt .
Good Clothe llruaht . 15c I'ocktl Knivct .,,
LAUiet rocket jkjokt ... .ly: Ytnke Wttchet 95c
Great Reduction in 1901 Calendars.
' 3-
Leaders in Advance Styles and Low Prices. i
(Quality and not quantity make It
Witl't IJtll Ftrly Itiatr tuch valuable '
lltfl liver pill (1. A. Harding. I
doctored compound, but pore, whole-j
torn and ttrengthenlng ttimttnt.
FNM-lally cwtnniended lor medicinal
purpart. Bold by K. Matthiki, Ore
gon City, Or.
Htatb or Ohio, Citt or ToLauo.l aa.
I.l-CA CotHTT. f
Frank J. Cheney makea an oatb thai
h It th senior partner ol lb flrui of F.
J. Cheney A Co., doing buaineet in lb
City ot Toledo, County anil hut afore
taid, and that aald firm will pay th aum
ol ON K Hl-.NlltK.llM)I.I.AKM(or each
tnd every rtsn ol Cttarrli that cannot
b cured by the ue of Haifa Catarrah
hwurn to lr(ur m and tvlw ilbpd in
Uiy prenence, tliit Clh day ol iH-i-euilier,
A. I). IKH.
A. w. ;i.f..on,
J at At I Nolar) I'ublic.
Ilall't Ctttrrah Cure It taken Inter
nally end acta dirwtly on the blood arid j
muooe urlacca of the tyvtcni. Send
for leatimonlalt, free.
F. J . Cll F.N F.Y.A CO , Toledo, 0.
Fold by drugglate, "5c.
Ilall't Family I'lllt ant the heal.
Acker't l)ype(ia Tablet art told on
a positive guarantee. Cure heart-burn,
rtltlng ol Uit lootl, dialrea after licg
or any lorni ol dyapepaia. On little tab
lei give Immediate relief, 25 ct. and
M ctt. 0. A. Harding, drtiggiat.
A fer felatera.
The recent ttatiatica ol the namber ol
deatht thow that a large majority die!
with coniuinpiion. Tbit ditraae mty!
commence w llh an apparently harmless j
cough which ctn tie cured inolanlly by
Kemp't Ilalaam for th Throat and
Lang, which ia guaranteed to cure and
n-lleve all rtart. l'rice 2-V- and &0c.
For tale by all drngg'tata.
I'boto 26 rl. per doten at New York
(iallrry. On lli by 20 enlargement
given w It I every don cabinet.
Tibnby I'noro.
J. Hurl Moore, phydcltn and turgeon
ha lH alel iu Oregon Ci'y illl olllc-e
temporarly it retidence on Tenth ttreet
near Jcfferaon. 1'rompt reapon lo pro
daalonal call. If.
He Fnolrd The MBrcrut,
Alld.M toit told Henick Hamilton, of
Weal Jefferson, O., after tudcring IS
uionlht from Itertal Fiatula, be would
die tinlcM a coelly oerttion wat tier
formed; but be cured hlmaelf with five
boxct of lUtcklen't Arnica Stive, the
turcat 1'ilti cure on F.arth, and the beet
Salve In the World. 25 rents a bos.
Sold by (iuo. A. Harding PrugKixt-
The rurae ol overworked womanki nd
are quickly and eurrly cored b; Karl
Clover Itovt Tet, the great Woo.! purifier
and tiaaue builder. Money refunded if
not aatiafactory. Trice 2- eta., and 60
ctt. C. (J. Huntley, the Drtiggiat.
l'rront, deniriug announrementt ol
partiea, aocialt, etc., oiuet tend them to
thit office.
Or an Organ
It will pay you to write
Ei oh'p Dii
Office 351 Washington St
Portland, Ore.
rout 'tt
' We are the creat
prohtkillers and piano
price regulators of the north
west, and with our special facilities
can sell a fine piano or organ for less money
than you can get them elsewhere. Write to-day.
Catalogues for the asking.
Our stock includes the three greatest Ameri
can pianos, the Kimball, the Weber, and the
Chickering, together with eight other good makes.
The flet I'Uater.
A piece ol flannel dampened with
Chtmberltin't Pain Balm and bound to
the altecled part ia tupertor lo any
platter. When Uoubled with lame back
or pain In the tide or cheet, give it a
Iritl and you are certain lo be more than
pleased with the prompt relief which
it afTordt. Tain Halm also curet rheu
matism, One application givea relief.
For tale by U. A . Harding.
klr. WtllUuia'lBillani,lle
i. iinim,.nl w i.l rum HnuJ,
'IIIohiiiiC and lu-.uiie
I'lU a. Ii tirt' Ihe tumors.
ilu) tli tirbiiiir at nine, aria
a tx.uiiu-e. mvra limlanl.re-
Inf. r. s ll: ibiiw' lniliixn filr Oinl
nient WnrerTl lor 1M lev and lifh-
Int of llin private pwrta. Kvrry Imii la
warranto.!, llv ilrutiii. by mail on re-
eelnl of rrire all eriita and ft. on. WILLIAMS
MANUI ACTURINS CO.. 't.. develaud. uuio.
m if
U Bib
l I L
m' .1 1 T 14 U J . ,1 ......a a.
III a . M II
A v5
WHEN buyinRashot Run don't throw away money
by s'pcnJing f 150 to 500 when for very much
less you can vuy a
w hl.i will otitshoot any other shot Run on the market
no n. 'tier v hat it costs. The Winchester Repeating
Shot Gun is now maJe in " Take Down " style In 12
aaJ 16Rauj;e. Itcombinesrapidity.reliabilityanJ strong
shooting qualities with a price within reach of ever)'
bojy's pockctNxk. Fcr su!e by dealers everywhere.
FF.EEStiJ utmt ami tiJrtu pltil(rj for t6o-tift ijJofa.
Get our Prices on Job Printing.
The Parker Fountain Pen
t- ... av.. , j v a ,
Prices, $2.00 to $6.00 according to size.
Has the Lucky Curve, Spring Lock,
Anti-break Cap. No Joints. No
Leaks. No Breaks. j
BumeisteP St ilnclresen
We make a specialty of repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry and give guarantee for our work.