Oregon City Enterprise. NO. AO OKKUON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOIiKR 20, 1900. ESTABLISHED 1866 ANK OF OKKOUN ( li t, Oldest Bankloc Room li lit Cltr. HaM Up('aillal, Vl,M). Surplua, iJu,v. rai.iniat. - l ti lt , r.rriat. tit i raaaiuaST, . i, um, ctiMit. i. tauriti.u. A (antral tank I lit titialnaaa Iraiiaantad, lxxllt ra"il aulilool to clianl. (I rotxl lilllt an t nolat i1lamiuiila4. Cmmr aa4 til, warrauia bunt hi. a tnvl n a allabla aaourllf. Kirlitm bout hi ami t)ll. lo iwilmi ms'l riniiilf . If .lit ml'l avallaula In mr part o( tha worM .imrlild ainliantaa ni l on furtlauil, Mail riuuU'.'ti!iiiai1 Tori, litraal pal J tinia ilapoalta. (). V. Kssthnfii (1. II. Dimli k.) DIMJCK ,t KAKTIIAM Attornoys-nt-Law. (,'oiniiirrrlnl, Real KsUtn ami Pro-! IA(U l.HW, HM ('illtil , AUIract of Title uiadr, Money leaned Oregon City, Oregon 1 i A D O, lAlOt'KltTIB, ATTOKNKYH AND CoUNHKLOKM AT LAW MAIN STRRRT OS too CITY, ORRtloN. furiilati Altrarta of Till. Una Mouaf. for. vliwa MMIaaa. aui Uau.aol Uauaral l.a feualaaaa. "J (!. HTIUCKLAND, M. D. (Ilitillal and I'rWata Klrltnr. Oltart lila irifraliiiil aartirat to Ilia . ilf ill OrrKon 'liy ami vicinity. rl-rlal attanlloii paid lo Catarrh anl I linuilc dlaaaaei Jlaal of Mar atlraa gltrn. niflr hi WlliauialU HutMlng umrwlioura: luuil.'a. m., 4 to 0 p. in. onriioN cirY oin:ioN Jko. c. hihiwnki.i., ATTOKN'KY AT LAW Oregon City. - - Oregon Will prarlina In all Ilia court of Hi (lata. Dmca In Cauflald t.uilillng. J)U. L. I- riCKKNH, DENT1HT. Trlt-M Moderate. All Operation Guaranteed. Barclay Uullding Orenon City. r. 8. I'llES. At fwKNKY AT LAW. Dltl.a o.nlla Huntley's Drug Hlore. Oregon Oly, Oregon. C 1 HCHCKltKI.. Dcutf.lKr Ubpofat. ATTOKNKY AT I.AW. om- over MrKiUrl k'i Hho. Hiora, naat tli Man of Oregon I'll;. City III'iiH, K. IIAYKH ATToltSKY AT LAW, Hclsl allrtillnii givaii lo County Court ami Probata uiallera. (Mica l'.ttalrt, ulMMa' Hutnley lor. J U. CAMPBELL, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, Oatan CiTV, OtlOOK. WlllprtPllraln alllha eourta si tht llato. Of lea, lu taUR-'M bu I III I lit. rpilK COatMIKCIAl. HANK OF OREGON CITY. tlttl, ' - 'I00-000 - . .BM.B., . ma aratNaat. loana niaila. hllla rtltnminto.l. Makva col Ixrliuiit. Hiia an4 aalla atc lin u all llnu In tha t'iiltv.1 Htata. Kurot-a ami lln ' lfiHMlla rcalol tuhjai'l W cbw . H oiou Irum I a. M. la 4 r. M. do. LiTufK.rrHirrc.iM,. CMhar H. DHKSHKH, ATTOUNKYAT-LAW. OltlcaoTirr McKllirlrk'i Hlio Hlor, nar Ilia Hank of Uri-Kont'lly. Ohioo City, OHfllON. L L.P0RTKB. ' "I "ATTORN KY AT LAW AitTRACTtoraortKTY rimmiHin. Omoa net I to Otigon CUT RnU n-rl-a, D R, FRANCIS FUKKMAN, -DENTIST GrHilimta of tlm NortliwonMrn Unlvor- .Itv Dontal Hclrnol, ChlfftKO. AIho American Colleof Dnntal Snruory, Wlllanmtto Illock, re on City. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWEIiE 0pp. Huntley's Drun Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureat Britain fcnd America. ' PATENTS nrr.inNH TDIDC. MARKS ANDC0PYRIUHI1 OHIAINtU FREE ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Nut li In " Invnntlva Aira " llouk "How lo obUIn l'atanU" OlxargM mmWn. No fea till patent It seenred Lettrt ttrlntlT oonDilannai. ""i . a sinnERS. Palanl Lamar. Wtihlnolon, 0. d SCHOOL At Portland Prices., Wo Qivo Poncils, and Book Covors FREE CJIAUMAN & CO. Cut Price Druggists, A Full Line Rainy-Day and Jackets THE i iim i: i.i:nm tha poim If You Wiiitl lrl rt-clnK Job CAI-L, AT THIC KNTICKI'KIHIC. 1900 Made! IMPERIAL WHEELS $25 f $30 Strictly I lili-Orailo, Fitted with Any Kind of Tires. Call and See Our Samplea lkforo You Duy. -.-.TERMS EASY. i lm. GROCERIES 4r Wholesale Prices. HARRIS' GROCERY, .WMujmuMttvwj BOOKS Tablots. Rulers, Oregon City, Ore. of Skirts, Capes at FAIR STORE i..4i priptipt J At Lowent uten. Pope & Co. Oregon City, Or. Cor. 4th and Main Sts. :w- For Cash First Corner From Court House, rs SHERMAN DEAD McKlnlcy Will Hare 2M Vole In (lie Klfi toral College. MIMKH VYAXT TO WOKK. I'rfl lent Mlkbfll Hayi frm More lotted Xotlrct of Adtinm In Wniffii Will fleitl) the Strike. Waiiiixoto, Oct. 17. Jolm filiermtn la (Jaiigitiutitly ill at hi rwil'len.e on K trect, In till cli v. The attack ha taknn the form ol ifneral collaote, In part due to the Konnral duhiiity iiu:iilnt to ohl tri'l to the rnVrta of 'rloin ill-lir-M, from aliirli lie iu(Terel aliile on a trip lo the Wni Ini!i-i two year KfJ. He never hail fully rerovend from that illnr-aa, Mr. Hherrntn'i death durinx the Kiimmer at the old hoineateail at Manallnl'l, Ohio, alo had it efT.M:t on the venerable tU:ninn, who deeply niouriid her I'e. Lale, John Kherman dinl Monday 'veniriK at the advanced age of 78 year. Wajiiimotos, Oct. 21 The New York Herald, which ht accurately fore Ctited preaidential election In pMt year, tola announce that McKinley will haro 'M electoral vota and Bryan li3. TIjI announcement i wade after Dioet careful canvas of all douhtfl I state, and show a Kin in the colleite fur McKinluy of 10 vote over that of j four year ago. The Herald give Mc kinley all the UUM he earned in 18'Jt) eicept Kentucky; and Kana, South Dakota, Wyoming, Washington and one vote in California, which were cast for Bryan four year ago. fhere I nothing curprising In the re sult of the Herald's forecast, as it Is ahout the same as that of every careful political studont not blinded br partisan ileal rt. The feature of it is that the Herald has bad ample resource at Its 'command to secure It imforruation. and it methods have been of a painstaking I character. The canvas shows a falling otTln the larger pluralities -iven (or Me- jKinley la New York, New Jereey, Illinois snd Wisconsin, yet in New York 'the poll shows that McKInley will have 1 15,1 K). Ol the states given to Mo Kinley the great eat doubt is of Indiana, where the farmer vote if depended npon , to carry the electoral vote for the Bryan ticket. Of the Bryan states, Kentuckv and Nebraska, are considered republi can clone possibilities while some of the Mountain States aie classed as bare poanihililie. The caravan also show that the re publican will control tlu next house of representative and that 11 senatorial seats are in doubt, being two each In Deleware, Nebraska and Montana, and one each in Kansas, West Virginia Illinois, Idaho, South Dakota and Utah; but with the republicans sure to have 4(1, a majority in any event. OWNKKS CAM KND IT. With a raw More Kotlca tha Htrlka Will ba 0r. Hazelton, Pa., Oct. 22. President Mitchell, in an interview tonight, prac tically admitted that the anthracite coal miners' strike would end as toon as the operators presented a notice guarantee ing the payment of a 10 per ceut advance in wages until April 1. President t:...i...n t l . I ajuiMitm bmiu ; "The prospect of an early settlement of tbe coal strike is becoming brighter. Some of the operators have not yet poBted notices signifying their willing- i ness to tan in line eitner witu me ueau ' ing Company or with the proposition I made by the Lehigh Valley Company, in the Ilr.elton region If all of them notify their euieploves by posting notices or otherwise that an actual advance of 10 per cent will be paid and mine employe, and guarantee its continuance until April 1, together with the abolition of the sliding scale, I believe that the terms would be accepted by the ruineworkers. The reduction in powder from $2.75 to (1.50 has confused the minds of the miners could receive the full adance of 10 per cent, as well as all other employes that I believe that this obstacle can be overcome." Although, as President Mitchell says, the outlook for an early settlement of the strike is bright, it is diflkult to make a prediction aa to when the end will come. Some of the coal companies are showing a disposition not to issue a second notice guaranteeing the payment of the 10 per cent increase in wages until April. Among these are the Deleware, Lackawanna and Western and Deleware & Iludsou, the officials of which com panies are reported to have decided to issue a supplemental notice. The labor leaders, however, hope that the compan ies will iu some way make known that they will guarantee the payment of the advance until April 1. Presidedt Mitch ell appeared quite cheerful tonight when he mado the announcement as above, and his manner indicated that the time is near at hand when all the anthracite minora now on strike shall leturn to the mines, as soon aa all tha notices guaranteeing the payment of the ad Vance until April 1 are potd. Presi - dent Mitchell will call a meeting of the National Kieciitive Board at which the strike will lie declared ofT. The largest demonstration ever held In this city took place tody, when nearly 7000 miners pa railed the street. In a carriage at their head rode President Mitchell, who received an enthusiastic ovation all along the march. Thootand of miners, sccomnariied by their families, carne to the city from every mining town in the region. There were 150 men in line who had tramped 18 mines over the mountain from Panther Creek Valley. They, with theMcAdoo miner, who are famed throughout the coal fleM for their erseverence in marching and closing colliers, were the beads of the parade. B0AKI) OF COS IS 1 0.1 EKS. Recular October Term of the Coooty Board. J. It. Morton, Joha I.awalloa and T. Klllln, CominUalonart. ('Continued from last week) Octobkr 4th, 19009:30 o'clock a. m. Ttie board now convened, pursuant to adjournment, the commissioners and offi cers preeenl as of yeaterday, when the following proeeedings were had, to-witt In the matter of aid for Jacob Kohler, indigent soldier Jacob Kobler appearing betore the board and asking aid as an in digent soldier, and the board being fully advised, it is ordered that the said Jacob Kohler be allowed the sum of 14.00 per month, commencing Oct. 1, 1900 In me matter of the bill of NornsA Powell for medical attendance on Pat Ulicn biiiici"-u ; t-oiiiu .iviiib v--it ell. county physicians, and present their j bil for medical attendance on Pat Uries- enaoer, and it appearing to the board ! .hat aaid Pal Griesenaner is a resident; Grieeenaner Now come Norri & Pow of Marion county, state of Oregon, with a family residing at Ml. Angel, in aaid Marion county, and tbe count-coort of Morion county having been heretofore notified by the clerk ol Clackamas coun ty by forwarding to the judge of said Ma rion county a certified copy of the order made by tnis board at it regular Sep tember session, 1900; therefore, it is or dered that the clerk of this board lor- ard to the county coort of Marion county, state of Oregon the bill of Drs. Norri & Powell lor payment, witn a cer tified copy of this order attached thereto. In the matter of the appointment of road supervisor in district No. 10 It ap pearing to the board that the otllceof road supervisor fur district No. 10 pre cinct is vacant, and the hoard being fully advised, it is ordered that John Honehon be and he hereby is appointed road su pervisor for said district No. 10 precinct. The board now adjourned until 9: JO s. m. tomorrow, Oct 5, l'.KKi. Friday, Oct. 5. 1900. The board now convened, pursuant to adjournment, the commissioners and offi cers present as of yesterday, and now tbe following proceedings werw had, to-wit: In the matter ol the petition of Nicho las Story, laid over from the Aogait term This matter coming on at this time and the matter having been fully pre sented by A. 8. Dresser, attorney for pe titioner, aod tbe board being fully ad vised, it is ordered that said petitioner have a rebate of $19 40 npon bis claim as set forth in said petition. In tbe matter of the application of G. C. Fields (or extension of time in which to build bis railroad Now at tbis date comes petitioner, asking for the exten sion of time in which to complete tbe building ol a railroad from the south boundary o( Oregon City southerly, men tioned in the order of this board dated July 7, 18i9,aod found recorded in com- The Delicious Fragrance from a hot Royal Baking Powder biscuit whets the appetite. The taste of such a biscuit sweet, creamy, delicate and crispy is a joy to the most fastidious. ROYAL BAKING POWOEB CO., ! mlssloner' journal vol, 18, psges 180 anil- 181, and the court, being now advised. hereby grants said petition and extend) the time for the building of such ros4 until March 2. BKil, npon the terrna anJ conditions in said order prescribed ; pro vided he shall build the bridge on said road the full width of the highway, wills track next to the river side: provided said O. C Fields shall file the written acceptance for such grant with the clerk of this court within tire days from this date. Dated Oct. 5, l'JOO. The board now adjourned until 9:30 o'clock a. m. tomorrow, Oct. 6. l'JOO. Oct. 6th, 19)09:30 i. ra. The board now convened, pursuant to adjournment, commissioners and ollicer present as ol yesterday, when the follow ing proceedings were had : In the matter of the payment of the) tax for WX) upon the 40 acre tract of the James Mc.N'ary D L. C. described on pages ZH and 39 of book of deeds of Clackamas county, Oregon. No. 72 Up on payment by A. 8. Dreste and K. Men leuhallof the (am of $10 9 at taxes for the year MM noon tbe 40 acres of the estate of W. II. C'laysen, deceased, said 40 acres be'ng described on page) m and 3i9 of txxjk of deeds No. 72 of Clackamas county, Oregon, and it ap pearing to the board of commissioners of said Clackamas county that said fum of f 10.95 U the proper and correct amount due on said 40 acre for tbe tax of th fear 18'JQ, it is therefore ordered and ad udged by the board of county commie tiooers oil Clackamas county, Oregon, that said sum' of f 10.95 be received in lull payment of the taxes of 1890 opon said described 40 acres, and that all liens (or aaid taxes of 1890 npon aaid 40 acres be and the same are hereby released and cancelled. In tbe matter of tbe taxes on tha Knight of Labor hall at Highland This matiar coming on to be heard and it ap pearing to the board that tbe annual taxes upon the aaid Knights of Labor . . a W at Highland amount ie about $.3. snd ' farther spoesnog that Clacksniu wunly ha. had the use of -aid ball (or ,h porpoee o( holding elections and that the county baa never paid anything for the nse of said hall, therefore, it is or dered that all taxes against aaid ball be and are hereby cancelled. In the matter of the report of John W. Meldrum, deputy county surveyor Now comes John W. Meldrum, deputy coantjr surveyor, and files hi report, as follows: Report of resurvey of part of tbe Epper son road and expense account amounting; to $7; reestablishing and recording gov ernment corners and expense account amounting to $9; grade line Paper mill bill, Bakers Ferry and Cason-biidge rowd and expense account amounting to $6.40. The board being (ally ad vised, it is or dered tbat said reports be approved and expense account be allowed it follows, to-wit: $7, $9. $0.40. Io the matter of tbe claim of G.J. Trullinger filed hereni This matter com ing on to be heard, the said G. J. Trul linger having filed a claim herein and the board being fully advised, it is or dered that J.J. Mallatt, road supervisor for district No. 19, remove from tbe premises of the said G. J. Trullinger ths stumps blown from tbe highway by blasting npon the improved land of sai4 Trullinger and also ditch and drain the highway and cut s culvert acroes the road an as not to overflow said Trullin ger' land ; and it is further ordered tbat said claim be allowed as to the gravel, and a warrant be drawn ip favor of G. J. Trullinger for $12 50 lo pay for said gravel. In the matter of the petition of Brace Wolverton in behalf of tbe trustees of the Church of Christ, Oregon City, for a rebate or cancellation of taxes Tbis matter coming on npon the petition of Bruce Wolverton tor an assignment of the certificate of sale purchased by Clack amas county on Oct. 22, 1898, upon lot 4. block 10, in the town of Marshtield, and the board being fully advised, it is or dered that the clerk be and hereby is au (Continued on page 5) ROYAL Baking Powder improves the flavor and adds to the healthful ness of all risen flour foods. It renders the biscuit, bread and cake more digestible and nutritious. Royal Baking Pow der makes hot breads wholesome. Food raised with Royal will not distress persons of delicate or enfeebled digestion, though eaten warm and fresh. Imitation baking powders almost invariably con tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK,