y Oregon City Enterprise!' vol. m. no. w j or okkuow dry, OI.KOON CITY, OKKOON, FRIDAY, BKITEMIJKU 7, 1000. ESTABLISHED 186ft Oldcit Banklsc Hoc:t !i lie citr. I'al.l Up Cai.llal, l iO.lMJ, auiuiua, I, ' tk i raaauilNT, rum. I, MM. ctiLi a. rrnu,, !. 1. Malum,,, tairin.u A nafal lialikllif hiialiiaa raiiaai KMita rlaiill in nlici'l, A ,.(rt.r a-t Mil ami UiiUt i1Imiiiiii4, CciMT au. f 1 1 jr aarrama bouilil. . mu. uvli uu allall ourltr. yii hn bunthl ami tul.l. a iwtloMt .! rmiiijr. at I evallaule In tut part nl lha wnrli -.- -". in.. ...iion roillawl. tan ,F. ' I - " " -f 'i n m w i of I, ai.iaat alj on lima dapoalla. J) 1 UKO IIOKYK, ....DK.NTIST.... Cniwii and HrlilK work PiUly, of! rraiila.) mil alialaolloll guaraiilacd. All Ortl.a In 'aiinl. llli. V. Ktistliniii (J. !. IJiml, V. DIMICK A KANT1IAM Attornoys-nt-Law. Omiiurrcial, Heal Kstntn nml Pro Late Law, HTialtlfn. AUttait of Title uia.lc, Motiry Italic. 1 Onou City, . Ori'Kmt l l 4 .y i.c. UTui'ktnt. ATTORN KYM AM) CoU.NHF.LOKH AT LAW Mill itbiit oaauoa t lTV, oatoo. furtilitl AUlrain ol Title. Ua Mima. , -iluaa MriaM. au4 trauaMt Oauaral l- kualaaa. JU. HTIMCKI.AND, M.D. (liuapllal and I'rtrala Kl-rair J Uflara hi prtifraalonal aarvlraa to Ida -.la ol DrTu l lt anil Virlnliy. Hwlal altaiilluu i.all to Catarrh ami Chrtillls ilMaaia lal of rfr. maa (Ivan, tlltlra III Wlllamatta llnlMliijt ortlra linun: 10 lo Wa. m., ' lo II . til. !MiHN CirY OllKtloN YOU AJtE INTERESTED III H ltiflK ir()KHitiotl If it can lo for you On.) 0f Two Things, I 3Iako You Money Save You Money. ASDESTINE Weatherproof and COLD N'ATKK TAINT for out-!..) ui. on Uric, Ww. 0r Htoiiu. A dry jwd.T nndy for unit l.y adding- w iit,.r iiiW.u j n WhiUj and 10 color. From to 6 Ilia, mako ono Kiiloii. Wo will HI you any colt r at Vc. a jiotiri.l. It will not scale or rul oir. It alno. make a first-clans priming coat for oil paint. Now it tint timo to Uautify your home and we are making social irici'H on I'aii.tn, OiUand Jlruahvi. Varninhcii, Albaotine, Knauii'l Ac. CIIA11MAN & CO. Cut Price Paint Druggists. 4'oUr Crla I'rrr, CHINA'S FATE Allien at Sea an (o I'llliiiate Din jiohllloii of the Kmjilrc. SKVT VOItK KKI'L'nUCAX TICKET. Flllplao Iiirapulilrt of Comprtbftidlni; W t'ondllluni. tfioptand Ilia Inturntt or la.Ironea. j K.itiatlon. On the contrary, many rn- (;. C. llldtWNKI.I ATTUltNKY AT LAW rtton Cltjr, - - Orrgon Will rariina In all Ilia ruurta of Ilia Hate. ltloa In C'auniM bulMliif. J)U. L. I- I'lCKKNM, PKNTIST. l'rlrr Molorala. All (ralluiit (iiiarantioil. Itarclay ItulKlinit Or-won C'ltf, Or. 8. l-'KEN, ATTltSKY AT LAW. n:n a ukm1i Hunilry't Irnx Htora. OirfiuCiijr, - UrtKon. HCIIUKHKL. v Pcullcr Dbrofal. ATTOHNEY AT LAW. rflruvrr MrKuirlrk'a Hlnia Htora, nrar Ilia Hank of OrrKuii I'itjr. OREGON STATE FAIR BALEM, ORiEOOlST i Scptcmher 17 to 22, - Irior and Hotter Than Ever licforc liMtimla srrally lniinivi I, txiililina rriairl and rno valnj, all atork limlilm.' llioroiilily Jiainlfcled ery ItilliK In flmt claaa iotiti(iun lor llm larKnat and bval LIVE STOCK SHOW AND AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION avta until un Tin cor. $20,000 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES (ioJ raring ayrry advrnoon. Muiic and fun at ni(lit. AI CTIDX 8AI.EOK LIVK KTOCK will ba ma la a Iradingrrattir. All llvn ato k and otnnr f xlnliita liaulvd KKKK ovnr tlia Suiitliern I'aoitlo rail ro.. ICrxlnrod iatM(-r raUa on all railroad. For premium lint and othnr liifupnaiion. aildn-a M. I). WlSltOM, Brc., W. It VKUULS'J.t'ra.,llilU)ro.Or. I'jrlland, Or. Iixik), pt. I. In tlx aUftnre of otlir imwt Ir.itn Clilna, Ida pannrt tr a.-ain fld with diaruttnont of the Hon itti Arnitrlran prooaalt which. w far a may im gatlieroJ Irom the vtriottt Kurorn rapilalt, are calculated to tulr I'd the unity of the alliet to an xtml UiKiy aevere and dangnrout tt. Io (jt-rtiiany, eapfcially, thrtiie projxiaala are v diametrically opened to Kinror WIHiain'a (Kilicy that thy have pro ducwl 'iinethinK like conaternation. At the iJaily Newt editorially remarkt: "Count von Walderaee wu atauredly not ut ti tMlat In restoring the Km prraa Dowaitcr." It It recogniid on all ii'li that Germanr'a dvciaion la the pivot of the matter. Kmjmror Williim itilendtx! by diapaUhinK Count von Wal- drrane to liave fie matter hand In the Cliliira fltlernont, ICurwia hat taken the wind out of that officer' tailt and ia now Doting aa the friend ana protector of China. The morning pi pen evnrrtt the great- tat inpaii-ion of the intenlioni of Huati. The Time' editorial fairly repretentt the opinion of ail, aaying: The advanlagra of KuMia't policy are not tnanifeat and it ii very doubtful whether it ill recommend itself to powers like England and Germany that have large comtneicial interetli in tbe eatahlithrnent of a eta le and progreative government to replace the reactionary cl.t)e which hat iniwded all prog rest l'tnd development in China In recent A "Negotiations with Li Hung Chang r, would be a condonation of government rl crimes and the tlirowing away oi all tbe n advantages gained by the occupation of il'ekin. Much miachiel may already j have been dune by the hesitation to enter I the Ftrbidden city. To withdraw from Tekin would be Interpreted aa proving 1 not only that the allies ate cowards, but 1 that they are hopelessly divided. It may be that some of the powers will withdraw, but that doet not imply that others are bound lo leave Pekin and to acquieae In the rettoratlon of a govern ment guilty ol a gross international crime." 1 frnuiviig in casualties. jimre are 11,000 troo in tint district, (Jen. HaUis commanding, and In three regi ment over a third of the men are tick. The activity of the enemy Increased last month. There it evidence that the in sorgonl have come Into poaneaalon of new rifles snd that they wish lo annihi late some imal I American garrinons. Conditions In the Vlnayss continue virtuslly unchanged. The lack of troops prevenlt SKgretaiont. Negro. Komblon Msshste, Hihuysn, Tshlaa and Dohol are tranquil, all desiring civil government. Mindanao also is tranquil, except the districts of Tesgsysnand Burigarn, where occasional encounters with the Filipinos occur. The enemy's lighting force there la limited hut it baa a number of rifles. The surrenders, although they have noticeably decreased since Msy,continue. The experience of Northern Luzon show that the American occupation of any locality tenda to iU pacification and well-being. An unsettled American lolicy retard the investment of capital. Nevertheless, the import for the last quarter and a half were greater than during any period of the (Spanish regime. No doubt, the neels of the army of occu pation are responsible for a very consid erable portion of this Tear. The inter nal revenue collection! are a third greater made by Spain. This is due to aa honest system of accounts, to a lack of favoritism and to impartial enforcement of tbe law. Tbe military officials will turn over fO.OOO.OOO (Mexi can) to the commission, and thia will probably be expended ic improvement, notably in harbor develomenta, the need of which it greatly hampering the ship ping industry. : mors gathered at Shanghai tuggeat that h is csrrying on her anti-foreign policy with increased seal. The latest reported Imperial degree) from Tai Yuan Fa is said to be defiant and unrepentant and to contain that statement that the court fled lest the emperor might be killed during the fight ing between the Boxers and Christians, ttiut leaving no one to continue "ances tral worship." The decree Is also said to exhort a onion oi the viceroys to "avenge the lnurie inflected on China" by the powers. The Situation In Sooth Africa. PasToau, 8ept. 6. Mr. Krugeraml Mr, bteyn have gone to Barberton. It ia believed that they are preparing for fight. The general opinion is that the war is now very near the end, but, should that Boert construct strongholds in the both, on the veldt, or elaewhere, and begin aystem of rsidt, the British would reqair a further large aupply of horset. General Buller moved 14 milea north westward along tbe Lydeoburg road and croeaed Crotkodile river to Bsdenfontelrj and found the Boert concentrating in tbe Crocodile mountains. A forced Boera under Commandant Theron broke through tbe British llfcee and captured and burned a supply train at Kip River station, taking 35 prisoners. Brabant's Horse proceeded thither, re csptured all the prisoners and drove the Boers into the bills. Colonel Plummet dispened a small command ot Boera weal of Pinaars river, taking L'6 prisoners, a number ef wsgona and a quantity of cattle and rifles. The commission will first organize! ! Tork Bcpablleaa Coavatla. municipalities in the provinces, notably' pabatooa, Sept. 5. Tbe republican in Pampanga Province. Subsequently it! ,Ule convention today nominated tber- will tarn its attention to needed reforms' fo,,0"in8 ticke,: tlftiqu CiTV OatuoN. I II. MIM.F.K, " t PKNTIST ins Mta of ireih, gnld crow in. all klmli of nillng and bililnawork. Seveuth ku near depot. trKn t'ltv, Or. (jJ K. II.VYKH ATTUltNKY AT LAW. fVdal attention Riven to County Court and I'rubaia mattrra. O ill co Upitalrt, opMits Huntley's Hook tore. Enterprise and W. Oregonian $2. .J U.CAMI'IIKI.b, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, 1"CTV, OStttON. IU rntlna lit all thteourti al ths ttat. Of- n, it uuSuia iiiniiiiii. 'HK COJIMKHCIALIIANK ' I OF OHEUON CITY. 4 ihi. ..... 1100.000 TNait. 4 OIKIRiL atMSINa Bt'llNSM. . '"m ma. In. lilllt iliaonuiituil. Makna col inrtiiiiii. Iliiir, and nilla ecliani on all point !" l" I'nll,.,) Htatei, Kiirotie ami Hong Kniif. "I'ali rii-iiin. tiilijwl lo obock. Bank 0'ii Iroin 9 A. a. lo4r. m. s " C. I.ATOUKKTTK, lrtaldnt. r. i. MKYRIl Csahler. H. DKKH8KU, ATTOItNKY-AT-IiAW. Olllceover MrKlttrlek's Hhoe Htore, the Hank of Oregon City. Oiisuoh CiTt, Ohkoon nesr 1900 Model IMPERIAL WHEELS $25 f $30 Strictly Iligh-Gratlo, Fitted with Any Kind of Tires. Call and Soo Our Samples Before You Buy. V.TERMS EASY.. Pope & Co. Oregon City, Or. i-um&irvr& tui anu main ots. too ur.hf roR tiiem. Klllplnua lorapabla or Comprrhrodlnf Condition. JL.POKTKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW A BIT ACT or rsortsTT rUSNIIHSD. Oltlos next to Oregon City ICnU rprl'a. JR, FRANCIS FREEMAN, DENTIST jUraduate of the Northwestern Univer- aitv Dental Rchobl, Chicago. io American College of Dental Surgery, Willamotte Block, re on City. GROCERIES For Cash JW i At Wholesale Prices. HARRIS' GROCERY, First Corner From Court House, Smituaiuiuui B.iwi.111 in I Mamla, Sept. 2. The Filipinos seem incapable of realizing the scope and pur pose of the legislative functions of the Commission of Peace. There is no pos sibility of separating the leginUtive from the executive branches of the Govern ment, and, therefore, the commission's announcement of power haa met with childith comments at the hands of the Spaniards and foreigners, who sneer st the new arrangements, aa they are apt to do, at every beneficial Innovation on the part of the United Slates authorities. The com miction enters upon the gov ernmental field under the following con ditions : A majority of the islanders de sire peace and the resumption of busi ness under Americsn rule, but they are so cowed by a long series of murderous atrocities and deotruction of property by their armed countrymen, that they dare not actively bIiow their feelings, especi ally because experience has taught them what such an expression of sentiment will bring uuon them from the merci lessly revengeful rebels. A genuine reign of terror is exercised by insurgents snd ladrones over peaceful country folk in order to collect the revenues and re cruits their operations require, and wide spread vengtuice is wreaked In the vicin ity of garrisoned towns. For example, the insurgent General Cailles, in the Province of Laguna, put lo death the President and officuholdera of the town of Bay, officials who had been installed by the Americans, and gave orders that a similar fate should be meted out to other adheranta of the American cause. He also ordered that all Filipino soldiers who sold their rifles to the Americans should be killed. Any change of policy involving the withdrawal of the United States troops without substituting for them an ado quate defensive force is certain to result in fear of retaliation at the expense of the "friendlies." The approaching re- turn of the volunteers tends to influence the situation unfavorably. In Northern Luzon the satus quo is fairly well main tained and the people In that quarter at e quiet and engaged in planting, except iu the Provinces of Nueva Eclja and Suit can, where there has been a recent out burst of rebel and ladrone activity. But in Southern Luzon conditions are far less satisfactory. Life there is not safe outside the garrisoned towns. Travel ers are subject to ambush by guerrillas. Rarely does a day pass without an en counter between the United States in tbe civil and criminal codes, passing in due time, to other feature of ita in structions, with the idea of establishing a central civil government daring tbe next 18 month. Twelve Americana, including two cap tains and two lieuVnantt, bave been killed during tbe past two weeks. Tbe official reports of tbe encounter in which these casuslties occurred are meager. China Dell ant. Lomdok, Sept. 6. No official pro nouncement is yet forthcoming here in regard to the decision of ihe powers con cerning China, but the concensus of or in- ion continue suggestive of s compromise on the proposals now under considers tion. In tbe meanwhile, there ia little authoritative indication that tbe dowager empress is ready to trest for peace, even if the allied powers reach an agreement in regard to the best plans of opening ne- For governor, B. B. Odell, Jr., of Or ange. Lieutenant-governor, 'Timothy L Woodru ft", of K i n gs. Secretary of state, John T. McDonougb. of Albsny. Controller, William J. Morgan, of Erie State treasurer, John P. Jaeekel, of Cuyoga. Attorney-general, John C. Davie, ol Oneida. State engineer, Edward A. Bond, of Jeflerson. The report of Captain Wilde, exoner ating everybody connected with tbe Oregon from blame, is not likely to end with tbe ex parte statement of tbt) commanding officer. There will be a court of inquiry to determine whether the great battle-ship had tbe care and attention which should bave been given P. by the officers who were aboard her- R0YM. Baking Powder The strongest, purest, most efficient and wholesome of leavening agents. Not lowest in price, yet the most economical ; indispens able to all who appreciate the best and most healthful food. Our country is enjoying prosperity almost unsurpassed in its history. For every one there is money enough to buy that to eat which is pure, sound, good, wholesome. Why should we use cheap, impure, un healthful articles of food? There is no economy in them ; they endanger the health, they may cost life. There are reported almost daily cases of sickness caused by eat ing cake, puddings or biscuit made with the cheap, alum baking powders. In all articles for food buy and use only the best. The good health of the family is of first consideration. Alum is used in many baking powders because it makes them cheap. It costs less than two cents a pound. Alum is a corrosive poison. Think of ft-edinR it to chil dren ! Yet the manufacturers of wll-kiiown alum, powders are actually denying that their goods contain it, ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK..