Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 28, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Co -A V kf very art,
Bt trn4 I mnnfnrm round e aMta
B put bat fr -rrv
AH ltM for aiet'i axila la dmuta,
And oa hf to til U ate,
TU leal of artul tr-e.ty.
Ood did o Mki kee very flr.
iit white and lithe aJ rnT and aewlj
A subtl fra-rso la hcf Mir,
A krn.lf alflwsa la fcer feet.
And la t haiula t alow rama,
God madt tlxvt I mj MeeUfaatasaa,
Cd Hi not elv heart.
tlut lam ta that with,'a ker tic
To r-tkt ix Inn to wiute it
I Mil I K; OMlnavs tad aad -r-,
And la:r.k la read and wortklp taer
All food, y.1 ehe I atrrelj tair.
A. B. ktiaj U . Tk Trtbaa.
For sale An acre of fin land with
good 0 room cottage, together lth
splendid household lurnltnre, situated
at Mount Pleasant,
Mm. M. K. Partlow.
Legal Notice.
Raw Rlr Artkwr falllvaa Cwwa la
Writ Taal Faaitu Mrlowf.
Colond ItoU-rt E. Ia Wcutling. a
rrc-at traveler and nimlcan, tella tba
following luterct!ng atory:
"It waa while visiting th bouse cf A
nobleman In England that I first heard
tie atory uf the tlrtlj of The Lost
Chord. a tvrng that has been aung In
every quarter of tbe glob and which
will 'lire forever. If ever there waa
ucb a thing aa Inspiration, that so eg
ra Inyji'.red.
There are rery few Englishmen
who do not reuierulior Fred Sullivan,
tbe prat comic star anil brother of Sir
Arthur Sullivan. He plated In all tha
ordinal Gilbert and Sullivan opcraa
tad baa never been equaled, lie wai
later followed by George Oroaamlto.
"One day Sir Arthur Sullivan waa
ot.'fl.'d that bla brother Fred waa rery
UL He n.ade every effort to reach tha
bon where hit brother waa lying at
the point of death, but arrived too lata
to a. him alive. The two brother
were devoted to each other, and the.
blow waa a bitter one for Sir Arthur,
lie waa closeted with the body of bla
brother for two hoar, at tbe expira
tion of which time be came down
atalra and went to the piano. Throw
ing tbe Instrument open, he began to
Notice it hereby riven that I will apply
to Ih city council al It regular mtrti n r- In
October, pan, (or a hcrna to rail aplrtliooe
liquor, ai my plao of boiinra. Main and
and KiK-hlli urerla In I'rr.n l ilv
I'ail Oregon l ity, Sept. ','T. I X)
1'HiLir lux4
.llre ( Ordllara.
In the County Court of th Hlala of Oregon
for th County of Claoaamaa.
In the mailer ol
Holt, itetvaaed.
the ratal of Matilda 1.
Not ire it hereby given that I will
apply to the city council at it regular
mertirg in OVtober, I '.., lor a lieenan
to aell apiritiou liq'iort, at mv place of
buine, on Ilia corner ol Fifth and
Main alreet.
Pated. Septemter 27, I kXl
A. KsArr.
A-' emliior of an. I all rna tiavii.g
damn aialrxt the ai.l ilcraMt to rvi.
lliem aiih Iha inir vooi-liera kHMii m
nioiiilii frm lii date of ih flrtl pulillia
lion of Hilt nolle to Id oiiilnrai!ii l ii
ortl.- of lila ailornv. Ilrlgrt ,t tlrlltlih,
llarclav buililil. (IrrKon Ciy. Orrin.
Klral putilloation S iinlrr '.N p.tO
C. M. 1PI.KM AN.
Ei ulor oi ih etial of
tUuM I. Moll, dueil.
lliu A UairriTM.
Atuirnvya lor Kieeutor
Notice ia hereby given that I will ap
ply to the city council ol Orek-on City,
at th regular (Vtober meeting (or a
i licena to elt liquor at my placa ol
lbuineeon ilain M. between 1'ouMh
iaud Fifth. Ctua. N. Wiljox.
In th Clmiit Court of lh liof Orrgon
for th Coiintr ol Ciat kaniaj,
J II. Hawlry, I'laintilt, 1
Una Hwlr, IVnJant.)
To Liua Ilaalry. Ui aho baniad drfmd-ait:
A. gori. You ar hereby oui!(iiri.lr. lob
and appear ia (aid court on or bfor th
1th day of Novtniber, I , and niak ant
wrr to tee complaint tiled by plalntirt In
lint cauae, and tn delault Urvl lh iiiain
t.lT will a: ii v to th cuan lor a Jrcre
afaintt you lor tti rvlirf prayed lor In to
complaint. To rrlirf pravevi for br plain-
tin in bia
.Itee f I'IbimI MrllleiMeat.
In III n altrr of tb ratal ol C, C. Lung
rPHK mi.lrlfi-.l. lb adnnniairalor of
A th ratal ol C. C. Nm .tm.-m.i k.
lug tlleit bit Anal aciMuni a aurti admlnit
Irai.'rlu Ibecounly rourt of Iti ial of
Orr.-nn for Clai kauiaa rounlv and In Ilia
j ln i.itle. rante, and thai Tuvlay, tli
tKh day of November. ! , at Id suniv
i-ouri r.inio( ull county hat twn flieil bv
K e JuU" of aal I cmirl ta th tlm ami
place ol hraring and drlerniining any and
all iilijrcii.il. ,i aid ai-riuini.
Paie.1 ai Oregon t'Py, hepi. , I U)
Adiiilmiiralor of in ial of
C. C. Ixii'g, dfrA.,
tlce I'laial NettleMrai.
"OTICE l hrby givi. I'. at Ih undrr-tii-'ied,
a Imlnlatiab'r of lhet.i
Walter F lh. deceaard, la tl.rd In Ih cum
ly curl ol t'l kamaa county, flat of tlre
gon. bit final account at tun a lmli liirt
lor ol aaid ftlaie. and thai Turxlay, Nov. ti.
I'.to, at Ih hour or I')..) oVKh-A a. m . bai
bren n le.1 bv aaid court at the dar uf blar
ing objection! lo taJd rrnrt and Ih aelll. !
niiii ibrrror
AdiiilnUirtinr of Hi E'tai of
Waller Kith, Pet-rated.
Mid eomplainl i for th dittolu-
7 ctonol lh.b,ndtofa.tninony.il.iinltb..
play, an I bar by bar. Tbe Lost Chord twn tb, ,,.rtlea to tint auit. and mat
The compoaer aadly pot
was e .Ived.
bla new composition on paper and
tored It away.
"The aong la tbe wall of a throbbing
heart, tbe grief of desolation. All
tLrcugb Ita beautiful harmony run be
beard tbe atraln of gTlff. So profound
an ltupre!on did the association of
the aonz with the death of bla brother
make on Sir Arthur that be la Mid to
bate, even at this late tij. an aversion
to hearing It performed." Baltluiorw
Cave Her a Drnclac Bawl.
Sine. Antoinette Sterhng. tba con
tralto singer and evaiigeliat, tad an ex
perience In the Bombay presidency,
India, which is aa quaint aa any of
KlpilcT's talcs of the hills. She wai
can: pa I gti lug with Pundlta Ramabal
and through her niagnlflcent voice waa
drawing thouganda of nativea to ber
meetings. They had never awn that
kind of a missionary before and bad
never beard a voice like hera. Tbey
were so pleased with ber work that
tbey fald to theinselvea:
"This la a foreign woman guru, and
for f-ar of giving offense to ua she baa
om'tted to put ber begging bowl out
alde of ber door for us to put In the
cuntouiary contrlbutlons.M
In India every guru, or holy person,
carries a brass, wood or clay begging
bol. Into which the devout put soma
aniall sum of money. Mme. Sterling
walked out upon the veranda of ber
buajralow one morning, and there, to
her amazement, found two begging
bowls one. a little one, with a few an
Dai In It, Intended for tbe pundlta and
one. an enormous affair, containing a
handsome sum of f uuas and rupees for
The only explanation she could ever
extract from the servant was this:
"Little bowl, little money for the Uttla
pundlta with little voice: big bowl, big
money for big mlssahlb with big
voice." Saturday Evening Post.
A Qnalat Enallah Certmoiy,
On the last day of each O-tober the
city solicitor of London, with an as
Bl.s nt. attends iiiku the royal remem
bniccer. when, by proclamation, "the
tenants ami oc-iiplers of a piece cf
wate ground called the moors. In the
county of Salo." are commanded tc
"come forth mid do your service upon
pa'n and p"rl! Hint sliall fall thereon."
He solicitor chops in halves two fag
ots, one with a lintcliet ami the other
vc!:h a billhook. Afterward comes the
summons to the tenants, etc.. of "a cer
tain tenement with a forge" In the
Strand and the payment of six horse
shoes, with CI shoe nalln, by the so
licitor. This forge has long ceased to
be. Hud the same shoes and nails are
Used year r,ter year, the shoes being
tt least two centuries old.
Cwrlon Kooeral Cnatom.
In Switzerland death Is attended by
a custom which calls upon all charlta
L!e and Christian people to show their
sympathy. A notice edged with a wide
bluck line appears In the dally papers
Betting forth the day and hour when
sympathizers mtiKt assemble before
the house of the deceased. At the time
naired a little cloth covered table, sup
porting a good sized Jar. is stood be
fore the house, table, cloth and Jar all
beins of a somber, ebony hue, and Into
the latter small mourning cards, bear
ing the name and address of their own
ers, are deoslted. The day the funeral
fab s place Is the day selected for the
exhibition of the Jar. No ladies are al
lowed to follow at a Swiss funeral.
plaimift be decreed to b tb owner In fr
inipl In bit own nam and right of all lb
real prvlrty daacrtbrd at lollowt, to ail:
To north lao-lbirdtof lot eight (). bloc
on hundred and ll (111' I, A. A. Oen
nj't Broadaay Ad.tllion toSatll; lb rant
half of Ih toiilh tbirly leat f lot 2 in blook
tarlt ( I.'l, hairvira Hoinrttrad AaaM-ia-
Hon Aldition to attlr; lot ninrlrn il'ii
Vblork thirty laot.C'l, Supplemental Plai H.
U lralrra l irl A tduion to talil; lot
on blmk ii!btrn !). hJrt and
Kmghi a Addltnari u aitl; lot ninaC),
block on (I), Ksirtuount Addition k iwa
tie; loit tire and tix ( ' A ), block Ihirtv
two tCK H. U Yetirr Kirtt Ad .lit ion to
brattie; part uf lot two and Uirre .v. 1),
in block aixty-onr (till. V. T. Drnny a park
Addiliori to tM-attle. Ue-critm! aa lolloat:
beginning at a point at th liitcrwrcuoo ol
th wrxrrly Qiarxmal line of Lakratemi
with Uiixb itreet. there touihaeaterly,
along taii i.te aenu b, i. ri. inriu'.
tiurlbartterly and al rint ai lea lo I akt
avenue .t.ll lect, th . ratt:ri- b ine ur
ginni'iK; all of block ehty (TO). Wooi
lawn Park AdJilion to .ea lie; nurln ball
of loteirven 11!. b .k tnf -l.i:ir f'
Compton't Addilinn to Seattle; all in King
county, tlate ol V athmton. IaiIIw.m.'
block four hundrel ami twei.tv-tevrn I.',
of the govrrnmeiital lowntu Awriiinm
in Port Angelr. in Cla ani cnunly. Watii
ington: lot laebly Im ."'. block lnlr-
ix .li. Lake Park, m Pierce couniy,
Washington; the north ballot tbe aoulbrul
quarter of lb norlhvrit ijUarter of the
Miutheat quart r of taction right, toantiili
north. ran'eZ east, containing tiv acret,
in Whatcoru county, VV a.Mi gton ; the
northwest quarter uf the nortbwett quarter,
the aoutbwest quarlrr of the liorlhwrst
quarter, the northeast quarter ol Hi soutb-
ett quarter and th northae.it quarter of
th aoiitrjaent quarter of section Al, town
liip lii north, rang 1 eat, in Kitsap coun
iy, Washlnirton ; the t mihweti quarter ol
the hurt to ait q larwr, tbe touthrail quarter
of tbe northwest quarter, th norlhra-t
quarter of th aoutbweit quarter and tb
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of section J), lowtuhip 2 north, rang 1
West. JetrerMn county, Washington; also
all of the following desenbed real property
in Multnomah cmniy. Oregon: lie
ginning at a punt in th aeclion lln 40 ixxlt
east ol the southwest corner of tectioii AS,
township 1 north, range 2 east, Willamette
meridian, thence north HA leet, thence east
M rod, thence soutb .Vl feel, tbenoe wett
U the place of beginning, and being a part
of Menlo Park; lot eleven 11J. block thir
teen 13. Woodlawn; lot 2, block two (21,
Vetier's Addition; lots three and twelve (
& 12, block ten 10 ; lot 1, block eleven 11 ;
lot twelve 12J, block fifteen IS ; lot twelve,
12, block riiu-en, Pi, and lot tune, j, block
thiru-en. 1.1, in Lincoln Park; beginning at
a point titty feet north ol the southeast cor
ner of lot one, 1, in block thirty two. 32, in
Multnomah, thence northerly on tbe east
line of aaid lot one, 1, one hundred and ten,
110, leet, thence wetter I y on a curve along
Ihe bend of Hesch Street to the northeast
corner of said lot one, 1, thenoe southerly
along tbe west line of lot one, 1, to a point
tilty, .00. teet north to the southwest corner
ol said lot one, 1, thence easterly and pars!
A. .I,. re'.
VOTICK la hereby lvrn bv th nmlrr
aunrd, ataiii of Ih rttala of E K.
Williams. InaolvrOI delitor. that o-i Ih 3rd
lav of Nuvrnibrr, p40, m th hour of on
o clock p. ni., at tbe trout door of Ibr court
bout In Orrgun I. IV, Oregon, h will ofter
lor ! and ail to tb highest bidi'rr at
public aalr. tuhject lo cuirlrinatloii by Ibr
rircnil court of the tiai of Orrgon for
UackamaJ county. Ih following real and
(artonal pnnwrtr brlontrlng lo lb aaid
rttair of K. t. W llhamt. Inaolvrnl debtor:
IxlN of block M olOreift.ii Cur.
Ut 1 Kf block U, Falla View Addillgn U
urrgon i uy.
U II, block "II." Clarkama Highli,
Lia aamai county, t'rrgon.
On larg tafr, and
I nr larirr 'irflt-r drtk.
Term of aair. cab In band; dead to
realty u h ma t an I dtlirered iion a;-
pmsalot t.ircuit t onrt
Dated Kept 27, '
Him. F. RYAN.
Aaaignr ol Est at ol E. E. William.
Insolvent Debtor.
Hiiiitiri'M hi.i:.
In Hit Circuit Court of In Sil of Oregon
for tb County of Clarkatnaa.
tiro ry W. Joarph.
Ileoric T. I'lekr,
Ml of Oregon, County of Cla kaniaa, a.
neculioo and oMer ol tale, duly Ittiird
..,,1 ,,f and under Ih rl of Ih alxn mil-
ia.1 smri. in Ih llHiv iililld rantr, lo
n.e d i v .llre- lrd ami dated Id l ull iltv of
VI lFiukr, !.', Ulstn Judgment rein!err.
id enirrt in tald cour on Ih Mb dar ol
Heplrtulier, 1 . In lavor of (leor W. Jo.
aepli, piallililt, and agalntl liorr T,
;,er, ilelrnda'il, lor Ih aunt of l 'ii.
a , Hi mlerral I hereon al Ih rat of H (rr
..nt ner amnni from hr Mb day of Ke
leinhrr, I "'. and th further turn ol f 1 1
melt and iitthurtrinvnii, and ih rtt of
an, I ni-oii Hilt aril, couimauding m lo
mat Ml of Ih billowing dewrilrd real
proirriy. titoat In lb couniy ol Clacka
mas, suit of Orefmi, lo ait:
All that i-ortlmt of lb eaal nnabalf of Ih
iloiialni" land claim of lirwirr Weli b ad
uri t i Welch, hit aite. In arvtlon Hirer (1).
low niiiip lour (Ot-iulh of rai'g Ihrr ( t
etl. a"d 'ii.iii Ihlrly-four I til. tuwnihin
Ihrr (ti S.KIIII of ran- Hirer ( t)ratl, wl.li b
het tmiili ol Ih rxuiutv road, taring a"d
e l.-rpilng Ihrrellom Iracl ol a'Hiut taei'ly
one ti re Mild by litortfr Welch lo Hiram
;-'el:ot hy dent dttr.1 rVplriubrr '.'Nt, !!,
mi I roMed iemtrr I'Xh. I""1. on k
T. m n.H'k D of th rrtvrlt of ilee.lt .r
Ciai-kamaa rounlv, Orrgon, Ih t:d lra-t
'.ereni cn..vry. t-oiilainlug eighty Ibrre
arret, nmrr or lt; alto rirrptlng on i-rr
imvtd itv Mart Ann Kirk el al lo Nrlll
W i li I'V lrl le- .'de, on pge 1 ol tMik
ol lh rr-ird ol orrdt of Ciai kamat conn
I . 'rrji'iili.
Noa. Ihrrrlor. b Virtur of aaid teci
lion an, order of talr, and In cnoipllanr
a ith the lommanda of taid aril, 1 will on
t he ISlb Hay al OclWer. IttTO,
al tbe Ihiur of I o rlot k p. III., al th Irtinl
J.Kirol Hi imii I bona ill Ih cily of ilrr.
iC ii t'il . Ill tall iMUnty and tialr. aril al
l.itrillc aai-Hon .ih)n to rr-len plnin, lo
lie IM.-I.r.l bi.ldrr, lor 1'. 8. gold nun eatli
in ban I, all I'' 'iglil, til la and iiilerrtl
turn I lie III. in tamed defendant hi I on
Ihr its' of Ih J "Unienl herein or tuir
h a I Its r to li.r aho drrrttr-l real prop
eriv or anv part there.. f, lo tatitly tald tie
rulI'Mi, i.Umenl onler. decrrr, Interest
malt and all avrulng r..n
John j. couke.
Sliart ft of Clarkamat rounlv, Urrmn.
Dated, t'rrgon City. Or.. rpl. II, I'").
tlsrrlfl a Male mm lliarullaai.
In l!.e Cirrult Conrt nl IhtHlale of tlrrgon
fur Ihe loouty ol I la kamat,
W. 0.
Notice it hereby given that I will an-
plr to the city council at Ita regular meed.
ing in Uctotier, l'jiio. for a liceinsa to
ell liquor lor x months at my saloon
in Oregon City, on Main street
aid licrnea to dUs from expiration o(
preeent license. .V Kiuno.
ai unintj.
In the Circuit Court of Ih flat of Orrgon
lor i..e loumy oi viackaniaa.
Charles H. Canfield.
S. W. R. Jonet. T. J.Hiilet
and p. I. Nultine. H. H.
Train and i. It. Whitney,
partners doing bunt. est
under tb firm nam of
Train A Whitney. K A.
Toaplaman, Kicbard Nix
on, receiver of the Port
land Havings flank, a cor
poration, 8 K. Cramer,
iner.butband.aiid Warn
Cramrr. Eunice Cramer, j
iuy Cramer and Alice
Cramer, minor children j
of ti C. Cramer, deceited. I
Defendant. J
To H. W. U. Jonea. 8. K Cramer, husband.
and Wayne Cramer, Kunii Cramer, liiy
Cramer and Alice Cramer, minor chil
dren "f 8. C. Cramer, deceased, of th
oove namea aeiruuantt
-- tregon, you and each of vou are here.
by required lo apwar aiil autwer tb Com
plaint nird against you In Ih ahnva enik
tlail suit on or tiefore the 2d day of Novem-
dc'. i-fv; ana ir you rail to so anirar and
anawer, for want thereof, the plamliir will
ipply to the court for the relief demanded
in Ihe complaint, to wit: Kur a decrs
against derendanli and each ol them quiet
ing rim ntie lo the lands deserilied lithe
complaint a follows: Last half of the
southeast quarter and lots three ( ii and four
M) of M-clion 2i, township .1 soulh of ranire
; eaM oi
the Wlllametie meridian. In
Clackamas couutv. Oreiron. and thai l. !
lei with the south line o! said lot one, 1. one I declared to tie the owner In Ire thereof free
Oregon Short Line Railroad.
If . ou are thinking of an Eastern trip,
itv i'l pny you to wrile and get figures
an.. ..Hier information regarding service,
etc., from the Oregon Short Line railroad,
ti i office 142 Third street, Portland,
0con. V. E. Coma.v, G. A.
J. R. Nagel, T. P. A.
hundred feet, I'H, to tbe place of bi-giiining,
and brlnif a part of lot one, 1, in block thirty-!
wo. 32. in Multnomah; loll one to nine,
1 to 'J, inclusive and thirty-one to forty, 'Al
to 40, inclusive in block nine, 'J, in Penin
sular Addition number 2; lot thirty-one,
thirty-two, tlilrty-three, 31, .'2, XI, in block
seventy-one. 71 In L'niversity Park; Ion
live, 5, block five. 5, Hmlth'a Subdivision
and Addition to East Portland; lot one, 1,
block seventy-six, 7'i, fciellwood; also the
southwest quarter ol lection C, lowi.si in 11
south, range 9 west, in Lincoln county,
Oregon; also the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of section PI. township
II south, range 8 west, in Lincoln county.
Oregon; also the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section township 32
south, rane 7 west, in Douglas county,
Oregon; also lot thirteen, 13, block eight, w,
J. C. Austin ! Addition to Wildoruer, and
lot twelve, 12, in block seven, 7, in the Town
of Wildotner, in Kiverside county, Califor
nia; 85 acre of land In the town of Cliflon
Park, Saratoga county. New York, beinir ail
ol land owned by plaintill in aaid couniy;
also house and lot on which house number
PS Sixth avenue, Troy, New York, and a
house and lot on which house number 175
Sixth avenue, Troy. New York, are situ
ated, together with a vacant lot havinira
lrontsie of 2.ri feet joining said house num
ber ) riixtb anenue, all in Kensseialr
county, state of New York, and' neing all of
the property owned by plaintill in said
And that defendant lie forever barred
from claiming or setting up any right, title
or Interest In or to or lien upon the same or
any part thereof, and for his costs and dis
bursements of this suit.
This summons is published once a week
lor a period of six weeks successively prior
to ine nam jum uay or isoveniber, iwu, In
a'cordnnce with the order of Honiimhle
Thos. F, Kyan, jude of the county court of
me state oi uregon lor me county of Clack
amas, made and entered on the 27th day of
Senteuiber, 1900.
The date of the first publication of this
summons is September 2ih, l!i
0.0. WILLIS.
Attorney for Piaintiir, I
and clear ol all liens and claims ol def. inf
ants and each of them and for his cost and
uisnursrmenis herein, ami fur such other
ami lurther relief as to equity shall seem
This summons ia published byorderof
the Hon. Thus. F. Kyan, county judge of
i.iai aamas couniy, uregon, made ami en
tered in the above entitled court and cause
on the 3Kb day or September, P"l, which
order dlrcets the publication of this
mons for six consecutive weeks, the date of '
ine nrit publication being September 21,
inn, and of the last publication November
Allen Simmons. C. It
rrrr and Oro, A.'
illal of I Irrgon, County ol Clackamas, M
Ity virtu of a judmnl order, derr a.
an rltcutum, duly l.aurd out ol and ander
tn teal of Ih a'iuv nlill. rout. In lb
B'iov nlilirt rautr, til Kit duly dire, ted
and daie-l th 9th day of Augutt. I i
upon a j'l.lgmriil rndrrr and nlrr. in
aid court on th 2"h day of July. 1 , In
lavor of W . ti. I.au.ltil, plaiulllr, and
araintt I . II. Harvar and e.i. A llamllbin
drleiidautt, fir lb turn of M, with
Inlrrr.i on ti : al tb rlr ol 10 per ram
per innum rruni ih .-sin day of July
l m, aim in lunner tuiu oi a t j . m,,,
tiry't tret, and Ih further turn of 117 ami
and disburarmrnta. and th rutlt of and
upon this writ, commanding n out of Ih
ronal prui-"y of aaid drlandania.
and II tumciant coul I not b found, lhn
out of h real pMerty Iwlonrln lo said
letemUnl on ami alter the ilai tit tai l
Judgnieiil lo tautly tan! sum and alto in
costs upon this sal I aril.
ow, Ihrrrhire, hy virtu of sai l eieru
lion. Judgment order ami dvcrre, and Hi
compiianc with th commands of taut
writ, bring unahl lo find any rxnal
pirty of tal l ilrfetnlanla. I did on th
221 day of Augutt, !:), duly levy upon the
loiioaing iierriit! real t.roiiiy of til
defendant C. II. harvr, sltuai and ling in
Ih county of llackama ami hiat of l r
on, to-wit :
tiring a part ol th H. M. Plmair I). I.
l-.. In lownablp 3 aouth ol rang 4 etsl o(
Ih Wlilamrrt n.trl.lian and In Clarktmaa
couniy, Oregon, and ilewrlned at followt;
llrgiuhiugat a xilnl II..Vjchaiiitaiuth.0ll
ea.i of Ih north w. I corner of tb tan) do
nation land claim; running them east
."Ml chains lo a Hon In Ihr east boundary
una oi in taid iionalion land claim : Ibenr
aouth on said claim lln P) hi chains lo I
M. HuffiiMin a northeast corner; tbenc
west 211.10 chains lo a alone In Hit renter of
thei coun'y Mad; tbeiira north 0 IP west
10 nl chains to the plai of beginning.
a no i win, on Saturday, th
lh ly al Nrplrtnber, 100,
at th hour of I ;. o.clock p. m. at Hi front
door of tb Couniy Court llousr in th rltv
of Oregon City, Orrgon, In said County and
ntaia, sen at puhiic annum, iubect u
redemption, lo the blirtiest bidder, for I' H
gold colli, ra,h In hand, all th right, till
and interest which tb within named de
fendants, or either of them, bail on th
dale of said Judgment or sinreba l in or to
IheaiKive ilesenlied real proiwrty or any
part thereof, lo aaltsfy said icutloii JipIk
merit order, decree, Interest, cost and all
accruing cost.
RherlfTnf Clackamas County, llreim.
Dated, Oregon Cuy, Oregon, Aug. 2.1. paid.
2, 1!,0.
Atiorneys for Piaintiir.
In the (Jlrr ull Court of the State of Oregon
iwt fciiv v.uuiny ui lacaanitts.
Lydla Kirkham.
Alfred Kirkham,
To Alfred Kirkham, above named defendant:
tn the Circuit Court of the HiMie,.r (i.e.
gon, lor Clackamas County:
William l'lyrnpton,
J. A. Logan, F. A. Iigan,
Ills wile, JJ. C. LaUiu
rette, trustee, and J. li.
To J, A. Igan, F. A. Imuran and J u
trainer, i'iyr oamei (leiemiania :
I n the name or the Hint of Oreim, v....
a I. . . "
aim eacu in v ju am i.rei.
...I.-.I ' .
quireu mj apirar ami answer the
complaint filed airainst von In th. .h...
eniiiieu court ami cause on or hef,.,. ...
weeks after the drat publication of Sllliirtiri.ia
in this case, bi-wlt: the 1,'lth dsy of October,
t.rri, sun o jm i inn u so Biiiear or answer
the piaintiir will apply to the court fur the
reiier ueiuaiiiieii m bis
Ill lb Circuit Coufl ol lb Hll of Oregon
Inr Ihr Couuly id Clai kamat.
Harvey W, Dillingham, llnllfT.J
Maiy (lililngliain, duUndanl,
To Mary tlllllngbam, alsiv named d.
feli'lanl :
In lb name ol hHialaof Orrgon, you
arrhrrebv m.mI'.. lo appear and antwtr
Ih i. .in p. ami IH'. I attaiuti j on In Ih Unt
nllHr.1 eull In Ih bIhiv ntmed rnirl on
or belorr ih l llb iav ol l.'lnlr, pan. h
tain lliig seven wrrks Irom lb Ual of
Ibellral uiblli allon of lldt tuiunoina. YU
will lak null. that If y nl Ull lo i anpetr
and autwer tald complaint lb plainllll will
apply lo lb court lor Ih relief dmildl
In tald CimpltUil, lo-wll : that Ih Ixoidt
of nialrloooiy now riltllng lirlwrrii)uu
ail plaluiilt lie ili.mlve.1
Tim auiiiiiioni It piilillibal bvt'drnl
U C. li uk-e, J i U nl h Kourlh Judli III
itltrli-, tal l Hate, In Ibr Oregon CI y
eekiy KnUrprlt lor tvu am.-rttli
wrrkl, ComllKlii'ing hrpleinbrr 7, !', anil
riutli.iilng lor earn w ek lhrllr lo and
Including iVIoUr PHh. I'tal
IIEO C IHtoWNItl.l..
A It. ir ntv or I'lainlllt
Ml urtina,
IN THE I IIUTI f COI Iir nl Ih. Mala I
id Oregon, lor ih County uf Clackamas .
William J Hliaw, plaintiff,
Cam M. M.aw, defendant,!
To I ! M Hbaa, a 'km nam-1 defend
a nl
In Ih Mini of Ihr Hlal ol Oregon, YU
ar berrbv re.il. lo an-ear and ameer
in co i -1 ai nt nie-l a'iiiil i ml In Ih alaivt
eiilllle-l coll I" Ih iie named c nrl un
r ll..r Ih I hb dv of O. inhr, I an, h
lni brlf tetrtl Wrekt front Ih IWtl pub
licatiou of Hi t atiinniolit You Bill laka
mdic thai II you fail lo antr tald mm.
plaiil. Ilia plaiiilil) will apply lo Ihe man
lor Ih rehrl ileiiiiila-l in taid romplainl,
lu-wll: Thai 111 boii le ol matrimony ima
titling lwltn you and plainUrt b dia
ailv I.
Th II turn noma It published by order of M
C lieufife, put of lf Fourth udl 11 dla
If let, tail title, In Ihe Oregon I 0y weekly
Enlerprla f .r seven auevrtaif tHklmiii
a.enciii; hepieintvr Tin. ii, nd rootinu
lug for each week I'lerrallar lo and Inrlud
n IVtolirr I'hfi pat)
liKn C. IlKOWNrt.L.
AHori.ey for Plaintiff.
lollra far l'Nl.l,H,aM
Depilii lil ol ih , .
Hpl.mbw J. i ,
N'ollia I hereby vn thai h ii
nauie l aelller bat llle, Ionic, ,,1 , ' .'h
11.10 In make final loi-f , '
claim, and Ibal tald proof all ' '" ''' ll
fo.r Ih ltel.i.r and llr.., ",'"' U
'I'y. OrKnii, on OcioiK-r .n pan
J'I1S A. Nl ll.l,, ' '
IP K. No. li;i, lor lb i.eij ,., ,j (
II l.amet h follow In win...... , . .
hi iwinllnooii re.l le n i,i. ,,,
lion of aaid laud, via I
Chat K I Iiih J A Ni... .i..n
lU.enue, Join, A. Mn.a. ail i.f .!h
gun. t HAH. II, HiMiUKH,
Pallia al l laawl Mrr 111,
V'oriciC IH HKtlMlY OIVKN t,,.,
a Ih iiii.lrsl-i.a.. a lnil.,1.1,.,,,. .
r. latent tiro W N Uholto,., ,rr.,, , J'"
fllnl In lb rouiilf ron.i ..1 , . . '
co. inl, Oregon, ber final a.v, ,. .V'
Inilni'lrairil. and lliai .iil., it, '
I 'lb, I an, al lou'rlmk a in , ,1 it,'. ..... .
court room In Oreetin I n, c,. . '
ciunly, O.egoo, bat Urn li.. ,
and 1 lac by taid rourl f..i .,, .'"
l.iiih U g any a.d all ol jei ,
I'll! P1"q"i
T WII.MK A. Mcilof km
Ad.ulnUKat" a o 11, e I -'i,'iJ
Oru, W, Nicholson, I .
tlra far I'aibllrallwa,
lepar.eii of it,. ,,,, .
land nniit al OrrriMi I 11. loe.,,,''
Augutl : 1 , "j
N'ollr It l.rbv ln II. al ihe l..j.,ar.
nam I teiller hat nid nmic ,,( ,,t n.
Ikon lo make final pr...f supi-.m ,!J
rlalm and Ibal aatd 1 n.f will be,,.. 1. i...
11.. ii .... .1 . ... . ir 1 . -. .. .
reou, on in lunrr n, aaia ,,
No, H'etl, f,,r l pel of eeej
ll r.
r 4 r.
II name th lolluii. ait
I imt bis roiiin.,oi,s i.,i.,i,
rulllvalion of taid land fit.
John I. Mver. Heniy altera, fniK;-
UI. V III Niemann, a I of l mt. n,rg.
t a. a II M - ...
In Ih County Court of Hi flat of Ore
gon, for C. actinia county.
In Ihe mailer of Hit !( ol J.a b Half
To JoMpej E. Ie.let, tutor of Ih will
id Eiien J. Illiret. dr aed. Vtrv Jaa
Jacolx. John Hyron He.gea, Kilat'b
AO" I -.of. Wi.liani Allen Ile.aa, Jo.
tepli Eofen lle.lrt, liliharl Utiima
r.-e aixl fredem k U.mco lle-lfM and
I I other iilfMIl :
HY oKDKIt or Tli IX lloNoK..r.
Court, yuu ' berel.y riled lo b i,.
aiqar In In roiiuly Court of lb ttat of
Oregon lor Iharonnly of Clarkaniat al Ih
curt room there., f h rourl liooaa in
reg-iiu Cuy, 'ir.fui, in taid count
I'U. kamat. uu V.indav, Ih luh Uay
t'r, A D. ' at 10 u'rlixk a hi. of
thai day. than and II, r lo ha rautr. If
any you ur any d V "4 bate, why th jail
II. ,11 of Jowph '. Ir l(.t eleroU.r of Ihe
will ol tai.l JoMrh lledgrt, de.ratr.1, Tle-I
V ln.tief 3, pan il, mi l i,o( m rai.e
a"d an urler 1, ale uiboriii, i. ail el-
a ulor lo aril II. rei prorlv uf taid eil
in Ml I pennon particilariy h oul, Wv a it .
I Lota 3 and i, b- k 17, Canrmali, Cia k
an. at county, Ortg io.
i. On. bad Inlere.l ( jnJm.le.1 ) in io I,
bl. k I, l ai.tn.in, l i. kan.at County, Ore
3. Ibr a',' uf th ne',n I h B', of I'.e
itf of
i. I ir-
.Ilraafl I
In lb Cuniy Curl ol it, h .u o th.
(on lirt Cla. kamat Couniy,
In lb nailr ol tb EUt , K.natat,
Cbata, deavaarj.
Nolica la barel y (Iter, ll.ai If.a or 4.
i., Ih aln.ll.i.lral.1- of the m f
Ellttb Chat uerw.. h.a l-t i
final a.r..q.il at lurb a-lml,u,,.,rf lm
ale.ir mlillal rtMirt and ) tiier. 4 ia
falordty. (. ibr ?ili, p.an, ai ll. ko
ol pi o i. k a an. al !. c.ui.ij ftn tinai
In tai l eouuiy hat rwan apiun i.j r
County Judf aa Ih lln.e aa 1 p. a be
lieailna and ileUm.li.f ,. ,,,, tBj
Otlerllolit hrft.
(uh4 rrMeauurr 17, I J
HA'. II t IUsK.
A Imlnltiralo i h u I : ntoj
l'baa( ile.aaaa-1.
J. 1 . i a... 1 bad, attorney f.,f
.llra far ln kltralU
ie-Mn.i. uf Ilia i.l.n.,f
land ora t Oregon City, Ore a. Au.
usl a. I ttj '
Nuica It heret.y lien Ihtl Ih hlolru
noi-l Miller hat furl laot.r uf In h.leo.
lion to ni tk final pr-f in e i...ri of k
eia.ru. and Ibal tald 1 rl am a atal
hel .r Hi Uegttter and I'.er.eral Orefj
t ity, Orrfoii, ua Hrliibrr J, 1 10. tul;
ritANK I.
tor ih .r;..f s.is,r
M , l it. kamat
V.. 1 p. Je. r. 4 W.
Oiullly. I Ife.ill,
t. li'Kiniiii.g at tb northesit comer uf
wc. 4. Ip. 1 1. r J In (la. kamat
county I Ifetfon, Iheni amlh r.ele. I heme
west I'll rwla; Ihtiira north T.1 r.elt. ttiaiu
.l pi) r,-lt to plai of li(.nni., ur fi
much and eurb parts thereof at to Hut ruurt
thall teroi iieceMarv or lot lb btl Interest
if aaid rtta'., according lo th llllou on
rile herrln.
Wili.e th Hon Tbra, V. Uran. Ju Ira
ol the County Court ol Ih HUle uf I lrerM, ' , .. . . .
f .r th. Con-y ,,f Clackamaa. tl.t. Ml, day , 'j "
of heptellilwr. A l I'm ' I ill tlrrjO I ,', , Ol
Allrtt: E. II. CoopEi:. Clrk.
It jr Ei was Duos, Deputy.
II E N It 4 1 1,
J h, II 7 E
He name th folio In w,ti tiaa ks
prove I. It cunl.mi iui reel.lenos $4
culm aliun of t land via .
J.rpti Wai. Jau.e A. Hl tt-)
HI. me and tho'i.at Hione, a" f .,
tgon. I ll AM II. Mix-KU
Krg t-
Main mtas
In the Cl'mit Co. ,r r.f Ihe to... ,.l n.
gun for tb County of ( ia. ka'naa.
f, deft. J
liulaa Htranaer, plaint. (T I
Jacob W. Strauirr.
To Jacob W. Hlrauter. il.o. h.n.l .1
In tb name uf h Htat of Ore. in mil
ar bereb rr 111 1 ml to aiuar and ama.r
the c, 111 plai mil. e. airalhi! y.,11 In Ihr !.
nlillrd suit In Ih a'ove named rourt on or
oerurlli 1Kb day of Ortiihrr. Pai, th
tame tiring arven aeekt from h dalrnf l'i
first piil, II. ailiiiiof thl aim, mom: and Vou
lake nolle that If VoU fall lo ao anne.r
and antaer aaid Coini.laliil II,. i.i.im.H
app'y l the court for Ilia rallef m.
nandeil in aal I roiuiuaiii lowil: lhaiiha
bonds of niairlinoi.y nitiing Mwn yuu
l".i,iin, ,j ,ii.Hi e,.
I his tiiruinulis Is mihllshed he il,.
of M. C. Omrire. ludir of Ih Konrih l.nl.e.
Notice I hereby gllrn that I lit Itr
ply to ih 1 py coo in-1 1 al ita rtgti tf
innwlin n IK Iotvr, I'ikl), lar li.it
inotith at rny
oil Mam al'rrt. Mj4
In ente lo data (rum 1 plratk.n 4 p'ta.
aal In-rnrri. J. ,Y Mot-la.
iii:hii I 'm ma 1.1:.
In lb Circuit Court of Ihr HtaU u( Orrp
lr Iti county nl Clarkamat.
D V Smith,
Patrick lyrn.
Slai of Orr(n, County nl Cla kio a", ta,
A' der, Uerrer and an le.iill.in, oVl
ane.1 oul ui and undrr th teal nt lh
ntitlrd courl. In Ih len ulltie-l raaa,
lo n.e dtilv dlrx ll and dated Ih Dili (;
ul rpisiutr, Psi), u kmi a J idgu'eoir"'
clere I and rnierrd In tald court uu l
day of Srplriolr, l'l. In taioi uf
Smith, piaintiir. and agalntl pairirk Hrf".
j defendant, lor tb auni of f ti, aritii n,l'"4
inereon ai in rat 01 10 par rem r ,.--
lal district, taiH sialr, lo the Oregon I py Irom Ih 211 day ol July, and llilur-wiN-kly
KnlrrprlM for level! ucrrait II, r turn nlflni, with Interval therrm tto
Weeke, roiiimeiiclnr heptrmher 7. l!ll. in.l 11, a I tin it. ..1 I-... I...? .o l n.e fufttief
cnnilnuing for e,h week thereafter lo and auui of I' at allomey'a ire, and U f lur
Including Kclober III, pao. Ilbrrau.nof l.1Jta and cliaburtemmU,
Oho. IlKOWNEI.L, and tb coata ul and upon this rH.w"
Attorney fnr Plalnlltr. mandliig in lo make aal of th lH",lli
drecrlneid ral prop- rty. allual In tm uB'
Mauiiaaaaa I 1 '" " "I Oregon. U
itMiiniianw ll-i.n .,1 i.n.i. 10 ,.r ri.il. .h I J-
III lb Circuit Court ol Oregon lor Clack, dttlod lo Mllwaukl, In Ih Count, ,,nitc
TV Till, VtS.lt? 1 L- Tin, n. . .. ....
1 'i)inir. or mii ueiiiauijeii in nis com pant, to-wu-
A Oregon, you are hereby reonlred in tfnr the ...m ,.t tiA 1, 1 a. .... ' . J1,
near an. answer ih. ....i.:. '"i V." ...... r" aiu.rney I n-a
thessme Wng seven weeks Irom the first
publication of this summons; and you will
tlatai rlol i.tak Il.a4 If ...... i ll.
..ow e umi 11 yon iaii 10 so appesr and
answer said complaint, said 1, Ian, Mil nl
apply to the court for the rellnf demanded
in said complaint, to-wln Thai n. k..n.i.
. t -w,si, ir'iior
or matrimony existing beiiwee..
plHintif! be dissolved. '
This summons is published by order of
M.C.George, judge of the Fourth Judicial
..nun 1, 01 uiestaujoi Oregon, In the Oregon
City Enterprise for seven successive weeks
commencing September 21 and continuing
for each week thereafter to and Including
November 2, 1!jjo
Attorney for Plaintiff.
estate situated in Clackamas countv. iom.
gon: All of lots numbered fourteen and
twenty-oiie in Clackamas Park, In section
eight, town 2 south, range 2 east of the Wil
lamette meridian, containing ten acres of
This summons Is published In the Orrirnn
City Enterprise by order of Hon Thos. K
Ryan, county Judge of Clackamas county
state of Oregon, mad and entered on the
20th day of August, 1!I00; arid It was further
ordered by said Judge that the first publlca
tlon of this summons be bad on li, 11..
day ol August, pro,
joji.n t. WHALI.EY and
0. 0. AMES,
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
mis County.
Jessie Porter, plalnllfT,
William II. Purler, deft.
U William II, porter, above named it.
In the name of Ilia Htils of Oregon, you
sr. I.er.oy re,,uired lo appearand a,,,,,,
the complaint II led airainai v.... I.. .1
eiillil.id.ult In th abov. named court on
or before th Pith day of October pan the
.line being seven Weeks from Hie dale of
" V1" I'uiuicatiori or inn summon, Yuu
wll lake nolle that II you fall so 10 appear
and answer said complaint, lb plaintill will
apply lo Ihe court for th. r.-lie demanded
In said complaint, lo wit: that th bonds ol
ina rlmoiiy now ejlstlng between you ami
plainllll bei dissolved. '
Tl.iiiuri.inoi.s la published ,y nr,nr f
th- Ion. I hoi. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of th.
r.llh ludlnlal dlnnct. said .tat. In the 0 .
gun Cly KuUirprls, for sey.n auccrsslv.
weeks, comriietirlng Septrinber 7ih pao
and RonlliiiiinK flir each wee. n,....r... . '
ami Including OrinUr llltli, Paai
Oi.0. 0. Illto W.N ELL,
Attorney lor Plaintill.
ai isa. slat ol lirreoit. according i" "
maps and plate ol aaid addition no on Hal
In lb clerk's nfll.a al Oregon Cl'y, )rP
Also Iota S and i. In block 2a, In u"
ol Mllwauklr, Clackamaa oouiiiy. Orga,
according lo III recorded plila m n" .
011 III In lb nfllca ul the rrco'd.ruieo
yrvaiicea for aaid county.
Now, Iherafora, by viriuaof aral.l rfe,'
tlon, judgment order and decree, and
oomplianc with lb otitiimandi ol aaid arm
I win on Saturday, th
UOtli ay of clolrr. I ,
at the hour of I :.Tn o'ol.x k p. m at tin fr""
door or tb county court I se in tliecliy
Oregon Cily, In aaid couniy and H'.
at public auction, aubjeel to rrdeinpll'fl
Ihe highest bidder, for U, H. gold coin csj
In hand, all tb right, title ami I"1'""
which th within nind defendant had""
Hi dale of thfl mortgage herein, or
I...I 1,,.... .1. ,i...,ii,.,I real ilr"
nny' or any Part 'hereof, lo aallaly aalil'1"
edition, Judgment order, decree, Irilrr".
coaia and all accruing costs.
J. J. Itiun",
Hherlirof Clackamaa Couniy. Orcr!''"'
Dated, Oregon Cuy. Ore., Sept. IH, l'Mh
Th.rre.ie. a . rrniiva.iit.iisxi It,T.,ir
in. great remndy fr r.r.n. ,..,,. ... .,. n .he renorali
'CJ Th. great remady f, .. t?lY
w . nrrarianr mi 1 . ... . . . - - - - . . ...niuMM.
t- J liiuHiuincs " AiiuhVi. TV , f-"""" I'rnatrat on. falling or ua
"as r-ilaas' o, ffX"'' l'.h Km aalona, Youthful Krrura, at'eolal Worry, a7,fJrt
irrrn llPiy q a, ord-Tw. ,i.P Um" ZMah le"a 10 CniunipUuB aad Insanity. WW eJJJ
WIUl UMBO, i toMlorVE '"".li'" ' r,'fun, lb money. Hold al f) MfLSjl
Doiealons.oo. U.norr tJllunicAZ tX- CllaiiiU