Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 04, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
Ji,lm FUw, of M'ilIU, waelnlowit
V.J. Iliirns, was from 1'orlland
U. Oerrett, f Canyon ('Hjr. was In the
ciUtMi week.
Kvsretl Hickman, of heallle, Hi
ull Ihl Week.
n..Chlll,of New Kr, m In IM
cKy WednawWy.
N. K. Myer. ol Vancouver, we In Uio
cliy !( Monday.
1, K. IWewer, of Chemwa, we In th
tity ui Mo'tr.
Win. Meslngo, ol Wllholl, wm In Or
(uii City, Ul HnniUy.
!r.T. M. Thorn, ol l!vr (Vwli,
aslntbecllythui week.
Mr. K. A, Hummer, vlalud Purltand
(iniiUoii Nw Yr' day.
II. Mover, ol C'vllle. w an Or.
eguiiClly llluf Wednesday.
('. II. ChdwUk, ft HI. Iol. M.,
In (r(in City Wdndy.
J It, .wetlln, ul A'lurla, waa rrgl
Ivtcl at ll Mei irlc Ual Hunday.
I II. rehiur, ol tWvalh. iiim on
II, iiii-ou ollbegun Cily Ut Monday.
J, Caoghlln, of Anaemia, MuD'ana,
IU registered al Ui tflC leal bun
(iu. K. Merlin and wife, of McMinn
II'.k. aer rrglaten! l ha r.Wlrlc
Vat Lillian llblnei, of Wnver.Cuh
na lo. ae a gueel o lL I. tor I lie bold
lliit erek.
ln. J. I- Klua aa eirhatging
a Vaal'a graelUige Willi OrrgU O'J
IfiKtiJi tin Week.
Mr.C. I plun, ol Walla Walla. we a
l'i..liil' liuine o Mayor liourctta
duriiil lb holidays.
4.JI. I!rn, ol IVrllaud, alio la In
tfralley in ail 'lUa, wm In Ula tit
Jja llila aek, ,
Wi. IL O. huii and Mia. J. H.
1ener, ol I'ortlaud, Viaild Mrs. C. 1.
Laiouralia Una ark.
Mrt. 0. M. Miranda, ol Oregon ('It;,
(will Ida bultdaya In Ible city, tlt gut
ol rtall. 'oMallla (iaarlta.
A. V. Itufett, rrpiewnlibg Ilia Make,
McKall I'alwr Cunipuy, ol 1'urtland,
w In Orrga City WaUutaday.
Mu-eee Klutand Klheiayu Alt'ilgM,
ol ihtetily, Vialtad Mlaa l.uia i'onyrra,
ol Cieokauie, during the build) s.
IIU. IM T. 1 1 air la, lit lliKnii, alio
r roxtit lna couiily In lle Irglilaluia
aa lla (ttral ol Iriaoda In Orrgun I'lljr
laal hulidajl .
I'ful II. . (iluaon, ll.cl-l of ilia
l;ilur put'lii) t lttU, Hli pari ol l.ia
Cliritlliiaa acaliuii allli Ma liuuta lolka
at Ot. - jU City .
hiutk aid rmui'i arrivcl Tl.ui.y
fur llta tif dnu aloia, atilili a ill m
ovord on 7ti atiMii, ou tba lilil, ly
Mair) A Mixjia,
A varjr K"od iii, eiilillml ''lio.t.y
Uld C alilur ,"' aa rrrl" lium our
ItailUlid toirrnutidi'lil llna auk, tut
unloituiialvljr, Iw lata lur uLIh aliuii.
Mr. and Mia. huiiou Mottlor and aon
Kaiu, ol Tacuiua, vlitd Mr, aud Mil
J K. Ilanoy liara tbla rk. Mr. Met
llai baa lara dany luloifnia In IVoma.
MIm Ji-aaia I'orlrr rvturitod lu Mi
MilliiVlUa cullrga Wrd.iwdajf, klu-r
ai andiii).' Ilia lioll.Uy cin altli liar
luivitia, Mr. and Mia. It. W. 1'orior, of
II .it. '. It, Mooroa, rritlalrr ol tha I'nl'
Ud Htalpa land oIIIm at Orrtfou City,
lm )ialerday In tlila city, lla ra
t irnod lu hi lioma on ilia llarnoon train.
t-airui Htatuian.
Mil. Carolina Hlr, of Halein, arrived
lii-ie Monday altarnoon, on a fow'aetdu
virlt lo Ilia laiully of K. A. Milaa. and
lii'riiimi., Mra W. W. Mjrara, 8ba at
tended Ulcklln MltvaaeddliiK.
NikM wairlnnan Kd Sha. who lia.l
tlia iiu.lcrtluno lo (all and lirvak lila ankle
aoini) wci'k aKo, It alilu lo net around
on rrtililira. Ilia Injury a a very
painful una and will make dim Umo for
k luii- limn.
T. W. Foalrr, wa In ton ilila wm-k.
)lr. KiMtitr la a iarMntr, alio caiim to
Ortvn In 'il and liaa lixru an arllva
ciii4Hi of Lite alata fvir kIih'V. H l"
i'n llm ntt grow Irom a aparwdy
ulutxd torrllory, IntolU naiul iiiugutfl
rent nii(ilicK)d.
A. J. Lewihwalln, who liai liidd a rv
l'iinlliln iiiltloii lor many year In tho
W, 1'. 1'. Co., of lid city, left Wed
naaday evniiiK for QiiIiii'hihi Wl., wlmre
till lak cliaritn of a Urifd mr mill
at tliut ilucii. Mm. I.twlliwalte and
liild will follow dim In alxmt a mould.
Mr. and Mra. Uatdwaittt dava many
frii'iida In tdla city who rK"t tlmlr ile-
paituni, but wlad tdi'in imxuaa in their
new boiiifl.
Money to loan at
HniKiKK A (iKirriTii.
loweiit rate.
When threatened by pneiimonla orany
other lung Ironlile, iromit relief la nee
MHry, aa It la dannorotia to delay. We
would in;K('Kt that One Minnie Cough
Cure be taken aa aiton aa IndicHtiont of
having taken cold are noticed. At curea
quic kly and lla early uae preyente ooii'
aumptlon. G. A. Hardly.
.y V - VV r yf-'tr- r
Local Ryci;Is$.
"A Hug Thus Carnival," on Tuaday
llm-To Mr, and Mra. K. II. (iad
lirl, on Friday, liwt, :'H, a girl.
Colored ArUhx racy j A Hag Time Car
nival, don't (orgrt. fuaaday, Jan, eight.
ilrn t-i Mr and Mra. Kd Olds, In Ida
we part id town, ll Himday, I -m-tar
.'Mi, en.
Inalillatlon of oltirers ol Ida Failnrn
Hlar will U hld Tm'day evening,
and a eoclat lima la anlMpatwl,
The Tea. her'e Whl.l Club bad a very
aiijuyabla marling at Ida realdem e of
Mra, C. II. Caurield TuaUy nigdt.
Mra. Nalaon W. Iwranca anlerialiied
Ida whlaj club al her dome In Idle i lly
Wednesday availing ami dallgdlful
lime wae riil
Mra. Mitmti HiiM k I'.auxr will alngaoma
of hr Iiim Uaullful eolige lor Ida
iK rihlik Miiairal and l.llrary rlud ra
i Hal January :H.
Tda lr'dlrk club will m-i l at Mra.
K I! Wllllama, on Monday evening.
January II M.-inlft era a lally r
ij'iralrd lt be iriiL
The Molalla aal..n, C. N. Wil.n.
pio nrl.,r, waa rloaml yaalerday ondr j
a aril ol atia limeni, ia il lor U.a uiir
(II ol Wlaon,e irmiiiora.
Mia. Ilatirr'a rendition ol the ltrd
ijoiinu-l Ave Maria, wild vH'Iiii odligaio
by Mr, Carl Kiiton, wilt not -oii b
for ol ( it y IIkim who dear It.
Tda annuel maailng A the Ftrat Con
grrgdliitial rdurrh Waa dld WmlnaKUy
nighl. Kporta war r. a I ol Ida Varlooa
dnrliinla ol Ida organist lion
Tln-re waa lo dave liren a gameol fool,
ball dare on Naw Year day l-lann Ida
I'.airl.y igli h. hool and Ida liyklyn,
ol J'liiUai.d. but oaing lo snua, Ida l ull
land boy a laiUI to aduw up. Ilanca
llieia waa bo game
Ma. d. W, liraoa antarlainad t nuin
r ol der lady friende el efietnoon lea
lo der nw buUte uo ri 1 1 atrevl, Tdoa
rvrlit wara: Mrvlailira linu, Kir, J.C
r, A. l.oliing, Ixll.o Alhlir.!.-,
I'-rtha (.Jitwoo.and Mim Janie l-ae!rg.
Jua I.ynrb, aim la eiuiiloyed lo oneel
the inllla here, bad II, e unl iiluna to allp
on the fljor ol the building one day lait
wiH-k, end dlalorale die knnr. Ile baa
beii ronflonl U bis footii arverel days,
but la now able lo be out egato.
The H'ate I'ooluy hbuw a held In
Cortland, Jan. 7ih, will rov ronaid
eradla palrwoaga bom Orrgin iTy Win
and Klioer liiion, Jamra Muiruar, lyd
WiHUma, Clianhi ry Ita-ni'.r, and Win,
Howard, ol Kty, are aritding down ato k
lur thlbttioll,
Tha dame gitan Friday evrnir g al
aiiiiory by Mr. N. W, iriie and
MiliiiiV'rn llard.og, aa a Kwlal auc
n In etery trairt and avrryoria dad
a g'l l.inx. The muli', ahlrli
(iriii'hed by K'erral'e orvdraira waa
pfoiiiuni--il i-erlm-t.
(i. A. It. and W. It. ('.. Meade i'ei
No, 2, w ill hold a Spei lal meeting lor the
IraiMai'tiun ( buinei at 0 p. in. Mon
day, January 7, in Willamrlie ball. Al
7 Jil p. in. Mrala U hf Corpa and
Meada I'oat w ill lr,.la'l Ida om. ers ol the
rMTilre iKiboa. In adbtloii to the
uul cereiiioniKa, a pleading literary and
niiili-al program will be rendered. The
eservlaea, roni'luding with a bampiet,
arrved by the ladlra. All ea-aobbrr
and Sailora, wdetder ii.rniU-ra il the (i.
A. It, or not will reteiva a cordial
Marriage I.lrraiM.
Ijrnmea to marry were laaued to the
(olloalng parlira by County Clerk
Cooper Ibie week: Cbaa. C. Wanker
and Maud M. Walling. Frank A. Hil
ton and Harah K. Mltta. Ulyaaes 8.
I IoIhim aad Clara A. Mam-hard. John
Z. Olon and I'etra Melly. Franklin
W. Farrell and Jeae K. While. Stephen
K. Illikllo and Mary F. Milea. Ovid
V. llillliu and Florence L. Pauley .
Trobaie Ordni.
In llm matter ol die attain of (irare
Hmool, decoaaed, W. D. H.lnglon re
H)rted the aale, to J.C, Kuua, for I'iW.
iniMriy aa followi:
An undivided i Intereat hi loU 3 and
i, aefl. 10 1 north !' of n', and lot 1
and 2 ul aro IS, t 3 a, of r 4 e , containing
lti2 04 aerea, enrept ".'0 acrca deeded to
Haider Olldeiie. Court approved tdo
aale and on lured the deed made,
In the mailer of the entate ol Molllo
Knioot, d.cea'd. W. D. Sapplngton rr
lurtuJ lliuealo, to J.C. Dm, for -W,
an undlyldY"! H IntcroHt In proiHTty do
acrllxid above.
Court approved ante and ordered deed
Cut tdla out and take It to (1. A. Haul-
Ing'a drug More and gut a free sample of
Cbamberlaln'a etomauh and liver tablets,
the bent pdyalo. They also cure elisor
del a of tho atomacll, billlousnesa and
It. Holman. leading undertaker and
embttliuor, Oregon City, Ore. Two doors
aoutli ol court htmita.
Mokl Tea poslllvely cun-s sick bead-
cho. indineBtlou and constipation.
delightful herb drink, ltemovea all
amotions of the skin, produelng a per
iod comdleilon, or money refunded. Q
A. Harding, druggist.
1 1 1 r nn
Fl si M re' lug el Orrgon ( My Fallirrs
In Hi" Urn Cnilury,
The Oregon ('by council mid In regular
aoioii Wednesday evening. Ilia
Honor, Mayor I'urilck preaided, All
iiimiihera were prMint, Tim following
hu-llii'ta Was lrelia:led !
IVIillona ai-kiug for llgdtiat ll'tli and
Taylor, ami PhIi and Madiaon alreU
were read, ami referred lo the commit
lint afiaraarda a'iinlnd.
Two K'lillnii, atklng for rahatna on
a.iwir a"iiiiil, were read aud referred
Pi the rommlltre.
A peiiilun asking that the alley in
black Al (xt oienl, was read and t
ferrrd lo commlllee,
Tha eleilloii of a recorder lollowed.
Urine V. Curry and John lxb-r were
ralidiiUlea, ( urry r-'elved aeveri voleaj
1at, Iwo Curyeiatd
The mayor's Inaugural addreaa waa
rel, and on moiion, was placed on file.
Annual reporta ol rei'ordur and Irrae
urcr. were read and rrd-rrad lo finam-e
Ciiunrilman KoeMier mornl (hat a
I'oiliiulltra, to ba (oinpmr I ul thi chair
moil of Ida avial council rolumitle-(,
ta aiiiioluteil, to take Up Ida maMer ol
amending Ihe charter an a lo limit the;t'l' Wllllama, (Jeorgn KwalTird, Cbee -
riiy'a einditiirea lo a aum not greater
than that rrrripta; alao U lake lll older
iriattrra) r girding Ida rl artr, that
would iMinoftl tha cily'a welfare, Carrlad.
Tha mayor a'Hiodhi ! thai the ad"e
linn t.f ll.fi inriitrtirnla i,roiMiafl bv
Mr. Alhngbt, ... the .,m-.t,ol, Wsi
the council. Cut end loat.
I . .
(jiimtiori, ahall the ordinance paa?
I'ui and l-'l hy vt4 ol 7 to 1.
Wamr roiiiuiiiMioner's repaid real ami
oidrrel puhlithrd.
Or biiani'a rrarding connections with
Ida city eiwrri hy ouiame tiartiea, waa
read atoind tuna and paaeed.
Anor linanca levying a Sr!l lal of
otiiMptilh ul Ilia aiuouiit ol the ledida
ImuixI undrr the lncofl a. I rrfrrre.) lu
parllea Who applied lo pay Ibelr aea.
Ilienl uri lvr eald act.
Mavor api-olnled (ollowlng offtrert;
all ron Or on-1 ;
Chli-f ol polue Cbaa. Y. Hums; night-
Watch, r., I, rnaa; anruniPoorn h
airreta.J. tirrrii ; city engineer, Frneai
Itacorder was tnatructed to Invite oro-
Ifatala from the city par tor city print
ing lor emulhg yaar.
Following iummilteee were apt-oliitel :
Finan.-a, H. Korrtr, C. O. Ilunily and
William Hdedan; atrrete ami public
property, Charles AlhngM, K. F. Moray
and K. W. rVuti; Are and water, C. O.
Huntley. H. U, Franrie and Itrnre 7jim
wilt, William rhehen; renietery, K. F.
Mturr. K. W. Hcott, H. I). Frantie.
Movil that bonding ordinance In re-1
gaid lo aale of hot) l, came up (or final ;
rrading January II.
Council adjourned to meet January
II.IWl )
Mirnrd. i
On Sew Year'a day a Very pretlv '
wedding waa relnhrated at the borne of
Tnoinaa Hlanrhard. ar. when the only i
daughter, Mine Clara, was niiited In
marriage with l.eolie llolmea, a proml-1
nent biiameM man ol Catiby. A number j
ol relativee and frienda were preaeut.
At 12 o'clock, aa the wedding march
waa playnl by Miae Itandal, ld happy
couple took their place under an arch ol
ivy aed anowdra. Mlaa Kva Told and
James Mam-hard ertrd aa attend tnts.
Iter Huulap, of Canby, pronounced
tba liupreraive ring ceremony and alter
congratulations and ln-l wixbea, the
gueaia, led by the newly wedded pair,
repaired lo the dining room where a
bounteous (east was spread. They were
t lie recipients ol many handsome pres
Mr. and; Mr. Holmes will reaide in
Canby where Ihey will be at horn to
their many frienda after January I.V
( hrl-dmaa Wedding.
At mxin orf ChriHtmat day at Ibe resi
dence of Wm . Thompson, at Needy, Kev.
M. Ihck. ol Hubbard, ollh Uting, Fred
Will jr., ol Aurora, and Mertie Tboui
on wore married j
The hi Me wore white silk and veil of
tulle. A. J , Thompson, of Stanford Uni
versity, and Mi Ilattio lliompoon,
were atteudent. Only relatives and in
timate friends wore present. '
Tit Broom la the ehleet n ol rred
Will, a prominent merchant of Aurora;
the bride i a daughter of Wm. Thomre
oii, a well-to-do farmer ol Needy. Mr.
Will w ill engage In the mercanlilo bu-d-
ncss with his father at Aurora.
(Jiilot Hume Wedding.
H, K. llicklin, ol Seattle, and Mary
Miles, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs, F. A,
Miles, ol this city, were married at the
home ol the latter, at eight o'chvk on
New Yean morning. Kev. Montgomery,
ol the Vreehyterlan church ofllclatltiH
Only a few Intimate Mends and red
atlves ol the lamlly were present.
The newly wedded pair departed on
the 9:20 train lor Seattle, their future
homo, where Mr, Hlcklin has a good sit
uation, Ho waa formerly a resident of
Oregon City, having boon employed In
otie of tho manufacturing establishment
at Ibis place. The bride was one of Ore
gon City's popular young ladles and has
a wide circle ol Iriends here.
Don't trouble yoursell with cakes, eto.,
when you can get them the best and
cheapest at Kuerten's.
t'llorrd Arlalerracy Mln(re (empiny
al Opera Iioiim Tii "d y Hut.
The neit alirm'tinn at the opera lioua
will be tde ei'ierani'e of the Colore'l j
A rialoerecy company, In their ragtime!
carnival ol mirntrely, on Tueaday. Tde :
l oiiipany la coinpod largely of leople'
who were in the company ol Frneat Ho-'
gaii Idal de look lo Aualrada. In tde
Iroupa are Iwenty flve pil, aeven tA
wdom are octoroons, A pfoii'i'incd feat
ure of the entertainment la tdat every
thing la ratified, f'h and sparkling, no
alale jokea and nu k-nunibar aouga and
notdlng coarao or vulgar.
Xrs. VT. A. bile Fnterlaln d.
A nice Utile New Year'a eve iierty was
given at the dome of Mr, and Mra. W '
A. Wdile, In honor of Mr. Abel Mar due, I
of Korea! drove.
Fa d pereon prearnl repreaentrla trade j
or vot ajlon and prlxs waa cm-red lor
the eal au'lalned character, Tdla price
was awarb-d lo Mr Merlaae, lie repre
aenirsl a laildermlnt.
Tde following w-re preaent: Mlaaee:
Kellie Haairord. F.tdel fiadtiert, (irace!
Mi Ijnald, Klt d'i Hamaon, Oene Whit, '
Ivy Koake, (ira'e Maradall. Meaara'
trr Koake, Trafton and Finery I)re, Will
hdlvely, Wilford While.
MarraUtea lottallallon i
Tualatin Tent, No. 74, Kriigbte of tl j
M' alr, bad an Installation of oIicera ;
" -'-ay g". iy nupreme.
i ( ininanoer j. , riirrw'MMj, m i oti-.
land, waa preiit and conducted the in- j
atallalion. The following are Ilia new
olliiera : Commandar, M, A. Hya't; !
C.lieo. (illatrap; k. K , K. K. Taylor.
ra-ele-tel ; l'b)Siclan, Ir. K. A. Komuier ; '
Chaplain, M. M. M,0win; M. at A ,
Cbaa C. r-'penrer; .S. at A..T. Jolmaon;
ll M. A O., John O. Harrington; 2nd
M. ol O. Carl C. Miller; Sentinel, II. K
Jonee; Fickrl, K Tomliiiaon. Tdere
was a good att'iidame, aa wh niernVr
hl the prtvilega ol inviting two (riende.
To u fKiir.
lfhbilob's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which la eold the email price ol
Zj troU and 50 cenU and 1 1.00, doe not
cure lake the holtle ha k and we will re
fund your money. Md lor over fifty
yeaisoothls guarantee. 1'rice S cen
and M cents. C. O. Huntley, the Irug-
Ackrr'e Knliab Kemedy will atop a
cougb at any lime, and will rare the
weralcold in twelve houre, or monry re
lundl. 2j rta, and 0 cU. ti. A, Hani
ing, droggUt.
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
" m 1
'' w y sy v" v y-vw v w v vy vy tot-w-v"
To all our customer and many heartfelt thanks for the kind patronage you have
bestowed upon our establishment and we wish to announce that it slml! be our
aim this1 vear to watch the markets very close and bv buving right, to lie enabled
to ijuot you price that will mean dollars for your pockets. j j
T.1 :
t -
Glaia Cup Board, fi 50
1 rw
I QiQ.
w4 Msd
Rugs from 35c to $35 00
Wall Jacket, 50 cent
..-L 1
!4r ,'.: :.r'
Blapl Boos
m UR SUx;k ofRIank I'ooka in tornjilcto and up to A
W .- - Ai,. ..,i ..... 4,. . ... .1 ry
,3 utiic, uii'j vvu filial aiucu nir pi i:i; m J'jw an, ai)U A
oftftn lower than
j quoto pricoH on pjrfjcial bookg niado to order.
Counter Iixks, Taf? Cover..
ZU) pais") canvana covered, atrong xxl
" tti) " "
Journal or Ledger, "
" CO) " '
" " fW full
TypewriU-r I'ater, -.t box of
Receipt IJor.ki
Kqually low price on
Nice line of New Year Card and other durable rtmem
brancea for the New Year.
Our ajK-cial price on Camera kyxxl till Jan. 1st. If you
are thinking of buying a Camera at all, Utter buy one now.
Easy payment if deaired.
. M
A (lackamaa lloj.
I. H. Ilorat, aaaiatant managrr of the
Tblel Iietet live Service Company, with
headiarta in Chicago, waa in thi
vicinity this week. Mr. ilirrat i an old
Ciackama county toy, having lived here
witb bus parent 31 year ago.
F-r Sale.
All ol my boneebold furniture, fruit
and baby carriage.
Mas A. J. LtwTHWArra, .
13th and Mam atrrela,
Oregon City.
tia'braltb.' Conf.cUerrT.
Get yoor panoche, cocoannl ice, date
creama, vanilla, chocolate crrama at
(ialbraith's confectionery and you will
never regret tt
I have the beat land in the county lor
the leaat money. Try me.
Combination Oak Desk and
Book" Case, $14.50
Fine Decorated Dinner Set,
$9 50
'z fleu; Vear
Portland. We would like'to
$ .01
" on or broad
" leather corners
I. 41 l
ahs-rp, russia
.'-00 sheets . . .
all other ofTice atipplie
Creamery Meeting;.
There will lie a ma mating ol citln-ra
at Warner grangn ball next Saturday. lor
the pnrpoae of formulating plan lor se
curing a creamery and cheeee factory at
New Era. It ia hoped Ibal I her will Itr
a g'jod atiendance, at it is a matter that
ioterert everv farroi-r lo the vicinity.
Fepaln preparatiooe often (ail to relieve
indigeation Ijeranee they can digest only
aluminous food. Hi re ia one prepar
lion that digetta all claaea ol food, and
that is KodoJ Dyafiepaia Cure. It caree
the worst caere ol ioditeetioo and give
inatanl rrliel, lor it digest what you eU
U.A. Harding.
II troohh-d wiib a weak digestion,
belching, sour atomacb, or if yoo leel
doll alter eating, try Chamberliin'
stomach aod liver tablela. Frico, 25
rente. Sample 'Iree at G. A. Harding'
it ..-if'
Oak Hall Tree, $6 op and up
Table Scarfs all sizes and prices
Nice Framed IMctures with
16x20 glass, ft. 6
1 s