Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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.irolLHUWKIK JtAli).1
How Milliard Tnl.U Was
Into lh llarrai'l.s Weal I'tilal
U lrr AfMaUl
I)latiM rr,
Tlnm nif innnjr traditions mul uto
rli'd of Dwmmili'M Ml Hi Military m-iuli-iny
nt V"t rlt Hi'1' '' ln'ii'I'''!
duwu from 'l" '""I 0110 ut
, liiti rtxtlnii of tln I Unit rt
i tin lillllnnl IiiMk. Hhortly
f s civil war Hi" imlclM, always
. .1 ili'i't fur sumo ni-w m lii'iuit fur
HiiiiiiHiiii'iil, (ItIiIi-( Unit tiny would
;,k to Imvti n Millard liililn ami oc
niilliml uiKiuil.i'il a lillllunl club, A
illiTtluii wim ( iik i' ii up wlili wlilcli to
ui liiimt n tiilili', nml suliiililo ilnro
(ID SOlltfllt 111 Willi ll til rt It 11(1. I'tltll
!ii iriNi'iil m i'ii in liiiiiliiK apparatus
,iie IiinIuIIimI In tlif cmli't Imrroclm,
bmil 'M )i'iir or nioro nico, tliu Inni
ng wna liy iiirnne of f n r tim-c. Tint
(ii'lnilit of tlin "It III lllvMoil of the
amo k us tit fur ronl Mux, the
.due iM'Intr ao arranged Unit llirrn
It largo oiiu linir tin icunr of tin
building, vvlilih roiilil only ! nuilifd
ly 'iiliik' tlirmigli oim of tbu oHiits, j
Afi'T ci'iixlitrrliiu nil aviillublo lu .
bln iiml bill ii finally ni'li'i h il ii lx'-1
Into lmt I In I1 In ilrlfitloti, j
k IN ri'llli'llllHTi'ii lllj1 III I'ltr
f iiborUiil.
In waa IhiiikIiI In New York
uu M ui li (arrlins, mitumm tint river,
for IImtv vuie mi Wint Hlmri nillrniul
111 tli"" rtnya. Oiiu colli win I it night
It waa hauled ly a (mm of oxen aeroae
tb river on tin lr nml up tin hill ml
trne safely stwed away In tin nml lilu
lM'fr morning. Tin liit'U' waa smut
M-t up ami Immhiih a aoiireo of great
enjoyment to tin rutin. A keg of
litt'r waa always kit on tap, am
Umps were bung from Urn relllng, glv
lug tli nmiii a rlieery apiiearanr),
The inemM-rs of tha club ued to gn lit
er there at all bourn of Urn tiny ami
fiUht. w lifit their pn-MMira waa Dot re
qulrwl i-Im'w Iiit by their duties, anil
alt a nu ml somalng. drinking ami tell
itif stories wblla two of tlioin played
billiard a.
Tlii' authurltlwi eon Un-ame aware
that tlierw waa a lillllnnl tald some
where In lb barraeka, fur tbey roukl
ii-nr tb lall rllrkltif togi tbiT, but
they roubl not 0ml It. Tin raoVu ron
tlnuM to nijoy th irlvlli-jt-a of tit
tllllarit Hub fur imr ttmn a year.
Finally on nlebt kxhi after tnM
nlKht. a two otlhi-ra reerv rvturnlnc
from a convivial Mrnlng at tb uira.
they mw two cmli U, clml In their un
(leri'lothlng ami ilrelnr fowim,
rinerts from tti north willyiKirt auJ
JlMipHar dun th teia to th area
way lu front of the lrr k. Inmnnt
ly the thouKbt of the billiard In bit
(Imbed throtish tb tnlmU of th two
oflleera. and they ainrted iiiletly after
th i-aileia. On nurhllir th baneuieut
iloorway of th klitb itlvUloti the two
radeta fntrml, and th oitleer. arrlv
lu( a moment later, mw them climb
over a pile or nml ami enter an open
diMtr, thmtiBh which camo mmndu of
laughter and con vernation and tin
clicking of I 1 1, while th air waa la
den with fragrant tuhnrco amok.
. Th onVrra paum-d fur a moment
ml In Id a whlHpcrcd counultatloii.
Filially de1iillig that they would tell
the other othifia of their illwuvcry and
bav all of t bent come down the fol
lowing ulcbt and enjoy the fun of a
raid on the club, they withdrew and
ent bom. Next dny all tbu fllcem
at tlw Ht wen Informed of the dla
covery, and It waa arrnngeil that the
raid ahnuld oiH-ur at midnight.
All might have gone well, and tbe
officer might have had their llttlo fun,
bad It not been that there were three
cadet Ui prevlouN night Inatead of
two, Tbe third had forgotten bla pipe
nil bad folio back fur It, while tbe
other two went on and were dlaoover
rd by the offloer. The third, coming
long moment Inter, miw tbe oltli-er
ml quietly fullowinl them, obwrvlng
II their inuvvmenta and llateiilug to
their whlnpi-red couveraatlou.
When they withdrew, hi went In and
told Uu memliera of the club all bo bud
Lean! and aeen. The cadet at once
rcnllred tbnt It waa all up with the
iltib, but they determined to have a
lnugli at the fXM'ti of tbe otllcera.
Accordingly all arrnngementa were
Hindu licfure the club adJuurniM that
Tho next night the omecr met n a
ranged and crept ateultblly down the
reawny and Into the alxth iIIvImIoii.
llenrlng no auund of clicking bulla,
aouie Iwi'iiiiio akeptlcnl and concluded
tho whole thing waa a bonx, but never
thclcN they pUHhed on and climbed
over tho Ao of coal. Opening; the
loor, they were greeted with a glow of
light, but mill nu aouml. On entering
thev found tho room deaerted, but
o bllllnrd tnble, uu nliont
of beer, aeveral puundH
nino chulr n nd luMtly a
ble, nildiesned to the olll
t Weat I'olnt. Tho note
el tbnt h the ollli era of
Veil ho kind n to jhtiiiU
It limn ItH exUteuce fur
hr It (lenlred to preaent
Icith) the tnlile nud nil
, na It waa deeiued
id up tho club'a affnlra
Jgned "The Executive
coume, were mucli
ig tlma outwitted by
.uu cuileta. Never! heleaa the table wij
removed to tho olllcera' meBS and, ac
cording to tradition, la tho one atlll In
tiao there. Now York Trlbuno.
rnrke I never anw a child with aneh
ft renmrkal.lo memory fur nntniM! na
mine hna.
Lnno-IIow do you account for Itf
Furke Think of the nurse alio has
Lad! Harper'a
Women as Well ns Men
Arc Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kldnay trouble- prey upon tha mind, dl
couragDi and leuana amUilon; baauly, vlyor
ana Chairiulnnn toon
dlnappear when tha kl
nay ara out ol order
or dlMttad.
Kidney troubla hu
becoms io provalent
that It la not uncommon
for a child to Ui born
allllcied with wk kid
ney. II tha child urin
al m too often, II th
urine acald tha flnah or K, whan tha child
rii;hej an ga when It ihould be aUe to
control tha piMt, It I yet afflicted with
bed-wettlnr, dcji.d upon II, the caune ol
the difficulty I kidney trouble, and the (Irat
i'ep should be toward Hi treatment ol
Ihnie Important organ. Thl unpleasant
trouble la du to a dineaied condition of the
kidney and bladder and not to a habit a
moit people uppo-e.
Women a well a men ara made ml
arable with kidney and bladder trouble,
nd both nr'.d the tarn great remedy.
Tha mild and tha Immediate effect ol
Swamp-Koot I toon realized. It I told
by drucelal. In f Iffy-
cent and one dollar 4?" ..i.-
lw. You may hva a R.rt.liH:
mplebottla by mall-feSOT
tree, also pamphlet tell, nam of ! k
ln( all about It, Including many ol th
thouaand of testimonial letter received
from tufferer cured. In writ In e Dr. Kllmel
It Co., Ulnnhamton, N. Y., be aura and
mention thl paper.
Th Krara ml Rlalr.
The dark biota tbnt divorce iiinke lo
aiM-lety are too eaally eeii aud too ad
to write uiui-li aUnjt, ao I w ill glv (
only a few liirldeiita of theabaurd and
Ii in ii i I In t In r Kiltloiia In which peopl
may l plmed: I once occupied a a-al
on the grand atuud at the Newport ( a
aluo during a ten n I a match. After I
bad Ih i-w In niy aent abort time,
man I knew, om divorced, but rtinar
rleil, cam In with bla new wife and
occupied tha two acata on my left, and
few momenta later the woman from
ulioui be had been divorced and who
bad alao remarried fame In with hit
new buabnnd and aat'dlrectly on aj
rlghL Whether tbe ticket agent ar
ranged thla fur Juke I am nut pre
pared to aay, but all went well until 1
grew tired of th game and got up,
leaving tho four In a atralglT row,
which mad an Intereatlng picture for
a few momenta. The four aoon realis
ed, however, what people were atarlng
and amlllng at, and, looking dagger
at on another, Immediately roue and
dlaappcnred In the crowd. The Inci
dent nniuaed the Inde and mleace very
A lady I know very well In New
fork, who waa giving a dinner party,
luld mo ho alway dreaded the ar
ranging of her gncat at her tabh-,
Imt abe put people together whom tti
"law bad act apart," ta alio put It
"It would h (MTfectly dreadful to aeat
gentleman healilo lady to whom be
la paying alliiioiiy."-8iiiart rt
A trial wna prognHudng at the City
Hall Kict court when the Judge rnplctl
In a group of young glrla mingling lo
tbe large audience a delinquent wit
neaa whom It waa urgent he Interview.
"Mr. Manilla!!." bla honor exclaimed,
"have tbnt youtifr lady ateji here."
"Which young lady, your honorr
"I don't know her name tbe one
with tbe light atraw bat and dark
klrt." the court added. The clew wa
"What kind of waltr Inquired th
"lluDlo on the aleeve and trimmed
with -er-the uaunl aort of what d'you
call em." nld the court
"I understand. You mean leg of mut
ton alcfvea, wlth-er-wlmt'a hie name
attachmenta." replied the marahnl In
faint boe of atrlklng the technical
"No; not exactly." anld tho Judgo.
"Would you recognlxe an empire
gnwn If you aaw one, Mr. Marahnl T'
"Upon oath, no; I wouldn't awear to
"Well, I know It wnxn't an empire
gown or a Mother Huhbnrd. 1 don't
think you underatund much about fe
male apparel."
Hut hen the young Indy generoualy
eteppinl forward, while a little boy
Inugbcd. and tbe mnrohnl threatened
to aeiid him to the penitentiary for llfo.
-Kt Ixiula IVat-Olspntrh,
A It t'eaallr llpfi.
"I euppoeo you bud careful rearing,
Mr. Courtney."
"No; I didn't have any rearing at a'.L
My parent exhnuated all their dlaetpll
nary enthualnam on my elder brother,
11111.'' Detroit Free Pre.
Don't trouble youraulf with cake, etc.,
when you can get thorn tbu beat and
cheapoet at Kuerten'.
Red Hot From The (Jun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Bteadman
of Newark, Mich., lu the Civil War.
It caused horrible Ulcer Unit no treat
ment helped for 20 year. Then Buck
len'a Arnica Salve cured him. Uuree
Cula, Ilruiaea, Duma. Bolls, Felons,
Corns, Skin Krupllona. Best Pile cure
on earth. 25 ct box. Cure guaran
teed. Sold by Qco. A. Hardin,?,
The most effective llttlo liver pills
made are DeWltt'a Little Early Risers.
They never gripe. O. A. Harding.
That Throbbing Hcndacho.
Would quickly loave you, if you usod
Dr. King' New Life Tills. Thousands
of sudor have proved thoir matchless
merit for tick and Nervous Headaches.
They make, pure blood and strong nerves
and bulla np your lieaiin, .easy to take.
Try them. Only 25 cjits. Money back
aiit Inlntd a lltll fx to row
Ami ri tin gait !,
An'l Iii-iii I tint lli i.iiliwir to
'J lat Ira-It ma l lil luva,
Anil oil inf hrl Muti nu
I'l rnl I In l'iv linn uf tli li"M,
TIi'kukIi laln-r liliiii lr biinj Irrl
'In rim It 'iiia lair
Aa II an aiin'la III liail kliwil
And lilrawl II I.IimiiiIiih llMrrv,
f'r lirail lit rlril amll liralim
(m tha dfii lot $ign uf tlx Huaa,
Th r-alt'rli( of Mill f
H lion aliailowa llur lh llalit,
Ami vt Iwlnlii anna ll.l mx-t
Ami tttikla' si al nlhl,
T)m mjr Klail drart falurl Iwml
Al IIk drar luva ala uf ilx Kuw.
Kol far aajr lxf'a r aliall tlrajr
In IlKirn iall-t In ruin,
Whit o'er llw nmilova if llla'i Ma
aiiln tlicnala aon-l if ti.ni,
l.li iiIkIiI lallt'lirar, oi Imrt Mill know
lUal al Hi Iota Un uf Hi- II .
-AlUnta (nnatllull'io.
Tb On Tbnl Will a-lr llal rare
ad llonlrll.
"Kvry coiillrnifd giuubli-r lu the
world hna api-nt inure or ea time try
ing to figure out aoiue ajuii ni to Ix-at
the k ii in-. anld a will known northern
HMirtlug mini. "Thu'cuininiiiutit and
Inoht plullnllile (U'lii'iue la the one known
aa 'progn-HHlun.' It la aliuply dou
tiling of beta until a winning ore lira,
and theoretically It 1 perfect, but tb
troul'lo In that all giuiiMliig gume
have a limit, urn! the ilvubllng prix-eaa
liu-renHia a wager with atich enorinou
rapidity tbnt It la apt t gi t over th
allpulutfd uiiioiint U foro the winning
take plure.
"1 waa at Monte Carlo but aprlng,"
continued the apenker, "and waa aur
prliMil at th iininlM-r of tout who In-fi-ntid
the gniunda p-dllliig 'aur
thing ayatema to break the batik. Tb
ludliToua imrt of It waa that moat of
tbe peddler wire aeedy ami poverty
trlrken In appiarnncp. yet Uiey pur
Mrtiil to aell aecreta which would In
fallibly enrich any purchaser. I aked
one fellow why he didn't try bla aye
tern blmaelf and buy new bat nd
bo replleil very glibly that he wa
working for a ayndlcattr and under
bond not to play.
"Nearly all of tbeae ayatema are
baaed on prngrcaainn and would be lm
poaalble In high play owing to tbe ca
lna limit. Nevertbeleaa I aw num-
bcr of email prognimlon player at tb
tablea and waa told that they bav
tx-en a fixture there for many yeara.
The weiv nearly all horrible looking
bloodline olil women, who Ix-gan with
the ainalleat poaalble wager and quit
when they won ) franca, or leaa tnao
4. A bouae official Informed mo Uiat
they were tolerated about the place on
account of age and Infirmity and that
their dally winning wero regarded In
tin. lii-lit of a ncnalon.
"In the dnya of open gambling In
New Orlenna 1 remember there uaea
to be aeveral broken down aporta who
were anld to mnke living off the
gnmee by 'progreaalon playing.' I have
my doubt ataiiit It however, ine
beat ayatetn and the only ayatera that
will beat faro and roulette Is to atay
away." New Orleana Time. Demo
crat na4 Tbla tlefor Tea Writ.
Never write poetry until you are at
lenat 30. uule you fall In love, when
It will come to you like the mea1e.
Yon would Itrtter begin with atorlea
that la. If you bnvc a lending Idea and
run Invent altimtlona. Do not attempt
the novel until you have paaaed your
fortieth year. A novel requlrea
knowledge of men and manner, a
atudy of human chnrnctcr. and power
to crente dlnlngue and Invent aurprlHea.
I know that there have been Instnneca
when very young men have written
clever poi'ina and novel, but these
were freak of genlua which do not
often occur. Avoid attempt at hu
mor. Tbnt mine baa already been
worked for more than It la worth, and
the lafit of It eecma to lie lnborvd.
What the funny men do produce la not
equnl to the unintentional humor
which la to lie found In congroaatonnl
peeche on the tariff, and In the ld
fnahloiicd epltnpha In the country
ehureh.vnrda.-Thonin Duun English
In 8uedHa.
( - of OIlT Oil.
Olive oil should tx found In every
nursery and on every medicine shelf.
In time of croup It enn be given fre
quently and will not disturb the diges
tion, a do mniu medlclnca. It Is often
given In place of cod liver oil nnd Is aa
effective In building up the system nml
far btts dlsngreenblo. It Is recom
mended by ninny specialists both- as a
food and ft tonic, A certnln young
chemist never bus a cold or requires
any medicine except a spoouful o?
olive oil every night and marnliii,
which he tnkes regularly. lie seldom
wears au overeont New York Trib
une. reenlla. Molrl lonlrnment.
A peculiar musical Instrument Is
used by the Moron. It consists of a
hoop of bamboo, uyon which are hung
by strings n nuinlior of thin pK-cea of
mother of pearl. When struck with ft
small reed, these trtve forth a sweet,
tlnkllnir sound, ft combination of
which sounds Is developed Into ft
weird, monotonous fantasy, very piens
ant to the ear-for a short time.
Their Raelaeea.
(Ins Man-Hello. Tom! What are
you dolnir these dnya?
Tork rncker I'm In tho meat busl
ness. What nro you doing?
Gas Mnn-I go you one decree bet
ter. I'm In the meter business. Ex
change. KnthmlHKtlc rholourtiptier.
Fair One's Fnther-Why did you
bring that kodak with you?
Poor Ix)ver-Thnt I might entch your
expression of nstonlsliment when I
asked you for your daughter's hand.
Fllcgende Itlnttor. ,
For neariy Two Years
Unable to Lay in Bed
" In my capacity aa druej('ti Buffalo, N. Y., I have the beat opportnnltr
to Ju'Iko of the morita of many different remedie. I am in close touch with tho
tick, who come Into my store for medicine, and most of them tell me bow they
are vetting alonK. Of all tne hun
dred f preparation which I aell,
not a sinxle one begin to vlve a
much atifaction a Acker ICne-
11 nil Remedy for Coh, Cold,
Hronchim, Anthma, l'lcuriay and
Consumption. I sell it on a dis
tinct guarantee that it will cure,
or the puichaaer's money will be
returned. Tbi is a perfectly af
guarantee, becauee the" remedy
don cure. Nobodv wants hia
money returned. Ita cure are
nothing (hurt of marvelou. Take
thariuMi of Mr. A. K. Gilbert, for
Instance. He live at No. J Carey uXh
. . t a i-
street uunaio, n. x. ror mn
than three year he had a bad
case of asthma, and had been un
able to lie down in bod for nearly
two year. He came to my store
and asked me what to do. I mid:
Take Acker Knf(lih Remedy.'
He said be had tried other reme
die and didn't think this would
hi-ln liim Hul hn think differ.
ently now. Three bottle fixed hi asthma all rlj(bt He could ileep and eat
after taking them, aa well a when boy. He wa cured several month ago,
and i well yet, o I am certain hi trouble i eone for good. You can write to
Mr. Gilbert himaelf.if yon doubt my word. He will go further than me inpraia
ln Acker's English Remedy." (Signed) S. B. Tmosne, druggist Buffalo, N.Y.
Sold at J5C, joc. and $i bottle, throughont the United State and Canada;
and In Hnglitnd, at is. ad., j. jd., 4. ' " you are not satisfied after buying,
return the bottle to your druggUt, and get your money back.
Wt luihurUt ( abvM guaranUt. W. II HOOKER C0 Proyridari, Sew York.
For eale by Geo. A. Harding.
A Personal Matter
A well painted hooM I like a neat
Ir drewl perjn aluaya attract
ive and pleaaant lo look upon.
Can be repainted and frmbened op
at a very reaawneme iih ....
are very cheap now. Don't leave it
until the ion make any more mark ,
aud crack In It. '
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store.
Tha Halntr
Harding Block,
Oregon City, - Oregon
Trlepbtme SIS.
mi t nr
7 cents
Pound Italian Prunes
7 cents
Pound Dried Apples
25 cents
6 Bars Fancy Soap
25 cents
3 Cans Tomatoes
20 cents
10 Pound Sack Corn Meal
25 cents
Pound Mocha and Java
. a
20 cents
Can Pure Apple
ifor! Oregon City
ad ortlid.
KaUblUbed 1963.
tm$ht and h$n,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Do You
Know the News p
You can have It all for
in the Evening Telegram, of Tort
land. Oregon. It is the largest
evening newspaper published in
Oregon ; it contains all the news
tho Stata anil nf tha Nation.
Trv it for a month. A sample ui
..I in l - . .. i-aa r 1
copy win on uitaucu tu uu n
The Telegram,
Portland, Or. S
i:. i mm
T V)
When you buy goods at
our store, for our guaran
tee goes with every pur
chase, whether it costs
little or much.
Complete stock of Gro
ceries, fresh Bread, Buns,
Cakes, etc., always in
You leave your order;
we do the rest.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of repairing neatly done
and warranted.
FoatoBlce IMdff. Caabr, Orfgoa
Oregon 0hort im.
The Direct Route to
Montana. Utah, Colorado
and all Eastern Points.
Gives choice of two favorite routes, via
the UNION PACIFIC Fast Mait Line,
or the RIO GRANDE Scenic Lines.
No Change of Cars.
on the Portland-Chicago Special, "the
best in the Weet."
Equipped with
Elegant Standard Sleepers
Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Sleepers
Superb Library-Buffet Cars
Splendid Diners (meals a la carte)
Free Reclining Chair Cars.
Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
Entire Train Completely Vestibuled
For further information, apply to
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen 1 Agent
142 Third St, Portland. Or.
By the fast
and com
modious steamer
Leaves Portland daily except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
This is the Great Scenio Route.
All tourist admit that the Bcenery
on tha Middle Columbia is not ex
celled for beauty and grandeur in
-a-Pi -t a
the United states. uu lniorma
tion by addressing or calling on
j. s. MJum. Atrent.
Tel. 914. Portland, Or.,
Office and wharf, foot of Oat St.
9 Mir Ii
Of the
Train Irava Orryon City for Portland and
way tiallon at H-.U A.M. and 6 0.1 V. M.
I. Fori land a 30 a M 7:00r
l.v Orruon City B-M au 7 :fi'I t
ArAiM.iid 12 .1.1a M 11:'W)AI
Heramiilo f:i r H
" Han franctaco 7: TH 8:15 a at
(Klen ft 4" am 11:4.1 A
" I-nvr (i iOa m 9:00 A M
' KaiiaaCltr 7:2.1am 7:'ilAi
" ChlcKO 7:4.1 A M 0:30 A M
" IO Angule
" Kl i'io
" Fori Worth
" City of Mexico
' Houalon
" New Orlean
" Wanhlngton
1 t'.ii r m
0 :00 r M
:.") A M
4 :i0 A M
:'i1 f M
fl:.' r M
12:43 r M
7:00a If
fl:W A
9 .MA M
4 .110 A M
H:'i.1 f
6:42 A M
12:1.1 fM
" w Yora
l'lillmaii and Tourlat cri on Ixiih train.
Chair car Harramento to OK'len and Kl
I'ao, and tnurint rara to Chlrego, 8t. Looli,
S(Jrlean and Waahlngion.
Coini'ction al Man Kraiielco with wreral
trmtiliIU tor Honolulu. Japan, China,
Pbllloiiliie. Central and boutb America.
Uf .Uc K. K. Hotn?rfier aent at
Oregon City elation or aihlrea
Manager, O. Y. St P. Agent.
Portland, Ori()ii
Steamer G.W. Shaver,
Portland foot of Waahlneton atreet Mon
day and Thursday at 8 a. m. Return
ing leayea Clatakanie on Toteday and
Friday at 4 o'clock a. ro.
Tbia la the neareet and moet direct
route to tbe great Nebalem valley.
Shaver Transportation Co
Chlcaxo-lsalt Uke, DeiiTf r. Ft
Portia n d
4 p.m.
ama City, bt. Ixiuia,
C'Uicno and Eaat.
9:15 a. in
Salt Lake, Denver. Ft
Worth.Oin ah a, Kan
as City, St. Louii
Chicago and Eaat.
7a. m.
6 p. ni.
Ex pre
9 p. m.
Walla Walla, Lewis
ton, fepokane. min-
neaiiolia. Hi. Paul
8:40 a. m.
Duloth, Milwaukee.
t'tncago and East.
Oeeaa Steamships
All Hailing dates sub
4 p. m.
ject to change.
For bu Frmncico
Sail every S days
Dally Ex
8 p. ni.
Colombia liver
To Astoria ai.d Wy
4 p. m.
Ex. 8ua
10 p.ia.
Willamette Elver
6 a. m.Ei.
OreRon Cilv, Newberg,
4:30 p. m.
Salem, Inde pen
deuce and Way
h.i. bun
ajn . m.
Toaa, Thar
Oretton Citr. Paytoa.
and W ay-Law oii'tra.
M.n. Wsd.
and in.
a. tn.
Willamette River
Port. an. I to CjiTaltla
anl Way-LaudiDRa
4:U D. m.
Tuea. I hor.
ao4 tut
and bat.
Snake Elver
Riparia to Lewiatoo
3:.V a. m
8:30 a. m.
Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland O r
Train No, 11
0 :22 a. in.
4:50 p. m.
9:14 p. ui.
7 a. rja.
9:22 a. m.
5 AO p. m
.. .. 13
Train No. 16
" " 14
Mail closes ftoing North 5 :!W p tr.and 7 :4R a ro
Mail closes goinx tioull8 :52 a m and.7 :22 pm
Mall closes for Portland nd distributing
points, 12 m. iTS" :
Mall closes (or Milwaukle and Sellwooil
9 a in.
Mail arrives frow Portland 1 :30 p m.
Oregon Citv to Ely, Cams, Mulino,
Liberal and Mollala leaves at 12 ro, and
arrives at 1 :30 a m dally.
Oregon City to Beaver Creek, Shubel.
Clark, Meadow Brook, Union Milla and
Colton leaves at 8 a ro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday, and returns on following
davsat4:35p ni.
Oregon City to Viola, Logan and Redland
leaves Oreuon City Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at 1 p ro, leavinn Viola same
dava at 7 a ni.
Oregon City to Willamette, Stafford,
Wllsonville and Graeme arrives at 10:30
a ni and leaves at 11:30 a m daily.
General delivery window taopen on Sun.
day from 10 to 11 a ni, All lettera dropped
into the box at tbe door is promptly sent
off Sunday as on other daya.
If not cured. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.