Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
OtyaBlteoaiy. Official I'm per.
PutllMhc1 Kvery FrMny,
I.. I- rORfKK, rB.-m.ir!!.
On year I.'
Hi i n.onthi J'
Trim subscription two month
A discount ol .V) wnU on ail subscriptions
for on year, 2S cents fur til nioMtis, II
paid m dnr.
A Irrrusin rales o application.
p-.:bi-nhrlll lnl tl i'lra
tioh iniiiwl on thi-ir iii following
Uinr nam. II tbla dal la mi cbai (rl
witliln iwowwki afWr a pavwrnt, kimliy
aoi fy u ami a ill loot aitvr iu
Kiitcr! at U pa(.i(t'.o In Orvgon City,
Or., M anxil el maiir.
lr. T. B. Thorn m
I'iai kamaa
Tin n Milla...
llralow Bruok
hr Kra
Wilwnvilla ....
Ptrll t
ftaforxl ,
Hun co
But'-rrt I
E Cr....
Oo. KniKhl
A Matbr
trr W iMtniki'r
U J. Triluiik-ar
(u, ilolman
W. S. NfrrT
MnrT Mitrjr
J.U Ua-
O. T. Howard
K. M. lir
Anni btub
K. M. Ilartn an
B. Jnnirri
Henry A. 8ny.irr
.'H. Wnfwrn
J. C. Eliioii
K. ti.ftio'h
C.o. J. Curnn
..Mra.M.J. Hammer
Adolph Afctwfl
Ir ia atiaiata! that EnlanJ loaea 50.
O0C,(XO BoJJ ooi ouS0 niiaera.
Loo Roacrra cavaoot make Bailer be
lie re it by jiut aaytDj Hat lha war ia
Ir will UnotkJ that GroverCteTa
lnJ has taken np bia literary labora
Ei-raMinisT Ilakjuno!! blierea tbat
the conatttutioo follova the flai and that
the anneied iclanda are part ol the
TniteJ Staiea.
AffTBONca & Dvw aay tbat our tuo ie
Yolvee around another inn. Thiacooflictt
with the ropnlar idea that it revolve
around Mark Hanna,
Hoi i-i r at.i thuulJ ke-p to the aide
aa'.ka and not iova.Ia the atreet cars.
The atreet car company iul( ia working
toe middle ol the atret.
Ir is etraiige tht Attorney-General
Clip's, coming fronx New Jcrrey, dues
not think tbe coiibtitution is large
enough to go clear around.
Ssat in tbe New York Hock exchange
are selling lor s-0,uuu, ana U they go
much higher Ilus.-l! Sage w ill be tempt
ed to sell his and titan I up.
IxiuBATiox statistics tell the story of
tbe prosperity of this country. This year
the number is a little short of a ball mill
ion the greatest number since 1803.
It looks as if the Oregon delegation in
congress was doin its duty by the state
when it w cures J,Z),yi for tbe river
and harbors and Warhiiixton irta only
1130,000 in tbe river and harbor bill, and
it will probably pat in thin form.
RoohKVKLT removes lianiiner the dit.
trict attort.ey, of New York, because the
Jatt.T did not prosecute the chief of po
lice of New Vork conarninj; the latters
connection with election scancals.
Koosevelt has the metal the American
people admire.
Tiik scalp bounty law Las ran up a bill
of f 100,000 againnt the elate and little ol
tbe tax has been paid to the Ute. Many
of the ncalps may have come from outside
of the state and the matter has resulted
in sort of a Kalp industry. The warrants
wben obtained Lave been sold to specula
tors. 1 he law in its present sbape at
least should be repealed.
Tui: amendments to tbe canal treaty
made by the senate were made so tlial
no question could be taised as to who
should control the canal. If America
builds the canal, she wishes the other
powers to understand tbat she is control
ing it and she alone is to he consulted
iwhen questions arise affoctinj? it. The
ssecond amendment declares that the
CIayton-Bulwer treaty is suspended. The
treuty, as retried to the Benate, may,
and probably did. do awav with lb
Clayton-Bulwer treaty, but to say so in
o many words does no barm,
Sim the election we hoar my lltsle
about the "trtmta," t tli term has Nh'ii
applied to industrial ntrpri, and
nd what we do irr e nooursge ttt lw
that these combinations of capitI
will in tho future be. rvgula'ed more by
ltimti1tU AaaiiaM stoutiM-l friirii m tuts-la it. -a.
rit 1. 1 n 1 1
than by remedial legislation. Combing
iion oi cnpuai i not nw, it was atiown
to lha ancient Greeks and Rouisns, end
Qon lha fall of tlioir uilni it H'w p
ak-tin hut at naluralltr with lh .nowiir
,:..;t; i .1. i i c . v .
civtliiatton ol Hie An,jlo oni. Not
mor than two Knratlona a,r much ol
the manufacturing- and method at Ulwr
were the rtNiult ol individual effort. Tlta
houifa knit U klnl:. canled wool.
ipno cloth, and made cloth and rar-4
lta. The farmer moaevl with a tcytba
and lb tlaokatuith (orpsl bunaraliort lor
hi Tklnity. A (vpulallon grew and
buaineM Win divermlltsl,
found that moat tliitif cotild t nia l
better and char in lactoriea. Factor
lea meant capital, and to aoptira it coin
binalion ot individual mean at the
only resource. Kirt the combination
took the form of rtnerhip, loan aa
Krvater capital w nvdd the corpora,
lion aa evolved, and now In many line
mallrr corporation have united in one
commonly called a "trutt." Increaaing
bttinee neil have forced lite develop
ntr-nt, and it baa been natural.
What ia new and unnatural haa Un
the reevbt notion of capitalising auob or
ganiittion on the baia ol their pros
pective earning power, which too fie-
qnently baa kept "th word of protniae
to the ear and broken t lo the bop)."
A computation lately made ahowa that
twenty-four concern in the iron trade
haT a caicity of about 21,000,0(10 tona
a year, and tbeir aggreata capital la
$1,267,000,000, or about aixty dollar for
very Ion. We are Warning to analyie
the comooeitioo of Induatrial corpora
tiona. We are learning that over-capital-laaticn
ia fatal to aucreaa. It ia a good
i(T, and when fully understood, bui-
neMaenaewill rule in capitalistic com
bination to the mutual advantage of the
piomoter. Hie inventor, and the public-
Time and experience alone may cure the
evila Argonaut,
Letter From F. C. Uarkett.
Sioxi, Ore., Iec. 12,
Kdilor KnUtrpri:
I ee Iroin the columna of yonr valua
ble paper that the county judv and coin-
ttii-Moners do not nem to favor tl.e elc-c-,
lion of road supervisor Thi doe not
prove, however, that the people them-
selves are not aliflVd. Senator Brow
ne!! did a good thing when be took the
- 1 .
appointing power out of tbe bands of the
county court and placed it in the hands
of tbe people. The voters are bound to
suntain him in it.
Some time ago I saw a communication
from tbe senator stating that he intends
to go a step further and doaway with the
appointing of a road master. I consider
thi a move in the right direction, as it
would be unite a saving t-j the county
and place the road work in the hand of
the supervisors, wbere it belongs.
If I were a member of tbe coining
legislature, I should try to get the term
ofofkVeof county Judges and commia
doners reduced lo Iwo years. I presume
they wouid not like this, but it seem to
me that If we have no men in the County
capable of doing oar business for us at
the time of their eleciion.it might im
prove matters lo import a few. It cer
tainly can't be profitable to educate
them at our expedite. Farther than this,
if they want to aptoiijt supervhors, it
simply shows that our county courts are
political machines that need looking
after. The nearer te can place our af
fairs in the hands of the people, the bet
ter for all concerned, and I say elect no
one for a longer period than two years,
commissioners and coun'y judge not
excepted. This would be approved by
thinking people, too, I'm sure.
As to w hether or not precinct assessors
would be an improvement remain to be
seen. It certainly seems that under the
present method matters are not as they
should be. Assessors do not live un to
the law where it requires them to assess
property at its full cash value. Could it
not be fixed in some way tbat a severe
penalty be attached where it could be
plainly shown that the assessor was not
living up to the law on this point? This
seems to 1 the chief trouble in makinjr
up the asMjssment rolls of thn various
counties. The Oregonian openly admits
that their assessor has made a reduction
in valuation in order to avoid paying so
much state taxes. Multnomah county
ought to be willing to share it propor
tion of the state (ax, as alao should every
other county. 80 if our coming legisla'
ture looks this matter squarely in the in
the face, it ought not to be a very diffi
cult matter to get this thing righted.
Try electing precinct assessors. This
places the mutter more nearly in the
bands of the people than we can do in
any other way. Perhaps the people can
make (hem live up to the law.
Tli present manner i( collecting lanes ,
t i.:..l ..... i.. i I ....... ..,..,,1. i
IMH M1 l-V lll('IV.I'M IV. J H'll. II
Till Hill
my J
A rit
H'tent should hsv pritaltv j
tai bed. Tliii should be enough lo pay
th sheriff for nuking ii( lli dciimpieul
list. Tli present method an aliinwl
alo nlly safe ntthd, a Ilia tnmiey
I ' , , ' ,
j flrsl passe through Ilia nil, u I
lii'tllf lo lha lrriHcr. Tl
i aiirrin iiii'
a tliiill-ai mt-i'l aiili iliiuniy clrik,
anil lima on tilVu- rova a ttiisk
arinal III other.
. . .
It oiil anon t an
r matter to find otil f Ilia cotinly w a
. . , . , ., , ,
I (x-inif drfraudiHl ol it fund, an I ttiia la
j ,, ,loM u , r, , ,Bl A
glon. The aluulir I Hi .rvr
. live oftWr ol III couiily, and a euclt
! ,,,oulJ "" colU t tha la.-.
I think It woiiM t well to c'tnl lit
CMUnty ivurt to take detnl (roiu lha
alieritf lor all th 'riily It buy at tag
lea. The county rouit should e Intel e
the right of ontlil ovr siii li prop-
! 1 know of many itt-Utu wa alior
1 1 . . . .1 1 . .
11 inn were noue 111 county wuuni gci
It money almoet Immixliatrly. Many
tiim-e IH proirty would not he allowed
lo go to sale.
Above all lliihg-a el, nothing sliuuld
l don to ttiiake it rier 10 aoid
lb payiueut of Tint la
Juily done to our atmy of lat payer
who are willing to contribute llietr ust
prulrtion, hut ouhl not lg 1 bur Jviivd
ilh the delinquency of other.
The initiative and referendum would
b a rood thing ll It cn U practically
applied. As it applies lo Ii 'gislalion, It
would certainly be a mov In the rgM
diit etion.
The direct pnmaiy Isw Is much md
J, especially if it is gottn up lo goto
the bottom 0 tbing.
Fearing I am drawing this out to an
unwarranted length, I am
Yoort 10 serve,
K. C. Iliciirr.
Drop in and try lb finrtt barber chair
in the city. Next door to Jat k son's, op
posite IIantly'a. Tarker, the barber.
No Sunday work.
Help ia needed at once when per.
eon'a life la in danger. A neglected
cough or cold may aooo become serious
and should be atopoed at ooce. One
Minute Cough Cure uuickly curws coughs
and cold and the worst caaee of croup,
bronchitis, grippe and other throat and
lung t run Me. U. A. Harding.
AND FEKMANENTLYcure-l by u.m
Mokl Tea. A plent herb dtink
Core constipation and indigeiton, ntakea
I y 00 eat, aleep, work and bappv. Sat-
(taction gurantei or money bark. 25
ci and Met, ti. A. Hrl nk'. Drugglat,
At 114 Time.
I take a pleaant herb drink, tits next
morning I feel bright ami my complex-
letter. My doc'of aay it acta
tfn,'y n tbe stomach, liver and kindeys,
n ' ' platit Uiative. Il is ma le
from herb, and is prepared aa easily ss
tea. It is called lane' Medicine. All
drtigit S.-I1 ii at 2V. and M ct.
Lane's Family Mdi.ne move it,
loes ea.-h day. ll jou cannot get It,
send for a free sampl. A Mr, Ora'or
F. Wotdward. LeKoy, N Y.
Through the Yrllimtne.
The new route via the Orrg n Miort
Line Railroad and Muni. la. Moiitsna,
rnables you to makn a delightful trip
Ihrougn the Yellowaons National l'ark,
entering via Monlda and coming out via
Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to
cover any portion of lite route talc.
For beautiful descriptive booklet, write
or call at Oregon Short Line Ticket
Offlce, 142 Third street, I'ortland. Or.
" common sense"
Is the motto of the modem woman.
The thick b-l shoe and the rainy day
skirt are w'itnrvr to the wise applica
tion of the motto in matters of dress.
but there is no
common sense in
neglecting woninn
ly disease or in
with other medi
cine when it is a
niatti-r of common
knowledge that l)r.
t i - .. ' . T? ,
. 1 inn lUT.inc
I'rescription makca
weak women
strong and sick
women well. It
establishes regu
larity, dries enfee
bliig drains, heals
inflammation and
ulceration and
cures female weak
ne. It is not common
sen to seek med
ical advice of those
who are not phy
sician when !r.
Tierce, not only a
doctor, but a
specialist in th
treatment and cure
of diseases of
woman, offer a consulution by letter
fret. Write to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
I had fulling of Internal organ snd had lo
goto had every month i had Irrrgnlar monthly
pertoda which would sometimes last Im ur
twelve days.' writes Mrs. I, Holmes, of CooU
spring Street, Uniontown, ftnns. Kad also
Indivration to had that I eoul1 not eal anything
hanlly. lit. Pierce's Favorite Prrn-riptinn and
' (iolam Medical Mnrnnrt 1 cared me. I took
three bottle of the ' Pavorlt Hreacriptloo' and
one of the ' Golden Medical Discovery. ' a
For 31 one-cent stamp bo pay ex
pense of mailing only you can get free
a paper coverca copv of Dr. 1'Lerce'a
Common Sense Medical Adviser. The
book contains 1008 page. Addresa Df.
R. V. Herce, Buffalo, N. Y.
lm..tt..vlna.!.o,,MUrlm..g.l.ln!r-"'t. bufflcd "I' "", Ur; !,,,r bt
i.i i! ., . i . , , i i' hud drained i'lT so iniHiy ill Ink, ainl
.,dg,nen . lo '' ' 1 "J ' "1- 7;,'l Ll l..f..Uy at II... Imtll,. ,f M
, an.1 alter a c Lin data all , Win- j ril(,,l(111, ,w ,,.,
'K I A
11 1 V-
Twuw III !
Th util sonk. In III lettered, psl. bed
"Say. Jim. old
IniiI ii.l. r III ! most winning loh.S
..ul.l muster, "you woui.ini ink a
ti.nn Ut cvhl fr a drink, would fvT
, .. ., nr., i - ....i.i ana mi.1
"oti M yt life I would. ha'"
i ii... u f r. iiim t ii'UHiiiiii'a in fi.'vi
' '
i a i it iv Jim t. il nil rnmi i" ri
ii Ink in tU-k ami n'.l furvatal!
"Wi ll. I 'xai' I got o hl Inf.
i t I 't out." anl H'' tH.ak hi-avrd up a
great Ub tbat shook bla frani wltb
j 1 in leaved a nni'h ngiiter weight
lg!i on illw-ovrrtng tlmt lb tlrlnk wa
to bo paid for. lie ai out I be xitth ut
tint rollgliral gmwU b bad In III bona,
Tito tin welii. 111 ftit'iinr iHiurtil i' ul
four nni;f "O'l ilratik It down wltb
evident rvllali. Wiping hie inoatli no
bis coat !. b reled Into bis
pocket, and. pulling out one old. lar
nl.li.tl n-ul tlmt b bod found on the
Ibb nntk. Il alapped ll H lb loillller.
"I her you arv. Jluir' b gurgled.
What Hilar"' )clled Jim In lud.
slrl.leiit I .
"V'OI aid you'd l.iko in Ut cel l for
a drink, and therw It ' "
Jim rt-aebed un.lcr tb bar for a ba
bull tat which b alwaja bad mi lap.
hut iM f .r be ivuld gel It out the artful
souk bad il!iHitr.d lbr.,ugli lh
front ibr.- t'lib-ago Chroulcl.
Aw Aw Sirlrhsw W !!.
" well rviiieiuNr.' said a veteran
lawyer. "Hi trlnl of a caa In wbleb
Ju.li: Henry T. Ilaekiia was doing
rr rtamlnlng. Now, tb Judge was
Bitted for bl laiUh in of all footed
words, and be u-d fmiueiitly to
astound If nl nnfu an unprrparrd
Wltima with a plethora ef high s.iund'
Ing phraw. Tb c sprk of wt
trleil In Sault Ste. Marl, and liter
dm 1 simple, liiofTriialve Frenchman
on the wltnraa aland. He undersold
little of th attorney'e profound Inter
nigatorlr and gave bl answers lo
ronfuaol and atammerlng way calcu.
Inted to niffl th weeteit temper
Finally tb attorney paua-d In tb mid
41 of bla maa eiamlnatton and ob
Jwted Urcauae th anawra of the wit
be were not rvsponalv. He wa ad
vlard by tb court to com b bis filtra
tion In etmplrr language. Then Judge
Itarkua. pointing bl finger at tb meek
looking wltnraa and looking blm
trairbt In the y. tbuodrred:
" "Sir. I dralr you to respond to my
Intrrrogatorlr categorically and wltb
out prt-varU-allon or take the c-n
"OhT exclaimed the FTencbtnan. ri
Ing from bis chair In fear. -Ob! What
"Of cours tb Im-bb-nt cnvulri1 Ih
spritatur and tb court, and II was
svino tlm Iwfor order waa rratored
and the rase could prin-red."- Irtni
Free Pre.
Tb "If la ( rra.
Analyxlng a jnm Jn.t played at lb
cllltl hy two rhei-ker rlp-rt aei-tu to
b altmai a fawlnntlng a rnrrntlxn
lo tti pH-tntir a any mb-r branch
of tbe game. Tim and azntn be w
wati'lu-d half don-n rbi krrtata who
Were btly atlCU'eatitig "tb;s Itioip t.i
draw" or "thai 1110 lo win." wbll
an initial numtx-r would t Jui a
escer lo prove tb iinaoiiiulni-ss of lb
l!m-S In qne.t'utt. It jr tb llin both
sbb-a arv ilirontb. the position ba bn
tborotiRhly sifted and Its Intrdaeie
are aipari-nt to all. Many plater,
however, ar not very anilott to have
lb. Ir "g.KMl tiling" displayed and ad
erilin-.l in this inauinr and generally
dit lln to auawi r "Uadllig" Uiatlotis.
When an amati-tir whom tb late
James WyUle bad Just ih f.-oti-d In a
gam, rrsa-t tb plnit at a certain h.
alilon and said. "Mr. Wylll. If I bad
played ao Instead of my original mov.
I think I would have, drawn tb
gam." the "Herd Uddle" rworti-d,
"Tiny are all draws If you put them
back Tar cnoughr-Hbai fer's Cht ki-r
A Riitsman m walking along Traf
oignr tiiiro on dny. when bo iop-
pel 111 front of lb Nittli.iuil gallery
hndng a iiuiiiIht of Mople going In
Scot tie walked In too,
He wna sttiprlse.1 to find be bnd both
Inj to pny. It belntr a "free tiny." Aft
er passing the turnstile, however, be
was awki-d to bund over his walking
"Nae fear," be replied cautiously.
thought there wis some doo (1 beati
when ye got In freel"
Ho gave a wink at th attendant and
walked OUt.I'entson'a Weekly.
Kaglaad's Old Mows.
A great curiosity Is a house 1.100
years of ngo and yet III for habitation
This old dwelling, the oldest Inhabited
bouse In England, was built In the
time of JCIng Offa of Merpln. It Is oc
tagonal In shop, the wall of Its lower
story being of great thickness. Tin
upper pnrt Is of oak. At one time Hie
bouse waa fortified and knowti by the
nnme of St. Ccrmnn'g goto. It stand
close to tb" elver Ver nud only g few
ysrds from St Albun's abbey,
Haa Over Mini.
"Oh. Mrs. Hmltli, do you know that
your eon Hilly bus been run over by a
"Oh, dear, dear! My poor boy!
Whatever alia! I do7 Wbere did It
huppon 7"
"Underneath tho railway arch, nil
ly'g gtandlng there now "-London Ifun.
Elementary laatrwetloa.
Mrs. Hrown-Mrs. Jones bus Joined
one of those correspondence sehcols.
Mis. Ktiiltb What has she learned?
Mrs, Krown-Well. she bos learned
not to depend on her h unbuild to mall
her correspondeuco.-Harpurs Ham.
AM-CcUjU'rifpnfrtlionrof Ai
slmilnllni lltf xJ Kctf ttfci -ImS
Bc bk'UkuJo will lVmvli iT
rroiiwk" l)ig'lioii ClaTirul
rH'Mnikl IV m i'tniiilm iw-HUr
(hitinii.Morliinp iwr Hiia'raL
1SUT Naiicotic.
sv 0 u urrromt
Ara-rficl lli'itifdy forrortiiwi
lion, Sour 5lon.-h.l)i.uiUii
iwaaMHlI.oHior SLrrH.
ll Wis ,.,.. '
''Years ago lo t'aCfofoia." aald
tirrn man. "aa arualiitaoc of
uib sit uq a Ufnrb thai a paly
of bandits wrui through. Tbe II pas
senger Wrrr ail n.S'le Id gt otii a Oil
stand In a row, with their bands high
n.e ll. .tr Id nit l.tirl rtite.an
stmt guard rrr ibrm wltb a double
lrreid shulguu, whit lb other
gigl lo lb pl-saing iak vt relieving
ibem of ibrir valuable and spare
"My friotvt wa hrarr.t t! man
Wltb lha aluileuil M!a lha rrffllirh.
. blew erw In pr...-r f.
Itch, and Inaitm tl r!y
L-.a Ujso la
lo starird lo
biwrr on bind l at iati ti II. 'Hand
tip, tbrrr? eaiiir. ibe trrn order, and
bU hi in I wi-uf autonuili ally Ikii k Into
jU.r Itiit ibai it. Mug rd oit. ).!. and
again b c;e.J u rvllptrful
"'S.iy. Wl1.1l' a it. maii.-r with yu.
j g,,,!,,, ,. i. an.i.-d u.r Ltjbwattuau
'Arv J-cill WLIfl . (.,. :nr g
inltirT' Mr n In i .-a i-sd'i
siatnl II ttnr ..(i.'er ' f. srftil.'y rtpl.iln
r. luy filed -l Itiip: late g..l Li
act nti Ii il No ).iii Inlti't.' utifiratn
Hiatli-ally r.,m-.. tbr knlg'.t uf lb
r.aid. 'nti. I 11 d.i ll f..r y..u.'
"An I Willi tbat ir pr.r.,.. ,i
si-rntib lb i.rr. ti.liug li.ial org-in with
Ibe inutile i,f ,:a sboigtin. Votj caa
ws.-t-r your ! . a tt.at i!.ni j articular
m.- BinppaM 11. bing with greni abrupt
Illaiaaee Tlekel Haaletl.
II was l-iii.- b in. lank and raw
loni-d. and be abntnt b-d up to Ibe b It
rt window ai lb. t'n:in parnger sis
lln much after ibe fshin i f a srr.
rauln when he appriwi he bl msslrr
10 rerrlv a Wr rflrtl.tl Ibraablng. H
got as fur as ibe unlaid tailing and
stood there with a h!iful blush gas
lug SI tb man U-blttd Ih brass bar.
"Come In. tome lit. Make yourself at;
boin,- was lb eneoiirtig'ti- .!,-, me'
from within. II n.r.,t,-. 1,.. invlia
Hon and brought n ggnlnst ih marble
thi it rotiiiivr with itmr niiiflileiit' In
bla far )
"Say. llmr." hi- sal I In a half whisper 1
lo Harry ni...n. 11, !s t ,,a,.p'
wm r you K.-t n. .i fr i, kjarsr
"Ye. Wbi-r do jiu nt o g
Hurry up; we're rushed."
"Well, air." bo replied, shifting
siptar Incli of plug tobaceo from one
cheek In (he i.tlo r. "beV yoti all gut
enny long distance tickets Inter Ken
tttckyr Ills case wns ttnl.d by thai of lb
Old lady with the anni i.imct Mho sold:
"I want s ticket to I'lnlle county."
"What plae n pintt county r In
quired the ticket num.
"No place In Malt county, want
to go lo I'lntt county, and It'a lion of
your IiiisIui-k where I'm going to visit
You sell m the ticket to I'lntto county,
and I'll get there."- ht. Joseph Newa.
"In your first edition." an 1,1 (!,
Judge'a heiichmnn. "you any. 'Judg
l!Kix. throughout yesterday's session
of court, was us drunk as ll was n.ns.
ble for hint to bo.' e us sober, and
I want yoti to lot roct It."
"All right." replied llie- editor of Tim
Evening Wnsp, "WV ,.mnK t n
tur next etlltlon. You're wi leotne! Omul
ilny. sir. (I'nuse.i Mr. Coplkuttt-r.
strike out 'tlrunk' and Insert 'sober In
lhat purugruph."-Philadelphia Press.
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Tienr th
Signature of
Jit Ih
Va . ttnm
rSuiW Sn'iuilors of
K&g Thirty Years
H fmmt. k mm
The Kind You Have
Boars tho
IJrjr, KcskI it,. Jgi.suM,
' I
UUtgo kitaiis tug ia;uiut
Publt and Hinl. Big, and ia
j !! hrw always on hand at li
jji.we' ti.ir-. A wraJI cor.tc1i
' with Ue lrn tt 1 lUxk.
; "'""" rdia any iUt
'"r,""puyeu.o-swbjf prg
HoriOB Ooua-ht and Sold.
Horwr tv Vd and I'M on rsw
able Urtns.
Notlco tO Wiltor
Consumers and
Property Owners
A l a iiiertin;; ijf tb T-tl of
Water ('.liiit;i;oti'f 00 Seftrtll-
Ur '.'Hh, iilt..lbn f .l!i.it(irhi(.;
In iii.xntily wgtef ntr ttt'U
I laii r ft ee mmi alter Jsaa.
sry I, Itel
Autoitiaiit: Chmiig HuiliTuk
Cloarta. plalc - -
Autotiiattv' Cbning l luihTisk
Ctoarta, pttl.lic
A IX Ofiika Ci"st !
Tli rale ajjl licr
la ticl fur idher service.
III (r.cr t.i gel the la-urf.l ofU
nlvo rat a change of (atari u
itilicatr. almve tul bo litJ"t
the ilato turliliolicl.
Ily order of tho UarJ.
T. L. tilUkW.-J-
Oregon ('it, Or , ( 1, 10, l'-"1
Always Fresh.
Alwayi Um Bst
arw Kld every- Krrs,
m ami AhniMt P" ii
I. M.rillfiCl.lltlOlT
-a ins.ivk4 piu i-a ihioii "ia
laH, UMIM, lll S4 n.l.MI-l
tlwx.SU, t.n-r .'Z,
a.., I .u.rl- aunMil (rtfl. " .
Ml tarn fMlf. iat S-" .
for latlM, ml
lain lr ll.h " ml
(1,1. anil im" ,,f.rT';.r.'tf
Uni.i,h.h"ia" ttlri i aw""
b.f BaiMra.
11a . vu-i . 1
agag. Uria.Mlv I
awaaaawaaw . , . ...u
pill l".llif Onlf I ''Alw'.'Jum
.lh.r.Fsl1, nOl V" Icl f"4"
1 far ts.m, ai.iuwir '"'" "Ly .
las-ll Wnt lllk Sirwi,
-w I
i vJ' For Over
ft?. iff rflJ