Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 14, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
('It; 4 ranty fllttrlal Paper.
PulUh1 Kvery Frli1y.
L I- roilTKK. r.r.iToa.
controversy which, though of compara
tive recent date and by no mpnn with
out bltterne, yet came to kit almost
unnoticed f ml, and it now quite forgot
ten the dispute as lo whether this is
the last year o( the nineteenth century
or the first year of the twentieth.
On year.
tin month!
Trial suharri4kn lo months -5
A dinviuiil o V) mill on e'l aubaonpliona
or on veer, 25 cenli lor mi monUia, If
paid in advance.
adrrrUMna; rate gHen on application
tiubarrihert mill tin, I tti iUt of rintra
lion tanpl on Ihrir Mlowma;
thcr run if. If ihla date I nol cliai.irM
within two werkt after pavmenl, kuuliy
noufv ot in J w mill look alter iu
Tils state school (uud uliow a loasof
about 0 ,000 a year. Ttiia cornea Irom
f (jhnslhat ar not paid and the slate
isae me una. wnu-u tiirongti costs (
(orrlurw and deterioration doc not
mk the state .whole. It would proU-
My be safer ami secure lsrger net ii;
come if the school fund was Invested In
bonla at a rale of interest Wat than
per cent.
atutered al tr pli't!; In I 'recoil Cltr,
Or., aj second clan matter.
Bearer Orerk..
Vnion Mill...
iira.lv Brook.
hew Kra
W.ijotitilie . .. .
Aurora ,
Ea-ie I'reek
Cherry ville....
....Pr. T. H. Thomas
Itert. kiiiuhl
A. Mather
lrar W taaincrr
li J. TniliinK-r
I'ha. ll.lnian
V. t. Neeherry
Henry Miler
K. U 'Howell
J.U lia
l T. Ho.arvi
R. M. i'ooper
Annie Mubt
E. M. Martman
U. Jrnninm
... Hrnrv A. fny.ier
.11. Wiibern
J. 0. Kllinll
K (i.i twh
.. ('.. J. I'umn
Mrs. M.J. Hammer
aVaraol Adolph AKhod
CoMiaas i getting down to buninre
t oiice.
It looki aa if lijuor iu to be abol
isl.eJ from array ti.
BoBkm nlioulJ renie mlr when be
eti to L'nlanJ that Ieey u once a
Tow.m gvit to be aenator for a few
dayt eveo if he coulj not ran for vice-preeiJent.
Pbtax bu at lat found bit roice, bat
Jim K. Jonea still siu aprt and rvfueei
to propbeey.
Gcx. Stowc, at Cape Town says the
ndoftl.e lV.r war ia near, but be
neglects to aay which end.
ixtk poaeie bare ratified the
Ilatie peace convention, bnt still we
Lave war, and rumors of w ar.
Ths felr ration of labor kill a resolu
tion favoiirg direct legislation as the
t-bitf plank (4 their platform. ,
AoimuKi is probably telling bis (ol
lowers to wait, as it will only be four
jert until Mr. Bryan will try again
Camfohmu will produce this yeir
boit 6,000 ,C0) barrels of oil. No sma
j-art of the product of the United fcUtes
Tui tai on national banks is over two
thirds the income to the government of
that derived from the sale of pub!.
Tin great problem that now confronts
the American citiz-n in how to make
cents buy 10 worth of Cliriatmas pres-
Fob six years there has been a deficit
in the treasury, but on account of reduc
tious in government experiaes during
the past year, there in a surplus of mil
Jo doubt there are Cubans who are
nxiou8 to have the United States
Iroopa get off the island so they can
srtart a revolution and make the place
etem like borne once more.
The olemargarine bill passed by the
Louue will go a long way toward taking
that product out of cornjjetilipn with
liutter. If colored to lenemble butter,
it must pay 10 cents a pound, if un
colored the tax is of a cent a jouud.
The senate should pus the bill.
Tug senate program seems to be to
push the ship subsidy bill and hold back
the canal bill. There is some show of
reason for this as the treaty question is
not settled, but it is believed that the
chief reason that the canal bill will not
te pushed is becsuse the railroads are
iHot in favor of it.
The character of the democratic party
has always Un that of nek-atioYi.
sphere has been that of optKmltlan, and
ita aim destructive of the achievement
of it opponent. What is new In its
pueition ia that the party has fallen into
the hands of politu al visionaries. What
ever ita former failing may have ha
or their root, ttiia is an experience
holly unprecedented. The men in
control of its machinery are cloely allied
with socialistic and HHtlistio element
and depend upon fuMon with them and
on the party name for it strength at the
poll. That fusion ran not last. The
leaders mutt steer the party on one
cotire or the other, if it survive, and
that is where the troub.e lie. It will be
found imioelhle to dx-ile upon the
course. On the one band is Brvaniem
w ith it followers, having a firm hold on
the organiiaiicM), contending that the
party is theirs and that all the old and
dii-usted elements axiut return meekly
to their fold. This faction, represented
bvtwoor three leader, make a Tain
how of continuing a bopelea straggle
for a thoroughly discredited cause. Un
the other side are the old-line demo
crats, many of whom supported Bryan
solely to be in at the re-organiiation
which they hoped would follow defeat.
These now aay, in effect, that liryanism.
typified by free coinage, hostility to the
aupieme court, alliance with experimen
tal politics, and appeals to class hatred,
must cease, that the old party must re
turn to its early principle, which con
sist in lying low and watcbinc for a
chance to take advantage of any blun
ders on the part of a republican admin-
Utration. In short, it must again be
come the party of negation and oppor
tunism. The recognize that its at
tempts under Bryan to heroine a party
of construction have ende 1 in diitaster.
There is no sign of confutation he
tween these factions. Conservative
democrats will not sgain folluw Bryan
under the banner of populism and
socialism, and the Bryan wing declines
to admit them to the councils of the
party until they clothe tl.emeelves in
sacaciotn ana ashes. The name
and party is in danger of dwindling
away into oblivion or of tinding itself
wholly engulfed in socialinm, while a
new party may arise to take the place of
opposition vacated by the defunct de-
otherwise Lav ln elected to. The, ''The (Jierge It. obu g,"
law as It now- stands I a Jut one and The powerful lug lt ' tle.nge It.
ought not to be repealed. Who, think ' Voaburg" Jmt completed al the ship
you, are belter unalKUl to judge of the ' yard of IUU A Kern, al ive Madin
titnensof men for road supervisors than ,i,t brldite In rorllaod for the Neha
are the voter of their motive rd ,,m TraiiKirtatlon Company Is said to
dilrict of tlio countrv ? It's a scheme tl, best host of the kind ever bnllt In
to control o'tlolal patronage and the ' ,f UniiJ. Ilia 7.1 fWl in length. 2
legislator who favor a repeal of the iMl and Tt feel depth of hold,
law a It now Bland nerd never go .' , ami, boiler power! an enulne eaii-
the rural prwlnet for election lKpiels." ' n,ate I al M horse power, ln tuna gro-a
the .Me.tto.-ii r.niiirer views the mat- ,ut, an. I noetpeiiae baalM'.-n spared
ter in very much the same manner, and to make the ve..d In iroir eon.tr uc-
alleges liial the new law should lie given ,ol, ,0l ruipmenl, lrslclaa lit svery
fa rlrial. It says: respect. It will Ih ued in connection
"One of the principal things It seems jti, h buaiueaa ol the Whiwler
that were paseed upon by the meeting ol j .,imr Company at Nehah.m and will
ine ivuniy pi.iges al l ortlan.l was a re
solution calling upon the legislature lo
repeal Ih law providing for the etevtlou
of road un isois and lo again put the
spointing of road sii(ervleors In the
hands of the county judge of Ih several
counties. This is a redicutoue proHl
tion, one that the legislature should not
for one minute consider. In the tint
place, the new law has never been given
a trial, as It waa only In the lal June
election that the supervisor were elected
It one were to judge this resolution
upon the (ace, we would say that ihe
county judges bad In mind when they
pa.ed it a deeiie to again secure the
ply lelweeii that place, TilUnxx.k
Aalona, Portland, Pan Kranciaco and
other placea along the weetern coaal a
mx'loi demands.
An ocean-going arhooner barge baa
alaii j.iat lieeti launched from the same
yard called the "Wheeler Lumber Co.
N'.i. I," with a capacity fur carrying
fHi.iHUI eel of lumber. It la H.' f.t
long, IH leel wide and tf fel bold, wi'lt
ho uiaals and sail, but Is inlen ied ordi
narily to lw lowed by Ih lug above d
i'il.. Ills Dow being loaded Willi
Irviglil .r Tillamook and Nehaleui si
the Couch atreel d.a k id Allen A I r ia
and the owner of b-tli vra-l i(Ht to
uiaks their Initial trip th.M place the
appointing power ol the eiiivrvlaors for
the political pull it would give them. Uner pM ol tieil wtek.
" ' noiuiug eies in ll genilemen. Ihe buihling of bot'i Ve.ls waa
Oreonian. siliiinlriided l. K. U. M.k n
I lie law should le amen.ed allowing i.rirnced alnpbuildrr
tii county court to remove a supervisor
mocracy Argonaut,
Why County Judge Are Oppoard to
Their Cbolca by Klartlon.
that doe not carry out Hi initruclions
of the court.
Kin 1 1 n: tkasi:r.h.
I'nraUhed Every Meek by lbs Clarka-
was AUtract A Trat ( eepasj.
B 8 Bellomy to S. (iunnrnbaum
lots 6, 7.8, blk9 Canemalt taO
L C Newell to K VI Clark 5 acr
Newell clslm
A W Fsnkhauser to C J Fank-
bauser "X - sec SI, 1 1 a, r 2
A It Wing to It Flaherty lots 1, 2
blk S Marshfleld. tract In Matlock
claim ' 2tXH)
II Hughes to J Lloyd net '4' sec
Zi, 3 s, r 2 si TJO
Hedges, by Ex. toCB Martin
S lot8, blk 1 Cansmali 87
Bingraan toC It Martin t lots
blk 1 Canemah 87
U S to Wm Barlow loU 2. 3. i. 5.
e.f se', sec ft, I 4 s. r lo l't
W A Whit to U L Story lot 8, blk
.VI rn 1.1,1 In I tirnn C l
W Hhaw to T P Ksndall lots
and blkiin Pbaw's lit sdd gen
F Beats to II Anderson so' sec 2
1 1 s, r 5 e
Wsber to C. Beber 1,' acs Win
slow claim
F Olson to C Kerr 1 acre WhiUomb
F Olson to 0 Wisainger 1 acre sec
3.'). 3ltls. rle
FOiiK.ii toTJtiary 1 acre Whit.
comb claim
C C Williams to J A Thayer a sea
Holmes claim, Correction
W W II Samson to M Itino e1.'
ne'4' sec U, t ft , r I
P B Jewell to W 0 Brayon ne'4 ne'4
sec 10, t 0 C, r 2 e no
J Scott to C Aiiixworth 10 acs sec
2.i,I5i, rHV
F Olson to F W Keikemeier 1 sc
Wbitcomb claiwi
McCouncell to J (irosscI'Me H acs
sec 5, 1 3 s, r I w
M K Shgflill to II K Stogsdill luts
6. 0,7. 8 blk 9, Canby
Maj t Harria. from Portland, will U
al the tiildaltiler camp uirtllng al Ihe
Salvation Army lanacka all day bun
.lay, 1 here will I meetings al 1 1 a m.
I an I al 3 and o'iio.k p. lu.
l bad bB a sufferrr f"f mane years
era wrrtouanras with all Ita tDluma
awl eororlirallotia, writ Mr U
hrr. of iVil Islnsto Ave . New Y
N Y. I waa naaBllf ,ii to ar a I
ian or purtatin mellrine Sir btia-
Kanil al Ul iniiuml m lo try lr. I'WrXs's
Isvortle Prtairipllow. After Uln, ou
btll and followine voair adirlr I aaa an
roonrmarrj thai I look Bt tnutt bollUa ut
Favontr prracniilioa ' 1 eonliaal tak
ing. II ao.J ft ll Ibal I aa mpiuin( faalrr
than al Srmt I am ao4 b.i cttM and lm.
able, and I ba a f't rotor In mj tc ;
bar alan fainr.1 Ira bntimla In righl
and ami lkound foumit of mrl.
am a ar nnian one ntuir. ana yuar
a.lricr and your 'favorite frracrlptiow ' ta
tbt can of It
I. Butkman to B F Baker w ' ' se;
Our correwH,nilent will plea send
in article before Wdne.,va of esh
werk, otherwiae it reaches us too lste for
A brief dispatch lrom Rome announces
'.that, as the midnight separating Decom
ter 31st from January 1st approaches,
the Pope will celebrate the last mass of
the century. This is s reminder of t 1 greater number of years than be would
Another matter discussed at the
county judges' convention was the elec
tion ot road supervisors, also a statute of
the 1808 session of the legislature, and
which doe not apnly to Multnomah
county. The general opinion express!
by the county judges was that under the
election system the road supervisors are
the boss of the situation, the county
courts having no control of them what
ever. The way the Indues protested in-
licated that there will be no more elec
tion of road supervisors if they ran help
it. They awerted that a road super
visor gets road money and does just
what he likes with it, does just as be
pleases about everything else. But there
are two ways of looking at a thing, and
according to the Med ford Mail the
kick" of the county judges is because
of loss of control of official patronage.
This paper, in a recent issue, says:
Among the resolutions adopted by
the county judges, the county ornmii-
sioners and the county assessors at their
convention held in Portland last week,
was one asking that the present law for
the election of road supervisors be 're
pealed, This resolution, of course, origi
nated in the fertile brain of some county
mige or commissioner who is not satis
fied with the official patronage which
his office has a thumb on. He ha I
in mind a perpetuation of himself in
office, and he wants to use the patronage
of his office to that end. The appoint
ment of road supervisors by the com
missioners' court has given many an
officer an almost sure lease on bis office,
as judge or commissioner, for a much
lots I, 2, sec 10 lots 2, 3 Mi)
Uiae Stiller to A W titone 10.44 in HYSPKP8IA CAN BK CI' UK I) BY
Jlattoon claim HjO 1IM) ACKKIt'H lwii.rp.ia Tablets.
Kobbins 4 hon to J Skirvmg sw'4' One little Tablet will give iinmediat r
nw'4 and sec 2, t 4 , r 2 e 3 M or money refunded. Hold In hand
ll Martman, toU V Martman 43 74 soma tin Uses at Z'i cts. (J. A. Hardimr
acsecl2, to a, r 2s 1M0 Orugtrmt
U J Brown to (j II Brown 74 acs
AM t'rlaU' Prrptrnlionfur At
slmllnltni! dtcrtuxlcintinrtfuLi
Itng (tic Miuvuki rtikl 1 Vwrvl j (
rrontorv. Diction Clrf rful
rM Ami RV.l COfllnlm ivrlllsr
Itjaiun.Morpluiic iwrHukVML
Arwrfrfl ffa'itir(Jy forCorwtirwi
Hon. Sour Siom.w-h.l)i.uiNi-ai
Wnnn.i,t oiivialw.rfvrrif)
nrsaruvJLoMHor SltlV.
tUiiniU SiCrwilurs of
i? fiT'HT-
Tot Infant, fu'
The Kind You U
Always Bought
Boars tlio
i ill w as
m ( 4 mm w
y us!
I For Over
TflirtV Yfiar
H a aaxaaaxt. ,
Or nn Orm.
It will piy you to write
Eiler's i'ffli Hgose
Office 351 Washintjtcn St.
Portland, Oro.
a - a
a W
V-V he i-
t' A.
v 7 av
Si "
k - -
' V
W'v art- t!io p.x
j-rulitkillrr atxl 'uno
ric rt'tiUtor of the imrth
writ, nn. I with our nj-rial facilititi
can wrll ,i ft no jii.uio or oritj f.r n il money
than you cm M tlu nt t lscwhrri'. Writ) t-nliy,
('atal'ipir for tin aHkinp
Our kkk'Ic inclti'l.'i tho thrru grvatr.it Anuri
can piimm, h KiiuUII, tlio Wel-cr, and the
Chifkrring, to-rtlicr with right other g-xnl mikci.
sec 3-, t 3 S, r 1 e , 1:00
I. Scrainling to (i H r-cramling s1,'
lots 3, 4, sec 22, t 4 s, r I e 1
MMusigtoW L Nsg.:l 22 70 acs
sec 2o, t 39, r 1 e U.-,0
Drop In and try the flne.t barW chair
In the citv. Next (s,r to Ji kaon's, op
posite Huntley's. Parker, the barber.
No Funday work.
Help is needed at once when a i-er-
son's life Is In danger. A neirlerted
cough or cold may soon heroine serious
anil atiniiM li at. I -. ,
right to the Thorne system of abstract ,.,. n, u r . .
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have ZZ ZZ'S "n
the only complete set of abstracts In the i,r,.n,.i,i. ,i , ........ .7 P!
County, can furnish Information as to -uW JV. O. A ! n.7. , '
title to land at once, on application
TItUHT CO. are the ownsrs of the copy-
Loans, Investments.real etate. abnlra ti I 31 " '",k "Hlirles ol
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City. 0r'tor on mI - llonlley'a Book
Call ami Investigate. Address box 377 rlwro' w ce"'H
Oregon City, Oregon. , Xow is the time when croun and l.
. ., -
Lsrge stock of men's neckwe.r, new- Prov" rapidly fatal. The only
tde.igns, just arrived for the Hold'. ''" U'"1 ,,ro''u,:'"'
. .. .. ..... n ate resulta Is Ona M nui. f. i.
uuukii . uro
It m Vi.ru tl,.attf..il ,..,1... . , .
,n .v. lu i.U BII ,., ,)H f8
A Monster Detll Fisb. lieu upon to quickly cure coughs, colds
l;estroying its victim, is a tyre of Con- anJ B" lu" Ji,M""M'. It will prevent
stipation. The power of this murderous I u A' "','ing.
malady is felt on organs and nerves and
muscles and brain. There's no health
till it's overcome. But Dr. King's New
Life Pills are safo and certain cure.
Best in the world for Htornach, Liver,
Kidneys and Bowela. Only 25c at Geo,
A. Harding's drug store.
Baanti f I U4 U Hi) k sir) k f'
ThruuKb the V.llo W alone.
The new route via lli Oregon Mi.itt
Line Itadroail and .,.in,U. ..,iittia.
enable you to make a lelightlul trip
HiriMikMi the lellowaone National Park,
entrrlng via Monldaaud coining out via
Cinnabar, making it uniiiH-eeaary to
cover any portion of the route t !,.,
For beautiful descriptive bx.klet, write
or rail at Oregon Short l.lnn Ticket
Office, Ul Third street, PoilUnd. Or.
For Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of fiut&ffifyCA
All kinds of staple g-Kxls for Christmas
presents are on sale al greet reduction,
at Uie Racket 8tore. '
At Bed Time
I take pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my complex
Ion is better. My doctor says it acts
gently on the tomach.llverand klndeys,
and Is a pleasant laxative. It is made'
from herbs, and is prepared as easily as
tea. It li called Lane's Medicine. All
druggists sell It at 2r)C. and 50. cts.
Lane's Family Medii.ne moves the
bowels each day. II you cannot get it
end for free sample. Address, Orator
F. WoodwsrJ, LeRoy, NY..
) fault. L, .ua iia ,r u.11;
V.. I - - .
Uln LT? iVS " TTt 1'" tnl SIMra. TVal aa
"--"J -I"' aif laaad avrfaal 4L
733 1
Mvrry, Kwwl an.l SaleSubto
UM'allO BRTWKK.1 Till IK1IK1I a
I)oulr ami Hintfc Kl,"
He horsi-n always on JmriJ t W
lowest jirlcm. A corral! connecw
with the barn lor loone iwcl.
InlormaWrJti regarding any kind
slot k promptly attended lo by p0"
letUir. ,
Norton Ooutht andSotrf.
Horses Boardml and Fed oo
abls terms. t
Notice to Water
Consumers and
Property Owners
At a mooting of tin Pl,rfmf
Water CominisHionem on fifpt""
hri!!)th, tilt., tl.o following chanf
in monthly water ruton
I'olnUe eilrel osi mA Her J
isry I. !
Automatic Clrwilng Flush Tank
Closets, private - " . 5 '
Automatic Closing Flush Tank
Closets, public - - " t M
AixOthkiiCloskts - - ,w
TIicho rated apnly whore lef
f la a I . . ,n
In order to get tho hencfi o
alM)vo rates a chango of "xlu, 'b.
indlcatml lnvo muHt ho w""'
tho dato mentioned.
I5y order of tho board. ,
Oregon City, Or., Oct, 10, 1JW
,i"' "'luulf .arr lau.1 ua-to-Sal f laa,
WM ,u, Slew, . a . . s.. Ik CMf, S. I.