Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 09, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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gr VP -yy-y-y WW "V V vl
k ews m i lie muck
Friday, Nor. 2.
Kiilroad centering in SI. I.ouli ask
(lir-r employe to work lor lb proposed
iptition in lt.U.
All the power have now anaaervd III
Anglo-lierman note, Kami, Kianc and
America making reservation on
.'! of (lie Chin pact.
Mi'mN'rs of thr Women' Ky Ko--m
ieauii declare that drunkem1 In on
the increase among all clause of women.
Marquis of Londonderry, pari of
In llv, nuriuif d Zetland and Walter
Hume Ia ng, are to have place in lb"
urn Prilifh cabinet.
Aiitilnaldo inane proclamation or
ilrring American prisoner releed and
vrtoting Inducements for Yankee soldier
to surrender.
Nome steamer Koanoka, rtortid lout ,
ha reached 1'ort Townwoud.
Woodburn Iim granted 30 year (ran
cIiIm for light and water ay stem.
Wn Ting Fang, the Chinese. Minialer,
think that when Dim alii withdraw
from China, railroad construction on a
larve arale will l begun there.
While the oera are discussing the
amount of indemnity Iber ahall demand
of China, the Imperial (tovernment ia
article ' ahrvwdly presenting uggisiou, the
adoption of which will mean thai the
Western nationt will themaelvea par tha
amount demanded, Li Hung Chang and
hia colleague have proHaed that the
maritime custom l doubled In order
that China mar raiae money to ay the
Wednesday, Nor. 7.
Mendel (iachitu, an ace-l merchant of
New York dropjxsl dead outside a vt,ing
booth today just after having dcoeited
; hia ballot. He suflered from drvpv.
John J. Niiuiiil dropped dead in Mine
tola while in the voting booth. Hi bal
Allied power will collect a lump rum
indemnity fiom China and then ahare it
as Ihey may agree or the Hague tribunal j lot wat partly marked.
slevide. Tao men dead ami four wounded, one
The second annual lion hunt in Colo of whom will probably die, waa the re-
rad ) atarta from IS-Uijue, in that state.
Saturday, Nov. 3.
Lord Cranbonr , Salisbury' eon.
suit of a clash which occurred early thla
morning in IVnver, Colorado, Iwlween
memlera of the police force and a h
to ! of deputy sheriffs at a polling plac at
in the lititish
wirea the ar-
all Germanv'f
1 under-evretry
forrigu ollice.
Count Yon WaMeme
rival and distribution of
'Cii'na troop.
John Redmond aaya the American
. laud will build a 1'aruell monument in
Hawaiian judge deciding a habeaa
vorpna rae declared the constitution did
.sot follow the fiag.
It ia reported in Russia that Spain il
alarmed by the Carliat revolt and ill
declare martial law in ail Catalonia.
A dispatch from I'aria to the Herald
aays that the expoeition anthoritiea bare
cioeed the Trinavaal I'arilion becauae
Mr. l'ieraon, the Tranavaal Commiaary
lieneral, refuaed to remove the incrip
tiona insulting to England, with which
be walla are covervd.
Twenty-m'cond and Larimer atreete, in
the down-town diatrict. Charlea Allen,
a netjro deputy eheritt, waa ahot and kill
ed, and Stewart Harvey, white, a ape
cial policeman, diel late in the afternoon
at the county hoepital.
A riot waa precipitated in a aalooo at
Caaeyville, Indiana, early thia morning
over politic. About M men entraiteJ,
and over 200 ahota were fired. Wallace
Grave waa inatantly killed. Over 20
Opening lUltl In IUwn Moinlav
IUvax. Nov. ft. Th Cuban ronall
tuiloialconveilon met II the Marti
Theater Monday evening. Tha thal'r
waa crowded. Many thoiiaand were un
able to gain admittance and the atrci'l
In the neluhtiorhood were blinked with
(ieneral Woo.1 and hia aUlT, avonc
panird ty General Kitihutili le and hi
atair, received an ovation on entering,
the banda playing "America." Sctior
CUniToa and General Itivera e-"rie I
General Wood to the platform and he
almoet liumedialel oened the tt'incii.
The convention urganlie.1 with S nr
l.lirente, Juatit of the Supreme t'oiu'.
aa president and Senor Yillnenilo a
etary. The 31 nieintmra of the ciivimi- i
tiou tok the oath.
The following reaolutlona were pre-,
arntisl o the president of the rnvi'iiti'U
and probably will In adopted Tuesday : j
"Kirat That a committee of lh a
ermbly proceel immediately to rad on
General Wood and to manifest the it-,
iafaction with which the delegate hae
aeeii hilt) carry out the ditllcult m i 1 r
entrusted to him.
Sunday Somen.
Hi j.ihn'a. (lall.ollc Hv. A. Illllelirand,
i..i.ir. On Hill ilar. l"" at ami I" a
m. 1'lilr.l Hnnilsr in each nmnlli. llrrmsii
senium anr N n'l'lm'k mass: at all oilier
iiismsi, Kngli'li seriiions. Hulxlav s. I.im.I
ainliiuetli'itl sntilecl
ami iienstlieiUui al 7 . p. m,
Ci-riiiaii l'ani;'li.'sl I.inln-raii I isn
iisl-1'ornsl Kin'itli and J. J Adama aia.;
liev. Krnrsl J. W. Mara, ps.lor. Mm. lav
s. hihi ,al t' a III ! weealf services srry
Tlnir..lv al l. in. Herman selux-l seri
(il II I
I'raisr Mrellut llntn Uf Senie I
irsniKtt euMUIIv lu
.h.iiiMsj (rom il lo M. KterylMHiy nlle.l.
MeihihlM Kplenpal I'lnircb Iter. It. A.
AUlm, I'S'lor. ,M..rnlii service al MIA.
auu.Uy McIhhiI al l ' aiesllin s'l'l
ttnriili ! Is. Msiili'a enli'S si J U
..m l -xua Hirciina suii.isr s.e s
.1st steiiira si i
I FIKT fK KHHY TK Kl N i'lll'Hrll -Bar,
i. M.uii.inii.rr. Tsil.-r erire si II a slid
T M r a blih s.-h.H.I si 10 a. a Tnunl
els rt'x'Iftt ol rbrlailsH M.1..r eieeia
'i.rr N In sieiilui II hu..lsf
steiiliia I'tsjef nteellna al t A aesls tree,
! KVAMIKI ICAI. Cllt lK'M - I'l'msr of
I Kltfliltl aii'l M loon street, liar H Copier
ps.ior rlertli'ea every Hai.aalll al 1 1 a in
' 7 i" p. m rliimlay School l a. in
j I'raver meeting All are Inline
I N r I'AI I H KI'lM tll'AI. Clll'llCM
liev. IV K. lUmmoml. Kr.l.r hervl.es
every Hun.lar si 11a.m. an. I ft m m.
. f.n.dr school al ilo cl. . Illher seivl.-es
mil le siiii"iii'e.l All sesls tree. Kuan
(tti cutilia r timle.1.
niisrciNuiiKiMrhN i.cm r.fii,
cimerof Main an.l Klevenlh streets llev,
K. X nonius's f. patlor. M.iriili. servl.e
i to i: Siin.lsv U. Junior f.n.l'svor
liieellng u
a t ,, U I . . . u . .
I TI. -I ll. ,w,,... ill ...ui. ..I n I""'"
' """' " " i I venlnx ietvl.e 7
General Wood lo cable the President of, K.sr iu.rin cut IU II - llev. .
th I'nllivl Stalee aa follow : 'The del- j l,,en, pavinr. frew-loug sefvlre
egatea elected to the) constitutional con- rv Mun.lar si lo Waml 7 ! m.
' . ... .. . i .lavsihoil al IJ ii.kiii M t p. m. Jnnmrs
veutlon asseuible.1 at their Inaiig'iral , (lrp( ,tl lB ,, ,,, ami iiieeenmr Vming
.ill. i.rMf.mn.l irrstitude Keopl. I s.N-leiy s.i I H.t.le siny riavs ai
.. . : . ... ., ,...r..n.l itn. m I etui e B etk-iriT sil'i
i"'"l l""! ""' a-- ..' - ... r, ..... .,,i.r
. . . . t II 1 I 11. IU . w ' ' " '
and affection the I resilient ol tlie I unci , ,.rar intu-a ai 7 p m. WtJ.ies.iar
Stale of America, and they are ti- i e.ei.mg. Hit-le stu lv rlstssl Y M C. A
tUI with the honesty demonstrated in ; M lf
the fulfillment of the declaration de ) fc K!:
in favor of lllertr and the independence m,,,iv i II l uiml 7.11 p. m .
hiiiiiisy.M-b.xi si lo a m.; y.iui'g
meetiiK al il . I', m : prarer 11.1
of the Culan pvople "
The convention adjourned till Tues
day afternoon.
Sunday, Nor. 4.
Judge Fatee decide tbat tha Consti
tution does not follow the fiag.
Cost of poatal aerrioe lut year wa
The public debt decreased nearly 2,
' 000,000 in October.
T'.e 'owem are considering the re
moval of the Dowager EmpreM.
Two more Chinese cotntuiasiooera
Lave been apioiuted.
Chinese murderer at Tao Ting Fn
were sentenced to death.
Spain ia Uking rigorous rtepa t)
stamp out Carliam.
Several engagementa occurred between
Spaniah gendarmes and Carlisla.
The activity of the Boers continues.
Lord Roberts will return to England
tKKn with uiont of his bUff.
Ex Mayor Strong, of New York,
tour indictments were returned
the Boaschieter case.
Sew Y'ork police are investigating the
Jrugs given Millionaire F.ice.
Alvord waa held in bail of f 150.C30.
With Number of Electoral Yotea.
5 5
Monday, Nov. 5.
A collision between freight train No.
21 and a switch engine on the tracks of
the 0. U. Si. N. in The Dalles at 3:15
th't morning resu'ted in the death of
John McVey and Al Naub, both switch
men in the company's employ.
' Kitchener is to stop pursuit of the
Bctrs and estdblisb garricons among
The London Times announces several
new Cabinet probabilities.
An iinnx nse crowd attended the un
veiling of the statute of the late Presi
dent Car mot at Lyons,
The presence of Li Hung Chang re
stored confidence among the Chinese.
The King of Corea sent the allied
troops a large gift of flour, rice and cig
arettes. Profeisor Schurtnan replies to Riito
Xopez, in w hich he shows it is for the
LigheHt good of Filipinos for Americans
to succeed.
The government is experimenting
with a earn pact emergency ration for
troops in active service.
The big Atlantic liner St. Paul suf
fered a seiious accident at sea.
More than $1,000,000 of American
manufactures are exported daily.
American financiers are to participate
rn the nationalization of the Swiss rail
roads and German capitalists are jealoas.
General lUodali makes official report
of conditions in Alaska.
Experiments with storage reservoir?
for irrigation are being made in Malheur
county, Oregon.
George Seabold, well-known comrner
cial traveler, drops dead on Washington
street, Portland.
John Barrett abnerts authenticity of
XaVtun lutter.
Tuesday, Nov. C.
Nome wai again visited by a severe
etorm October 22.
Astoria factory baa shipped 80 carloads
jf cans to the PbUlipines since May 1.
Alabama II .
Arkanraa .
California 0
Colorado 4
Connecticut 'J
iVlaware 3
Florida 4 .
Georgia 13 .
Idaho 3
Illinois 24,
1'iM.a IV
Iowa U
Kansas 10
Kentucky 13
Ixiisiana H
Maine i
Maryland B'
Maasachusells LV
Michigan ' 4
Minnesota. ttj
Mississippi V
Mi.-iaoiri 17j
Montana 3.
Nebraska 8
Nevada 3,
Near Hampshire 4
Near Jersey 101
New York on
North Carolina 11 .
North Dakota 3
b:.4ii .
2H..V '.
83, .vio ;.
75.IX. i '.
5 .
0 i o
1 ? '
II 4 ),!.
8 laJ.tOl'
'4 '"ii.rl 3 1
4 S3 isM
very We.lnes.lsr svsnliig
Kvsnirellral I u'he'sn, .ion t'.miffrKslum
I'or. K'g'Hb ami Jelteison sireeis Kr
Mevers, Sl.r Hnnilsi li-xil s t 'i a.
111.,' services al 0 a in. an l 7. ' p.
V K Souili-r.e. T. I". Ilavnes. paiior.
ThlrJ Buiulsr al t'nlleJ Hreihren chun h.
KfrMllio.hl -IU. J. W. l::Jri.l-. I -lor.
I'reai hiria lirt an.l IMnl lutiinl
II a m.; prover nietiii(f every ltiur.lsy
event)!. Nrrvlies helj In li.s Coiig'ea
11.11.: ehurrb al Klyville.
1 31
IVnnsylvainia. . .
Khode la and...
South Carolina.
South Dj koU.. .
West Virginia...
9 .
12 .
S .
.4471 2!r'l
R2 lr.1'.'
"11 .'
' 73.1101)
10 ,1)00 '
30,1 ,J
lO.iioo 1
.ii.Oix) '
llO.ooo '
7.1 d
40.it a)
11, i
t 4",000
l..0 H'.7 I l-Vr V.'I2.000
The latest election returns do not materially change the n-imlt. The atatea
still in doubt are Kentucky and Nebraska, and the indication! are that Bryan car
ried the former and McKinley the latter.
bullet holes were found in the body.
William Hustin and seven others, An
trims and Italians, were more or lets
seriously injured.
One of ths incidents of the day was the
suicide of Faed Jennecks. I'ton reach
ing the polls he remarked that he was
about to cast his first ballot. Ttiis he
did, then purchased a bottle of carbolic
acid, and upon hie return home 'com
mitted suicide by drinking the content,
of the bottle.
At noon a small-sized riot broke out in
Philadelphia in the 14th division of the
Fourth Ward, where Congressman Mc
Aleer residea. A number of negroes
entered the polling place and attempted
to vote. Their votes being refused, they
drew revolvers and a number of shots'
were fired.
As the result of a quarrel over politics
in Illinois. John Kirby, a democrat was
shot -rid killed by Jack Thornton, a re
publican, at Lyck Creek. Both were
young men of prominence.
Your Face
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state ol your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent In a pale
and sallow complexion, pimples and skin
eruptions. If you are feeling weak and
worn out and do not have a healthy ap
pearance you should try Acker's Blood
Elixir. It cures all blood diseases
where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called
purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every
bottle on a positive guarantee. G. A
Harding, druggist.
No Illght to I'gllnr-s
The woman w bo Is loyely in face, loini
and temper will alw ays have friends, but
one who would be attractive must keep
her health. If she is weak, sicklr and
all run down, slio will be nervous and
irriiame. 11 sue nas constipation or
kidney trouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric
Bitters is the best medicine in the world
to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys
and to purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin,
rich complexion. It will make a good
looking, charming woman of a run-down
invalid. Only 60 cents at G. A . Hard
ing's Drug Store.
MAN V A 1.0V Fit.
Has turned with diHiiHt from an
otherwise lovable girl with an offensive
breath, Karl's Clover Boot Tea purifies
the breath by its action on the bowels,
etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years
on absolute guarantee. Price 25 eta,
and 60 ctfl. C. G. Huntley the Oruggists.
"For three days and nights I suffered
agony untold from an attack of cholera
morbus brought on by eating cucum
bers," says M. E. Low ther. clerk of the
district court. Centerville, Iowa, "I
thought I should surely die, and tried a
dozen different medicines but all to no
purpoHe, I sent for a Utile of Chamber
lain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea rem
edy and three doses relieved mo en
tirely." This remedy is for sale by (J
A. Harding.
A. O. P. W. moot mrerr Saturday
evening except the tilth in lb A. . I .
W. Temple H.J. Harding, rm-ufdrr.
Kelkaha Willamette Ueheaah Ixst
No. 3 meets snund and fourth Friday ol
each month at I. . II. F. Temple
Margaret Williams secretary.
Court llohin b"l No. 9, Fnrvsler of
America, nitwit first and thirst Friday la
the month lo Ked M-n'a Hall. W. It.
Stafford arrrolary ; Frit Meyer, clue I
Clai kama Chapter So. 2. K. A. M
meal on the) third Mondar of e. l
month in Masonic Hall. M. llollaca,
Pioneer Chapter No. 2. O. K. S. meets
the second and fourth Tursdaya In ei
month at Masonic Hall.-Mis Jennia
Kowen, secretary.
Oregon I1ge .. 3. 1. O. O. F , meets
every Thursday in O ld Fellows' Hall.
T. F. Kyan, secretary .
Falla Encampment N . 4. I. O O F
meet first and third Tursdav In each
month. Judson Howell, secretary.
Order of Pernio meets every Montsr
nltflil al Ksdiiirn hall . Head Connwiur,
H. rt. Hcrlpturs, Mrs. May Taylor secretary .
Redmen Wacheno Trlfc No. 13. Imp
O. It. M , meet Tues.lay evening 7 .3,
at Krij Men Hall. A. Il Diiltnan, C.
of K. ; Harry Baiter, aai hem,
Multnomah IMig No 1, A. F. A.M..
meet first and third Saturdays In each
month at Masonic Hall. T. F. Byao,
Mead Belief Corp No 11, meets at
Willamette Hall the Ural Monday In
every month at 2 o'clock p. tn. and the
thir l Monday in every month at 7.:W
o'clock p. in.
United Artisans met every Thursday
evening of each month at the Willamette)
I Hall. The social mii-tiug of this order
j i s-cond Thurseay of each month. K.
I II. Cooper, aerretary, M. Ilollack M. A.
i Willamette Falla Camp No IU, W. O
1 W. meela 1st and 3rd Krldsra In Ih.
Willamette Hall.C.
and clerk G. Olds.
C, Sol. 8. Walker
Lone Pine Lodu, No. f3, A. F. A A.
M., Iwan, Or., meet on the second
Saturday in each month from the 1st ol
May to 1st of November at 2 p. m. and
from 1st of NovemU-r lo 1st of May at
10 a. m. Geo. C. Armstrong, Sec.
Catholic Knights of America St. John's
Bianch No. Ul7, meets every Tuesday of
the month.
Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M ., meets I
Bed Men' Hall, on second and fourth
Wednesday G. H. Hyatt, rec-jrd
Oregon City Camp, No. mv, M.xlern
Woodmen of America meets everv second
and fourth Tuesday in the month, at
Willamette Hall. G. GronHenbacher.
Meade Poet No. 2. O. A. It . IllPKla
first Monday evening In ech month at
Wllamette llall.-J. K. Will ams. Com.
Lawton Command No. I. of (in.ix.n
Union Veterans L'nmn meets second Hut
urday 1 p. rn. in Redman's hull and
lourin naiuruay at 7 p. in. in T, V, Cow
ing's ollice.
For sprain, idling and lanienrsa
there I nothing good aa Chamber
lain' pain balm. Try H. For sain by
G, A. Harding.
This Is the season when mothers are
alarmed on account of rump. Il I
piii kly l ined l one inlniilw cough cure,
whlih ibil.lnn like I t take. G. A, Hard
lug. For Voung wen and Vuuiig iVamrn.
'l hern Is imthllik thsl lll a"Mio tho
Irvi of a voung man or woman so o,nlck a
to have Inferior laundry wmk pul "ff mi
them, They may drrsa ever well,
but if their shirt front or shlrl waist laj
liiussy their Ileal pieaiaina I MleiI.
Th Troy laun.il V makea a pH Ully ol
ladles' and gentlemen' H"" wml. .
There can be no Inittir nor a than Is
dona at the Tfor. Iav your mdei al
Johnson' brler shop,
1 . . ....
......i 1.. i'i. - 1 . '. . ' "111.,
" ii. ,1,, . "J
ably aiomti,i, t ,, 1
ItlMirilH. niltlta1 aiii.l I . , .. "'"
s.11 11.0 fHi... i,., 1lW
' 1W II an I reii n.i.
the Uralim id. "e.
Aniintin, ,.,!,
Til aeiln llMHiiiln '
In Ida use nf ii,. i iii 1, t "1 "'
Into Ilia lis-sl 1 ,,-,., r, '' '"',
Mr ii. pr..pi..i.. "Vjf l.,
Il.pild foim, whii livtiljl. 1,
Jj.pi.d C.rwi.1 IV,,,. I ilm I., I I1'-
.-yllililUl7.,,elllt ,. "
nail. hll.uldforu1.l,;kJi'1'j
kiwi lfUuiti. 4i4 j JjN.
!r Dr. Siiilolis
ft Coujili and
' '
1 1 f M a as.BB.w -
l.ni..if i..
Tlits it tr""-t tii""j 'lis
Hl.t urul t tntg II ftlU.
rit, er ks'n l-i . len.e a
l.w t.ws ln.nl lr iuis ll.e
W'.t.t .'I I 'gri, t f"4
n, III, n. hill. )..: l
,!.l.il .!.... In ' in. "I
I ...!!l,,f..lt I wOltMUt 4t
11 In lb M..r r "I . I"
Mn. n Si ! d. ... v II has
len ! I MM gaiei.l,
lo. h (. 111..H. .ne
ten .! If "H ksta
I .mull, eame.iljr etk f'M
.ilrH l I nlle-l tltlii snl
I rV , n.t : end
In rnclsuJ Is. d . M snl
to 4.
5.C.WELLS & Call
r -- --UTq
'I rl SSM ' H M 1, :
niiiiiivrin, 1
. in smm. .... sm Mai
sfcssWllHassjjMjC M K isMiMrf ai
e. . ... -
Ml S IK I ..M I l-llfc7,ijj
tut ' iy C ii. iluutiar.
IKJN'T SfAMl'.-UVl r aUmpli.g
atxiul In rbeap hnrs a long aa yott call
buy tin h ri client t)paiid surt
ipialitiea a s are showing at II In our
M.Mlt L tjl'F FN Mi We , rbeap.
er olira, and better olies, tul none with
morn real Va'ile arid satufailion al the
t .
4 Wi... .. ,. w,..-
tl la 1 .sa, t 14.
" - II KllMlt
- IK M,rn n,
i. r..... M
s 1 1 tas an i,
I i4 ' 'in..
Don't Be
Tw tifttv trfli p 44 n IS tW.
Wri i-ara .1nl itf A m t . j
t M otmirl ast-taiaraAif " j it ,
tllie VtUVeV taM(.Mir4
try rna drakes. nM ssmW eu. s.
In a lev loe.iuvi as a sv k M s.tsvr.H
duns lu (-rft.
UMiummill erf MMeaivsil
2 l,1! mile a nf Ioik dls
taiice telrjdiolio ir ill
Oregon, WashliigUn , Ca!i.
forma slid MaIiu Mitr in
oratini by I'aciflc
Matimi Ti'le)i(itifl ('ntn
nny, mvi-ritiK 2,2-V)
t')W llH
rfetnia are serr neHalia; flnn
thy nnr .IttMVxrH In la lie ml
liilitoil i.f k bM rw4 ts, ewi
tonllit, s,. far kuus s4 IsusvM i
vs all. fcuui A lu I. I
Reprint Dlctionaria
a4 t m r..ra ft t" of sea)
1ars s tthl, In Ils4f
hi, ami nbl. h MSuksuMf4aas
ptint, al lan-tm to llw istiisova '.
lurti w-utk i'i stsus swto laKtss
Lour Since Obsolctt
TIhi s.i iJenimil i.f rim
..s," til fc . i f lhe Imisitissrie
livl I. pivilsxn. ss ris4
. : 1 . 1 ah,, L, .iimi mm tmn sr.
Wii , a't urair, ciieajij ,MW- nM ar.l. is
All the satinfartion r,f a I i "' i-pnur -1 s
coinfiituncav on.
no HWt ti a
cleiif UliiliTstalnlillK. Hlo
kaiin aii'l .Him
ns easily iiennl a a I'ort-land.
Ti. vr .i...'. nuk.ijJ Pwt s
' ll. I I mir boiiMt M 11 Mi'f 1
I.., i.f ilml name fm.lisr In Its'
Il ,.,..1.1, uinl Bill Sll k.S
I il... . 1 w .... alia Its"
FratHMsco , li-n nut mi n.t. i,iw . Ii
Oregon City fi;t.(- ut
Ilanliiis I)nir StoroJ
V ali.nl.ki lh. sort I.
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