Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 04, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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PO-r "TOrWv' yVV y y i iy fj
Mr White, of Seotta Mills, was hpro
lust week looking after a sawmill loot-
S, 8. Bonny unit wife and ton, of Hub
bard, are sending the holilays with her
parents, Mr and Mm. lix.
Our rorresiiondents will pleaneiaend V.litli IWkner.oi Hiuhland. linn pom
in article before Wednedays of each toaHy a few weeks with her Brand-par-week,
otherwise it reaches us too late for Li. ir. .nj ir.. iijrtmtt.
1'i.blkation. lw 0I ... ,
I Ul,li,l, TV. ill, VHI l" I'Wlfll
very quietly and pleasantly in Colton.
Quite a number trout here attended '.he
entertainment and Christmas trve at
Misses Eilen and Lucy lkinny are
home from IVrtland for an indsliuite
time. Miss F.llen'i health is very poor,
sciatic rheumatism comieiing her to go i
on c rutches .
A. Stromgreen was In Colton Friday
circulating a roail petition, and found ;
that Coltonites were much Interested j
and ever ready to help along the good ,
work of improving roads, j
Misses Grace Uorhctt and Media and j
Stella Hubbard came home from town i
to spend flie holidays. Miss Oraoe re
turned yesterday, Mimes Media and
Stella remaining home on account of!
their mother's illness.
Mrs. J. K. Iwis bus given up her
proposed trip to Wales.
It is aNxertixt that John Griffith, who
was reported ill in San Francisco, is still
t Manilla.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. May had a
family party on Chri-ltnas dar. Several
of the children, w ith their families, were
It. M. Cooper 'and wife enjoyed the
presence of some of their children and
grand-children at their Christmas dinner
They received nice itida from those
present, also from absent children and
LAFtt'a, lec. 11. before this writing
is in print, the 19th century will hav
gone to help make up the cycle of past
ages. When this abstract thing which
we call time shall be no more, in the
grand summing up of events, no period
will shine with greater brilliancy of
progress and achievement than the
century now closed.
Last Thursday evening Mrs. John
Steidsm gave a party in honor of her
young sister, Emma Jones, who came
from Fishers, Oregon, to spend Christ
mas with her Cams friends. Cards and
dancing were the amusements of th
evening. Refreshments were served
and soon after midnight the guesta dis
persed, voting it a very plea ant occa
Among the many elegant presents on
the Christmas tree Tuesday evening was
puree for the Rev. Dunlap, containing
17.75; also a handsome rug for Mrs
Dunlap. Pastor Dunlsp is the regularly
appointed M. . preacher for this dace.
At present, as bia field is large, he can
only give one service in each month,
and that on Monday evening; but it is
expected that better arrangements will
ibe made as soon as possible.
Last Sabbath Pastor Englebart made
an earnest appeal to the officers, teach
ere and members of the Zion, Evangeli
cal, Sunday school in the interests of the
school. As the usual Christmas tree for
children was omitted this year, the
church people decided to place a copy of
(be Magnet, a young people's paper, in
each family represented in the school
"a Christmas gift to last the year." The
election of officers for the ensuing year
took place after the preaching service.
Dr. J. Casto has ret) ted bis place,
"The Alpine Farm." for a term of three
years to parties from Kansas.
The Christmas spirit of peace and
good will prevailed in this community,
and was exemplified by a united gather
ing on Christmas night in the old M. E
church. The somewhat lengthy pro
gram received the patient, kindly at
tention of a large audience, later, the
festivities of an old-time Christmas tree
were enjoyed by old and young. The
tree was so laden with decorations and
presents, it was r.ot thought safe to light
the tapers which had been provided
In fact, it was lovely enough without.
Many thanks are due Mrs. Ben Faust
and her young assistants, lor their
efforts aa tree committee.
' V "f W f
A a a
Dover. i
The fall grain looks well.
Miss Ida Roberts is home visiting her
G. Kiirmiller caught a wildcat the
other day.
Mrs. Cubbage was visiting at Mr. Cas
eeday'a last week.
Mrs. P. deShraer is staying a few
weeks in Firwood.
0. W. Black, of Lat'.urell Fails, wan
visiting lelatiyes here Thursday.
It is reported that Charley Casseday's
elueHt daughter has the chicken pox.
Miss Maud Stone ha departed for her
home in Redlaud to spend Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman have returned
borne from a summer's visit to their son
on the coast.
There have been several cases of mea
sles in Firwood aud Doyer. All are get
ting along well.
Joseph dehflzer had the misfortune
to flip and fall and irjure his thumb, but
is improving nicely,
Doveb, Dec. 24. Qnite a wind and
Tain storm passed through here a few
days ago, blowing dow n quite a number
of trees arid doing other damage.
Pete Garrett is the proud papa of an
other girl, born on the 24th.
Rkdland, Jan. 2 Mrs. S. S. Mosher
had some improvements made, in the
line of a new chicken house.
Mr. Murdock's folks, of Mackshurg,
who spent holiday week with friends
here, have returned home.
Mrs. Ferrel, of Portland, is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W ilcox.
MisaGussie Funk, of Portland, spent
the holidays at this place, visiting rela
tives and friends.
Mrs. Farrel and ber sister, Miss Ora
Wilcox, were visiting Mr. Olive New-
kirk, at Logan, one day last week. Mrs.
Neskirk (formerly Miss Mosher) is the
proud possessor of an eight-pound girl.
Charles and Will Hicinbothem have
returned to the wood camp.
J. T. Mason has rented Richie's at Lo
gan and is moving thither.
Mrs. Due spent Saturday in Oregon
School closed in district No, 70 on Fri
day. Miss Buckman has taught an ex
cellent school and deserves credit.
Ilattie Wilcox, Maude Stone and Harry
Mosher have returned to their respective
schools at Macksburg, Dover and Staf
ford, to begin work after tbe holidays.
Willie Mosher was visiting Mrs. T. L,
Turner, of Stafford, Sunday and Monday
Canbt, Jan. 3. There was a watch
meeting belt at the Methodist church
A goodly number were in attendance,
The show bas left town. Harry Gil
more still remains hypnotized.
Miss Anna Larson and brother, of
Oswego, visited Mrs. I. Siaa last Satur
day and Sunday.
J. K. Groom, of Iowa visited bis old
Canby home Wednesday.
Gladstone Stevens returned to Aber
deen, Wash., after spending tbe holi
days with bia mother.
Misses Lou and Esther Knight viaitsd
friends in Portland Wednesday.
Tne wedding Mis will ring in Canby
on tuuday. full particulars will be
given text week.
School commenced Monday after a
four-weeks vacation, on account of the
1 at
out help, a
bald spot
It keeps
last your friends
say, 44 How bald he is
Not easy to cure
an old baldness, but
easy to stop the first
thinning, easy to
check the first tailing
out. Used In time,
ness is
It stops falling,
promotes growth, and
takes out all dandruff.
It always restores
color to faded or gray
hair, all the dark, rich
color of early life. You
may depend upon it
every time. It brings
health to the hair.
f I.OOakotll. AnDmiitet.
I hT atrd roar tUIr Xlgnr b4
am grniMjr la4 with It. I bat
only r.l od bottl of It, and yt
mj hair baa itoppml ratlin out and
baa startml to rrow am nioalj."
Jtuc Witt,
March ts, LOS. Caoora, S. Dak.
Writ a f Oa)of s
If t A tint tula all Um baaa
Ta i-t4 from lh M lha
Vl6. vrtta Ui Potter akei H.
UwtU, ataaa.
a. A at at A i
Rat They Cum Vrrf fteur Tarwlai
II Inln tiimrJr,
"One of the moM hniglmhht scenes I
ever wltiioKM-d during (ho rvpn'Mcnta
tloti of one of Slmliixpi-iire's trnge-
llliH." Mid n Sy kllowil tln-lllllilll
tnnnngrr to the writer the other diiy,
"hupiM'iicd to the lull' Tout Kiviu
when he wit perform Ihk In a northern
New York town. Tin company wna
playing 'Julius 1'iiMir.' and at the
l;tt moment It v. "a found that the
ropcrty man hud t.ilkd to aciid up the
regular throne cluilr uitl In the inm
ate scene, and an old rustle clmlr
hastily proemvil from (tie left of the
theater and. ntcr Mug covered with
ilruiilnj;, vtiia rt'i.fd Into arrvlcv. lu
the uildat of the accue a large wnupa'
neat wiia illl-,ivlnil attnclietl to the
chair, and Its iuhnliitunia, tHHtuntng
liiillgunut at the dlMin liiiii-e they had
surferetl, iH'gmi to aw arm alxmt the
stage, stt'klng revenge uixtn thi Ito
mans In tlo-lr low necked aud abort
aleevinl ilri'Mtea. The wrttpa aimetl to
Ik particularly orfi'iidtHl with Cn-anr,
and It la doubtful If tVaur'a dcuiu
wciie waa eer acted with more fivl
lug, for at the moment he was Mug
pierced by the coiiplnite(f' daggers
t tic waspx wen tuwt ItidiiHtrlous In
their work.
"Ill the tent aeene w here t'irnr ap-M-ara
to Itrutim one might almoat have
dotibtcil Its twlng the n-ii) fii-wir. It
was the same In form niul dtina, hut
the face w-a no longer the same, lu
the hint act llrutua had one eye cIihhiI,
Antony a awolleu lip. Cnitlua an en
l.trgiHl chin, I.uchia nil lnimllty In
the size of his handa and (Vtavtim
iVaar a none that would have done
MTvlce aa the famous ikihuI organ of
Pinlolf lu Henry IV.'
"The trti-,id.v ciiine very nenr Ini-oiii-
tug a roaring funnily w hpu Mr. Kim-ii.,
aa t'aNalu, aaid. 'Antony, the potutv
of your tlow u yet unkuown but for
your word; they rob tho llybla tva
and lea re them honey Una,' and the
actor who waa doing Antony replied.
Not stltigUna too,' "-Washlngtoo Star.
Dr. Fanner's
Kidney Backache
m.iva I i iixai , ii , ,.. 13), iul
Pr. M. M I nniior, leur rli i 1 iii i'rili-lt...l
ti iiiihiii i"illl.l.il, Imi I I am fr.H' ! i Hint
I fully l-li'vo yiiur KhliH-r nnl liio k'o l.a
Blood and Liver
Rmiftud fjerve Tonic
Oraat Woo4 Claanatna RamaJr fir Rprtna
UaaacUt.CouiUpaUua.' TlraJ." Karvuua
l ill.. i llipi'nl.wof i Ik Inn nl'ln lii la.
Iiiiiiou itiai . on iiti'i'tii" i.v
I iI.Im.I II '
1 olil.
itnl). W IIMuil i.lN,
Dyspepsia Cure
liKimKft l,i humi il l Y. Wi'ltKN, l
li aaiHH, N. V., Apr. a. jii. f
I tunl I'rver e-r on in r ui h u, lh l
(HI nli.'i .L'iiiIiii Ho I - ,, Um li
wi'lllng ! I I. r ll liiillirnl Un. Vu lul.l
nlni lUi Viuira, Mnn cl.k infa mul . il-i,
liiixlli-liim. wi'tn Irlnl mul (nlh'il. Il"l!f
luiiSi I. .ii ! Pr. rtijieri kluod arnt I.lv-
r g am aily aud harva Tuu1iiiIui'h aioui.
uU I main lit run ,
h nitvii i a. Tumi, lib jii, iitt
i K. T.
Golden Relief
Jot .V'uralala
FOR rtTlL IKrORMATION nMliwaip.il, -n..-. ami aUm.r IT. VITt
tourilruaaut iirMiiiil uiDR. M M ftKKfR. rradonla. K. Y . i..r
ln . ruu. au-nf Muuoof His alual Kainat katla Ciuaa f . r a IiIop4 It tut
I'r M. II IfSM It. Krl..nl4. I
Vmir DTtrCrSIA I UK ,.i i iii.-I inn i.f
ltUIMw.ll!!! i' ,,f lt.i.l. I im laiii
Uy In all I lii.U of iik-.Ii. lnc lor II. In. In, Una1
lliw illltrii! (,,im nf Vin uii.l l" t
II. iu aliliutit Ih'ii. lll. 1'liu lil,.m i,f t-i.ur
n. wla t'urn Inn ll,.iiM-.lln roll. f.
ntu laapu l.'li I. nn.l iH..I,l-r iny.
Mill i ur... J. II. al l YI .S. l-rmtKl.l.
Mr. Jmm . l,-n ,i , I'. Mnt T !
I hn ii .1 Dr. ranaar a Oof.DrH tit Lit
hi i r fuiuilr lot.-ai, it i-ioihI ruiiuiua
n nfirf I li i. (era lit ,miI,I U n,y
, a 1 1,,-t.i I u. i l,.rll. Inn Ixiirf for llrlis
llitita,! Ill, lrul"- ll. o.l l. lie, t'. lliv lui,
a A .1 1 I.I, T. JlllN4iN.
mii,il,l..S i-uiiUlU-
"Jli. Il.
For Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist, Oregon City, Or.
Clearance Sale
m CUBA i
i . .L fa t a is it .
wnerc u is not an ine year round J
IScott's Emulsion!
A -wa Mtwais sai rf I IVt VlJV
in the world. Mdon t stop taking
it in wmmer, or you will lose J
i what you have Cained.
7 6COTT & BOWNE, Chfriilita,
40915 Pearl Street, New York.
' "u h utiii m 1 imi an iiniiiriui
Ilow Oranges ire ricked.
Oba.nge, Cal., Dec. 15. Thinking it
would be of interest to your readers to
know how oranges are picked and pre
pared for market, I tend the following
description of the operations of the crew
to which the writer Monged :
The ciew is composed of from 10 to 20
men, eacu man being provided with a
wheel, a picking sack and a pair of clip
pers. ine bicycle so as to be able to
move rapidly from one orchard to anoth
er and the clippers to cut the ripe fruit
from the tree.
After being pinked, the oranges are
hauled to the packing houie, where they
are flrst run through a brunhing machine
which removes all the dirt and dust.
From the brushes they aie carried to the
grader, where they are sorted into the
several different si.e, from 90's to 240's,
indicating the average number of oranges
in a box. After being graded, the or
anges are wrapped in tissue paper and
packed into boxes ready for shipment
the packing being done by nirls, each
girl working so deftly and swiftly that in
an incredibly short time a car load is
ready for market.
Ihus far the oranges have all been
shipped to the Texas market for the hol
iday trade. A 1'ickkk.
Letter Lint.
ine ioitowing ts the list 01 letters re
maining in the postoffice at Oregon City,
Ore , on Jan. 3, 1900:
Anderson, Mrs Mary Johnson. Mm J W
Bell, Miss Klla Kemp, Miss Frances
Delor, JIrs Kater(Z) Picket, Mrs
Hagen, Elsie Rehwalt, Miss Elma
tIerengton,-lrs C L, Zogg, Mrs B
mkn's list.
Bock, Henry Millrr. A
Charmen. Albert McPheetes, D
Cole, JC Mcllargue, Jaa
Dawson, John Nye, Nathan U
Hornig, IVter O'Conner, John
Leonard, N C Kidgeway, Geo
Package Albert Charmen
The Orrgonlan's Annual.
The Oregonian iasued on January 1, a
3d page annual New Year's edition.
This is a regular feature of the Oregon
ian, and these editions have proven of
immense value in advertising the state
and the Northwest generally. Many
thousands of copies are sent eanf eacb
year and many people have been In
duced to investigate the resources of this
magniflcient country by menus of them.
The annual this year is a particularly
tine edition. Well gotten op in every
' The Stat-mnau's tnual.
The Salem Statesman iasue l a sixty-
page, illustrated supplement, on New
Vear's. It is a One piece of work in
every way. It sets forth the beautiei
and resources of Oregon's capital city in
a very favorable light, and it also pur
trays the attractive featutes of the great
Willamette valley in an interesting wsy.
It is a very creditable edition.
How It Cam to Taadar All
First Moaaar la Xovar.
Hie designation of the day fur hold-
Ins tbe prealdeutlal election la left to
congress. The Cmt act twaavd by It re
lating to that subjivt was In 171-2. It
provided that prvaldi-utlul eirftora
should be appointed "within 34 daya
brfore the Drat Wetlnrmlay In Direm
ber." This left each siut? frw to aelcvt
a day to suit Itself w ithin those limits.
Pennsylvania chime t-lei-tora on the last
Friday In lctoler. Other states elect
ed theirs oil different ihiya hvtwevn the
beglnulng and middle of NoveiuN-r.
When llarrlaou was elected In 1S40,
the iK'iniH-nita asserted that bia suc
cess was due partly to fraudulent vot
I dr. which was made possible by the
lack of a definite election day. It was
alleged that Kentucky and Ohio Whlga
had voted In both states, the election
being held on different daya. Ho
the Democrats passed tho law
now on the statute books making the
first Tuesday after the llrst Monday
election day.
At that time hufflve of the 2d states
had their elections In November. In
Michigan aud Mississippi voting was
carried on through two days the flmt
Monday and the following Tuesday
New York had three election dnys-the
first Monday, Tuesday and Wetlnea
day but had finally confined voting to
the middle day. or the first Tuesday
after the first Monday. Massachusetts
chose state officers on the second Mon
day In November and Delaware on the
aeeond Tuesday. Bo congress selected
the first Tuesday after the first Mon
day to consult the convenience of three
states out of five, one of the three be
ing the Important state of New York
Chlcugo Tribune.
A Life and Death Fight.
Mr. W. A. Mines, Manchester, la.,
writing of hie almost miraculous escape
from death says: "Exposure after meas
les Induced serious lung trouble, which
ended in consumption. I had frequent
hemorrhages and coughed night and day.
All my doctois'said I must soon die.
Then I beean to use Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption, which com
pletely cured me. I would not be with
out it even if it coNt $5.00 a bottle.
Hundreds have used it on ray recom
mendation and all say it neyer fails to
cure Throat, Chest and Lung trouble."
Regular size 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles
free at Geo. A. Harding's Drug Store,
Sometlilu,' New.
Just published by the Southern Pacific
Co. is a pamphlet upon the resources of
Western Oregon, which includes an ex
cellent map of the state, and contains in
formation on climate, lands, education
etc., existing industries and their capa
a i. r ..1 1: , 1 . .
nueiiiiuii 1a uibu uirecieu 10 tucri new
fields for energy or capital as promine
lair return.
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced by Oregonians, in replying to
inquiries of eastern friends.
Copies may be had of local agent
Southern Pacific Co., or from
C. II. Makkhak
(i. P. A., Portland, Or.
IIhs turned with disguet from an
otherwise lovable girl with an offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Koot Tea purille t
the breath by its action on the bowels,
etc., as nothing else will.' Hold for years
on absolute guiirautee. Price 25 cts,
and 50 eta. C. O. Huntley the Druggists.
II AT 1 hlllLOII.
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds
and Consumption; used through the
world for half a century, has cured in
numerable cases of Incipient consumpti
on and relieved many Inad vanned stages.
If you are not satisfied with tbe results
we will refund your monev. Price 25
cts., and 50 cts. and $1.00. C. O. Huntley
the Druggist.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life pills. Thousands
of suffers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and Nervous Headachos.
They make pure blood and strnnc m,rv..
at once end cures piles, sores, eczema and build up vour health. Ka in tut,
and skin diseases. Beware of imitations. , Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back
G. A. Harding. if not cured. Sold bv Geo. A. H.rnini,
The Appetite of a Gout
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
Stomach and Liver are out of order.
All such should know that Dr. Kind's
New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach
and Liyer Kemedy, gives a splendid ap
petite, sound digestion and a regular
bodily habit that insures perfect health
and great energy. Only 25c at Geo. A.
Harding's drug store.
Knlluwlna- I p Ilia C'aatomrr.
A trench commercial traveler was
exiM-ctlng a large order from a country
tradesman, but hnd the misfortune to
nrrtve In the town on a fete day. Find
Ing the shop rinsed, he Inquired as to
the wherealKiuts of the proprietor and
ascertaining that he was attending the
ret atKitit a mile out of town, set out
after him. When he arrived there, a
balloon was on the point of ascending,
nnd he saw his man stepping Into the
car. Plucking up courage he stepped
forward, paid his motley and wus al
lowed to take bis sent with the other
aeronauts. Away went the balloon,
aud It was uot until the little party
was well above the tree tups that the
"commercial" turned toward his cus
tomer with f e first remnrk of "And
now, sir. what can I do for jou In
Ef6fT Eat"' liwf Cols !
Hats fron50c
Richard's Magic Stamping Comjxiund.
Get our Prices on Job Printing.
Y t II Lain. Lb U Mil Vo:. "
I.-' VjSXVJ fl,",'' '""". u" Narvoua Ifoatrailun, Kalllnt or Let StanhooJ
WTfrAaJ IfC'J- fflyr !-ka. Youthful t.rn Wrnlal WoryTM "alt.S
ARM US IS. rt'"r"'oito'i"i r r-funcl th. Unon-y" hiw 1 at li.W, , 1.7
m ini vvihvi Sola fo a& lAA. nu M.kM . 7 .wwrp.
m m m A. ll.t.l.. VaXai
Ulorlons Mews
Comes from Dr. D. 11. Cargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four
bottles of Kleetric Bitters has cured Mrs.
Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her
great suflering for years. Terrible sores
would break out on her head and face,
and tbe best doctors could give no help;
nit her cure is complete and her health
excellent." This shows what thou
sands have proved, that Kleetric Bitters
is the bent blood purifier known. It's
the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter
salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running
sores. It stimulates liver, kidnevs ami
bowels, expels poisons helps digestion
builds up tho strength. Only M cunts.
Sold by Geo. A, Harding Druggist.
mm Sale
The most soothing, heiling and anti
septic application ever deyised is De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. It relieves
mwi JKcvr IR-fl
OIL t,U. fc. , I
Tho Fair Store.
Opji(iito PoHtoflieo.
Gootln .8old at lens than
Portland prices. Hero are a
1W Driccs:
Hasting cotton, was 2c lc
Hooka and eyes 1o
i ins, per paper lc
iwaciiino thread 3 Bpooln
Kadiont crochet thread
all colors, 3 balls for
Ladies' underwear 23
4 oo
Men's overahirts 25o
Children's stockings lOo
Laaies "
Outinc flannel, best wt
12c muslin 10c
No. 12 satin ribbon 8c
$3.50 rainy day skirts.'.. $2.80
$0.00 4.80
$4.00 all wool " 3,20
$1.70, " 1.40
A lino of Misses' skirts at
tho sarno reduction. All oth
er goods at tho same reduc
tion for tho next CO days.
Call and bo convinced.