Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 04, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
I'ttj and County OfDclul Paper,
Pulillnhed Kvery Rrideiy.
L. I rOKVKR, 1'imraiiToa.
MtlDlO'lthi I to
Trial subscription two niontbi 2J
A discount ol (10 eenlt on til anhaeriptloni
i the entireties It In fore in tlilt tttto.
Tli it meant that t piece of land deeded
to husband and wife, ami one 'dies, the
oIIht takes the whole o( the property
nd thin clear of any incumbrance! tit
oilier mtv put on it if the turvivor does
nut join. Neither ran convey the prop
erty (luring ti e to tliut out the other
Thit in an important matter to he taken
in consideration in the conveyance! of
real property.
for one year, 25 cenlt tor iii mount, It
paid in advance.
Advertising ratea ftiven on applicallon.
Buhseribert will find Die dtt of expira
tion stamped on ilifir pteia following
-their name. It tliia data It not cnanirrxi
' within two week anr a payment, kindly
oUiy ut and we will loot alter iu
Entered at the poatoftic In Oregon City
(Jr., as tecoinl class mailer.
Beaver Cwk Dr. T. B. Thomas
ih Geo. Knight
Clackamas A. Mstbrr
Milwauaie Oscar Wisaingtr
Union Mills 0- J. Trullintrer
Meadow Brook Chas. Holmtn
hew Era W. H. Newberry
Wilsonvilie Henry Miley
Parkplsoe F. L. Rowil
tftattord J.Q Ciaw
Jwnlino C. T. Howard
(Oaroa R. M. Cooper
Molalla Annie Stubha
Vanpiara K. M. Hart man
Batteville B. Jennie
Kafir Creek...
Lamascua ,
. Henry A. Pnyder
H. Wilbrrn
J. C. Klliott
F. detach
Geo. J. Currin
..Mrs. M.J. Hammer
Adolph Ascbotl
Uabmont ia increasing in the demo
cratic party fast.
It is aaid that the Chinese Empress
xpecta to raise a large amount on the
joint note of the powers.
Gbovib Clkviland says be did not
vote for McKiuley. That probably ac
counts tor the site of the Wool ley Tote
in New Jersey.
Tin fact ttiat the bondBtneo of an Ind
eherff paid $4000 daaiage to the widow
ol a man that was lynched, has set the
sheriff of the country thinking.
Ms. Bbtan has started talking again
We would call attention to what bis talk
ing has done in the past, not only from
bis standpoint but from that of the voter.
Dreyfus again agitates France by a
demand for new trial. France should
accord this. Nearly all the chief con
apiiatora against Dreyfus are dead orex-iled.
Although the new century dawns
darkly for the British in South Africa
the more hopeful of them expect that
the war will be over before the century
closes. l
The state department at Washington
it advised by its consuls at some of the
European trade centers that an industrial
and financial crisis is impending there
if indeed it has not actually begun
From Germany comes the assertion that
"the wave of industrial prosperity in
Europe, which bas steadily risen since
1303, has taken a turn and begun to re
cede"; that all signs point to a crisis in
industrial lines before two veara have
passed, and that any political disturb'
ance might bring on the inevitable crash
with extreme suddenness. In verities
tion of these discouraging predictions it
is pointed out that bouse rents and in
dustrial storks have begun to decline
that factories are closing and that the
shipping interests and war-material in
dustries are making the most of the
South African and Chinese disturbances.
German students of economics aoalvie
the situation at being the result of over
In France there hs been a collapse in
the wool market thM bas carried down
extensive business concerns. In Eng
land ship-owner are discouraged and
find great difficulty in making even a
meager profjt. In Scotland tbe.weaving
trades are demoralised. Generally the
shoe manufactures are being interfered
with by the invasion of American goodY
The outlook in all lines apparently is for
worse instead of better times.
To a considerable extent the disquiet
ing conditions in Europe may be ascribed
to the disturbing effects of American
competition. Naturally the displace
ment of European by American manu
factures must hare a distinct effect in
the industrial economies of European
countries. Roughly speaking, for each
American workman put to work on
goods for the foreign market a European
workman or two must be laid off. Nor
can thit condition be offset by European
manufacturers cutting down wages and
reducing prices of their manufactures,
because to a great extent there is, in
many lines, a decided preference for
American articles, which also undersell
the products of otbenjnatlons. There is
no good reason for supposing that condi
Th ntflnl (Mrvc ol aarth la m
U I ha kiulh Klthl la Hit old l tr.
It mimi th Imm liM lu ami tr;
llif l'.to uamv on lar (tt brlow
TW liir niov ll.litl) In Id air;
Thrir rmilr ar.ina a lii.iwird i,aa,
Wp In I lie Hn.lol inia I U
tvfitif but .luir ol In ik.
So thiik Ihr (rrrn littr u atia,
So litflil. au ll Hit tirr. ao.
I njr not Dial ma h Mood
rVIr im aslant ol lh wood
And ma.lr II ol l Mr pranra a ahrtnt,
IWmint II h.ld ul illtln.
-NiiNiit U. Uaat la N York Sua,
Cuisa has signified ber willingness to
accept the terms of peace imposed by
the powers, bitter ss they must be
Think of a civilised nation submitting to
Kentucky made a great mistake in
cot recording its vote correctly,
Twenty-five new colonels are to be ap'
pointed under the piovisions of the new
.army bill.
'Now that it has been discovered that
alt causes heart action, no doubt the
scientists will discover that many cases
of heart failure may be directly traced to
the salt trust.
. Alubk is out with a letter defending
Eagan and after Miles. Alger and
Engan have what the American people
"believe they deserve unless they are the
worst slandered men on earth.
The populists have decided not to fuse
with any other party. If they had taken
this stand some years ago and stuck to
at they would have been more of a
parky today, but the democrats took
them in.
Cleveland believes that the presides
tial term should be lengthened, as, at
present constituted, the chief executive,
tor the first half of his term, is not ac
quainted with the needs of government
and he is burdened with all sorts of un
fortunates, while the latter part of his
.term he has to contend with the iin
(pending election that is to follow.
These are reasons that will commend
themselves to thinking people and have
merit that will, in time, bring eome
Tug snpreme court bas held in a recent
stcision that the doctrine of estates by
tions will change. On the other hand,
the prospect is that the displacement of
European manufactures by American
goods will increase rather than diminish.
The ultimate effect of the present trade
tendencies is likely to be that theJUnited
Statea will become more than ever be
fore, the center of the world's industrial
activity and development. Chicago
Nineteen Hundred and Oue.
The wheels go roJnd and the scheme
of things works smoothly still. By inde
fatagible and persevering effort, the ven
erable gentleman with the Inuersoll
hourglass and the fythe, has managed to
score snother hundred years on bit tally.
sheet. Pretty good, all-round years they
were, too; well filled with credible
achievements, and laudable deeds.
Man, who (or which) is about the most
important factor in that part of the uni
verse which we call the world, has not
been idle during these last hundred
years, lie and bis sons and grand
sonshave been really industrious.
They have accomplished many things.
which appeared as impossibilities to
those who held office before their time.
But the end is not yet. 8 ience and
invention are young giants. They have
not yet attained their growth and matur
ity. As they go down the aisles ot the
coming years in their mighty car of prog-
ess, they will leave in their wake such
stupenduous mar of their advancement
as will be the wonder of the worlds.
The twentieth century comes to us
fraught with magnificient promises and
possibilities. Thoee of us who live to see
the dawn of anotlier century probably
there won't be many of us, as the good
die young will have seen more things
on earth than were ever dreamed of in
the philosophies of a thousand Horatios.
The Mother's Fuvorlte.
Chamberlain's cough remedy is the
mother's favorite. It is pleasant and safe
for children to take and always cares. It
is intended especially for coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough, and is the
best medicine made for these diseases.
There is not the least danger in giving it
to children, for it contains no opium or
other injurious drug, and may be given
as confidently to a babe as to an adult.
For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist.
I had boon knocked down by a cab
on the strevts of Paris and taken to a
hospltuL I was hurt atxxit the head
and shoulders, and, though I hnd no
broken Ik lies to mend, I was so badly
brulseO that the surgeon told me I
wouldn't get out for a mouth. Hunt
up though I was In a tlniinclnl -nse, 1
had Muuigb money In my pocket to get
me Into a pny word, ami they gave mo
one of the 14 cots on the third tWr
front. It wn summer, and I wan rloe
to the seventh window, counting frtu
the left
The routine of a hospital for an lu
lured man Is a monotonous one. After
the tlrst three or four days they put
uie on full diet and gave me books to
read, but I could not leave my bed, and
It was agnlus' the rules to converse
with the other patients. It was read.
slcop, think and plan, with one visit a
day from the surgeon. I could not ae
the atrvet from my window aa I sat
propped up on my cot. The only alght
to gnvt my vla'on was a quaint old
house opposite. The structure was
two stories bkh. nd I could w the
upper halves of four windows. The
bouse looked to bsve bevn built 100
years ago and wt In ssd state of
neglect and untenanted. I don't know
why I should have been Interested In
that house except that a sick man will
turn to the veriest tritte to nuke a di
version. I aw by the state of the win
dows that the bous was tenantlesa.
and yet I had the cnrloaity to question
the nurse about 't
That bouse bas been emoty for
many years." she replied, "and a It U
In law It will probably fall down be
fore the heirs come Into possession.
You rnnot that far down, but the
lower d'rs nd windows are boarded
up to keep tramps out I have often
wondennl If the place has not a ghont."
I fell Into the habit of watching lb
four windows ns closely as If I had
been employed a a watchman. It
seemed that If I waited long enoucb I
sbouh' se a face at one of them. When
evening came, there was an electric
Ipht somewhere which struck th front
of 'he old house, and I would wah
those windows until the nurse en'olned
me to turn away and go to sleep. It
go so at last that l felt certain of mak
ing discovery, sml one evening, when
t bad been In the hospital nine or to
dpys, the face I had looked for apiear
ed at oaj f t')e middle windows. It
wet that of a innn.
The window was 150 feet from m.
but 'y the Ruslstsnce of the elect'lr
light I made out the face very clearly.
It came l"to view gradually, as If the
man slowly advanced across the room,
and I' remained at the psneless snth
for a full minute. It was the face of
an evil man. It was dark and bearded,
snd the eyes travel up and down and
across the street as If looking for dan
ger. Whoever the man was be waa no
tramn. nor had be a lawful right 'h
that bouse. As he left the window I
cilled to the nurse and told her of bis
presence, but she laughed and replied:
"h. but we are net to concern our
selves about what goes on ovr there,
'f It Is some prowler who bn broken
In, the police must take care of blm."
I now bed something to occupy my
full attention, ami gave up every
thing to wnt"h the windows opjHjsltP.
Nothing appeared next day. but a
altouf half psxt. 8 o'elock In he e-eu-Ine
I saw the si me face again. There
wis more hoMm-HS In the way the man
nporoiched 1 1 window, and he seam
ed to feel Itiisolf more si-cure as be
surveyed the street If he were not a
fugitive p biding, why should lie I.
taking noeps nt the neighborhood
vagabond, having entered to obtain
shelter for the right, would kep ch ar
of the windows. On this second night
the man seemed to be looking liuently
st the sidewalk running In front of the
hospital, and by niid by he startwl nod
tprned away as If be had received
some signal. When the nurse came. I
'okj ner or m incident, fibe was as
much amused as before.
"You certainly bsve a mind for my a,
torles," she laughed, "but If you be
come too Interested you will develop a
fever and have a pullbnck. When you
sre able to leave us. you ran tell tin
police about the man. who will prohu
bly turn out to be a shadow."
1 gave the windows but little atten
tion lu the daytime after that. Th"
fuoe appeared on the third evening at
the same hotfr, and I fel' so sure that
n confederate made signals from th
sidewalk that I tool- a convalescent In
to my confidence. II was an old sol
dier who was being treated for rn old
wounn and was allowed the run of the
place. I told him of the face and the
confederate, and he was Interested at
once. Jt was arranged that he should
be In front of the hospital at half past
8 and watch for the confederate, and
luck attended hlin. He saw a well
dressed but evP looking man make
signals to the man nt the window. The
signals were made with a folded news
paper and would not have been noticed
by any one not on the watch for them.
"Now, then," u!d the old aoldlcr as
he returned and' reported, "we bavo a
mystery on hand. Lin k has thrown It
lu our way that we nuiy make a few
goldpleeea. Let Us work It out togeth
er iiiol almiv the iv w aid."
None of ii In liie ward hnd seen n
newspaper for u we k. They eiv iiot
InleidMcd. but none of the patients
seemed to eaiv for miNM' liewa. Next
looming the aoldl r went out and pur
chased the Journals for (he previous
Ihe or six day, and iin we looked them
ever we struck a sensation. A boy 10
jri urs old. the sou of s rich Irou found-
rr. IiikI Ihh'U kbiniipi'U snu spinie.i
aw ay. nnd It Mil staled that the whole
polbi force of Paris wwa on the jul
vv The kidnaping had taken place
thrv days before I saw the face at
the window, and I was arguing that
our mystery could have nothing to do
with It when the soldier an Id:
"It Is at hsst i miles from here
where the lad vn pleked up. He waa
probably hidden somen lu re else for a
due or two, but the scent got an hoi
that he was moved. !ou't ynu fear
th.it he la not In the old hoiiae npX'lto
at this very moment."
"Then we should Inform the ollee."
"Pooh! We must wait for a reward
to le announced. Never slap luck In
th fsce."
On (be fourth night and fifth iiIkIiI
the face appeared at the win. low al
the usual hour, mid the same man
made the usual signal. As the poll
were yet at f h ' t . those algiials must
have meant that think' were all rlk'ht
for the kldiiiMH-r. It waa now eight
days since the oy was taken, and
no traoo could ! hud of him It w as be
lieved that he had been killed or tski
out of the country. The pajM-rs gnv
to the police prvtty hot. and It wa
Intimated that the father waa ready t
pay almost any sum to have his clilM
Now we are coming nearer to It
said the old veteran. "What the kid
i)Bera have liecn waiting for Is the re
ward, but we m ii t Ih ahead of them
You have tome money, but I hav
none. ou must give nie enough to
take me across Paris to the father."
It had come to bt understood lu our
corridor that we bad some scheme.
but we refused to sus-vcr auy que-
tion. J lie soldier attrteri off on
iionilne. and Ix f.'re noon be w aa hold
Ing an Interview w Ith the father of th
siir-hi iwy. me uitra-ted man
w willing to give bl last franc, but
Mis soldier atoprvd t ll.OOO, He cot
a promise In wrlMng that he should be
aid that uiu when the toy was dellv
evd up. and then be werl to Oie police
to find If Vre wa reward for
any oartlculsrly 'h-sirate character,
Thre wa. It a Mleved 'n pot'ee
circles that th klduner wrt two es
caped convicts, and tUvf waa a re
word o' 1'i.UK) 'rices on the bsd of
Mther. When It bail Ui-n agreed to
glvo blm half th,. reward, the Veteran
gave our mvapry away. The nolle
waltd until eveiiluir s:id then caught
the confocrae on Mi street after he
had signaled his "All right." Mslf a
hour Inter Miey surrounded the old
house, broke belr way 'n s:id Uot only
found h other ronvle. but found th
kldnnrwd Iwiy a nrlotier In one of the
rooms. The lad had bep fairly well
treat'-d. 'oit bed l-en closely gunrdi'd
every hour since he hnd "om Into th'
men's hand. He had oen only Mmt
one man and had 'h-tii oM that he
would b set i( ll'N-rt when his fathe
hid paid 'jruuioo fr.ntxn n s reward.
The old soldier HvPHI 'nlrly with
me. and we we'e not only tnrMiel bv
the double rew'ird. but wre the inesn
of returning to eilto!y "o S deo-r
ste criminals aa ever broke bars. It
was considered an 'imimitrphenslble
thing around the hospl'al. nnd d"-tor,
nurse and fellow paih-iit were never
tln-il of snylng;
"How strange! Yon lie In your bed
and look at the windows of so old
house across Mie way. and. In. there
cone 15,000 francs rolling In to you
tTopjrrlrht. itao, hr r. II. Uwla-J
The Kind You lluvo Ahvnyn Dmiglit, ft nil Mhtch lion !oca
lu tiso for over ilO yours, lut) borno tlio alirtintitro or
itiul lm 1mmi iiinilrt under lilt) irr
nonnlpiincrvlsloii ulncn Hi InfUiiry,
Allow no ono tolfMMlvo you In tills.
All Counterfeits, liultittlons nnd " JnsUuM-irtNHl" ir Init
i.iM'rliiicnta that trlllo with wiul rnditnjrrr tlio limit h of
Influits nud ClilKlron-lUK'rlciu' ugulnst Kxprrliuoui,
Rlddlr Saltrd.
First City Poy-oh. see the cow s cat
Ing shavings.
Second City ltoy-1 suppow thnt's
how we get chlpis-d U-ef.-St Iiuls
The Engineer
Leaning from the cab window does more
with his ears than hit eyes. The "rum
ble and grumble and roar" of hit engine
are to bun articulate speech, snd a false
note in that jum
ble of sound
would catch his
ear as quickly as
a discord would
strike the ear of
the leader of an
He thinks more
of his engine than
himself. That js
why he neglects
to notice symp
toms which are
full of warning.
The foul tongue,
the bitter taste,
sour risings, and
undue fullness af
ter eating are but
symptoms of dys
pepsia or some
form of disease in
volving the stom
ach and organs of
digestion and nu.
trition. In time the heart, liver, lungs,
or other organs are involved and the
engineer has to lav off.
Dr. I'ierce'a Gohlen Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and organa
of digestion and nutrition. It purifies
the blood and builds up the body with
sound healthy flesh.
I uacd trn bottlca of Dr. Plena's Goldra
Mollral Discovery and aereral viala of hla Vt a.
ant Pellrta ' a yrar ago thit "prlng, and hava had
no trouble with ImTimtioa alnce," wrllea Mr.
W. T. Thompson, of Townarnd, Broad Water Co .
Montana. Worda fail to tell how thankful I
am for the relief, aa I had auffered to much and
It aeatned that the doctor! could do me no good.
I Ifot down in U-eiirht lo la nmitifla anH wub
able to work nt all. Now t weijfh 160 and can
do a day'a work on Ihe farm. I have tecoiii.
mended your medicine to aeveral, and ahall
alwaya have a u-ood word to aav fur Ur. Pierre
nd hla medicine."
I irs-.. I
Castorliv U n linrniloss nubstlttitn for Castor Oil, Pure
pirlo. Drop) nnd Nootliluu; Hyrups It 1 I'lmsnnt. 16
t'ontuliis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrrolla'
MiliNtunee. Its) ngo Is) Its t'tmruntee. It Ietroy Worm)
nnd nlhiys iVvertohnrss). It cures Ilarrhnii and Wind
Colic. It relieves) Teething Trouhles, eiira) Constliutloii
nnd riattileney. It ulinll..tes) tlio h, re(riiUUr tlio
Htoiiiiu h und Ilowels, irlvlnir heoltliy nnd iiitturul nloc,.
The Children's) l'unuccti-Tho Mother's Frlviid.
Boars tho Signature of
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tva aawvaoa nami, v atwaaat iftie, mtm fa an.
The Lamp of Steady Habits
inm lamp iuiianMat nana as or anuiaa. wi.. mi
to uaa bl lurap tlx lunp iiiat b4a !" iai
ynt H xl auta ('!: Ox lamp tuu atr will.
Inflt rt with, ixua JM k II , thai a
Zbc JScw Rocbcotcr.
CW kmpa anay t nrTer. mi aa " Jiut aa r-tr.1
Uiry anar In mm rairu. (mI I. all tiwM f-l-m,
llxrv'a oolr otwx ra A'urax-afer, T mala
auralhai Utmpi4nl ta -unuiix. (.4 Uaaaauu
ua j ry uuup uaa U. UitMkaj
m u 1 rj uuup Uaa a. UltMkaj A I
Ohl Iiiupaa Mmlo Nnw. IV
Waran All aiwry kn.p warn. Non.ali-r altxix-f yna) Ju
rani a imw launpne afona, an M nnm riirl ar rrln- Cv
Wahl a tMW lamnnf tfavm n ij.l tMa taMlnd .X fAi
aohl, a vaa an-pir.l or nihe nb ,i unn tr&iMitn. awS
l inln a New Rochettor can Uu H. M warl
' .... . .ni
aw "in;ri kiai.iST.a la lrtalin.nl M llmtll a4
'f.-TU IHina. Laaiaullallua I LI I'
a.. TBC BflPUftTtD I IWB ri ...a . a . . .
Mb ii uu ii Lf an unr uu,, - - iarvia)j . aw ivra.
n i r
Drop in snd try the flm-st barter chair
in the city. Next door to Jarkaiin'a, oi ,
poaito Huntley's. I'arker, the barter.'
No Suudsv work.
Livery, Feed nml HaleKuUt)
At It.d llnif.
I take s pVsaant herb drink, the ni-xt
morning I (rol bright and my complex
ion is IhM.t. My doc'or sava It acts
itrntly on the iouiai li,livt.r and kindiys,
ami is a pleaesut laxative. It is made
from berht, and is prepared aa easily aa
'ea. It it rallfl I.ane't Medicine. All
lni,vlait sidi It at 2c. and W ds.
Lane's Family Medu.oe moves the
bowids eai-h day. If vou cannot gel It,
end for a free sample. A Idrest, Orator
F. Woodward. UHoy, N Y.
TbroiiKh the Yrllowatoue.
The new route via the Or.-ifn rthoit
Una Railroad and Monida. Montana.
enables you to make a delightful trip
throUKh the Yellowaons National 1'ark.i
entering via Munldasnd coming oul via - -
Cinnabar, making It unnercsaary .; M0tPft to U.Kor
over any x,rtion of the Mute tajFe.t rnn.,rW-
Double and Sinirle Rlis. and SMI la
horscii alwa) on ,und at tht
lowest jirices. A corrall connected
with thhnrn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
atoek promptly attended to by pnrsoo ol
Horsos Ooutrht and Sold.
Horses Hoarded and Fed on reason,
able terms.
Consumers and
Property Owners
a iiiiM tinir of tlio Iliiuril nt
ror beautiful desrrlDtive brsikli-l. ttritn1
or call at Oregon Short Line Ticket !
Olflce, H2 Thin! street. I'orlland. Or. " i M
. -' lie, , m , -.
I uter l.oiiiiiiiHsioners on Sptem.
We are the printers lor ihe people and 1st U'.Hli, lilt., tho follou itif eliftmrn
yon sre ths p.ple r the prlnt.-rs. i in monthly water rates was mmlo
mkjs over your supplies ami sc II yr, To lata rUeel ot, nnd ullrr .!.
remit in need of snmn more letter
bends, envelopes, circulars, cards, etc.
Then place your order with the Kilter
prise oilice, where you get good, clean
For Infantt and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the xTJs VTTZ
SlKnature of CjXJgyW
wry I, lo
Automatic Closiuif I lttal, Tank
Closets, privnlc - - ajc.
Automatic Cloaing l'luah Tank
Clon-tt, public - - - 50c.
Ai.t Otiikk Closhts - - i.oo.
TIicho rates npily wliero water
in used fur other servii e.
In order to got tho hem-fit of the
ahovo rnti'H a cliango. of fixturo us
indicated ahovo nitiHt ho nmdo by
tho diito tncntionnd.
Hy order of tlio hoard.
T. L. Ciiahman, Hec'y.
Oregon City, Or., Oct, 10, l'.KK).
A French Jab,
Two tramps on the hiinka of tlm
"How enn we rnlMo Urn windy
"I hnvo It You throw yourself In.
and I'll Jump In after you nnd take vou
out Then I'll get tho reward from tho
mininiio society."
"Good! Here goes!" IIo liimm-d Into
tho water, and after floundering about
tor some time lie was getting tired out
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Weil." b nskivi i,v !,. itartiiicially dlBests the food and alda
oimr to ro.nnt.. u.i- .1. . I Naturo ia BtretitrthonlntT aDd rocons
going to remain sltt no- t here? wii
don't you como In and tako me out?"
nocnuso I think I mlirht mnko mom
out of you In tliu morgue."-purl Jour-nuL
ana nia merttclnc.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets oure can.
From criminal nWihMc n Oermnn
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Btructlnffthe exhausted dlRcstlve or-
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Flutulencu, Hour Htomach, NauHen,
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all other results of Imperfect digestion.
Price 60c, anil II, Jjitbp l7.oconUlns2K times
small tlae. Hook all aboutdyapepalamallod rrvs)
Prepared by E. C. OsWITT A CO., Chlcage-f