Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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rnirfin I lif iHtninin HUT 1 r. V .. II' i . ill
lll'lll I I 111, M M II kll - " " ' wvnr ki'hii I . H llfllllil
VlVUil VifcJ I'll ivl Ji iOV I
(Umk KANTNitiM lUu.tuv Comi'anv
r. m.
1. 1 AVI
(Couch 8t.)
J.00 A. M.
8: jo
S 5
:jt) only to
jo v only to
7:cj A. M.
7: jo
I J ,10 r.
4 5
8.10 only to
11 y only to
IIAVtt Klltlltl MMt WlMlk (hut M. K. Will.
min,y waaaiiM-msmhiirof tU union
srmy luriiiif th rebclll.m (Jf '01 IU
rsiik-i.l with tint bet (JUclflifMi.l men In
his resilient nii'I m aUavi roiwiil Mil..
fill III Mtrfriiiaiirof all work mit'iiale.l
to Itlin. 1 1 alo imminent memUr
of tl.o 1'M Ml (I. A. II, orKtiiUndon.
(Jramu IUi l F, A. klelnlg nl son
'va graii'l Ull at Melnlntf's lull at
Hidr Pim, 31, Ili0. All ar welcome
iJ titkU fur ths dams lll U Goo.
10111 CACTI' IN H.OOM. r. (I,
irk hut on inhibition a I'an'lier
iclui which U now In Mowm. Tbe
; lnt liluomi at llm atf ut seven yeara
ml U an Indurating an beautiful orna
dental flor. ,
lVni.it! Am mm. II. V. lineman,
J Hon, till l at .tilllo auction on
'an. 2, l!wo, at ID a. m. a an of heavy
Or ars, a colt, Hire co, two heifers,
farm "ti, a hinder, a spring
:gon, to plum, a hay raks, roller,
arrow, art of ham.
A Hid I'm -At Charlea Albright'
jneat utarkot Monday an enormous pltf
raion vihlhllioa and a rwtr-l of a big
fit Christmas turkey offered to ths
Ctraon gtuwalng nearest Its weight.
Jack Trsmhath'a was lb fortunate itp
:aau at fKMJ twin tin iact weight of
Cha animal tlreJ.
IiK:ovKMt!icor I'amtiikk Minki. Char
les Uarnhart, who formerly roadM at
lliitlovlllo soma t wul v ynr sko. anil
J who has been fur tho last four yuan In.
I tiirU'l In Eastern Oregon rniriHM, waa
, In Oregon City Friday of hut week call
(Ing on old Mniiili and arriialiiUmi.
' Mr, Harnhart wan the dlcovernr of the
pAiiihi'r mliifi alili li rmoiilly aold for
two and orirlmM million dollar. Mh
will rnlurn aoon to 'dnvol hi en liixlva
lime to the f'lnlliiK lnlutry.
J. Hurt Moor (i. tihvilclan anil mruhnn
Iiha locatod In Ori'tfon City tlili oflce
tiniirHrly at reinr on Tenth atrn-t
nr-ar Jcirreon. l'rornt re.ioiiiin to ;,ro.
fNAMlonal calla. if.
CAii arwe. On Katurday Uit a Urmer
cAii'ie into town with two well-fatunud
lrifld i hlrkiiim, and aftur at'iilylnir to
every plme In the city win. re (he tale of)
iiirm miKiii ,e uiAde, wa rurniwllnd to
ri'turn home with hie chlrkon, without
evun rwelvlriu a hldoroinir foriliom.
Tlil is a lammitahle elate of alfaira In a
loan the i.o of ()tfum Cily. and i:on.
i'lulvfly hoi the iimnt.ily 0f Utli-r
markut CacilllUt (or the i-rodur.T If (bin
diwlrald) flam of trade le attracted to
fngoii City.
Many i.nrnorn have had the exrrlnnce
of Mr. I'lcr Wmrman. ol North Hiralford
N. II,, who eays, "Kor year I eulTererl
torture from chronic Indigcailon, hut
Kodol I)yait.HlaCure inadn a wull man
of me," Ii dli-al what you eat and la
a wleln cure for dyiisla and every
form of alomach trouble. It irivfa rllct
at om e yen In the worst c-s, and
fan t help but do you good. 0. A, Hard'
o Aaroxii a. .
Bsn tk IM Kird Yoa Han kiwm fagi
Wnrklnc MkIiI and Uaj.
The I iiuMft mlghficat In tie th'.ng tlmt
waaevrmade Is Ir. King's New Mf
I'llla, Kvi-ry ill la a auifarroafod globule
health, that Miarigi-s weakiifaa Into
Irfiiuih, llnti-an'' Into ennrgy, brain
fa Into mental nowi-r, Tlcy're wondor-
ful In huildiriK up tbeheallh. Only 2-V
per Ix f , Hold by (Jeo A, If arding.
IVraoni dafririg aiinoriiiceirieiita of
partlea, aoclala, etc., mnit a-nd them to
Ihli ofllce.
w rz
Ksaata. In our Issue of laat week we
stated that 0. W. Kendall wa bound
vr to the grand jury In the caae of the
jUte va. (Joorge lilamhaid. We desire
to make a correction and state the fact to
be that it wa George Ulancbard who
waa placed under bond, and to apolo
gia to Mr. Itandall for the error.
Pacbnosb Tmain Pai.Atao. A freight
train met the Albany local about 4 :'0 p.
in. Monjay juat below the grade north
of Oregon City and oTaloned an hour's
delay for the pai.gi-r before the freight
Could le gotten ba k tip the grade. Ow
ing lit suiiiH irregularity the freight was
not held at Oregon Cily till the pa-n-jter
could get by.
Orffen Cily Jtarket Kcporl.
(Corrected weekly.;
Wheat-No,;, 6k In hulk.
Hour rvrlland, 13.25: Howard's
Oats In ssrki, whlU. 37 to 42 wnla
per buahel, gray, 35 to 37.
MillatufTa Ilran. 115.00 ir ton
shorts, 1 1(1.60 per ton.
Potatoes 4. Ut 80 cts per sack.
Kggs Oregon, 27 to 30c per doien.
HutUr Ranch, 40 to 45 cents per roll
Onions, 11.00 to $1.25 per rack.
Green apples, 25 to 50 cents ner Ui
dried 0 cts per pound.
Uvestock and Dreaaed Meats IW.
llve,3to4c: bogs. lWe. 4 Wet hoes.
dreaaed, 6' to fl cents; Aheap, $2.25 to I
4 per bead ; veal, dressed 7V. to He.
Milan, Mrs M I
O'Neil, Mrs Nellie
Oliver, Mrs Mary
llred, Mrs Mae
A l'UAtAXT KvANtao. A number of
friend of Mint- GiiMie MaddiM-k and
Helen Gleawui gave them a party at the
limie of Mr. and Mi Kit Maddock
Monday night. Tbee ludie have re
cently n-tiirncil from teaching school
Mm Marie Wilier esi(ed in entertain
fug the guenla and all premmt enj.ijed a
leaaant evening.
Ai.iumt Haas Iiks Hiiddkni.y On
Wtdiiestlay inornliig Coroner M. C.
Strickland waicaIIimI to Inveatlgale Mm
cernlrig tbe ilealh of Allx-rt Haaa found
llfolcaa in bed at the huue of Onion
Johnson near ClAckAina Htation. The
ltM'Aod spent ChriatiUAS day with
frlenda In amusnmnnU la good health,
was 10 years of age and had acquired the
habit of smoking exceaalvly. He arrived
at Mr. Johnson'! late at night and noth
ing waa nHjicclcd of Ilia death, till called
to arum tlx! noxt morning when he was
found In peaceful attlludo wllh life en
tirely extinct. Tim coroner couaidcred
a formal iniiieat unnecessary and found
lath to have been dun to heart failure
reuniting from pxceaaivo nao of cigarettes
and tobacco.
Utter Mat.
lMtl t- .. . . .
i ne ioiiu ing ia ma list of letter re
maining In the poetofflce at Oremn City.
Ore, on Dec. 20, 1'JOO:
woman's list.
Hover, Nancy
Kellogg, Mr A M
Uley, Mm H A
bach, Mrs Kdna
rWIm, Mia Mary
man's list.
IWkleV. II If Hnrfiiisn Kl,lnv
Uarker, Kdwar J Haler. Alvis
Henry Ifenniiiii. C II
Crumb, Frank May, jvlgar
Campbell, C Kiley, K K
Casl, J no Koae, Mr, Jr
leningtoii, Mr He art, Walter
Pawaon, Jno htylra, Fred
Package Mary Mun, Wilbur S trail -
The following Is the list of letters re
maining In the nostolhVe at Oregon City,
Ore., on Pec. 27, 1D00:
woman's list.
Hurire, Mamie Jenninga, Maggie
llitwn. Mil.lml Walde, Mrs Clara
llaggeruian, Mrs Henry
man's liht.
Craft, Kichard Stein, Oeo
Dixon, J O Switxer, Frank
IOtiard. U 0 Tlioiniumn. John
Moore, II U Wallituine, C K
Steingrandt, Geo E William, 8 U
Vale of Familiar ran.
An einployeii f,t tho Chicago Tribune
once found the fn t thnt b.a face was
fnmllhir to the lute J,,cph Mcdlll de
cidedly to bla advontnge. In the Inat
yciir of his life Mr, Medill did not
sK-iid in uc h time In Chicago and took
no nctlte port In the managsmi-ut of
Ilia priper. but when he w as hi the city
no weni to ma oiilce pretty regiilnrly.
He knew all the ,ld faces, hut few of
the new on. -a, and It una too Into In life
for him to accustom hlinaelf to them.
Ho never knew to w hom toglvo "ropy"
that he wished printed f Oie managing
editor hnpiiciicd to Im nlm, ft. Ou one
occasion he b;i nih il aomc to a rcpro
seniutlvu of another paper who chanc
ed to be In the building. The man had
l-cn employed on The Tribune some
ycare previously, an his face was fa
miliar to Mr. Mcdlll. while the face of
the men then actually In hi emp.y
were not.
One day he aiiddcnly Inquired what
had liecoine of the old nlfc-ht editor.
"He's In HoHfon. was the reply.
"Well. I wont hlm.M said Sir. Medill.
It was explained thnt the man bad
an excellent place In Itoston and proba
bly would not care to come back, but
Mr. Medill persisted that be wanted
"I know him," be said, "and I want
familiar face In that room. I want
aome one who Isn'f a stranger to me.
Telegraph him that Medill wants him."
Ko the man with "the old faraMlar
face," although he was not an old man
by any means, went back to Tbe Trib
une on bis own terms. Youth's Companion.
doctored compound, bill a pure, whole-
ome and strengthening stlmulsn.
Especially curiniendrd for medicinal
pnrpo.ee. Hold by E. Matthim, Ore
gon City, Ore.
Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or'
croup. Mould It fail to give immediate
relim money refuoded. 25 eta. and 60
cts. J. A. Hardin, Druirgiat.
Golden Rule Bazaar
Mlerea's Ilullilliig, Opp. Oregon I'll llaaik.
I Juat In time for New Ytar Gifts
Many useful and ornamental articles can be obtained at far beiow
prevailing prices.
When tbe stomach Is tired ont It must
have a rent, but we can't live without
i. . . a. t . . .... i
ioou. ioioi uyepe(l unre "(ligeata
what you eat" ao that you can eat all tbe '
gool food you want wliiln It Is restoring
the digestive organ to health. It i tbe 1
only preparation that digits all kinda
of food. ti. A, Harding. '
Children's Games 5c
Auto Albums 5c
Pressed Dolls 15c
Box of Stationary oc
MeUl Toy 8c
Good Clothes Itrunhes 15c
Ladies Pocket Book .3c
Mens Silk Tic
Men Working Shirts
Mens Felt Hats
Hoys Cap
Ladies Stockings
Pocket Knives
Yankee Watchea
. . . Jjc
Photos 25 cts. iwr dozen at New York
Gallery. One IH by 20 enlargement
given w ith every dozen cabinets.
TcKNgy Photo.
Great Reduction in 1901 Calendar's.
Leaders in Advance Stvles and Low Prices. lj
w. - -s ri
The cure of overworked wornsnki nd
Are quickly And surely cored by Karl'
Clover Root Tea. the great blood purifier
and liaaue builder. Money refunded If
not satisfactory. Price 25 cts., and 50;
cts. C. G. Huntley, the Druiririst.
Oar corresiiondents will tdesse send
in articles before Wtdnedava of ch
week, otherwise it reaches us too late for
Tke Bet Planter.
piece of flannel dampened with
Aa A4Jaat to Tears.
"Perhaps you can direct me," she
laid, with poiiiHju condescension, to
the floorwalker, "pve crying need
"Yes'in." Interrupted the floorwalker
ki his quick, nervous way. "Uan'k.
fhlef d'artment. fir counter, ncx
alle. I'btluil. lj.lili. Presa.
Tke UleLed Mule Cern.
"Mlcroln-s attack iln lr vU-tlina when
Uiey are worn oft."
"Thai's so; we rend abort them nn:ll
w are dead llm! i i!l(-u tu- 'ate
l monn ahania?e f iB"-lnJ!r.t!aiio
J. Journal
The ertiat of the i-uith i:nder Jiii'-iu
mUMt be ciniii;ini thely ilila. Judging
by tbe iiuiiiImt of cm lhiiul;e shock
III that couuiry. They average rKi a
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to
the aflected parts Is lupenor to any
platter. When troubled with lame back
or pain In the aide or cheat, give it a
trial and yoa are certain to tie more than
pleased with the prompt relief which
it affords. Pain Balm also cure rheu
matism, One Application give relief
For sale by U. A . Harding.
Dyspepsia Cure
Diaests what vou eat.
Tt.nrtlflH.illvrlliTMStfithnfrvvllind aida
Kiit.nrn In ut rntrtlienln(T nnrt rfXYin
BtTuctlnfj tlio exhausted digestive or
pans. ltlsthelatestdlwovereddiRest
ant. and tnnlrv No other nrenir;il.lon
can annroach it in efliclencr. It 1d-
How'i This T stantly relieves and permanently cures
We offer One Hundred Dollars RcUM!3! l.1?' .i1"?'
, , if iuluiuuuo, sour oioiuacu, iausvu,
ward for any case of caUrrh that cannot I sick Ileadache.GastralKla.Craraps and
TRUST CO. are the owners of the cony.
right to the Thome system of abatract
indeiea, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts In the
County, can furiiMi Information aa to
title to land at once, on application
Loans, Investments, real estate, abatracti
etc. Ofllce over Hank of Oreuon City.
tall ana Investigate. Ariilrena tol 377
On'gon City, Oregon.
lie cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
F. J. Chunky A Co.,
Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve hiia ierfectly honorable in all bus
iness transactions and financially able to
We are the printers lor the people and
mess transactions ana unanciaiiy atiie to ' c- " i.uicio.
carry out any obligations made by their k"0 over your supplies and see if your
A I nrkt in tlaaAil rt aninA mnu Ltt.
all other results of Imperfect digestion
Price 60c and It. Lane, ilze contalna i4 times
auiall alio. Book all abouKlyspepslit mulled f me
Prepared by C CeVITT A CO.. Chicago
Wast A Tkiai, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnan &. Mabvix, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's CaUrrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggiata. Teuti
monlals free.
Hall's Family Pills are the beaT.
$.0 to $10(1 to loan on chattel or per
sonal security. Dimick & Eastham, Bgts.
are not in need of some more letter
heads, envelopes, circulars, cards, etc.
Then place your order with the Enter
prise office, where you get good, clean
Or an Organ
It will pay you to write
If s Fii in
Office 351 Washington St
Pnr4lanft 0a
Wl 1.1 Ull VI i UICi .
We are the great
profitkillers and piano
Price regulators of the north-
' west, and with our special facilities
can sell a fine piano or organ for less money
than you can get them elsewhere. Write to-day.
Catalogues for the asking.
Our stock includes the three greatest Ameri
can pianos, the Kimball, the Weber, and the
Chickering, together with eight other good makes.
ivsn 'rsai-w 'fir
II Bai
la Hilt
Dr. Wlllisma' Indian Pile
liiitiiioiit will curt) Hand,
lltlllllL' Kll.l Ill'lllltC
Hilt-H. ll ubsorlu. the tuuiurH.
itilaYft liia Iti-hliii? St mii-t- u-u
ua u IMiullii-e. L-l-t!l hisliiiit r.
lief. lr. Vi i.iiiu'lnitiHilMeUint
lnotit In nniniirfHl tor PIliwAnd Itrh.
Inir f the private pun. Kvrry box is
wurranieii. IK ilnu-Rl't. hr mull on r
edpt of pTK-e. Ml o.-nu and I.(M. WILLIAMS
MANUFACTURING CO.. i'ri"-. cu-veiaa, ouio.
rf . '-ii
WHEN buying a shot gun don't throw away money
by spending f 1 50 to $500 when for very much
less you can buy a
whVi will outshoot any other shot gun on the market
no m "tier what it costs. The Winchester Repeating
Shot ciun is now maJe in " Take Down " styfe in 13
and 16gauge. Itcombinesrapidity.reliability and strong
shooting qualities with a price w ithin reach of every
body's pocketbock. For sale by dealers everywhere.
FREEStnJ Mamt u& mdJnu am Af.i-.r J f mca , .1
The Parker Fountain Pen
Prices, $2.00 to $6.00 according, to size.
Has the Lucky Curve, Spring Lock,
Anti-break Cap, j No Joints. No
Leaks. No Breaks.
Bumeistep 8t
We make a specialty of repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry and give guarantee for our work.