Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1900, Image 1

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
voi.ua. NO. 7.
John W. LocJor
transacts fiim-ral tow Business
),aii your money or lends money to you
Collections Hpst-lalty.
Office, Steven's Building, 0pp. Hunk of
: Cldesl Biitlll Mil tl tbc Cttr.
faht ap Capital, M.M.
tturplua, JU,KI.
Tl;i raaaiKBKT,
A fauaral haiiklii bualnaaa trantaclad.
Ifcpuaitt flff iubl.ct la bi .
AipfnTt bill ami nmaa 1leiMiiiia4.
Euuui) aul cllf warranta bomhl.
iua wvla uu allalila tourllf .
Kifkaaa and aolil.
r ilautluat .tia.la promptly. .1.1
f.luxl4 allai.la In atif part ' ""
uiar.l.t vidians aMi Portland, Sao
raaalMw.rhlcaaaii4 Has Yuri,
aiaiaat pal J 'M tin. dapoali.
D. Y. Km t limn 0. 15. Dim irk.
' Attornevs-at-Law.
Commercial, Keal Khtuto and Pro
Lito l.uw, SN:ciulli(M.
Abstracts of Till made, Moury tanned
Oregon City, Oregon
q ti t u.c. LATouum.
furnUh Alxirarta nf Title, laa Mtir. fra
luM MMia(M, an I Irautacl Oautral
Lae Hualaaaa.
Iloapltal and Private Klrianc.J
tiflrra hla ni'rliiiial arflca lo Ilia .
ilaol Orrgi.ti 'liy ami virlnliy. Wpwial
Itaiili'iii paid lo I'alarrli anil
Id roll U- illaraara. Ilaal i trtot'
Diva Klvan. llDtia In WlllatielU
Building (lltli liniift! UUil2a. in. 1
4 In ) . 111.
OllH;iN (11Y QltKUON'
Oregon City. - - OrrVm
WW .rarlr In all the rourta of Ilia atr.
Offlr In Oaulll"l MilMlng.
Price Moderate. All Operations
JiarcUy lluil'linii
y 8. f'l'KS.
l)ruii City, Or.
Nullity I'tililUt.
' OIH.- o.hi.i lliinllry' Irn Hmw.
OrKn Cily, - I'renoii.
Omoe over MiMllrli k Mix Hlore, near
lli Hank ol OrrK.ui l ny.
Oan.ina City
rpiis commkiu'Ial hank
Capital, H00.WO
TAHaArrA iatAiairainia.
IxMiia inala. Hllla iliaoiiuUl. Makoa rol
Uoliuna. HiifaandMillaasi'haiiiann all hjilnla
In the l-ulu-i Ktalaa. Kurtipa aii'l HmiJ
KMlla iwIimI aiitijm'l lo rhwa Baua
pan I rum a. M. to r
D 0. LATOUKKTTK, fenalilenl.
r. J. MKYKK Caaalar.
8clal kilentliiii k" (-on nly Court
ml I'roliaia inailrra.
Onice lTalaira, In Htevrna' building,
oixiali Hank of Or mm City.
OkiaoN ClTT,
Will pranllra In all lha oonrti at th itat. 01
toa, lu lnufl '!! Uuc.diua.
8. 1) UKN.HKK,
OMUeover MrKlitrlck't 8hne Store, near
the lliinkofUn'K'oiieity.
? OKr i City,
Onto next to Oregon City Entcrprha.
Graduate of the Nortliweatnrn Unlvor-
itv Denial Hchool, Chicago.
Also American College of Dental Surgery,
' Willainelte Rlwk. re on City.
Opp. Huntley's DruR Store,
Great Britain and America.
Look Out or '(,iirii",e a' a
THE FAIR Store after
ilio First of tlio year. ,
Hardwire, Stoves, Mechanics'
Tools, Woodchoppcr's Tools,
Farming Tools, Air Tight
Heaters, Ete., Etc.
We have a fine line of Warranted Pocket Knlven
that will make very desirable Christmas Presents.
Special Attention given to Plumbing, ft
4th & Main St.. OKKCION
Wholesale Prices.
If You Wnnt
Bakery z)d Qopfetiopery
jr Cakes, Tioa, Doughnuts, Etc., Fresh Every Day JI
Uric Acid lu the Blood Cause Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout and Neuralgia
..The Rex Rheumatic Ring..
removes the rani". A wrlttmr guarantee with euch ring to return your money In
.10 days If not entirely salinfactiyy. t'RICE fj.oo. A postel card will bring our
little booklet that tells the story. Address,
Ri'KmkikTkk V Animikhk!,' Hartford, Conn.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Enterprise and VV. Oregonian $2.
Automatic Stackers, Wind Stack
era, lloraa Powers, Threshcrmcn'a
uprtics or aii Mtias.
& Co.
CITY. OH., Telephone 4S
First Corner
Traction or Portable, Simple or Com
pound, Wood or Straw Burners.
Term IiiijioHcd On Her by the
Allied Towerx.
7 lie Old Kmplr Practlrally Omihrwo
and Her Frlneei Compelled to
Apilajlz for Heatbeo
WAHifmciTOX, De. 22 The ilat de
Mrtifient today made public the test of
, the joint note of the powers to China.
' Tim official ilatement followa;
Department of State, WaahlngUo, D.
C, lh-c. 22. The tollow ing Engliah er
, lion ii nnderatood to be in tubatantial
equivalence with the French text of the
note lo be addroiwd to the government
of China, ai agreed upon by the repre
entaiiveof the eo-oerating power at
iVkln D-rember 4, 1'JOO, and subae
(jtifiitly aniended Ix-fore tlgning.
During the monthi of May, June, Jaly
i and Augiiat of the correnl yearaeriouf
i dial urbance broke out In the northern
j province! of China in which atrociom
; crime nnparalled In hiatory and out
1 rage agilnat the law of nations, agaioat
j the law of humanity, and againat ciyili-
tatlon, were committed under particu
i larly txlioua ciicumitancea. The princi
j pal of theae crime were the following:
I Firm On the 2Uth of June hi excel-1
I lenry, Itaron Yon Ketteler, while oo lii
way to Tanng li Yamuo, in the perfor
mance of hi olhcial function, wa iinif
df red by aoldiera of the regular army,
! acting under orders of the chiefs.
I Second On the eame day the forcing
legations 'were attacked and beaieited.
The attacks continued without intermis
sion until the 14ih of Auguat, on which
date the arrival of the foreign troops put
an end to them. These attacks were
Diade by the regular trooe, who joined
the Boxers and who obeyed the order
of the court emanating from the Imperial
palace. At the same time the Chinese
government officially declared, by its rep
reaentatives abroad, that it guaranteed
Ibe security of the legations.
Third On the 11th of June Mr Sujiya
ma, chancellor of the legation uf Japan,
while in the dim-barge of an official mis
sion, was killed by renulars at the gates
of the city. In IVkin and in several
provinces foreigners were murdered,
tortured or attacked by Boxera and regu
lar troops, and such as escaped death
owed their salvation solely to their own
determined resistance. Their establish
ments were looted and destroyed.
Fourth Foreign cemeteries, at 1'ekin
especially, were desecrated, the graves
opened, and the remains scattered broad
cast. These occurences necessarily led the
foreign powers to dispatch their troopa
to China to the end of protecting the
lives of their representatives and that
national order be restored During the
march to Pekin the allied forces met
with resistance from the Chinese army
and bad to overcome it by force.
Inasmuch as China has renounced her
responsibility, expressed regret ard
evinced a desire to put to an end the sit
uation created by the aforesaid disturb
ances, the powers have determined to ac
cede to her request upon the irrevocable
conditions enumerated below, which
ther deem iudiepensible, to expiate the
crimes committed and to prevent their
recurrence :
I. (a) The dispatch to Berlin of an
extraordinary mission, headed by an im
perial prince, in older to express the re
grets of his majesty, the emperor of
China, and of the Chinese government
(or the assassination of his excellency,
the late Baron yon Ketteler, minister of
(b) The erection on the spot of the
assassination of a commemorative monu
ment, befitting the rank of the deceased
bearing an inscription in the Latiu, Ger
man and Chinese languages, expressing
the regrets of the emperor of China for
the murder.
II (a) The severest punishment for
the persons designated in the imperial
decree of September 25, 1000, and for
those whom the representatives ot the
powers shall subsequently designate.
(b) The suspension for five years of
all official examinations in the cities
where foreigners have been massacred
or baye been subjected to cruel treat
ment. III Honorable reparation to be made
by the Chinese government to the Japan
ese government for the murder of Mr.
IV Anjexpiatory monument to be
erected by the Imperial Chinese govern
ment in every foreign or international
cemetery which has been desecrated or
in which the graves have been destroyed.
V The ' maintenance, under condi
tions to be determined by the powers, of
the interdiction 'against the importation
of arms, as well as of materials employed
exclusively for the manufacture of arms
and ammunition.
VI Equitable Indemnities for govern
ments, societies, companies and individ
uals, as well as for Chinese who, during
the late occorances, have sufTe.-ed In
person or In property In consequence of
their being in tiie service of foreigners.
China to adopt financial measures ac
ceptable to the powers for the purpose of
guaranteeing the payment of said indem
nities and interest.
VII The righ't for each power to
maintain a permanent guard for It lega
tion, and to put the diplomatic quarter
in a defensible condition, the Chineae
having no right to reside In that quarter.
VIII The destrnction of the forts
which might obstruct free communica
tion between Peklo and theses.
IX The right to a military occupa
tion of certain point, to be determined
by an understanding among the powers,
in order to maintain open communica
tion betweeu the capital and the sea.
X The Chinese government to cause
to be published during two years in all
the sub-prefectures an imperial decree
ts) embodying a perpetual prohibition,
under penalty of death, of a membership
in any anti-foreign society ;b) enumera
ting the punishment that shall be in
flicted on the guilty, together with the
auapension of all official examinations in
the cities where foreigners Lave been
subjected to cruel treatment, and (c)
furthermore, an imperial decree to be
lsaued and published throughout the
empire ordering that the Governors
General (Viceroys), and all provincial or
local o.Ttcials shsll be held responsible
for the maintenance of order within
their respective, jurisdictions, and that
in the event of renewed anti-foreign dis
turbances or any infractions of treaty oc
curring, and which shall not forthwith
he suppressed and the guilty persons
punished, they, the said officials, shall
be immediately removed and forever
disqualified from holding any officf or
XI The Chinese government to un
dertake to negotiate amendments to the
treaties of commerce and navigation con
sidered nseful for the foreign powers,
and upon other matter pertaining to
their commercial relations, with the ob
ject of facilitating tbem.
XII The Chinese government to de
termine in what manner to reform the
department of foreign affairs and to
modify the court ceremonials concern
ing the reception of foreign representa
tives, in the manner to be indicated by
the powers.
Until the Chinese government has
complied with the above conditions to
the satisfaction of the powers, the under
signed can hold out do expectation that
the occupation of Pekin and the
province of Chi Li by the allied forces
can be brought to a conclusion.
Regular December Term of the Conot;
J. R, Merlon, John Lewelten and T. B.
Kltlln, Commlaalonera.'
(Continued from last week.)
Road district No. 31.
Oreu-on Iron and Steel Co, logs. ... $6 00
John Walker, team . 151
Fred Moeer 1 50
John Aden 3 00
Total ..$12 00
John Aden, Supervisor.
Road district No. 32.
J C Smock, spikes $1 25
Rakes Bros, lumber 25 00
W E Maycock 1 50
E Campbell 2 00
A Campbell 2 00
ES Calkins 2 00
M McConnell 2 00
M Seely 2 00
W Hinman 2 00
W U Ueater 12 25
Total $52 00
W. C. Heater, Supervisor.
Road district No. S3.
W G B Cornett $:i 00
J A Keid 12 00
Spikes 35
Total $15 35
J. A. Keid, Supervisor.
Road district No. 34.
Wilson & Cooke, pick handles. .. 50
O E Lepes $18 30
J Shabe 13 M)
T Smith, powder man 22 30
Ed Batdorf 35 DO
T Black burn 90
John Kelly 2 40
Horton 00
W Girth 00
A Caldwell 2 40
J Sears )4 00
B Breeding 15 30
J Ilaynes , 1 50
J Matthews 2 40
C Fudge , '. 00
W Ford 1 80
J Riser 12 00
P Winkle 90
Total $148 10
Ed Batdorf, Supervisor.
Road district No. 35.
W E Markle, nails $17 25
Procter A Beers, lumber 102 81
Paul Dunn 8 25
T Dunn 6 00
S Andrews 5 G5
C Cattee 6 20
J Spiers 4 12
L Houghlum 10
D Hurlehea 3 02
A T Houghlum 2 85
C Andrews 13 60
F Wagner 27 50
Total $2112 32
F, Wagner, Supervisor.
In the matter of the care anil keep, . g
of Jans Carr, a county chargM This mat
ter coming on, Mr. Alice Carrapearinx
in person and representing and showing
to the board that she cannot keep th
said Jane Carr for the sura of $" per
month, it is ordered that an allowance
of $4 be allowed Alice Carr for the month
of IJecember, ltx:0.
In the matter of Carl Gadke, an indi
gent person This matter coming on,
and it appearing to the bjard that Carl
Gadke is an Imlixent person, enable to
work and wholly without means of sup
port, it is ordered thst be receive $8 per
month from and after Dec. 1, 10U0, and
that warrant be drawn in the name of
J. M. fleckart, who shall disburse sail
amount for the support o( the said Carl
In the matter of the Partlow and
Myers road This matter coding on
upon the application of J. P. Myers,
road supervisor of road ditrict No. 14.
and the board being fully advised, it la
ordered that the county surveyor stake
out the line of the said Partlow and
Myers road according to the field note
as recorded, and that J. P. Myers, super
visor of said district, open said road in
accordance therewith.
lu the matter of repairing the bridge
acroxs Molalla river at Canby This mat
ter coming on, and the board being fully
advised, it is ordered that the approach
to said bridge be rebuilt, and that the
same be let U K. H. Wilcox and L. .
Grazer for the agred so.i: of $125.
The board now adjourned nntil tomor
row morning, Thursday, Dec. 0, 1900.
TucaeDA y, Dec. , 1900.
The board now convened, pursuant to
adjournment, the board and officers prev
ent as of ypsterday.
In the matter of the application ol'
John Stewart forarehale of tax Thi
matter coining on upon written applica
tion of John htewart by E. F. Riley, his.
attorney, for a rebste of tai a set ont iu
the said petition, and the board being
fully advised, it Is ordered that said pe
tition be granted and that the clerk draw
a warrant for the sum of $11.30, a
prayed for.
In the matter of G. A. Arndt road
This matter coming on at this lime, and
it appearing to the board that U. A.
Arndt et al road bad been disallowed at
the November term ot thia board, it i
now ordered that G. A. Arndt receive
back his money deposited witb the coun
ty cltrk for damages in this matter, viz,,
the sum ol $125
In the matter of ibe appointment of a
justice of the peace in Highland precinct
This matter coming on to be beard
upon petitions for M. E. Kandle and i.
U. Miller to oe appointed to till the office
of justice of the peace for district No. 10,
Highland and Canyon ('reek precincts, .
and the board being fully advied, it is
ordered that M. E. Kandle be and be
hereby is appointed justice of the peace
for district No. 10, Highland and Canyon.
Creek precincts
In the matter of the petition of John
C. Smith et al for a county road Thia
matter coming on at this lime, il in or
dered that the sxtne b laid over uulii
the January session of this hoard.
In the matter of the HotT family, of
Canby This matter coming on at thie
time, and it appearing to Die board that
a family of the name ol HotT, at Canby,
are in destitute circmnatamv, it is or
dered that they be allowed the sum of
$25 for the month of iVcember, 1900,
aud that Hans A. Lundborg be and here
by is appointed to disburse said a nouot
to the beet advantage for said family aud
make a report of the same to this board.
The board now adjourned till tomorrow
at 0:30 a.m.
Friday, Dec. 7, 190O.
In the matter of the petition of P. lr
Marley for cancellation of tax certificates
held by Clackamas county This matter
coming on uuon written petition filed'
herein, and the board being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that the same be and
berebv is disallowed.
In the matter of the Long road This
matter coming on, and the board being
fully advised, it is ordered that R. II.
Taber, supervisor of road district, No. 15.
open the said Long road according to the
survey made by John W. Meldrnm, dep
uty county surveyor, on Ami. ltf and 17,
1890, and recorded at page 152, volume 4
of Records of Roads for Clackamas
In the matter ot the petition of J.J.
Kimball et 1 for a road This matter
coming ou upon the appointment of
viewers to view the said road, it is or
dered that the said matter be postponed
until the January term of this board.
In the matter of the petition of Wm.
Evans, John A. Andtews and G. E.
Armstrong, directors of school district
No. 97 A petition being tiled by the
above named school directors of school
district No. 97, showing that said district
wftj entitled to the sum of $2!) for the
year 181IS, said amount having been paid
out as follows : To joint district No. 70,
the sum of $13.72; to district No. 1, tbe
siuu of $11.4(3 ; to district No. 86, the sum
of $3 92; and the board being fully ail
vised, it is ordered that the treasurer
charge said districts so curoliered with
the amounts as set eut herein and credit
the same or total amount, to-wit, $21), to
district No. 97.
In the matter of the petition of C. Myr
tle Breithanpt for a rebate of tax This
matter coming on upon written petition,
and the board being fully advised, it is
ordered that said petition be and hereby
is denied.
The board now adjourned till tomor
row at 9:30 a. m.
Satuhoat, Dec. 8, 1900.
In the matter of the bill tor registering
voters This matter coming on aud it ap
pearing to the board that several of the
amounts are less than one dollar, it is
ordered that all claims for less amount
t han one dollar appearing upon said till
No. 50 be paid out of the contingent
fund; and it is further ordered that the -clerk
draw from the treasurer the
amount of $8.50, which is the necessary
amount to settle all of said claims, and.
that he settle said claims and make a re
port of the same to this board.
In the matter of the report of J, J.
Cooke, sheriff, noon the tax collection
(Continued on page two)