Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 04, 1901, Image 1

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    " ITY
h'wUrf Public. AUlratler.
J V7. Ldor
Transact Cim-ftl law Humiiuw!
Ijh r""' hnd """)' " i
Coll Hone riwilalty,
(H&cr, KlevviT llulldlng, lUnk of
oiitst mm none u tit cut.
M...t.v. " rriat.
, ,r..i.l, .
m..i. . rtr..u,.
A ! baaklM btl tlMl4.
,!-' 't4 Mb. lo fNH
AfVlo''! WIU 4 4lol4.
(.uit ,,",'"!,.,.
L.n, mvl a allabia tMufllf.
....... M.uitiltlt'1 "'!
I' M..Mt . U !
tVlw ifllo:l Mt W IMiI4
tT.x'f1 " lHai4 ;
fttlcir -hlrJ'l Turk, '
SkiMi .ti Itw. 4"M. I
(), V. Knathmii (J. II. IMiiilik.!
Commercial, I''""! I'Mate and Pro
bate Law, Hjrlltlr.
Abt'teit of Title made, Money Lonrd
Origin City, Oregon
Ci p 4 l CLATt'Mm.
itn iiuii ima ntr,iiuuii. j
toiuH iMrtrit pITU". U Mftr.F't
UM t 1M 'l lft U
rlxpllal nd 'rtl Klpl(iiee J
(! M .fi,rliili Milr lo Hi
J il llnug ami Vi''lty. Pria
ni.i.in (l in f'cuifli ml
I hrutitr iIimw tw til r(r
tv ( i ru. I '(111 lo Wlltl
. IWlliiing OHr huiini iQlolleiH,
4 lu 0 p. lu.
'l:ii'N c 1 1 v iUi:in'
(J'O- c IIUiWNM.L,
Ofron City, - - OfrgtMl
Will rrllr In l ll.cruurlt of I (.
' Offtr n ('un.l.l Lull. Mi .
J) It. I.. I. t'K'KKNM,
I'rlira Mle'ai. All lri.ma
ItarvUy Hull ling Otmun C'ltr. .
m 0inIi Uuhtlry'a Itrtif Hlnfn. i
Oregon City, - org". ;
Pnilfiljrr bvoltat.
Omr or MrKnirlik'i Mioa Miwn, naar
!) Hank of Oirun t'Mjr.
Okia.iN t'lf ...
or oRrnox cnr.
laptlal, ...
iiaH7i 4 uti4L Maaiaa rumu
I'Miit mU. HHI dir.niutol. HiIh ta
lorii.rti. tii anl xiUetrhB( nn all l"iliiH
lu ib I'uitx) atatM. Runit aat ll"u anal.
ItotxMio ix-i-a. iuLjiMl Ut rhock tank
at!) Iiwm 1 1. a. lot r.
U C. UTOt'KKTTR. rr.i.1om
r. i MKYKK C'aw ee.
Hierlal iirnilmi glvnn lo Couitiy Court
aiiil I'ruiiaia maltrr.
Onica t'..ialr. In Hivn' buihting.
ti il Dank ol Orrgtitt C'lly.
J f.CAMi'llKI.U
Oliao 1,'itv, Oaauoa,
iil.t"i!flii all ilia ontirtaaf thtll. 01'
'lii Lull l l Inn ithu'.
OnUtu, MoKllirlrk' HhiMt Hlora, near
Ilia Hank ol OrrgonCity.
Oanmir Citt , Okiooa.
J L.fOKTt,
AntTor raoriRTV rnHinD,
nn o Oremn Cllr KnUTprl-
Oraduala 0f the North wr.Uirn Unlver
. itv Dental School, Chlrago.
4lo American College of Dttntal Surgery,
Willttinittie IliiM k, re on City.
Opp. Huntloyr'fj DruR Store,
Forty yearTexperience in
Orett BritaJn and America,
Look Out 'or 'c:in,nco a' a
1 THE FAIR Store after
Hie First of the year.
Hardware, Stoves, Slttcluttiics'
Tools, Woodehopper's Tools,
Farniing Tools, Air Tight
Healers, Etc., Etc.
We have a fine line o( Wurrantal Pocket Kniven
that will make vay desirable Christmas I'rtHUts.
-f Special Attention given to Plumbing.
4th & un OUKCiON CITY. OH., 't.ihws
' Wholesale Prices,
If You Wmit
l'lrt -cltixn
Job '
I'rlc Aild in the IUoo.1 l'ur Kheumatlam, rVlallra, (iotit and Neuralgia
.The Ilex lthcuinatic Kins:..
ea .
rmoe the rii A written' gnatantt m It It rarh ring to rvtum your nvmey In
.K)iU)all not entirely aaltM.'tiiy. flU 'K fi.taj. A lel raid will bring uiir
liulu booklet that tf It the riorr. Ad!rf,
llt'ktf KtTiK it Axiir.Ki. Hartford, Conn.
Oregon CM y, Orrgon.
ArM-Mlri Stacker, V'J Sta k
. ll.. Towcra, Tliri'i'tiortui-n'a
"tr:j-l Ol All UMOi,
, ...... rr rr r rrne
Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2.
Furry' fWilnar VV
ft kiiuwn llm country uvr aa k
lliu mw.l rrllnblv Nvvrfa that
1 ui ii 1 1 UmwIiI. Ihiii'I a I
f nii'kl on oiKHtp aratlii ami lu a f 1
l dullftronlli liarvinl. 1
Ti V 1 Wtl Ml Annual fraa. ' I
0. M. FERRY A CO.. S
V Otlrolt. 1kh
& Co.
First Corner
Frcm Court
Traction or Portable, 5lmph or Com
pound) Wood or Straw Durncra.
fiun ro'TR
VLX'i ritKAM IUI.M lapoltlveeur.
Apply Into tli BcnUlla, 11 la qnlrkly ahrbt. a
ut t DniL'vrUi or bj mall Mtnpl 10c bj vail.
kUT ktUOTUlMA, M Wanna ki., Mew Totk Wh
The Oar' Soldlm Will Kat
Anifriran Mrati.
Amrlraa VmU, Vu kti bj a Kir I'r
f, Will bo hhlijwd to Kami.
Chicauo, Jn. 2. Tin TriHun m;i:
Hignttuftti cr ltlioJ In tbit city ye
Uitlr lo rret liitrolionl contrai.t
J CIiI ko )( king firm will myy
th ltoiin (foyrrniiirnt ii! yt wilh
1VW trrla ( ppM'ially fmput-d meat
lo Im1 tin aoMln-aof lh cxf'i army.
Hi Uriria A Ilia fnlfri will txwl
KX).0(j(). Tha rt flrM (or aupplira In
Hula an. I KiUria haa ! n 0dJ to
Aiutrlrana only lalrljr, anil U la blifl
that llm n.ntin I oinlrlix yniUrlajr la
inercly tlm prifilrrmior ( otliora whlrh
will a tn on nt to million of J't'lara anil r
aull In tha Inlr'jtluction ami coinump
lion '4 Americ an pn kl in-aii In every
part of Ida at Northern Km pirn.
A caw iroreM of p klnif anl pirklin
meta an Important fat-tor In the
anting of thn rotitrart. Hy I hi pro
rraa it la a'hl that tha problem of trana
(orting the ked meat any liUncv
an. I llinxii;1i anjr rllnil without atfert
la tba quality of tba anpplira haa liern
rllUk I'liU Marcbal IUi.Iih'A Vml
Cowra, Ile of Wight, Jan. 2 -The
ti-atnrr Cana la, liavtnc lM Marahal
L'd flobett on board, anrtxired off ()-
, u-irne at 1 1 :a a. ro. iouy. aiua
sitatha road aere gady Jocoratixl, the
Z ti front w at elahurab-ly dixratl with
bunting and Venetian mata with fea
toona adorned the rot to Oahorne bouae
J; at the entrancw ol which waa errtd a
nnia tribute of the jeo'i apjrecia'.ion
5 ol tha tr rnaithal'a work, in the ehape
i of ao arrh of laurtd . Thia waa the f.rnt
i; lima aiuti an arrh bad ever apiwarml
j three In honor vi any tjot of Her
' Vj-.lT.
t . H er !xrd Holwria' audirnre with the
J y "n, lie will join the Canada at South
ampton and remain on tjrj until
I A lare rroad of ivoiile awaitnl Lord
i IJ l'tti' arrival at Trimly pier landing
The field marttiat landed frotn the laum-h
at 3 30 p. in., a lik h waa the signal lor
fi'iiiiig aliouta of wek'tune. I'rim'esa
i Iteatrit-e, in the caparily of (J ivtrnor of
I the Ile of Wight, and the Duke of Con
nauyht, reprtwnling theQuwn awaited
I Lord KoherU, wlniee arm waa etlll in a
eting a the remilt of being thrown from
liia bora in South Africa, lie waa
warmV grveteil, and the party atarted in
royal rarriaea lor Oaborne bouae. The
, ronie a litutl wilh troope and thronged
with cheering aightaeera.
TheQtiirn Naioel an KirMotu on
Ird Hubert, with a a jxcial reminder
lor lila daiiithteta. He wat alao made
a Knight of the Garter.
Aaolhrr t'rowa ArrrtJ.
Ouaiia, Jan. 1. J, J. Crowe, a broth
er of Tat Crowe, who tbrpolice believe
to be a principal in the abduction, was
taken into cuslixly in Council Hlutr thia
afternoon by Omaha detective and
brought to tin city. The warrant
charge Crowe with the abduction ol
young Cudahy on IVcemlier 18. Crowe
conwiitod to accompany the otTirera
acroe the river without the formality of
n quixition paper.
Ifnatlu Duonvlljr Ival.
MiNsaAfoua, Minn., Jan. 2. Ignatius
iVniiiflly. the politician and author, died
at 12:03 o'clock this morning, aged 70
yt'urs. He wa taken suddenly ill last
night while viHiting at the home of his
father In-law, IWton Hauson, and soon
became unconscious. A physician was
summoned, who said that the attack was
due to heart failure, ami that there was
little chanco of the patient's recovery.
Mr, Donnelly paxtmd away surrounded
by a number of bis relatives, a sorrowful
little group that watched by the bedside.
At thn lust general election Mr. Don
nelly was ciiiiilidiitH for vice-president on
the middle of theroaJ populist ticket.
He was active during the campaign, end
spoke in Minneapolis and other cities of
the atate a number of limes. Mr. Don
nelly married about three yeara ago Miss
Hanson, a daughter of Barton Hanson,
of this city, and since then they made
their home in Minneapolis, although Mr.
Donnelly owned Several farms, where
they spout considerable time.
0. A, Harding, druggist, guarantees
every bottle of Chamherlriin's cough
remedy and will refund the money to
any one who ia not satisfied after using
two-thirds of the contents. This Is the
best remedy in the world for la grippe,
coughs, cold", croup and w hooping cough
and is pleasant and safe to take. It pre
vents any tendency of a cold to result in
(arh r f a.000 Hook. Wartaj 30,000,
a Total Imh.
Kiaitlk, Jan. 1 Tho I'uhllc IJhrary
bf Heattlo m burned to tha ground to
night. The Are originated In the north
east corner of Uie baaoment, prohahly
from the furnnea. The ciilira elo k of
UxA, numbering 2.))00 end aloe-l at
at leait pi.OOO, are a total jm. The
firemen responded qoi kly to the aterm,
but attar half an hour 'a work, were en
tirely unable to cope wilh the b!ae.
Tha fire broke oat in eeral plavrea at
onre, and they wild do nothing with it.
The building wt built about 10 yeara
ego by Henry L. Yealer, fceattlo'e moat
fanioua pioneer, and coat blfti nearly
From opinloni gleamed from city of
flmaU, It la likely that a new building
will 11 loilt at onre. The honae waa oc
cupied by Mr. Yraler for three yeara be
fore Ma drain, and wa then one of the
moat handaotne reaidenrea lo Seattle.
TRXT HOOK tOMttiailOtt.
btnr(Nr Hmm Tlta Nnkri mt
the ('nlltM.
Hauk, Or., Jan. 2. )vernor fieer to
day annoonltd the appointment of II.
V. Kcoll, oU'onland; 1'. J Campbell,
of Monmouth; KVpben A. Lowell, of
I'endleton ; W. M. La id, of Portland,
and W. M. Colvlg, of JatkaonviUj, to
roinpoae the Urun teitbooc cownia
ion The announcement haa been
awaited with intniee intrreat here, and
apparently by the entire atate. The; ap
pointment were rooi h aa haa ben it
pected by thoae ho bare cloaely followed
the diacoaaioo com-erning the commie-
ion, though the men appointed have not
been often mentioned by the preee In
that connection.
raral.hed Every Week by the Clacka
aaaa Abstract k Tral leapaaj.
U 8 HVIIoiuy to C Joeph lota 2, S,
4 and 7. in blk SI Canetnah ... 11000
COT Williams et al to J V Thomae
lot 1 blk 19, Fall. View 250
L II Kirchem to Mary Trotter, 40
acre in claim 44, t 3 a, r 3 e, alao
7 ecrra io the Arthur claim 300
3 F Norri to C 0 Taber, H4' scree
In Kagan claim
J 0hnan to C & I Zot-k 37 acre in
claim 60. t 2 a, r 3 e
,S 8 Ilenkle to Ueo Druwn 2 acres
in nw'4 eec 23, t 2 s, r 3 e
K F IWat'ie to Atuie S buebel 3 8
.30 )
ai re ilo'niel claim 2li0
J A Tliayer to Jamet Buckbef, lota
4, 5, and 6 in bik 147 Oregon
M J Cook to Willis Imel lot 4 5 6
and 7 in blk 12, Koota add lo
M am h Hell
Sarah Sharp to A Fraokbaueer 6
acrea in section 28, 1 1 , r 2 e. . . .
J II Lambert to Wsverly Associa
tion trct in Cambridge
Win May to T C Tembroke e
wi4' ec 8, t 4 s, r 2
Security Saving and Investment
(Jo to A 8 Dreiwer wlt see 36, and
ne'4'a! 14. 1 4 a. r4e
C K Lewthwaile lo M E Kaaemua
tan, lot IS, bik 11 Gladstone....
L L to E L Heim lot in Burn
LL Porter to L K AJir lot in
Burn claim
Cha. Kralger, by sheriff, to Edna
L Jewell n? ae4sec 14 t 4 a, r
E A Jewell to Wni J Mol tenhauer
nS'ae,l4'ec 14. t4 a, r 2 e
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
indeies, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
County, can furnioh information aa to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, investments, rval estate, abstract
etc. Ollice over Bank of Oreiron City.
Call and investigate. Address box 377
Oregon City, Oregon.
Ma and Beast.
Nothing can be so terrible to an ani
mal ns a human being. There are times
whn fie brute neenis to recognlxe
stlnctlvly rhnt man belongs to a high
er ordr of creation and ia stricken
with a fiH'Ung akin to awe In bla pres
ence. In a small African village, some
yers ago, there was n acare about
some leopartla which were said to have
killed a tiuuitwr of goata. Accordingly
two white men. accompanied bjr sev
rral rntlves. tt oft to hunt them. Pres
ently they found place In the long
grass where It was evident that one of
the brutes hrd recently lain, for the
ground was 'till warm.
The natives formed ring round It.
and the hunters got their guns ready.
After a little while the leopard emerg
ed from the lone; grass and was fired at
and wounded, but not fatally. With a
grnt bound he Hprang on one of the
white men and brought him to the
cround. "oldlng his victim, he turned
and growled savagely at he others.
The natives gave a wild yll of fear,
end then like a shot he leopard sprang
away. He bad not been frightened by
the (runs, but the yell terrltled hlia.
Toutb's Companion.
Janaar Weather.
The following data, covering a pcrioI
of 28 yeara, have been compiled from the
weather bureau rerord at I'ortland, Or.,
for the woo tli of January ;
Mean or normal lemperatore, 38 deg.
The warmeat monih waa tbat of IPX),
with an average of 41 d?g.
Thecoldeat month waa that of 1WS,
with an average of 29 uVg.
Tlie blgheat lemperatare waa f2 def
on the 25tb, IWH.
The loweat tem pera tore wae2deg. or
the 15tb, m.
Average date on wbkh firet "killing"
frfjwt occurred in autumn, Nov. 20.
Average dale on which laat "killing"
Iroat occurred in apring, April 11
dCain and melted mow).
Average for the month, .713 inchee.
Average nurnW of daya with .01 of an
in b or more, 19.
The grealeet mootnly precipitation
wm 13.71 inrhea in 183.
The leaat monthly precipitation ti
2.12 inchee in 1"03.
The greateat ainonnt of pieripitatioa
recorded in any 24 ronarcntive hoar
waa 6 foi inrhea on the Oth and f'h, VIXL
The retent amount of anowtall re
corded In anv 21 roneecutive bonre (rec
ord eitending only to winter el
only) waa 9.0 inchee on the 2ie1. 1800.
t uvi aao w i ath a a.
Average numlier ot clar day, 5;
partly cloudy daya, 7 ; tlon ly daya, IX
The prevailing wind have keen front
the eoolh.
The bigheirt velocity of the wind ww
63 tnllei from the eooth on the ttb, 1SS0.
Jew Yrar'i Eve Parly.
Mayor and Mrs. C. D. LatooretUr
entertaihed a Urge party of Orrgoo City's
young society people at their borne in
thia city, on New Year's eve, in honor
ol their son, Morton Latoorette. There
were about aevny-loor people preanl.
Progrreaive wbil, witb toorteen labia,,
wa the distinctive feature o( the even
The whikt Kerne waa spiritedly con
teeted. Tbe Bret prise for twit lady
player waa won by Miaa Ina Chase. IV.
wa w beautiful leather lorgnette bag..
I'rise for beat gentlemen plaver, a hand
some, band painted picture, waaawarvleo!
to Mr. Carl Chnrcb.
inn uuuh n oeai'iu.ij iiecoraieii.
Tl.. ....n.Ki ....I ... . i
. -
bolic Miatleto-, predominated in tha
decorations. Cluster of it were sus
pended in ccnver.tfot pla-e, and when
d-ain, stood bene j lli one of the iluk.
grcn clus'er, ome gilUut knight wsav
ore to avail bimm-lf of the old timn
privilege of the eaon.
Auelfgtnt auppr-r wa served. The
refreshments wrre such aa would grace)
a Utopian banquet and prove the-realisation
of an epicure's dream.
Following is a list of tbe gnveti of th
Mr. and Mr. Charles Pope, Mrs. R-
0. Scott, Mr. J. S. Heller, of Portland..
MieetSade and Ins Chase, Mattiev
Draper, Mis Lewthwaite, Alice Lewth
waite, Bella Fouu, Hattie Verst-g.
Imogen Harding, May Wishart, Nettie
allien, llaiel nii.bory, Lanra Toper
Aimee BolUck, May McBride, My
Mark, Lixxie Walker, Mrorie and
Ethel Canfield, Elma Albright, Marian
Pratt, Myrile Uochann. Nau Cochran,
Amy KeMy, CUra Warner, Vera Cau
field, Wla Williams, Mi"n Spangler, tf
Corvallis; Messrs. L. Kelly, E. Chap
man, E. L. Hoopengarner, Harry
Draper, Lee Harding. Winnie Hill, Joe
Goodfelli'W, Chas. Babcock, Will Moreer
W. C. Campbell, Chas. Humphrey, F.
C. Charman, Bern Oreensaan, Carl
Church, Chas. Schram, Walter Bradley
Don Meldruna, Koy Kelly, Forbes Prstt,
L. Adams, (i. K Hedgen, John Lewth
waile, C. U, Wilson, Morton, Jack,
Howard and Earle Latourette, C. Upton
of Wa'la Walla, E. Cyrus, of Portland.
Mrs Latoorette was Mfgitited in enter
taining by Mm. Charles Poje, Mrs. N.
W. Lawrence, Mi-a Kelly, Mies Bray.
Mice Cochrane, Miss Conyers, Mid
McCarverand Miss OoM.Hmith.
Farmer's Alt'iition.
We will receive a lance consignment
of timothy and clover mtd, to be de
livered February 1, 1001. Leave youc
orders. We can save you money.
Wilsos A Co.
Commission Merchanla.
Your Face
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state ol your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, pimples and ekiia
eruptions. If yon are feeling weak and
worn out and do not have a healthy ap
pearance you should try Acker's Blood
Elixir. It cures all blood dixeaHe.
where cheap Samaparillaa and so called
purifiers (ail ; knowing thia we sell every
bottle on a positive guarantee. Q. A
Harding, druggist.
Baart tka 9 llK K.ind Yea Hart Alwsvs Boupt
llH Hind Yon Hart Ulnars