Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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28, 10(H).
News of the Week
r"- A-tfl.iCk .AjOkaak..fe. X-J
Saturday, Dec. 22.
Oregtm river and harbor get $2.34(1,
600. Tho Santa lt!'gri'her lose tht
The Dutch are rising tn Northern Ce
Colony .
li e rrisii in are for ranal and lcck
at The Wllea.
(UmMing is allowed In Portlaud ami
tha lion' fined.
Co.laly, ol Omaha lias hl eon abducted
and ay 25,IXX) fur hie. return.
Tie liver and harbor bill rarrle about
titty ruiltione sec ml largest in Die hia
tory ol ihe country.
The investigation by the court of In
quiry m to the hating of Booa who died,
does not bring out any facta indicating
that lie aa hurl by the basing.
Sunday, iVc. 23.
Baker City dedicatee a Masonic temple.
Thie congree ai'd not provide for a Pa
cific cable.
The keel ol the cup defender wa laid
at Bristol, R. 1.
Auditor of the department ia (hot and
killed by a clerk.
Northern Luton ia being scoured for
any insurg-rnta.
The tage ia held op near Lakeview
and tha mail rifled.
Hie amended canal treaty goea to
Great Hritian for ratidcaiion.
Police in Portland captura the man
that robbed the Blue Mountain Ice Co.
The joint note of the power in Uie
Chinee matter haa been signed by all
tit favor a.
f be raid of the Doer in Cape Colony
continue and the railroad ia being torn
sp by them.
It ia given out that the at ate auperin
tendent will pnpoe a bill at tha coming
arm ion of tle legislature for school li
braries, Germany ia agitated by crime tn hih
places, Sternberg ia aenteuced to 1",
year in ptionand five yeara deprivation
of civil right.
What Flla aaJ Ik I'naelaalaw
It Neaehe4 W lira llie Triiwhl Waa
All Over Ar iraaleallr Tali r
tk Old I'aaaaat llaar lllaaavlt.
lljtU'Hl, M1. f C It. Uan)
I "I i rrvVoiiln to go lu with aome
f the men on a niiH.ni.hlne atlll," aald
I ho old pouiii hunter, "but the old
woman rained alch a funs aUtut It that
I had to gUe it up. She Jent sulked
and cried and acted up fur a hull week,
and ah couldn't deep ulghta fur thluk
In of them revenew feller. When
they got the atlll runnln, they wanted
somebody to carry the krga over the
mount'ln to market, and they coaxed
me Into the Job, It waa a trip of fo'
teen mile, aud. of co ne, It had to be
made at night. I ih-u't Id the old wo
man know what I waa doln, but aa I
bad to her au cieue to te out I told
her I wa coon huiitlu. I'd bin out
three or fo' ulghta when ah turna on
me and aa.va:
"Ilow about them coon. 7bt
Yo're bin out every night sluee Sun
tiny, but yo' hain't dun brutig back a
" Vooti la mighty al:y thla time of
year.' aay I.
" Oh. that It! Coon Jeat keep right
away from yo", do they?
-Tear like they do, but I'm hopln
to atrlke a big lot of 'em all to once.'
"Waal. Zeb White, yo" mind what I
tell yo',' aaya ahe a ahe looks atralght
"The aaitie,' aaya ,' pullla uiyacll
together aa hard aa I could.
"'Out fur a h vile walk thla eveulnf
" 'Nice eveuln te walk
bin ph kin wild (lower? Ity the
whnr'a the keg of nnmiiahliicr
"I Jet blurred Vm right down," aald
the old limit, with a gtltu smile, "Ai
the keg vn gnue and they couldn't
tech me, I wasn't afraid to litlk. They
' NumiI CitUrrli .pil. kly vl.l.U to trot,
n.cnt by Ely t'r-mi Halm, which l i;i'
tty anuii.it IA II l teiftved tliroiicli th
iilri;. eleaiiae and heal lh whole
i...- tl....l. II .lnTMa- a lli lf. DingHl'
Meld yo'Tl! a. II tho h"o. au "Innl ''X 10
ei iiU. Trt It ami you ' " " e'i -
To aiH.ii nithlntrt llitiae wli.i ale l-aitl'd
. ll.a iiae if nt. iiilfxra III ''lvii'JI
Into Ihe lil ga 'r sif.rrA.(l irxn.
but, lh pMpriet.ua prri ar
( mam llm In
threatened and bulhloaiil. but 1 at u. a i,.i, foli, whi h will b ln"u l-l)'
to It that I wn looMn fur coon, am) .t,U,,t iWm IUiIiu. l'rl.e lu.bobiig tl
they dnxn't bold mm Uluieby I atarted: aprnylng tut- la 73eent. I'rcgiu or bv
fur home. I waa mighty iiitrvda aN.iil u.alL lh H-juM form eiubml. the m.l.
lotnal 'r'wru.' of th a-bd rrjiUou.
Now la tha time when croup and lung
trouble prove rapidly falal. Tha only
hariule itnely that produce Inline
d ate teull ia On Mlnut fougli Cur
It I very pleaant to Uke and rau l re
lied uiN.n to uulcklr cur cough, itil.lt
and he fetched r'ni , wi dlaeaaea. It will prevail
(I. A. Harding.
Monday, Dec. 24.
Nothing new ia tha Omaha kidnaping
Lakevirw ia likely to have a railroad
by neat summer.
Filipino evince more of a disposition
to give op the fight.
Kitchner report that the Boers are
checked in their raid.
Itia thought that the rubber Lang
may have killed Fortner.
British agent U after SO.OuO borae and
ruulea at Kamiaa City for Englinh army.
Root Bays i bat relief for the army most
be imomliat if the honor of the country
ia aoatained.
Tuesday, Dec. 23.
Cape Dutch are helping the invader ,
A clew to the Omaha kidnaper ia
Scott the burgler geta ten yeara in
Portland baa a fleet of 26 wheat ship
in the river.
The inauguration of MeKinley will be
a military affair.
England ia diwatinfied with the canal
treaty amendment,
America i a party to the I'eiin agree
ment of the powers.
About $700,100 goes to Indians of Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho.
A new county is talked of lo be made
from parts of Baker, Union and Malheur
i T;Nd j f i
lv 4 . , . i . 1 . ; r y .,' i I
Wedne.lay, Dec. 26,
Eugene is to bare a creamery.
China will accept the term of tbe pow
ers. Cape Colony is on tbe verge of rebell
ion. Salmon are getting scarce in Alaakan
Portland has five big foreign steamers
in port.
Farmers congress will be held at Sa
lem January eighth.
The German wheat ebip Carl is towed
back to the lound waterlogged.
Neither side score in the football game
at Portlaud between Multnomah and
Stanford. i-
' December 27.
Robert Taylor, of Ashland, commits
Bryan says bis defeat is not so bad
niter all.
Three children at Olympia were cre
mated alive.
Kitchner is now nnablo to drive the
Boers from Cape Colony.
The Old Town Bank, of Baltimore
goes into the hands of a receiyer.
Portland city department ank appro
priations amounting to f244,388,
Combine at Huntington, W. Va. ad
vances wiodow glai-s 15 percent.
Hazing court at West Point continues
to investigate. Finds many other cases.
There may be a substitute for the Hay
Pauncefote treaty in case England re
jects tbe present treaty,
i .
V.4. .
' .W t' 1 i li'l. I
to XK.tv I
i bcs rr ao'im i-TrntvnTni park.x v.
through uie. 'Yo' J.nt ke'p right oil
coon huutlu, athl yo'll And a coon aoon-
er or later, and It'll turn out a mighty
I... I M ...I ' I
"Thin I kuowed ahe pected what I
waa up to. but a ahe didn't My nuthln
mo' 1 didn't. That nlglit when I went
over to the ntllt I f. lt a little aklttUU.
The old woiimu' words had kind of
akeorvd me. Them revenew fellera wit
around lovkln fur atllla. and I waa !a
ble to run B. roxi Vai In the wo.hU any
time. If they ketche.l mo with a keg
of uioouxhliif on my ulioulder. It meant
a year In pr!noa fur me fur euah.
When Jim Harper found I was kit
tlnh. be nay:
"'If Ita gut to that p'lnt whnr Zeb
White, the l. brat.d b'ar killer and
poHnurn huuter of TenniKNee. ha be- 1
come afraid of rabbit, then he'd U-tter
stay home of night aud play check
er.' "Then Bill Hope chip In and ay It's
wonderful that a man w ho ha killed a
w ildcat with a club should be afraid of
woodchuck. The other two men
laughed at me and aald I was glttin
old aud feeble, and. of co'w, the talk l
r'lled me and made me d.-teruilned to
go. It wax about 1 o o'clock when I
clung a keg of iiiootixblm- on my shoul
der and ot out It wann't a cloudy
night, but a man wanted the eye of a
cat to fuller the path over the hill
aud through the brenh. I tried to think
It wa all right, but the old woman'
word kept coiuln ba k to me, and I
felt my knee grow weak a I aruffed
along. I wa J't alniut half way over
the hill aud had not down to rest when
I heard a b'ar Miiltlln In the brcidi. The
noise he made u a sort of miirT-ariuiT,
with a 'woof at the end of It. That'
the way a b'ur alius doea when be
atiielU a man at night
"Look yere. Zcb White,' says I to
myself as that b'ar kept rotnln nearer,
'If yo' ain't In a wrape then I'll tat
my but.-. In the ilurkm-xn and over
the' bill yo' nn't run fur shuck,
and how yo' gwlne to fight a b'ar bare
handed ?
"i'o' bet I wished I had heeded the
old woman, but It wa too late then. 1
thought the b-tt way wa to git up
and go along and give that varmint a
cold bluff, but I wu treiiiblln all over
a I made forward. I tried to whistle,
but my I1ik t m dry u pnper. I start
ed to slug, but my own voice skeer.-d
me. I wum movln along slow and hop-
in tlie U ar would take the Idiift when
iiui b'ar. but 1 got home without a.1
lu any. The old woman wa alltln up
ri-adlu the ltTlile, aud alio look up aud
quietly ay:
" 'Yo're lioiiie Ahead of time, ZU
CAM'tm nkevrc tonight 1
Mighty akii-n-e.'
"Did yo e any 'tallf
" 'I Jest met one.'
'"1 c yo' did
...... .... . i . . . .. ....... .
Ilini CHI on ina rnr ami wui i. ..... ,1 .
. . , ,, . . ... ' ronumiitlon
home. I reckoned yod meet lip W th,
coou It yo kept on. nettcr wa.o on
the bhHHl aud rub In a.une imimuiu's
"And whll.' I waa doln It." aald th
old man In n whisper. "I heard the old
woman gigglln softly to hcraclf and
twdddu around lu her cheer,
I her no .juctlon. In-ka Id mad (M,n , 4 Tll
a f... of my-lf. but do y..' know w hat ; ,llim,ulply, Vtkm
I ir a nil a inoiiKuir ra, non, ion i
Nlleve that b'ar In the path wa tuy
old womnn! Yea, unit. I Im-IIcv ahe
put on b'amkln we had In the hu
and sneakiM nut Into Ihe wood to
liiet t me. and wheu I got cloe up to
her she fetched me a whuck with af
clutt. I dun tellrve It. aiih. but a It,
loiMi xorimtH.
Croup I tha terror of thoiiand of
young mother Iwiuit Ita outbrvak I
so agonising and ftr.juriilly fatal.
Milloh' I'ougli and ('unaniiipllon Cur
I dam't . ( tka mio n caw of Cioup. It !
Suntlny Sirvice.
Ml J.il.li', ('lliolle- ltV. A. II ltlol.ratf.il.
,t..r, i'ii rt'iioUy, io at ami lu a,
... Third HumUr ! " limnlh. Hmiih
viiiiiiu a'iir o'eloek iim. l all oil.er
IH, beglt'ti rMioiia. humlav lo"'l
I J i , h. V'" apidngllral ul'J.'!
sud twiif.lieil.ui at 7 in.
Ilrrn.an Kaiiirfll.'l l.ulhrril liniimn
iial-l'iirnai r.iginh and J, U. A'lain i.
llw Kri.rtl J, W. M. . l'-r, . ar
a. Iimi al P a. in awklr parvl. f
Tliurdy al p. m. tlnnau k'Ium.I vrv
Hltir.l from t l U. r:rt"ty luvlle.1,
Mll..lll Kpleipal flMircli- KV, H. A,
hum itr. W.iii.lng arvli l P 4V
i.,U a. li.M.I al I'l "i li'
...... i... Koiiln tl 1
m e.i mUm
ti.t Kx.Hftimm I'ltt'NiH -Ha, a
J. Mm.Mr. f!"! ! II
t to r a. ,Uik M'Ii.m.I l I
(.... '.M.Uf rnli l
11 M-n' ifc.ii-lf aii al i "
e.i.i.'.a.xi.if l l kruiu Hjam mu
r BiiH'lo al. lh'.U
Wet, and 11.00.
! Druggiat.
C. 1.
The Enterpria M M i-er year.
Kobbe4 the tirai.
A startling lucldeul of a hi. h Mr. John
aated me front them revenew feller Oliver of, Philadelphia, wa lh subjott
and state's prln I wa much ohl.-egx-d
to her aud didn't rale no row."
M. (JI AD,
i narrated by biui a Mlows: "I wa
in a not dnadlul condition. My akin
nautili .rr MHimi i i
i irivuk i tiAl. riil lti'll-l'or'r ut
Kuiiiii 't l M l.ii !. It" e) '"p'v
imt.iir. Hrtk Hi.aaiii al II a mi
'i. 1 4.1 p. m riiin.1 rt.i..l lo a. im
'rr II.""" a p mi. AH ar lr.un
Hr I'AII.'H rtPIHt OIAI. t llfltt H
ll.v. I', k. II.IMII...I..I. Ilari.ir. e-vi.
ry M.n.uv 1 1 mi, il'p
u I.. -.i...i i III. .'!. k. I M l.ar Mrl
i ........ ....I AllualaliM. Milan
Sri rtir.paUv tnviil,
.tut ..f M.ih ad Kii."i ii- U.
K. lloiu..tf. .l.. M..n.r n
.,.! 10 V. H.l". ! M.O..I IJ. Jut.li.f l.h lraVI
v'i. m luaalll. D ).
Huntley, Hi r itMr IttlTltf t ill in II it.v. j
II. I'M, '"". I'I.-I'IM
...rr rt..n iav 10 wanJ T . p
.lrarl,.. all; . I I p. '. J"'r
n.Ml l li'i..n ,,'t lh " Yir
'rt-.l .viir an t liU'i ""7 r,m"
r) II p. i". ll.uUr nl". f"r
.yr avi. el J p t. Wd .lr
nil.. Ilu.l nu lr riMl Y. N t". A
r.a.ii.t u.i liv ih ii.ir
l'..lll lll.n- tW. I'll'ilh Si"t I'l'ir
iit. r.ii. iti.i, .it.
. i
A arkraaa kr Wklrk II raw a Qalla1
III M il' aalrlaa.
To t perfectly honeat. Brown d.w
Dot g to hi (irlnwold atrei-t om.-e
every night that he tell hi wife b n,ada a decldatl impruvr
I going there. The bu.lur which he j ,!, ut0 (u. ,,lfw,t ,n,
ay I preimiiig I irvttriniy imagi
...i, M. ...! al II a ri. ail I 'l' i'i
waa almtwt yellow, yra unkn, toiijue ' ,,,, M-b .i lJ ; u. ..-l
,.trd, twiln loiillnually In 1. k and m.w.im ai 0 p. I l"J" "
,. ... . 'iy w.ii.iy i.im.
Idea, HO aplKitile gradually growing;" ' '
... , n i . I Ktartfrlkal .inhrr. ion t ut.f tf alin
raker day by day. Tl.re phj.u '' ,7,,' (Mh ',nd ),lu, lu.
had given lu up. Fortunately, frli.t i kj.rr. ! P .ii i '
dvlwd Electno Bitler." and lo my Mt; ari.r ) o jo a m. I ' !'
grrat Joy and urpr la, lh. dr.t Mtl! V K rWl- . T I' lla...
rrmentlcolililiord '
I f V.II...II.W- ltv t. !. I
l,.r. l'f.MM tlr.l ml IMM ..IM
, 3 .Hl'ii.1!,,,,.
f,riit nml M.
vll tlio aatl.r.
Iramial Cotr,
'aiira nn .
r)"r tn..!cr.uXi
a n ami Hi(1 f
Uiul. ,
Dm j
ItiVT UfAMI -Ivat,,.
IhmjI In rhrp ahwa m Ui-
,.iy.i.h .-ll.i1 tjaawJ
ijualllia a Wa !.., t
M.tHUI. tri iM-i..,. 'j
er ear, end ltcn utti tM j
! lHll Va'ua r. I MlaV'i I
1 KRAUSit m
' a !! man. I know ihry ard my Ufa, J n
oi "' mrf trai)r ;
and roManltbagtave of anotb.rvctiin.", "" '' "" " " i
1 " I II ....I ,k..i..L al I itsilla I
nary and the man whom he I going -
In nut il,ita tut! rll II iM-liintfa
to a club, and club, have their attr. j N n ahoul-l fall lo try thrm. Only
tloua. lie thought that hi wife waa ' ''. g'larahtrrd at (. A. IUd
gniwlng auaplcloua, sud Brown I re- j log' Irug Mwi,
Oil the evening In queatton. a the
lawyer would aay. he (old her that
there waa a mattt-r of bualm-aa that
tfH.nt.l tint fy.aMlt.tr Im, itr..rrml until Itia
next ilay. Alwut 0 o'clock l.e an.wer- '. MtutU regarding ivln
Orrgda Skari Ida Ita lrad.
If yoo ai Ihlnkieg ol an l'trrn trip,
It will pay you to writ and It"! fguraa '?,'. J n..U
A. I'. W. mrt ' rilirlM
vrhlng aai-rpl Iba PI'l. In lb A (I. I'.
V. fruipla - II. J. lUr.lih. .ul4.r.
KaUkaba Wllmr'a lUtviah U4g
ed Ihe diunr and waa aked If Brwfn
wa at home, aud ah replied that i
waa at hi office.
i uea uot." wa the alarming r-
etc, from th Oregon Miort Ui railroad,
tl.ket otir I4J Third .'rwt. I'orUanJ,
Oregon. W. K. Cow, IS. A.
tni'. "I wa Jut down then and ' J. Nut., T. P. A.
all looked dnrk " )
She rang off vli-lotmly. If women aver 1 Ik ltrt far,
do sim h thing, ordered a roup, told i Pltt.burK druiumar lal; IbU naa
, the driver to g.. a. fa.t a the rdl- j . , , UMUtA
t nnuce allow, kr-tl taking on tnnper a .. , , . , .
i . . i . . . ... Kemp Balaam n Oiy grip. I tak
she went and tbw up talr lo th , .... , . , , . ,
' MU.-e a though a tuua wer In but 1 c"1'1 wtl 'rw lUMr lU' ,'1,
jpilrauiL ll. r huUnd met her stiilb 1 ,4m ay m.kr. m a rll man
' luicly. lnMiM that she bad given blin . Kveyabrr I go I pek a pl "'d
a ! l.k'htf'll urprle. put hi caalint ; for Krmp. I lake bold of toy rtta'oni
chair m ar Ihe light, hand.il her a pa-!ria I take old men and yviing men,
p.T and upohcUl for having to re-! ,n. Ml iirm r-nfldantiallv what I do
tv d f tutl. Ill-lay U :
a. h mutiiS at I. i. t. r'i Tmjla j
Moga'd William aaeralarf, '.
CMlt It. .bin H1 N. , li.rrataf 1 j
Anierka. rnaat flr.t an t ll.lrd r rl lay la
the uioi.ll. U :. M'ti' llad.-W, B
Mff-Ml kcrUry; lull WJ, ct.x .
riKr. j
(t..k.r.M O ata No. J. It. A, M.. !
mata on II. ll.lrd MoT-da id ('
m.mtti in Maaunic Hall. M. WIlrk
aume work that would llly kep
him till 3. She could Dot explain, she
j could not keep awake, she waa aaham-
e.1 of hervelf, and after lann-ly telling
him that she hnd dreatne.1 that he waa
111 she left.
In t.n minute he waa at the club
and shook ha u.I with a man who audi
lugly aarcd If the scheme worked.
He replied that It wa a good aa ready
money fur atfl. uf Oi day, and th-o
em Ii Uiuirlit a muck of chip that pa
In the night-Detroit Pre I'rcn.
1 ahrn I lake cold.
: Sort.
At drtiggiat, Tc and
heatkrra) (alifrala
i Notable among lh plraaurva afloroed
I by th Miasta Bout I lb winter trip
tv Southern California and Arifg.
f Renewed a. qiulntama with thl section
will svrr dt-Valoo freali )lnt of Interrat
; and adld wmrce of enjoy mrftt, niolrr
it sunny skiea. In the Variety id Ita In.
diiMriaa, in it prolific r-ilioa and
i . .. . t . t . i
A Kl.a a I'ear af M.a..'. n.aalf. I "" nu.n.rir-a rrn vi Hioun
fhnrb-a XII of Sweden f,nd only t lain shore, valley snd plain,
one power In the world, the (Miwer of I Tha two daily Sha-ta train from Port
Ixauty; only a linmlsoiue womnn cuH l land b California have ta-rn recently
i-.n or ninking in in qimii-si.e put ,,,,,,,,1 with the moat approvml (hi!
...in n mgni. i. sn.u: mi many t.e- ol u, ,d ,1)Ufj ,,,,,,, c,r.
l.-n nu.r niKiuillinil lo nil' Bliril.-I una ... .. , ..ll i . ii
i l,, ., , i i.n . . .. bit the low rates of fare will still con
of A la-ailtiful face! Did Hot Alexan- '
d.-r. in r iM-t. burn a loan I (I IllfflVU at '
rldlculoii advi-ntiirea? I want mr Illutrle. guide to tb winter reaorl
life lo he fr.i- from sur h enkiie; . ' California and Arlona may b bad on
hlhtory must not find nx-h a stain iikq applicatli.n lo
He wa told one day that a young
girl had come to ue for Juwtlce on be
half of a blind -octogenarian father
maltreated by anldler. The find In
ctlnutl'iti of the king, a stri t disclpllna
rlmi, wit to rush straight to the plain
tiff, to hear the detail of the misde
meanor for hliiiHolf. but suddenly sto
ping he asked. n she good looking?'
And Ix-lng iiNNim-d that she was both
very young and uniiMially lovely, ho
sent word that she iiiiihI wear a veil.
Otherwise he wot:ld Uot listen to her.--f'ountes
Potoekn' Memoir.
Tha aflonal Kuhlrm,
The I'renbyterlan Bevlew tells of a
S'-ottltdi mlulster who n-mlnded the
I-ord lu n prayer, "Fur. n thou know-
1 run up ag'lu sunthln In the darkm-s. 1 int. men do not gut her grape of thorn
I put out my hum uud felt the fur of a ' Imr (lcs of the mitloiial emblem."
b'ur, but I hadn't more'n teched hliu J "This delicate refvretiee to the thl
when unthlti bit me 'lotigslde the hr nd. tic nn the national emblem of Scotland
mid I went hend over heel down hill 1 1 delicious," say The Review, "but
and Into the hushes. It was a If a ! bow It would luive stirtirUed th wrir.
II. Maskium, . P. A ,
Portland, Oregon.
, Among tbe trna ol tlmuamla who have
ud Chamberlain' Cough Remedy for
colds aud la grippe during the pst few
years, to our knowledge, not a single
cae haa reaulted in pneumonia. Tho.
Whitfield A Co., SMO Wabash avenue,
Chicago, one of the moat prominent
retail dmifgUls In that city, in speaking
of thin, says: "We recommend Chain
berlain'a Cough Remedy for la grippe in
many cases, a it tint only gives prompt
ami complete recovery, but also couu
terscts any tendency of la grlnpn to
reriull In pneumonia." Fdr sale by (1.
A. Harding.
mule hnd kicked me on the car, and I
hud Jest sense 'uuff to wonder how It
would feel when the critter begun to
tear me to pieces. I heard him suuflln
and siiuflln ami movln around, but he
didn't come to me, und blmeby I heard
him movln away.
"When I went head over heels, I lost
the keg. I didn't stop to look fur it
wheu the b'ar moved off, but I crawled
back to the path and started off. I was
fotdin the thunkfiilest man In Tennes
see, though tuy head felt as big as a
bar'!, wheu somebody grabbed me ami
flashed a llht In my face. True a
you live, I had run agln three reve
new fellers who was hldin aud waltln
fur Bie.
'"Oood evpntn, Zeb White,' said one
of 'em as they made suah It was me.
er of the four gospels!'
"It' nlwny dangerous to Jump at
conclusions." said the careful man.
"You're liable to muke yourself ridicu
lous, to say the least."
"That's right," replied the Jersey
commuter. "I Jumped at the conclu
sion of a ferryboat onci? an) missed
It." Cntliollc Standard and Time.
W T .
Strong cheese I recommended In
moderation; It Is suitable iu thorn, who
suffer from "nerves," for It nets as n
sedative, but If i n ten to excess It ef
fect nre not good.
Fools ne.uire wisdom and loafer go
to work tomorrow. Chicago New.
A it1 I'mklna '
tmrw an ixnir JimiI. .
In liarni la Ilia
wi.mt k Iml of a cum. -
blliaUun. ii-VI
Ilnenni'i! fk!I".,i
liuiiik.i.i a ail
SntontrmakMltiel.nrnnaknd (h 'I
lirM lit H Uo-r. I.ut rnnkra lh lj
iiaiuar aon ami pm, n ln ,.
klMa l.f
Horse a
Chance t
WiMamrlt l all.Can.p No UV W. O j
W. nrri .l ai d 3rd r il Ut in ' ,
Witlamrfa la!t -C. C, A. H W.lkrr '
nd rink O. Old
I lultr of Pt..l. ( ! VV Morelcf J
hifhl at l:di. (.all. It-I I .. I.,
h. e rfi lura, V. )T lal' t-crai
Cat) . .he Kftigt.l AmrraM. J.d.n'l 1
liiaiirh No. 617, tnwll rry Tucday I
lb month. j
Tua'a'ln Tent, K.O. T. M , mol U !
Rrd Mrn Hall, on em-und and b orth
Wa.tiiea.Uya 11. H. Il)atl, Im d
Or"M ('ir Camp. No. tuM M lerw
ViHliiinn l A ii. --r I. a n.arlaaory arrun I
and f.mrih Tur-tav In lb in r.i, at
Wlllainati Hall i. t r...i. hoi,
Mad I'jal No. I, 0. A, It , meat
Aral Monday evamng Inea.-li moittii at
Wilali.elta Hall. J. R Wllllama. Corn.
I.awion Coinrnand No. I, id (rgon
Union Yrtrrtn t'no.n mrat art .o i hat
urdaf I p. m. In Re.lri.an' ball and
fourth Saturday al 7 p. m. In T. 1 . Co"
Horieer t Jiapler o. ?. tl. .. S. meat
lb em-olid and fourth Tue.Uv in a b
month at Max.nla ll. M m Jamil
Rowan, secretary,
Oregon btgo o. 3, 1. O. 0. F., meets
ev.ry Thuralay In Odd Fellows' 1111.
T. F. Ryan, secrttary.
Kalla Encampment N. 4. 1. 0 0. F.
meeta firm and third Tue.lv In b
dionih. Judaon lloaall. aecrelary.
Redman Wacheno T'H e No. 13. Iron
0. R. M., meet Tu a evenina 7 .'JtK
at Red Men' llatl . B Dillman, C.
of R. ; Harry Raster, sachem.
Muluiomah Ilg No. I, A.F. A.M..
meeta first and third Saturdaya in each
mouth at Maioiiio Hall. T. F. Ryan.
Mead Relief Con No 1H. Ineala at
Willamette Hall ihe llrsl MomUv In
everv mot) tli at 2 o'chs k p, in. and the
third Monday In every month at 7,:
o'clock p, m.
r'''J '
(I NiV
Karl's QovaRxriu
r."- --I .n,OhiIWIi,IMI.
M. p m, l'M.rialnaM,
W aM, Va a"
I '', S.4J mb ta t
'-M i f . fca ii
tt C. WCll ACO. U '
United A rtl4iia meet everv Thnradav
evening of each month at the Willamette
Hall. he social meeting of this Order
Is second Thuraesy of eai-h month. K.
it. Looper, secretary, M. BolUtk M. A.
Iilio Pine jmun. No. M. A. V A k
M., sn, Or., meet on the anem.d
Hsturdsy In ench month from the ll ol
My to 1st of November at 2 p. m. and
from 1st of November lo lt of Mav at
10 a. m. (ieo. C. Armslronu. See.
USINU ACKER'S Dvsi.epsia Table!.
One little Tublut will give linmediuta re
Hid or money refunded. Sold In hand-
una (in boxe at 25 v.H. U. A. Harding,
AiKNa i a
i..w m
IbMaOlrtlf -.to..rtl II
am r., i i '"""I'ji
rl.l IU Ifc-i i
r4l WM " -'- -"T. "
Scictiliilc JJc;rp.
Dont Be iii
T1pr Lava tn .i.--l " '
'I'rral rlM n ttlua "t ' .
ff " Walalrr l lle'ia'J. i
oHnrvd uu.Jur v aritm ' '
ilry rmd rl-alrr. gnwr.
Ill ?.. liMlaiuaw aa a .r.iwrf 'A
IM.lia lo 4'i. j, ,(
AUUotlluoiiH.nl HI im-'-
eeitrlni are very niilii"
nollna In " invui.Liva au. "
II.Hik "linw UioliUlu I'aUiuU"
Chntar, nuJifc ;,, fr, m paUjIlt t
f o,17r;.rla,'l'w,nnrt',nl'l- ArtUreiMi,
t. 0. linctRg . Palanl i.r, Whlnotrla. 6. 6
lliry advoitlail to 1'.".
eiiivl..iil i.f a lilslie-prSl " 4a
reality, mi far aa mo
are all, from A lo 7, ."
Reprint Dictionary
pttiiloli im...i if H ri,4ie
. ..., I.i, I. In "'l',t'TMi"i,r
1-4 ii, ami will.-It ana ,,i.i"
print, aii.l hliellna I" I '" "L u .
iiM'iiaworkifaiiiMirt,tI .
Long Since 0K
Th .i.i1le.ii..ttl i.f l'""'.,."iM..l't
arot.la," at fili-li w .me i.f I !'"" ,
til lo eiiiiliiln, Ktui J'Z
until h!mi illtl or lorir r
l.a a . .1 1.I....I ill rllS.
ll... I a ... II. t
IHllflif Hltll mimMlHIMHtUI , tit""
l -. . - tkaal luliir. w . -.16
("'Milium tnrr " i .. ,j
loiia on ii.Mitly every l-m ho'
ci.inr.slil ft. mi elHtip '''"Lvfll Z
l-lill-. IMIIIM"...'-. V .,, ik '
mir.t-.i,., Vii...vn lif.-;sr"
;rntionni .. p
Vi'ehairr'a Intern
Aa a dii.iiimi.rv l.cl S IH'jl
Get the Bcst. 1
Illu-itrii:.'! fit"'!"" ' " '