Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal Mention
ICoy Kelley, of Eugene University, i
at home till afler Now Year.
W, lliN'k li down fur the Imlday frur
tlm Wale Unlyerslty at Eugene,
C. II. I'urdy. of l-ogan, wa In Ilia city
(Saturday looking op legal advice.
Palsy Lovell, of California, U visiting
'her sister Mr. Hpencer at ( arivmah.
Nlchola Itath, of Oaorga, wa In Or
CHy law day (lit first of week.
Ml Oertru le Flndley It kt home frou
Ht. Helen during Christmas holldsys.
K. A. Hiullh Wii at home from Mo
Mlnuvllla colh-ue the first of the week.
W, Wilkinson, indent at Vancouver
college Is t home during lh liolldkyk.
Hurt Hostile, of tli Hlale University
U Iioiiid wllli lili parents during vacation
Miss Kulllven, of i'ortlkiid, wss th
guest of Mil. II. Logu Christmas dky.
Morton Lstourelle ii home from Ku
gene University for the holiday vacation.
VVllam Ilea, of Htone, wsa calling on
eourl Iiuum olhVlal Friday o( last week.
W. A. HhkW, of Union Milli, wm do
ing tj tl ( kt tlie court house Keturdsy
' Hon. (1, II. Plmlck and wife, spent
Christina day kt Huhhard, wlili rda
livee. Oliver OliUm wm doing mining him!
nrM In Orrvon t'lly tin latter part of
last week.
Napoleon Colletle. of rehlervllle, wa
transacting business kt the uiity aral
Itrrnlra Adaina, ol Eugene, Ii the
gUHi of friend and relatlvee to the cliy
lor a week. .
William Poore. of Marquam, wka
buying ChrUlmee prenent In Ore-oii
CHy Saturday.
Mr. knd Mm. J. 0. PlUbory and fam
ily, wera gurata of relatlvra In rortland
Ch rial ma day.
Jvdin Ureenwell, of Pamaarua, speot
Chriatmss In Oirgou City with friends
and relative.
Mix Knphle Nordhauern, of Catiby, la
tlis guest of frlede In Oregon City
Christmas rrk.
Hurl Itoske, of Everett, Waahington,
la vl.ltlng lila parent at Oregon City for
a couple of week.
Ibwaell Conner, of that McMlnnvllle
legal bar, wm doli'g business In Oregon
City Wednesday.
... . . . i ti l
1'e.lef Jiiaileraon, 01 jieaTrr nwi,
waa looking alter delinquent taxes at the
court Iioiim Saturday.
William llirlng a prominent farmer of
Horlng ixeriiii't waa doing business- at
the county seat Friday.
(ieorge A. Steel, of Cortland, waa up
to Oirgon City laet weak lu the Intercut
of business ent-rprje.
Chat. U. Wilson, of Kpoksne, la vlalt
ing hi parents during Ilia holiday! and
calling on old friend.
Mr. and Mra. M. II. RlebhofT.of Stone,
were laving In ChrUtuiM supp'ie at
Oregon City Saturday.
Mia Guasle Msddock, principal of
Kalo Creek school ia at homo till after
New Year oo a vacation.
F. M. Parllng. who la teaching the
Oppar l.ogan echool, liaa adjourned hik
acliool till lVcember Slat.
Tralton and F.inery Pye ara at home
from IViuV) University during ChrUt
maa aud New Year holiday.
J. A. Thayer, goes to Cwinillti City to
day to reiida permanently, hi family
pri eli d him a fw month,
Chailt Hulherfurd, of MtMinnville
College 1 vlaitlng rlallveat Hlghlund,
during Cluutmaa vacation.
Mr. I'ulcr.of the Arm of Toter Bro.
ot Wtlnonvllle merchant, wa Interview
lng the county clerk Monday.
Conalahle . M. Mathewa and wife,
of Mai-khurg, were In Oregon City Sat
urday prepaiing for CliriHtaia".
MIm Addlo E. CUrk, principal of
iSarclay chool la ependinglhe holiday
at the old homeatead In l'ulk county,
Mr. and Mr, flmnlhnra, of Kedliind,
were at Oregon CHy Saturday inyiting
Santa Clau to thulr homo Chrlnlnm.
Hon. and Mra. A. 8. Drewer, were
member ol a ChrlMma family reunion
Tuendy held at the home of Mra. Ilulrd.
ft. A. 1. lliingiito and Henry Mel
drum, returned from a'aurveying trip In
Southern Oregon, the fl'at of tlie week.
Chenter Koake atudent at Stale Agrl
ml' ".al collen" ' Corvallia 1 homo for
a ii w'day between Cbrlktmaa and Now
Mux IUimdjy, deputy collector of cub
toniH, at home attending hi father It.
C. lUuihliy, at Silverton, who la aoriotiflly
Mr, and Mra. Cha. Albright and fam
ily, jolnod Mrs. Geo. Fuller slater of
Mra. Albright at Tortlund for CbrlHtmas
William Howell, of Floriston, Cali
fornia, la at home again till after holi
days. Ho reports several feet of snow at
William Welch and 8. D. Hedges, of
Salmon river nearMt. Hood were doing
business In Oregon City Friday. Mr.
Welch own a pleaaure resort near Mt.
Hood where large numltfrs of pleasure
aeekeiaare entertained each summer.
Will llurkhart, of Halein, w in Ore
gon City Wednesday,
('apt. M. I). 1'hlllppiand family spent
Cbrlalma at Albany, with relative,
Mr, and Mr. Wuldou M. Hliai.k spent
Christina with Mr. Shank's parents at
Cauby, .
W. H. U'Uen, who ha been In South
Africa for several months, Is espoclod
back today.
0. C. liobblna wa In Oregon City
Wednesday taking out a patent at the
U. H. laud olll. e.
Mr. L. I., l'otrnr and alster, MUs
Lulu Spsngler, arrived from Corvallis
Thursday evening.
Mia Maude Iilanchard la the guest of
Mr. and Mra. (Jeo. Cable, at MvMinn
Villa, for a few weeks.
L. II. Cowing, of Ana Cortes, Wash,
la yiaitlng hla parent, Capt. and Mra. T.
IT, Cowing Jr., dm Ing Christmas holidays
K. It. Montague, deputy clerk of Linn
county, stopped over at Oregon City on
business Wednesday while on hla way
to 1'ortland.
Will llaimnond, of the State Univer
sity is at home with hla parents Key.
and Mrs. I. K. Hammond for Christmas
In K, Mehlrum returned laxt week
from I'ai'iflc University where he Is at
tending school. H will remain till after
New Year's day.
Mr. and Mra. C. 0. T. Williams and
daughter Mine Veda, spent Christmas
day at I'ortland, the gueata of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Ijiurauce,
M. J, Hoen, of Beaver Creek, was call
ing on friends In town Saturday. He
recently returned from Eastern Oregon
where he oana prorly.
Judge and Mra. T. F. Hran, were aU
the home of Mrs. Itysn's parents st I'ort
land Christina day, where Mra. ltyan
will visit till after New Year.
Willard W. Audln, lgan'a promi
nent school teacher and aecrelary of the
Igan cheeae factory wm calling on
frlcuda In Oregon City Saturday.
l'rof. I.. K. Alderman, ot McMinnville
High school, wm in Oregon City Thnrs
day Interviewing the Crown and Will
amette and O. C. MCg companies.
The six stately 1 1 at too brothers, of
Stone, called upon a photographer In the
city Saturday for a group picture. All of
them measure over sil fuel in height.
E. II. Coopr county clerk and family,
celebrated ChrieluiM festival in a
family reunion at the home of tils parents
Mr. anJ Mra. K. M Coojier, of Larue.
Itmiolph UantenU-ln.es volunteer Co.
I, 2nd Oregon, returned Thursday from
aeveral mouths' sojourn In California, In
Urn vicinities of Eureka aud Mock ton.
David Starr Jordon, president Leland
HUnford Jr. University, will deliver the
first lecture of school lecture course at
the CongreKStiniial church, Jan. 6, 11H1.
(Jeo. Mcllrlde and wile, of Astoiia,
were the guests of Hon. T. A. Mi Bride
and family Cliriatmas day. Mr. leo.
McBriile is collector of customs at the
port of Astoiia.
The family of Mr. Hue near Jones'
mill arrived from Oklahoma Saturday.
A(U-r visiting relative in this vicinity
they will proceed to Oakland Caliloruia
lor eruiaiieul lealdence.
Mr. and Mra. H. C. Stevena enter
lained Mia. K. M. Brn kwood and aon
aud danuhler of I'ortland Christmaa day.
BeV. Bock ood was formerly pastor ol
the Congregutioual church ot Oregon
Harry MolTatt who went to the Klon
dike mines aeveral years ago, Is report
ed to hare died recently from exnMire
while hunting in a severe snow storm.
His brother, J. W. Mullutt, resides in
Oregoa City.
Don't une any of the counterfcila of
PoVVitt' Witch llasel Salve. Moet of
thuin are worthless or liable to cause in
jury. The original DeWilt'a Witch Ha
sel Salve is a certain cure for piles, ec
soma, cuts, scalds, burn, sores and akin
disease. 0. A. Harding.
Farmer's Atteutlon.
We will receive a large consignment
of timothy and clover soed, to be de
livered February 1, 1001. Leave yourt
orders. We can save you money.
Wilson A Co.
Commission Merchants.
Do Wilt's Witch Hasel Salve will quick
ly heal the worst burns and scalds and
not leaveaacar. It can bo applleed to cuts
and raw surfaces with prompt and sooth
ing effect. Vo it for piles and skin dis
eases. Beware of worthless counterfeits.
Uuoige A.'HarJing.
Tho Enterprise 11.60 por year,
IHill Headache, Tains in varions parts
of the body, Sinking at th pit of the
stomach, Lohs of appotito, FeveriBhness,
l'imples or Sores are all positive eviden
ces of Impure blood. No nutter how It
bocame so It must be purified In order to
obtain good health. Ackor'a Blood
Elixir has never failod to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diBoanea. It la certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. G. A. Harding,
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty
little pills, but they never fail to cleanse
the llyer, remove obstructions and in
vigorate the Byatcm, G. A. Harding.
About W btachers from Clscksms
county iiHtk the special Southern I'acifle
coach this morning for the State Teach
ers' Association meeting at Albany.
A pleasant whist psrty wss given at
the homo of Miss Alice Lewthwsitaon
Wednesday evening. Befreshmeiit were
served, and all rit an enjoyable even
ing. The Herthlck club Is planninir to give
a concert the latter part of Jknukry, at
which, Hose lilocb JUuitr will aing, and
Mr. Karl Denton will entertain with the
The Men's club of the Congregational
church held its monthly entertainment
Wednesday evening, Bev. W. E. Co
land addressad the club upon the princi
ples of "Brotherhood," five members
were Initiate .
The public school lihrsry was supplied
ltli ten volant- of "Messsge and
pMr of the l'resldents" by k India-its of
Dr. W. K. C'arll. The set ofbook.sre
of great value In obtaining original docn
merite written by the president.
Adjt. Marlon Evan, who ha charve
of the Junior aork of the Salvation
Army in this divUion, which is Oregon,
Washington anil Idaho will be here for
Saturday evening the i'Oth aud all day
Sunday, l.leut. Jones sill farewell
Sunday evening. A big time is anticipa
ted. On Thursday Coun'y Judge By an
made an order changing tbe name of a
child taken form the West Oak Ian J Chil
dren's Home at East Oakland, Cat., to
Ambroee C. Bruwnell on petition of Uro
and Alma Browned, alio, by consent of
said children's home, hate adopted the
child under sanction of the court.
That Fake Interview.
The Oregonian reporter who gave one
week of his valuable time recently to
bowing the people of Portland how to
run a taper and wss then put on the re
tired list, says in the lat issue of the
Courier-Herald that the writer gave hlin
a )'nol of a bill which he intended to
introduce at the coming session of the
legislature and then denied tlie inter
view to the Oregon.
The sum snd. substance of tbe matter
ia that the writer waa aked by this re
porter, in the preM-nce of Senator Brow
nell. if he had any billa that he intended
to Intro-luce at the coming seeion of the
legislature that he cared to make public,
snd replied that he had not. Senator
Bruwnell impiired "Why not give out
the tax bill that you introduced at the
I act session, tsxing the receipts of tele
phone, express, insurance companies
and the like that have little or no Ungi
hie prorty T" The writer replied that
ho wai heartily in favor of the bill, but
at the lat session no report, either fa-
vorahle or unfavorable, could be ob
tained from the committee. notwitl
standing the bill received favorable
comment all over the state; thai if con.
(I it ions were to he the same this session,
he would not care to introduce the bill
and allow some one to hold it up.
The reporter, having just returned
from bia triumph In the metropolis,
could not refrain from writing up the
matter and saying that the bill waa be
ing prepared and would be iotroduced.
A representative ot the Oregonisn, In
l'ortlsnd, some weeks previous, had in
terviewed the writer on this same bill,
and waa given tbe same reply a was
given the Oregon City reporter. When
this representative saw the writer after
the reporter' faked interview came out,
the writer was asked if he had clunged
his mind about introducing tbe bill, and
the writer replied that he had not. The
reporter waa then hauled up for not mak
ing a correct report, and as a conse
quence whines In the Courier-Herald.
HShiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price of
25 cents and 50 cents and f 1.00, docs not
cure take the bottle hack and we will re
fund your money. Sold for over Di'ty
years on this guarantee. Trice 5 cen
and 50 cents. C. G. Huntley, the Drug
gist. ' v
Rnrtaar Frnlt.
The prudent mnn never buys tbe
fruit which Is marked with the highest
prices, aud his motive la not merely
economy. Ho knows that the secoud
erode fruit Is riper than the most ex
pensive, which In nine cases out of ten
Is too green to be eaten Immediately.
It Is held at high prices because the
dealer knows thnt It will keep, and as
It ripens and grows better fit for hu
man consumption Its price will be re
duced. That Is the stage of the fruit
when the price la lowered for the first
time. It la then ripe and In condition
to be eaten. And the prudeut mon who'
doesn't ajways feel that be hna got the
best article only when he pnya the
tiost for It buys his fruit at the marked
flown price. New York Sun.
rirr Mind Enay.
"I hear you are going to Australia
with your husbnnd, Kitty." snld the
mlHtrcsa. "Aren't you nervous about
the long voyage?"
'Well, ma'nm." said Kitty calmly,
"that's his lookout I belong to hlra
now, and If anything happens to me ;
it'll be hla loss, not mlneT-Exchango. j
Oregon Kta! I'onHry Aserlatlin.
The Sixth Annual exhibition of the
Oregon SUte Poultry Association will
convene at Portland, January 7-12, VMM),
The exprct compaidi-s will carry
merchandise to and from the exhibition
for on anil one half regular rate. (w
turn fare will also be one and one-third
ngular rate. Entries for premium
close December 31, 1900, All birds
must I in the show rooms by January
6, 1U01, by 9 a. m. Entry fees on single
birds, 2'; cents; eliltiilion pens f 1. 2.3;
turkeys, geese snd Belgian Iarc each
25 cent. All fowl must each haye leg
bands on, no two of the same breed have
tho same number, and leg band number
must tie entered on shipping tsiis, Ex
hibitors whose entry fee amounU to
2.50 are given season tickets.
CmIi prtminm are U) le paid accord
ing to competition In poultry classes.
12 entries, Urst prize, l-'.OO, second, 1,
third, card etc.
Tens, 0 entries, first jiriae j second,
12.60; third, card.
Other premiums are oflured including
Rochester lamp, ecepiion lamp, cake!
aet, toilet set, ornamental clock, photo
II.... n I'. ...... I - tl
.nMiiiiiiji iur ixriyiaii imrtt
include cah and silver cup,
Money to loan
Hkooia k GairriTH.
at lowest rates.
Prolnte Order.
In the matter of the estate of It hods
!5etow deceased, Wl llam ttinwl!, asU
administrator with will annexed filed his : V
final account and (he court ordeied the M
aount In all respecU confirmed and I fj
that the $1 15!) 50 in the hands of tbe ad-! M
inlnistrator tm the proirty of said
Will!.... im.i .I .. -
" i r7' 1 1 iviMiuy ii itl9 yjxj'
vision of the will and that the estate is
hilly closed and bondman released.
Marriage Licenses.
Peceraber 22. Christina Schock and
Edward Cox.
Pecember 24 Jesam C. Ley and Sol
A. Tucker.
Hiram Dannals and Minnie Kulow.
Emma Homschuch and Christian Mo
ult. Nellie Seven and William Berdine.
No one can reasonably hope for good
1....I.I. !.! I I
u'-buu uiiienn ma iioweis move once
each day. When this is not sttended to,
disorder of the stomach arise, biliousness,
headache dyspepsia and piles boob fob
low. If you wish to avoid these ailments
keep your bowels regular by taking
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets when required They sre so eauy
to take nd mild and gentle in effect.
For sale by G. A. Harding.
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
To all our cus tomers and many heartfelt thanlcs for the kind patronage you have
bestowed upon our establishment and we wish to announce that it shall be our
aim this year to watch the markets very close and by buying right, to be enabled
to quote you prices that will mean dollars for your pockets. .a
Glass Cup Board, ft 50
rV2l I
Rugs from 25c to $25 00
W all Packet, 50 cents
V H'l
; 1
BlaplBooSt'h0: feu;Vear
V UU Stock of Blank Books is completo and up to A
w .Li. ,,.! . . - i . : I .1 tl
V, s uaiv, aim wo uurauivu uur pneusj as low U, aim
often lower than I'ortland. We would like to
quote prices oi special books made to order.
Counter I3ooka, Tag Covers $ .05
" " 300 page, canvaHi covered, Btrong book .25
" f00 " " " longer broad .35
Journal or Ledger, 200 " " " leather corners .50
" " COO" " " " 1.50
" " GOO" full sheep, russia - 2.50
Typewriter Paper, ier box of &00 sheet 75
Receipt Jiookg ' .05
Equally low prices on all other office supplies.
' is
Nice line of New Year Cards and other desirable remem
brances for the New Year.
Our special prices on Cameras good till Jan. 1st. If you
are thinking of buying a Camera at all, better buy one now.
Easy payments if desired.
I fl
A red and white spotted cow, aimut 9
or 10 year old. Urge horna, little hole in
left ear. Reward given for the return of
animal to L. Pasasxt, Oregon City, Or.
When you need a soothing and healing
antiseptic application for any purpose,
use the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve, a well known cure for plies and
kiu diseases. It bels sores without
leaving a scar. Beware of counterfeits.
J-A Harding
Gslbralih's CenfVetioaerr.
Get your panoche, cocoannt ice. date
creams, vanilla, chocolate creams at
Galbraith' confectionery and you will
never regret it.
I have the best land in the county for
the least money. Try me.
J. E. Heroes.
Combination Oak Desk and
' Book Case, $14.50
Fiue Decorated Dinner Set,
to 50
"omethlnjr New.
Just published by the Pouthein Pacific
Co. is a pamphlet upon the resource of
Western Oregon, which includes an ex
cellent map of the state, and contains in
formation on climate, lands, eduratun
etc., existing industries and their ca a
bilities. Attention I also directed to each new
Gelds for energy or capital aa promiie
fair return
This publication fills a need long ex
perienced by Oregon ians, in reply inn t
inquiries of eastern friends.
Copies may be bad of local agent
Soutnern Pacific Co., or from
C. II. Makiham
O. P. A., Portland, Or.
Btara tU f ad Tm Han Atari Bot4
l!n lir.d Tm Han Alwan
Oak Hall Tree, $6.00 and up
Table Scarfs all sizes and prices
Nice Framed Pictures with
16x20 glass. $1.26
iTfi mm"' "a. ' t 'P'1 IJF