Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 07, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City Kntcrprisc
TtuCu KAntoii'ii ICaii.wav Ciimianv
1 1 AVI
(Couch 8t.)
7110 a, u.
V '3
a :.'
II 15 M.
I 41
J '5
4 41
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J "
yi oni 10
9i .
tu yi only to
7"S A. M,
y i
ti tu r. m.
I 'So
3 Ml
4 50
7 "5
only In
9 S
1 1 5 only (0
1'sincAtnm r lti .m I'rr far at iii
sre being msda (i.f tbe formal dedication
, Ilia new a, hoot building at Ihilton. ll
ill occur some lime iirlt week, for
which an liitereailiig pngrsm U being
r r a ii).'-' I.
A I'l KAAKrHiiCllM -.Mini K..I...I..I.
Itlllmld, of Illinois, who 1N tMyIIK ,
vUit In IMm nlty to hr iiiicln ami aunt,
Mr and Mm. K.fi. hurra, mi tendered
pleasant autpilse ,Ury one evening
lhUwi.uk, Friends gathemd lo enjoy a
pleasant evening at names, mualii am!
refreshment aii'l their fondest hope
were fully maliKml. Those present
with: Mr. Mrs. If, O, pierce. Mr.
ami Mr. Krsnk I'orshiirg, Mr. ami Mr
fllcKilllgan, Mlsaea Iti.hekah Itenohl.
I'nna Imly, MkKIw (ioodfellow, Jrai.li,
Humphrey; Messrn Carl Church, Joe
(ioodfellow, Forbes Trail, t Confer.
Tin 8 OYmxh Law, The H o'clock
rinsing agreement liaa not been adhered
lo a drlrlly a II alioul'l ha, ami oflicer
Shaw atataa several violation liava
currwl. hula No. 2 of tU agreement
r.sda follows: "No customer nii.il
ha admitted o Ida afore alter Ilia closing
hour, 8 o'clock." ltul.3 rraxla : "All
customer In Ida store at 8 o'clock ahall
lie waited iimiii. Mr. Shaw slates thai
ill very dilllciill lo ascertain whether
r not customer ara In Dm store at H
o'clock, or ara admitted afterward when
Ilia iliMir ia partially o.eiied, hut If ll was
lokd soothers could ml enter while
they are being waited upon there would
I Hi 110 (rouble.
itnii,;iHiAiK rukSHnux.
furnlahrd Every Week by Ilia (Tacka.
in an Abstract k Trust Company.
, IVM)
T A r.lalrlo A an I V. Nalrlln lota
7, H, l,lk 117. ( ('
OKrohnto W Krolm, Wi arrna In
WVIrli rlaliu I0fKJ
ll A (iray li, O A M Uohhlna, 't 41
arrca aoc '.H. lb a, r 1
ll II II II. a m t .
i ii i.r.riri to ii w uinrka, w aca U , i,,.,,.,. ,
t nrmuniihl.
"Yi-a, wp'r (i I awonU' polnta." ad
inltli 'l h auhiirhfiiiltc, vvlillu (IlKciimtliig
a iii'lgMior.
"I'nult on hodi alilra. I rt-niimr
"No, air. not a hit of It. I'ra hern
iinfort unutf, ilnii'g nil, nn! lm won't
IlKtlll o 1'XJllllllllllollll,"
"Hliot hla (Iok. illilu't your
"Yra. I illd. ,ut It wit tlila war. I
li-nnl tliH uholc atrrcl In alirlcka and !
...,. ..
V i
Golden Rule Bazaar
' 27, 1 1 a, r 3
W T l!urm.y to Hi A lloanl, 1 1112
arraa 1, 2!, 30, t 3 a r 3 a. . . .
(J.m, J'll.t.i.ir to Hi IA M HH ami
47.01 aw.ffa, T Itoaa claim, 1 0 a,
r 1 e
J KavNiitia toKt IA lIoaH mi nw!4'
2, t 2 a, r 4 a
M Naught fi () Israeli I0 acrca
c 7. t 6 a, r 3
CT FankliaiiMr U 0 W Kankhau-
r, 19.41 a rna ac 21, t 1 a, r 2 1
U H to C A Kotl. Kf) arrea 14,
13 a, r r 4 a
II Itlair lo J HoUon '2t acrea c I,
H V Iloylan loO W ( l.niiey, h Jot
I, I.Ik I (irinMjit
K I, Millur to J lUmiiiiMitn, HO
arria ac 3, t 6 a, r 1 a
K MaricreavHi to II K Cr.nii, KXJ
arri-a tme. I), 10, t 4 , r 4 a
II Ilargrr.veii lij f K Croaa, 100
a ri-a ac 11, t 4 a, r 4 a
locked tliflr doora.
7&MlcourMj I ilioul)t i urn mnd. Ho V
I would anylxxly. ami I aliot him. M
"Coma to find out. Ii'd h-;ii rootlnjf '
,m : Into a humlilMUW
wiuiaml down Hi cmiiT of tin? atrwt
cam tlmt u,g Ilka all ,M-aH-d. Of
II.h.i a Muaav. urlntf tha a k rtm-
drialiln rriuntarfelt iimiiry rlrru
Uli'.l in . rltjr, KKVpral l.utiui inm
f.iiilul thdiiMilvrf kiihuii of boua half I
i .ii-.- ... . .i ... . i I
u'iir, omul, i riivnrriPiirr liaa ayi
iliiil) ! ll nir for gJ moiipy In tlx,
i lly and than U'. out.
(ia4ti a livia a Tha illvona
rMirl ha granted Mra. lHha (iordoli a '
An liilrrrntlng It'llr.
Orrguii ( Ity ,ai an hUtorlral larnion,
I.., I II.,!.... -I.. L I I.- 1 I . ..
'" --"" woi u-maiory (jhaa Srott, aa.lgr.ea, to ATkM-
lum. lot 117 KriwidaO Col
K Mi Klnnry to U II I)a, n-4' it'i
only tinea K'H.
Tha raiinoii a originally Irxiglit from
Cala)u KillxMirnn, of Ilia old hark
Itntiry, on which It aa ud aa a aignal,
gun hy ivaaon of lia won lcrful rapacity
for making iiuIh).
It la utrirlly a (Icuux rtlc gun. In 1h.V,i,
by rraolillion of turn lifuliilnpiil lo tha
(Iimikk ratic aity among tlirui Hon. I).
I'. Thom on, Hon. lipoma II. Wllllama,
Hon, A. Ilimh, ai Snnator Jampa K.
Krllr. and llianv olhnra Mm raniwin
h g.l ..(.aratloi, from Ur h...h.nd. I'atar LM M , ,iw.r.ry ,r,cU ln
I i.,h. M.a haa U-rn alh.wad to agiu .dmlnl.lr.t.on of Iha .IT. ,. of tha i.arly.
...uma hrr maiden name, f.ertha Kahn, nuululj during vl. torlo,,, ranilgna
and haa Iwn glye'i Iho ram and control
of IliM llilbur 1 hllilfrn.
r'l Aoaiio, Friday, rVjitpmUr 14,
ha hren aelectud aa the date for
lUgraUing at achool dialrict No. '0, W.
W. Auatln, tPK her. 1 he .atrolia of the
echool are looking forward with much
(irature lo Iha a(Tir. SiiTrliilnndrnt
J. ('. Zlliwr a to ilvllter Iha iliirlpal
a IdrrM.
Na ('A-The Wrl f.dn I.'a
omany la ronatrm ting tao new flat
raia lo I hi nod In transferring aool from
Willamptte lalla to the Wlilamrtte I'a--rr
('mHiiiy. The racily of eai h t ar
will U III rorla. AU.ul 111 rord id
o-xl ia l.rtxi.-dl over Ihe rd dally from
tliat dai.
T ruana 1'iai.taa ng finger
nrina lo I the fa,) nowa day. Win.
lUiylan, of (hit city, whoworka w III, an
engine In a logging ramp hear Cathla
luel, had three tlugera aevrrel fiom hla
h-ll hand lal Monday Thia luakea
alMiiil a half a ih en Oirgmi City wo.!e
ho have aum rid Ihe looa of flngria dur
ing the al tao erk.
and uranona of uhllr iking during
Iha tu tting (linn of the rixll ar.
When Ilia dlvulon in tha demorratic
riiktorurred lhara u coiiaiderahle
rivalry a to abctlier the IkiUglaa or
Itrm klnridge n.g of ttia party abould
have the rannon. Hon. I . I'. Thorn p.
oil trlla of an atlempUxl raid by tha
Ifcmglaaitra, m by binm-lf, lo capture
the cannon, hut the raid wa a failure,
oalngtolba fart that a inrmhrr of Ihe
T ! Hrrtkinrldgo t arty. Ib,lrt C.ufl. ld. had
taken the tms auUon to lock Ihe gun In
hla cellar.
I nld recently, Iha cannon haa dona
duly aa a riy gun on Kclal orraaiona,
but It la How uiol highly pmed aa a
relic of tti laul yrara of what may be
railed tha democratic era, and, when
Compared with prrariipilay onliiaiice,
di'iiioiinliating tint wonderful progrrat
wliU Ii the nation lua made under repub
lican rule, l'.ut let ii give all due rrt'dit
to the manufacturer of the antiquated
rannon and Ihe lunty men who delighted
In the lioiae It made and the aouhatimiig
oratory of their leader. Thry wrought
well for their time.
tie'4 '4' aec 2d, t 4 a. r 1 a .... 1021
W M liurket lo (i A l(.jrkwuo, ,4'
lot 1, blk 1'J llolmea ad 'M
11 A Hamilton to (J A Ihnkwood,
tract In Straight claim 3'i0
ara the ownera of Iha copy
right lo the Thome ayalein of abatrart
Indeiea, for Clai kamai county, and have
the only complete net ol alietrarta in th
County, ran furnleh Information aa to
Hie to land at once, on application.
Loane, Inveatmenta.real eatate, atxitnwti
tr. Office over Hank of Oreiton City.
Call and Invrntlgate. Addreaa boi 377
Oregon City, Oregon.
no e-1 fj
a bumlilfUW m-at. I'm
(M'rt on mild dog and told tny ui'lgb-
bor ai, but he alormed around
though he bnd heea lo Ll ovfo hair,
nd I juat drpM-d him.
"U lint madv him muddi'r wn that
I lilt him In tin, bend wlilj an old coal
aruttlo. I can't are through tight
board fence, ran IT I didn't know
ho waa aiiooklng through tl, alley
when I threw the thing away. He
waa ao mad tlmt I didn't recognize hi
voice. told hi ui we didn't allow awn
talk and had hi in kicked acroxa Dart
df aulxllrlalou before 1 (Hoovered
who he waa. Then I apologized, but1
Will in tlio future carry a cornpleto line of Ladies'
and Chiidrcna' Furnisliing Goods in connoction with
their other departments.
Fall and winter goods just
Received . . .
there' no
Frco I'rea.
reaaon In him." iJetrolt i
Itohbed the lirate.
A ttartllng Incident of which Mr John
Oliver of, I'hiladelphia, wa the (ubject
it narrated by him a follow: "Iwaai
in a mot dn-adlul condition. My akin
i almoat yellow, rye lunken, tongue
crtrx, pain continually in back and
aide, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three idiyairlan
bad given me up. Fortunately, a ft lend
adviwsl F.lectric Hitler," and to uiy
great joy and utirprimt, the firnt Ixittle
nude a decided improvement I continued
Ihrir uae for three, W)ek and am now
a well man. I know they payed my life,
and robbed the giave of another v:ctim."
Nooneahould fail to try them. Only
5'lr nla, guaranteed at Geo. A. I lard-
II Haled) fem HrltUaer.
When Admiral Cm klairn mnraudera ' p
ravaged Tlli:hman'a Ulnml In 1811. dur-Jiy
lug the war U tweeu the United Htnte ! kj
aii'l .rui r.riiHin, iney roumi a ainer-1
tut country from the Tllghuiao'a Inland
of todny. Then ihe w hite population ,
waa ea than 50. Old (ieorge. a Tllgh-,
Iran alave, who afterward belonged to
the Horrlaoti of Ixjtig I'olnt. where lu !
hi old oge he had a comfortable quar
ter and a hoy lo wait on hi in. waa one
of the victim of C'ockburn'a marauder
end uw-d to tell bow "dem ar Hrltlnh
er made me run down me own hawg,
and not only dat my young mailer,
di-y make me kill 'Im and iklu 'lm, bang
urn!" And the old negro'a heart would
burn with Indignation at the memory.
Old f ieorge lived to te a buudred. ac
cording to the record of hla birth kept
by bla mother' mauler, and lived In
great comfort lu hi old age. lie died
In 1S50 on Cedar I'olnt farm, the home
then of bl lain nmMrr. the late Theo
dore P. Harriaon of Itultliuore. Balti
more Sum
Lar(?o atock of Un'l'.TWear atrl Hosiery.
Lalies' and ChiMrens' Knit Hoods and Fasci
nator". RiMxma all ahadfts and widths. '
Laces and Embroideries.
Outing Flannd and Munlins.
Linings and Drens Trimmingi.
IMankets and Comfortables.
Kid and Can h me re Gloves.
Saxony and German Worsted.
Corsets standard makes.
Novelties in Linen Handkerchiefs.
Towels and Table Linen.
Full Line of Umbrellas.
Carlson Currier Co.'s Spool Silks.
Special Sale of Writing Tablets
and School Supplies ...
Golden Rule Bazaar.
.iiiit iK to ioTorrici okego city.
For Sale.
The Achorn I'lace, near Dimisoas
One of the finest farm in Clackamai
county. Enquire of L. L. Porter.
Pertoni desiring announcements of
parties, aociala, etc., munt tend them to
thia office.
Compoallloa oa llrealblaaT.
A boy. 14 year old. who waa told to
write all he could about breathing In a
couipoxltlou. bunded lo the follow ing:
"Ilrvatb I made of air. We breathe
with our lung, our light, our liver
and kidney, if It w aau'l for our brealb
we would die when we slept. Our
breath keep the life a-golug through
the now when w-e are asleep. Hoya
that atay lu a room all day abould not
breathe. Tbey abould wall until they
get outdoor. Cilrls kill the brealb with
cornet that squeeze the diagram.
Clrla can't holler or run like boya be
cause their il In gram la squeezed too
much. If I was a girl I had rather be
a br o I can run ami bolter and bare
'a great big diagrams-Detroit Free
Oregin Short l.lne Railroad.
If you aie thinking of an Eastern trip,
it w ill pay you to srite and get figure
and other information regarding service,
etc., from the Oregon Short Line railroad,
tii ket office 142 Third afreet, Portland,
Oregon. W. E. Cohax. G. A.
J. K. Naoku, T. P. A.
Wall Paper Just received, new-fyl
patterna for fall trade; 10c per doable
roll and upward. W. L. Block, thw
Home Furnisher.
The Enterprise gets the newt,
be Enterprise.
Money to loan on farm proerty from
$ 100 to 13000 at 7 and 8 per cent.
Oregen City.
A Minister's XUlake.
A city minuter waa recently handed a
notice to be read from bis pulpit. Ac-
company ing it was a clipping from a
tewHpsper bearing noon the matter.
Tbe clergyman started to read the ex
tract and found that it began: "Take
Kemp's Balsam, the best Coogh Cure."
Thia was hardly what he had ex peel J
anJ, after a moment's hesitation, he
turned it over, and found on the ot'uer
tide tbe matter intended for tbe reading
Ii g'l Irug Store.
! Prcsa.
A I'at i im tto, oring her recent
"Hind at Nti4irl, Mr U. W. Hwoj
I...I tl.e good fortune lo pick up a retty
littln lebble, which, when puliilmd by
Lapidary J, H. Young, proved to be a
coiiibllipd Inom and Water aiutn. ft I
aUxit an liu'li lit iIIah.mI... ..,! m I. .11 1
Im h lii tlili kiic. a and haa theapearam'e
tf containing water, sunahlne ami moa.
Mr. Swiqw prist It very highly and will
l ave it develoed Into a watch charm.
Com-any A, O. N. (.Company A,
(. N (i. will begin drilling Ihe 24th
f thia month, after a ii'iirion of
about six weeks. At their lu t meeting
it i said that Captain Fred Metsner will
hand in his resignation, which will send
all the under commlsaloiipd and
lioii-coiiimlaloliei olllrera up a step,
making 1st Lieutenant Ilghton Kvllv,
captain. The lioy are also planning
quite a number of social events lor tbe
Through the Yellowstone.
The new route via Ihe Oregon Short
Lin Kailrond and Moiiida. Montana,
enables yon to uiaka a delightful trip
Ibroiign tha Yellow son National Park,
entering via Muiildaaml coining out via
Cuiiiahar, making it unnecessary to
cover any (Hirtlon of Ihe Miito twice.
For beautiful descriptive IxK.klct. write
or call al Oregon Short I. inn Ticket
Office, 142 Thiol street, Portland, Or.
v . I III Eiperlewre.
rer air-i,..ii. Watta-Whoi was the worat atorm
One lot and two houses on Monroe I you ever encountered?
street Iretween Sixth and Seventh street J N. Peck I think It blew at the rate
Oregon City. Ilouaea constantly rented " about 300 worda a minute. Indian-
at f 7 per month each.
an Mi
Dr. William' lodlaa P11
' MotDieni. will cure Hilnd.
Ulemiiia' nd Itchm
Pile. I: amorMibetuuior.
sua) Ui licbiLK al oot. m.t
PlMIl K & Eastiiam,
Oregon City.
()( Slilloh's Consumption Cure is tliia
gusranteo: "Allwoahkof yoiilstouse
two-thirds of the contents of thi bottle
althfully, then If you can say you are not
Ixiuellted return the Uittlo to your Hru
gist and he may refund the price paid."
Price '.'5 cls M ct. and fl.CO. CO.
Huntley, Druggist.
Strayed (rum my placeat Mount Pleas
ant, alsmt July 1, one black Jersey
heifer, about 17 month old. Liberal
reward olTeied lor information leading to
recovery ol laid animal.
K. E. Kklixiki.
Oregon City .
a polls Journal.
1 if
The Enterprise M-oO per year.
For Young Men and touug Modicd.
There is nothing that will arouse the
iro of a young man or woman ao quirk as
to have inferior laundry work put off on
them. They may dresa ever so well,
but if their shirt front or shirt waist is
mossy their neat appearance ia soiled.
The Troy laundry makes a specialty of
ladies' and gentlemen's fine work.
There ran bo no better work than is
done at the Troy. Iave your oiders at
Johnson's barber shop.
On Jellies
prwrves ami plrkle,pro,i1
a lUlu coaUu of rUu4
Harding Block,
Will kprp thtn ahn1(illr mol.1qr and
rill pruul. Iftrrhnn W.i I. .Im Mfnl In
a do.n wlh.'f iii .boat lb. huaM. Fall
dirpoii.in. 'ii -.u poun.l k&fk
S.tlit .rrriw.
Oregon City,
Telephone SIX
1 Bbl. Dimond Hood Wheat Flour
for 5 bbl. lots.
15 cents
4 pound pkg. pvraiuid Wash
25 cents
7 pkg. 177G washing powder.
55 cents
10 pound box crackers.
15 cents
Arbuckle or Lion Coffee.
25 cents
3 cans of milk or cream.
.30 bars Lenox soap.
Morf Oregon City
and Iorllunl.
poMiir.. rivr Instant re-
l.i-1. Ur. v. ilium.' Indian filcOnu
mpnt Unrrparp.1 for Ptlesaarllicb-
Ids! or the priva-.i! piirt. Evenr box Is
warrante.1. Bv dnu-.v-ts. I mail on rs
elpl of prii-p M cents inJ f l.oo. WILLtr$.
KAnUFICIURIUS CO.. i'rup-.. Clevelaua. Oliio.
tite p
Ely's Cresni Baici
&s- t'on'aia to in
)urtoat :ci.
T 4 li..n a a,l g-'.nua
Iltait and I'miccis the Mctuhrsiie. Kc.toM Ct
eiu of Tasta aud SmPlL Larg Size, SO ceuti at
IrruisMor br msil; Tnsl Sim, 10 emu by DniL
. ELY U0111iOii,W Warren SirtKlcw lurk.
s sar - r m
--j i
A Personal Matter
A well painted house is like a neat
ly dressed. person always attract
ive and pleasant to look npon.
Can be repainted and freshened np
at a very reasonable price paints
are very cheap now. Don't le'.ve it
nntll the sun makes any more niaiiis
and cracks in it.
Leave Orders at
Ely's Store.
Tbe Pain
Kodaks, Cameras and Photographic Materials.
Wo have only had this lino a very short time and nil the instruments and supplies wo handle are the very latest (not
Bhop worn.) i
Wo luvvo just received our stock of Films, Papers and Developers direct from tho Eastman Company .Factory.
Our Kodaks and Cameras are of the very latest make. See the many new improvements some of them have.
Wo carry all of Eastman's gaods, tho Promo, Poco, Cyclone, Eureka, and can furnish you any instrument made on short
notico and give instructions froo to every purchaser.
We have ono of tho finest dark rooms fitted up for the use of our customers.
Tin: oiti.(iio city Ji:tvr.i.i:its,
jjn; hi ii ly vyty sy iyvy-yyv vy fvyw iryvv vyS5'tyv TtyVv w e -vy w "s-v "